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Laminate embossed surface. Structural laminate - pros and cons. Product types by decorative qualities

In home improvement, flooring plays one of the key roles. It is very difficult for an inexperienced buyer to strike a balance between quality, an acceptable price and a pleasant appearance, but you don’t want to later regret an unreasonable choice!

More often than other “candidates”, laminate flooring falls under close attention - a modern, durable and practical floor that captivates with a richness of tones and a variety of patterns. What should you pay attention to when choosing this material?

Design differences

Thanks to the efforts of skilled designers, the laminated board is replete with a wide variety of shades and textures. Absolutely any ornament can be applied to the coating, and the current laminate does not have to be perfectly smooth to the touch. Here are some design solutions Manufacturers offer us:

imitation wood

The maximum rapprochement with nature is a fashion trend, which is given special importance today. Wood is considered to be warm, cozy material, but since real parquet is quite expensive and troublesome to maintain, laminate with a similar color is increasingly coming to the fore. Such a floor is practically indistinguishable from natural panels from oak, birch and other tree species - it looks very stylish and is organically woven into any interior.

Shine of metal

Fans of high-tech style prefer to organize a strict, orderly life, in which there is certainly a place for catchy details. The noble sheen of the metal will come in handy in such conditions, and, oddly enough, the laminate helps to focus on it. Shiny "metallized" finish is suitable for laying in the kitchen or in the living room.

Skin styling

Lovers of a sophisticated and elegant homely atmosphere will certainly appreciate the reptile-patterned finish. If you decorate the walls in the same spirit, the study or living room will get an even more sophisticated look. Of course, it is far from always necessary to count on modest expenses - for most manufacturers, with rare exceptions, "leather" laminate falls under the category of luxury products.

stone pattern

Natural stone is associated with reliability, stability and steadfastness, so it is not surprising that porcelain stoneware has so many loyal connoisseurs. Unfortunately, this floor is also not devoid of shortcomings - cold tiles will not be to the liking of those who like to walk around the house barefoot, and laying risks costing a fabulous amount. Much easier and more economical to buy stone-faced laminate! Similar products can be found in the assortment of Witex, Kronotex, Parador and many others. famous brands: their products will harmoniously fit into the interior of the kitchen, corridor or even the bathroom.

Haute couture laminate

If you don't like the standard factory models, you can buy a designer laminate with a unique decoration: a geographical pattern, intricate ornaments or catchy colorful touches. The variety of textures will further emphasize your individual taste: for example, to match the country style, you can choose a board that looks like burlap.

The Parador line includes products that claim to be the most original and inimitable laminate. The richness of the palette and intricate patterns will definitely not let you get bored: there is a place for drawing schemes, and for “primitive” painting, and for colorful animal prints.

Some interesting examples Parador laminate flooring

It looks beautiful, doesn't it?

The children's room will be wonderfully decorated with the creations of "Kronotex" or "Classen" - floor coverings with bright cheerful drawings and portraits of your favorite cartoon characters.

Example of Cronotex laminate

texture differences

The surface of the laminate largely determines its "character" and our aesthetic perception. There are a lot of texture options today:

Wooden "classic"

is a smooth coating, dotted with barely noticeable short strokes and microscopic crevices. Such a laminate masterfully copies a real tree species.

"Mirror" lacquered finish

gives the room a special gloss and aristocracy. There is no doubt that a radiant floor will show off your kitchen or living room in the best possible light!

Shea tree

in contrast to the glossy "competitor", it has a matte color. Smooth surface, freed from the slightest pores and roughness, looks like a wood cut flavored with a generous portion of drying oil.

Embossed laminate

endowed with thin lines stretched along the entire board. These recesses, visually creating the impression of roughness, make it even more related to natural wood.

Under the old tree

When creating an effect aged wood an uneven surface is ground in such a way that the processing leaves visible marks. The result of rough work is a striking resemblance to wood paneling who survived not better times- in some places darkened, in others, on the contrary, faded.


Laminate in the style of " country music” will be appropriate in the design of suburban housing. In appearance, it looks like boards, which were unobtrusively walked over with a planer - as a result, a slightly polished relief was formed.

Texture laminate

characterize convex wood fibers. This "embossing" allows you to achieve maximum convergence with a real tree species - not only visual, but also quite tangible.

Waxed finish

creates a warm, cozy microclimate. Externally, the laminate repeats the look massive board.

natural surface

Made of wood treated with a small amount of varnish. You can't argue with the authenticity of such a laminate!

Form differences

The configuration of the laminated board can be either rectangular or square.

Products in the form rectangle usually have from 1.2 to 2 meters in length. If you are mounting flooring V spacious room, it is better to give preference to them - ease of use will be guaranteed.

Tiled The laminate is good because it provides a wide scope for creative imagination: by combining different colors and textures, you can create original patterns. Compared to rectangular panels, tiles are somewhat more expensive, and they cause some trouble during repairs. True, they do not have to lay a substrate under them, and this is already an important plus.

Grip differences

Initially link spoke between the boards glue, however, over time, the rapid development of technology has led to the creation of a completely new mechanism - castle type . Neighboring castles can be connected to each other in different ways. There are Lock and Click type locks, the picture below shows how they differ.

Differences in laminate by type of locks

Zabivnoy lock- so-called Lock, has a longer history of existence. At one end of the board, a figured protrusion is formed, at the other, a recess of the same shape is made. The contacting panels are joined together, after which they are “smoothed” from above with a rubber hammer. The design turns out to be strong and solid - the ribbed protruding parts are ideally fixed in the grooves, besides, the price of the laminate is very budgetary.

The disadvantages of the "Lock" system are as follows:

  • Installation of laminated boards is strongly recommended to be entrusted to a specialist. A person who is ignorant of the intricacies of their styling runs the risk of making a lot of irreparable mistakes.
  • This laminate does not tolerate weight overloads - otherwise the locks wear out very quickly and become unusable, causing the floor to creak and diverge at the joints.
  • The substrate under the boards with hammer locks must be perfectly flat.

System click- an advanced type of clutch that does not require serious technical skills: just align the boards at an angle of about 45 degrees and gently press on the locks. The fact that the procedure was performed correctly is indicated by a characteristic click - and no tapping is needed.

Click system for attaching laminate elements

The only downside to Click locks is that they are overpriced. But in terms of quality, there are absolutely no complaints: under the weight of furniture, they only grow stronger, moreover, if necessary, disassembly and reassembly of the panels is possible. Thus, the laminate can move to a new home or cottage with its owners!

Differences in practicality

If you want your laminate flooring to last long years, you need to look closely not only at its appearance and assembly method, but also at the factory marking. Each manufacturer must make a note about which class the product belongs to: for this, a number from 21 to 34 is put down. When assessing, not only physical strength is taken into account (that is, the maximum weight that the product can withstand), but also the reaction to high humidity . The higher the score, the corresponding better quality material.

The first digit - two or three, indicates the degree of wear resistance, and hence the purpose of the laminate. Panels - "losers" are suitable for laying exclusively in living conditions, that is, in the house (by the way, their production is rapidly declining), while the "triples" are produced specifically for office space: they are able to endure increased loads. Both types are divided into classes.

Household laminate:

  • Class 21 is the most flimsy panels - it is recommended to lay them in sparsely populated places where household members rarely look (for example, in the pantry). To hope for a long service life of such a floor, unfortunately, is meaningless.
  • Class 22 is somewhat superior to the previous one, although it is also not eternal. Operation in similar conditions is extended twice.
  • Laminate class 23 promises to last 4-6 years, but in a gentle mode. In the old days, it was chosen for hallways, living rooms and kitchens, but today it is far from the best option.

Office (commercial) laminate:

  • Class 31 "lives" in a working environment for 2-3 years. Laying it in the house is also not forbidden - there it will safely carry up to ten years of operation.
  • Class 32 is to be replaced at the end of 3-5 years. In domestic mode, you can safely hope for a 15-year service.
  • Class 33 is even less susceptible to the pressures of the office. At work, he will survive up to 6 years, in an apartment - all 15-20.
  • It is no coincidence that class 34 was called sports: this laminate unquestioningly withstands up to a thousand people a day, therefore it is allowed for flooring in fitness centers, trading houses and administrative premises. If you choose this type for your home, it will surely last a lifetime!

Note that classes 21, 22, 23 are extremely rare. For an apartment, feel free to choose a class 31, 32, 33 laminate, depending on your budget.

American and European designers began using laminate flooring around the mid-1980s. Russian ones are relatively recent, but why? Because this flooring was simply impossible to buy in our stores. Now the laminate is everywhere and there are no more problems with buying it, but another one arises: what design of the floor from the laminate to choose, because the number of colors and textures of this material is already over a thousand?

Laminate floor design - style is easy

Types of laminate

By appearance Laminate can be divided into the following categories:

  • single-lane
  • two-way
  • three-lane
  • under the tile
  • designer

Single strip laminate looks like it's made from solid wood. This allows you to visually expand the space and give the room a special flavor, typical, for example, for classical style or country style. And some manufacturers apply a chamfer to the laminate to enhance the effect, which turns artificial turf in the likeness of the natural.

Two-strip laminate made without chamfer, and in its appearance it is very similar to large-format block parquet. Why two lane? It's just that the surface of such a laminate is, as it were, divided into two strips, which are constituent parts one drawing.

3-strip laminate- high-quality "fake" under the parquet, laid "deck". It is also made without a chamfer, but it has a huge selection of noble shades and colors.

practically indistinguishable from the real ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware. It exactly repeats not only the shape and size of ceramics, but also its texture. The manufacturer gives the surface of such a laminate a characteristic roughness for tiles, which creates the illusion of naturalness and naturalness, and there is even a strip along the perimeter of the planks that imitates the seam between the tiles. Thus, a laminate under a tile may well replace a cold porcelain tile without prejudice to the interior.

- it's a real thrill. It can be anything: green or blue, with a 3D effect or pebble, with abstract patterns or mother-of-pearl - it all depends only on the designer's fantasies and on the size of the customer's wallet.

In addition, the laminate can be divided into several subspecies:

  • aged
  • raised
  • textural
  • glossy
  • oil
  • with waxed surface.

All these types of laminate design have found their application in the most different interiors: from classic to modern, from country to hi-tech.

Laminate design in different interiors

It doesn’t matter what style the customer is, it’s important to choose correct laminate for any interior.

Laminate for romantic natures

Lovers of romance and minimalist style will appreciate the 1-strip laminate with a waxed surface and a walnut color bevel. Such a coating will fit perfectly even in the simplest interior, harmoniously complementing the white walls and dark furniture.

Glossy laminate - a bright image of the house

Creative and bright people will not be able to pass by the lacquer laminate with a chic shiny surface. The coverage is compatible with classic interiors, and with interiors made in the style of avant-garde, modern, hi-tech. True, it is more difficult to care for a glossy floor, but it looks luxurious.

A two-strip aged laminate fell "to the court" in the interior in the Provence style. Light walls, a soft sofa and an armchair, coffee table, paintings in the same frames and Roman blinds on the windows - all this is ideally combined with a dark floor that imitates large-format parquet.

Laminate in the form of a massive board sets the tone for the entire interior

Traditional country style, so beloved by many Americans and Europeans and not yet loved by Russians, provides for massive flooring. One-strip laminate with textured surface without chamfer imitating natural board, fit into the interior in the photo just perfect. And the color scheme, selected by the designer (or the owner of the house), perfectly complements the furniture in the room.

Three-strip laminate imitating piece parquet - an inexpensive pleasure

Parquet is expensive and not practical. And if you replace it with a laminate that will not give itself away, but will lie on the floor and show with all its appearance that it is the most “real parquet”, then you will not have to spend time and money on the purchase and installation of such a capricious coating. A room decorated light laminate looks bigger and more spacious. A minimum of furniture, a minimum of color and the apartment will turn into a strict and concise eco-house.

Laminate - universal coating

The interesting texture of the laminate shown in the photo fits into the interior of the apartment no less interestingly. This floor will be in perfect harmony with light walls and discreet decor. Bright colors here will obviously be redundant.

Designer laminate - an opportunity to show imagination ...

… and creativity

Designer laminate is generally a separate category of flooring. In this case, the designer's fantasy may not be limited only by the choice of color, texture or pattern, he can even change the shape of the planks. Curved parquet? Why not!

Tile laminate flooring is a great alternative to ceramics…

… warm and…

… beautiful

It's hard to believe, but this is not a tile, but a laminate! The texture and shape repeat the tile so exactly that it is simply impossible to distinguish one from the other.

Lots of ideas, lots of ways to implement them, lots of styling options - it's all about laminate. Floor covering that can be transformed according to your desire.

The appearance of a laminate depends not only on the pattern applied to its surface. The type of processing of the top of the laminate plays an important role in creating beautiful design interior. After all, if you put laminated boards with a crocodile skin pattern and a glossy surface on the floor, it will look unnatural and not beautiful. Therefore, in the production of flooring, it is very important the right combination drawing and texture.

Wood processing

A typical and most requested surface with a slight relief that creates the illusion natural wood. On flat and smooth outside boards make a slightly noticeable relief in the form of dashes and dimples. This type of texture makes the boards more natural and natural in appearance. Such a floor will harmoniously look with any interior.

aged wood

The appearance of wood that has been outdoors for a long time differs significantly from the appearance of fresh wood products. For the effect of old wood, visible smoothed bumps, cracks, etc. are created on the boards.

Glossy surface

Perfectly smooth and sparkling clean surface looks great in any room. But the glossy surface has significant disadvantage- all traces, dust particles and scratches are visible on it. Such a coating is similar to richly varnished boards.

texture coating

A slightly noticeable relief in the form of wood fibers creates a slight illusion of natural wood.

Embossed coating

A stronger imitation uneven surface wood create shallow dashes around the entire perimeter of the board. This technique does not create a complete copy of the tree, but only makes the flooring more natural.

Wooden floor

The outer side of the laminate repeats the appearance of a natural wood floor. On the laminated surface of the boards, a pattern and relief characteristic of a particular tree is created.

Shea tree

completely smooth and Smooth surface matte laminate gives the appearance of a well oiled wood.

Waxed floor

A well-waxed wood acquires its inner radiance, creating comfort in every home. The waxed floor looks like a massive board.

Laminate is one of the most popular flooring materials. The fact is that it has an acceptable cost and looks very similar to natural wood. But before making repairs, you need to consider the types of laminate. This will help you decide what kind of cladding is needed for your home.

The laminate consists of several layers:

  1. The basis. The rigidity of the tiles depends on it. The base is usually made of fiberboard or chipboard. The thicker this layer, the stronger the material will be.
  2. Kraft paper. It serves to protect the bottom surface of the base from moisture penetration.
  3. decorative layer. It uses special paper on which the drawing is applied. It is glued to the top surface of the base.
  4. polymer film. She protects decorative layer from erasing.

Additional layers can be added at the production site: underlayment, natural wood veneer, waterproof shell, protective corundum coating.

Despite the fact that the pattern of the laminate is not natural, in expensive types of this material it is printed very realistically.

Varieties of products by class

Before buying such a cladding, you should consider its types according to. This parameter determines where you can lay the laminate:

  • 21st, 22nd and 23rd grades. This material is distinguished by the fact that it has the lowest level of wear resistance. That is, it cannot be used where there is a constant high traffic of people, and in conditions high humidity. Most often it spreads in bedrooms, and is also used as a temporary floor covering. Although grade 23 has almost all the necessary technical specifications to apply it in residential areas with a small load.
  • 31-33 class. This material is laid in those rooms in which the floors are subjected to heavy loads. It can be used in corridors, hallways.

Laminate classes according to the degree of wear resistance
  • . It is the most durable and is even able to withstand contact with water for several hours. This lining is highly resistant to wear. Usually such material is used in restaurants, on dance floors, in public institutions(schools, hospitals).
  • 42, 43 - a special premium class, which is made to order. It is used at airports and railway stations, as well as in those areas where the floor lends itself to the heaviest load. It is not advisable to use such material in a residential environment, since you simply cannot create a strong load on it at home. In addition, the cladding of this class is very expensive.

Classification of material according to the degree of resistance to moisture

In this case, we can distinguish the following types of laminate flooring:

  1. . It can be used in the bathroom or. This material is not afraid of moisture, as it is additionally treated with protective resins or wax.
  2. Waterproof. It is able to withstand direct contact with liquid for several hours. At the same time, locks additionally treated with wax do not allow water to pass under the floor covering.

Product types by decorative qualities

The following types of material can be distinguished:

  • Glossy. It has a special brilliance. The surface of the laminate is polished. The disadvantage of the presented floor covering can be considered that it is slippery. In addition, there are footprints on it.
  • Natural. This does not mean the present. wood flooring. It's just that the product is very similar to a natural board. All pores and knots are drawn very realistically. This flooring also has a shine, but it is not bright, but more silky.
  • Waxed. In appearance, such a laminate for the floor is very similar to wood, well impregnated with wax. The coating has a slight sheen, which speaks of high quality material.
  • Embossed (textural). This laminate resembles natural wood. The texture of the drawing is drawn so well that at first glance the coating can be mistaken for floorboards.
  • Matte. The presented material does not have a bright sheen. It is most often used in children's rooms, in the kitchen, as it is considered non-slip. In addition, there are practically no footprints on it. And polishing it as often as glossy is not required.
  • Country laminate. In appearance, this product resembles a relief aged material.

Matte, country and waxed laminate

Before choosing a floor covering, you need to consider it technical specifications, as well as the features of subsequent operation.

Varieties of the product according to the method of installation

This factor is one of the main ones when choosing a material. There are several ways to fix tiles:

  1. Glue. This method provides the most reliable fixation of products on the surface of the base. However, installation in this case is laborious, and also takes a lot of time. And you can’t remove the floor covering and move it from one room to another. Repairing a laminate after gluing tiles is also very difficult.
  2. Castle. It provides for the fixation of tiles without the use of glue and is additionally divided into two types.

Lock system

This type of lock is characterized by the presence of a latch, which is a spike on one side of the tile, and a groove on the other. In order to connect the elements, it is necessary to use a rubber mallet and wooden block. Please note that the hammer must not be struck directly on the tiles. It is desirable that the assembly of the floor was carried out by an experienced craftsman. The fact is that the spikes are very delicate, and if used ineptly, they can be damaged. In the event of a breakdown, the damaged element will be difficult to replace.

Click system

The laminate in this case has a more complex design. However, the assembly of the coating is very simple, so even the person who has never held a hammer in his hands can carry it out. A feature of the slats is that they are connected at a certain angle - 45 degrees. There is no need to put in any effort. The presented connection method makes it possible to disassemble the coating and move it to another room. Another advantage of such a system is that it does not deform over time.

If you apply adhesive method installation, in this case it is better to additionally seal the joints between the planks.

That's all types of laminate. Naturally, during the selection, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. The material must be certified and not have claims from other buyers. Leave comments on the article - express your opinion or share your experience!

At the end, a series of 6 video instructions on how to choose various kinds laminate: