home · Networks · Design of the courtyard of a private house: we create a cozy and functional space with our own hands. Step by step we design the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house Beautiful design of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands

Design of the courtyard of a private house: we create a cozy and functional space with our own hands. Step by step we design the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house Beautiful design of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands

When a private house has already been built, all that remains is to improve the territory itself. website will give you ideas on how to improve the yard of a private house and decorate a suburban area in an interesting, beautiful and cost-effective manner.

Create a beautiful yard using flower arrangements

Who among us will remain indifferent to flowers? Flowers are one of the most simple ways give the yard bright colors and at the same time comfort. When it comes to decorating a yard, flowers are simply irreplaceable.

Anyone can plant flowers and make a bright composition out of them, but to do something more original, you need to use your imagination.

A flower motorcycle or bicycle will look very unusual. I think that for those who previously had such a “friend” there should be problems with this. There are two ways to make a flowerbed from a bicycle:

  1. We take this “miracle of technology” as a basis and cover horizontal and partially vertical surfaces with a mesh filled with nutrient soil.
  2. We install ready-made flower pots. If you have chosen hanging planters for flowers with coconut shavings, you can put a baby diaper at the bottom so that when watering, all the water does not flow out at once, but remains inside.

Next we start decorating. To make your creation look more original, it is best to decorate it with curly annual plants, low ground cover flowers. They live well in such bicycle flower beds:

  • petunias,
  • marigold,
  • viola,
  • geranium.

Very good to decorate country house and the yard of a private house with your own hands. To do this, you can use both the simplest, unpretentious plants, for example, morning glory or virgin grapes, and more noble flowers - climbing roses or . These plants can create a real paradise in a suburban area.

Climbing roses can decorate the yard so much that it will simply be buried in flowers, especially if you pick up.

Don't forget that even unnecessary old shoes can become original decoration plot. Take a pair of bright children's rubber boots, make holes in the sole, add drainage, then soil and plant flowers. These will make excellent garden pots for outdoor flowers. And it’s especially nice that we decorate the yard with our own hands at no extra cost.

To make an original garden flowerpot, you can use not only shoes, but also old broken jugs, garden watering cans, old kitchen utensils, basins, buckets, tubs, wheelbarrows, bathtubs, barrels.

You can also arrange them in old stumps. They are very simple and elegant. This DIY yard decoration can be seasonal if you plant tulips in the stumps

Old logs will help us a lot to decorate patio in the country. If there are rotten logs, you can hollow out a hole in them, lay soil and create a beautiful flower arrangement.


Another good way how to decorate the yard of a private house with your own hands and add zest to the area - this is to add bushes unusual shape. This technique is often used by experienced owners. country houses, creating stunning topiary and beautiful yard private house.

Some of them even manage to turn their yard into a real zoo, using pruning shears to cut out the figures of various animals that enliven the yard of a private house.

A waterfall, fountain, pool are the main decorations of the yard in the summer season

If you are thinking about how to improve the yard of a private house with your own hands, then be sure to create a fountain or pond on a suburban area. How nice it will be to be near the water in the summer heat.

The splashes of water from the fountain will protect the plants from dryness, and the pool will be a real salvation from the sun's rays; children who love to splash in the water will especially be happy with it.

Looking at the waterfall, you imagine yourself somewhere far from home. Landscaping the courtyard of a private house with even the smallest fountain is very relaxing.

It’s very easy to make this beauty your own. Surely after construction many will find pieces of tiles, tiles, and stones. River stones will look more realistic.

A fountain installed in the depths of the garden will look very harmonious. You can also put benches and swings for children there. This way the garden will turn into a real park where the whole family can relax and the arrangement of the yard will be complete.

Stone garden - beautiful and mysterious

For those who want to stand out, we offer to make a stone garden on their personal plot. It can consist only of stones and sand, but it is better to dilute it different colors, green plants, as well as a small pond or waterfall. This is very unusual decoration yard

Stone elements can become the decoration of the path. Stones or bricks can be used to create incredibly cozy recreation areas - patios that can decorate any courtyard of a private home.

From all this we can conclude that if you have at least a little skill in working on the land and show your imagination, you can turn an ordinary yard into a work of art!

Gazebo in the courtyard of a private house

One of the most essential things when decorating the yard of a private house with your own hands is a gazebo. Gazebos can be different - open, closed, attached to the house. These can be awnings and marquees, tents.

The most practical do-it-yourself gazebos in the courtyard of a private house are made of polycarbonate.

The most romantic gazebos in the courtyard are tents with fluttering fabrics and a lot of beautiful country furniture. Landscaping the yard of a private house with such a tent is one of the most enjoyable activities!

Living in a private house or having a manor, dacha, or country cottage dictates special conditions regarding the arrangement of this territory. Many owners of such real estate pay great attention to its landscape design, trying to make it comfortable, beautiful, harmonious and unique. Some use designers' projects, while others do it on their own, creating a beautiful exterior of a private house with their own hands.

Necessary components of a beautiful landscape

Your own house, even small size, assumes the presence of some territory around it. Its arrangement takes no less time, and, in addition, even in small courtyard Always have to maintain cleanliness and order. In order for everything in the yard to be convenient and practical, pleasing to the eye and surprising guests, the creation of the design of the territory should be approached carefully and carefully, carefully working out the plan and constantly relying on the data of the preliminary drawn up project when working on the arrangement.

Landscape design the territory of the courtyard of a private house is planned in accordance with individual preferences And functional purpose different zones. In addition, when planning a landscape style, the size of the courtyard area, the presence and number of buildings on the territory, the type of soil on the site, weather conditions in the area, etc. are taken into account.

The photo shows design options for private houses and the area around them.

Attention! When creating projects, you should definitely take into account the location and passage of all house communications throughout the territory, draw on the plan where they connect to the house and the route through the yard. In this case, the risk of damage to them will be significantly less.

Even a small yard may require the most serious preparation for preparatory landscaping work, such as laying drainage system, installation of irrigation systems, installation of artificial reservoirs or fountains.

After the plan is approved, the territory should be marked out and its arrangement should begin.

Attention! Designers specializing in landscape principle creating a territory, it is recommended that before starting work, divide the entire area into small squares and mark the proposed objects on them. This significantly optimizes the uniform distribution of objects and different zones, simplifying the work process, especially over a large area.

The photo shows one of the project options for the future arrangement of the yard.

Even for a small area with small house, for a comfortable pastime it is necessary to have the following important areas:

  • Parking space;
  • Paths;
  • Rest zone;
  • Lighting;
  • Flower beds and flower beds.

The presence of a pond or fountains, as well as additional architectural structures in every specific case decided by the owner. These elements are optional and may be missing if the area is too small and there is no space or money to install them.

Important! If there are small children in the family, then it would be useful to organize a playground in the local area, equip a sandbox or install a swimming pool so that the children have a place to spend their leisure time.

Well, if there is very little space, then you can think about the practical combination of some zones or expanding their functionality, for example, using folding furniture.

Photo various options design of the local area are presented in the video:

Parking space

The parking area is an important area of ​​the site, as it must be safe, level and able to protect vehicles from adverse weather conditions. In addition, this area should not overlap with the recreation area or children's corner, so as not to create discomfort for anyone.


Paths and paths between different zones and certain areas of the local area, if they are not decorated, look very ugly and sloppy. Their appearance creates the illusion of trampled lawns and disrupts the overall appearance of the yard. Paths that are paved using various building materials look much more beautiful, more stylish and original:

  • Wild stone;
  • Granita;
  • Paving stones;
  • Wood cuts;
  • Concrete slabs.

Paths will make moving comfortable, eliminate dirt in the yard, allow you to delimit space more functionally, and also become a decorative element of landscape design.

Paths and paths can be either strictly geometric in shape or contain winding smooth sections, consist of one type of material or combine several components alternating with each other.

Interesting! If the yard is located on a hilly area, then instead of leveling the surface, you can build beautiful steps, decorative bridges and other architectural structures.

Another interesting solution can be used when used for arranging paths wild stone, slabs or bricks - fill the gaps between the main segments with small pebbles, plant lawn grass or fill such seams with sand.

Paths that run in close proximity to the house are best done by adhering to strict geometric shapes, but in areas that have a more informal standard, you can safely equip the territory irregular shapes, different textures and dimensions.

Shown in the photo original version wooden paths.

Rest zone

An area for rest, relaxation, entertainment and a pleasant pastime is a mandatory attribute of effective landscaping. Depending on the stylistic orientation, its creation is possible in several ways.

If barbecue or shish kebabs are planned, then such an area should be equipped with a barbecue, a brazier, or a place should be prepared for mobile accessories for cooking in the fresh air.

It is advisable to install sun protection on the site, which can be provided either by a gazebo or a simple canopy.

As an alternative, you can equip a cozy patio in the local area, make beautiful terrace or a living area where they are planted conifers.

When creating a recreation area, the correct selection of furniture is of no small importance. It must be made of materials that are strong, durable, practical, and resistant to moisture and temperature changes. It can be plastic chairs, tables and stools, rattan or iron furniture.

Attention! Of course, furniture made from natural wood coniferous trees, but when using them outdoors, you should regularly treat them with an antiseptic and coat their surface with varnish so that it lasts a long time.

If you plan to use upholstered furniture, and the seating area on top does not have protection from rain, then the design of the interior items should be collapsible in order to quickly hide them from the rain.

The photo below shows the arrangement options various types recreation areas.

Flower beds and flower beds

Flower beds and flower beds, and indeed all vegetation, play an important role in creating a beautiful landscape. All kinds of flower beds, flower carpets on lawns, alpine slides - it is almost impossible to list all the options for landscaping the area. Everyone chooses according to their own taste and style.

Important! It's good when in the yard, except low growing bushes and flowers, there are big trees. A small grove with conifers in the backyard looks great, saturating the air with oxygen, fragrant with a unique aroma, delighting with greenery all year round.

How to plant conifers, and what species to choose for growing local area shown in video

Would be useful flower beds With perennial plants When planting, you should take into account the required soil type and flowering periods of the plants. Due to the fact that their care is minimal and annual planting is not required, they are very often chosen as plants for flower beds and hedges.

You can create flower beds from a wide variety of available materials, using those things and objects that are already suitable only for throwing away.


Lighting of courtyards of private buildings is designed to perform such important functions as:

  • Comfortable conditions for rest in the dark;
  • Providing the level of illumination necessary for safe travel by territory;
  • Properly organized lighting provides the design with a beautiful appearance, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the landscape in evening time days.

According to the rules of landscape design of the territory, elements that can be equipped with lighting devices are:

  • House facade;
  • Outbuildings;
  • Parking area;
  • Main entrance;
  • Rest zone.

Important! The main rule is to ensure good lighting around the entire perimeter of the site, as well as stairs and paths, when installing lighting communications.

After creation mandatory system lighting you can start decorative types lighting, which is most often used to equip artificial ponds, alpine slides, garden sculptures or flower beds located in the local area. woody plants can be illuminated using LED strips.

Economical and at the same time stylish solution Solar-powered lanterns can be used to illuminate the yard. You can find it on sale a large number of style solutions these devices.

Proper lighting can transform the territory of a site at night, making it mysterious and enigmatic.


Special requirements for arrangement and maintenance do not stop many summer residents and owners of private houses from creating small-sized bodies of water on their territory - swimming pools or ponds, waterfalls or fountains.

Such an element will certainly fill the air with coolness on a hot summer day, provide freshness and special beauty. Setting up a pond on your site is far from easy; to do this you will have to use the services of experienced professionals.

If a swimming pool is chosen as a body of water, then such a design in the local area will help to freshen up, and for children it will become a fun and energetic place to hang out.

Various architectural elements

In addition to the listed structures, which belong to the main elements of the landscapes of private territories, some equip other architectural elements on their site - bridges, various fences and space dividers, sculptures, flowerpots, etc. They will definitely decorate the yard and make it stylish and beautiful.


Create fashionable and stylish design on the territory of your site is not difficult if there are funds for this, and you also have ideas for arrangement. Create original look You can either do the landscape yourself or hire specialists; it all depends on the preferences of the owner. In addition, having created on its territory beautiful views, comfortable and functional areas, for their effective operation one should not forget about care and cleaning, timely regular maintenance of communications. And then throughout the warm season the yard will delight the owners, surprise guests and bring pleasure for a long time. There are no ideological restrictions, a bit of inspiration and an exclusive landscape of the territory are guaranteed!

A country cottage or private house within the city is a source of pride for the owners. Once upon a time, such housing was certainly associated with beds, vegetable gardens and greenhouses. But times change and functional use the courtyard area has long faded into the background. Landscape design has gradually reached even the most remote villages; private houses are now real miniature recreation parks. Where potatoes grew, now spreads decorative pond, in place of the greenhouses, gazebos rise, and the beds have been replaced with flower beds and fountains.

It takes a lot of effort to decorate the area adjacent to the house, and maintaining order requires quite a lot of time. But all your hard work is rewarded by what you get in return luxury place for relaxing in silence or gathering with a noisy company.

The courtyard of a private house is made on several levels

You can create a dining area in the backyard

A small bridge in the courtyard of a private house

The first stage of designing a yard design is choosing stylistic direction. This choice plays a huge role, since it determines in what direction the designer needs to move further. It’s worth making a decision here not only based on personal preferences, but also taking into account the following factors:

  • the area you have;
  • limit on the time you allow to be spent maintaining proper appearance yard;
  • climate and soil type.

There are several most popular options that experts offer for the design of the courtyard of a private house.

This style is ideal if the house is located in the back of the plot and shows an open facade. Then in the yard you can place an alley leading to the front door, and in the backyard you can arrange a recreation area.

English style assumes maximum naturalness. The territory should look as if a person’s hand never touched it. This means smooth lines, no asymmetry, no meandering paths and no landscape irregularities. Plants are usually placed in tiers: first grass and flowers, then shrubs and trees.

An artificial reservoir in the form of a small pond would also fit perfectly here.

Original path made from wood cuts

Selecting a recreation area with bushes

Japanese style

Here a body of water is not just desirable, but mandatory element. Usually he is central object, and everything else is built around it. The pond is decorated with bridges, stones, and gazebos are installed on its banks. The main representatives of the flora are rhododendron, juniper and dwarf pine.

Japanese style is quite complex in design and perception; its beauty is deeper and reveals itself gradually.

Such a courtyard encourages philosophical reasoning, relaxes and gives a person peace of mind.

Paths connect all functional areas on the site

Backyard with dining area

Relaxation area in the courtyard of a private house

Mediterranean style

Representing harmonious combination Ancient Greek and Roman styles, this Mediterranean style is a favorite of landscape designers and recalls the wondrous beauty of southern nature.

Its distinctive feature is the abundance of stone in all its manifestations: this and marble chips, and sea pebbles, and just raw rocks.

A Mediterranean-style yard should be associated with a mountain coast, so it is customary to place various hills on it. This could be a staircase, a retaining wall, or a slope with a terrace located on it.

Plants play a huge role here. In such gardens, topiary is widely used - curly cutting of plants and giving them fancy shapes. In addition, the Mediterranean flora delights with delicious fruits: citruses, pistachios and olives. Small palm trees, flower beds planted with roses or variegated perennial flowers, and lawns of herbs are also used.

As for architectural elements, there are plenty of them here. A patio is set up in the inner part, the area is decorated with arches, terraces and hedges, and, of course, fountains.

In the backyard you can organize a small fountain and put a dining table

You can arrange a gazebo in the yard

Planning the yard design

A beautiful yard plays a very important role, because it is where the first impression of the house and its owners begins. Therefore, the garden plot should be given no less attention than the cottage itself.

In order to save time and money, avoid alterations and reconstructions, when starting planning, it is worth answering a couple of questions.

What is more important to you – beauty or practicality?

If the need for practical use prevails, then first place the most necessary things in the yard, and only then fill free space decorative elements.

What will you use the yard for? Do you often get together with friends and have get-togethers outdoors?

Planning to relax alone? Take care of a shady corner, install a fountain or pond. Gathering a group of friends? Build a gazebo and equip the area with a place for cooking.

Do you have children and pets?

Take care of their safety. Avoid deep bodies of water and be careful with fire and electrical wiring.

How do you imagine a beautiful yard?

Choose a style according to own preferences, add decorative elements, plant plants.

Thematic corners in the yard

Zoning different areas of the yard
can be made with plants

Relaxation area on the site of a private house

All your subsequent decisions depend on the answers to these questions. This is especially true for small yards, where it is not possible to arrange everything at once, and you have to prioritize.

Having some plan in mind for creating a landscape design, you can begin arranging objects on the ground. It is recommended to mentally divide the area into squares responsible for different functional areas. Each zone will correspond to one key figure - a gazebo, rock garden, pond, flower bed or patio. This way, all objects will be distributed evenly and balanced throughout the yard.

Before proceeding directly to construction, check the condition of the territory. If water accumulation is detected, install drainage. At the same stage, all communications necessary for watering plants and operating reservoirs are laid.

The courtyard of a private house is made on several levels

You can set up a dining table in the backyard

Laying the paths

After we have divided the territory into zones, it is necessary to make sure that you can easily move between them. To do this, it is worth equipping special paths in the yard. They can be completely different: some will like winding paths, some will prefer straight trajectories, and some will like something in between.

The track material also provides a huge choice:

  • large flat stones;
  • brick;
  • gravel;
  • concrete plates;
  • cobblestone.

Paths can be left without fencing or emphasized with a small fence or decorative border.

If the area is uneven, it can be designed in different planes, connecting adjacent segments using stairs.

Planting plants

At first glance, it may seem that planting plants is an issue that cannot cause any particular difficulties. However, many horticultural crops are quite capricious and excessive self-confidence here can lead to the fact that after some time all the work done will have to be redone again. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to follow a number of rules when landscaping your yard.

  1. Do not place coniferous plants and shrubs in covered areas. Despite the fact that they look quite impressive here, removing their needles from the terrace every morning is far from the best thing.
  2. Don’t bother yourself with overly whimsical plants that require constant care. If you don’t feel a particular craving for gardening in your soul, then opt for more modest bushes and trees.
  3. A pond implies elegant decor, but not plants rinsing their leaves in it. That's why deciduous plants should be kept away from him.
  4. The trend of replacing fences with hedges is gaining popularity. The plants used must be sufficiently dense and have average height, since too high ones will look sloppy, and low ones will not be able to hide the territory from prying eyes.
  5. There is no area that would not be decorated beautiful flower bed with flowers. You can break one large one or several small ones. But remember that if you plant several at once, it is important that they are combined with each other.
  6. A small area is not a reason to refuse landscaping. Use a vertical arrangement using alpine slides, ledges and cascades.

You can put a decorative well in the yard

Home design in Japanese style against the background of the forest

The stone fountain in the middle of the yard looks very beautiful

Arranging decorative elements

In order to view personal plot was complete and made it clear that professionals had a hand here, some decorative elements should be added to the landscape design.

Classics of the genre - garden sculptures. They should be consistent in style with the overall design of not only the site, but also the house. These can be either classical statues or abstract installations. Great importance has their size, which is selected depending on the free space you have. They can beneficially fill the free space of a large yard, but it is better not to clutter up a small area with them.

Looks good in almost any area decorative arches. To create an additional effect, they are covered with ivy or other plants, and special lighting is selected for them. They can be placed singly, one after another, or in one row.

Be sure to support it with decor general style. If this is Provence, then they will come to the place clay pots and wicker fences, for Mediterranean style amphoras would be appropriate different sizes, and a bit of magic can be added to the garden with the help of figurines of animals, gnomes and others fairy tale characters. Your children will definitely appreciate the last option.

Stones combined with flowers will perfectly complement the design of the yard

You can make a path out of stones, and plant cetaceans nearby

We create reservoirs

Just imagine how pleasant it is to enjoy the coolness of a clean pond in a shady corner of your own garden on a hot summer afternoon. Construction of a reservoir is a rather labor-intensive, but worthwhile process.

An artificial pond can be made in completely different variations.

  • Small pond. Populate it with fish, decorate it with stones and water lilies, and this place will become of great interest to guests, and will also become a favorite place to play for the younger generation.
  • Elegant fountain. This structure can take up very little space and is suitable for small yards. But its pleasant splashes will be a real salvation from the summer heat.
  • A mischievous stream or a miniature waterfall. Their murmur relaxes and creates a unique atmosphere of relaxation alone with nature.

To make it pleasant to be in the yard, you need to keep it clean

Well-groomed flowers and trees will look great in your yard

You can plant flowers next to the path

Lighting up the area

Artificial yard lighting performs several important functions at once.

  • Provides the ability to move in the absence of natural light.
  • Beneficially illuminates decorative elements, creating their aesthetic appearance.

The lighting should be installed so as to cover the entire perimeter, leaving no dark corners and equip all stairs and paths.

The mandatory lighting program also includes the following elements:

  • house facade;
  • outbuildings;
  • parking;
  • main entrance;
  • rest zone.

After that, we move on to decorative elements. It would be a shame if all this beauty can only be enjoyed during daylight hours. Therefore, we also shed light on all the fountains, alpine slides, sculptures and flower beds.

LED strips will be a real find for decorating a night garden. They can highlight the beauty of trees or place them along the edge of the steps of a staircase.

You can decorate the yard with flowers

Design of a private house yard with a gazebo

We will organize a resting place with a fireplace

The territory of the personal plot is asking for a place to cook food over an open fire. The most common options for such a place are grills and barbecues, but you can also find a more unconventional approach.

  • Tandoor. This Asian stove is quite bulky, so be sure to consider your capabilities when installing it. You can build this stove either with your own hands or purchase a ready-made one.
  • Outdoor fireplace. It creates an amazing impression as if you were just sitting in the living room and were somehow magically transported to the garden. Place it next to him upholstered furniture and make yourself comfortable, enjoying both the beauty of nature and the warmth of home.

Owners of private houses with adjacent territories are truly lucky - landscape design opens up many opportunities for their aesthetic and functional arrangement. In the courtyard own home you will find a garden for walking, a relaxation area, and even a place for cooking.

Video: Arranging the yard of a private house

50 photos of private house yard design ideas:

If you are the owner of a private house or cottage, then you understand perfectly well that interior design is just the beginning. The fun begins outside the house, in your own yard. This is where landscape designers take over and begin to create real beauty. But why designers? You can plant flowers in the courtyard of a private house in a certain order, properly care for them, water the trees and choose furniture, right?

In this case, the interior and exterior of the house will cost no extra money. financial investments and designer services. We bring to your attention an article on how to decorate the yard with flowers yourself, and instead of making beds with your own hands alpine slide, a fountain or even a small one.

Beauty also needs to be planned!

What does it represent garden yard? This is an area that is adjacent to a private house and becomes the object of attention not only of its owners, but also of neighbors and guests. It's safe to say that yards can tell a lot about their owners.

When the plan is drawn up and the dimensions of the territory are known, the arrangement involves marking out all objects. Do this with maximum accuracy, noting gazebos, ponds, rock gardens that already exist or will only be built. It is very convenient to mark when the territory is divided into squares. On each of them you should choose one decorative element or structure. They will be key. This will allow you to evenly distribute the elements, making the decoration of the yard harmonious and balanced.

We almost forgot - be sure to check the condition of the territory before starting construction.

Imagine the situation: you tore up the floor of the yard, were about to lay the foundation, but suddenly found out that The groundwater pass almost to the very surface. Also at this stage, you need to take care of laying the necessary communications, think about how exactly the plants will be watered, and whether fountains and waterfalls will be built.

From paths to flower beds

Beautiful paths in the garden are an integral attribute of any design. Try laying them out with beautiful pebbles - and moving around the area will be much more comfortable. Each path performs a zoning function and is important element decor. Interior the house does not involve the construction of separate paths, but the area outside is a completely different matter.

We all studied geometry at school, but few people thought about where exactly the knowledge gained could be useful. Congratulations - you have just found such a sphere. It's hard to imagine high quality design the yard of a private house with photos and drawings, if you decide to do without knowledge of geometry.

Supporters of smooth lines draw oval flower beds and winding paths on the plan; others prefer squares and rectangles, because they love clarity and rigor in everything. – must be even, each bush is trimmed “to a ruler” in the literal sense of the word. However, only a true home owner knows how calming plants are, how they bring balance to the environment and give a wonderful mood.

Now let's talk about how. Plan your planting so that after some flowers bloom, the buds of others bloom. This way, your floral carpet will always smell like all the colors of the rainbow.

In addition to soil, plants are placed in special garden tubs and pots. Where the terrain of the site is hilly and uneven, tedious leveling of slopes and arrangement of embankments can be replaced by the construction of steps. They are ready to become a real focal point and attract everyone's attention.

Where would we be without cascades and fountains?

For Japanese residents, water is not only a source of life, but also a symbol of harmony with the outside and inner world. Make a large, full-fledged pond on summer cottage It’s not easy, but the result will definitely exceed your expectations. It is possible that you will need to use the help of specialists, carefully study the soil, choose a suitable location, and install communications. Only in this case will you be able to drink coffee in the gazebo under the quiet, measured murmur of water and watch how it flows into the tank.

Courtyard lighting system

High-quality lighting in the yard is necessary for at least two reasons:

  • The time to communicate with friends can be extended even until the morning.
  • It’s much safer to move around in the yard when you can clearly see every bump and every corner.

In the end, you can just wrap yourself in your favorite blanket and enthusiastically watch the lights blink on various decorative items. Decorating a yard in a private house involves functional lighting. First of all, the facade of your house, the entrance to the garage, and the main entrance should be illuminated. According to designers, place lighting it is necessary in such a way that the outlines of the yard along the perimeter are clearly visible. Special attention It is recommended to pay attention to steps and garden paths.

Only after the main lighting has been completed can you begin to decorate the decorative lighting of a private house with your own hands. Myriads of lights will look beautiful near and garden sculptures, And . And if you supplement trees and shrubs with special LED strip, “illumination without lanterns” will look no less advantageous.

And here is an interesting life hack from our site. Today you can find lighting fixtures on sale that have built-in batteries. During the day they draw energy from the sun's rays, and in the evening they illuminate your path. Consequently, you will not have to spend precious time, of which there is never a lot, on connecting electricity, and the bills will be paid much less.

What is a holiday without a cozy hearth?

Options for arranging a backyard

Private houses do not always boast a huge territory. A special one will help you find a way out of the situation. By the way, it can be portable - with the onset of cold weather, you can quickly hide it in the attic or bring it into the pantry. Furniture made from rattan looks very respectable.

An immutable attribute backyard is a hedge. This could be a flower fence made of weaving plants. It is an excellent fencing of the territory, performing protective and decorative functions.

Area backyard laid out in slabs, covered with gravel or pebbles. However, remember: when the flooring is loose, from time to time you will need to add material and level it.

We hope that our tips and photo ideas will help you add variety to the landscape design of your own yard. Create a comfortable, unusual area on your site and get inspired best photos landscape design!

Before you start creating a landscape design for a private home with your own hands, you should ask yourself a few important questions. What do you expect from your yard? Do you need an entertainment area where you can spend active time with family and friends? Or do you want to surround your home with a beautiful and picturesque garden with secluded corners for relaxation?

By preparing tips and ideas for courtyard design for you, Dekorin has tried to consider and take into account the various needs of private home owners. In addition, we have collected here 35 photos with examples of landscape design that will inspire you to improve your garden with your own hands.

Where to start landscape design of a private house with your own hands?

It would be best to sketch out a sketch of your possessions on a piece of paper. Schematically mark the following objects and zones on it:

  1. The contours of the house, the site itself, as well as all existing buildings (well, garage, barn, terrace, etc.);
  2. Places where underground pipes and cables lie;
  3. Trees and shrubs that you do not intend to get rid of;
  4. Sunny and shady areas (can be indicated in different colors, for example, yellow and gray);
  5. Problem areas, if any (poor drainage, soil erosion, rocks, high humidity, minks garden pests etc.).

As you note down all of this information in your design, you will begin to have a clear idea in your head of what you need to do to design your yard and garden.

So, after you have marked all the above areas, it will become clear where it is better to mark out the recreation area, and where to plant which plants. After all, they all have their own preferences for the amount of light, shade and moisture consumed per day. By clearly knowing your site and your preferences in landscape design, you can choose ideal plants for planting that will easily take root.

The next step is to mark on the project the places that you want to allocate for plants and everything else decorative elements: paths, recreation areas, alpine slide, etc.

We create a beautiful yard landscape with our own hands

1. The main secret in the landscape design of a private house is contrasts

Creating contrasts is one of the most simple ways to success when designing landscapes. Every experienced designer knows: plants in the garden will produce greater effect if they are planted together. Even lush shrubs tend to look best in groups of 3 or 5. By planting the plants in one area different heights, colors and textures, you will make them highlight each other. But when grouping plants on your site, remember that the plants and flowers in each group should have the same needs for sunlight, soil quality and watering.

If you do not plan to turn the yard of your private house into lush garden, which needs to be looked after, then consider a combination different materials in the landscape. For example, in the design of a yard with a neat lawn, you can add an area with bright mulch (crushed stone) or a mound of stones (pebbles, gravel). Crushed stone today is available in a variety of shades, which can beautifully harmonize with the color of the facade and other external elements, and at a cost it is much cheaper than stone.

If you are creating a landscape design for a private house with your own hands, then do not forget to lay a layer of landscape fabric under the gravel or mulch, which will keep the embankment within its boundaries and will not allow weeds to grow. You can see examples of such a solution in the photo.

2. Curved lines in the landscape of the courtyard of a private house

Strict rectangular flower beds and straight ones garden paths today are extremely unloved by most landscape designers. On the contrary, curved lines are one of the surest ways to make your yard landscape look natural and give you the pleasure of natural beauty.

3. Add an alpine hill or other “island” to the lawn

Another idea for those who have a small yard or simply don’t want to plant a lot of plants in the garden! Add a rockery, an alpine hill, or just an “island” of lush plants or bushes to the lawn in front of your house - and your landscape design will become much more interesting and sophisticated.

4. DIY flower beds and containers

Nothing in landscape design is as satisfying as an element of mystery. And you should be especially pleased that it is very easy to add such an element to the landscape of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands. To do this, you only need old things that can be used as a garden vase or container for planting flowers. Look at the photo below: These simple ideas make you think about the past and inspire dreamy fantasies.

5. Use garden lights

A small yard can transform magically at night if you add garden lights. You can install them along garden paths or under trees so that they shine beautifully from below, or hang lamps made by yourself from bottles, cans and other scrap materials on branches. The whimsical play of light and shadow will stunningly decorate your area!

6. Create a cozy relaxation area in the garden with your own hands

Do you often use your yard for:

  • Cooking kebabs and other dishes?
  • Enjoying fresh air and playing with your children?
  • Evening gatherings with conversations around the fire?

Then you just need to arrange a relaxation area! Except garden furniture(table, chairs and armchairs), it should also have an element of sun protection, which can simultaneously act as an element of comfort and decor. How about forged or wooden gazebo with climbing plants?

7. Terrace in the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house

The terrace adjacent to the house is a popular option for a recreation area today, which can also be part of the landscape design. For example, like the option in the photo below: such a brick terrace with a fireplace in the center can easily be made with your own hands.

8. Swimming pool or pond in the courtyard of a private house

Despite all the costs and special requirements, small bodies of water - pools and ponds - are becoming increasingly common elements of the landscape design of a private home. .

9. Inspiring DIY backyard landscaping

Are you one of those for whom nature is an important source of inspiration? Do you want to use your garden for privacy, relaxation and meditation? Then, when creating a landscape design with your own hands, provide secluded places in the yard, surrounded by high and medium lush plants. Unlike gazebos and awnings that separate you from environment, a couple of chairs or a lonely bench among the thickets will allow you to merge with nature. For full effect, you can place statues, large stones, water features, bird feeders, etc. in the garden.

10. Dividing elements as an important landscape decor

Another idea for landscaping the yard of a private house, which you can implement with your own hands, is to install low fences and other visual dividers that will give the yard an interesting structure. You can also use such partitions as hedge and garden paths. Combine different types materials to emphasize the uniqueness of each area of ​​your site - recreation area, playground, flower plantings, vegetable garden, etc.

DIY landscape design of a private house with 30 photos of courtyards updated: April 5, 2017 by: Margarita Glushko