home · Tool · Photo of the yard of a private house or how to arrange a personal plot with your own hands. Arrangement of the local area of ​​a private house - creating your own design House in the courtyard of the estate 7

Photo of the yard of a private house or how to arrange a personal plot with your own hands. Arrangement of the local area of ​​a private house - creating your own design House in the courtyard of the estate 7

The beauty and functionality of a private yard is one of the priorities of a good owner. When creating a comfortable space on a designated plot of land, sometimes you have to make efforts comparable to those required for arranging a home interior. However, this process is not only within the capabilities of a professional designer.

The courtyard of this private house is intended for recreation

Let's clarify the purpose of our yard

First of all, you should think about what functions the plot of land will perform. Some owners of private houses cannot imagine their vacation without shady garden, others definitely need an artificial pond with decorative fish, and in winter - an ice skating rink for children. All this requires additional space, which should be immediately taken into account in the site improvement project. On the allocated territory it is necessary to correctly place structures for household needs. To make the task easier, we have compiled a list from which you can choose what is difficult to do without:

  • sauna and summer shower;
  • garage;
  • various outbuildings;
  • swimming pool or decorative pond;
  • summer kitchen, which can be equipped with a barbecue;
  • dog house;
  • playground for children;
  • fruit trees and shrubs;
  • garden;
  • paths and green spaces.

Having compiled your own list, it is worth expressing on paper all the ideas for landscaping the territory so that the necessary structures fit on the site - from the kitchen to the garage. This process allows you to consider the shortcomings of the scheme, as well as to understand everything by looking at the composition from above. It is important to consider how convenient it will be to move around the territory, as well as how the plot will look from different vantage points.

When planning a site, you need to think through everything in detail. necessary buildings and plantings

We divide the yard into sections according to function

To increase the functionality of a personal plot, it makes sense to consider dividing it into zones. This technique allows you to allocate a place for relaxation, create a children's corner, and also separate vegetable beds from the main area. To define clear boundaries, you can use several fencing options:

  1. For the sports department, children's corner or a relaxation area, a low picket fence is suitable.
  2. Sometimes you need to build a cozy corner that will not be visible from the street. In this situation, trellises or modern garden trellises are suitable.
  3. The partition can be constructed conditionally - for example, using forged arches, braided with roses or other climbing plants. Such fences will serve as the basis for landscaping the area; they are easy to make with your own hands.
  4. Some types of partitions from natural material– bamboo, wicker, rattan are in perfect harmony with any structures in the yard, and also serve as a wonderful decorative element.
  5. Mats as fencing will help in creating oriental style private courtyard. In this case, it is recommended to plant plants that love the sun in flower beds.
  6. The vegetable garden can be separated using a fence made of bricks, stones, fastened cement mortar, and other available means.

The yard is divided by a trellis into a recreation area and a utility area

Paths for traffic and decoration

Paths are a necessary functional element of any yard. If you pay enough attention to them, they will become a real decoration of the territory. We will note several options for arranging paths:

  1. To improve the central part of the yard, it is best to build paths made of stone, paving stones or concrete tiles. To make them unusual and spectacular, the gaps between the slabs can be filled with small pebbles or glass granules. Or plant grass and other low-growing plants in these gaps. It is important that the plantings are not too demanding to maintain.
  2. The yard will be decorated with paths made from wooden saw cuts. They are fixed as close to each other as possible, and sawdust or bark is poured into the gaps between the round elements. Such paths are appropriate anywhere in the yard - they look good both in the center and between the trees.
  3. Modern landscape designers often suggest using wooden boards as the basis of the tracks. In this case, each element must be carefully adjusted to each other in order to obtain the most even surface possible. After constructing such paths, they need to be painted or varnished to increase their service life.
  4. Most simple tracks You can build them in the garden - just sprinkle them with gravel.

Easy and pleasant to move around beautiful path

Plantings and decor

Landscaping land plot- an important component of its appearance. With the help of thoughtful and well-executed flower beds, correctly selected shrubs and trees, a simple and unremarkable courtyard can easily be turned into a cozy garden.

A house surrounded by greenery

If the walls of the house have lost their original appearance, they can be hidden behind climbing plants. Do-it-yourself vertical gardening is quite simple. You should select the most unpretentious plant specimens: hops, ivy, grapes or wisteria are suitable. It is advisable to plant them under the wall that faces the sun. All you need for this is a strip of earth under the house, or long container boxes with soil.

The second option for vertical gardening is simpler. You need to start by attaching identical containers with soil to the wall or fence, in which you should plant flowers and herbs. Can be used plastic bottles, milk cans and other unnecessary material.

Vertical gardening at home has its own characteristics. It is worth remembering that the walls of the house, entwined with greenery, better retain coolness, since dense foliage retains Sun rays. Probably, this method of landscaping is not suitable for those whose house is located in the shady part of the yard.

The garden is made of stones

It’s not difficult to set up a rock garden on your property, and besides, such decor will cost very little. Landscape design in general and the landscaping of the site in particular will become more original if it is emphasized with a stone composition. Note that such a solution has many advantages, the main one of which is easy maintenance.

With the right approach to the issue, a rock garden will become the highlight of any private territory. To construct it, you will need large boulders, which should be placed in a designated area. It is better to select stones of different colors and textures, harmoniously combining them with each other.

Stone sellers have already thought of a stone garden

Gabions will highlight the stylish design of the site

Many summer residents successfully use unexpected materials, the purpose of which may be different. Landscape design experts suggest using gabions in landscaping the site. These are metal frame meshes that are designed to create retaining walls. Such elements in the design of the site will not only give it modern look, but will also serve as a support.

Gabions can be filled with crushed stone, stone and even bottles. With their help, it’s easy to set up a place to relax with a barbecue, make a fence near a pond, or build a small table. They are used to create fences, borders for raised flower beds or beds, and also as a base for a long garden bench. As you can see, with a certain level of imagination, it is not difficult to come up with your own application for such structures.

Gabions can perform a variety of functions

Expanded clay concrete for garden decoration

Perhaps after construction you still have unused blocks of expanded clay concrete. There is no need to throw them away; it is better to use them for landscaping the site. Thanks to its hollow design, this material is excellent for arranging small flower beds; it is also used for fencing beds. Besides, expanded clay concrete blocks can be used to create a barbecue, on the sides of which it is proposed to store firewood. Interesting example on the picture.

To build a barbecue, even one block may be enough, on which you can cook mini vegetable kebabs

We create comfort from unnecessary things

Those who decide to decorate a garden from scrap materials can successfully use unnecessary pieces of furniture, things, as well as any household utensils for decoration. Read also: Let's offer some simple ideas:

  1. Vertical gardening of a patio with your own hands is much easier to do on a ready-made basis. So, on a stepladder you can comfortably place boxes with flowers, and old chairs and a chest of drawers will serve as the basis for creating a flower bed.
  2. Tin kettles, galvanized buckets, watering cans can do a good job for a thrifty owner. All these waste materials that can no longer be used for their intended purpose can enliven the design of the patio. You just need to pour soil into each of them and plant your favorite plants.
  3. If you paint an old bike a bright yellow, white or orange, you can hang it under the roof of your shed or garage. This decor looks very unusual and stylish.
  4. You can also use wooden boxes in which to store apples and potatoes. It is advisable to paint the boxes, strengthen the open side parts, pour soil into them and plant bright, unpretentious plants. All this will help create a special atmosphere - rustic comfort, naturalness and closeness to nature.

You can very simply use an old umbrella by turning it into a bright and a unique flower bed


Any area will be decorated with a decorative mill. It seems to us that such decor for a private courtyard amazingly combines popularity and originality. The decorative mill pleases both adults and children equally. It can be easily and simply made with your own hands from a variety of materials. Just don’t overdo it with the size: too big will seem inappropriate.

A simple mill enriches the landscape

Everyone is tired of the tree trunk

It happens that there is an outdated tree in the yard. The owner's first instinct is to turn it into firewood for barbecue so that it does not spoil appearance garden Landscape designers advise not to rush to get rid of this tree, but to try to create an element of garden decor from it with your own hands.

For example, if you cut down the branches and top, the tree can be used as the basis for a decorative house or castle. It is enough to build a roof from old boards, attach doors and windows - and the elf’s house is ready. It’s even easier to make a flower bed out of a stump, or to arrange a flower garden in a hollowed out trunk, laying it on the ground. The photo shows interesting option decorating dried wood.

You can build an unusual flower bed from a stump; just dig out the necessary hole in it, cover it with soil and plant flowers.

Floral monument to the car

It happens that owners keep their grandfather’s old car for decades, which is already for a long time not on the move. Designers suggest using its body for decorative flower bed. Some craftsmen plant climbing plants in such a way that they completely cover the body of the car, leaving only the windows. Landscape design also offers another option for landscaping - filling the space under the hood and in the trunk with soil in which you can plant plants. The body itself should be painted with bright paint.

For such a flower bed, the make of the car does not matter

The necessity and charm of lighting and backlighting

One of key features A beautiful yard is the presence of lighting. Today there are many ways to illuminate an area. Lighting will help in landscaping any plot of land. It will allow you to highlight accents and enhance the perception of a particular decorative element. In addition, lighting will help you navigate a large area and spend your evenings in comfort.

Pleasant to watch, convenient to move around with correct lighting
  1. Landscape designers recommend paying special attention to the lighting of sculptures, fountains, paths, and beautiful plants.
  2. Not too budget-friendly, but LED elements mounted in tiled paths look incredibly impressive. Using the illuminated dots, you can create a starry panorama right on the track. A project of such a composition can be completed without the help of a professional.
  3. Water lily lamps are designed to illuminate a pond or other artificial reservoir. They float freely, reflecting off the surface of the water, which creates the effect double light. It turns out to be quite an elegant spectacle.
  4. Poles with lanterns are the most practical solution. With the help of vertical lighting it is easy to find the path from the gate to the house. It is also important to illuminate the porch - here you can attach a decorative lantern in a medieval style.
  5. Site lighting is a necessary element of celebration design. If you are planning a wedding or anniversary, the area around the house needs to be well lit. Not only stationary lamps, but also garlands that can be used to decorate trees, partitions, and hedges can cope with the task of creating a festive mood.

We have demonstrated affordable and popular ways to decorate a site. Our article is intended to provide inspiration to those who dream of turning their garden into a designer creation. If you are new to this business, do not restrain yourself for fear of lack of experience. Practically, any of us can bring to life the most extraordinary and daring decisions. In fact, to improve your property, it is important to have a burning desire and put in a little effort.

When talking about a plot of a private house, many people imagine a garden or vegetable garden. But this doesn't have to be the case. Today, the arrangement of the exterior of a private house as a recreation area is gaining new momentum. We are already tired at work, so when we return home, we should allow ourselves to relax, and not run to weed the beds or remove weeds. How to choose suitable design courtyard of a private house and do it yourself - Dekorin will tell you in this article, and you will also clearly see photos of real courtyards.

Original design of the courtyard of a private house (9 photos): recreation area or vegetable garden

Of course, vegetables from the garden are tasty, healthy and always fresh, and you don’t have to run to the store. But it’s not always worth planting all the available acres with them. You can set aside a small area for a vegetable garden and use the rest of the space for another purpose.

Why don't you "furnish" your yard? Make it so attractive and comfortable that those passing by would also want to pop in for a peek? We offer you in the photo several ideas on how to make the design of the courtyard of a private house sparkle with new colors and be conducive to a good rest.

How to create an attractive courtyard design for a private house with your own hands - 10 photos

Beauty created with our own hands evokes admiration and makes us proud of the work done. Of course, you can trust the designers, but it will be more expensive and more formulaic. Therefore, we suggest you take advantage of the following interesting ideas:

  1. Landscaping the yard with your own hands by making a lawn, planting bushes or arranging flower beds;
  2. Decorate the courtyard design of a private house with interesting decorative elements, such as: garden statues, flowerpots, old furniture, crafts from scrap materials;
  3. Create an original recreation area for yourself and your children, inspired by the photo from this article.

Also read: How to do alpine slide with your own hands

Design of a small courtyard of a private house - 7 photos with simple ideas

A small courtyard of a private house is not a death sentence for creating a functional and beautiful design. Since the size of the plot does not always allow you to equip a terrace for relaxation or a large gazebo, you can create a small secluded corner with a table and chairs under a tree or near tall bushes that provide shade. Hang garlands, homemade lamps from bottles and pots with flowers on the branches, which will bring even more comfort.

Features of the design of the courtyard of a private house in the village (selection of 8 photos)

The design of the yard of a private house in the village is quite easy to do with your own hands, since old garden tools, wheelbarrows, flower pots and almost any worn-out items that can be turned into decor.

Put in order a private house much more difficult than city ​​apartment. This is due to the presence of a backyard area that requires constant care from a caring owner. And how could it be otherwise? After all, being at the dacha or in country house, we spend most of our time not indoors, but in the yard.

A beautiful courtyard of a private house is the dream of many owners. But not everyone can afford to hire landscape designers that could develop suitable project its arrangement. So what? Let's try to do this ourselves, going through several stages to build a comfortable and beautiful home space.

First, you should consider what functionality you expect from your yard. Do you want to grow here? flower beds, relax on a sun lounger or maybe raise fish in an artificial pond? For all these types of activities, a place should be allocated, that is, the space should be divided into functional areas.

Cozy garden furniture and the fireplace formed a seating area at the back wall of the house

Think about which areas are necessary for you (for example, a playground - if you have children), which are desirable, and which are easy to refuse. If the yard is small, then optimal solution will combine some zones. For example, put folding chairs on the lawn that can be easily removed and turn the seating area into... a golf course.

Stage #2. We separate zones with screens, fences, arches

For visual differentiation, it is optimal to take advantage of landscaping opportunities. In this case, the garden boundaries will be hedges, dense bushes, tall perennials.

The shade from the thickets of derain allows you to rest on garden bench on hot summer days

A squat picket fence can surround a recreation area or a football field. The main thing is not to overload the fence. It should look “airy” and not dominate the garden space.

An arch or pergola over the path leading to the functional area often acts as a natural complement to such a fence. Such structures overgrown with climbing roses, clematis, morning glory and other beautiful flowering vines.

If you need to create a small shady corner, closed from neighbors, try using the most simple designs- trellises or garden trellises. Entwined with climbing plants, they create the impression of a solid green wall.

To protect the dining area garden area from wind and sun, enclosing trellises and a traditional pergola were used

In open areas, garden screens and screens are often used to create a limited area. Additionally, they serve to create shade and protection from the wind. The most popular such designs are frames with padded slats, wooden panels with carved perforations. Partitions made of bamboo, rattan or wicker look very beautiful and stylish.

A light screen made of reed mats enhances the oriental flavor small garden

Stage #3. We think over the paving of platforms and paths

In the front area of ​​the yard, paving stones are appropriate, concrete slabs, cut stone (sandstone, limestone, granite, basalt). A popular solution is to leave a soil space between the slabs and fill it with pebbles, sand, and glass granules. Or unpretentious low-growing plants are planted in “pockets”: juveniles, rock cloves, saxifrage, thyme, etc.

An area paved with irregularly shaped granite slabs is especially suitable for a patio.

You can use wood cuts to pave the paths of an informal yard. The space between them is filled with sawdust and crushed bark. Such solutions, close to nature, will look especially advantageous in shady corners of the yard, among bushes and trees.

A path made from round saw cuts looks natural and original

The gaps between the cuts can also be filled with small crushed stone, gravel or sand. Then the paths will become more elegant and discreet. In this form, they can be placed in ceremonial flower beds, mixborders, and even near the front door of the house.

In recent years, designers have begun to use narrow boards tightly fitted to each other as paving paths. The wooden sidewalk is painted or varnished. Instead of ordinary boards, it is more convenient to use sections of ready-made garden parquet - decking.

The decking path is quickly installed and long years does not need repair

When choosing paving material, you should sketch out on paper a plan for future paths and areas. The closer they are to home, the more reserved they should be. Paving stones, bricks, decking, and slabs are more appropriate here. In various “thematic” areas: near an impromptu pond, a bridge, in a rock garden or in stylized mixborders, paving is supposed to be more informal. It's better if it's messy, with irregular shapes, made of gravel, sand, crushed stone, wood mulch and other natural materials.

Stage #4. Landscaping the yard

To create a beautiful yard with your own hands, sometimes all you need to do is choose and arrange the right plantings.

Start with trees and shrubs. They add variety to the geometry of the garden, create natural shady areas, and protect from the wind. In addition, they help to focus attention on significant details of the garden. For example, a free-standing chestnut helps to “notice” and garden bench located in its shadow. A rose bush on the lawn brings bright notes to the monotony of the green lawn. And the juniper bushes, densely planted along garden path, emphasize its outlines and create a natural border.

A mixed border of various conifers can be a replacement for a parterre flower garden near the house

To add bright notes to your yard design, you cannot do without planting brightly flowering plants. With their help you can create beautiful multi-colored or monochromatic landscapes. When planning a flowerbed in a small local area, give preference to a set of plants whose flowering periods occur continuously one after another. Such a flowerbed will delight you with bright colors all season long.

Flower planting are able to make even the most boring yard with heavy buildings interesting and bright

Courtyards filled with flowers always attract the eye. But areas with a predominance of decorative foliage plants look no less original, although more restrained. Among them, species with sculpturally outlined, large leaves of unusual tones are especially valued. In ferns they are lacy and long, in hostas they are large, corrugated, in heucheras they are painted in multi-colored tones.

A yard with decorative foliage plants looks noble

Lawns have become very popular in recent years. Sometimes the entire free area of ​​the yard is planted with cereal grasses. However, do not think that there will be little hassle with this landscaping option. The inevitable trampling of grass, the need for overseeding, regular walks with a lawn mower - this is just a small list of what you will have to face.

A thick, evenly trimmed lawn does not lose its position as one of the most decorative elements of the yard

More and more common beautiful yards at dachas, the sites of which are completely paved with stone or paving stones. This is done to maintain the required style or for convenience - such a yard is easy to keep clean. To green this area, plants are used in flowerpots, which are put outside in the summer and brought indoors for storage in the winter. In this way, you can place any heat-loving exotics in your yard: cypress, azalea, yucca, lemon, pomegranate, etc.

Exotic, heat-loving plants in containers highlight the Mediterranean style of the garden

Another way to decorate a yard involves vertical gardening. Landing climbing vines on supports allows you to plant many plants in a small area and create a relief volume of the garden. You can use existing buildings and structures in the yard as supports: fences, poles, tree trunks, gazebos. Special supports - trellises, trellises, pergolas, arches - along with their supporting function, play the role of delimiters of garden space.

Abundant flowering of climbing roses on garden arches

Stage #5. We use decorative elements

It will be easier to decorate your yard beautifully, as professional designers do, if you use special decorative elements.

Large garden decorations give the garden a stylistic direction, add the necessary accents, and create dynamics. Various sculptures, fountains, obelisks are placed in open areas, in courtyards, patios, and flower beds.

Small decorations are also relevant - they add a special charm to the yard design. Especially loved by the people garden figurines in the form of animals or fairy tale characters. The main thing is not to overdo it with their number, so as not to turn the yard into a children's playground. Although for families with children this is not so bad!

Wooden figurines of gophers, placed in plantings, diversify the interior of the yard

In modern landscape design, a combination of decorative role with functional. Various birdhouses, bird feeders, and squirrel nests are traditionally a manifestation of care for the animal world. But, in an unusual, original design, they will adequately decorate the courtyard interior. Art objects with beneficial properties Stylized fences made of vines, decorative flowerpots, and wicker garden screens can be used.

Fun colorful containers made from metal barrelsoriginal idea for decorative garden

Stage #6. We design artificial reservoirs

Having your own pool is the dream of many homeowners. Suitable for large areas concrete structures, the bottom and walls of which are decorated with PVC film or mosaic. The second popular option is the use of ready-made rigid forms made of PVC or composites. For small areas or seasonal cottages, it is preferable to use inflatable pools.

A swimming pool in landscape design combines the beauty of an artificial reservoir and functionality

If the pool is more functional element, then another artificial body of water - a pond - is intended to be admired. The easiest way to build it is to line the bottom of a dug pit with PVC film.

When creating a pond “a la naturel”, its banks are decorated with pebbles, natural stones. Moisture-loving plants are planted around: reeds, sedges, marsh iris, water mint. You can also engage in aquatic plant growing by planting water lilies, lotuses, egg capsules, bladderworts, and urut on the bottom of the pond. Some green inhabitants of reservoirs are free-floating and do not need planting as such. Among them we can highlight waterweed, duckweed, and salvinia.

You can't swim in such a pond, but you can breed aquatic plants and fish

The pond can be supplemented artificial waterfall. The sound of water flowing from stone cliffs will help you immerse yourself in a state of relaxation and will be especially relevant next to the recreation area. Falling water is also characteristic of a fountain, which, in modern design, dresses in the most unexpected forms. Streams of water can escape from under the surface of a pond, fall from an improvised millstone, or flow out of a jug.

The movement of water in a pond can be easily created using a simple fountain

Stage #7. We create functional lighting

You can decorate your yard as beautifully as in the photo below if you use elements of garden lighting: electric or solar powered. In addition to their main purpose - illuminating the area, they are able to add a special charm to the garden interior.

With proper placement of garden lights, lamps and lamps, the yard at night will look magical

Garden paths, sculptures, plants, pools and ponds are usually illuminated. With the help of small LED lamps, built into the paving of the site, at night you can achieve the effect of a starry sky under your feet. Floating lamps in the shape of water lilies create an incredible feeling of a blooming oasis on the water. And lanterns on poles along the sides of the garden path will illuminate your path from the gate to the house.

Floating solar-powered lights offer a different look at the night pond

Thoughtful and well-designed lighting can become the most beautiful element landscape interior. If you apply all the above design principles in practice, you will easily be able to create a yard design that best suits your ideas about beauty and comfort.

The presence of a personal plot opens ample opportunities to implement different ideas. In a beautiful frame the main thing will look impressive. The territory can be marked for recreation and recreation for adults. Qualified landscaping of the territory of a private house will help increase the level of comfort and successfully solve a number of practical problems.

Read in the article

Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house: photos and comments

To make it easier to formulate your own wishes and prepare terms of reference, you need to familiarize yourself with implemented projects. The following examples in the photo are accompanied by comments that explain individual solutions.

This technology allows you to create a reliable coating with your own hands, providing good protection foundation from moisture. Install behind the outer edge. Reinforcement is used to strengthen the structure.

Reinforced concrete products are durable. They are able to perform their functions for decades without damage. But over large areas such coatings do not look expressive enough. We should not forget that this technique involves “wet” labor-intensive processes. To provide high quality you will have to carry out work at air temperatures above 0°C, in dry weather.

For your information! Yard surfaces made from asphalt mixtures are not recommended. Vapors from petrochemical products can have negative impact on human health.

In this photo, concrete imitates painted natural wood. The original relief looks impressive on sites of different sizes. It prevents slipping, so it is useful for outdoor use. Factory in-depth application of dyes is characterized by increased resistance to wear.

Paving with such products is suitable for pedestrian paths, driveways, and parking lots. If necessary, it can be performed in difficult weather conditions, immediately or in stages. A layer of paving stones is created on a bed of compacted gravel and sand with a slight slope to the side. An additional advantage of this technology is good maintainability.

Sandstone, as in the photo, is cheaper than granite. Its rough surface provides high level safety when walking in the rain.

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For your information! It is easier to figure out how to pave the area if you take into account the future use. If increased mechanical loads are expected, more resistant materials are chosen.

Landscaping and landscaping

There are no special GOST standards for creating a plot of land near a private house. You have to plan the necessary measures to improve the local area yourself. Accept correct solution The following examples and photos with recommendations will help.

If you reduce the number of plants near the house, caring for the area will be simplified. Flowerpots can be used for seasonal planting of flowers.

For your information! To figure out how to properly plant a house garden, in addition to plant parameters, you need to take into account additional important factors. You should consider the location of flower beds and the design of relevant structures, the laying of water supply, drainage, electrical networks. A comprehensive preliminary analysis will help optimize the design of a summer cottage and accurately calculate cost estimates.

Related article:

An ideal solution for fencing an area that will not only serve protective functions, but also to delight the eye with its beauty and shape. How to choose plants, what are the nuances in planting and caring for them - read in our article.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos and examples

You can create a documentation package yourself. In any case, it should contain answers to the following questions:

  • How to beautifully plant flowers in your yard so that they look good from important vantage points ( entry group, recreation area, from the windows of a residential building).
  • What to plant to ensure uniform flowering succession and create expressive compositions throughout the season.
  • What flowers suit general style design.
  • How to arrange utility networks and passages to facilitate...

Plants for the yard in a private house are selected taking into account the exact planting location.

Beautiful compositions are created using unique flowerpots and special design options

For your information! To study implemented ideas, use thematic photos that are not difficult to find on the Internet. When studying different options the complexity of the work and the reality of repeating technological processes should be assessed on our own without unnecessary labor and money costs.


Beautiful design of the courtyard of a private house

Arranging the design of the courtyard of a private house usually comes down to several components. You have to create the interior and exterior of the house - design interior spaces plus house facade design.

You also need to keep it in order garden territory, garden, and, of course, courtyard. The design of the courtyard of a private house is a separate topic that requires a serious approach to implementation.

The appearance of the yard should be integral with the architecture and interior of the house itself. The yard should present the house at its best, because familiarity with the owners’ space begins with the outer contour.

Zones that perform different functions should be combined and complement each other advantageously. This is the entrance group, paths, pond, recreation area, flower beds, etc.

Of course, there are different positions for evaluating design. And what may seem like a gross mistake to a professional, in practice, in private households, can fit quite harmoniously into the overall outline.

The design of a private yard requires certain knowledge in the field of composition and good awareness in the field of building and finishing materials.

Those who want to have a green patio will also need knowledge about ornamental and container plants, as well as some landscaping skills.

Courtyard design for a private house - Main points

First, this is the route from the entrance to the yard to the door of the house. Second, but less important, is the view from the parking lot or garage. And lastly, this is the view from the recreation area and especially the pool, if there is one in the house.

The design of the courtyard of a private house and cottage should be planned so that the main areas are harmoniously combined with the architecture of the building itself.

The patio in the photo is made in a recess. Some of the earth was removed, the edges were reinforced and lined. Decorative columns are installed on the sides of the perimeter. The structure is well drained, rainwater goes into the drain.

Different forms - different approaches

If the building is made in a modern style with strict geometry, a courtyard divided into separate rectangular areas, the functionality of which is strictly defined, will suit it well.

An architecture with smooth soft lines is well suited to a courtyard with a rounded terrace and not clear, winding lines of a swimming pool.

A house built in classical rustic style, a yard is perfect, the appearance of which is as close as possible to natural conditions.

A good solution would be to create a pond; during design, avoid regular geometric shapes. The outline of your pond should be smooth and natural.

Wooden bridge over a dry stream

If you want to bring some charm to your site, then pay attention to this method of landscape design. A wooden bridge thrown over a dry or watery stream, or simply located in any order, can become central object your garden. Both adults and children will love it!

You can make such a bridge with your own hands, but it’s easier to buy a ready-made one, especially since the prices for such objects landscape decor you will be pleasantly surprised. Surely in your city there are companies engaged in the manufacture or sale of landscape design elements, including decorative garden bridges.

Relaxation areas in the yard

The courtyard of a private house or cottage cannot do without recreation areas and summer areas, such as swimming pools, summer kitchens, gazebos, and terraces. Placing summer home cinemas in the courtyard of private houses is becoming an increasingly popular entertainment; the main thing in this matter is to competently design the place for its placement, and of course equip it appropriately with equipment.

Today, many furniture manufacturers offer their models specifically for use on fresh air, this furniture will become a truly exquisite decoration for your yard. Don't forget about outdoor lighting and a fireplace, these furnishings will create a pleasant atmosphere in the evening.

In the photo: stone pedestals and benches with wooden seats. Plants in pots stand on the stone floor.

Private yard design

Patio paved with stone slabs in a circle. There are flowers in pots in the corners.

Pergolas with climbing roses and a wooden bench.

Implementation of a patio in a small yard. Plants in tubs, wooden table and benches.

Courtyard design for a private house - Sculptures and fountains

Vertical sculptures or fountains work well as a link between the yard landscape and the exterior of the house. Their style should be harmoniously combined with the architecture of the building itself. Try to arrange them so that the eye glides along the fountains and sculptures to the main ones architectural elements building.

In the photo: the central part of the courtyard is a fountain in the form of bowls. Flower beds with bright flowers.

A small fountain in the shape of rectangular stones. The area in front of it is covered with fine gravel.

Three-level implementation of the courtyard. There is a lawn on the middle level, a gravel path with parking on the lower level, and plants on the upper level.

The stone in the yard is cooling. This is very important for southern latitudes. However, it keeps warm until late at night.

Two wooden chairs and a small number of plants. Lawn in front of patio and trellis behind for climbing species.

The rounded shapes in the geometry of the yard give it a quality fullness. Our eye rejoices precisely in smoothed textures.

Private yard design

Furniture may also be plastic. It can be quickly assembled and free up space.

An umbrella will allow you to be in the shade even on a hot day and relax in comfort.

Courtyard design for a private house - Green lawn field

The design of the yard, in its modern sense, will allow not to use any other green spaces except lawns. If you wish, you can do without them by arranging everything using decorative slabs. This option will be ideal for those who simply do not have time to constantly care for plants.

Flowerpots in the courtyard design of private houses

Planters will be a good solution if you like paved yards. Remember, when creating a yard, first of all you should be comfortable using it. Only in this case will a beautiful and functional yard delight you at any time of the year. In the photo: large ceramic vases and tall green plants.

Metal vintage furniture in shades of blue.

Polished stone with jagged edges as a floor.

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