home · Tool · Framing windows on the facade of the house options. Polyurethane façade framing of windows and doors. Finishing and framing around the window is an element of architectural decor

Framing windows on the facade of the house options. Polyurethane façade framing of windows and doors. Finishing and framing around the window is an element of architectural decor

Window framing on the facade of a house plays an important role in creating the overall appearance of the building. To decorate something beautiful, you need to choose high-quality, practical and aesthetically attractive options. On this moment There is a wide range of materials for finishing window openings.

Window framing materials

There are several ways to make the windows of your home unique and emphasize the style of the building. To do this, you can use materials for surface cladding and the shape of windows (this needs to be carefully thought out at the design planning stage). When decorating a window, it is important to take into account the material with which the house is decorated. You need to select according to external similarity in order to achieve maximum stylistic harmony.

Framing windows on the facade of a house with brick is a common option in urban areas. It is done using special masonry techniques or brick platbands. You can use a plain brick or a contrasting one. Special cladding can be done above the window or along its entire perimeter. For such finishing, shaped elements are often used - rounded, radius bricks or colored decorative ones. There are many framing methods: quarter (1/4 of the brick extends beyond the general plane of the masonry), checkerboard laying, jagged pattern.

If the house was cladding, then it would also be reasonable to frame the windows on the facade with this material. You can quickly decorate the slope, choose the color of the panels to match the walls or make a contrasting paneling. When using siding on windows, additional trim, profiles, and components are used. Wide cashers will look more profitable.

Designing such a window is easy and quick. If the walls of the house themselves are light, then the window should be darker and vice versa.

Framing windows on the facade of a house with wood is the most known method. Often, platbands were used for this, which can often be seen in private estates or villages. Carved window frames are considered an original idea; they are environmentally friendly and durable. Products made from oak and larch are considered the most durable and reliable. They don't actually rot. You can decorate the window with both openwork and rectilinear elements.

Modern window framing options

Now they have begun to use polystyrene foam to frame windows on the facade of the house. It is cheap, accessible, easily withstands temperature changes, does not rot, and is simply fixed to any surface. Polystyrene foam can be shaped into various shapes, painted in the desired color, or disguised as a different texture. Shaped cutting is carried out on special machines, which makes it possible to create parts of varying complexity and sizes.

The element is then coated with a compound to give it strength and water resistance. Such properties of the material make it possible to produce real stucco moldings from it - masterpieces widely used in facade decoration.

The framing of windows on the facade of the house can be done with metal, this is quite new technology. The product is made of galvanized steel. This material has excellent strength characteristics and is resistant to any weather conditions. Slopes will be an excellent stylish frame for windows; there are no problems with choosing a color for this material. Caring for metal is quite easy - just wipe the slope with a damp cloth. Windows with metal frame look strict and concise.

    Designing the facade of a house is a very important and integral part construction work. Also plays a significant role appearance windows, since in almost all private houses they are always in a visible place. It is very important not only to decorate windows aesthetically beautifully, but also to select high-quality materials for such a solution.

    At the moment, the network of construction stores has very a large assortment different materials, with the help of which to carry out cladding work on window openings. The appearance will depend entirely on the quality of the selected material.

    In addition to the choice of material quality, there are also quite a few differences in style selection. But despite this, most often they choose a modern or classic style for private residential buildings. These two options almost always fit perfectly into any exterior interior houses and complement general form facing work.

    Classic window frames

    Which type of home would suit different types of decoration?

    If the house is built of wood, it is most often and better to use traditional wooden platbands, which, if desired, can be decorated with various decorative elements. These can be carved figures directly from the tree itself.

    Wood frame

    You could say it's a kind of country style and is ideal for small country houses. It is worth considering that beautiful wooden elements Only a professional can do it. It is not always possible to cut perfectly even shapes from wood, so such framing requires a lot of time and effort.

    Brick frame

    Window brick house can be faced with the same brick with a difference only in color scheme. The brick of the window opening should only protrude by a few to one-fourth of the total size of the building material. We can say that this cladding method is the most economical, fast and simple compared to the previous one.

    Siding frame

    If the cladding of the house was initially carried out using siding, then additional profiles are suitable for window openings. This cladding is also quite simple and quick, and is also well suited for houses. different styles. Additional profiles for windows on the facade are assembled as a designer according to size and directly according to color shades.

    Framing a window slope with siding

    Stone Frame

    The decoration of windows made of natural stone looks very good and rich. So sandstone, shell rock and limestone are ideal for such installation. But you must remember that such finishing is very heavy, so it will only be relevant on strong walls. big houses. This material is not suitable for small and low walls, as it will place a large load on the foundation. In addition to natural stones you can add more classic jewelry– arches, cornices and many other decorative elements.

    Plaster frame

    In the guise of an elegant classic, gypsum can be used to cover window openings. This decor has retained its relevance since ancient times and is still quite popular today. in great demand. But on the other hand, it is not very practical, since the gypsum itself is fragile and at the same time heavy, and is also afraid of moisture.

    Polyurethane frame

    Finishing materials for windows also include polyurethane stucco. It looks very nice on different house cladding materials and fits almost all styles. In addition to all this, such a facing material is characterized by significant durability, lightness and has high resistance to external factors. It is very important that polyurethane stucco molding does not fade in the sun and holds good view. Anyone can easily choose ready-made decorative elements or choose to order.

    The most popular framing options

    Despite such big choice cladding materials for windows, at the moment there are several main ones that are most in demand in the modern construction industry. This includes window framing using brick, polyurethane and siding. These three options are really very convenient, practical and not so expensive compared to using natural stone.

    As for brick, it itself can also be of several types, and all of them are used directly for cladding windows. So, for example, it can be a special hyper-pressed brick with a rounded shape, which ultimately makes the shape of the window opening original and unusual.

    Another brick for facing windows on the facade can be:

    • ceramic;
    • clinker;
    • silicate;
    • and even glazed colored.

    Of all such a wide variety, the most accessible and cheapest is sand-lime brick, which is also produced in different colors and, if possible, it can be matched to any main facade of the house. The most impressive and expensive look is glazed brick, with which you can imitate window frames in the form of wood, stone and even a leather surface.

    It is definitely worth remembering that any window frame must match in size and shape with the main part facing material home and directly with the sizes of window openings.

    You can make great arches from polyurethane for:

    • windows;
    • cornice;
    • pilaster;
    • molding;
    • and rustov.

    These are all classic elements, the relevance and demand of which has remained to this day. In the construction industry such facing works Polyurethane is very highly regarded and lives up to expectations. Only for such a design it is very important to choose high-quality and reliable glue, since all the component parts are attached exclusively to the adhesive base. The quality and reliability of the polyurethane itself is not as important as the choice of glue.

    The latest current and common option for framing windows is siding. This material is especially suitable for those who want to decorate their façade windows beautifully and quickly, without spending a lot of money. It’s safe to say that this option is the cheapest compared to all the previous ones.

    Installation of window slopes with siding

    Siding on window openings can be laid different options. Can be done up to twenty various options and not be repeated. But in any case, it all depends on the hand of the master, imagination and own preferences. It is also worth noting that the main part of the siding will require additional trim, profiles and some other components. Wide siding trims look most impressive, even despite the overall size of the window opening.

    Framing windows with siding is easy and quick, so even a non-specialist can handle such work. It will be enough to choose a frame in a contrasting color and the window opening will look different. The main thing in this regard is not to overdo it with color and choose depending on the main shade of the house’s facade. There are not many options in this regard, since the main difference is in light and dark colors.

    If the facade of the house itself is light, then the design of the window opening should be darker and vice versa.

    The main thing is to correctly and beautifully choose the very texture of the cladding and take into account the style varieties. That is why experts recommend paying close attention to design options and in no case should you underestimate the importance of color shade.

    Another very important component is the material itself from which the house is built. It would be wrong to combine brick and siding on window openings, especially since they won’t look good together. In such cases, it is better not to select individual preferences, but directly in appearance, in order to achieve the maximum stylish solution and at the same time not overpay a lot of money.

Of course, it is important to carry out façade cladding correctly and using technology. However, such work as window framing is an important and final stage of all facing work. Properly installed slopes and beautiful window design give the entire façade of the house a complete look. It is a pity that many people do not pay due attention to these important details. After looking at the magnificent houses and their facades, I decided that I would not leave the windows of my home undecorated. I started looking through and picking everything up possible options frames for the style of my facade.

Beautiful window decoration is the eyes of the house

Do not forget that the framing of windows directly depends on the materials with which the facade is faced. Agree if you use vinyl siding for the walls of your home, then framing it with stone or stucco will look ridiculous and funny. It's still before the start installation work think about options for window design and slopes and combine possible options with the decor of the facade.

The construction industry is developing very quickly and there is a large assortment of ready-made architectural elements I was very pleased. To be honest, I didn’t even expect that the choice would be so great, and that it would be so difficult to decide on my desires. For myself, I have identified several options for window decoration, these are:

  1. Use of wooden elements
  2. Brick frame
  3. Stone
  4. Gypsum stucco materials
  5. Plastic profile panels
  6. Wood-polymer composite
  7. Finished elements made of polyurethane

A very large selection of ready-made parts allows you to carry out even the most original ideas, giving the appearance of the facade unique look. But, despite the beautiful frame of the windows, do not forget about the slopes and their correct installation. After all, it is important not only correct installation slopes inside the house, but also their external improvement.

Many people, including me, have plastic windows. Everyone knows that they are installed using polyurethane foam, which has poor performance thermal conductivity and is short-lived. Therefore, it is imperative to protect it from the influence of external unfavorable factors. Exterior window decoration is performed for:

  • Protects all seams from moisture, which leads to the formation of mold and mildew
  • Preventing the destruction of polyurethane foam, which is powerless to adverse factors
  • Bringing the entire facade to an impeccable appearance

Important! Slopes should be finished as soon as possible after completion of work.

for window installation.

We remove the slopes ourselves

There are several options for working with slopes that you can do yourself. I used putty. First you need to prepare the surface for work, for this:

  1. Using a utility knife, I cut off the protruding and excess pieces of polyurethane foam, and also cleaned up the areas with old plaster and paint
  2. Afterwards I treated everything with a primer mixture. deep penetration. Do not forget that it takes a long time to dry, so you need to postpone subsequent work for at least 12-15 hours
  3. Next I needed putty, using a spatula, I applied it to the surface and leveled it
  4. When the layer had dried, I applied another finishing layer and after drying, I sanded the slopes using a grout mesh
  5. At the end, you can paint the slopes to match the facade

This method should also be used to cover slopes indoors. Exists frost-resistant plaster, it is precisely this that should be used for external slopes. When they are smooth and all seams are firmly sealed, you can begin decorative framing windows

Polyurethane stucco

When I chose the style of the facade of my house, I gave preference classic look. I have always admired homes with clean, clean lines, architectural features, and subdued tones. Elements made of polyurethane fit perfectly into any style, be it classicism, stormy baroque or colorful modernism. Any kind of antique styles are combined with already ready-made options frames made of polyurethane.

There are many parts that are used for window space, and some of them:

  • Smooth or patterned cornices
  • Moldings with or without drawings
  • Decorative bas-reliefs
  • Consoles and arches
  • Various pilasters

It is possible to use both wide and narrow parts. It is enough to use one hint - if the window is large enough, then it is better to use narrow stucco molding, and if it is small, then use wide elements to make it more noticeable on the facade. This material has plenty of advantages, so I gave it my preference. A light weight, unusual options, opportunity self-installation and reasonable prices for decorative elements make stucco molding in demand and popular. In addition, cladding in this way is durable.

Using elements made of polyurethane, you can not only frame windows, but also create individual compositions for building facades. This way, framing becomes a fun activity in which you can openly experiment.

Don’t worry that the frame will not be durable and its installation will require special

effort. Polyurethane is practical and very lightweight material, even if you use large decorative elements, you can glue them yourself without any problems. And the ability to cut and process it makes installation even easier. Houses where window frames are made of polyurethane stucco look very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. On average, the service life of stucco molding reaches 25 years; it is enough to wash the elements as needed.

Polyurethane products are not afraid of direct sunlight, sudden temperature changes, and are not afraid of high humidity and keep their shape perfectly throughout the entire period of use.


When you plan to cladding a facade, you should think not only about the materials for finishing the walls, but also about the entire design in general. Framing the window space is the last and final process of all installation work and it requires special attention. If you think about all the architectural details before you start finishing the house, then in the future you will minimize all kinds of design mistakes. If you have a house whose windows require a brick frame, then an option framed with hyper-pressed or figured brick will fit perfectly. But the finished platbands will look great on wooden houses or on a façade made with wood-look siding. You can do the framing yourself, but if you are not confident in your abilities, you should contact specialists who will not only help you complete the installation, but also suggest the best solutions.

When designing houses, experienced architects assign an important role to the facade of the building. It is the face of the entire building, so it must be attractive and stylish. Part of the design is the window frame.

Framing methods

It is carried out using various building materials:

  • Polyurethane.
  • Siding.
  • Brick.
  • Styrofoam.
  • Fake diamond.
  • Decorative plaster.

Each of these technologies has its own characteristics, as a result of which the window opening will have an attractive appearance.

1. Frame made of polyurethane.

The the view is suitable to different claddings. For this purpose, polyurethane stucco is used. The finish is different:

  • durability;
  • light weight;
  • resistance to external atmospheric influences.

Under influence ultraviolet rays Polyurethane decor does not fade or change color. This finish does not require restoration over time. After time, polyurethane can be painted along with the façade of the house. The only condition– choose the right paint for polyurethane. The stucco molding itself has a service life of more than 25 years. The process is easy to cut, glue and, if necessary, drill holes. Installation is carried out using self-tapping screws, glue and other fastening materials. Even if dimensional elements platband or molding made of polyurethane does not require the use of technology, since they are light in weight.

2. Siding.

Ideal for cases where the budget for construction and repair work is limited, installation does not take much time. For this purpose, special elements are made, which remain to be adjusted to the actual dimensions of the window. Planks can be selected different textures and colors. Has a number of advantages:

  • Aesthetic appearance.
  • It looks neat and does not spoil the appearance of the facade.
  • Vinyl type is resistant to sudden changes temperature and humidity.
  • Easy to care for. Any dirt can be easily removed from the siding with a damp cloth.
  • If you follow the technology, it will last for a long period.

If the slope is wide, then approx. window profile. Docking is carried out using finish bar. For wide slopes, cut siding is used, which fits into a profile fixed to the frame. Even a non-specialist can perform installation. A contrasting design of the facade will look good; a wide range of color solutions allows you to do this.

3. Brick.

It is possible to choose only if the frame is replaced or overhaul. Used for cladding decorative brick:

  • Hyper-pressed. It has rounded edges, which gives a special effect when edging the frame. Resistant to atmospheric influences. To obtain different color variations, stone chips are used during its manufacturing process.
  • Ceramic. Features rounded corners.
  • Clinker. The beautiful textured surface and high strength make the frame durable and beautiful.
  • Glazed. Allows you to create original design facade. The surface can be glossy or matte. An important advantage is that it is not hygroscopic (does not absorb moisture).
  • Silicate. Sold in different color solutions, inexpensive.

4. Foam plastic.

The cheapest, but at the same time demanding additional processing. You can use extruded polystyrene foam (a type of foam). It is more dense and resistant to mechanical stress.

This framing of the openings on the facade gives thermal insulation properties structure. Important positive quality comes down to the ability to create decor absolutely different types, size and shape. Polystyrene foam is easy to cut and process. This is a special advantage over siding, which has standard sizes. Blends perfectly with decorative plaster.

5. Artificial stone.

They can be used to finish various surfaces:

  • Brick.
  • Concrete.
  • Wood and stuff.

The low weight of artificial stone will not create additional load on load-bearing walls. Collections of this cladding are available for sale, which include corner products. The production feature allows you to perfectly imitate various building materials.

The cladding is easy to process and install. Exterior adhesive is used for gluing. In addition to the frame around the window fake diamond used when covering other elements, for example, creating imitation columns, finishing the base, etc.

This technology is based on special mixtures. You can cover window openings on brick, stone, concrete base. The facade must first be prepared by removing cracks, leveling the surface, reinforcing the slopes with fiberglass mesh for exterior use and priming the base. It is recommended to cut off the remaining foam near the frame and cover the slope with a construction mixture.

7. Wooden trim.

An ideal solution for houses built from timber and rounded logs. Fastening wooden platbands performed using self-tapping screws or nails. The caps of fastening materials must be masked. If applied wooden lining, then the fastening will be hidden and the appearance of the cladding will not deteriorate. An important process is the correct trimming and joining of vertical and horizontal elements. It is recommended to use a miter box for this.

A clear disadvantage of wood is its susceptibility to the negative effects of atmospheric phenomena. Due to rain, sunlight, and frost, the surface will lose its attractive appearance. To maintain it, staining should be done every two years. Wood is subject to corrosion, in which case the frame frame will need to be completely replaced.

There are no prescribed rules or standards, although you need to start from facade material. For example, if the cladding of a house is made of brick, then the logical solution would be to frame the frame with the same brick. Contrasting colors are selected, the direction of the masonry is changed, etc. to highlight the window.

If plaster is used to decorate the walls, then polystyrene foam, artificial stone, and polyurethane are selected. This is explained important requirement for their installation, the need for a flat and solid base.

When covering the wall surface with siding, the slopes are processed in the same way. You can choose a contrasting color for the cladding to make the windows stand out. For wooden houses Decorations for the frame are selected from the same material. They must be pre-coated with protective agents to reduce the factor negative impact environment.

Role business card The building often plays with the appearance of the windows on the façade, giving it individuality and character. To achieve the effect, you need to correctly decide on the finishing of window openings and slopes.

What materials to choose for decorating windows on the facade

When developing the design of a building, it is necessary to think in advance about the framing of windows on the facade of the house. When choosing a material, the decoration of the walls, the style of the building, and the color scheme of the surrounding landscape are taken into account.

For structures built from wood, when finishing facades, in particular window openings, wooden decorative elements are also used - platbands and shutters. They can be simple or decorated with filigree carvings. For the manufacture of finishing elements, types such as oak, beech, and beech wood are used.

Advantages of a wooden window facade:

  • attractiveness, retain the texture of natural material;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • provide heat and sound insulation;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • It is possible to carry out repairs without special skills.

Disadvantages of wood finishing:

  • becomes damp, can swell, deform neighboring elements;
  • susceptible to rotting if proper care is not performed;
  • the development of mold and fungi is possible.

Modern woodworking technologies and protective equipment allow you to extend the service life of products up to 50 years. However, this means that finishing elements are regularly preventative treatment– impregnation and painting.

Layout and decorative brick

Brick houses are decorated during the construction process with the same material, but due to the peculiarities of the masonry. The arched appearance of the façade windows is especially impressive. The masonry is carried out with the bricks protruding from the outside above the wall surface (most often this is ¼ the size of the brick). This method is feasible only in two cases: directly during the construction of a building or during a major overhaul, when windows are replaced.

There is a wide range of decorative bricks used in building decoration. One rule applies to it - when facing, it is necessary to take into account the shape and size of the windows on the facades so that the finishing method looks harmonious.

Decorative brick

Result Material characteristics
Hyper pressed rounded Effective edging of window openings. Durability, resistance to environmental influences. The addition of stone chips is used. Color in various variations.
Ceramic Figured brick for finishing windows - with 1 rounded corner.

There are other forms for internal and external corners, vaults, cornices.

Excellent decorative qualities. Resistant to environmental influences.
Clinker Decorative effect due to textured surface. High strength indicators, durability during operation.
Glazed colored Perfect for original design solutions. The surface is glossy and matte. Can imitate various textures - leather, stone, wood. Color shown wide palette. 100% moisture resistant.
Silicate Wide range of colors.

The cheapest type of finishing decorative brick.

Decorating windows using decorative bricks implies strict adherence to proportions and symmetry. To ensure that the facade of the house does not lose its attractive appearance in the absence of skills, it is better to turn to specialists, otherwise you can lose not only time, but also money.

Siding on wide and narrow slopes

If siding was used to cover the façade of buildings, then the windows are decorated using so-called additional profiles.

The advantages of this finish:

  • work takes little time;
  • technology is standard and refined;
  • any type of structure is completed from ready-made parts, according to the principle of a designer.

This option has proven to be popular and inexpensive. Any surfaces, joints and openings have their own types of specific elements. As such decorative elements siding does not imply. The finishing is based on a combination of textures or a contrasting color is used. There are several ways to use siding to frame windows, depending on their position in relation to the wall:

  • the window and the wall are on the same level - a special platband is used, under which the facade panels are placed;
  • the width of the slope is 20 cm or less - used near the window profile. It covers the slope and acts as a platband, joining with the finishing profile near the window and siding;
  • slope width more than 20 cm - use chopped façade siding. From the side of the window it enters finishing profile, and from the outside - in an angular profile.

Siding is good because it is easy to install and even people without special skills can handle it.

Using a contrasting color for the platband you can make the facade bright and eye-catching. The only limitation: siding does not allow the use of any other materials for decoration.

Natural and decorative stone

Natural stone is used mainly for finishing houses in classic style With large windows. Such finishing implies a solid foundation and strong walls, because its elements have significant weight. Shell rock, limestone, sandstone - these materials are the most popular for finishing window openings. The result will be original and durable.

In addition to natural in decoration window slopes Artificial stone is also used. It is important that the framing of the window openings in this case should resonate with other elements facade finishing. Most often, a base appears in the ensemble, but depending on the design decision, the stone can line the corners of the house or part of the wall.

Concerning decorative variety finishing stone. First of all, it is much lighter than the natural version. Color, texture, shades - the widest range is available on the market, allowing you to implement any project. This is new construction market besides everything else it has good thermal insulation and resistant to weather conditions. Made from natural materials using high quality dyes that do not fade over time. This makes it easy to select material if it is necessary to replace a damaged area.


Gypsum does not lose its relevance and is one of the main materials for decorating facades, including the creation of stucco molding and the design of various elements.

The advantages of gypsum products can be called:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • variety of shapes - you can choose almost any option;
  • if some part of the facade turns out to be difficult, then stucco molding for decoration can be made on site, using existing forms.

It must be taken into account that the gypsum fragments are quite massive. This means that the foundation and walls of the house must be strong enough to cope with the load. Nowadays gypsum products are used mainly in the reconstruction of old houses.

To summarize, we can say that gypsum:

  • burdens the façade structure due to its heavy weight, making installation more difficult;
  • it costs expensive;
  • exposed to weather influences.

If you need a material that is moisture-resistant and lighter, then you should give preference to products made from polymer concrete.


Polyurethane stucco is an excellent alternative to plaster and stone. Lightweight, durable and rain resistant polymer material. Moisture-resistant, does not crumble, is resistant to cracks. Service life up to 30 years.

Polyurethane Decoration Materials allow you to implement most design solutions. At the same time, the walls of the building do not bear a large load, and installation does not require much effort. Another advantage is that the customer can easily offer his own decor design if he is not satisfied with the existing one.

Stucco molding is often used for the classic style, where the windows are often high. This means that elements such as:

  • cornices;
  • moldings;
  • arches;
  • sockets;
  • pilasters;
  • rusty.

Even if the windows have been replaced, it doesn’t matter. Decorative elements are fastened using special adhesive compositions, or due to mechanical fasteners, if the product is large. Stucco molding can be painted in the desired color. Usually cream or white is used, although modern design can also use brighter, beautiful solutions.

Types of windows

When choosing a design option for windows with access to the facade, you need to take into account what they are made of:

  • wooden - the “like to like” principle applies here. The wood finish will look harmonious;
  • plastic windows (PVC) - almost universal in relation to all modern species materials. For example, siding, decorative brick, decorative stone;
  • aluminum windows - mainly installed in industrial buildings, public buildings. Typically, siding is used;
  • metal-plastic windows (PVC plus reinforcing reinforcement). Also combined with modern, faux finishing options.

In addition, the shape and size of the windows must be taken into account. They can be small - ventilation or full-wall like French ones. The shape can be standard rectangular or round, arched, pointed and even polygonal.


What should the slopes be like?

Whatever the slopes are made of, their main task is to tightly close the gaps between the frame and the wall so that polyurethane foam and the seals were not exposed to moisture. This issue is especially relevant if windows have been replaced.

Plastered slopes are the most cheap option. Can be used for any type of finishing. The disadvantage of plaster is its short service life, so you will have to monitor the appearance of cracks.

Finishing with plasterboard gives better results compared to plaster. The material is more durable, cracks will not appear. The disadvantage is that it is glued to the external slopes of the windows, after which it is puttied and painted.

Foam slopes. Easy to install and last a long time. They are aesthetically pleasing, do not rust, and retain their appearance. Good thermal insulation.

Wooden slopes. Suitable exclusively for wooden facades. The material is expensive and requires precise selection by type of wood. The option is expensive. If the quality of the wood is poor, it will swell and crack. Preventive measures are necessary.

Slopes from plastic panels. They are in consumer demand. You need to choose very carefully, since plastic is for interior decoration When used outdoors, it will quickly warp and turn yellow.



In the video you can see design options for window openings on the facade of buildings.

Photo of windows on the facade

If you can’t decide how to design the windows on the facade of a building, then a selection of photos with design options will certainly help you.