home · Networks · Finishing windows with siding yourself is one of the best solutions for your comfort. Instructions for finishing window slopes with siding How to make window slopes with vinyl siding

Finishing windows with siding yourself is one of the best solutions for your comfort. Instructions for finishing window slopes with siding How to make window slopes with vinyl siding

Increasingly, when carrying out repair and construction work, facade cladding with siding panels is used. This material is very convenient: it is quite easy to install and has a reasonable cost. During the work, difficulties may arise in the design of door and window openings. In most cases, they are also covered with siding panels.


Siding is a popular material for exterior decoration of building facades. It first began to be used in America in the mid-19th century. Today many of its modifications are known. The various materials that make up the panels make it possible to achieve high strength, durability, and resistance to sudden temperature changes.

There are several types of siding panels depending on the composition used for manufacturing:

  • Wood. Its main part is processed wood.
  • Woody. It is made from wood fibers pressed and glued together.
  • Vinyl. One of the most popular types of material. Made from polyvinyl chloride. This allows you to achieve its maximum endurance and durability.
  • Metal. Its main component is sheet steel. Most often used for cladding facades of industrial buildings;
  • Cement. Cement and cellulose fiber are used to make it. Its distinctive feature is its inability to burn. However, during installation many difficulties arise. This is due to the high weight of the material and its properties.

Siding properties

Siding is the most commonly used material for exterior decoration of building facades. This is due to its main qualities:

  • acceptable price;
  • easy installation technology;
  • long service life;
  • resistance to external damage;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • resistance to dirt and dust;
  • a wide variety of colors and material modifications.

Nuances of work

Before you start covering the window with siding panels with your own hands, you need to study the basic nuances of the work.

The installation technology depends on the type of window structure. It can be made with or without slopes.

If the window opening is made without slopes and has a reduced level of recess, it is necessary to use a special siding strip. Conventional siding panels are used to cover windows with slopes.

Preparatory work

How to properly cover windows with siding panels? To do this, you must first make accurate calculations of the amount of material and basic measurements.

To do this, measure each side of the window. To the results obtained, you need to add 6 cm for reserve. It is necessary for the procedure of cutting corners.

In order for the measurements to be made most accurately, it is necessary to secure the sheathing around the window. Materials are trimmed with an additional allowance of 5 mm.

Surface preparation

Before you begin, you must carefully prepare your work surface. It should be cleared of the remnants of the old sheathing. Remove accumulated dust, dirt, paint and oil stains.

Note! There should be no cracks or crevices on the surface of the walls. They must be sealed using cement mortar or foam.

The working surface must be level. It should be sanded and all protruding parts removed.

To prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, the surface is treated with a special antiseptic solution.

Required Tools

To carry out the procedure for covering windows with siding panels, you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • building level. Necessary for monitoring the evenness of work performed;
  • square;
  • tools for marking (tape measure, cord, chalk);
  • regular hacksaw;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screws;
  • screwdriver

Stages of work

Before covering a window with siding yourself, you must first study the main stages of the work:

  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Window insulation.
  3. Waterproofing.
  4. Installing the launch pad.
  5. Covering a window with siding.
  6. Finishing.

Finishing features

Window covering with siding is carried out using two main technologies. Their choice depends on the type of window construction:

  • recessed window profile with slopes;
  • window with a low level of recess without slopes.

Covering a window opening without slopes

Work should begin with the procedure for insulating the window. To do this, you can use roll insulation. It is installed around the perimeter of the window opening. The insulation should be glued to the surface of the window using adhesive mastic. You can also use dowels to secure it.

If the depth of the window opening allows, it is possible to completely insulate the openings. It consists of several layers:

  • Insulation material.
  • Air bag. Its thickness should be up to 5 cm.
  • Siding panels.


After completing the thermal insulation work, it is necessary to begin the waterproofing procedure. To do this, you need to install a special protective apron. It will protect the window from rain and snow getting inside.

To work you will need the following tools:

  1. Foil. You can also use galvanized iron.
  2. Silicone sealant.
  3. Dowels or nails.
  4. Aluminum tape.
  5. Hammer.
  6. Hammer.

Waterproofing a window opening is carried out in several stages:

  1. Installation of the apron should begin from the bottom side of the window. To do this, you need to apply a layer of silicone sealant.
  2. Then the material is installed and secured.
  3. After completing the installation at the bottom of the window, you need to move on to covering the right and left sides of the window opening. To do this, the surface is also treated with a layer of mastic, then a sheet of material is installed and secured.
  4. Lastly, the upper part of the opening is sheathed.
  5. After completing the installation of the apron, it is necessary to strengthen the upper part. For this purpose, it is glued with aluminum tape.

Sheathing options

Covering a window without slopes with siding is carried out in the following ways:

  • covering with siding boards;
  • “overlapping” method of working;
  • "on the corner" method.

The installation process of each of them should be considered separately.

Window covering with siding boards

Stages of work:

  1. The installation process should begin with the installation of the central corner profile. It can be plastic or metal. In some cases, a J rail can be used.
  2. Preparation of slats. Corner cuts should be made on the top rail. This is necessary to ensure water flow.
  3. The siding board is fixed to the central corner profile. To make joints on the bottom and top boards, it is necessary to cut the corners at 45°.
  4. Fastening the boards using a joining profile.
  5. Installation of waste water outlet on the bottom board.
  6. Installation of plugs on side profiles.

Overlapping work

Sheathing is carried out using siding J strips. They should be selected and cut to fit the window profile.

  1. Installation and fastening of the upper profile. Installation of a hole for draining wastewater. To do this, you need to make a cut on the profile and bend it.
  2. Installation of side profiles. They must be connected to the curved top profile.
  3. It is worth remembering that there should be an empty space of about 5 mm between the side and top profiles.
  4. Installation of the lower profile. It is also necessary to maintain an empty space between it and the side profiles of approximately 3 mm.
  5. Installation of siding strips.

“Angle” method

  1. Installation of the upper fastening profile. Its ends must be cut at an angle of 45°.
  2. Installation of side profiles. They are trimmed from the bottom. A gap of 3–5 mm is established between the profiles.
  3. The lower profile is installed without gaps.
  4. Installation of siding panels.

The process of covering windows with slopes

A special feature of this type of window is its recessed location. Sewage can accumulate here. To eliminate this, it is necessary to install the ebb structure into the lower profile. The drainage pipe is cut to the required length. It is necessary to install a border along the edges to prevent water from penetrating into the profile. To do this, the structure should be bent at the edge.

Note! It is worth remembering that the drainage system should have a small protrusion from the wall. The best option is to install the device with a protrusion of 5 to 10 cm, depending on the size of the window.

The drainage system is attached to the window surface using mounting foam and secured with screwdrivers. The structure should be located at a slight angle. This will promote water drainage.

To prevent distortion of the structure, it is necessary to install a weight on the drainage while the foam is drying.

After installing the ebb, you can proceed directly to the finishing procedure. To do this, it is necessary to install finishing strips around the perimeter of the window. If it is not possible to secure them (for example, when working on metal profiles using body kits), then you can attach corners mounted from the starting profile to the openings and secure the finishing strips to them.

Installation and securing of the upper slope. To do this, you can take a profile or a thin siding panel. An overlap of 5 cm should be made on the side wall.

Installation of side slopes. They should be brought behind the top profile. To join the profiles, the slopes should be cut at an angle of 45°. The lower end of the side slope can be connected to the drainage system or installed below its level.

After completion of the work, the joints should be treated with a layer of sealant.

Finishing windows with siding is an excellent solution for obtaining an aesthetic window opening. If the specified operating recommendations are followed, the siding profile will last for several decades.


You can learn more about window covering technology in the following video:


The facade of a house or garage covered with siding looks attractive. Being a practical and modern solution, this type of cladding not only improves the external walls of the building, but also protects them from external adverse environmental factors. Simple finishing technology allows you to carry out the work yourself, without resorting to the services of construction crews. However, some home craftsmen are concerned about how to install siding around a window, entrance openings of a house or garage. Seeming difficulties can be completely avoided by familiarizing yourself with some of the nuances and features of the process.

Accessories required for finishing openings

Usually, covering smooth blank walls of a house or garage with siding does not cause any particular difficulties, even for those who are faced with such work for the first time. But the presence of openings makes it difficult to use complete panels, so they have to be cut in accordance with the required dimensions.

Siding manufacturers have developed a large number of different mounting and finishing strips that provide the facade with a neat and aesthetic appearance. All of them are grouped depending on their functional purpose.

Fig. 1 Types of mounting strips and profiles for finishing openings

To better understand the sequence and the installation process itself, let’s consider the use of some profiles for a home or garage:

  • initial strip - provided for fixing the outermost row of panels;
  • finishing - used as a clamp of the outer row and to secure the edges of the window profile;
  • J-trim is the most versatile trim used to hide the cut edge of siding panels around openings where windows or doors are flush with the trim;
  • window strip - required if the windows are recessed into the opening by up to 10-12 cm;
  • platband - used for window and entrance openings in cases where the window or door is flush with the siding;
  • external as well as internal corner;
  • connecting element - intended for vertical mating of cut strips;
  • hanging strip - necessary to remove moisture above the openings.

The use of this or that type of element is determined by the type of windows and the depth of the framed openings. The following options may be considered when:

  • The windows are flush with the installed siding. In this case, the most suitable width trim or “J-trim” profile strips can be used for finishing;
  • the opening is recessed into the wall to a small depth, which allows the use of window profiles in combination with a finishing one, adjacent directly to the window and, in addition, clamping the edge of the window strip;
  • the window or entrance opening has a depth of more than 20-25 cm. In such cases, you will additionally need profiles of external corners, a “J-trim” strip, and to form slopes, soffit or siding trim.

Arched openings require the use of special flexible J-shaped profiles (flexible J-trim). However, due to their high cost, owners most often resort to using a conventional profile of a similar configuration, cut from the bottom for better flexibility. Finishing such openings requires some experience, so it would be better to entrust such work to specialists.

Performing piping of openings

Accurate installation of siding around a window, door or garage door and the attractive appearance of the opening are largely determined not only by the correct selection of finishing strips and profiles, but also by the technology of joining their adjacent (vertical and horizontal) trim elements.

Please note that the finishing of openings, regardless of their shape and location, is always carried out before installation and fastening of wall panels!

In all cases, it is necessary to begin tying windows with finishing elements from the installation of the sheathing. A wooden beam or a special metal profile is installed around the perimeter of the opening, to which finishing strips are subsequently attached. But it must be taken into account that the wood must be dry and impregnated with moisture-repellent compounds. Directly on the slopes, near the window frame, small wooden blocks should also be provided to secure the finishing profile. Next, window strips are inserted into its groove, the outer parts of which are attached to the sheathing of the opening along the entire perimeter of the window.

Fig.2 Installation of opening trim

It is easier to join adjacent finishing strips at right angles. To do this, small cuts are made on the vertical parts directly adjacent to the slope, and cuts are made on the combined horizontal elements, followed by bending the material inward. This ensures the tightness of the joints. However, with the appropriate skill of the work performer, the cutting of the associated elements can be made at an angle of 45 degrees, which makes the appearance of the opening frame more presentable.

Siding walls with openings

If there are any obstacles on the walls, covering them with siding begins not from the corner of the building, but from laying the first row in the places below them. The connection of ordinary panels with profile strips of the frame of the opening is almost always made using the same technology.

When the trim approaches the lower edge of the window opening, a horizontal cut is made in the siding panel closest to it to the width of the opening. In this case, allowance should be left for the expansion seam. The cut out seat should easily fit into the receiving profile. In the prepared part of the panel, holes are punched for fastening with self-tapping screws. The ebb is installed as the bottom trim of the opening.

Fig.3 Installation of siding panels around the opening using self-tapping screws

1 - window trim with a window profile;

2 - ordinary cladding panel;

3 - installed ebb.

Sometimes, when window openings are close together, or in rather narrow places, it is not always possible to install panels in receiving profiles. In this case, two options are possible:

  • if the space for installation is sufficiently wide, the siding is bent and inserted into the guide profile;
  • if there is not enough space, one of the vertical profiles is partially dismantled, after which the required cladding element is inserted.

Fig.4 Installation of panels in narrow spaces

1- bending the siding;

2- partial dismantling of the vertical receiving strip.

It is always worth remembering about temperature gaps. They must be provided even if rather short pieces of siding are used.

Framing windows with siding is done according to a similar pattern on all walls of the building. In the same way, it is possible to finish the doorways of the facade of a house or garage.

Features of the work

Before finishing the walls of a house or garage, you should dismantle all protruding elements - platbands or stucco. It will also be necessary to ensure that the facing surfaces are completely dry. In addition, you will need to treat the slopes with a special primer with water-repellent properties.

During the work process, it is worth taking into account environmental temperature factors. Warm weather makes it possible to cut vinyl siding with ordinary metal shears. In this case, the risk of panel breakage is eliminated. But to obtain smooth borders of the cut edge, you should not completely close the cutting edges of the scissors.

When using a hacksaw for trimming, its blade should have fine teeth. This will save the cut panels from a sloppy, torn edge.

It is recommended to insert a disk into a circular saw for cutting plywood. Its installation provides a gentle cutting mode for siding. In this case, it is possible to simultaneously cut several panels stacked on top of each other, but you must ensure that the cutting disc passes right through the material.

When installing siding between windows, you need to pay attention to ensure that there is no sagging of the strips at the other end of the panels, otherwise even a slight distortion can “contribute” to the curvature of the entire exterior finish. The horizontality of the installed siding is controlled by the longest building level possible.

Hello everyone, friends! I recently remembered a situation when I helped my grandfather with cosmetic renovations at home for about a month.

We completed the internal work quickly, but the process on the outside took a long time.

At first, my grandfather thought of not changing anything, but then he decided to decorate the walls with siding. It was a good solution, I just had to tinker with the windows.

To make this process go quickly for you, I want to tell you in detail about finishing windows with siding from the outside.

What are the nuances and what should you pay attention to first?

Do-it-yourself window siding on the outside

Siding is considered one of the most modern and versatile finishing materials. It is used both for finishing the facade and for windows.

If the window trim with siding is done neatly and correctly from the outside, the house looks quite impressive.

The main advantages of this material include a simple method of installation, which even allows you to do the work yourself, as well as the ability to finish any type of slopes.

Helpful advice!

To decorate a window with siding, it is necessary to correctly install the sheathing around the window opening, only in this case the end result will look neat and pleasing to the eye.

At the same time, many people are afraid of installing siding in areas such as window and door openings. It is worth noting that the most important thing when decorating windows with siding from the outside is to take into account all the features of the work. In this case, it is quite possible to cope with facing the slopes yourself.

Required tools and materials

Of great importance in finishing windows with siding is the availability of all the necessary materials and tools, which should be prepared in advance. As a rule, in the process of cladding windows you have to deal with cutting panels. This requires an appropriate tool, but in this case you have a fairly wide choice:

The use of metal scissors, which are ideal for finishing windows with arched openings.

You can also use a hacksaw designed for working on metal or wood (provided that it has fine teeth); in this case, it is convenient to work with an electric saw.

Many craftsmen cut panels using a knife-cutter.

In addition, you will need:

  • siding;
  • galvanized fasteners;
  • self-tapping screws (for fastening siding);
  • screwdriver;
  • square;
  • level (at least 1.5 m long);
  • hammer;
  • water level;
  • rope and a small piece of chalk.

In order to prevent the appearance of rust stains on the cladding, the siding is installed using special fasteners made from galvanized metal.

What additional elements may be required to finish a window with siding?

Very often, finishing a window with siding requires additional elements. Thus, one of the options often used by craftsmen is sheathing slopes with wooden beams. But do not forget the fact that any type of wood is very susceptible to dampness.

In order to prevent the influence of increased moisture, the beams for finishing the window should be carefully prepared. First of all, they must be dried, then treated with a special water-repellent composition.

Do-it-yourself window siding is done using load-bearing galvanized J-profiles. Keep in mind that the rail must be installed along the entire window opening. Thus, you do not risk making any mistakes during the subsequent stage of work.

If your plans include facing work with slopes, you will need to purchase double-sided corner profiles. In the case of Euro-windows, it is not necessary to install canopies and ebbs under such windows. Other options typically require the purchase of similar additional items. Finishing windows using siding with your own hands can only be done after you have completely prepared the surface.

Before installing the frame and fasteners, it is necessary to remove all protruding parts from the surface of the walls and window openings of your home. In addition, do not forget that siding should be applied strictly on dry slopes and other surfaces. If plastering of the facade is required (if there are cracks, potholes and unevenness on the walls), it is necessary to eliminate all defects in the first stages of work.

In the case of large window slopes (which is quite common), it is necessary to install “double-sided” corner profiles. Accordingly, this will again require eliminating the resulting irregularities and possible chips on the slopes. In addition, you will need a deep penetration water-repellent primer, with which you need to treat all surfaces.

The process of finishing a window with siding yourself

Finishing windows using siding with your own hands requires preliminary installation of a sheathing frame around the entire perimeter of the window opening. Marking the fastening of the load-bearing sheathing begins with marking horizontal and vertical lines.

For this you will need twine and chalk. When taking measurements, you should not rely on the slope angles above the window, since in some cases this can lead to some inconsistencies. A level and square will help you avoid mistakes.

How to finish a window without slopes?

Finishing windows without slopes with siding is divided into several stages. First of all, you should measure the window. Keep in mind that when cutting through the panel, you need to add 6 cm of margin, therefore, add the indicated centimeters to the resulting dimensions.


Then, armed with scissors designed for working with metal, cut out the gap you need. In order to install the panel under the window, preliminary fastening of the supporting J-profile is required. Subsequently, you will have to insert that same panel into it. It should be noted right away that the external qualities of the finished finish will be as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

Immediately after this, you should begin installing the prepared panels. As a rule, they are all installed according to the same principle. In order to connect panels with J-profiles, the following steps are necessary:

On both sides of the upper profile, a bend should be cut, shaped like an eyelet.

For the side profiles, cut their inner corners to approximately 45º.
Finally, all that remains is to connect the profiles.

Installation of external corners of J-profiles for finishing windows with slopes

To begin, install external corner double-sided profiles into which the panels are inserted at the corners of the slopes.

The next step is to install the external corner profiles. It is very important that all mounting holes line up during the process. This way you will avoid problems associated with profile deformation.

Installation of the supporting J-profile should be carried out strictly along the perimeter of your window. When finishing the slopes, insert each individual profile into the grooves into the prepared panels. It should be noted that the facade of the house will serve much longer and more reliably if you place the panels on the slopes in a horizontal position.
source: http://moisaiding.ru/montazh/otdelka-okon-snaruzhi.html

External window trim with vinyl, metal and window siding

Finishing windows from the outside with siding will be done correctly only in one case. If all the manufacturer’s technological requirements when working with the material were taken into account.

Violation of the recommendations can lead to partial, and in the future, complete destruction of the integrity of the panels and the entire facade. If all conditions are met, the service life of the house and the window opening sewn under the siding can reach 50 years.

Selection of finishing material

Finishing window openings with vinyl siding is the most common method of exterior finishing. Metal slopes are practically not inferior in popularity. These types of materials are currently the absolute leaders in their segment.


If we talk about how to cover a window with siding with your own hands, then you should focus on plastic. The fact is that products made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride) have a lot of positive characteristics in relation to finishing a window opening with siding. combination of vinyl siding and plastic platband on the facade

It won't take much time to line the slopes. All you need is a screwdriver, a tape measure, a carpenter's angle, metal scissors or a jigsaw.

This minimal set of tools will be enough to do the work yourself.

In addition, plastic siding has a number of other advantages that allow you to choose it:

  1. Completely finishing a house with vinyl siding is advantageous due to the low cost of the material;
  2. The presence of special elements designed directly to finish window slopes;
  3. Simple further operation. A facade made of vinyl panels made by yourself can be washed with a regular car wash;
  4. PVC is not subject to corrosion processes and is practically indifferent to temperature changes and other atmospheric and climatic phenomena.


Framing windows with metal siding allows us to talk about a durable method of finishing your home. Naturally, provided that the material is manufactured with all technological requirements and has gone through all the necessary processing stages. Due to the fact that a special polymer coating is applied to the panels, the metal is protected from corrosion for 50–60 years.

In addition, the installation of such facing material allows you to completely transform the facade. This is due to the numerous color and texture range of panels that imitate natural wood or give the stripes a specific color that is not typical for PVC products.

Another positive characteristic is that the metal does not melt and does not support combustion processes. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the greater weight of the panels compared to plastic and the high cost. But all this can be compensated by long-term use and the unforgettable appearance of the house, the window opening of which is made of such material.

Useful at work. Metal siding is one of the most durable materials for finishing window slopes, and vinyl is the most economical option.

Nuances when installing a finishing profile

Finishing a window with siding, regardless of the design features of the building and openings, requires compliance with several important requirements. And it doesn’t matter what elements are used for this.

  • To simplify installation and give an impressive look to the completed work, it is recommended to use only high-quality fittings belonging to the same brand as the rest of the material;
  • You need to make a 45 degree cut on the sides of the panel. This will prevent the formation of gaps between the elements;
  • Window cladding requires accurate measurements of window openings. Failure to comply will lead to the presence of cracks that negatively affect the appearance of the opening;
  • Remember that all screws and hardware must be coated with a galvanized layer. They need to be screwed into the profile only at right angles;
  • The difference between a regular and galvanized self-tapping screw is the service life.

When using vinyl siding, in order to prevent the panel from deforming during temperature changes, it is recommended to leave a standard gap of 1 - 1.5 cm, necessary for the expansion and contraction of the material.

Subsystem installation

Covering windows with PVC siding and installing slopes made of similar material requires some additional sheathing elements. The fact is that you will need to install G-trim strips or a starting profile, which need to be attached to something.

To do this, a beam is mounted along the entire perimeter of the window, at a distance of no more than 1 cm from the frame. It is on this that the components will be fixed in the future. Plus, it is necessary to install a profile for the near-window strip or outer corner, which will be mounted in the future.

Advice from a façade designer. What will be used as sheathing is decided by the owner of the house, based on his own principles. For plastic, this can be a galvanized metal profile or a wooden beam. But, it should be noted that for metal it is advisable to choose galvanized sheathing.

Window trim without slopes

Since metal slopes are manufactured by the manufacturer and sold ready-made, all you have to do is screw them into place. Therefore, in what follows, we will talk about plastic window openings.

If siding is being installed around the window and there is no need to make slopes, installation of platbands will be required. This will require a sheathing.

It is to this that the starting or finishing bars will be fixed. At the same time, when installing without slopes, the latter is mounted in the upper part of the opening, and the finishing strip is mounted in the lower and on the sides.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The distance of the window opening is measured. G-trim strips must be installed along the entire perimeter of the window;
  2. After this, appropriate cutouts are made on the panel. Moreover, it is advisable to make them with a large gap of 6 mm;
  3. Before installing the bottom sheet of siding, it is advisable to install a supporting profile. This will give the structure greater strength;
  4. When finishing openings between windows, siding installation is carried out using conventional technology;
  5. The top panel is cut out and installed in the same way as the bottom panel.

Installation of platbands

If a decision is made to install additional platbands on window openings, the work process is as follows:

  • You need to start from the bottom bar. The width of the opening is measured. At the end of the platband a mark is made at 45 degrees, then a length equal to the previously measured width of the opening is marked. A mark is made with a construction pencil. Another angle is drawn from it, similar to the opposite one. The resulting trapezoidal strip is cut with a grinder or jigsaw;
  • The side edging is made in a similar way. The difference is that the corners are cut off only on one side, the top. The opposite casing is also cut off. In this case, you need to ensure that both segments are similar with the same length and symmetrical angles;
  • The top crossbar does not have chamfered corners. Its length will be equal to the size of the window opening added to the width of the casing. This must be done on each side;
  • All elements are mounted on liquid nails;
  • Sometimes, for additional edging, only the “G-trim” bar is used. Quite often it may differ in color from the main facade.
    Window on the facade made of siding with a beautiful platband option.

Helpful advice!

Window finishing without slopes is carried out sequentially, in the order as indicated above. It is recommended to measure each strip only after installing the previously cut platband.

Window trim with slopes

As mentioned earlier, covering a window with siding with slopes requires additional sheathing elements. The instructions for finishing the wall around the window are practically no different from the work described earlier.

The only difference is that instead of the “G-trim” strip, you need to fix the outer corner or near-window strip around the entire perimeter. near a window strip that performs two functions - the platband and the slope. The advantage that this finishing element has is that one side of the corner or strip acts as a platband, the other - as a slope.

In this case, the facing material is cut in the same way as the previously described method of making platbands: vertical at an angle of 45 degrees and only from the top, and the top crossbar is cut on both sides.

The next step in window finishing involves cutting and subsequent installation on the facade. In this case, the finishing strip will act as a guide element into which the edge of the slope or corner is fixed.

If a “G-trim” strip is installed instead, installation can be performed using horizontal sections of a regular strip, cut to the size of the resulting opening. At the same time, when installing window slopes with siding yourself, you should take into account the technological properties of the material, which depend on the ambient temperature.

Therefore, it is impossible to install stripes end-to-end. On the façade side, the near-window strip or outer corner is fixed with self-tapping screws using conventional technology.

It is important to know

When making window slopes for your home, it is advisable to think in advance about how to cut special locks designed to secure the panel in the finishing strip. To do this you will need a tool called a puncher. If you don’t buy it, you can try making such latches using a knife. But keep in mind that this can damage the strip.

Thus, finishing windows with siding with your own hands is not a difficult job. When wondering how to make slopes, you can carefully study the step-by-step manual and try to perform all the steps yourself.

source: http://fasadec.ru/materials/sajding/otdelka-okon-snaruzhi.html

Finishing windows with siding, how to decorate a window opening from the outside with your own hands: instructions

Siding is a universal modern material for finishing the basement and facade. Siding cladding is relatively easy to install, and it can be done with your own hands, without resorting to the services of expensive construction teams.

But many are confused by the complexity of installing material around window and door openings. Knowing some of the features of installing siding around openings, this work can be done independently.

Tools needed for installation

Finishing window openings with siding involves cutting panels. Therefore, before installation, you should prepare one of the following tools:

  1. Metal scissors - cutting the material with scissors should be done from the top of the panel (where the mounting holes are located). Also, scissors are useful for cutting material in shapes when installing siding in arched openings;
  2. A hacksaw for wood and metal with fine teeth or an electric saw;
  3. Cutter knife. When cutting a siding panel, you need to draw a strip with a knife, and then bend and straighten the panel several times. In this case, the siding will easily break along the intended line.

Also for installation you will need:

  • Hammer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Finishing a window with siding with your own hands requires a square to mark the correct angle of installation of the material around the windows and on the window slopes;
  • A level at least one and a half meters long, as well as a water level;
  • Chalk and twine for marking installation lines;
  • Self-tapping screws for fastening siding.

This is necessary so that under the influence of moisture the fasteners do not become rusty and do not damage the cladding.

The optimal diameter of the fastener head is one centimeter. The length of the fastening screws for installing siding is standardly selected at two and a half centimeters. The diameter of the screw for siding is recommended to be one centimeter.

Accessories for installing siding around window openings

To install siding around window openings, you will need special components. Finishing window siding involves galvanized metal supporting profiles and components for finishing window openings.

Advice. In some cases, it is possible to install sheathing to secure siding around windows made of wooden beams. But it should be borne in mind that wood is a material susceptible to high humidity. Therefore, the timber for the sheathing must be absolutely dry and treated with a special moisture-repellent impregnation.

To install siding around windows, you will need galvanized load-bearing J-profiles. In order for the finishing of window openings with siding to be done correctly, the lath must be installed along the entire perimeter of the window opening.

Also, if you plan to cover windows with slopes with siding, then you need to purchase double-sided corner profiles.

If the house has Euro windows, then installation of ebb and flow hoods under the windows is not required. If not, then you need to purchase these components as well.

Preparing the surface for installation

Before installing the frame and attaching the siding, platbands and other elements protruding above the plane of the building walls must be removed from windows and doors.

Before finishing the window with siding, you should make sure that the slopes and the installation surface are dry. And also, if necessary, plaster over uneven areas and potholes.

If the windows have large slopes, as is usually the case, then installation of double-sided corner profiles will be necessary. Therefore, it is advisable to level the window slopes with plaster mortar and treat them with a special water-repellent deep penetration primer.

Installing siding around window openings

On the Internet, before installing the siding, you can independently look at photos and video materials on this topic. Because a visual aid can provide much more useful information.

First, a sheathing frame is installed to secure the siding.

Installation of sheathing

Finishing window openings with siding involves installing a load-bearing sheathing frame around the perimeter of the window opening.

To mark the fastening of the sheathing we may need:

  1. Square for measuring an angle of ninety degrees;
  2. Twine and chalk for taking measurements;
  3. Long level for leveling the frame;
  4. Water level for measuring the installation level of the upper and lower supporting J-profile.


The cutting of horizontal and vertical lines for installing the frame must be done strictly horizontally and vertically at an angle of ninety degrees.

Important. When taking measurements, you cannot focus on the slope angle. It is possible that their angle of inclination may be different. Therefore, using a square and a level, we measure the frame along the perimeter of the window strictly vertically and horizontally.

Installing siding around windows

Finishing windows without slopes with siding consists of the following steps:

  • We measure the distance under the window. On each side of the window we take a margin of six millimeters. We also make the cutout in the panel under the window six centimeters wider than necessary.
  • Using metal scissors, cut out the required gap;
  • It is advisable, before installing the panel, to attach a supporting J-profile to the bottom of the window, into which the panel is then inserted. This will ensure the aesthetics of the finish;
  • Next, install the panel along the width of the window opening flush with the window frame;
  • Similarly, we install the siding panel above the window opening, as well as on the right and left sides of the window.

Important! We connect the J-profiles as follows. In the bottom of the upper profile above the window, we cut out a bend on both sides in the shape of an ear. In vertical side profiles we cut off the internal angle of forty-five degrees. Next, we connect the profiles to each other.

Installing the outer corner of the J-profile for installing siding around windows with slopes

Finishing window slopes with siding is carried out as follows. First, an external double-sided corner profile is mounted on the corner of the slope, into which the siding panel is inserted. When installing an external corner profile, try to ensure that the fasteners are made clearly in the center of the mounting holes to avoid deformation of the profile.

We install a load-bearing J-profile around the perimeter of the window. We decorate the slopes with siding, inserting panels cut to size into the grooves of the profiles. It is advisable to place siding panels horizontally on slopes. This will ensure the strength and durability of the cladding on the outside of the building.

Fastening siding around arched window openings

Finishing arched windows with siding involves the use of a flexible J-profile for installing this type of finish. The profile is located around the arch of the window opening. The nails are driven in in increments of fifteen centimeters.

Helpful advice!

Important. The ends of the flexible profile at the points of its connection with the supporting J-profile are fixed tightly. That is, we do not make a gap of one millimeter between the fasteners and the panel.

This only applies to the connection of the flexible profile for the arch and the supporting lower profile at the lower corners of the window. Next, fastening is done as standard. Self-tapping screws should not be fastened tightly to the siding panel; expansion of the material when heated should be taken into account.

Since fastening siding to arched window openings is a complex job and requires professionalism, it is worth entrusting it to professionals. In addition, the price for such work is not too high.

source: https://mastera-fasada.ru/saiding/metallicheskij/otdelka-okon-sajdingom-322

Do-it-yourself window siding

Finishing the facade of a house with siding will make it neat only if not only the surfaces of the walls are covered with this material, but also all additional profile auxiliary and decorative elements are correctly selected and installed.

Finishing windows with siding yourself can be done with high quality if the instructions for performing this process are carefully studied, and during the work itself, technological recommendations are strictly followed and special care is taken.

What siding is used for finishing

Siding for covering the external surfaces of the walls of a house is made from different materials, but the most commonly used are steel and vinyl finishing panels.

Vinyl siding. If you choose from these two types of siding, then it must be said that vinyl material is still more popular for finishing a house, as it has many positive qualities, and at the same time has a price lower than metal:

It is aesthetic and neat, so it transforms the structure literally beyond recognition.

The material is resistant to humidity, as it is non-hygroscopic, frost-resistant and tolerates the highest summer temperatures.

Vinyl siding is easy to clean up. Dust and dirty splashes that fall on the walls are easily washed off.

If the quality of the material is good and the installation rules are followed, the vinyl material will last quite a long time.

Metal siding. Metal siding is much more durable than vinyl siding, of course, provided that it is of high quality and manufactured in full compliance with special technologies. Such material can last for 45 ÷ 50 years, thanks to the polymer coating applied to it, which will protect the metal from the occurrence of corrosion. This layer can not only protect the base of the siding, but also transform it aesthetically, as it can have different colors and imitate natural materials - for example, natural wood.

The material is heat-resistant, and while vinyl slowly melts at very high temperatures, metal can withstand them.

Another positive quality of metal siding is its flexibility, which is especially important when decorating windows with special profiles. That is why sometimes, even when using vinyl siding for the general design of walls, they prefer to finish the windows with metal panels.

This finishing material also has a drawback - it is heavier than vinyl siding, so it is not recommended for finishing old houses with dilapidated walls, since the wall material may simply not support the weight of the finish.

What is needed for finishing work: tools for finishing window slopes

To install the trim on window openings, you need to prepare the tools for the job. So, you will definitely need:

  1. Screwdriver for screwing in self-tapping screws.
  2. Scissors for cutting metal, since you will have to cut profiles, adjusting them to the size of the window opening.
  3. Cutter knife – This is used to mark a cut or fold line for vinyl siding. Sometimes, according to the markings, the material is bent in one direction or the other, and it easily breaks exactly along the intended line.
  4. Hacksaws for metal and wood with fine teeth. It is more convenient to use a jigsaw with a set of appropriate files instead.
  5. Punch for making holes.
  6. Hammer.
  7. Square and rulers of different sizes, tape measure.
  8. Building level.
  9. Chalk and pencil for marks.

What you will need from accessories - profiles and fastening materials

Now - about the necessary profiles and fasteners and materials.

It is better to buy all the finishing details at once, since if it is missing, then when purchasing additional material after some time, you may not end up with the same color tone as the previously purchased products.

Taking into account the previous point, it is necessary to carefully calculate the amount of fittings in advance. The calculation is done as follows:

Then, the dimensions obtained by measuring the outer side of the slopes are added up, and another 15% of the total length is added to them. Low tides are measured separately.

The created reserve of material is necessary for cuts and bends, which cannot be avoided during installation.

What is important to know when installing finishing profiles

The appearance of the houses being finished can differ radically from one another. Therefore, the decoration of the windows will directly depend on what kind of lining and design style is chosen for a particular building.

However, it should be noted that there are general points in the installation of finishing materials that you need to know in advance:

Self-tapping screws for fixing fittings on walls and frames must be made of stainless materials or have a galvanized coating.
Self-tapping screws are screwed in only at an angle of 90 degrees - any, even slight, inclination will reduce the reliability of fastening the profiles.

Do not screw in the screws completely, all the way, strongly pressing the fittings against the surface. It is imperative to leave a gap of approximately one millimeter, leaving a “degree of freedom” to allow movement during thermal expansion of the material. Otherwise, when temperatures change, the panels may become seriously deformed.

The cuts on the panels for bends on the sides are made at an angle of 45 degrees. They are necessary so that when joining individual elements there are no significant gaps left at the corners.

If you plan to install a drip sill, then it is secured first in order to cover the fasteners with the vertical elements of the side slopes.

It is very important to press the cladding panels well against the slopes around the windows. To seal, sealant is sometimes applied to the edge of the inside of the panel.

In addition, you need to take into account how deep the windows are into the wall. How the siding will be installed on the slopes will also depend on the depth of the existing opening.

Russian window design standards require slopes with a width of more than 190 ÷ 200 millimeters. In this option, siding panels are used to frame the slopes, which are inserted into a J-profile fixed near the frame.

On the outside, the panel on the slope and the siding on the wall are finished with an outer corner, which will hide the joint between them.

Moreover, siding can be installed either from a single panel installed vertically or from separate equal fragments installed horizontally.


According to European standards, slopes have a small width, which is less than 200 millimeters.

In this option, they take a special window strip designed for designing slopes, which has the required width. Its edge is hidden by the finishing profile or J-profile.

If the window has practically no slope and is installed at the same level as the wall, then a casing of the selected width or siding is installed around it, which is framed in a J-profile.

When facing an arched window, a J-profile is also used, which is cut in several places for a smooth bend, or a flexible plastic version of this hardware element.

Installation of siding on window slopes

Before installing siding, it is necessary to carry out simple preparation of wide slopes.

Preparing slopes for cladding

It is imperative to inspect the condition of the slopes. If cracks or chips are found on them, they will need to be repaired and plastered. This process is necessary because cracks under the siding can expand over time, causing the old stucco to peel off along with the trim attached to it.

After the repair composition has dried, it would be a very correct decision to cover the entire surface of the slopes with a deep penetration primer, which will not allow the slopes to absorb moisture from the air, mold and other microorganisms.


Just like for attaching siding to walls, lathing is sometimes required to decorate window openings, especially if slopes are being finished in a stone or concrete building.

Before its installation, the places where the sheathing slats are to be attached to which the panels and profiles will be attached are marked. The slats can be positioned vertically or horizontally, depending on how the siding is planned to be installed.

The sheathing is installed infrequently, since in most cases the slopes with their inner side are located very close to the window. However, you need to know that it is quite possible if necessary.

Very often, siding and fittings are secured with liquid nails, and if the building itself has wooden walls, then self-tapping screws are screwed directly into them.

Window design without slopes

The cladding of a window opening that does not have slopes is carried out with fittings called platbands and, if necessary, J-profiles.

The first thing to do is measure the bottom of the frame.

The side panels are measured in the same way, but only the upper edges are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

Helpful advice!

The top trim strip is left intact.

Then, one by one, the side trims are fixed, their edges are inserted inside the strip installed at the bottom of the window. This way, there are no gaps between the individual panels at the corners. Before fastening, the top panel is installed in the side parts of the trim and also screwed.

It also happens that platbands are combined with a J-profile attached to the window frame.

Decorating windows with slopes with siding

If the slopes are wide, then you cannot do without low tide. The work begins with the installation of this structural element.

In order for the ebb to fit perfectly onto the lower plane of the window opening, this part must be well adjusted.
- To do this, measurements are taken from the bottom of the frame and from the edge of the window sill between the walls, and the width of the slope under the window is also measured. The last parameter is necessary because the ebb should be wider than the slope and protrude forward by two to four centimeters. Based on the measurements taken, a line is drawn on the ebb along which the metal will be bent or the vinyl material will be cut.

The excess distance from the metal casting is not completely cut off; it is removed only from the part protruding on the sides and a segment is left that will be equal to the width of the slope.

Along the marked line, the extra sections on both sides of the low tide are bent along the vertical walls. This installation of the drip pan will help avoid the formation of a gap between the drip pan and the side panel.

The prepared molding is screwed to the window frame, but first it is recommended to apply a strip of “liquid nails” to the area that will be in direct contact with the frame. This precaution will completely close the gap between the frame and the ebb.

In addition, the ebb is also screwed to vertical walls through bends.

The next step is to attach a J-profile to the frame on top and on the sides, into which measured sections of siding are installed. The bottom and top of the side panels must be cut at the correct angle, which is determined by the slope of the ebb and flow and the upper slope.
- The upper part is measured in the same way as the ebb, but its width is equal to the width of the slope. The length of one side is equal to the side of the frame, and the second is equal to the outer side of the slope.

The panels for the side and top slopes are installed in a J-profile fixed to the frame, and the outer side is sheathed with an external corner, covering the joint between the siding on the walls and the slopes.

In addition, siding on slopes can be installed in profiles and horizontally. In this case, you will need to prepare a certain number of siding sections, which are also installed between the profile and the extreme corner. The upper and lower sections are adjusted according to the slope of the low tide and the upper part of the slope.

Sheathing that imitates natural materials with a higher quality than themselves is, if not a dream, then at least an object of desire for most homeowners.

If such cladding is relatively inexpensive and can be installed in a short time, then its preference is undeniable. These are the characteristics that siding has.

Houses covered with siding have clear, even outlines and look neat and stylish. Such a finish, for all its external ideality, is quite simple and accessible to everyone; you just need to familiarize yourself with the general structure and several installation rules.

The installation itself is simple and intuitive for anyone; some questions arise when decorating elements of the house, in particular window openings.

  • Platbands.
  • J-bars.
  • Finish profile.
  • Corner strips (complex).
  • Simple corner.
  • Sections of main panels.

The listed elements are not needed all at the same time; this list includes elements that may be needed in one case or another.

A more specific list can only be compiled by having in front of your eyes a specific opening with its own parameters, the main ones being the presence and depth of slopes.


Many manufacturers produce their own elements for decorating window openings, which are used only for a certain type of siding. When purchasing casing, you should find out what components are needed for it and whether there are any specific parts.

Preparing slopes for cladding

Before starting work, you should prepare the opening. To do this, you need to remove all the design details - old slopes, casing, external window sill strip, etc.

The opening must be freed from all additional elements - brackets for lights, fasteners or other elements that interfere with the installation of the casing. The surface of the slopes should be cleaned of old paint, various layers, and all crumbling or peeling areas should be cleared and removed.

The presence of a large number of imperfections on the surface of the slopes may require the application of a leveling layer of plaster; in simpler cases, putty can be used.

Thorough surface preparation is mandatory and should be handled with the utmost responsibility., since after installing the siding there will be no access to the slopes.

Installation of sheathing

Along slopes it is installed simultaneously with the main one. All procedures are carried out - insulation, installation of sheathing strips, etc.. The same material is used as for the main sheathing - wooden blocks or metal guides for gypsum boards.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the installation of sheathing on slopes of great depth should be carried out taking into account the thickness of the insulation, the ventilation gap and other technological dimensions.

The fact is that the dimensions of the window block have a certain size and do not always allow you to completely install all the necessary elements - the casing may turn out to be too far from the plane of the slope and partially block the light opening of the frame.

In such cases, it is necessary to reduce the thickness of the insulation (or completely abandon it in this place), reduce the ventilation gap in order to achieve an acceptable position of the design elements of the window opening.

Window finishing with siding without slopes

To decorate windows installed in the same plane with the wall (without slopes), platbands will be required.

To install them you will need:

  • A starting profile is installed on the frame around the perimeter of the window. If there are many windows and they are large, then the consumption of the starting strip may be large. To save money, you can get by with pieces about 8 cm long; you don’t have to install whole strips. The profile is attached approximately 5 mm from the edge of the box with the locking part towards the window.
  • Platbands are adjusted in length, their outer planes are cut at an angle of 45°, for which it is convenient to use a miter box or electric saw on a special stand, which makes it possible to make precise cuts at a given angle.
  • The internal elements of the platbands are cut according to a certain pattern. The upper casing along the end part is cut and bent down so that rainwater falling inside can flow down these bent parts into the side elements. The side platbands are cut from the inside so that the fastening and profile elements do not intersect with the upper platband, and the lower platband is cut in the same way. When trimming internal parts, remember to leave temperature gaps of about 3 mm.
  • Installation takes place according to the usual scheme - the platband is snapped into place with the locking part in the starting profile, and secured to the sheathing along the nail strip with self-tapping screws. First, the lower casing is installed, then the side ones, after which the installation is completed by installing the upper casing.
  • Installation of platbands is carried out simultaneously with the installation of corner and H-profiles before installation of the main siding panels.

Window finishing with siding with slopes

The method of finishing slopes depends on their depth. To design slopes up to 20 cm deep, a near-window strip is used.

The installation method is similar to the installation of platbands, but there are also slight differences:

  • Window trims are cut to length. The top and bottom parts are installed first, but the trimming of the inside is different.
  • The upper part of the near-window strip is cut from the inside so that the side slopes do not intersect with the internal end elements of the profile. From the outside, it seems to rest on the side slats. Trimming at 45° is not required in this case..
  • The lower part rests against the side slats from the outside. At the same time, parts of the slope sides are not cut off from the inside, but are folded upward under the side planks. Actually, you can do the same with the upper bars.
  • Installation of near-window profiles is carried out by attaching the slopes to the finishing strip and fixing the other edge to the wall sheathing with self-tapping screws.
  • The side strips are installed after installing the horizontal parts.

To design slopes more than 20 cm deep, a set of sections of siding panels is used. In this case, the installation of each slope can be considered as cladding of narrow partitions or soffits.

  • A finishing strip is installed around the perimeter of the window frame.
  • An external corner is installed along the outer perimeter of the sheathing.
  • Siding sections are installed between the corner and finishing profiles. When cutting, take into account the size of the temperature gap.
  • The corners of the slopes are formed using simple corners (simply covered over), or double j-bars are used, as is sometimes done for internal corners. They are installed at an angle to each other end to end, one bar fixes the vertical slope, the second - the adjacent horizontal one.
  • With wide slopes, there must be a low tide along the lower part. It is installed before attaching the vertical sides; its side parts are folded up and placed under the vertical elements of the siding. This allows for high-quality water drainage and prevents drainage from penetrating under the casing.. The depth of the ebb is 4 cm greater than the slope (3 cm protrude forward for water drainage, and 1 cm is bent for installation to the window frame).


Finishing window openings is one of the most difficult operations when covering a house with siding. All questions that arise during the execution of work most often relate to the correct cutting of framing elements and the order of installation of parts.

Before starting work, it is recommended that you carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions that come with the siding. It describes in detail the installation process of all elements and, in particular, specific parts and components (if any). Once all the issues have been clarified, no special problems will arise and the window openings will be finished properly.

Useful video

In this video you will learn how to finish windows with siding:

In contact with

Finishing a building with siding is one of the fastest and most reliable options. The advantages of this solution are the speed of installation work and the possibility of simultaneous insulation of the facade of the house.

Although the technological process of such finishing is not complicated in itself, difficulties arise if it is necessary to refine window and door openings. It is not surprising that finishing windows with siding requires clarification and a step-by-step description of installation work.

Required set of tools

In order to secure the siding you need a standard set of tools. It includes:

  • Hammer
  • Hacksaw for metal. Needed for precise sawing of workpiece material
  • Angle grinder
  • Metal scissors
  • Square
  • Screwdriver
  • Roulette
  • Level
  • Hammer

In addition to the tools listed, you may need a plumb line and a water level. The standard set of tools is identical to those used when using plastic finishing materials.

Tools for finishing windows with siding

What material will you need?

In order to complete the finishing around the window openings, you will need special components and galvanized profiles. Namely:

  • Siding strips
  • External and internal corner
  • J - profile
  • Metal profile or wooden planks
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels

If the house has Euro windows, then installation of ebb and flow hoods under the windows is not required. If not, then you need to purchase these components as well.

It is advisable to choose fastening fittings that match the color and texture of the cladding panels. Or, if this is intended by the design concept, the fittings may differ in contrast from the color of the main finish.

Preparation for installation work

Making slopes is painstaking work that will require accuracy and precision from the master.

In order to please the final result of the work, it is necessary to create all conditions for safe and comfortable work. To do this you will need to provide the following:

  1. Install desktop. Cutting material on a knee, stool, or canopy will definitely lead to chips and defects. Some people use a circular saw for this purpose. It provides a perfectly even cut, and also makes it possible to cut the workpiece at an angle
  2. Prepare all the necessary tools. Everything should be at hand. Practice shows that frequent interruptions of the work process to search for the necessary tool affect the quality of the result and the speed of installation
  3. Install window sills. This will allow you to accurately calculate the length of the last strip that fits under the window. The distance between it and the ebb should be minimal

Important! Some siding manufacturers also produce all the necessary fittings for making slopes. So you can additionally purchase special tides from them that will match the tone of the building.

Window siding

Siding is attached to the pre-fabricated lattice. This happens in the following sequence:

  1. The starting strip is fixed on the window openings
  2. The outer corner is fixed, which, as a rule, has a double-sided notch
  3. Internal corners are installed at the junctions between the strips in the window opening
  4. Carried out around the window
It is worth noting that the siding you have chosen is installed around the window. If you choose metal siding, you will need to install it. is no different from any other installation. The installation diagram is identical.

If you want to give your home a more aesthetic appearance, we recommend installing basement siding yourself. Step-by-step instructions for its installation are considered.

The installation process itself is quite simple, of course, provided that the sheathing for it is done correctly.

How to make sheathing for siding?

Sheathing is a series of vertical beams made of wood or metal, fixed vertically to the external walls of a building. The outer edges of these beams form a “virtual” contour.

The main function of the lathing- support for securing siding panels. And the smoother this support is, the more presentable the wall covered with siding will look.

The main difficulty that the master performing this work has to face is the need to strictly adhere to angles, as well as horizontal and vertical levels. To do this, initially markings are carried out, then the rest of the installation work is carried out. They do this as follows:

  1. Determine the right angle at the bottom of the window opening
  2. Set the starting profile according to the marks made
  3. Starting from the lower dimensions, make the remaining markings
  4. In the corners of the opening it is necessary to make a kind of angle from the profile. To do this, you can attach the UD and CD profiles to each other. Then the inner corner of the siding will lie on this blank

It should be noted that installing siding without using sheathing is a gross violation of the technological process. The only exceptions are openings with a width of less than 19 cm.

Window finishing with siding on sheathing

If all angles and levels are observed, installation is not difficult. You just need to cover the finished window opening with finishing material. Difficulties arise only when it is necessary to make slopes around arched windows. How to complete this task?

Varieties of external corner J-profile

J-profile is a universal profile used for edging door and window openings.

Sometimes a J-profile is used instead of a start and finish bar.

Depending on the area of ​​window or door openings and their depth, it may be necessary to use a different J-profile. They are of the following type:

  • Double. Placed on a corner. Has two recesses for fastening on each side. Used for deep window openings
  • Single. This profile is recommended for use in those houses where the depth of the slopes is less than 19 cm
  • Flexible. This external corner of the J-profile is also called arched. It allows for reliable connection to semicircular and round window openings

Finishing arched windows with siding

Installation begins with securing the arched profile. It is fixed quite rigidly in increments of a maximum of 15 cm. The fasteners are driven completely through the vinyl siding.

At the junctions with the longitudinal strip, special recesses are cut out, which, after joining, are secured using nylon rivets.

Such fastening is done so that the trim does not become frayed over time and does not lose its original shape. The rest of the installation is carried out in the usual way.

What should you consider when installing siding around a window?

Siding is a so-called ventilated facade. Its specificity is that the house continues to breathe underneath it. This leaves its mark on the installation process.

  • Fastening the starting strip and corner must be done without screwing the dowel all the way. Only the arched profile is fixed using the rigid method
  • It is necessary to cut the workpieces only on a special table. It is recommended to use a circular saw
  • For deep slopes, sheathing is required

Some features apply only to openings with shallow depth.

What to do if the slope is less than 19 centimeters?

To make such slopes, you don’t have to make lathing. It will be enough to secure the outer corner of the J-profile and the starting strip and place a siding strip between them. Usually this gives a rigid fastening and does not require additional sheathing.

Windows without slopes

For such structures there is a special one-sided angle. Usually its width is quite enough for arranging slopes. It is sewn onto a metal profile, which is installed around the entire perimeter of the window.

Design for arched or lancet windows

In such a situation, a special flexible arched corner is used for finishing. It requires rigid fixation in increments of 10-15 cm. The rest of the installation is carried out in a manner similar to cladding the walls of a building.

  • The last strip of siding under the eaves should be installed only after fixing the finishing profile
  • It is necessary to leave a gap of several millimeters between the corner profile and the ebb. This will allow for possible expansion when changing temperature conditions.

Installation of siding, especially window and door openings, requires a professional approach. Manufacturers provide all the necessary fittings to ensure that the work is completed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Video about finishing windows with siding

We bring to your attention several videos that talk about installing window openings with siding.