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Monochrome brown. One color. How to create a monochrome look. Combination of different textures in a monochrome interior

A monochrome color scheme is an idea that is rarely considered at the initial stage of a design project. But monochrome options can significantly affect the further development of the layout, because the lack of color variety makes it possible to look at the project from a different point of view. Just one dominant color can set a project apart from others; this is very unusual and, with a professional approach, allows you to achieve outstanding results.

The hardest part of monochrome design is choosing the main color. A lot depends on this. If the designer has only one color at his disposal, he has no right to make a mistake. What should you consider when choosing a base shade? First, you should think about the meaning of colors. Each color evokes certain emotions, so you need to look for the shade that emotionally conveys the specifics of the content. For most people, colors evoke very specific associations:

  • Red- love, passion
  • Blue– harmony, trust
  • Green– hope, nature
  • Yellow– joy, energy, warmth
  • Pink– femininity, romance
  • Violet- fantasy, faith

If this approach does not work, then you can think about the brand, for example, the color of the logo or the color palette of the corporate identity. Very often, the right solution is suggested by an identity that already has a recognizable primary color. So there is no need to reinvent the wheel - if the base shade already exists, then you need to use it.

And you always need to remember about saturation. You need to decide at the very beginning whether the monochrome palette will be bold and bright or the shades will be more muted and soft. In addition, there is always the possibility of a combination of these two options. Despite the fact that you only have to work with one color, the designer has a very large choice of solutions.

Correct use of shades and tones

When working with a monochrome color scheme, it is unlikely that you will be able to do without using different shades of the base color. This is necessary in order to use color to highlight the most important parts of the content. There are three main approaches to working with a single-color palette:

  • Lightening: the base color combined with white allows you to make the design lighter
  • Toning: base color combined with gray allows you to adjust the saturation of the color scheme
  • Blackout: Base color combined with black makes the design darker

As with a multi-color palette, where there are several shades, the designer needs to use tints, tones and shadows. For each shade you need to choose a specific value and then stick to this scheme throughout the design. Very often it turns out that the designer has more colors and ideas for using them at his disposal than before, when he worked with several shades.

Sometimes working with monochrome is very convenient, for example, when you need to place two contrasting elements next to each other. You can simply make one theme and the other light, and users will immediately understand what the designer wanted to convey to them. Color progression works flawlessly: by adjusting the saturation of elements, you can easily highlight, for example, lines in a price list. Of course, you always need to monitor whether the sorting is working and whether there is contrast. No matter how dark or light the base color is, it is only a reference point that allows you to understand whether the chosen shades work or not.

Working with other design elements

The biggest challenge when working with a monochrome palette is that the design can seem monotonous. There will be no bright elements that catch the eye. A one-color solution often looks too solid and this can become a problem. But there are many solutions to this problem that can achieve your goal.

Color toning. To maintain color consistency in your design, you can convert color images to black and white and then add a color overlay. The result will be a toned picture that will go well with the base color.

Heavier fonts. To prevent text content from getting lost in a monochrome design, it is better to use bold or semi-bold characters, this allows you to “tear off” the text from the background.

Shadows and other visual cues. Some elements need something to bring them to the forefront, such as a shadow. This allows you to create a visual hierarchy between elements.

Similar colors in images. If you plan to use color images in a monochrome design, then you need to choose pictures that have many shades similar to the base color.

Using fashionable shades

Any designer knows that there are fashionable and unfashionable colors. For example, bright colors that are present in the Material Design guideline are now in fashion. Designers have been seen using bold color schemes this year, so why not incorporate bright hues into a monochrome design.

This will require certain skills, as you will have to go through many options in order to accurately convey the mood of the project. The most popular bright shades are pink, orange, yellow-green. But everything depends on the context. The great advantage of a bright monochrome scheme is the wide selection of accompanying shades, tones and shadows. The bright color has many gradations, which significantly expands the designer’s capabilities.

If you have decided to use fashionable colors, you should always monitor changes in trends and, as soon as they change, change the color scheme. Trendy colors are best suited for short-term projects that simply won't go out of date. These are posters, leaflets, brochures and much more.

Dark monochrome design

For a monochrome palette, it is not necessary to use bright colors. You can try experimenting with dark tones, as well as colors like black or rich gray. Color schemes like these can produce very unexpected results, especially if the designer knows how to work with contrast. The dark palette looks solid and always looks modern. It is best suited for projects with a small amount of content.

Almost monochrome

When working with just one color, you can sometimes deviate from the rules and add another shade to the design. The result will be almost monochrome and often this allows you to find the ideal solution to the problem. Just one additional color greatly increases the number of possible options. The complementary color should be sufficiently contrasting to the base color, that is, it should be located on the other side of the color wheel.


A monochrome color palette can be very interesting. Single-color designs look stylish and fashionable; they allow you to place accents and control the user’s attention. But there are also disadvantages - a one-color palette can get boring over time, since it doesn’t have enough bright shades. But you can always make your design less boring by using different base colors for different parts of the project.

A monochrome combination of colors in clothing is not only a fashion trend, but also a possible basis for a stylish look. These colors look very harmonious, complementing each other wonderfully. You can choose clothes for the whole family online store with a huge selection and reasonable prices.

Monochrome in clothes

Monochrome combinations in clothing are a combination in which the same color is used, but different in tone. A black and white combination is also considered monochrome. By the way, the latter is actively used in this year’s designer collections. Monochrome colors have many advantages:

  • they give the bow elegance, sophistication and integrity;
  • the outfit looks more calm and balanced;
  • any image becomes neat and attractive, attracting attention;
  • the figure visually appears slimmer.

The downside is that sometimes a monochrome outfit can seem boring and monotonous. But this only happens if the monochrome scheme is used incorrectly.

Monochrome colors in clothes - how to create a fashionable look?

A few tips will help you easily create a cool ensemble:

  1. The outfit must have a bright color - it will be complemented by a softer and paler shade. For example, a burgundy skirt with a pink blouse, green shorts with a light green T-shirt will go perfectly.
  2. The main color can be “framed” by two or three light colors from the same range. An excellent example of this option would be a blue skirt or trousers, a blue blouse and an ink cardigan or raincoat.
  3. To make this scheme always look interesting, use things that are different in texture and texture, experiment with details. For example, match your favorite knitted sweater with a light chiffon skirt and enjoy a stunning look.

Fashion is very capricious, it is fickle and light, it comes back and then looks for something new. Fashion is a reflection of the human soul and mood, changeable impulse and constancy in one bottle. Over the past few years, all the world's leading houses have impressed fashionistas with their imagination and craftsmanship. In 2013, solid colors hit the runway, but in different forms - it was flawless. Aquamarine, ocher, scarlet, yellow, the colors made a statement and the fashion world was discouraged.

Today, opinions differ, but the majority agree that a monochromatic look is stylish. An interesting fact is that everyone has been accustomed to perceive white and black colors in a single color for a long time. The advantage of such clothes is that they can be combined, but to be truly memorable, you just need to stand out, and this is where one of the colors will help. The opinion that an appearance consisting entirely of one color, including shoes and a bag, is faceless and boring. However, the color itself gives a rich personality and character to the image.

Now we know how colors are formed, our second goal is to learn about how colors combine with each other. Why do some color schemes work and others don't? There are certain methods that allow you to choose colors so that they blend harmoniously with each other. To work we will need a color wheel.

The first harmonious combination of colors monochrome (single color). It is performed on the basis of color and its shades within one sector of the color wheel.

Why does this scheme work? Monochrome color combinations work because they are simple and straightforward. There is a sense of unity in this scheme because all the shades are derived from the same color. In this combination, visual interest can be directed towards a specific element by choosing a brighter and more saturated hue. Take a look at the six samples above. Your eyes, wandering through the shades of blue, invariably return to sample No. 2, since it is the brightest here. This is a great example of how to highlight an object in a solid color scheme.

Use a monochrome scheme when you want to achieve a sense of unity and cohesion. When you need to combine many competing parts. In addition, this scheme is useful for those who are just learning to work with color, as it is the simplest and most understandable.

The second harmonious combination is a combination of adjacent colors on the color wheel. These colors are called similar or related . And the color scheme is called analog or harmonious .

An analogue color scheme uses multiple colors that are nearby on the color wheel. For example: orange/yellow-orange/yellow or yellow-green/green/turquoise. You can choose two, three or four colors.

Why does this scheme work? Analogous colors transform into each other gradually and harmoniously by combining similar secondary and tertiary colors. For our perception this makes sense. Related colors form combinations that are familiar to us from childhood as combinations of the colors of the rainbow. We know that red is followed by orange, and green is followed by cyan, indigo and violet. In addition, related colors have some common color in their composition. For example, for green, yellow and orange it is yellow.

Use an analog circuit when you want to create a combination of more than one color, but still want a sense of unity. Also, if you want to create a model of classical harmony. Use one of the brightest shades of color to draw attention to a specific part of your look.

A variation of the analog circuit is split-analog scheme. This scheme still uses multiple colors, but the colors are chosen one at a time. This scheme becomes more dynamic and interesting.

The following color scheme is called contrasting . It is formed complimentary (complementary) colors, i.e. colors that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel. Using such color combinations requires a lot of experience, as the schemes turn out to be very bold and bright. Examples of such schemes: red and green, orange and blue, yellow and purple, etc.

Why do such schemes work? Complementary colors enhance each other and appear in all their glory. Red never looks redder than next to green, and vice versa. In addition, in such a pair, a warm color is combined with a cold one, which is a natural contradiction and an intriguing factor for our consciousness. Our minds unconsciously strive for harmony in everything, including color combinations, so when we see natural tension between complementary colors, our minds force us to stop and look.

Use complementary colors when you want maximum contrast and want to draw attention to the overall image. Changing the degree of lightness and (or) saturation of one of the colors of the pair will make this combination more harmonious, since it is quite difficult to combine two bright colors in an image.

Variation on the theme of contrasting scheme - split-contrast scheme. In this scheme, we do not choose the color that is located directly opposite the one we have chosen, but the colors that are next to it on both sides. So instead of red/green we choose the scheme: red/yellow-green/blue-green.

Recommendations for using this scheme are the same as for using the previous one. Additionally, you can use split-contrast colors if you don't want to look bland, want to add a little more drama, or just want to play with color.

The next scheme that I want to tell you about is called triad . This scheme uses three equidistant colors on the color wheel. For example: red/yellow/blue or red-violet/yellow-orange/blue-green.

Monochrome is an important trend in modern fashion, which in general is increasingly flirting with simplicity, minimalism and the “new modesty”. And if previously monochrome was more often understood as black, white and their combination, now pastel harmonies are increasingly appearing in lookbooks and fashion shows.

In general, monochrome looks are good because it’s easier to work with one color (or its shades) than with a set of colors, and even if we’re just talking about jeans and a top, it’s much easier to create a stylish look using similar colors than racking your brains over contrasting combinations . Of course, one does not cancel out the other (especially if you get along with), but as a way to look elegant and simple, monochrome is a great strategy.

The main rule that you need to keep in mind when composing a monochrome image is the same materialist dialectic: the principle of unity and struggle of opposites. We build on the unity of color and play with opposing shapes and textures: we combine voluminous with tight-fitting, smooth with rough, rough with thin, hard with soft, matte with shiny, short with long.

The safest option is simple dark colors: black or rich dark blue (navy), dark dark gray (off black): since they are dark, the difference in shades is not so striking and in general the combination of even different blacks looks harmonious. Well, the practical point is also important: you can always find basic colors in any department of any store. You can dilute this look with any metallic color item or any other color accent (just one!).

A little more complicated - white and milky shades. In them, the degree of whiteness/cleanliness may vary more noticeably and you need to be more careful to ensure that all elements of the image are slightly different from each other (otherwise you will end up with a doctor’s or waiter’s costume).

Lenny Niemeyer São Paolo Spring 2017 Fashion Show

Leandra Medine / Article from Man Repeller


A slightly more complex method is to combine shades of the same color with different saturations. Here you actually need to have a pretty good eye to choose colors from one “column”, otherwise the final combination may look sloppy (it may not look if you are a natural colorist or are ready to spend a very long time applying different things to each other, but we’re talking about how to make it easier).

It is super important that the different shades are the same in terms of dustiness. If you explain this in terms of paints, it will be something like this: you take blue watercolor and dilute it with water, it turns out light blue, then you dilute it again, it turns out blue, then again, it turns out light blue, and so on until white. But the “purity” of the color will remain the same if you did not dip the brush into another paint.

Bright with faded - it’s immediately a feeling of “picked and picked, but didn’t pick it up.” A more “dusty” color against a clean background seems dirty and washed out. And it will be something like in this set - it looks like blue and blue, but together it’s bad

The same applies to shades of different warmth and coldness.

In general, going through all this is quite boring, and most importantly, it’s not difficult to make a mistake, even if everything is fine with your eyes according to the results of the design test with squares. Because the lighting in different stores is different, and you can only remember what shade of sweater you have on the shelf at home if you are a damn genius. Therefore, in order not to complicate your life, there is a simple life hack: the difference in purity and temperature will be clearly visible if you use the entire color range, from the lightest to the darkest, but if you take only the light part of the sector (starting with white) or, conversely, the darkest , then combining will be much easier.

In general, look at the examples: “safe” combinations of things of the same color of different saturation:


A monochrome interior does not imply an exclusive combination of black and white. This design can be based on any shade, either in combination with other colors or with its own tones.

This option is popular and considered a classic. The main thing is to choose the right texture, harmoniously combine colors, follow the rules of design, and then you can end up with a room that will emphasize the sophistication and elegance of taste.

Basic Rules

In order to get the perfect monochrome interior, it is important to follow a few basic rules that will allow you to get the desired result.

1. The color scheme should have a dominant and a secondary one.

When creating an appropriate interior, it is important to follow this recommendation, in which case there will be no questions regarding what design was used in the room. To prevent the room from looking boring, you should give preference to using several tones rather than just one color.

In this situation, there are helping colors that are universal. They can be combined with any others, depending on what you need to get. These include black, white, grey, silver and gold.

2. Use of texture.

Considering that a monochrome interior implies calmness in a sense, you can add some zest by providing an interesting texture to the objects. It doesn't have to be an extremely smooth surface. It can be decorated with various figures and ornaments.

The design can be placed on wallpaper, curtains, and other textile elements. An interesting design is also obtained by combining glossy and matte surfaces. Volumetric elements that can be used in the form of stonework, decorative metal overlays, textured painted surfaces, and so on also look beautiful. It is worth remembering that thanks to the texture, you can separate zones depending on their functionality.

3. Lighting.

You can revive the design of a room with the help of the right lighting design. This effect can be achieved using multi-level ceilings, spot lighting and additional lighting. Even if there is only a chandelier in the interior, its beautiful design can become a highlight in the design.

Use of color

Recently, restrained and muted tones have been gaining popularity, regardless of their area of ​​use. In a monochrome interior, bright colors should be introduced extremely carefully. In quantitative combination there should be a minimum number of them and, in fact, such colors should only be accents.

To choose the right color, you need to understand what shade you want to get: cold or warm. Cool shades are the most popular, as in most cases they have a muted effect. When creating a monochrome interior, it is important to abandon color stereotypes, for example, that black is a depressing color. It is important not to forget that dark shades visually reduce, and light shades increase.

To make the result fully satisfying, it is better not to mix more than five different color options, repeating them in different parts of the room.