home · Networks · Facade decorative finishing. Rational finishing of the facade of a private house: photos and review of modern facing materials, comparative analysis of prices. Wood in facade decoration

Facade decorative finishing. Rational finishing of the facade of a private house: photos and review of modern facing materials, comparative analysis of prices. Wood in facade decoration

External cladding walls will change the appearance of the building. It must reliably protect him from negative influence atmosphere. Today, many finishing materials are produced, and it is easy to get confused in this variety. Photos of the decoration of the facade of the house will help you choose the right type to decorate your home.

To find suitable option for a specific object, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular products.

Choice of façade cladding

It is important to choose the right color, which is responsible for the overall perception of the building. Next, the owner needs to address the texture issue. Coating is required not only for decorative purposes. It is necessary to protect the building from the negative influence of the atmosphere.

Materials for finishing the facade of a house must withstand temperatures typical of the regions where they will be used.

Today, most buildings are used various options that imitate natural materials. For finishing, metal models and polyurethane products are purchased, and composites are effectively used.

Brick facade finishing

This building material is suitable for different buildings. To complete the task, you will need to carry out operations to strengthen the foundation. This finish is not cheap, but allows you to get an attractive appearance building, a reliable shell to protect it from bad weather.

Brick used for facade works ah, it has a number of features. It provides high-quality masonry due to its precise dimensions. The material will allow you to mask existing defects in the base.

Ceramic, silicate, clinker, and hyperpressed bricks are used for finishing. Their cost depends on the technology and properties of the finished product.

Facing bricks are produced with a smooth, textured surface. A glazed type is available, which undergoes a special heat treatment after a layer of glaze has already been applied to the surface. Angobe brick is a more advanced option.

Facade plaster

Despite the emergence of new materials on the market, plaster remains popular. Therefore, manufacturers continue to improve this product. Adding special additives to the mixture ensures the creation of interesting patterns on the surface.

Compositions produced using the latest technologies are suitable for brick and block buildings. Mineral plaster It is considered a durable type of coating that can radically change the appearance of a building. It is applied to the walls of the building after shrinkage to avoid the formation of cracks.

Acrylic plaster is supplied to the consumer in finished form. Synthetic composition created on the basis of resins, which after hardening give the surface certain properties. High elasticity is achieved by the plasticizers included in its composition.

The silicate type is produced on the basis of liquid glass; a dye is added to the solution and mineral fillers. This is an environmentally friendly composition, compatible with many surfaces. It is highly durable, not afraid of water, and resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

Silicone plaster is a reliable material with excellent performance characteristics. It is characterized by high elasticity, water resistance and good adhesion.

Facade siding and tiles

Siding is popular among homeowners. It has a specially designed mount that greatly facilitates its installation. Beautiful finish The facade of the house with panels can imitate natural materials.

The fastening of the elements is carried out with an overlap. The design reliably protects the house from moisture. A layer of insulation can be installed under such cladding.

Facade tiles have excellent performance properties. Newest technologies allowed to achieve improved characteristics and contributed to an increase in its service life. A huge range of models allows the consumer to find a product to suit their taste.

Natural and artificial stone

The natural type is highly durable and resistant to chemical substances, has a presentable appearance. On to the cons natural stone include high cost. This cladding is characterized by heavy weight and low adhesion.

Finishing the façade with stone should be done by professionals. The following types of natural materials are used: marble, sandstone, granite, limestone. They will give the building a solid look and give it a special energy.

Fake diamond It has standard dimensions and is easy to install. He will not stand out from the overall picture. The acrylic type will allow you to create your own unique building design.

The cement-based decorative option is inexpensive and has excellent technical specifications. Concrete stone covered protective layer from moisture, prolonging its service life.


The products are made from clay and are excellent for exterior decoration of buildings. Unglazed is popular ceramic tile, having relief surface. It perfectly imitates natural stone.

The variety of colors and aesthetic appearance have made it in demand when arranging private buildings. The combination of colors and textures ensures the creation of original designs.

For exterior finishing clinker tiles are used. It is manufactured according to special technology, imitates brickwork. The products are frost-resistant and durable. This option costs more than ceramic tiles.

The terracotta type is made from kaolin clay, which is fired. Color is obtained by mixing several types of raw materials. The surface of the products is made smooth and rough. You can order a glazed version. The tile is characterized by high heat resistance and is not afraid of temperature changes.

Facade panels

In-demand products are made from plastic, metal, composites, and glass. Facade panels are made in a variety of shapes; they can have several layers. They are easy to mount on walls. They are assembled into a single system that can protect the object from precipitation. A light weight allows the products to be used for old buildings.

The polymer sand type is made from polymers and sand with the addition of pigments to obtain the desired shade. It levels the surface, hides imperfections, and improves the thermal insulation parameters of the walls. This finish is easy to maintain.

Metal panels are made from galvanized steel; aluminum can also be used in production. Vinyl types are in demand due to their aesthetic appearance, raised patterns and affordable price.

Double-layer thermal panels are used for soundproofing walls; they are resistant to low temperatures. Manufacturers also produce other products: sandwich panels, fiber cement and glass panels.


When choosing cladding, pay attention to cost, decorative parameters, as well as technical characteristics. It is responsible not only for the appearance of the property, but also performs protective functions.

With its correct selection, you can increase the life of the building and change its appearance. You should entrust the installation of products to professionals, since the durability of its use depends on this procedure.

Photo of finishing the facade of the house

In recent years decorative finishing facades is attracting more and more interest, stimulating the emergence of unique ideas among designers and architects whose goal is to create the individual architectural appearance of a building.

The façade is being finished different ways, each of which has its own characteristics and depends on a number of factors, including:

  • the material from which the walls are built;
  • material for exterior finishing;
  • presence of insulation, etc.

There are several options for decorative finishing of facades, which also provide protective properties, distinguishable primarily by the type of materials. Read more about the most popular cladding methods, materials for its implementation and features of installation technology below.

Decorative stone for cladding a house - affordable, reliable and impressive

One of the most unpretentious materials suitable for finishing is decorative material, capable of imitating natural stone, while being more affordable.

The technology for installing stone for finishing has its own characteristics:

  1. At the initial stage, it will be necessary to prepare the surface for finishing. First, clean it of dirt, and then install the façade section using dowels (at the rate of 10 dowels per square meter). At this stage it is important to achieve perfect flat surface walls
  2. The next stage is the installation of corner stones, between which a fishing line is stretched for subsequent even laying of materials. The first row is laid out strictly along the line of the fishing line to maintain the geometry of the cladding. Before laying, each stone is treated with glue, as well as the area where it will be installed. This is necessary so that in case of frost the stone will hold firmly to the walls. The slope of the finish should be checked regularly using a water level.
  3. The final stage of facing the façade with stone is treating the material with a water-repellent agent, which will protect the walls from moss, fungi and mold. The technology described above, with minor deviations, is also used in cases of finishing the facade with natural stone, for example, limestone or sandstone.

Granite and marble are the heaviest rocks, so during the installation of slabs Special attention paid to strengthening the foundation structure of the house.

Decorative finishing of the house with polystyrene foam - features and technology

Many people know polystyrene foam as a material for insulation, but not everyone knows that it is also used for decorative finishing of facades. Lightweight, environmentally friendly, easy to install with excellent sound insulation properties, the material can be used as the main finishing material, as well as to create separate decorative elements, such as moldings, overlays, friezes and so on.

The only disadvantage of expanded polystyrene is its instability to mechanical damage and a relatively short service life compared to natural materials.

The technology for laying polystyrene foam for facade finishing is simple, but requires compliance with certain nuances. Below are the main stages of the work:

  1. Preparing the facing surface is the first thing you need to start with. To do this, using a spatula, clean the walls from dirt and sand the surface.
  2. Mastic is applied to the prepared surface (a layer of up to 0.8 mm), after which, after 5 minutes, polystyrene foam is laid on it in random order. To cut out the material you will need a hacksaw, and to create holes you will need a drill. The mastic protruding beyond the tiles will need to be removed with a sponge or knife using turpentine.
  3. After finishing the work, the polystyrene tiles are thoroughly wiped with a sponge soaked in warm water and wiped dry with a soft rag.

Cladding with polystyrene tiles can be carried out regardless of the type of surface. This finish will be distinguished by neatness, shine and rich, non-fading color.

Facade decorative plaster: finishing the house

Facade plasters are the most affordable option for cladding the exterior walls of a house with the ability to combine different textures and colors of materials. The most successful comparison would be to compare plaster with concrete coating on surfaces with textured patterns printed on them.

The coating looks aesthetically pleasing, quite durable, and environmentally friendly. Visually, decorative plaster is a medium-consistency solution with pigments and a number of chemical additives. With its help you can imitate brick, wood and natural stone. The ability to combine colors allows you to achieve a truly unique and original finish building.

The desired texture on the plastered surface can be achieved through the use of special forms while the mixture has not yet hardened. The process is similar to stenciling technology, except that the creation of the shape occurs in three dimensions, rather than in two, as is the case with a stencil. The material is quickly applied to the surface, which reduces the time of exterior finishing work. The type of surface does not matter - decorative plaster can be applied to any of them.

The technology for applying plaster to the facade of a house consists of several stages and requires the presence of a certain set of tools, since the work can be done with your own hands. You will need:

Below are the main stages of plastering external walls:

  1. Preparing the facing surface. It will be necessary to remove traces of dust and dirt, get rid of obvious surface defects, then treat it with a soil mixture and install a reinforcing mesh.
  2. The plaster solution is prepared manually using ordinary water to dilute the powder, according to the instructions on the package. In some cases, the plastering mixture does not require preparation and is sold ready-made. A spatula is used to stir the solution.
  3. Finishing is carried out using the spray method, followed by leveling and shaping the wall surface. The spraying technique involves sharp movements with a spatula to throw the mixture onto the wall.
  4. The culmination of the work is painting a layer of decorative plaster in the desired color.

As you can see, decorative plaster as a material for finishing the facade of a house is an ideal option suitable for creating an attractive and modern facade design.

In addition to its aesthetic appearance, it will reduce heat loss in the house and save on heating costs.

Ceramic tiles, wood and siding for facade finishing

The most proven option for facade cladding, used since the construction of the Tower of Babel and the pyramids of the pharaohs, is ceramic tiles. Just like plaster, tiles can imitate stone or facing brick. You can use tiles to decorate the walls of houses built from inexpensive, not the most aesthetically pleasing material.

In terms of the ratio of attractiveness and price, ceramic tiles have no equal, especially if you take into account another plus - its low weight, which does not require strengthening the foundation.

Wood - environmentally friendly pure material, which, despite conflicting opinions, continues to be used for cladding the facades of houses. Decoration can be done using a wooden board made from tree species with high content resins or lining - a more budget option.

An alternative to wooden lining, which shows itself in the decoration of facades is not the most in the best possible way, V Lately is a siding - profile based polymer materials made of metal, vinyl or dense foam. Siding is installed on a supporting frame, especially suitable for finishing one-story buildings. The distance between the cladding layer and the wall is filled with insulation insulated with a vapor barrier. Decorating walls with siding does not imply the use of additional decor.

Elements for facade decoration

Very often decorative finishing is the use original elements decor, allowing you to create a complete architectural appearance. Most often this is:

The elements can be made from lightweight polystyrene foam or gypsum; it is permissible to paint them in colors suitable for finishing. According to the method of creation, elements can be overhead or monolithic.

The first ones are manufactured separately according to a special project and are attached using fasteners or an adhesive base. This option, compared to the one described below, is simpler and less time-consuming, great way change the appearance of the house during repair or reconstruction.

Monolithic elements for decorative finishing are manufactured during the construction or reconstruction process using formwork installed in a designated area and poured concrete mixture for getting the required part. In this way, you can realize the most vivid fantasies of an architectural plan with facade decoration of any level of complexity and an unlimited number of possibilities. As for the cost, the work will be financially expensive and will require time and the involvement of specialists.

In conclusion, we note that the aesthetic component in the design of the facade is important, but the protective functions of the finish and its durability are no less important.

Take this into account when choosing one or another material option for cladding the external walls of the house.

Decorative finishing of facades: tips for beginners

What functions do materials for decorative wall decoration perform? Features of materials and technologies for their installation. Elements for facade decoration - types and installation. Advantages of plastering the facade.

Decorative finishing of the facade of the house

The construction of modern housing cannot be considered completely completed until the exterior finishing of all its walls has been completed. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that cladding the facades of a building with the help of one or another finishing material is usually not carried out for decorative purposes only.

At the same time, the finishing layer performs the function of protecting the outer surface from the destructive effects of such natural factors as precipitation, solar radiation or wind, which can destroy even the strongest concrete over time.

Materials used

There are several known methods of decorative finishing of house facades, using which you can give your home a rather attractive and modern look and, in addition, thoroughly protect it from all kinds of natural disasters.

When familiarizing yourself with these methods, special attention should be paid to facing materials that determine key features finishing of walls of erected buildings. These days they are very popular the following types decorative cladding of buildings:

  • facade panels;
  • finishing plaster;
  • decorative tiles (or stone).

In subsequent sections of our article, all these types of facade surface finishing will be discussed in more detail.

Facade panels

One of the most famous finishing coatings, used for cladding buildings, are considered to be facade panels, the basis for the manufacture of which can be the most modern materials. The use of special decorative bases in panels (such as siding or aluminum composites, for example) will allow you to imitate the structure of most known natural materials.

It should be noted that façade panels provide reliable protection of building walls from mechanical and climatic influences; at the same time, they are usually used as insulation. Another advantage of finishing with panels is the possibility of their quick installation (assembly according to the principle of a designer).

We also note that products made from aluminum composites are used extremely rarely in private construction; most often they are intended for cladding commercial buildings of one class or another. A photo of the decorative finishing of the facade using siding panels is shown above.

Plastering facades

The use of special plaster mixtures for cladding facades can also be considered the most common finishing methods. The particular attractiveness of this type of surface decoration is explained by the high versatility of all operations performed, as well as its following distinctive characteristics:

  • There are no restrictions on color shade, since the surface covered with plaster can be painted in almost any color. In recent years, color painting of facades finished with plaster has become increasingly practiced.
  • Low cost source material, made on the basis of a purchased decorative mixture.
  • Opportunity self-application decorative plaster .

Nowadays, through specialized trading establishments in retail sales We receive all kinds of dry mixtures used for plastering facades. At the same time, the most popular are the so-called pebble mixtures, as well as special compositions under the name “Bark Beetle”. To obtain a ready-to-use composition, you will only need to read the instructions for preparing the mixture included in the package.

Note! The disadvantages of “Bark beetle” type compositions that provide a porous surface include the fact that the façade easily becomes clogged with dirt over time. Moreover, it is sometimes difficult to remove this dirt from the surface of the walls.

In contrast, pebble plaster mixtures do not have this drawback, since their use produces an almost even coating with a fine-grained pattern. The procedure for preparing and applying plaster mixtures of any type is described in detail by us in one of our previously published articles.

Natural and artificial stone

Finishing with decorative stone is traditionally considered one of the most expensive methods of cladding building facades. Moreover, this is explained not only by the high cost of the material used in finishing, but also by quite significant labor costs. But, despite the high costs, many owners of their own homes prefer this cladding method to all those we discussed earlier.

Nowadays, when finishing the walls and facades of residential buildings, the so-called artificial stone is widely used, which provides a noticeable advantage in the cost of the original material. Let us immediately note that the domestic industry has mastered the production of two types of artificial material; while one of them is produced on the basis cement mixtures, and the other has a plaster base.

Note! When choosing a specific type of facing material, it is necessary to proceed from the quality of the surfaces of the walls being finished. Cement-based stone cladding is applied to solid substrates, while foam-insulated surfaces are best covered with a man-made gypsum-based material.

Another method of decorating facades involves using a special material as cladding. clinker tiles imitating brick. Such cladding, both in appearance and in basic technical characteristics, is not much different from ordinary brick walls.

It is worth mentioning one more method of wall cladding, which involves the use of multi-colored decorative tiles. Thanks to the use of multi-color finishing material, you will be able to completely transform the facade of your home, giving its appearance a rather original and unique look.

Decorative finishing of the facade of the house - options for finishing facades

Read about popular methods of finishing and decorating facades. You will learn what materials are used for finishing, what their advantages and disadvantages are.

Decorative finishing of facades: general information

  • The aesthetic assessment of any structure begins with an examination of the design features of its appearance or facade. The facade of a building is its outer side, which includes the main, rear, side, street and courtyard parts. To improve the quality characteristics of the external appearance of the house, a whole range of construction measures is being developed, which bears the general name - decorative finishing.

    Functions and designs of facades

    Ensuring the aesthetic appeal of a building is, although important, by no means the only function of façade cladding. It should also protect building structure from the negative impact of the external environment.

    These types of unfavorable factors include:

    • increased humidity during periods of heavy precipitation;
    • prolonged exposure to high and low temperatures, sharp changes temperatures in spring and autumn;
    • ultraviolet radiation;
    • mold and mildew infection;

    IN modern construction there is a classification façade structures. The gradation of varieties depends on the type of external walls, which in turn can be enclosing or load-bearing. The type and purpose of the wall determines the material that will be used for its construction, as well as the method of decorative finishing of the facade.

    The following types of facades can be distinguished:

    • stone or brick;
    • concrete;
    • wooden;
    • painted over plaster;
    • thermal insulation with an applied outer plaster layer;
    • reflective;
    • ventilated, suspended facades;

    Mounted varieties, in turn, can have different types cladding:

    • composite aluminum panels;
    • metal cassettes;
    • siding;
    • porcelain stoneware finish;
    • fiber cement panels;
    • stainless steel brackets for cladding plastering materials or brick;
    • decorative lining, board or block house;

    Recently, facade manufacturing technologies have been developing at an accelerated pace. Everything appears on the construction market large quantity new materials. Today, materials such as panels, siding, stone, plaster and facing bricks are widely used to decorate external walls.

    Stone cladding

    Decorative stone is considered one of the most unpretentious building materials. However, its use requires the participation of specialists with a high level of qualifications in drawing up design projects and implementing them. This type cladding can be carried out using both natural and artificial materials. In the latter case, architectural concrete, also called “white stone,” is used.

    Natural facing stone are:

    • marble;
    • granite;
    • limestone;
    • gabbro;
    • diorite;
    • travertine;

    Siding finishing

    Siding is a facing material in the form of horizontal panels with a vinyl, wood, cement, metal or steel base. It is usually used when decorating the facades of low-rise buildings without the use of any additional external decor. Installation of panels is carried out by fixing them to load-bearing frame.

    Expanded polystyrene decorative elements

    The use of expanded polystyrene provides great opportunities for realizing the most daring design projects. This makes it significantly easier technological process design of external walls and the time required for completing finishing work is reduced. In addition, financial costs are also reduced, since the cost of this material is significantly lower than most other types of cladding.

    Facade plasters

    Decorative plaster is one of the most common methods of finishing a facade. The construction market provides wide choose various types this material, which creates enormous variability design solutions when using it.

    • polymer;
    • mineral;
    • structural;
    • mosaic;
    • pebble;
    • bark beetle plaster;

    Plastering the facade on your own

    Owners of private houses face the need to update walls quite regularly. Most often in this case they resort to using facade plaster. You can do the finishing using it yourself. To do this you need to prepare a set necessary tools and follow the instructions step by step.

    Whatever type of plaster is chosen, the plan for its application will always look like this:

    1. Preparatory activities
    2. Priming the walls
    3. Preparation of plaster mortar
    4. Application of facing mixture
    5. Mashing

    In conclusion, it should be said that the decorative decoration of the facade of a building will always serve as the calling card of its owner. It not only performs a protective function, protecting the structure from external influences, but also has great importance from an aesthetic and architectural point of view. At the moment, this type of decor in construction has reached the level of art and has given rise to a huge number of interesting styles and trends.

    Decorative finishing of facades: common types of cladding

    Decorative finishing of facades: general information The aesthetic assessment of any structure begins with an examination of the design features of its appearance or facade. The facade of a building is called

How to decorate the facade of a private house?

The construction of the house is carried out in several stages. The first stage is the construction of the box, the second is the installation of the roof, the third is the installation of windows and doors, then comes insulation (if required) and finishing of the building facades.

Interior decoration of a house is an independent and labor-intensive stage in construction, which requires a lot of time and is divided into its stages: installation of heating and wiring of communications, finishing of walls, floors and ceilings.

Today we would like to dwell in more detail on the stage of finishing the facades of the house. Let's talk about the types and methods of finishing houses from various materials. How to decorate the facade of a private house?

The modern market is saturated with various materials for finishing the exterior walls of a house, so how can you not get lost in this variety?

Modern facade decoration is a solution to many problems: correction of geometric deviations and irregularities, repair of dilapidated facades, insulation, decorative finishing of facades.

Various cladding materials for facades are suitable for the exterior decoration of the house. Such materials include: clinker tiles or porcelain tiles, natural or artificial stone, plastic panels, various sidings, block houses and much more.

But plastering is probably considered the traditional decoration of the facades of a residential building. followed by painting. This type of finishing is suitable for houses built from various blocks (gas silicate, cinder blocks, foam blocks, etc.). Walls are often plastered according to the completed façade insulation.

As a rule, plaster is applied to a previously prepared base or using reinforcing mesh (especially if plaster layer exceeds 12 mm). Reinforcement will prevent cracking of the plaster layer during the operation of the building.

The plaster layer can be smooth or decorative. Used for decorating plaster various rollers and stamps. Speaking about plaster, it is necessary to mention the so-called “wet plaster compositions" Such compositions have various decorative inclusions and color pigments. The plastered surface is rough and does not require additional painting.

Plaster can be combined with other types of finishes, for example, decorative stone(artificial or natural). In this case, the stone is used in fragments - finishing the corners of the building, window openings around the perimeter, columns or protrusions of the building. The use of stone is due to its presence in the decoration of the basement or porch of the house.

Natural stone can become independent material in decorating your home. The stone is laid on cement mortar, this is a rather labor-intensive and expensive type of finishing. But the result will undoubtedly delight your family for many years, since the material is durable. The seams must be filled with special jointing, which is often sold along with the purchased material and glue.

Carefully read the instructions for preparing grout; do not mix more grout than you are currently able to produce. The texture of the stone can be smooth or chipped, both of which look great on the facade. The appearance of a house with this decoration resembles a medieval castle.

An alternative to natural stone is artificial facing stone. This material is available in a variety of colors that imitate many stone species. Artificial stone is sometimes difficult to distinguish from natural stone, which will make your facades look great.

This a budget option finishing compared to finishing with natural stone, since its cost is much lower. The material is not flammable, does not rot, and is lightweight. Tiling work must be carried out at an air temperature of +5 +25 o C.

Clinker tiles imitating clinker brick , is also suitable for cladding facades. Your facades will not be afraid of temperature changes and atmospheric influences. Clinker tiles are rich in color shades and textures and consist of natural ingredients.

Today on sale you can find clinker thermal panels that will solve two problems at once: insulation and finishing of facades. Suitable for insulating and decorating a new home, as well as for repairing and insulating the facades of an already used building. The “clinker” facade is difficult to distinguish from walls made of natural brick, and construction costs are much lower.

When covering facades with any type of tile, it is necessary to carry out work to remove precipitation from the roof (gutters), otherwise the tile may peel off.

Porcelain tile is artificial granite, durable material, able to withstand chemical and atmospheric influences. One of the types of facade cladding is a ventilated facade made of porcelain stoneware. Finishing can be done at any time of the year. Natural ventilation protects walls from condensation and prevents mold and mildew from developing.

Ventilated facades in the cold season reduce the thermal conductivity of the building, and in the hot season they do not heat the walls of the building. The supporting profiles are made of corrosion-resistant metal and are attached vertically and horizontally to the walls of the building. Insulation is mounted to the wall, and then, using a fastening system, porcelain tiles with visible seams or without seams are installed. This façade does not require any additional maintenance.

The next type of finishing is decorating the external walls with a façade board or block house. This type of cladding is most often used for a wooden house, but it is also possible to cladding a house made of foam blocks. And even facades that have become dilapidated over years of use can acquire a noble appearance.

Cladding from sustainable wood species will extend the life of a residential building for many years. For lovers natural wood– this is the most suitable cladding – environmentally friendly, with a pronounced wood structure. And various impregnations can not only preserve the wood for a long time, but also give it the desired shade.

Imitation of timber will give the facades the appearance of a house made of laminated veneer lumber, and the house block will be made of rounded logs, while giving the house additional thermal insulation. A person uninitiated in the subtleties of finishing is unlikely to distinguish the cladding from real timber.

Before you begin finishing facades with wooden materials, they must be exposed to air (protected from moisture) for several days. Acclimatization must be carried out so that the tree does not begin to warp during further use and cracks do not form. The caps of the screws used for fastening can be hidden by filling them with glue or covering them with special wooden covers.

The wood must be treated with an antiseptic, coated with a primer and colorless varnish. Next, sand the wood and then apply the desired shade of varnish or paint. A cheaper finishing material made of wood is lining. You can use clapboard to cover the facades of a country house or bathhouse, which will blend perfectly with a wooden gazebo and the surrounding nature.

You can inexpensively decorate the facade with materials such as vinyl or metal siding and facade foam. Siding is presented on the market in a wide range of colors.

Panels made of polyvinyl chloride imitate various materials. You can purchase wood or brick siding. The material is light in weight and easy to install.

Siding can be installed on top of the insulation layer or without it. This material is often used for finishing residential country houses, or when repairing dilapidated facades, when it is easier to hide old facade than to restore it. Siding is excellent waterproofing material, capable of protecting the walls of the house.

Another inexpensive finishing material is panels and decorative elements made of reinforced foam. Facade panels are both insulation and decor. Foam panels with protective reinforced layer(plaster) are attached to the wall in one operation.

Panels can imitate various materials, such as brickwork. On top it is enough to apply a layer of paint of the desired shade (if it is not provided by the manufacturer).

And for facades in a classical style, it is necessary to use various decorative elements (moldings, cornices, balusters, pilasters, etc.).

Such decorative elements today are made of polystyrene foam with a top protective coating. The elements are easy to install using special glue on a previously prepared plastered surface.

What is the best way to decorate the facade of a house? The question is not correct, since for each person the choice of finishing material is determined by various factors. This is both the style of your home and the material base. But may any chosen material last a long time and bring satisfaction to each of you.

How to decorate the facade of the house? Materials for finishing facades, photos

Review modern materials for finishing the facade of a private house. Find out what is the best way to cladding the facade of your house, photos of various options.

The choice of material and technology for finishing the facade of the house should be done at the design stage. The modern market offers a lot of the most different materials, therefore, it will not be difficult to equip the facade in accordance with a certain budget or design idea. When choosing a material for finishing the facade of a private house, you should take into account two of the most important factors. Firstly, the house must be in harmony with the surrounding area, look aesthetically pleasing and in accordance with the tastes of the owner. Secondly, the facade material should become protection for the house, playing the role of additional insulation and sound insulation, as well as protecting load-bearing structures from moisture, sun rays and other negative impacts. Not every finishing material will cope with the tasks, so we will focus on the best options.

Types of facade structures

Among other things, when choosing a facade material, it is necessary to take into account what the building is built from; the principle of organizing the facade decoration may depend on this. For example, for wooden houses it is recommended to install a ventilated façade.

It is customary to divide facades into the following types:

Depending on whether there is a gap between external wall houses and finishing materials, facades are divided into:

  • ventilated;
  • unventilated.

Ventilated facade

Ventilated facades assume the presence of a ventilation gap between the façade material and the wall or, if used. The gap is necessary for free air circulation and drainage excess moisture, which condenses or leaves the house through the walls. The floor wall material remains completely protected from all atmospheric influences. It is better to equip such a façade when the walls breathe. involves installing finishing material directly to the wall. Sometimes facades are classified simply as ventilated and “wet”, although this is not entirely correct.

Now we can move on to the materials that are widely used in finishing the facade of a private house.

No. 1. Plaster for facade finishing

No. 3. Facing brick

One of the most popular materials for facade finishing has always been and is. It is clear that for these purposes, not an ordinary construction one is used, but a special decorative one, which is called.

Ceramic brick

Ceramic brick, made from clay by firing it, is well known to each of us. Its facing variety amazes with a wide variety of colors and textures, but this is not the only advantage of the material.


  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • good sound and heat insulation characteristics;
  • resistance to temperature changes, sunlight, fire;
  • relative cheapness.


Hyperpressed brick

This material is obtained by using shell rock and some special additives using the semi-dry pressing method. Outwardly, it resembles ceramic brick, but in many respects it is ahead of it.


  • durability and strength;
  • good geometry;
  • frost resistance;
  • a large assortment;
  • ease of processing.

The water absorption of such bricks is at an average level - about 5-6%, and the obvious disadvantages of the material include high thermal conductivity, the ability to change color over time and heavy weight, which affects transportation.

Sand-lime brick

Facing sand-lime brick It is made from a cement-sand mixture using the autoclaving method; special additives can be used. Due to the ease of production and low cost of raw materials, sand-lime brick is considered one of the most available materials among other types of bricks.


  • high strength;
  • precise geometry;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • good soundproofing qualities;
  • low price.


No. 4. Porcelain tiles for facade


  • durability;
  • the widest range. You can find tiles of any size, color and texture, as well as those imitating stone, brick and other materials;
  • resistance to negative environmental factors;
  • fire resistance;
  • relatively light weight.

The tiles can be installed either using the “wet” method or by installing a ventilated façade.

No. 6. Concrete facade tiles

The material is made on the basis of cement, quartz sand, filler and additives.


  • durability and moisture resistance;
  • strength and rigidity;
  • big choice;
  • relatively low price.


No. 7. Decorative siding

Siding is one of the most inexpensive, easy to use and modern materials for the facade of the house. It has excellent decorative qualities, is sold in a wide range, boasts decent durability (up to 50 years), and excellent sound and heat insulation qualities. Siding can be used to cover any surface and even improve a long-built house.

Main types of decorative siding:

  • vinyl;
  • wood;
  • metal;
  • cement.

Vinyl siding

Made from polyvinyl chloride, can imitate stone, brick, wood and others natural materials. – one of the most popular materials for facade cladding, used most often in domestic private construction.


Resistance to mechanical damage is often considered an advantage, but a strong blow can damage the integrity of the material. Among shortcomings a large coefficient of linear expansion, which must be taken into account during installation, low thermal insulation qualities and the difficulty of replacing a damaged element in case of repair.

It is worth highlighting basement siding . It is completely identical to vinyl, but differs in increased thickness: 3.5 mm versus 0.7-1.2 for conventional PVC siding. Due to this, the resistance to mechanical damage increases, which makes the material one of the best in terms of price and quality ratio for.

Wood siding

Metal siding

Made from aluminum or steel, which are coated with a layer of primer and polymer coating. in private construction it is rarely used due to high price. Better suited for cladding a house steel sheets with a zinc protective layer and polymer or powder coating.


  • strength;
  • durability (up to 50 years);
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • non-flammability;
  • resistance to any weather conditions;
  • high aesthetics;
  • relative ease of installation.

In addition, metal siding is resistant to corrosion due to protective coatings, but if such a coating is damaged, you should expect rust to appear. Naturally, there is no need to talk about heat and sound insulation qualities.

Cement siding

The material is obtained by mixing and pressing cellulose fibers and cement. Cement siding can replace stone in its decorative and performance qualities.


  • high strength;
  • resistance to precipitation, sunlight, high and low temperatures;
  • fire resistance.

Among cons heavy weight, difficult installation, high cost and insufficiently wide selection of colors and textures.

No. 8. Sandwich panels

Represent multilayer material, consisting of two layers of rigid material (usually metal) and a layer of insulation between them. This entire “sandwich” is connected using the hot pressing method; the surface of the panels can be smooth, embossed or decorative.


The only downside is the high price.

No. 9. Facade cassettes

Metal facade cassettes are widely used today for cladding facades administrative buildings, but more recently they have also been used in private construction. The material is easy to recognize by its characteristic appearance: it is square or rectangular elements made of metal (steel, aluminum, less often copper) with polymer coating.


  • high reliability and durability;
  • aesthetics;
  • large selection of sizes and colors;
  • resistance to negative environmental factors and fire.

Metal cassettes can be used for cladding old and newly constructed buildings and are mounted on a frame. The only negative is the high price.

No. 10. New and undistributed materials

In addition to those materials that have already become traditional in the field of facade cladding, there are also more innovative and in some ways even more progressive. The most interesting of them:

  • concrete siding. Made from cement, sand and dyes. The material has a beautiful appearance and a pleasant rough surface, it is durable, but quite heavy, so it will require reinforcement;
  • clinker thermal panels consist of ordinary clinker tiles and a fused polystyrene foam layer, and this is an excellent insulation material. While visually attractive, such finishing becomes an additional heat insulator. Disadvantage – high price;
  • glass panels– a popular option for shopping centers and administrative buildings. Suitable for furnishing a private home only if you like bold decisions.

The choice of finishing material for the facade should be preceded by a multifactor analysis, including climatic features region, type of house, style features of the site, own preferences, wall material, own requirements and preferences. Fortunately, there are plenty to choose from.

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Properly executed finishing of the facade of a private house fully meets the basic requirements. It protects walls from external influences, insulates the house, and is a magnificent decorative decoration. In today's material we will present the most common options for exterior decoration of a house, photos that allow you to evaluate the decorative features of different materials, and comparative analysis costs of various coatings.

Harmonious selection of finishes enhances the appearance of the house

The basic requirements for finishing facade surfaces are regulated by the Code of Rules 71.13330.2017. Based on this document, it is prescribed for recording facing slabs that require an adhesive layer, use materials in the form of mastic or glue of class C1 (on lower floors) and C2 (above the first floor).

Related article:

Wood siding

Wood siding, the predecessor of all other types of similar finishes, has not lost its popularity. To manufacture modern products, a wood cellulose mixture is pressed when heated, which makes the panels durable. Additives are added to improve performance characteristics. The raw materials are pre-cleaned from harmful impurities and resins, which makes wood siding environmentally friendly safe material. Thanks to its natural structure, its coating looks cozy and natural.

Among the disadvantages is the need for periodic treatment with compounds that protect against fire, mold and insect repellents. Also wood cladding requires painting as it periodically fades in the sun. It is not recommended to cover the walls of private houses made of foam or fiberglass with wooden siding.

Metal siding

If we compare metal siding with its analogues, it is the most resistant to natural influences, has a service life of 30 years or more. The material is durable, withstands shock loads well, and does not become brittle when heated and cooled. All dirt can be easily washed off with a stream of water from a hose. Metal siding is rot-resistant and cannot be damaged by rodents and insects. This material is fire-resistant and does not melt in the presence of an open flame nearby. Does not fade when exposed to sunlight.

Disadvantages include the possibility of rust due to exposure to moisture and higher cost. Cutting requires a special knife, and installation cannot be carried out without professional skills. When attaching the cladding, installation is mandatory.

Sandwich panels

Thanks to a three-layer structure, including a metal or polymer shell located on both sides and insulation between them, sandwich panels have excellent thermal insulation qualities. Polyurethane foam or polyurethane foam is used as insulation.

This is a worthy material for finishing the facades of private houses, positive characteristics which is quick installation, low weight, good sound insulation, environmental Safety. An important factor is the affordable cost. After correct installation On a frame (wooden or metal), sandwich panels serve flawlessly for a long time.

The downside may be the possibility of freezing of the joints if the installation was carried out incorrectly.

Ventilated facades

Multi-component ventilated facades protect walls when temperatures drop and extend their service life. They are a system with special gaps that ensure ventilation of the insulation. It is recommended to use galvanized or aluminum profiles for the frame.

The advantages of ventilated facades are their long service life, which is at least 50 years. In winter, they retain heat well, are non-flammable and environmentally friendly. When temperature changes occur, cracks do not form on the surface. They are attracted by simple installation techniques that can be carried out at any time. If necessary, the cladding can be easily dismantled.

The downside of a ventilated façade is the possibility of condensation occurring between the wall and the insulation if the installation was carried out incorrectly. As a result, the walls begin to freeze, and moisture forms on them, reducing their service life.

Modern cladding of the facade of a house, which material is better - comparison of options

The variety of options for finishing house facades with modern materials complicates the choice, so it is important to first analyze their range and decide on priority criteria.

Material nameKey BenefitsFlaws





Aesthetic appearance

Breathable cover

Possibility of damage from mechanical impacts




Environmental Safety

High resistance to external influences

High price

Installation skills required

Facing brick:







With high decorative qualities

A solid foundation is needed

Careful docking

Porcelain tilesExcellent durability

Resistant to any weather conditions


Significant weight

High price

Ceramic facade tilesGood decorative qualities, durability

Low price

The need for careful preparation of the base

Requires styling skills

Fragility of the material

Decorative siding:


Wooden (larch);


Easy installation

Low price

Nice decor

Some types have a short service life

Poor UV resistance

Sandwich panelsEnvironmental Safety

Quick installation

Good sound insulation


Joints may freeze
Ventilated facadeLong service life

High thermal insulation performance

Available installation

Condensation may form in gaps

Even a brief overview analysis allows us to draw certain conclusions. More detailed information can be found in the article in the descriptions devoted to specific types of facing varieties.

Harmonious combined facade decoration

If difficulties arise, what material to decorate all parts of the building with, you can choose different types finishes, combining them harmoniously. The photos below will demonstrate how such an exclusive façade of private houses will look from different angles.

Inserts made of another type of material can serve as additional decor. This technique is most often used to ensure reliable protection of the foundation and basement.

You can select different materials for combined finishing. It is important not to create diversity by creating a harmonious arrangement of individual elements. The result is an exclusive design style that attracts attention with its originality and demonstrates the artistic abilities and taste of the owners.

Review of prices for facade materials for exterior finishing of a house

When deciding how to cover the outside of a house cheaply and beautifully, you should analyze the prices for the most popular facing materials.

Material namePrice per m², rub.Cost of turnkey work including insulation per m², rub.
Mineral350−750 ˃850
Acrylic1600−1905 ˃2100
Silicate2600-2615 ˃3100
Silicone2406−3900 ˃3500
Natural1400−2750 ˃7340
Artificial550-2350 ˃4550
Facing brick
Clinker1250−2650 ˃2600
Ceramic400-800 ˃1400
Hyper-pressed665-1250 ˃1700
Silicate280-350 ˃1000
Porcelain tiles630-1850 ˃3680
Ceramic facade tiles958-2350 ˃1700
Decorative siding
Vinyl185 ˃750
Wooden (larch)590-1950 ˃2000
Metal450-600 ˃1550
Sandwich panels600-1800 ˃3100
Ventilated facade1150-1500 ˃650

Among the improved varieties of new generation cladding, it is worth noting Russian-made thermal façade panels, the price of which varies from 2050 to 7000 rubles. per m2. This material is a gas-filled plastic with a decorative surface made of mineral chips or tiles of different colors and textures.

Choosing the right type of finishing for your own home is a serious job that requires a comprehensive analysis of many factors. We will be interested in your experience, express your opinion, share tips and recommendations, ask questions in the comments.


After completing the basic construction work, you can think about the exterior decoration of the house. Typically, the choice of material for cladding is made at the design stage of the house. For now construction market is represented by a sufficient number of finishing materials for facade work, which allows you to finish the facade in any style and design.

Options for modern materials for exterior home finishing

More recently, there has been a tendency to design the facade of a house so that it is as durable and reliable as possible, but now certain indicators of materials according to various criteria are added to these requirements.

The main operating conditions for the material are as follows:

  • Strength, since the outside of the structure is subject to significant loads.
  • Frost resistance. The material should not form cracks or bubbles on the surface when severe frosts, which are not uncommon for our climate.
  • Water permeability of the material. Exterior finishing should not interfere with the removal of excess moisture from the main walls of the house.
  • Presentable appearance of the facade. This indicator is very important for the visual perception of the structure.
  • Possibility of supplying insulation.

Modern options for materials for facade cladding combine all these qualities and differ in cost and appearance. For better understanding In order to determine how to decorate the facade of the house, we will present a list of decorative materials for finishing facades.

Decorative type plaster

This finishing material is used as a decorative cladding of the facade. Skilled craftsmen use it to create a unique relief that is difficult to distinguish from natural material.

For finishing the facade, plaster based on cement and sand with the addition of plasticizers and other components is chosen. Before registration, it is necessary to carry out insulation and waterproofing of the facade.

The most popular is decorative plaster called “Bark Beetle”. It is capable of imitating a surface eaten away by a given insect. For high-quality processing, purchase the material in dry form, packaged in bags or a ready-made mixture in buckets.

Various paints and varnishes are used to finish the plastered surface. These are usually acrylic-based paints that form the outer protective covering home from adverse environmental influences.

Clinker bricks and tiles

This version of the cladding material is created from refractory clay. To impart high quality characteristics, finished elements are subjected to heat treatment in an oven at high temperatures. Thanks to this, brick and tile become very strong and durable materials.

Decorative brick is produced in large assortment surface decoration. It can be glossy, matte, rough or antique-style. This material has proven itself due to its heat resistance, environmental friendliness, variety of shapes and ease of installation and maintenance. To some extent, brick also insulates the facade of the building.

Variety of clinker colors finishing bricks allows you to use several options for combination on the facade of the house. For example, the walls can be decorated with beige, and the base and window slopes with brown or dark green material. And it's not the only option, even the walls may not be completely finished in one color, but combine similar shades.

Clinker tiles are small plates of clay of the same size, thanks to which you can get a unique design for the facade of a house. The material is presented not only in the form of straight tiles, but also has many decorative elements, such as, for example, parts for neatly decorating corners. With their help, the corners of the house will be reliably protected from chipping.

Porcelain tiles

This decorative material is one of the most durable and is made from substances of artificial origin, or more precisely, slip powder by pressing and firing. IN ready-made composition Appropriate paint is added to add color.

Porcelain stoneware has a sufficient margin of safety and does not react at all to external influences. Excellent decorative characteristics materials allow you to create an original cladding of the house with minimal effort.

Decorative finishing of the facade of a house using porcelain stoneware can be done in several ways. The first of them is ventilated. To implement this, a frame is created in advance from metal guides onto which the plates themselves are attached. Moreover, with this option it is easy to create external insulation of the house. In the second method, which is called “wet installation,” the material is mounted on the façade base using glue.

Facade cassettes

This material is most often used to decorate the facades of apartment buildings, shopping pavilions or public buildings. But façade cassettes are also used in private construction.

Cassettes from composite material have a complete structure with machined corners, which, when installed, forms a single protective surface, resisting various negative influences. Cassettes can be attached in several ways. The choice depends on the type of profiles used:

  • Hidden installation involves fastening the profile of the upper element to the profile of the lower one. Using this assembly option, you can create a durable cladding in a short time.
  • Outdoor installation. During such installation of the material, each element is secured to the supporting frame at the corners. Open installation on the facade allows you to obtain a continuous decorative coating.

Important! The facade can be equipped with additional insulation when decorated with this material.


Siding panels are made of vinyl polymer materials and are lightweight, easy to assemble and low cost. It is very convenient that before carrying out such finishing the facade does not need long preparatory work.

Important! Siding hides unevenness and roughness of the walls.

If a high-quality material is chosen, then during operation it will not change its appearance, fungus will not form on its surface, and insects will not infest. The facade material will also shine with colors, like new. Thanks to these qualities, finishing a house with siding is the most profitable alternative cladding, moreover, the cost of the material is low, and it is possible to create an additional layer of insulation.

Artificial and natural stone

Stone is the most reliable facing material, both natural and artificial. Decorative tiles made of natural stone will create such a strong and durable coating on the facade that its service life can be even longer than that of the house itself. The artificial analogue of decorative stone does not differ in quality characteristics, but has more low cost and an assortment of colors.

Important! Before installing the stone on the facade surface, you need to make sure that the foundation has sufficient load-bearing capacity.

If the technology was not followed during the installation of the material, then some tiles may fall off during operation, which will entail the need for repair and finishing work. To exclude such an outcome of events, you must strictly follow the instructions and not violate the algorithm for working with this material.

Decorative panels

Currently construction decorative panels A huge number of different materials are produced. Each type has its own characteristics, sizes and installation options. Here are several options for the most popular panels for cladding the facade of a house:

This version of the panels has a high degree of insulation and provides a sound insulation effect. Due to their light weight, SIP panels are used for houses not built on a permanent foundation; even a shallow foundation is sufficient strip foundation. Thanks to SIP panels, you can build a full-fledged house with insulation in a fairly short time.

Important! SIP panels practically do not react to environmental influences and are protective.

Wet facade

The system called “wet facade” consists of several layers that act as thermal insulation, reinforcement and protective and decorative coating. Due to the fact that the components of such a facade are ideally combined with each other and can show high technical characteristics, such decorative finishing is used in many areas of construction.

It will be quite difficult to do the work of decorating a house with a wet facade without the appropriate experience, so it is imperative to use the services of professionals. Highly qualified specialists will carry out the design with high quality, which will allow you to extend its service life for a long time, without affecting its protective qualities.


Last time wood trim is becoming increasingly popular as owners of country houses strive for environmental friendliness. Decorative finishing of facades made of boards or timber has a lot of positive qualities. Among them are environmental friendliness, moisture resistance, ease of maintenance, durability, unique natural design and insulation.

At making the right choice wood, such cladding can last long time. To reduce adverse external influences, wood is treated with special protective solutions, which are now available in a wide range.

Important! When choosing a material, it is better to give preference to those options that are made from wood growing in the same region where the house is located, since their adaptability to climatic conditions can make the design better.

Ceramic facade tiles

This material became widely popular due to its high decorative and technical characteristics. This is almost an analogue of the tiles that are used for interior cladding, with the exception of the porosity indicator, which is lower in the façade analogue. Due to this, the water permeability of facade ceramic tiles is less, which is an undeniable advantage in conditions of external location.

Important! Facade ceramic tiles are relatively light in weight, so strengthening the foundation before installation is not necessary.


What finishing should be done and what material should I choose for it? Only the owner of the house can answer this question, based on his needs and capabilities, as well as the goals that he plans to achieve in the end. This article presented options for materials for home decoration and their features that will help when purchasing.