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Areas of application of quartz sand. Application of quartz sand. Quartz sand and coatings for sports facilities

Milky white quartz is a type of quartz mineral. By performing industrial sieving and crushing, we get quartz sand, which is distinguished by its uniform composition. Quartz is the most common rock found on the surface; 60% of the earth's crust is made up of sand. It is the rock-forming mineral of most rocks of igneous and metamorphic origin. Humanity uses a natural, environmentally friendly element in production, industry and construction. Exactly mono mineral composition It has the ability of adsorption, high resistance to physical impact, adhesive properties and powerful temperature resistance.

What is quartz sand? Kinds

SiO 2 is silicon oxide or a decomposition product of granites. It is obtained both naturally and artificially. Regardless of the method of receipt quality material undergoes purification and division into fractions. The smallest species reaches 0.05 mm, the largest up to 3 mm. Best properties sand is observed when it contains the maximum amount of quartz and is distinguished by a whitish or translucent color. Any admixture adds tone or color. As with all granular materials, great importance has a cuboidal shape, roughness, and minimal flakiness. When crushing quartz it turns out a large number of smooth, sharp-angled textures, which are ineffective both in production and in construction.

When extracting quartz, the seized structure along with clay (kaolin) is supplied to processing plants. Dissolution in water, subsequent dehydration, calcination, and fractionation bring quartz sand to marketable condition.

Requirements to : must contain no more than 10% moisture, admixtures of clay and iron oxide should not exceed 1% of each element. In essence, this is a high-quality pure composition of silicon oxide. Not everything requires 98%. For silicate production the material is divided into three groups A, B, C, which respectively contain 70, 60, 50 percent SiO 2. Production specifics different products also presents different requirements to quartz sand. There is a classification according to purpose:

  • 1. T - for production from dark glass;
  • 2. C - for production from translucent glass;
  • 3. B - colorless products;
  • 4. PB - semi-white;
  • 5. PS - reduced translucency;
  • 6. BC - high translucency;
  • 7. OVS and OVS - degrees of high translucency and products.

Application of quartz sand

In construction

Pure SiO 2 composition is used to create reinforced concrete products and mixtures in pastel shades. So concrete blocks, sand-lime brick with a homogeneous substance used for decorative and finishing works.

The same applies to plaster compositions, used for external and interior work. Solutions with crushed quartz are the most reliable and aesthetically pleasing. The fine and pure composition resists the appearance of cracks and promotes smooth surface.

The modern method of leveling the floor is called self-leveling. The peculiarity is that a person does not make any effort to create an even and smooth surface. The mixture contains crushed quartz, which promotes uniform spreading.

Most mixtures for compounding and filling on retail shelves are presented in the required mixed proportion. Manufacturers of building materials often purchase monomineral compositions, which are ideal for creating stable solutions.

Only the most expensive road coatings include silicon oxide in their composition to ensure strength and durability. The emphasis is on roads with increased loads, which require high asphalt strength.

Quartz sand in industry

Most types of cookware are made using pure fine quartz sand. Strength is the main quality that silicon oxide provides to glass, earthenware and porcelain. These are window and technical glass, automobile, laboratory, container, insulators, ceramic tiles.

This specificity flows into the pharmaceutical industry, where the substance is used for optical lenses, both clear and multi-colored. High abrasiveness allows you to create smooth and durable.

In foundry, molds are created on its basis.

The thermal conductivity of sand allows it to maintain heat for a fairly long period of time. The property is used both in production and at home. For example, an electric heated towel rail heats up and maintains its temperature for a long time.

In metal and stone processing it is used for grinding and engraving work. Stations Maintenance, plant for the production of machinery and equipment, stone processing enterprises, jewelry workshops use sandblasting equipment. Technological process consists in the fact that air mixed with sharp grains is supplied under pressure through a hose under strong pressure.

In water treatment plants

Adsorption (concentration of substances on the surface or in volume) is a property that is necessary to create modern filters. The ability to absorb all the smallest impurities is used in wastewater treatment plants, V Food Industry and production household appliances. The disadvantage of sand is that it must be constantly changed. Positive side: quartz sand is a useful component that nourishes water with microelements. Less quality material is used to filter water in swimming pools.

Quartz sand

Quartz sand product

Quartz sand- a material obtained by crushing and sieving milky-white quartz. In comparison with sands of natural origin, this material is advantageously distinguished by its monomineral nature, homogeneity, high intergranular porosity, and, consequently, dirt holding capacity. Its sorption ability allows you to remove oxidized iron and manganese from water. It is highly resistant to mechanical, chemical, atmospheric influences. It is used in the production of decorative and finishing materials, in facade and interior plasters, and landscape design. Among other things, when producing concrete blocks it allows you to obtain soft, pastel shades. Also used in catering for use in steam tables when preparing coffee on sand.

see also

  • Crushed sand
  • Fractionated sand
  • Molding sand
  • Glass sand

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    quartz sand- Loose sedimentary rock with grain size less than 1 mm, the main mineral of which is quartz. [GOST 16548 80] [GOST R 52918 2008] Topics: fireproof optics, optical instruments and measurements EN quartz sandsilica sand DE Quarzsand FR sable de… …

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    quartz sand- kvarcinis smėlis statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Išrūšiuotas smėlis, kuriame yra 90% kvarco ir įvairių priemaišų: putnagų, limonito, žėručio, sunkiųjų mineral ų. atitikmenys: engl. quartz sand vok. Quarzsand, m rus.… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

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    QUARTZ, quartz, quartz (special). adj. to quartz. Quartz rocks. quartz lamp (electric lamp in the form of a small quartz tube filled with mercury vapor, passing through which a current produces ultra-violet rays; honey.). ||… … Dictionary Ushakova

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What miracles has not been prepared for humans on Earth! For example, here is an amazing sight - white sand. From afar, you won’t immediately understand: are these snowdrifts in the middle of summer, or mountains, or maybe table salt or another chemical? And only when you get closer, take it in your palm and wake it up through your fingers, do you understand what it is White sand, a photo of which is given in this article. And it consists of quartz, a common mineral on Earth. Quartz is included in the mineral composition of oligomict and polymict sands that make up desert dunes and dunes sea ​​coasts, shallow water bodies.

Natural sand white

Deposits are found in river valleys. White river sand is the purest; it usually does not contain pollutants, just like mountain quartz sand and weathered vein outcrops. It is quite possible to find nuggets of precious metals or their minerals in deposits of natural quartz sand. There is white sand buried under layers of other sedimentary rocks and mined by quarrying. It usually contains pollutants in the form of admixtures of clays, sandy loams, loams, and polymictic sands, which are found in the thickness of quartz sands in the form of layers and lenses.

Creation of nature and human hands

White sand, consisting of 90-95% quartz, is not so common and is highly valued as a raw material for many. The lack of natural sand can be compensated for by obtaining artificial quartz sand using crushing and screening equipment. To produce sand, monolithic blocks of milky-white quartz are used, crushing them and sifting the destroyed rock to obtain sand with certain and the right sizes(fractions) of particles. Artificial sand differs from natural sand in its exceptional monominerality and sharp-angled sand grains.

Where is quartz sand used?

White sand is used for glass production. The following requirements are imposed on it: it consists of 95% quartz, it must be medium-grained (the diameter of the grains of sand is 0.25-0.5 mm), without admixture of substances that are sparingly soluble in the glass mass, without harmful impurities minerals containing iron, chromium, titanium (they color the glass and increase its light absorption). Good glass sand is considered to be one that consists of 98.5% quartz and contains no more than 0.1% iron oxide.

Needed for production chemical glassware, in instrument making - it can withstand significant temperature changes. For molds and cores in foundry production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, quartz sand is also used, called molding sand in metallurgy. The quality of this sand is determined by the shape of the particles, which affect gas permeability, and the amount of impurities that reduce the fire resistance of the sand. It is necessary that the sands do not contain minerals with high content sulfur and phosphorus, which are harmful to metal castings. Quartz sand is also used for the production of “sandpaper” - for this, sand is melted with graphite and carborundum is obtained, which is second only to diamond in hardness. The exceptional dirt holding capacity (sorption capacity) of quartz sand is used in filters to purify water from iron and manganese oxides. This sand is used in construction for plastering surfaces and for production finishing panels, Used in landscape design. And even coffee heated in a steam table filled with white quartz sand will delight you with its aromatic taste.

Quartz and regular sand. Which important differences should be noted between these two types of sand? What features are characteristic of quartz sand, which is especially valued?

Quartz sand: the most important information

Quartz is a common mineral found in earth's crust. IN pure form the mineral is colorless or white. However, even minor admixtures of other minerals guarantee a certain color. Quartz is not only white, but also red and black, because everything is determined by additional components. Quartz sand is often found in nature and is valued in construction.

You need to understand that quartz sand is mined in a regular quarry, but it requires the presence of higher level quartz and a small amount of impurities. In rich deposits that have already proven themselves best side, percentage of pure quartz contained in sand, can even reach 99%.

It is mandatory to carry out a long procedure for washing the extracted sand, because it must get rid of contaminants and impurities, while simultaneously obtaining most quartz rock. After washing with mandatory drying, it is supposed to be sifted through a technical sieve for further breakdown into small-sized fractions.

When using quartz sand, you need to pay special attention to its fraction. Most often used fine sands, the size of the fractions is about 0.1 millimeters.

Possibility of using fine-grained quartz sand:

  • Glass industry.
  • Production of window and technical glass.
  • Production of fiberglass for electronic systems.
  • Making faience.
  • Production of porcelain and ceramics.
  • Paint and varnish production.
  • Production of putties and glue.
  • Creation of fire-resistant materials needed in construction activities.

The next variety is quartz sand of medium fractions. In this case, the particle size is 0.3 - 1 millimeters. In most cases, such sand is used to fill filtered units. Increased dirt holding capacity allows quartz sand to act as a filter element to remove large impurities and bacteria. This aspect allows the successful use of sand in water purification in household and drinking water supply, creating filters for purifying petroleum products in liquid state. Quartz sand is also popular for construction and finishing activities.

The popularity of coarse-grained quartz sand is increasing every year. Popularity is expressed in the volume of sales, which is increasing on an ongoing basis. Coarse quartz sand can act as a topping for soft roof, an element of the device of epoxy, bulk polymer and polyurethane floor coverings, used in industrial premises.

The effectiveness of using quartz sand has been proven by many years of successful practice. The material is of high quality, harmless and cheap, as a result of which it successfully exhibits its most best characteristics during its use.

You need to understand that the cost of quartz sand varies, because it depends on the following parameters:

  • The uniqueness of the deposit.
  • Color range of quartz sand.
  • Features of production.
  • Transport distance.
  • Fraction (prices increase if a large fraction is expected).

Thus, it is initially impossible to count on exact cost building material and one must be prepared for potential variations.

Features of quartz sand

Quartz sand is a valuable construction and industrial material, which promises to meet the expectations of its consumers with unique technical data. You need to understand that quartz sand is not a filler for building mixtures. In addition, leveling the ground surface and filling trenches is not expected. Such use of quartz sand cannot be economically feasible. The cost of quartz sand is always significantly higher than the cost of construction sand.

Quartz and ordinary construction sand: differences

What differences are noted between quartz and construction sand?

  1. Quartz sand has a homogeneous composition.
  2. Increased dirt holding capacity is guaranteed, which is achieved due to optimal intergranular porosity.
  3. Construction material can be a valuable filter material, because it involves minimal wear of sand grains.
  4. Quarry sand – perfect option raw materials for concrete and metallurgical works. Additional areas of use of raw materials are the production of flasks and the glass industry. This application is due to the ideal quality of quarry sand.

Quartz sand - best material, compared to conventional construction sand.

Quartz sand is one of the most popular materials today, which is widely used in various industries. It is obtained by crushing a special type of mineral rock - milky white quartz.

Quartz sand is characterized by a high degree of purity: it contains practically no impurities. This material differs from other types of sand in such features as: homogeneity of structure, high intergranular porosity, monomineral content, dirt holding capacity (the ability to retain sediment), as well as high resistance to various weather conditions, mechanical and chemical influences.

Thanks to the sorption capacity quartz sand can remove from water manganese, iron and other impurities dissolved in it, and therefore this material has found application in filtration systems.

Quartz sand is used in landscape design, in the manufacture of ceramic and porcelain products: tiles, dishes, etc. This material is most often used in the construction industry: it is part of many decorative and finishing materials and building mixtures (facade, interior plasters, concrete, etc.). Quartz sand is also used as a filler in the formation of various coatings.