home · electrical safety · The depth of laying a sewer pipe in a private house. Sewerage depth - the main aspects of this issue Calculation of the parameters included in the project

The depth of laying a sewer pipe in a private house. Sewerage depth - the main aspects of this issue Calculation of the parameters included in the project

Atmospheric precipitation brings a lot of trouble to residents of country houses if they are not provided with a tap. The most common problems that owners face are washing away and gradual destruction of the foundation, flooding of the site, rotting of the roots of trees and bushes growing in the yard, and the formation of a swamp.

To avoid the effects of heavy rain, you can install a simple storm sewer, which does not require much effort and financial costs to equip. Storm sewer is a system consisting of the following elements:

  • observation wells;
  • devices for transporting wastewater;
  • sand traps;
  • storm water inlets.

There are two technologies by which storm sewers can function: point and linear.

Note! The linear sewer system is more functional. It is able to collect runoff from large areas, it is used to remove precipitation that flows from the roof, sidewalk.

Parameters for calculating dimensions

The first thing to do when arranging storm sewers is to draw up a project and system calculations. If you skip this step, you may encounter a number of troubles during operation. If you equip an insufficiently effective sewage drainage network, water will linger in the territory, however, in smaller quantities. If you run a system that is too powerful, you will have to spend a lot of extra money not only during construction, but also during maintenance.

  • the average amount of precipitation for the area according to meteorological data;
  • if you plan to use storm sewers to drain melt water, you should consider how powerful the snow cover is;
  • the area of ​​the territory from which effluents will be collected;
  • soil characteristics;
  • underground communications.

When calculating the dimensions, it is necessary to determine the volume of storm sewers, the depth of laying, the slope necessary for the high-quality functioning of the system. If you doubt that you will calculate the necessary parameters correctly, seek the advice of a specialist.

Important! An accurate calculation of the size of the storm sewer will ensure maximum efficiency of its work, and will also help save money at the stage of arrangement.

How to calculate volume

One of the most important parameters that should be taken into account when arranging storm sewers on the site of a country house is its volume. The main criterion for the calculation is the average amount of precipitation falling in a particular area. Rain water, snow, hail are taken into account.

The size of collectors and water collectors depends on the volume of wastewater. The volume of sewage is determined by a special formula, for which the following values ​​are needed:

  • the amount of wastewater entering the system (an approximate figure can be found in the collection of SNiP);
  • the intensity of precipitation;
  • the area of ​​the territory from which wastewater will be collected;
  • correction factor.

All received values ​​are simply multiplied. Calculating these parameters is quite simple. The only question that may arise is what is the correction factor. This is an indicator that depends on what material the area from which wastewater will be collected is covered. If it is an area covered with rubble, the coefficient is 0.4, for areas filled with concrete - 0.85, for areas covered with asphalt - 0.95 and for roofs - 1.

Channel depth

Another important parameter is the depth of the storm sewer. Trays are laid at a depth characteristic of the region. To find out how deep the storm sewer is, you can ask your neighbors or representatives of a construction company. This parameter also depends on the diameter of the pipes to be laid.

Note! It is impossible to combine storm sewers and drainage systems, as they will work very inefficiently, which can lead to flooding of the site with precipitation.

It is desirable that storm sewer channels be laid above the groundwater level, but below the level of soil freezing, and this range is from 1.2 to 1.5 meters. Considering that excavation requires a lot of effort and a lot of money, owners decide to reduce the minimum depth of storm sewers. If the pipe diameter is 50 mm, then laying should be carried out at a depth of at least 0.3 m, if the diameter is greater, then the pipe deepens by 0.7 m. When calculating the depth, the nature of the soils in the area is also taken into account.


How to calculate?

Calculation and construction of storm sewers are based on SNiP-2.04.03-85 - “Sewerage. External networks and structures”.

This document was adopted already about 30 years ago, but has stood the test of time, and its provisions are valid to this day. Its development was carried out back in the days of the Soviet Union, so it contains reference tabular data for all regions of the CIS and Baltic countries.

The seeming cumbersomeness of the formulas and the abundance of quantities taken into account can puzzle a person who is not a specialist in the field of physical and mathematical calculations.

However, for the owner of a private house, a simplified scheme will be enough, the final indicators of which will be:

  • the volume of water removed is the required performance of the system,
  • slope and pipe diameter,
  • their depth in the ground.

System Performance Calculation

The successful operation of a storm drain largely depends on the diameter of the pipes used to drain the water.

In turn, the size of the pipes is directly related to the average volume of precipitation that must be removed from a certain area.

Storm sewer drains can be calculated using the following formula:

  • Q is the total calculated volume of water removed.
  • q20 is the precipitation intensity factor, calculated in liters per second per hectare.

This value is calculated on the basis of long-term hydrometeorological observations for each locality.

Its meaning can be found in the local environmental, architectural or meteorological service, or you can use the graphic diagram given in the mentioned SNiP.

  • F is the area of ​​the plot from which the catchment is made. The value is converted into hectares. For a pitched roof, the area is determined in horizontal projection.
  • Ψ is a correction factor that takes into account the absorbency of a particular coating. For private households, you need to know several of its values:
    • Roofing of the house - 1.0
    • Asphalt pavements - 0.95
    • Concrete sections - 0.85
    • Compacted crushed stone coating - 0.4
    • Open ground, turf, lawns - 0.35

The calculation is carried out for each section served by one storm water inlet. According to the value obtained in the corresponding table (given below), the minimum diameter of the drainage pipe is determined.

Accordingly, for sections of pipelines that collect water from several storm water inlets, the volume of storm drains is summed up, and for a collector, water collected from the entire area of ​​​​the site is taken into account.

Practice shows that for an average country house with a personal plot, the size of the drainage pipes should be 110-150 mm, and 200 mm will be enough for the collector.

Minimum slope

The movement of water in all types of storm drains is carried out by gravity.

Thus, the slope of the storm sewer pipes in the direction of movement of the discharged effluents is necessarily provided.

There are a number of established minimum values, depending on the diameter of the sewer pipe.

The table below will help you quickly and accurately determine both the required pipe diameter and the slope at which it should be installed in the system.

  • The initial value is the value of Q, the procedure for calculating which was described above.
  • The slope value is indicated as a percentage (1% - 1 cm difference per 1 linear meter of pipe).

If we operate with average values, then:

  1. for a DN110 pipe, it is customary to give a slope of about 20 mm,
  2. DN150 - 8-10 mm,
  3. DN200 - 7 mm per linear meter.

Rarely, but still, narrow pipes with a diameter of 50 mm are used - for them, the difference should be up to 30 mm / m.

Before entering the sand traps, the slope may decrease somewhat - here a minimum water speed is required for better sedimentation of suspended grains of sand and dirt.

And the maximum slope is made immediately after the tie-in into the storm water inlet - in these places the speed of the passage of the liquid should be maximum.

Oddly enough, there is no unanimity on this issue, since Art. 4.8 SNiP-2.04.03-85 is rather advisory in nature.

She advises determining the depth of pipe installation based on the experience of maintaining sewer networks in a particular region.

If such data cannot be accurately determined, then the following criteria should be guided:

  • For pipes less than DN 500, the depth of occurrence is at least 300 mm. from the level of soil freezing.
  • For pipes of larger diameter, this value increases to 500 mm.

In any case, the distance from the top edge of the pipe to the level of the planned ground surface must be at least 700 mm.

If for some reason it is impossible to lay pipelines at such a depth, they must be insulated and protected from damage under the influence of external mechanical loads.

Location and size of wells

  • At pipe connections.
  • At points of change in direction or difference in the level of the pipeline, changes in its diameter.
  • On straight sections - through certain segments, depending on the diameter of the pipe (collector):
    • DN 150 - 35 m.
    • DN200–450 – 50 m.
    • DN500-600 - 75 m.

The size of the well also depends on the parameters of the pipe of the largest diameter included in it.

  • In private construction, where large diameter pipelines (over 600 mm) are not used, wells should have dimensions of 1000 × 1000 mm (round - d = 1000).
  • With pipes up to DN150, wells d = 700 are allowed, but their depth should not exceed 1.2 m.
  • And in the case when the depth of the well exceeds 3 m, its minimum diameter must be at least 1500 mm.

Professional design

Not everyone can carry out an independent calculation of storm water.

In addition, if the owner of a private residential area has the right to make a mistake, he can design a sewer at his own peril and risk.

To organize even a small enterprise, to draw up plans for the improvement of urban or courtyard areas, carefully calculated, technically sound projects are required that fully comply with all existing sanitary and building standards.

Such design and survey work is carried out by special organizations, having state certification for the implementation of activities of this kind.

When contacting specialists, the customer presents them with a number of documents that will form the basis of the terms of reference:

  • Topographic map of the area from which storm water is to be diverted.
  • Geological survey data containing information about the nature of soils at the site.
  • General building plan.
  • If you plan to discharge to a centralized collector system- technical conditions for water utility services for connection.
  • Sanitary standards for water treatment, if it is supposed to be discharged into natural water bodies or drainage fields.
  • Possible wishes of the customer on the organization of the accumulation of collected water.

The result of the work of designers is a package of documents, which includes:

  • General information about the equipped site and storm sewers.
  • A detailed schematic diagram of the storm drain.
  • A scaled drawing-plan of the site with reference to the locations of all stormwater elements. In fact, it is a ready-made installation instruction for further work.
  • Detailed specification of the equipment required according to technical specifications.
  • Full estimate for the purchase of the required materials and construction, installation and commissioning.

The finished storm sewer project is subject to mandatory coordination with the water utility enterprises, state technical supervision authorities, the sanitary and epidemiological service, and the environmental control service in charge of the state of water resources.

Only after the full approval of the project in all controlling instances, it is possible to proceed to its practical implementation.

Some design organizations take over the entire process of coordinating the project they have developed.

The design process is complex, but there are no trifles in this matter.

In order for the storm sewer to fully fulfill its functions, so as not to incur penalties for violations of environmental legislation, it is better to entrust the development of the project to experienced specialists whose qualifications are not in doubt.


Nuances that must be taken into account when determining the depth of the gasket

All information related to the issue under consideration is set out in SNiP 2.01.01-82, the following important factors can be distinguished from this regulatory act:

climate zone It is this indicator that is in many ways fundamental, therefore, all design work begins with it, below is a diagram by which the depth of laying sewer pipes according to SNiP is determined. You need to find your location, and use it to find out the desired depth value
Site relief If the site on which communications will be laid is absolutely flat, then this factor can be ignored, but if the plane is uneven, then the depth of the pipeline also changes accordingly
Again, if there is no traffic on the site, then you don’t have to worry about loads, but if the system is laid under a driveway, a highway or a platform on which vehicles sometimes travel, then increased deformation effects should be taken into account, as they can cause damage to pipes
Materials used If cast iron or thick-walled asbestos pipes are used, then you don’t have to worry about loads, but if you decide to use plastic, the price of which is much lower, then special attention should be paid to calculations, since, despite durability, such elements are much easier to damage
Design features For example, the depth of laying sewer pipes in a private house differs significantly from industrial construction due to a number of features, which we will discuss below.

Work procedure

Consider the sequence in which all activities are carried out, and how to properly organize the workflow in order to minimize the likelihood of errors and miscalculations (see also the article “The slope of the sewer pipe is an important indicator for efficient work”).

Freezing depth

This indicator can be found either in the reference book "Building Climatology" or in local metrological authorities. It is worth noting that the indicator can vary significantly depending on the type of soil, as can be seen from the table.

This type of communication also has some features that you need to know when calculating the depth:

  • Due to the fact that drains with a positive temperature constantly flow through the pipes, the depth of their location differs from conventional communications and standard plumbing systems. This is a very important factor that directly affects the complexity of the work and the time required to complete it.
  • The index of change in the depth of the gasket depends on the diameter of the elements used. If this indicator is less than 50 centimeters, then 0.3 meters can be subtracted from the freezing depth value, if more than 50 centimeters, then 0.5 meters. That is, with an indicator of 1.5 meters, communications with a diameter of 110 mm can be laid on a recess of 1.2 meters.

Advice! If it is impossible or very difficult to lay communications at the desired depth, then you can use a special pipe insulation that will prevent freezing and greatly simplify the work. In some situations, this is the only viable solution.

Relief features

If the site has differences in height, then it is important to follow several important rules:

  • The simplest option for calculating the depth is to determine the lowest section, and to make calculations from this point, since drops are undesirable, it is by no means possible to dig a stepped trench, because the slope must be uniform along the entire length of the highway.

Important! Excessively large, as well as too small a slope, negatively affects the operation of the system and leads to the accelerated formation of plaque on the inner walls of the pipes, which significantly increases the risk of blockages.

  • If the work is difficult due to a large height difference or other factors, it is possible to insulate the part of the system that will be closer to the surface than it should be, and lay the rest of the sections without the use of heat-insulating elements.
  • It is very important to ensure high-quality fixation of each element so that after falling asleep the pipes do not bend, since in such cases there is a high probability of leakage.

The laying depth scheme is very important as part of the preparatory stage - sewerage in a private house is not difficult, so it will not be difficult to create a project, and the factors described above will serve as a kind of instruction.

Features of the work

If you have decided how deep to bury the sewer pipe, you can get to work:

  • The trench is dug 15-20 cm deeper than required. This is necessary in order to make a sand and gravel cushion, which must be carefully compacted.
  • Next comes the laying process, it should start from the foundation of the house. It is important that the depth of laying the sewer pipe also provides for the necessary slope; for pipes with a diameter of 100 to 200 mm, this figure is 2 cm per meter, that is, the height difference per 10 linear meters should be 20 cm.
  • To ensure the least pressure on the pipes, you need to dig narrow trenches; you can also install wooden spacers over the pipe every meter to reduce pressure.
  • To ensure maximum tightness, the joints can be further strengthened by applying silicone sealant, after hardening it will create an insurmountable barrier to moisture.
  • After assembly, the system must be checked for leaks, the easiest option is to fill it with water.
  • The last stage is the filling of communications with soil.

The depth of laying the rain sewer may be less, since in winter the pipes are empty, and they are not afraid of frost. But it is important that water does not accumulate in the system during precipitation.


3.1. Pipes for storm sewer network

For sewer pipelines of storm drain gravity sewers, it is recommended to take:

a) non-pressure reinforced concrete pipes GOST 64820-79 and 64821-79, non-pressure asbestos-cement pipes GOST 1839-80, ceramic GOST 286-82, plastic GOST 18599-2001;

b) for pressure - reinforced concrete pressure GOST 12586-83, asbestos-cement pressure, cast iron GOST 5983-75, polyethylene HDPE type T TU-6-19-231-83.

Sewer network pipe materials must be selected in accordance with the purpose of the pipeline and the composition of wastewater.

Reinforced concrete pipes are preferable for storm drains, as they have high strength and throughput throughout the entire period of operation.


sewerage depth

On the construction forums of the Internet, there is no unequivocal answer to this question. However, when referring to the rules of SNiP 2.04.03-85 p.4.8. we find the answer.

The extremely low depth of laying sewer pipes is determined experimentally, according to the experience of work carried out in a particular area. But this wording also does not have a specific value. In the absence of proper information, the following figures can be used, showing the dependence of the depth of laying sewer networks on the diameter of the pipeline. The dependency is shown in the following table:

The smallest pipe depth with a stable flow rate is calculated using data from statics and heat engineering.

TIP: when constructing a storm sewer, it is necessary to follow an identical work plan.

The depth of the trench for the sewerage of a private house must meet several conditions:

  • minimum excavation work
  • be able to protect pipes from damage that may occur when loaded on the ground
  • to ensure the impossibility of freezing of the liquid in the sewage pipelines
  • as well as ensure the reception of drains into the central communications or a septic tank from the most distant and low-lying point of the site

At the same time, the extremely low laying depth of sewer pipeline networks is determined on the basis of the following factors:

  • proximity to groundwater
  • qualitative composition of soils
  • relief of the site, its length and greatest depths
  • soil freezing level
  • type of sewer system (gravity or with a pump)
  • technology of work performed (in trays or in open form)

Minimum sewerage depth

The most important factor that you need to focus on when calculating the minimum sewerage level is the mark of soil freezing. The depth of laying sewer networks is taken above the ground freezing mark to a certain height (as shown in the table above), since the wastewater temperature is above zero.

For example, for residents of warm regions, the pipe laying depth will be from 30 to 50 cm from the surface of the earth. Whereas for residents of the northern regions, the depth should be calculated as follows: for a pipe with a diameter of up to 500 mm, subtract 30 cm from the soil freezing value, for a pipe over 500 mm 50 cm. Suppose that the soil freezing value is 2 meters, then for a pipe up to 500 mm, the laying depth pipes will be 2000-300 = 1700 mm or 1.7 meters.

In addition, when laying sewers, it is necessary to take into account the slope of the sewer pipe to the wastewater collection system or septic tank (if the sewer works on a gravity system). According to SNiP "... sections of pipelines with a diameter of 40-50 mm should be laid with a slope of 0.03, and with a diameter of 85 and 100 mm - with a slope of 0.02 mm."

All these calculations apply to large projects and large houses, if you are laying pipes for a country house, the laying depth can be reduced to 0.7 m or 0.9 m in places with increased load (for example, where vehicles pass).

Measures to reduce pipe laying depth

In order to use the opportunity to reduce the depth, some methods are used to eliminate the risk of sewer communication freezing:

  1. using a heating cable
  2. use of high quality plastic pipes
  3. trench insulation
  4. increase in diameter and wall thickness

Using a heating cable

This is a good solution to the issue of pipe heating, the cable is mounted on the outer surface of the pipe, an automatic machine operates in it, which automatically turns on in those sections of the pipeline where there are problems with lowering the temperature below zero degrees.

Use of high quality plastic pipes

In our heyday of the chemical industry, polymer pipes used for laying sewer networks have become especially popular. Modern construction of buildings does not provide for the provision of sewer systems with cast-iron or asbestos-cement pipelines.

Compared with previous substances for the manufacture of pipes, their plastic counterpart has quite a few "pluses", namely:

  • increased wear resistance
  • plastic pipes are not subject to overgrowth
  • no corrosion
  • due to the relative lightness and malleability of the substance, the installation of networks does not require unusual skills and physical exertion

TIP: polymer sewer pipes are practically not subject to freezing; when properly installed and operated, liquid stagnation that can freeze is excluded.

trench insulation

Trench insulation with expanded clay, mineral fiber or modern heaters. The thickness of the layer that provides thermal insulation varies between ten and eighty millimeters. The heat-insulating layer is covered from above with waterproofing (special hydrophobic materials).

Increase in diameter and wall thickness

Under the condition of laying pipes of increased diameter and high wall thickness, the risk of sewage freezing is significantly reduced.

Theoretically, a large volume of waste liquid also has a beneficial effect on reducing the risk of freezing. In practice, it has been established that the volume of wastewater can be significantly lower than the planned volume, which has a bad effect on the freezing factor of the system. The applied large depths of laying the network depend on this natural phenomenon, they protect the network from freezing. The thickness of the frozen soil in various areas is indicated in the Building Climatology, and the value of the soil freezing value can be found in the construction documentation.

Important features of laying sewer pipes

  1. When installing a piping system in basements with a great depth, or in places with a decrease in relief, versions with an extremely low depth are provided прокладки канализации, which provides for the installation of a pumping station. The depth of the pressure line device must be calculated at the request of regulatory documents.
  2. Practice has shown that in problematic soils (water-saturated, compacted to strong and silty), communications are laid at a depth of four meters, in dry soils - the depth is determined from four to seven meters.
  3. Communications built with a depth of less than 0.7 meters must necessarily have a sewerage protection zone on the surface of the earth. The security zone is equipped with a system of protection against possible mechanical damage to the pipeline.
  4. When carrying out projects for laying sewer communications without fail, it is necessary to take into account the difference in the relief lines of the terrain.

How to reduce the cost of laying pipes

To reduce financial investments in the installation of the sewer system, in order to obtain economic benefits, the minimum depth of the sewer can be made, if possible, at the lowest limit mark.

In order to achieve maximum benefit, the following conditions must be met:

  • open the possibility of adding earth in certain sections of the network
  • use high-quality, with improved strength properties, sewer pipes
  • look for the possibility of laying communications at shallower depths, use pumping pumping stations

The implementation of the above measures will help to significantly reduce costs, volumes, and complexity of work.

After the construction of the sewer system, its owner is in a state of excitement about the possible occurrence of any engineering problems in the network. During the operation of sewer networks, problems may arise, but in order to avoid them, the project must plan work on the construction of the network in accordance with the requirements of SNiP and other regulatory documentation. When implementing the project, it is necessary to strictly monitor the thorough implementation of design surveys by the construction team.

As repeatedly repeated in this article, the most significant value in the design of the construction of a sewer network is the depth of the sewer pipeline, and the following main components of the projects depend on its planned value in various parts of the sewer laying area - this is its cost, design complexity and the amount of work performed.

Laying and insulation of a sewer pipe video


The possibility of proper operation of the sewer system is determined primarily by the depth of the sewer and the system as a whole laid down in the project.

Also, the depth of laying sewer pipes directly affects the cost of laying and building sewer networks.

Therefore, the best and most expedient way would be to lay sewer pipes at depths that meet the minimum technical requirements for the area.

In general, a certain depth of laying sewer pipes is needed only in order to avoid freezing in winter and various mechanical damage from the outside.

Your attention!

The depth of sewerage should be calculated based on the experience of systems in this particular area. It is necessary to reduce the laying depth only if the sewer pipes can be insulated.

If there is no experience in the operation of sewerage in this particular area, then the depth of the laying should be calculated according to the following method:

  • Take pipes with a diameter of up to 5 cm
  • Lay them to a depth of 0.3 m
  • For pipes with large diameters - to a depth that is 0.5 m lower than the depth of soil freezing in this particular area.
  • In this case, it should be taken into account that the distance between the top of the pipe and the layout mark was not less than 0.7 m.
  • In order to avoid damage to sewer pipes by motor vehicles, it is necessary that the depth of the sewer pipes be calculated in such a way that there is at least 1.5 m of soil up to the top of the pipe.
  • The smallest depth to which the collectors must be laid must be determined by static and thermal calculations.

In order to most accurately and reliably determine at what depth to lay sewers, you need to find out what is the depth of soil freezing in your area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence.

About the depth of soil freezing in your area, you can use many regulatory documents, among which there are, for example, SNiP 2.01.01-82 “Building climatology and geophysics”. There is a detailed map with soil freezing zones in certain areas.

For example, you can cite several cities. For Moscow, the depth of soil freezing is 1.4 meters, for St. Petersburg this depth is 1.2 meters, but for Sochi it is generally less than 0.8 m.

Let's check on an experimental example at what depth sewerage should be laid in Moscow.

For this:

  • Take a pipe with a diameter of 200 mm
  • Subtract 0.3 meters from the freezing depth
  • After carrying out simple mathematical calculations, we get that the depth of laying a sewer pipe for Moscow will be 1.1 meters.

It is in this way that all serious organizations do the laying of sewer pipes.

In fact, everything is not so rosy. Pipes are laid in accordance with all the above norms and rules only if the building or structure is a serious, state, capital and expensive structure.

Here, no money will be spared for this: they will conduct both state and non-state examinations, hire serious designers, builders and installers.

Another thing is when it comes to what is actually the depth of the sewer in most private houses. Most homeowners have small sewage treatment plants in their country houses or dachas of the type and likeness of Topas, Biofluid and others.

The instructions for such systems are written clearly and clearly: the depth of the sewer pipe must be within 0.5 meters. Otherwise, the pipe simply will not fall into the drain hole of the treatment plant.

For such cases, SNiP has a separate clause. It states that pipelines and sewer pipes laid to a depth of less than 0.7 m must be protected from damage by land transport and freezing.

In practice, none of the above is usually done. The installers assure gullible people that nothing will freeze in winter, referring to their "great experience in conducting installation work in the Far North."

This determines the topic of filling in the winter of numerous construction and installation forums dedicated to “what to do if the sewer pipe is frozen and the drain does not work?”

Separately, it should also be said about the depth of laying sewer pipes of storm sewers.

Why do we need a rain (storm) sewer? At certain times, especially in spring, there is so much rain and melt water after the snow melts that they can seriously flood courtyards, summer cottages, and even large areas of various bases, factories, factories, etc.

Therefore, to discharge unnecessary melt water into low areas of the area or into the nearest water bodies, there is a rainwater disposal system.

Features of designing a rain sewer system include elements such as:

  • tracing
  • Hydraulic calculation
  • Designing and linking network elements

Tracing provides:

  • Collection of melt and rainwater from the designated area
  • Their removal to the nearest places of treatment or release

So, the depth of storm sewers, as well as household sewers, is calculated based on the minimum prescribed pipe laying depth in this area, according to the experience of previous laying or the experience of using sewer networks.

The location and distance of manholes in the collectors is set similarly to a household sewer network. Initially, the depth of the collectors under the roadway should be at least one and a half meters.

This need is necessary in order to avoid crushing the collectors with heavy equipment. Well, taking into account the fact that in the future it is possible to build an intra-quarter network, the depth of laying storm sewers should be at least 2 meters.

It must be taken into account that for each area it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive survey, taking into account various parameters, such as the depth of soil freezing, soil properties, etc.

« Do-it-yourself sewerage in an apartment: choice of material, drawing up a diagram, dismantling and installation What is the optimal depth of sewer pipes? »

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The estimated depth adopted in the design of the network, according to SNiP 2.04.03-85, is the depth used in the given region.

With a small amount of calculated data, the depth of laying pipes is taken as follows: for pipes with a diameter of up to 500 mm - 30 cm, for large diameters - more than 70 cm.

The optimal depth for laying storm sewer pipelines is one at which the amount of earthwork is minimal, as well as ensuring the integrity of the pipes, avoiding freezing of communications and the formation of ice in it.

The minimum slope of a storm drain system is determined by the type of surface coverage, piping diameter, and type of drainage system.

The calculation of storm sewers involves determining the slope according to the following principle: if the inner diameter of the pipe is 200 mm, the slope value should be 0.007 or more, and with a diameter of 150 mm - more than 0.008. Under certain conditions, the values ​​​​can be reduced to 0.005 and 0.007, respectively, for given diameters.

For open gutters, the slope is:

  • Channel for drainage - 0.003
  • Tray of the road, the surface of which consists of asphalt concrete - 0.003
  • Tray of the road, laid with crushed stone or paving stones - 0.004
  • Tray covered with cobblestones - 0.005
  • A ditch with a separate location - 0.005

It can be concluded that the slope is directly proportional to the roughness of the material - the larger it is, the greater the value of the slope. With the diameter, the definition is different - with its increase, the slope number decreases.

With the independent construction of the drainage system, the principle of ensuring the necessary slope is adopted on the soil surface. For finished gutters, different principles apply.

The values ​​that are presented in the regulatory documentation are empirically derived, that is, they were derived from data obtained from a large number of ready-made systems. Having correctly carried out the design and calculation of storm sewers, the system will turn out to be reliable, and its service life will be long.


Storm sewer: system design

The sewer system for removing water from the site is a complex communication that covers the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe object from which it is necessary to remove water. The entire network is a complex mechanism of communicating vessels (pipes or gutters), through which water is diverted from the sloping site first to a common pipeline, and then to the central drainage well. There, according to the laws of the Russian Federation and the rules of SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures, as well as GOST, prescribed clearly and clearly, rain and melt water must be treated and only then be discharged into the nearest reservoirs, collectors or the nearest roadside ditches. It also contains exact calculations and formulas for the construction of a sewer system for removing rain or melt water from the area of ​​private and state facilities.

Important: the discharge of rain or melt water from the sewer-stormwater network into water bodies in an untreated state is prohibited. This entails criminal liability.

Storm communication consists of the following elements:

  • Trays or gutters covered with a grate to receive water flows from the object;
  • Rain inlets that direct water further through pipes;
  • Sand traps that contribute to the purification of wastewater from particles of small debris in the form of dust and sand;
  • filtering devices.

Types of storm sewers

In SNiP 2.04.03-85 of the Russian Federation it is clearly stated that sewage-stormwater can be arranged in two ways. External and internal. In this case, three different system designs can be used:

The design of a sewer storm drain with a drainage system for the foundation of the building. In this case, all rain or snow melt water will drain from the built blind area of ​​the building into special drainage wells. There the water is purified. Such a system for draining drains from a roof or platforms is quite economical, but there are two significant drawbacks to the design:

  • Potential drain cleaning costs;
  • Icing during the cold season. Therefore, most likely, you will have to install a heating system.

In the second case, the sewerage is also mounted externally. For this, a tray decorative system is used. The gutters are placed along the intended trajectory, connected into a single system of connecting vessels and covered with decorative gratings. Such a system is most often used in the construction of domestic storm sewers. However, gutters can also be combined in the cold season.

The third method of installing a storm sewer system is internal. In this case, special storm water inlets are mounted under the roof sewers, which divert water into the sewer pipes.

Important: in any of the cases, it is necessary to entrust the design of storm sewers to professionals. Otherwise, communication, mounted "by eye", threatens with serious problems for the residents or owners of the facility put into operation.

Slope of trays and pipes

When installing a rainwater drainage system, either internally laid pipes or surface-mounted trays are used. In this case, it is always necessary to observe the slope of the transport communication so that the wastewater can move along it by gravity.

SNiP 2.04.03-85 clearly regulates the slope of the sewer sewer, depending on the diameter of the pipe or gutter-tray. So, the indicators are:

  • For pipes with a diameter of 20 cm and above, it is necessary to make a slope of 0.7 cm per linear meter of communication.
  • Under the condition of reducing the diameter of the collector, it is necessary to increase the slope from 0.8 cm to 1 cm, since the internal resistance in pipes of a smaller diameter will be weaker.

Important: we note that SNiP 2.04.03-85 regulates not only the minimum pipe slope indicators depending on their diameter, but also prescribes a maximum slope for the collector, equal to 1.5 cm per meter. Extreme measures in both directions can be applied in the case of non-standard features of the terrain on which the storm sewer is installed.

Pipe depth

When developing design documentation for the construction of a storm drain, it is worth considering the properties of the soil, which tends to swell or freeze. And this will help push the collector out of its place. Therefore, the depth of the pipes / trays is also important here.

In SNiP 2.04.03-85, the norms for the formation of a trench for laying sewer pipes or gutters, depending on their diameter, are clearly spelled out. The regulations are:

  • For pipes or trays with a diameter of up to 50 cm, the trench depth can be at least 30 cm.
  • If the diameter of the collector exceeds 50 cm, then the depth of the trench for laying the pipeline system should be from 70 cm.

At the same time, not only the diameter of the network gutter and the place for the installation of the pipeline are taken into account, but also the place for laying the sand and gravel pad along with the concrete solution.

Waste water volume calculation

In order for the system to divert water from the object to work as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to accurately calculate the average amount of precipitation that falls on a particular area during the month. To do this, you can use the formula taken from SNiP 2.04.03-85:

Q = q20 x F x Ψ

Here the indicators are the following data:

  • Q is the average volume of rain or melt water that will need to be removed from the site;
  • q20 - the intensity of rain or snowfall in a particular region of Russia. The data are registered in the SNiP tables for each specific locality;
  • F is the total area of ​​all roofs and platforms from which storm or snow runoff will be discharged;
  • Ψ - correction factor, which allows you to achieve the most accurate calculations for the average volume of water for diversion. This indicator completely depends on the type of coating from which the liquid will be discharged.

The coefficient indicators are also spelled out in the tables of SNiP 2.04.03-85 and have the following wording:

  • Roofs of any type - the coefficient is 1;
  • Platforms and paths made of asphalt - coefficient 0.95;
  • For sites and objects made of concrete - the coefficient is 0.85;
  • For crushed stone with an admixture of bitumen - a coefficient of 0.6;
  • And for simple gravel in its pure form - 0.4.

Thanks to the use of such a formula, it is possible to calculate as accurately as possible the volumes of rain or melt snow water that will "attack" the object in each of the seasons.

Protection zones for storm water

When installing a network of pipes for draining rainwater, it is necessary to observe special security zones that ensure reliable operation of communications, quick access to the pipeline or trays, and their fast and high-quality maintenance.

The security zones according to SNiP are the indentation from the walls of the laid collector in both directions along its entire length in the range of 5 meters in each direction. In protected areas it is prohibited:

  • Construction and installation of objects of permanent or temporary use;
  • Arrangement of car parking;
  • Construction of complex technical equipment, etc.

Collector installation rules

When arranging a network of pipes or storm sewer trays, it is necessary to follow some rules that will ensure the efficiency of a working system:

  • Thus, the communication device requires not only the laying of a sand and gravel cushion in the trench, but also the pouring of concrete mortar to securely fix the collector.
  • The entire system during the device must be equipped with special sand traps that will purify the water from small debris and prevent silting of the entire network. Such tanks are mounted at the site of water entry from storm water inlets or gutters into a common sewer pipe.

Important: Sandbox baskets require regular cleaning.

  • In the presence of tortuous communication at all turns, it is worth placing revision wells. By the way, they can also play the role of sand traps. If a rectilinear network with a length of more than 10 meters is being constructed, then on each segment of 10 m, an inspection well is also being installed.

There is a lot of controversy about this on the construction forums. Although in paragraph 4.8 of SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and facilities "everything is said quite clearly

The smallest depth of laying sewer pipelines must be taken on the basis of the experience of operating networks in the area. In the absence of operating data, the minimum depth of the pipeline tray may be taken, for pipes with a diameter of up to 500 mm - by 0.3 m; for pipes of larger diameter - 0.5 m less than the greater depth of penetration into the soil of zero temperature, not less than 0.7 m to the top of the pipe, counting from the marks of the ground surface or layout. The smallest depth of laying collectors with a constant (slightly fluctuating) wastewater flow must be determined by thermal and static calculations

Here is the wording "depth of penetration into the soil of zero temperature" , and this is nothing more than the depth of freezing of the soil.

You can find out the depth of freezing from many regulatory documents. The closest to engineering networks is SNiP 2.01.01-82 "" Construction climatology and geophysics". And although this document has already been replaced by a new SNiP 23-01-99 * " Construction climatology" map of freezing zones remained only in the old Soviet SNiP.

For the hero city of Moscow, the freezing depth is 1.4 meters, for St. Petersburg - 1.2 meters, and for Sochi - less than 80 centimeters. Take a "small" pipe with a diameter of 200 mm. For it, you need to subtract 0.3 meters from the freezing depth. Having made a simple arithmetic calculation, we obtain the minimum depth of the sewer pipe tray Du200 - 1.1 meters. For Moscow. Visually - in the drawing:

This is how pipes should be laid.

Now about the sad. About how pipes are actually laid. If it concerns some capital objects, then everything is fine. State or non-state expertise is obligatory, and projects for serious objects are made by serious designers.

Whether business - a private house. In almost all instructions for small treatment facilities such as Topas, Biofluid, etc., it is written in black and white - the sewer pipe from the house should exit at a depth of 0.5 meters. Otherwise, the pipe simply will not fall into the inlet of the treatment plant. SNiP also provides for such cases of laying - with mandatory insulation.

... Pipelines laid to a depth of 0.7 m or less, counting from the top of the pipe, must be protected from freezing and damage by ground transport.

In practice, sewer pipes are rarely insulated or heated. Installers say that nothing will freeze, refer to their vast experience and global warming. Therefore, in winter, the Internet multiplies with numerous questions and detailed instructions on what to do if the sewer pipe is frozen.

Before you start installing sewer pipes in a private building, for example, in a cottage, you must first develop layout drawings and draw a laying diagram.

Such materials will help to correctly install plumbing products, calculate the correct slope of the pipes and draw up an estimate of the materials necessary for work.

A system created according to the drawings will work without breakdowns, and if a blockage occurs, it can be quickly eliminated.

The article was written specifically for those who are engaged in the construction and installation of sewers. Builders will be able, based on the text below, to draw up a sewerage scheme for an individual house. Examples of the calculation of the external and internal systems for installing sewer pipes are given.

Masters will be able to calculate how deep to bury the sewer pipe. It will be possible to calculate the necessary consumables for the installation of an autonomous sewer system, which is laid independently both indoors and around the house.

The development of the scheme must begin with the most distant plumbing fixture installed on the top floor. Conducted horizontal lines must necessarily come to the riser. To save materials for work, plumbing fixtures are located on different floors, but maintaining the same vertical.

The composition of the domestic sewer includes:

  • A water seal that protects the room from unpleasant odors;
  • Pipes through which drains enter the external system;
  • Knees;
  • Tees;
  • Clamps supporting pipes and creating a certain slope;
  • central riser

When installing a sewer, it is very important to monitor the transition of pipes. It should not move from a larger diameter to a smaller one. To take into account such a nuance, you need to install a toilet on the layout at the closest distance from the riser.

The drawing of the internal system includes several very important parameters:

  • Number of floors;
  • Basement;
  • Number of plumbing fixtures;
  • Number of apartments.

It is very important to determine the depth of the septic tank and its installation to additional systems, for example, an installed pumping station.

The diagram must be drawn to a certain scale. This will help you quickly understand the piping layout when you need to identify problems in the event of an emergency.

outside line

To install the sewerage of an individual house, it is necessary to carry out a diagram drawing taking into account the surrounding landscape. Professionals recommend that the septic tank be located as low as possible, and the pipes should have a slight slope.

To determine which treatment system should be taken as a basis, to what depth the pipes will lie, it is necessary to pay attention to the following factors:

  • groundwater;
  • Soil type;
  • Freezing depth.

The construction of external sewerage is usually begins with laying the pipeline from the foundation. Drains should be discharged towards the cesspool made. Any turn of the pipe must be equipped with a special revision, in the form of an adapter equipped with a cover. Through it, it will be possible to easily eliminate the blockage.

An inspection well is mounted on the outside, a ventilation umbrella is installed.

The exit is through a riser with an installed one. Since it will always have a very strong unpleasant smell, such a pipe should be installed as far as possible from windows or next to the smoker.

It is forbidden to combine a fan pipe with an ordinary ventilation shaft. The umbrella can be replaced with a special vacuum valve installed at the top of the riser. Remember that it has nothing to do with the check valve.

Types of tanks, their positive and negative sides

The final part of the system is the tank where the cleaning is carried out. If there is no central collector through which the drains are taken, then autonomous installations are used.


Perhaps this is the cheapest option. The hole is easy to dig in the right place. However, it cannot always cope with large volumes of stocks. Dirt can be a source of unpleasant groundwater odor.

septic tank

Such a structure can be laid out of brick and poured with concrete. You can also install standard reinforced concrete rings. If the septic tank is well made, it can be used for many years, as it is characterized by increased strength. The disadvantage of this design can be called a long installation and large financial investments.

Stand-alone installation, industrial type

Of course, such a design is always much more expensive, but all costs are fully covered due to the rapid construction and very high quality. Such installations will work for a very long time with virtually no breakdowns.

Biological treatment system

About such a system, you can safely say "the most expensive." For its operation, it is necessary to bring a constant electrical supply. However, it has high performance and high-quality cleaning.

How to choose a place for a drain receiver, how to calculate its parameters

Whatever the type of receiver, its volume must necessarily correspond to three daily norms that all residents of the house consume.

According to the established standards, one person consumes 200 liters per day. Therefore, the volume of the receiver should be equal to 600 liters. If the treatment plant has several tanks connected, the total volume will be equal to their sum.

The choice of receiver location depends on several requirements.

The system should be mounted at the lowest point of the site, especially when there is a very difficult terrain.

The standards also establish distances to especially important objects, they must comply with accepted standards:

  • 50 meters - to a pipe with drinking water;
  • 5 meters - to the road;
  • 30 meters - to the reservoir;
  • 5 meters - to the living quarters.

How deep should sewer pipes be laid?

Technological standards (SNiP) establish a certain depth of sewerage in a private house.

For a more accurate definition of this value, you need to familiarize yourself with the zone map.

It shows the depth of soil freezing in various regions of our country. For example, in Moscow, the depth of laying a sewer pipe must be at least 1.4 m. For Sochi, this value is much less - 0.8 meters.

Such parameters are taken taking into account the characteristics of the terrain when the soil freezes. If nozzles with a cross section of less than 500 mm are installed than those indicated on the map, it is imperative to subtract 0.3 meters from this value. When it is required to lay sewer pipes of large diameter, the laying depth must be reduced by 0.5 meters.

At what depth is the sewer pipe laid near the house

The standardized standards indicate that the branch pipe leaving the room must be positioned so that it rises above the average freezing depth by about 30 cm.

The depth of the trenches must exceed 70 cm. For the middle lane, the minimum sewerage depth should reach 50 cm. This is quite enough if there is no area nearby that needs to be cleared of snow, and there is no roadway.

It is very important to comply with the last above requirements. The fact is that the pressure of the machines can lead to a breakdown of the pipeline, and with a large accumulation of snow, the pipe will simply freeze.

To create a gravity flow of sewage, you need to know exactly what slope you need to create for the sewer pipe, especially in a private building.

In principle, you can ask your neighbors. They know well how deep the trench is. They have already laid such pipes and tested the system. Therefore, their data will be the most optimal, especially for winter time.

If you have any doubts and difficulties in carrying out such plumbing work, you should contact the professionals. These companies employ highly qualified specialists with extensive experience and appropriate tools. If there are no skills for such work, then independent operations can lead to material damage and additional monetary costs.

Bookmark depth and optimal slope

For pipes with a diameter of up to 50 mm, SNiP recommends making a slope of 3 cm per meter of laying.

If the pipe cross section reaches 100 mm, then the slope can be reduced by one centimeter. So that the sewer does not become clogged and possible "fatting" does not occur, it is advisable to increase the slope by about half a centimeter for each meter of wiring.

The same values ​​​​of the angle of inclination are maintained during the laying of pipes in the area near the house. A sleeve is installed in the foundation. Its diameter is 15 cm larger than the main pipe. Thanks to the sleeve, there is a transition to an external sewage system. It is mounted above the soil freezing value by 30 cm.

Then a trench is dug, providing access to the septic tank. Its approximate depth should be no more than one meter.

Do not bury sewer pipes below the existing freezing level. Its average value does not exceed 1.6 m. Such work will be very unprofitable, since it will be necessary to make a greater depth of the septic tank. If a constant slope of approximately 4–5 m is maintained, groundwater may appear.

Such work requires additional financial investments, since it is necessary to install additional concrete rings and special high-strength corrugated pipes. They perfectly withstand the pressure of the drain, they do not deform with a large mass of soil.

The usual drain temperature is always higher than in the room, so the pipes do not freeze. Sometimes they are insulated with thermal insulation or a heating cable is laid.

Method for calculating the depth of a pipe connected to a storage tank

The value of the outlet of the pipe in the room increases by the length of the outer line, multiplied by a coefficient, the value of which is selected according to the diameter of the pipe:

  • D 50 mm - 0.03;
  • D 110 mm - 0.02;
  • D 160 mm - 0.008;
  • D 200 mm - 0.007;

The calculation is carried out according to the formula:


h2 is the depth of the point from where the exit and connection with the storage tank is carried out;

h1 - the value of the exit from the premises. 1.4 m is taken;

l is the distance from the foundation to the storage well. Usually 10 meters.

k - coefficient, always equal to 0.02;

g is the natural slope of the surface. Usually does not exceed 0.3 m.

h2=1.4+10*0.02+0.3=1.9 m.

According to the calculation, a sewer trench is created.

What problems may arise during the installation of a sewage system, how to solve them

In some cases, the depth of sewerage during installation in a cottage depends on some external factors.

It happens that it is simply impossible to carry out laying, or it requires huge financial costs. One of the reasons is the rock located between the house and the well. In such a situation, it is impossible to make a standard trench, since the soil has a very complex structure.

The only way out of this situation will be the thermal insulation of the pipes. Before starting the installation of the structure, it is necessary to wrap the pipeline with several thick layers of insulation, and then lay it to a depth of no more than 30 cm. It will be possible to create heating of the pipe, for which it will be necessary to lay a heating cable under the pipe.

We insulate sewer pipes

I must say that insulation greatly prolongs the life of sewer pipes, especially in the winter period, regardless of the region. The insulation is usually polyurethane foam. It wraps around the pipe, and is covered with plastic wrap on top. Such pipes are not afraid of any frost.

If there are joints or a lot of turns, it is very important to insulate them. It is in these places that difficulties always arise. In Europe, electric cables are used to insulate pipes. It is laid along the entire length of the pipe.

In our country, in the southern and central regions, the pipe is laid in a trench one meter deep. In the north, where there are always great colds, the depth of the sewers is even greater. Such pipes especially need thermal insulation.

When the sewer pipe is laid inside the house, some additional technological operations are performed. It is possible to create a large number of turns, all kinds of bends.

According to professionals, it is not worth abusing such opportunities. It is very important to make the system as simple as possible. It will not take much money for it, and it will be much easier to maintain it.

The internal sewerage in the house must have a natural drain. The ideal option is to lay the pipe directly under the floor. If the diameter of the outer and inner pipes have large differences, you can use the connections. For such purposes, a knee with an angle of 30 degrees is best suited. This will improve water runoff.

  1. Designing a storm drain for a specific site, developing a layout for pipelines and wells. This stage of work is carried out taking into account the requirements set forth in the regulatory documentation - SNiP, SanPin, GOST, etc.
  2. Approval of the project in the instances required by law
  3. Construction of storm sewers in the selected area

A very important part of the project is the terms of reference of the system, which is compiled on the basis of GOST 19.201-78 and fulfills all the requirements for the designed circuit. This section contains not only a description of the purpose of the structure, but also the features of construction work, the timing of their implementation, a feasibility study, and so on.

The calculation of storm sewers provides for the determination of the following parameters:

  1. Selecting the type of system - internal or external sewage
  2. Determining the location of wells and their number
  3. Calculating the length of pipelines
  4. The choice of building materials necessary for the construction of the system

The main factors influencing the calculations are the climatic features of the region in which the site is located, the location of water bodies of any type nearby, the catchment area, the speed of precipitation, and more.

In order to predict the material costs for the construction of a storm drain, it is necessary to draw up an estimate that contains the price of all components of the system:

  • Point catchment tanks
  • Downspouts
  • Storm wells
  • Waste water filters

Wells are a very important component of the system, since, depending on the type, they have a variety of purposes - collecting and accumulating sediments, distributing them in front of treatment facilities, diagnosing the system, washing out bottom sediments, as well as sampling water.

The storm sewer project includes the following sections:

  1. System trace
  2. Hydraulic network calculation
  3. Linking and designing its elements

The estimated depth adopted in the design of the network, according to SNiP 2.04.03-85, is the depth used in the given region.

With a small amount of calculated data, the depth of laying pipes is taken as follows: for pipes with a diameter of up to 500 mm - 30 cm, for large diameters - more than 70 cm.

The optimal depth for laying storm sewer pipelines is one at which the amount of earthwork is minimal, as well as ensuring the integrity of the pipes, avoiding freezing of communications and the formation of ice in it.

The minimum slope of a storm drain system is determined by the type of surface coverage, piping diameter, and type of drainage system.

The calculation of storm sewers involves determining the slope according to the following principle: if the inner diameter of the pipe is 200 mm, the slope value should be 0.007 or more, and with a diameter of 150 mm - more than 0.008. Under certain conditions, the values ​​​​can be reduced to 0.005 and 0.007, respectively, for given diameters.

For open gutters, the slope is:

  • Channel for drainage - 0.003
  • Tray of the road, the surface of which consists of asphalt concrete - 0.003
  • Tray of the road, laid with crushed stone or paving stones - 0.004
  • Tray covered with cobblestones - 0.005
  • A ditch with a separate location - 0.005

It can be concluded that the slope is directly proportional to the roughness of the material - the larger it is, the greater the value of the slope. With the diameter, the definition is different - with its increase, the slope number decreases.

With the independent construction of the drainage system, the principle of ensuring the necessary slope is adopted on the soil surface. For finished gutters, different principles apply.

The values ​​that are presented in the regulatory documentation are empirically derived, that is, they were derived from data obtained from a large number of ready-made systems. Having correctly carried out the design and calculation of storm sewers, the system will turn out to be reliable, and its service life will be long.