home · Installation · Becoming weight loss reviews. A large number of bets for weight loss. What runes are used in weight loss formulas

Becoming weight loss reviews. A large number of bets for weight loss. What runes are used in weight loss formulas

Runic magic has proven itself as an effective tool in solving many of the most difficult life situations. In addition to being used as a means of knowing the past and future, runes can also heal a person’s mental and physical bodies. Anyone can use runic magic after a short course of training.

General information about runes

Runes are non-fictional symbols of modernity; they are a writing system that arose in Europe in the second century AD. There is an opinion among scientists that it was runic writing that was transmitted to the inhabitants of Europe by our earlier ancestors for the purpose of transmitting magical knowledge.

Runic signs have changed several times throughout the history of their existence. But not only their appearance, their internal meaning and symbolism also changed.

Our ancestors used runes for:

  • Carrying out rituals associated with the birth of a person and his burial;
  • Like writing (only in small villages and settlements);
  • During times of active hostilities, runic inscriptions showed wanderers the way to shelters.

The use of runes by our ancestors was kept under the strictest secrecy at a time when magical practices were persecuted.

Using runes, you can perform the following magical manipulations:

  • Opening energy flow channels;
  • Closing energy flow channels;
  • Setting up protection for one object or several;
  • Setting up protection for magical work using another magical technique;
  • Restoration of energy circulation along the human energy column;
  • Restoring the structure of the human aura;
  • Discovery of a person's future and past;
  • Energy correction of the past and future of a person.

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Principles of working with runes

It’s not for nothing that manipulation of runes is called runic rituals. The word ritual in the narrow sense of the word means ordered actions of a magical nature. Ritual is the systematization of knowledge and skills to achieve a goal. When conducting a ritual with runes, even if it is just getting an answer to one question, you should carefully prepare for it.

For those working with runes, there are several rules that should be followed in this matter:

  • Prohibition on taking alcohol and stimulants;
  • When performing complex runic rituals, you should adhere to a diet;
  • A clear awareness of the need to obtain the result for which the ritual is performed.

With regard to limiting the use of alcohol and stimulants, everything is very clear; a clear mind is needed to obtain the desired result. To improve the effect of working with runes, you can use incense and essential oils. There is a whole system for selecting aromatic oils for working with runic systems.

Diet in nutrition is also needed for better concentration in obtaining the desired result. Of course, you don’t have to switch to strict fasting, but it’s worth limiting your intake of animal foods and fats for a few days. Without a clearly posed question, a clear and specific answer will not come from the runes.

To improve concentration, it’s worthwhile in advance:

  • Master meditation practice;
  • Learn to manage Qi energy;
  • Get diagnosed for the presence of negativity; if it is present, it is worth postponing runic rituals to attract money and love into life.

Diagnosing negative programs on a person with the help of runes is another way of using them, which today is actively used not only in Europe, but throughout the world. Of course, in order to practice serious runic rituals, you need to undergo a special training course, but almost everyone can get answers to simple questions and help in life situations.

Runic symbols for weight loss

The problem of excess weight worries many, but few have tried the magical effect of runes for weight loss. It is worth remembering one nuance of working with runes for weight loss; it is best to choose the waning cycle of the Moon for this.

So, runes that help get rid of extra pounds:

  • Isa– the rune of cooling, freezing all processes, in the fight against extra pounds, it will help stop the process of gaining excess weight and allow other runes to do their job;
  • Yera– a rune for redirecting energy in the right direction, this rune can not only get rid of excess weight, but also fill the entire body with energy;
  • Soulu is able to restore lost energy and balance of fats in the body;
  • Hagalaz– breaks down fats well;
  • Berkana– accelerates the process of losing weight, but at the same time makes it soft;
  • Dagaz– personifies the changes themselves that are necessary, that is, losing weight exactly in those areas that are needed;

These are the main runes that are used to achieve the goal of losing weight. They can be used one at a time or as a weight loss strategy.

Correct spelling of runes for weight loss

A large number of bets for weight loss:

  • they are written on a sheet of paper, not applied to glass and wood;
  • written in black or red pencil. If you write Isa on the problem area with a red felt-tip pen, it will become active very quickly and will freeze the process of fat tissue growth there.
  • Runes should be applied correctly to paper, connecting visualization.

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How to draw runescripts correctly?

As a rule, runescripts and staves are accompanied by descriptions of activated runes. They should be drawn in the order in which they are listed in the description of the runescript.

This stav is written from right to left and in the sequence in which the runes are depicted.

Pictured here:

  • Turisaz- promotes the breakdown of fat;
  • Kveort- promotes fat burning;
  • Laguz- promotes its removal from the body as liquid.
  • Uruz- tones the body;
  • Solo- a rune of fastening, which guarantees a positive outcome.

How to use runes correctly?

Many practitioners advise updating staves every lunar cycle. If the description of the rune stub indicates that you need to apply it to the material and carry it with you, then it is better not to put the sheet with runes in your wallet, unless of course this is money magic, but to wear it like an amulet on your body. You can also sew in a rune and embroider it on clothes. If the rune is made of stone, it can be worn as body jewelry.

If the rune is intended to be worn for a long time, then it is worth cleaning it in water at least once a month. It is immersed in purified water for a day; you can place the container with the rune on the windowsill so that it is saturated with lunar and solar energies.

Today, many people use runes and I would really like to remind you of the basic rules for working with them, for successful work:

  • Determination;
  • Careful preparation;
  • Correct selection of rune combinations;
  • Correct use.

At the beginning of runic practice, you should not experiment on your own; you should trust professionals, carry out several proven rituals, and then, having identified which one is the most suitable, expand the methods of working with it. This practice will definitely bear fruit; an integrated approach to working with runes is also important.

Staves are always more effective than runes individually; you should not be afraid to work with staves; you should expect a positive result.

Now I don't worry about being overweight!

This effect can be achieved in just a few months, without diets or exhausting workouts, and most importantly, with the effect retained! It's time for you to change everything!!! The best weight loss complex of the year!

Evaz is the engine of the process;
Mannaz is a person;
Ansuz inside - we breathe with our belly;
Sol - give strength to breathing and feed it with energy;
Ansuz at the top - we breathe with our chests;
Nauts - we mobilize the body’s energy to refuse overeating;
Yera - makes the process cyclical;
Laguz Soul Raido - promotes the destruction of fat, removal of toxins and improvement of metabolism, accelerating regeneration processes;
Thurisaz - destruction of internal blocks in order to lose weight.

Disclaimer: This runic becoming, after activation, promotes the breakdown, burning and removal of excess internal fat, waste and liquid that interferes with my body (kg), forces me to consume a real amount of food, without overeating, and also removes internal subconscious resistance to weight loss, and blocks of psychological discomfort regarding weight loss (you can specify... disbelief, etc.).
Becoming improves oxygenation of the blood, metabolism and regeneration of the body as a whole.

Source: inoibarnaul.net/t1366-topic This exercise will bring the greatest benefit to those who practice bodyflex.

Where are Dagazy - the changes we “order”
Evaz - moving the process in the direction we need
Mirror Tour - breaks down our internal blocks that interfere with weight loss
Mirror Kano - burns fat
Berkana - makes the process soft and safe.
Lagus remove unnecessary things from the body
Three Algiz - protect the body from stress associated with weight loss.

Works best with "Duplet" from uv. T-Montana.

If you are confused that it is black magic, do not use it, but magic has no color


For fasting
Isa - Kano - Dagaz

For fat burning and rejuvenation


Tried it - it works

Isa - this rune has several options for action. This includes stopping the process, freezing it, and turning the current process into a permanent one. Depends on "intention"
Kano - fire, burning.
Dagaz - transformation, turns a phenomenon into its opposite, changes in oneself and lifestyle, rejuvenation. It’s good to put it on cream, on the waxing moon.

I make ligature from Keno, Dagaz, Lagus, Isa.
I saw this formula, but I don’t remember the author.
I knit these Runes.

And this is my visa:

Kano burns excess fat in my body,
Deposits of hazardous waste, programs and blocks
Those that give birth to disease and defects in the body -
But fat is burned without diseases and without holes.

Dagaz finds the fastest and correct way,
So that I can lose weight harmoniously, so that my body becomes slimmer,
So that the soul rejoices seeing the youth of the body,
To want to love, to comprehend the essence of life.

Laguz removes excess water every day,
Flushes away everything harmful from the body -
And my fortitude and charisma grows,
And the habit of eating a lot and laziness disappears.

Isa can help me - she keeps the results.
Inner strength and limitation
I protect my body from fat and aging, -
So that even at 100 years old she can delight the eye with beauty.

Let it be so.

I apply elm to a three-liter jar of filtered water with red nail polish, I smear the water and only use it during the day.

Isa Kano Dagaz visualized eating less on a plate of soup.

I put the second formula on the soap, cut it out with a knife on a piece of soap, and on the cream, it seems that the skin was smoothed out, some kind of vigor appeared inside and it lost weight in volume. I set it for 15 days. I liked the results.

I put it on my sister’s stomach with a corresponding hang, and the formula worked for me in a month; my sister’s stomach practically disappeared. I updated the formula once a week.

Apply with a red pen or marker, renew once a week. and strictly specify the purpose of application, for example, burning fat and tightening the skin, and don’t forget about the offering to the gods.

Galdrostav to give grace to your forms, or rather to destroy subcutaneous fat cells both locally, in places where the stav is applied, and generally throughout the body.
The meaning of the stav is simple - destruction of fat cell capsules. Further, no runes or staves are needed - the body will do everything itself. Fat flows out of the burst capsule and is absorbed into the blood, followed by removal of most of the substance from the body, it’s simple.
Most non-surgical liposuction methods work on this principle. (chemical, electrode or ultrasonic)
So? let's start:
The cells themselves, naturally, will not collapse, so we will strictly force them to do so with Hagal (Anglo-Saxon Hagalaz) framed by the Nauts. (or double Hagalaz, but it depends on who you like more)
Now the most important thing is to compose the runes to mean “your own fat cells,” and then insert the resulting ligature into the Hagalaz rune crusher.
In essence, we need - “Personal resources of a material nature that carry not manifested, but only potential energy packed into granules” (Fat cells resemble granules)

“Personal resource of a material nature” is undoubtedly Fehu, since subcutaneous fat can be compared with one’s personal resource property (fat nourishes and warms and accumulates)
Further. It is no secret that homemade lamps or candles are made from fat (which is essentially energy). That is, fat can be represented as the potential (unmanifested) energy of a flame. It is not difficult to guess that Kennaz, pierced by Isa, who is responsible not for energy in action, but for its potential variant, frozen, is suitable for this role.
Thus, the script “own fat” is obtained from the runes (h, I, F) Ken, Isa, Fehu.
(The Anglo-Saxon Ken is an analogue of the older Futarch Kennaz, in appearance it looks more like Uruz with a back and resembles a capital Latin letter (h). This version of Kennaz is more suitable, because in the best possible way it resembles a candle in appearance: there is a wick at the top, and stearic (fat) contents at the bottom However, the classic Kennaz will also appear in the central part of the final stave.

Now all that remains is to runically granulate our fat so that the actual granules in which the fat is located are destroyed. Here Hagal himself (N) will come to our aid, into which we are going to insert the ligature “own fat”. Hagal literally means "hail" or "hailstones"
that is, essentially a certain substance in granular form (I think comments are unnecessary).
If Hagal means (which is more likely) “hail in motion,” that is, a hailstorm with the hailstones themselves breaking on the ground, then this would be even more suitable, since we just need to stir up the fatty hailstones to the point of their self-destruction.
By the way, in the subcutaneous layer only fat has an outwardly hailstone-like shape, so the runes are unlikely to miss the object of destruction, and with a good reservation this is generally excluded.
Thus, as soon as we combine the “own fat” ligature with the Hagal rune into a single ligature, Hagal not only begins to destroy what he was connected with, but also himself specifies the object of destruction, since in the ligature all runes always influence each other.
That's all. As you can see, it’s nothing complicated and not scary at all))

As I said, it becomes more logical to apply it to problem areas. If it seems to you that you are the entire “problem area”, then again you can apply standing on the most (advanced) points, and one main standing on the entire full-length photo.
Disclaimer. This is where you need to be creative, specific and precise. Runes must know the task. Therefore, clearly and accurately formulate the work, time and force of influence.
Well, of course, we don’t forget to sound beautiful and sincere (in our own words).
Sincerity adds strength to implementation.

Becoming, as always, he can work directly, directly doing the work himself, or maybe attract money to you so that you have the opportunity to go, for example, to ultrasound liposuction, thereby completing the task.

The product is applied directly to the skin.

This becoming does not rejuvenate, for this there is a “golden (rejuvenating) apple.”
And he works where he stands, or with whomever he stands on. If a person is plump everywhere evenly, then, as I said, you can apply it to the photo at full height.
And if in general there is nothing, but the riding breeches stick out with the belly, then it is only logical to remove them without touching everything else.
You can have this clause, I literally came up with it on the fly.
First the standard visa to Odin
Ek syau s'ryu hausaiti ok quer upp frau yo'zru, ok sautu s'rir mann sinn i queryu. Haur, Yafnhaur, S’riz’i, s’air eru au khliz’ minni til a hyalpa ok leisa.”

(then this is in Russian) “I see three thrones, one higher than the other, three people sitting on them. High, Equally High, Third; they are on my side in helping and resolving (problems)

(Further from myself in my own words, for example Smile
Having become, I apply and ask Odin: Just as the power of the runes helped you, so let him help in my trouble.
Let half (a third, a quarter) of the fat cells under my skin be destroyed, and the fat itself be removed from me through blood and urine (and so on). Where under the skin the layer of fat is thicker there is more work for the runes. Let it be like this for xx days. Said, done, so be it.

I probably need to include approximate clauses with all positions. To prevent the connection from being spoiled by a slander.


1 I did it for my sister on a problem tummy, she painted with acrylic paints with the stipulation that all fats are removed, collapse and leave the body. I drew it, covered the skin with an adhesive plaster on top and made me wear it. They updated it every three days for a week because after the shower everything was washed off.
Result: stomach noticeably tightened, waist minus 7 cm. I didn’t weigh her Smile

I took a photo for myself, printed out the photo front and back, applied runes to the problem areas, until the results were noticed only by those around me. I don’t feel it, but I began to want to eat less and wet my old jeans, which I couldn’t button up 2 weeks ago.

According to the photo, I applied it with a reservation for 1 month on a waning moon during the full moon, after the photo I burn it, now I apply it again to myself

We lose weight with runes. Repetition is the mother of learning

In general, you need to eat less and move more, but if this is not possible and you are locked in prison, for example, this will do. INTERNET COLLECTION!

For fasting
Isa - Kano - Dagaz

for fat burning and rejuvenation



Mannaz, Berkana, Fehu; 2nd shot - Vunye.

Creates a feeling of satiety and contentment. Actually, Mannaz is an object, a human form, Berkana is a part of physical health, the “stomach” and its condition are still according to her profile, well, so as not to spoil it with these experiments, and Fehu is “abundance”, “fullness” I don't care about possession" (abstractly, not in the sense of money, not even once, it's also "possession" and "food", why not turn it that way??). So somehow. The result is a gastronomically satisfied cadaver. Vunya - it’s clear that it’s not a bastard, it’s successful and without displeasure)

Elm from Esgal


Reducing appetite


Found the following formulas from a member named "Topi Topi"
1. Kenaz-Isa-Dagaz- works great for weight loss, but softer, more systematically, and as practice has shown, it generally brings the body into a normal state. Establishes and regulates the entire system of our physiology. Also + rejuvenation.
Kano - fire, burning.
Isa is stopping and delaying the process, freezing it at the combustion stage, and turning the current process into a permanent one.
Dagaz - transformation, turns a phenomenon into its opposite, changes in oneself and lifestyle, rejuvenation

2. Uruz-Dagaz-Laguz-Kenaz-Isa- This runic formula promotes rapid weight loss and weight loss.

We apply the runic formula from left to right on the person’s stomach (in the center) and on the left palm (from the wrist to the fingers) with a BLACK or BLUE marker, ink, ink, or gel pen. We update the rune every day.




Scandinavian runes for weight loss

  • kano contains fire within itself and does an excellent job of burning fatty deposits in the body.
  • Isa represents a delay in the process or its stopping, freezing at the fiery stage of combustion, turning the process into a constant phenomenon in your body.
  • dagaz transforms, turning any phenomenon in the opposite direction, is able to change you, your lifestyle, and rejuvenate the body.

6.Uruz-Dagaz-Laguz-Kenaz-Isa should be applied from left to right on your stomach, placing the symbol in the center. Don’t forget to apply the rune on your left palm in the direction from your wrist to your fingers, but only using a black or blue marker, ink, gel pen or tesh. The rune needs to be updated daily.

7. Yera-Sovelu-Hagalaz-Sovelu-Yera apply in red to the left hand. With the help of this rune, within a few days you will notice how the desire to eat large amounts of food disappears. Your performance and amount of energy will increase. Apply this symbol in the morning.

Yera- this is an energy-intensive part, it is cyclical, but at the same time directs a person’s energy in the right direction. Able to restore metabolism or hormonal metabolism.

Slavic runes for weight loss

The most important Slavic symbol that promotes weight loss is the Rtsy rune. It conceals within itself the path of knowledge, propagation of the law of Svarog. This law represents the path of joyful, but at the same time difficult spiritual discoveries of your inner world. The rune helps a person find that subtle connection that connects his spirit with his body. After all, if there is a violation in physiology, you have gained excess weight, this means that not everything is in order with your inner world, some kind of failure has occurred.

So, the key word of the Rtsy rune is “action”, movement from the chaos of his inner world to peace and order. The symbol helps the individual achieve his goal. He will give wise advice, maintaining a person’s energy and strength at the right level.

Purpose: runic becoming for losing weight, reducing volume, burning fat, initiates transformation, starts the process.

(From zef): Tested, works. It also not only shifts the situation, but also works on other levels, provides energy for changing nutrition, information about what is best to do, all this comes “accidentally” in the process, can initiate cleansing in family relationships, additional cleansing such as stopping throwing off negativity from the karma of the family, the detection of damage, as well as a trip to a specialist such as an endocrinologist “completely by chance and naturally”, all this is built into a chain, so it is better to put it on for a long time, it is better to draw on the hand and be sensitive to what needs to be done, do not ignore event chain. If you feel that the rune has done its job and has developed a method for losing weight, you can put other bets on the same topic further down the chain. (Staves work well). Also, the “minus 60 system” (not a diet, but a food distribution system for the day) goes well with the rune, but also if you listen to the rune and to yourself, the diet will rearrange itself.

Sample clause: Let this runic formula make me (full name) lose “so many kilograms.” Let the DRF carry out what I have agreed upon, using only my personal strength. Let the DRF begin its action now. Let the DRF cease its action as soon as it fulfills what I have agreed upon. This runic pattern works without harm to the mental, physical and energy health of the full name. I activate this runic form right now with my breath, so be it. This is true!

Placed: Applied to the body with a marker and updated as it is erased. You can draw on a photo or on paper indicating your full name or make a patch

Responsibility: When placing a runic symbol, you should know about diagnostics and safety measures,take responsibility yourself for the process and the reservation . If you are not confident in your abilities, you can seek help for a consultation or to the author of the runic stav, finding his contacts on the Internet.

Possible offerings into the forest after a reservation : honey (One), if you decide to stipulate not on your own strength. Or a standard list, depending on whose energy it is based on. If we put it on our own, then we don’t bring anything anywhere.

Removed after: erased from hand or burned (if placed on paper), after a while, with words of gratitude

Mannaz - determine who is losing weight

Kenaz - opening, transformation, renewal, fire melting the excesses of the body, change

Raido - weight loss progress, changes in the body

Teyvaz - active persistence of planned weight loss

Nautiz is a compulsion to achieve weight loss.


Each of us dreams of looking attractive in the eyes of others, but most often, of course, female representatives think about this. Agree that at least once in our lives it has occurred to us all to lose a couple of extra pounds before an important holiday or the start of the beach season. We fill the refrigerator with healthy foods, study the latest effective diets, but few people know that runic formulas for weight loss can help in such a situation. Let's figure out how they work.

Is it possible to lose weight with the help of runes?

This question is perhaps one of the most popular among those who practice working with ancient symbols - runes. If the secret signs inherited to humanity from the Scandinavian god Odin are capable of changing reality, attracting love, happiness and wealth into our lives, then why not use them to enhance our external beauty?

Many people know that runic formulas for weight loss really work. If you go to thematic forums where practicing runologists share their experiences, you will see many positive reviews about the work of such staves. And what could be better proof of effectiveness than the opinions of people who have tried weight loss techniques using runes in practice?

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Of course, runes will not be able to magically transform a young lady weighing a hundred kilograms into a slender woman in a couple of days, since their effect is soft and gradual. But these ancient signs are capable of influencing metabolism, loss of appetite, removal of waste and toxins from the body, craving for proper and healthy food, and most importantly, a person’s desire to lose weight. Therefore, when using runes, weight will decrease - albeit slowly, but surely, and this, from the point of view of doctors, is the safest for health.

What runes are used in weight loss formulas?

There are a huge number of working formulas for weight loss, but in most good proven runic formulas for weight loss, the following signs are most often found.

  • Hagalaz, as a destructive symbol, successfully works to destroy the causes of obesity and the breakdown of fatty tissue in the body. We can say that it destroys barriers and obstacles that interfere with a person’s slimness
  • Berkana protects women's beauty and health, which is why it is often used in weight loss regimens for women
  • Yera rewards for successful work, helps desires come true, and therefore gives fruitful results to those who really make every effort to achieve what they want
  • Soulu strengthens a person’s motivation and helps him see the situation more clearly. We can say that someone losing weight under the influence of this rune begins to understand what exactly he needs to do in order to lose extra pounds. The Kenaz rune works in a similar way.
  • Mannaz, as a symbol of independence and freedom, can naturally reduce a person’s appetite. Fehu is also responsible for normalizing appetite, which at the same time nourishes a person with the energy of nature, allowing him to maintain good spirits and good mood
  • Uruz in runic formulas for weight loss helps the body remain fit and beautiful after losing extra pounds
  • Isa is able to “freeze” old processes, making room for new ones, therefore, if something goes wrong in your body, the rune will “slow down” what interferes with weight loss and force the helping factors to “awaken”
  • Laguz can enhance the desired effect, so its use in such settings is also desirable
  • Vunyo is luck, beauty and success. And the synthesis of these three concepts is what we are trying to achieve when we go on a diet and start caring for our body.
  • Nautiz and Dagaz are responsible for rejuvenation, which is also important for a person who wants to look better

Features of applying runic symbols for weight loss

If runic staves are usually applied to a photograph of an object, then in matters of losing weight it is better to use your own body. Although a formula applied to a photo will also work, it is preferable to draw the marks directly onto your skin.

The most optimal place for the formula is the stomach, since this part of the body is responsible for our bodily desires. In addition, the stomach is always under clothes and questions from curious people can be avoided.

Those who are categorically against the image of runes on the body are recommended to draw a “weight loss” script on a sheet of paper, which they will always need to carry with them. You can also create a runic amulet with the desired design, the main thing is to remember that when the desired effect occurs, the amulet will need to be destroyed.

Runic formulas for weight loss and rejuvenation can be drawn both in a line and in a column.

Attention! The main thing is not to apply runic formulas while standing in front of a mirror. Mirror images of runes will have a completely different effect, so it’s better to practice applying runes correctly in advance so that you don’t have to redraw them several times

Horizontal ligature should be depicted from left to right, vertical - from top to bottom. It is best to use a red marker, however, blue and black colors are also not prohibited, the main thing is not to use this marker for other purposes.

There is another way of applying staves for weight loss, although it is used quite rarely. In this version, runic script is drawn on the left palm from the wrist towards the fingers.

The unpopularity of this method can be explained by the fact that the stave applied to this part of the body cannot be turned over, so during its operation you will have to carefully monitor the position of your hand, which, you see, is very inconvenient.

When drawing runes, you need to “intend” them - i.e. think about what function and what effect they should bring to you.

Note! Only runic formulas for weight loss with a reservation will work, so after depicting the runes you need to “specify” them

You can refer to each specific stav rune and say out loud how it will act. However, many people use the clause of the whole formula, without dividing it into individual signs: they simply pronounce the general task of the stav.

Which method to choose is up to you, since this does not affect the effectiveness of runic writing. It is important not only to mention the purpose of the formula, but also how it will be activated, as well as its validity period. The period can be specific, for example, one month, or until a specific goal is achieved, for example, losing ten kilograms.

The final stage is. During the reservation, you had to say exactly how you would activate the runes. You can do this in any way you like: breath, blood, the forces of all the elements or any one of them. The main thing is to activate exactly as you indicated during the reservation.

After activation, the formula begins its work.

When the becoming has done its job, i.e. its validity period will pass or the desired effect that you indicated during the reservation will occur - the formula will need to be destroyed. Usually it is simply erased from the body, or burned by fire if you put symbols on paper or an amulet.

If for some reason the spell did not work or did not work at full strength, then the ritual can be repeated: to do this, you need to circle the runes again and again specify and activate them.

Proven weight loss bets

Runic formulas for weight loss, good and proven, which we have collected for you, have already proven their effectiveness more than once. Try them for yourself. If one of the formulas does not work for some reason, try another after destroying it. However, some staves do not conflict with each other and may well act “together”, the only thing is that you should not apply them to the body at the same time: it is better to leave one on yourself, and use the other in a “paper” version.

Betting on losing weight while normalizing metabolism

This formula is suitable for those who are overweight due to metabolic problems.

It uses the following order of runes: Yera, Soulu, Hagalaz, Soulu, Yera.

  • Hagalaz will actively burn fat reserves
  • Yera - control the normal functioning of all organs
  • Soulu - to give a person vitality and energy for excellent well-being

This way, weight loss will be effective, safe and enjoyable. Negotiation and activation are carried out according to the standard. It is better not to limit the duration of the formula, since normalization of metabolism is not a quick process.

Runic formula for weight loss for gluttons

This meal is suitable for those who simply eat a lot and cannot deny themselves sweets, fast food and other junk food.

It includes the runes Mannaz, Berkana, Fehu and Vunyo.

  • Mannaz - will allow a person to pull himself together and not “pounce” on harmful foods, teach him to distinguish between “hunger” and “appetite”
  • -will set him up for a new life without overeating
  • Fehu - will give vitality, allow you to get joy not from food, but from other activities
  • - guarantees a positive result of the action

Negotiation and activation are carried out according to the standard.

Recipe for eternal youth and beauty

This stav refers to runic formulas for weight loss and rejuvenation.

It includes only three runes: Kenaz, Isa, Dagaz.

  • Kenaz - gently cleanses the body both on the physical and energetic levels
  • Isa - will rejuvenate organs and also “freeze” the aging process
  • Dagaz - will give a “renewed” person vitality for further prosperity

You can negotiate it individually or in its entirety, you set the duration of action yourself, activation is your choice.

How quickly do runic formulas for weight loss work?

As we have already mentioned, you should not expect instant action from ancient signs, since they work with internal processes very gently and unobtrusively. It is for this reason that it is better not to stipulate the duration of the stav for less than a month.

The ideal option is to give the formula as much time as it needs, or specify not the time of action, but the desired result, for example, losing five, ten or twenty kilograms of weight, and then be patient and wait.

You can get this knowledge at free mini-course “Secrets hidden in the Runes”.