home · electrical safety · Why is it not recommended to do roof repairs in winter? Roofing works - soft, built-up and membrane roofing. Materials for soft roofing

Why is it not recommended to do roof repairs in winter? Roofing works - soft, built-up and membrane roofing. Materials for soft roofing

Soft roofing is one of the most common types of roofs in our country, despite its relative cheapness and ease of installation, it has a number of disadvantages, one of which is its relatively short service life. This is not caused by the quality of the roofing pie itself, but to a greater extent by climatic features our country. Repair soft roof may be necessary in winter if warm time the roof was not inspected for years and no work was carried out current repairs roofs.

Before we talk about roofing works ah in winter period, let's look at the features roll roofing.

Get your roof repaired in winter in Moscow

If the situation with a severe roof leak does not allow you to wait until spring, then it is better not to do the soft roof repair yourself in the winter, but to entrust this matter to professionals. The Stroy 911 company has many years of experience in performing roofing work in winter. Own production, a large staff of professional installers and industrial climbers allow us to offer best price for roof repairs in winter in Moscow and the regions.

You can find out the cost of repairing a garage roof, membrane roofing, soft roofing by phone or through the form feedback indicated on the website. We go to the site on the same day!

Features of a soft roof

TO soft species Roll roofing includes straight and inverted roofs, in which the insulating layer is made of bitumen-polymer materials, membranes and mastics. Laying of a soft roof occurs using hot or cold mastic and roll bitumen-polymer coating, which is attached by fusing, polymer by partial or complete gluing. Flat roofs with a slope of up to 90 are usually used for industrial buildings.

The positive features of soft roofing material include:

  • Easy installation
  • Inexpensive material cost
  • Good insulating properties

Among the negative features we can highlight

Due to the above characteristics of the material, it is possible in winter, but with strict adherence to the rules and technologies for installation and repair of the roof.

Repair of soft roofs in winter, at sub-zero temperatures

The current SNiP for soft roofs was developed at the dawn of the eighties, when there was no modern materials, tools and technologies, in accordance with SNiP, it is impossible to repair a soft roof in winter, but given modern realities, it is possible.

Modern roofing materials make it possible to carry out repair work on the roof in a temperature range of -15 C; if the temperature is lower, it is not recommended to repair the roof, since low negative temperatures will negatively affect the quality and fit roofing.

The need for roof repairs in winter may arise for various reasons:

  • Material wear
  • Mechanical damage as a result of improper cleaning of the roof from snow and ice
  • As a result of weather conditions (hurricane, etc.)

Roof repair technology in winter

If you follow all the technologies for installing and repairing a soft roof in winter, the roof will last quite a long time, although the price will be more expensive than in the warm season. Minor emergency roof repairs will cost approximately 15-20 thousand rubles.

Roof leaks in winter can occur for various reasons, but in order to identify what exactly caused the leak, you need to conduct a thorough inspection of the roof. If there is snow on the roof, clear it first.

When carrying out all types of roofing work in winter, a prerequisite is to ensure the safety of the installers (cables, insurance, etc.)

Once the location of the leak on the roof has been identified, you can begin. If the temperature is below +5C, installation of a greenhouse is required, since installation of the roofing sheet requires a certain temperature regime. As a rule, when repairing flat roof In winter, the main problems are: bubbles (departure of the roof), cracks in the coating.

Technology for performing minor repairs

  • Cleaning the roof and identifying problems
  • Bubbles. Opening the bubbles with an envelope, drying, removing debris, filling with mastic, gluing the folded edges.
  • Cracks. Cleaning, drying, filling with mastic.
  • Mechanical damage. If a polymer sheet is being repaired, the patch must be made of the same material as the main roof sheet. Cleaning and degreasing the surface, cutting out a patch (10-12 cm larger than the damaged area), soldering the patch, rolling with a roller.
  • Depressurization of seams. Cleaning the area of ​​delamination, soldering the seams (in case large area detachment, a membrane patch is placed on top)

Excerpts from SNiP related to roofing work and roof construction


SNiP 3.04.01-87 insulating and finishing coatings. Instead:

  • SNiP III-20-74*;
  • SNiP III-21-73*;
  • SNiP III-B.14-72;
  • GOST 22753-77;
  • GOST 22844-77;
  • GOST 23305-78.



2.1. Insulation and roofing work can be performed from 60 to minus 30 °C environment(work with the use of hot mastics - at an ambient temperature not lower than minus 20 ° C, using compositions for water based without antifreeze additives not lower than 5 °C).

2.2. In the foundations for roofing and insulation, in accordance with the project, the following work must be performed:

  • seal the seams between prefabricated slabs;
  • arrange temperature-shrinkable seams;
  • install embedded elements;
  • plaster sections of vertical surfaces stone structures to the height of the junction of the rolled or emulsion-mastic roofing carpet and insulation.

2.3. Insulating compounds and materials must be applied in continuous and uniform layers or in one layer without gaps or sagging. Each layer must be laid on the hardened surface of the previous one, leveling the applied compounds, with the exception of paint ones. When preparing and preparing insulating compositions, the requirements specified in the table should be observed.

1. SNiP requirements for the preparation and preparation of insulating compositions for roofing.
Technical requirementsLimit deviationsControl (method, volume, type of registration)
SNiP 3.04.01-87. Insulating compounds for roofing.
Bitumen and tar (pitch) must be used cleaned of impurities and dehydrated. Heating should not exceed, °C: Measuring, periodic, but not less than 4 times per shift, work log
bitumen - 180± 5%
tar (pitch) - 140± 7%
Fillers (aggregates) must be sifted through a sieve with cell sizes, mm:- Same
for sand - 1.5-
for dusty ones - 2-
for fibrous - 4-
Permissible moisture content of fillers (aggregates):
for sandUp to 2%
for compositions with sealing additivesup to 5%
for other compoundsuntil 3 %
Temperature of emulsions and their components, °C: The same, at least 5-6 times per shift, work log
bitumen - 110+ 10°С

emulsifier solution - 90

+ 7 °C
latex (when introduced into the emulsion) - 70Minus 10 °C
Uniformity of bitumen distribution in bitumen perlite and bitumen expanded clay - 90%±2%
The compaction coefficient of bitumen perlite and bitumen expanded clay under pressure of 0.67-0.7 MPa is not less than 1.6-
Temperature when applying mastics, °C:
hot bitumen - 160+ 20 °C
hot tar - 130+ 10 °С
cold (in winter time) - 65 + 5°С
Installation of insulation dispersedly reinforced with glass fiber (fiberglass fibres): Measuring, periodic at least 16 measurements per shift (every 0.5 hours of work), work log
fiber sizes - 20 mm+ 20 mm
the ratio by weight of aluminous cement to Portland cement is 90: 10; the content in Portland cement of a grade of not less than 400, tricalcium aluminate by weight is not more than 8%. The glass rope must not have a paraffin lubricant.Up to 80:20
Heavy concrete for constructing roofs without an insulating coating (roof) must contain:- Measuring, periodic, at least 4 times per shift, work log
plasticizing and air-entraining additives, fillers made of fractionated sand and coarse crushed stone;
Portland cement - hydrophobic, containing no more than 6% calcium aluminate;
crushed stone of igneous rocks or gravel with a temporary resistance of at least 100 MPa in a water-saturated state; granulometric composition of crushed stone, mm:
5-10 25-50 %
10-20 75-50 %
sand protective layer size modulus - 2.1 - 3.15
Gravel and other frost-resistant mineral materials must be sorted and washed-


2.4. Dust removal of substrates must be carried out before applying primers and insulating compounds, including adhesive adhesives and mastics.

2.5. Leveling screeds (from cement-sand, gypsum, gypsum-sand mortars and asphalt concrete mixtures) should be arranged with grips 2-3 m wide along guides with leveling and compacting the surface.

2.6. The surface priming before applying adhesive and insulating compounds must be continuous without gaps or breaks. Primer of screeds made from cement-sand mortars, should be carried out no later than 4 hours after laying them, using primers based on slowly evaporating solvents (with the exception of screeds with a surface slope of more than 5%, when priming should be done after they have hardened). When preparing the base surface, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 2. The primer must have strong adhesion to the base; there should be no traces of binder left on the tampon attached to it.

2. SNiP requirements for preparing the roof base surface.
Technical requirementsLimit deviationsControl (method, volume, type of registration)
SNiP requirements for preparing the roof base surface.
Permissible deviations of the base surface for roll and non-roll emulsion and mastic insulation and roofing:- Measuring, technical inspection, at least 5 measurements for every 70-100 m2 of surface or on a smaller area in places determined by visual inspection
along a slope and on a horizontal surface5 mm
across a slope and on a vertical surface± 10 mm
from piece materials:
along and across the slope± 10 mm
Deviations of the element plane from a given slope (over the entire area)0,2 %
Thickness of the structural element (from design)10 %
Number of irregularities (smooth outline with a length of no more than 150 mm) on a surface area of ​​4 m2No more than 2
Primer thickness, mm:
for roofs made of fused materials - 0.75 %
when priming a hardened screed - 0.35 %
when priming screeds within 4 hours after applying the solution - 0.610 %

2.7. The humidity of the base before applying the primer should not exceed the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 3. Only water-based primers or insulating compounds may be applied to wet substrates if the moisture appearing on the surface of the substrate does not violate the integrity of the coating film.

2.8. Metal surfaces pipelines, equipment and fasteners to be insulated must be free of rust, and those subject to anti-corrosion protection must be treated in accordance with the design.

2.9. Insulation of installed equipment and pipelines should be carried out after they are permanently secured in the designed position. Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines in places that are difficult to reach for insulation must be carried out completely before installation, including the installation of cover shells.

Insulation of pipelines located in non-passing channels and trays must be performed before they are installed in the channels.

2.10. Equipment and pipelines filled with substances must be cleared of them before production begins. insulation works. 2.11. Rolled insulating materials when carrying out work in negative temperatures It is necessary to warm it up to a temperature of at least 15 °C within 20 hours, rewind it and deliver it to the place of installation in an insulated container.

2.12. When insulating roofs from large-sized complex panels with a factory-applied roofing carpet, sealing the joints of the roof panels and gluing them must be done after checking the insulation of the mounted panels.

Frequent leaks of flat roofs cause a lot of trouble in repairs. And the matter is not always due to the lack of reliable waterproofing agents, fortunately there is a lack of modern durable materials no, but rather in them making the right choice and proper use in roofing systems.

Flat roof repair technology involves two types of work:

  • dismantling the old coating and laying a new one;
  • restoration without dismantling the old coating.

In this case, the specifics of a particular structure are taken into account. Eg, industrial premises Compared to others, they are more susceptible to destruction under the influence of various aggressive influences: dust and vibration, temperature changes. Roof repair industrial buildings primarily solves a range of issues related to providing conditions for the occurrence of production processes, although to a certain extent it is also associated with the decorative component of the structure.

Replacement of old coating

As a rule, everyone tries to follow the path of the least cost of both labor and finances. But sooner or later the moment comes when local repair no longer “saves” the roof. Reusable leak patches change the structure of the coating: it becomes multi-layered with many internal delaminations and cracks. A flat roof in this state is actually under constant threat of destruction due to temperature deformations. Therefore it is more expedient old roof disassemble.

Another reason for replacing the coating is the loss of the thermal insulation qualities of the insulation layer due to periodic penetration of moisture. Once in the insulation, water goes through many freezing/thawing cycles, which leads to the destruction of the insulation structure.

Of course, it all depends on the type of insulation used. For example, insulating mats are most often replaced, and expanded clay with a screed can be dried in literally a day or two by punching several ventilation holes through the screed.


The technology for repairing a flat roof without dismantling the old one is possible subject to the following conditions:

  • damage to bitumen layers is local in nature and their number is no more than 3–4;
  • the supporting structure and thermal insulation are in satisfactory condition;
  • all layers must be dried and ventilation of the heat-insulating layer must be ensured, and
  • the material used is vapor permeable.

It is assumed, first of all, to open all the swellings and restore the peeling layers and cracks. To dry the thermal insulation layer, this is one of the effective ways prevent further occurrence of swelling in increments of 5 meters per flat roof install aerators. By the way, this procedure promotes partial recovery thermal insulation properties insulation. Next, they move on to “leveling” the surface of the cut out fragments and sealing the seams on all parts of the roof. At this stage, you cannot skimp on materials. The operation is carried out until smooth transitions are created without depressions and angularities. Most of all for these works.

Repair technology with polyurethane mastics

The advantages of this material are reliable adhesion without the use of additional solutions. It perfectly fills voids and is easy to mold until it hardens completely. Adhesion polyurethane mastics quite high, however, the cleaned surface must first be thoroughly primed. After about an hour and a half, the first layer of mastic is applied, strengthening it. It is applied while simultaneously acting as reinforcement.

This operation can be made easier if you first lay the textiles overlapping, fix them to the base with a construction stapler, and then pour out the mastic.

The “control” second layer of mastic is applied after polymerization of the first (this requires about 7-8 hours). Reinforcement is not carried out for this layer, however, a fine-grained coating is often sprinkled on its surface, by analogy with bitumen coatings.
Particular attention is paid to the processing of junction nodes. Their restoration is also carried out traditional ways. For example, repairs to parapets are carried out after complete removal of old materials, mechanically securing the upper edge of the new one using metal strips and flashings (aprons).

Features of restoration of an exploited roof

The most difficult thing in the event of cracks is the repair of an existing roof that has become Lately great popularity. The appearance of cracks and breaks in the roofing carpet on these roofs has next character: upper layer coating, often a screed with a decorative layer, is under the active influence of temperatures, which entail the formation of thermal deformations, which leads to cracking and disruption of the integrity of the coating. The crack continues to spread into the depth of the protective layer and breaks the tightly clamped layer of roofing materials. Such a defect during restoration can be eliminated by separating the coating from the adjacent layers with separating layers, say, by laying.

Is it possible to repair in winter?

Roof repairs are very rarely carried out in winter. Basically, this need arises in emergency or emergency situations. Execute emergency work quite realistic, no matter what the temperature outside. First important requirement– this is the absolute dryness of the coating when performing restoration work. For this purpose, frame-tent shelters made of tarpaulin are used. They are quickly installed and reliably cover areas. The required thermal conditions are provided using heat guns.

Winter, of course not best time for repairing soft roofs using rolled weld-on materials. Prolonged autumn precipitation filled the old roofing pie, and the air temperature and weak solar activity do not allow water to evaporate.

Excess moisture, of course, will not prevent you from repairing the roof in winter and eliminating leaks. But in summer the sun will definitely do its job. And if, when installing the roof in winter, the moisture from the lower layers is not completely evaporated, and this is almost impossible without removing (dismantling) the existing covering, then in the summer swellings (air bubbles) will certainly appear. And next winter, from the pressure of snow, microcracks will form in them at best, and at worst they will simply burst.

But there are times when you urgently need to cover a horizontal roof multi-storey building one apartment or room and fix the leak at least before summer. For example, in November or December you encountered this problem, and in your apartment good repair, what to do? Here you have two options: hire a team or organization yourself and immediately fix the leak, and then issue an invoice management company on the basis of a concluded contract for a contract or make an application to the HOA, housing and communal services, but in this case there is a high probability of another repair, i.e. they will repair it, but not soon, in order of priority.

We often have to deal with this problem and repair soft roofs in winter. Some people believe that to repair a soft roof you need hot resin (bitumen) and roofing felt, which is really not recommended to be laid in winter according to GOST regulations. But for about 20 years now they have been using a different device technology using fused materials placed under a gas burner. This technology has significantly reduced the time for repairs or installations and increased the service life after it.

If previously a roof covered with roofing felt in 3-4 layers (according to technology) served for up to 5 years, today the installation of a roll-floated roofing is made in two layers, and the service life is 15-30 years, depending on the quality of the material being laid.

Roof leakage is always a lot of trouble for owners of houses, garages and other buildings, especially if such a problem arose in the winter. Roof repair in winter is not the most pleasant task, but if there is an urgent need for it, then there is no escape from it. This article will talk about the features and rules that need to be taken into account and followed when carrying out roof repairs in winter.

Roofs are covered with a wide variety of roofing materials. As you might guess, the rules for their installation vary greatly. This also applies to repair and restoration work. The time of year also dictates its own conditions that need to be taken into account.

Thus, garage roof repairs in winter should be carried out taking into account the following nuances:

  • Firstly, you should take care of your safety. It is very easy to fall from an icy roof, so you should use a safety belt;
  • secondly, all materials used must be free of snow and ice. If possible, they should be stored indoors room temperature;
  • thirdly, it is not recommended to carry out repair work when it snows. It should not get under the roof even in minimal quantities. You should try to carry out repair and restoration work in calm weather. It's safer and more convenient. For example, slate sheets or metal tiles have good windage and will be difficult to place in the intended place. In addition, if one roofing element is removed in windy weather, others may be torn off by a strong gust.

The rules listed above are relevant for all types of roofs, but Special attention should be given to soft roofs, which are highly undesirable to repair in winter. We should talk about it in more detail.

Repair of a soft-roof roof in winter in accordance with building codes and regulations

Building codes and regulations regarding the repair of soft roofs were developed back in the seventies of the last century. According to them, repairing a soft roof in winter is unacceptable. This is due to the fact that full repairs can only be carried out after complete dismantling of the area that has become unusable and drying it out. Only after these measures have been completed can a new roof be laid, which is guaranteed to last for a long time, and will not become unusable in a short time.

In times of acceptance the above rules, have not yet been implemented Hi-tech available to builders now. This also applies building materials with the tools that are available modern masters. In this regard, carrying out such work was considered inappropriate.

From the above, it becomes clear that it is unlikely that it will be possible to properly repair a soft-roof roof in winter. In this regard, it is worth refraining from carrying out repair and restoration work until spring. IN as a last resort, you can repair the roof of a garage, but not a residential building.

What to do if repairs are necessary?

If water is pouring from the ceiling and there are puddles in the house, then in any case you will have to take action and carry out repairs. Its quality will not meet the required level, but at least the roof will stop leaking.

It is worth noting that repairing a garage roof in winter is much easier to do than restoring the roof of a house. This is due to its small area and the ability to complete the work in one day, which will avoid possible flooding.

Since the adoption of SNiP, technology has made significant strides forward; therefore, homeowners have the opportunity to repair soft roofs in winter by inviting specialists in this field. They will be able to patch a leaky roof without dismantling the old covering.

As a rule, not all construction and installation companies specializing in roofing work are ready to provide a long-term guarantee for repairs performed in winter. Honest builders warn home owners in advance that the work done will only allow them to spend the winter without fear of flooding.

Repairs in winter can be carried out if the thermometer does not fall below -15 degrees. Otherwise roofing material won't fit properly. It is worth considering that repairs to soft roofs in winter are carried out using expensive rolled PVC membranes. Therefore, carrying out the work will cost a pretty penny.

PVC membranes are used because the use of mastic in winter is impractical. It simply will not dry, even if you dry it with a hair dryer.

As mentioned above, all materials necessary to repair the roof must be stored in a room with a positive temperature. Rolled membrane materials are no exception. Their storage temperature must be at least 15 degrees. The material should be delivered to the roof gradually, based on 1 hour of work. The membrane is fixed to the roof by surfacing.

Technology of work execution

Using the membrane material described above, you can perform minor roofing repairs yourself. The work carried out will allow us to survive the winter, and in the spring it will be possible to carry out repair and restoration work more thoroughly. The technology for repairing roofing in winter is as follows:

  • The first step is to localize the location of the roof leak and clear it of snow and debris. As a rule, damaged areas are swollen, depressed or cracked;
  • If there are bubbles, they need to be opened crosswise. There is no need to touch other damage;
  • if there are deep cracks, then mastic should be placed in them. There is no need to warm it up before doing this;
  • Next, a piece is cut from the rolled material, which is sufficient to cover the damaged area of ​​the roof;
  • Using a hairdryer, you need to dry the area of ​​the roof that needs repair. Perfect result It’s unlikely to be achieved, but it’s better than nothing;
  • after that, prepared roll material is heated thoroughly with a gas burner and placed on in the right place. It should overlap (about 10-15 centimeters on each side);
  • The last stage of repair is leveling the membrane. When performing this procedure, you should firmly press the film against the roof.

It is much more difficult to repair a soft roof that is in contact with vertical roof elements, chimneys, ventilation shafts, etc. However, this is possible with some experience. Conducting similar works Do not cover the vertical roof element with film. It's not reliable.

Pipes and other structures should be threaded through a membrane in which a trapezoidal incision is first made. Its sides should be fused directly onto the protruding elements. Thanks to this, water will not flow under the roofing material.

When carrying out such work, certain precautions should be observed. First of all, this concerns the use gas burners. If possible, it is better to replace them with construction hair dryers. The installed patch can last for several years, but it is better not to take risks and carry out a thorough roof repair after the cold weather has passed.