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The Science Guide to Motivation: How to Stay Motivated for Long Time

Greetings, dear readers. I know that one of the most common problems many people have is the lack of any motivation to do anything. That is, you seem to want to carry out the work of some project, or study some issue at a scientific level, but you feel lazy. Moreover, at such moments the whole world seems boring and dull, and there is no that spark within yourself...

What's the problem? No powerful engine– motivation! And so that you know approximately how you can solve this problem, I will tell you about the most powerful methods of motivation.

Ways to help motivate yourself to achieve success

The methods below are more strategic than tactical. Therefore, you should not expect a lightning-fast effect from them. But in the future they will give a significant increase in energy tone and more inspiration.

Always and in any situation, drive away unnecessary thoughts from yourself!

Remember - all thoughts have a tendency to materialize! Control your thoughts, think only what is useful to let into your head. After all, thoughts are the main source of your actions and the main regulator of your mood. Focusing on the positive awakens confidence in actions, helps make the right decisions, implement necessary actions to achieve success in business.

If you allow bad thoughts to take root in you, they will lead to wrong actions, unpleasant and unwanted psychological states, and will drag you into a pool of hopelessness, soaking you in negativity, which will not be easy to get rid of. Try to see the positive in everything, enjoy small pleasures, smile and get into a positive direction.

Concentration on success

All the time, every day, every moment, focus on the success that you would like to receive, trust yourself. Visualize your success in the most vivid colors, ask yourself: “What can I do right now to bring my success closer?” “What tasks should I do to achieve this?” “What things should I give up so I can focus on what’s important?” . These thoughts will help you find optimal solutions to get started.

Know that this way of thinking will charge you with energy for decisive actions. After all, the brain works according to the following principle: as soon as you make a decision, the intention to act appears in you. The more difficult it was decision, the more energy fills you for its implementation, which gives a certain charisma to speech and actions.

And, of course, you will need to act purposefully in accordance with the emerging intention to act. When you achieve success, you will be charged with positivity, and this will be noticeable to others. Usually, it is in such success-minded individuals that others see leaders.

Installation to a positive-realistic perception.

Make it your habit to always see the positive in everything! For example, you were unable to conclude an agreement with a new promising partner and, as it seems to you, you lost a lot of income that you were aiming for. This is not a loss! Tell yourself: “Everything is going well, we learn from mistakes.” You can come up with any other phrase for yourself that brings you to functional state. Think about the situation, make a decision and take action. And, rest assured, the reality will actually turn out to be so!

I remember several years ago one person approached me and asked me to provide psychological assistance. I corresponded with him, directing his thinking towards success. His business, as they say, went uphill. But one day I received a message from him with a “complaint” about troubles, about large financial losses due to the refusal of one partner to cooperate with him. My student was depressed. It was his inner state that was the key obstacle to success. I explained this point to him and gave examples from the books of my favorite writer Joseph Murphy. This man set himself up for success, began to act in a different direction, and a few days later he received a call from him. His joyfully excited voice on the phone told me about his victory - he had concluded an even more successful contract with another partner!

Know that people are drawn to optimists, not to whining pessimists! Many, reading these tips, may object: “It’s easy to give advice, but what to do if a major problem actually occurs? How can we find something positive in this?”

I’ll tell you: “Understand, all the circumstances that happened to you are your valuable experience! These situations make you strong, teach you something, strengthen your character. This makes you a purposeful, strong person."

Life consists of a series of different events, joyful and not so joyful, but if you learn to learn from this, applying your experience so as not to repeat the mistakes you have made, then success will not keep you waiting. Make the right decisions and take action!

Help people from the heart

Always try to give help to people who need it. But you need to do this from the heart, when your heart really “sees” some positive in this. It happens that people do good, while straining themselves, doing it under the unwritten motto - “this is how it should be!” But this is the wrong setting! Let me give you an example from life again. Near the underground passage, one beggar asked for alms every day, for some reason this woman irritated me, and my friend felt sorry for her every time and gave her money. My heart resisted, as if sensing a catch in this. It turned out that this beggar was a chronic alcoholic with several convictions for theft. Everyone is free to choose an object to provide assistance, but you need to listen to your heart.

By doing good, you not only help someone, but also receive pleasant emotions, people send energy of gratitude for your efforts, and this is very important! There is a law that seems esoteric - by doing good, by helping people, you improve your life. But in fact, by doing good, you simply fill your soul with a feeling of freedom, which greatly moves you forward. Take this for installation! However, never expect anything for your “kindness”! This help must be provided without expecting anything in return, so that the world becomes more love and joy! You yourself will feel good about this and you will focus on the positive, which will be your motivator for accepting right decisions and the beginning of action.

One of the best types of motivation is competition with yourself!

Never compare yourself to others, this can lead to demotivation. Try to outdo yourself every time. Every person is individual, unique in everything, therefore, even on the way to your desired goal, do not compare yourself with anyone. The life, circumstances, goals, interests, relationships, desires of each of us are different from others, and this excludes comparisons. Let's say, how would you look if a tennis player competed with a karateka? Draw conclusions.

The most powerful motivation is setting your mind up for success. Many great psychologists, such as Napoleon Hill, Joseph Murphy, Joe Vitale, Jose Silva, Robert Stone, Bodo Schaefer, devoted their works to this topic. Also, Konstantin Sheremetyev devoted many courses to the topic of tuning the brain for effective actions (I talked about him in).

Motivation here and now

Sometimes there is a need to push yourself to necessary actions what is called right there. To do this, you can rely on two questions to yourself:

  • What's the best thing I'll get if I do this? Try to imagine in all its glory that if you do this business now, you will have at your disposal a certain amount of money that you can spend on certain pleasant little things
  • What's the worst thing I'll get if I don't do this? For example, you can imagine how you lead a miserable life in a bedbug-infested apartment, eating the cheapest pasta once a day. Such negative motivation can be a great incentive to earn money.

But! Know that you need these actions for motivation, and are not substitutes for actions and decisions! You don’t need to think that just by dreaming in vain, sitting comfortably on the couch, you will achieve something. This is unreasonable! Therefore, charged with positive energy, always ask yourself: What do I want from life? What I should do? What course of action should I choose in order to achieve what I want, spending a minimum of effort? Your thoughts should be aimed at finding a short and happy path to your chosen goal.

Please note that everyone creates their own world. And it depends only on you, on the decisions you make and on purposeful actions what your world will be like, created from your own thoughts about yourself. So ride the wave of success! See you next time (and don't forget to subscribe to the blog).

It often happens that we do not have the strength to begin long-planned tasks, or there is no incentive to complete any task, the significance of which is very great.

We cannot understand how to start, how not to give up and continue, and most importantly, how to bring what has already begun to its logical conclusion.

Sometimes laziness, like lack of motivation, is a serious stumbling block. But you should always remember that absolutely any apathetic state of reluctance to do truly necessary things can and must be overcome.

What are the components of successfully achieving a goal?

1. It is necessary and simply obligatory to have a positive attitude.

You must be firmly convinced that the task you have undertaken will certainly be crowned with victory and success. But by itself, that is, without your direct participation, it, unfortunately, will never be realized.

Therefore, you need to think about what will happen if you achieve your goal, what benefits will the implementation of your plan give you. If, after thinking about these questions, you become ready to “spring into battle,” then you are going in the right direction. If there is no increase in enthusiasm, then maybe this goal is actually not that significant to you?

2. Think about what you need to do and in what order in order to achieve your goal.

In addition to laziness, thoughtlessness and ignorance can also destroy motivation. If you get down to business with at least a roughly outlined plan, you will be able to avoid many mistakes.

3. Sometimes short breaks or a change of activity are needed.

Let's say that you were able to successfully motivate yourself to do something important to you. You got to work and after a while you suddenly realized that your enthusiasm had run out, you were tired and you had lost all your strength. In this case, you just need to take a short break. It should be moderately long, but not so long that you have time to fall into a state of apathy again.

Or simply for a short period of time it is worth switching to a type of activity different from the main one. And after you return to continuing the matter, interest will appear in it again.

4. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Don't be afraid that you might make mistakes on the way to your goal. We can all make mistakes, and even if this happens, first of all, you will get a very good experience and in the future you will know what not to do.

5. Motivate yourself with films and relevant literature.

If you understand that it is no longer enough, or feel that you need an incentive from the outside, read motivating literature. Much has been written on the topic of achieving success. good books, some of them explain in detail how to achieve your goal. Also if you need quick effect, watch a motivational film that clearly illustrates a success story. The characters in these films usually face a lot of difficulties before achieving success or goals. This is exactly what usually happens in life.

6. Monitor your own results.

Watch yourself get closer to your long-awaited success every day. Be intentional about tracking this. You can even keep a diary to make the changes more visible. Every time you look into it, you will see progress with your own eyes, this will become the best motivation for further action.

7. And most importantly, be patient.

Nothing good happens in our life for nothing; real success requires... great job, which, in turn, is unthinkable without a decent supply of patience. After all, only it will help you not to relax after a momentary takeoff. And only thanks to patience, after a series of mistakes and failures, people do not give up, but continue to move towards their goal.

“Need”, “want”, “necessarily”, “have to” - every day we come across these words that sit deep in our subconscious and begin to gradually put pressure on the psyche.

We have choice and freedom, we can be independent of those things that we don’t like. But in fact, these are just psychological tricks and self-hypnosis, because we always need to do something, move somewhere, motivate ourselves to act and achieve something.

Sometimes there are moments when there is no desire left even to fulfill your own dreams. Why do we sit back and how can we motivate ourselves to do something without giving up on our goals?

Reasons for avoiding things:

Why do we even have to motivate ourselves?

  • Fear that the activity we take on will turn out to be useless.
  • Laziness and procrastination because “there’s no hurry, everything can wait.”
  • We deceive ourselves by finding eternal excuses for our idleness (“There is still a lot of time ahead,” “Nothing will happen,” “It’s too difficult to do, I can’t handle it”).
  • We mentally do necessary work, we bring it to condition, but in reality nothing has been done.


From a job you don’t like or one that takes away a large number of time, I want to get rid of it as soon as possible. It turns a person into a person who is indifferent to everything and discourages any desire to do anything.

It’s not difficult to understand how to motivate yourself to work; it’s difficult to start taking action. How can you change your attitude for the sake of your peace of mind and satisfaction?

3 ways to motivate yourself:

  1. You need to identify a goal that is truly important to you and write it down. A specific result will motivate you to take specific steps.
  2. You should then analyze the likely outcomes, both positive and negative, so that you are prepared for the consequences of your actions.
  3. Start taking action immediately, a few minutes after you understand and think through your task. Even if the first steps are very insignificant, the main thing is to get out of the state of rest and begin activity.


The main problem for both men and women is how to motivate themselves to play sports and not give up later physical exercise? Exercise occupies an important place in the life of every person, improves health, and prevents the development of many diseases.

Even realizing the importance of training, no one is in a hurry to get up in the morning to run or sign up for a gym, because they simply do not know how to motivate themselves to exercise.

Motivation for regular exercise:

  1. List everything that will change in better side after the start of training. Supplement the list with images of your desired figure (for example, from magazines), a clear example will further motivate you to workout.
  2. Create negative incentives for yourself. They are more likely to help than positive motivation.
  3. For interesting activities and freedom from boredom find yourself a company or a good friend.
  4. Try once a week watch a feature film about sports achievements.
  5. A living example of successful individuals– an excellent reason for self-improvement. Read about outstanding people or pay attention to a friend who has become prettier from playing sports. Why are you worse? By the way, ask them how they motivate themselves to train?
  6. Make yourself happy pleasant little things for the work done – even if it’s insignificant. Every little step is a path towards achieving your goal.

How to start taking action?

General rules on how to motivate yourself:

  • Have a positive attitude. If you set yourself up for pessimistic forecasts from the very beginning, then even with all the possibilities, nothing will work out.
  • Find a hobby which brings you joy. You will notice that laziness will recede and you will not have to motivate yourself to do what you like.
  • Switch to another area of ​​work or entertainment. A change of activity is needed even after a long time of practicing your favorite craft.
  • You have woven both true and self-imposed goals into your life. Get rid of the latter.
  • Your well-being depends on your diet and lifestyle, and productivity depends on it. That's why proper diet– the key to successful motivation.
  • Remove unnecessary things out of your life, don’t waste your energy on unnecessary talk shows, reading the tabloids, communicating with people you don’t like.
  • Don't be afraid to make a mistake! There are no bad outcomes, because you still learned something new and tried to do it.
  • Strive for self-development. Go to trainings, read interesting and inspiring books, look for a mentor that will give you useful advice in difficult times and will support the desire to become better. How to motivate yourself? Ask how others have already achieved success!

Some people think it's just luck that they end up in in the right place V right time, fate is on their side. But is this really so? Of course not.

Behind the shoulders of prosperity lies serious work, patience, titanic efforts, faith in a happy outcome and daily self-motivation.

Compare yourself not to anyone, but to your past and present self, becoming better than you were, not someone else. Every day you become closer to your cherished goals, thanks to the fact that you began to motivate yourself.

Change your way of thinking positive side, don't wait for something to happen because it's usually not what you dreamed of. Man is the creator of his own destiny, so make life brighter, motivate yourself only for the best!

Elizaveta Babanova


Perhaps I have not come across a better answer to the question “How to motivate yourself?” than the answer of the famous (and slightly vulgar) designer Artemy Lebedev: “No way, stay in the ass!”

And it’s true that people who are passionate by nature never think about self-motivation.

Most often, such people work so much because for them work is the most reasonable way to invest their vigorous energy.

But what should those who were not born passionate do? Or those who have dreams, but do not have enough energy to realize their goals?

In this article, I will give you several ways to motivate yourself. But we will not talk about artificial techniques, but will find real ways feel a surge of energy and a burning desire to act.


One of the most powerful ways to motivate yourself to succeed is to remember that your life will end sooner or later. I hope, of course, that it will be as late as possible, but in fact, this great event can happen at any moment.

When, at the age of 27, I experienced a strong psychological shock due to car accident, which was supposed to end fatally, I decided that I would not compromise in the most important areas of my life. I will not do an unloved activity, I will not live with an unloved person, I will not have in my close circle unloved, unkind and unloving people.

The idea that life is very fleeting inspires me to be completely dedicated in my work and in relationships with people close to me, to take exciting trips, and to create a quality social circle.


When self-motivation becomes really low, I look within myself for the reason for this decline. And, as a rule, this is one of two options:

And I have , which periodically happens even to the strongest and most optimistic people, whose level of self-motivation is quite high, (and don’t believe anyone who says that he is always in good location spirit, unless it is an enlightened master).

I don't struggle with this at all. I usually calm down so as not to spoil the lives of the people around me, and wait for this period to end. Most often, the next stage is marked by a big breakthrough.

B) I just ran out of energy. When there is little energy, and goals are not important and urgent enough, there is no particular motivation to get your butt off the couch. There are 2 elixirs for this ailment:

  1. Raise your energy level: start getting up early, eat right and exercise.
  2. Come up with a project, enter into agreements, and, as a result, begin to act.

It's best if you combine options 1 and 2. Because if you harness yourself to some new business, but at the same time experience a lack of energy, you will work at exhaustion. And then you will be hit so hard that you will have to recover not for days, but for weeks.


Another way to motivate yourself is to gain some new experience. For example, go on an adventure. Any budget will allow you to create some new experience for yourself.

It doesn't have to be exotic or tourist , sometimes you can get even more pleasure from a holiday in the countryside.

The main thing is to abstract yourself from everyday life: forget about the beds and construction, take your favorite book and lie in a haystack for half a day, contemplating the blue sky.

Is it raining or snowing and you are in the city? It's okay too. Give yourself a real day off, which will be a real reboot for your body. Subsequently, it will be easier for you to motivate yourself to succeed.

When I lived in Texas, one of my favorite ways to relax was to visit a bookstore. I intuitively selected about 20 books, took a huge cup of latte with oatmeal cookies and immersed myself for 5-6 hours in a variety of genres - from fiction and educational literature to recipes healthy eating and fashion magazines.

And then I loved going to the cinema. Such days, 1-2 times a month, gave me the opportunity to break away from the hustle and bustle of my professional life and immerse myself in another world.

More good way revive yourself - pretend to be a tourist in your city. Go to a museum, visit a theater, an exhibition, a new trendy restaurant.


Self-motivation is nothing more than a surge of internal energy. Where can I get it? Get inspired by something!

When I listen to classical music live in a concert hall (Rachmaninov), read a great writer whose lines I want to literally memorize (Fitzgerald), or hear the music of the greatest talent of our time (Zemfira), I am inspired by contact with their genius.

The more sources of inspiration you have, the more motivated you will be to unleash the genius within you.


I will write about the benefits of silence separately, but sometimes this is the most effective way get a surge of strength. For a day or as long as you can afford it, disconnect from everything and immerse yourself. Surely, after mental and emotional unloading, you will want to act. Pralaya cannot last forever, so you can motivate yourself even without extra effort.


Imagine that you begin to make a huge amount of effort in all areas of your life - in health, in fitness, in professional development, in building fulfilling and happy relationships.

Now imagine what your life would be like if you truly did your best every day to develop yourself. Describe it in detail. Creating a dream life is one of the most powerful ways motivating myself to succeed, for me personally.


Think about what and for what you live. Is your life worth the effort you make? Analyze what motivated you until today? Why do you want to self-motivate?

Perhaps you will identify several goals imposed on you - by parents, society, relatives or close people.

Give up goals that no longer resonate with yours. After getting rid of such a psychological burden, your wings will grow, and you will want to do what you really “like”


Start writing . It will be your self-motivation to live differently than everyone else.


Make a list of all the things you are already proud of. Don't hold back and don't be shy. And it doesn’t matter if what seems significant to you is trivial to someone else. Evaluate only your inner breakthrough, your growth, your exit from your comfort zone. This will help you motivate yourself to succeed in the future.


Preferably in the forest.

Even 15-20 minutes of being in the fresh air and sun can breathe life into us. And here it is not only vitamin D and oxygen that is important, but the space that surrounds us. Among the trees and singing birds, the whole world begins to appear to us in a new way. Fresh airgreat way self-motivation.


Scientists have found that a significant part of fatigue is a consequence of unfinished business. Think about everything that is currently hanging on you, and see what you can finish as quickly as possible, what you can delegate, and what you can refuse altogether.

As a result, you will release a huge amount of energy, which will give you the desired self-motivation to act quickly in those matters that require your full attention.


If you are used to doing everything according to plan and being “ good boy” or “good girl”, do something out of the ordinary. Just don’t take this recommendation as “go get drunk and lie under the fence”... No... Nothing destructive. We're talking about (almost) innocent pampering.

Try pranking a friend or relative, or instead of going for a regular weekend walk, try racing cars... Choose something that won't harm you or the people around you, but do something unexpected that's not part of your usual schedule.


Find someone who is much worse off than you and help him.

This could be your relative, friend or child in distant Africa (just make sure the charity is legitimate). When we extend a helping hand to someone who is going through much more difficulty than we are, our own clouds clear much more quickly.


...at least for a while.

Instead, read, think, walk, draw... Anything to connect with your inner self and motivate yourself to succeed. When you hear yourself, you will receive a huge number of motivation tips from yourself.



And just for women: buy yourself a stunning new dress. And gorgeous shoes.

(Variation for men: new sneakers for sports, a new tennis racket or a toy for a favorite hobby).

Do you want to get a super technique that will at least double your personal effectiveness? Then sign up for my free online video course " »

What methods of self-motivation do you use? Share in the comments!

By solving the problem of how to motivate ourselves, we find the path to a happy and fulfilling life, success, and wealth. Issues of motivation are central in psychology and business, since they are the basis of self-improvement and human development. However, unfortunately, not all people can cope with this, and they waste time on uninteresting work, working only for the benefit of the employer, or in general, when faced with difficulties, they quit their job and find solace only in alcohol. In this article we will look at how to motivate yourself to achieve

1. Describe your own future. It is enough to write just a few paragraphs about how you would like to see yourself in the future. Write about what you want to do, how happy you will live and how you will enjoy life. It is very important that everything is recorded on paper or on a computer, because goals that are not transferred to paper remain nothing more than unfulfilled desires. Review your plans periodically to see how close you are to your goal and whether you are off course.

2. Visualize the past and future. Close your eyes and try to imagine who you will become and who you were. Imagine yourself on the opening day of your business or imagine how you achieved your own exhibition. Compare what you were like in the past and what you have achieved so far, how far you have been able to move. This will largely answer the question of how to motivate yourself to achieve specific results.

3. Dream. Don't be afraid to imagine, don't be afraid to make even the most ambitious plans. This will allow you to more easily endure small failures, not stop there, and not stop moving. Difficulties along the way will not be serious obstacles for you, but will only strengthen your character and help you learn to solve various problems.

4. Continue to learn and improve yourself. Read, learn, listen, gain experience, don’t be afraid to try yourself in something that once seemed very difficult to you. For example, if you dream of becoming a photographer, don’t be afraid to spend time on seminars, communicating with other photographers, try, shoot as much as possible, and participate in exhibitions.

5. Be fairly organized. To motivate the mind, the prerequisites are the following: good organization, neatness and cleanliness of the workplace, home and life itself. Dirt around will cause garbage to appear in your thoughts. Having order in your life will allow you to find more clarity and energy in your mind.