home · Tool · How to remove scale at home. How to remove scale from a kettle: ready-made solutions and the correct proportions of folk remedies. We use potato or apple peelings

How to remove scale at home. How to remove scale from a kettle: ready-made solutions and the correct proportions of folk remedies. We use potato or apple peelings

Because of hard water water heating devices are subject to salt deposits on the internal walls. These are calcium and magnesium salts that affect water quality.

An electric kettle with scale boils water longer, making it harmful, and the service life of the device becomes shorter. That's why The kettle needs to be cleaned regularly to remove build-up. Cleaning at home will not present any difficulties to anyone.

When heated, various compounds contained in water precipitate, forming rough, hard deposits. The amount of scale directly depends on the quality of the water. Hard water contains a lot of salts, so it is recommended to use filtered water. It also contains salts, but in moderation.

It is impossible to completely protect an electric kettle from scale. But regular care behind it will significantly extend the performance of the kettle and improve the quality of water.

Reference: Most cases of electric kettle breakdowns occur precisely because of a large amount of scale.

All effective ways Electric kettle cleaning is easy to apply, and products that are used as a remedy are found in every home.

The device must be cleaned at least once a month. It is better if cleaning is carried out once a week to prevent excessive deposits. The more salts accumulate, the more difficult it will be to get rid of it.

Under no circumstances should you remove accumulations with a knife or other sharp, hard object. They can damage the integrity and structure of the kettle, which will render it unusable. Also, do not use metal brushes. Abrasive powders scratch hard inner surface electrical appliance.

Important: Kettle users should be warned that cleaning is in progress. Water boiled from a kettle containing cleaning products becomes undrinkable. The cleaning process will not take much time.

Effective methods

The household must have one of the following products: soda, vinegar, citric acid, soda and household chemicals. The products are the most effective for descaling. They contain organic and inorganic acids, which destroy salt compounds. There are also special means, like Antiscale, which will also quickly get rid of accumulations.

Cleaning an electric kettle with citric acid

Citric acid is effective against old scale. The product can be used on an electric kettle made of any material. For cleaning you will need:

  • 0.5 l. water;
  • 1–2 tbsp. l. acids.

Fresh lemon can replace acid. A quarter of a lemon is optimal quantity to create an active but not aggressive acid solution. The cleaning process consists of the following steps:

  1. Boil water in a kettle.
  2. Add a pack of powder citric acid(dip lemon into water).
  3. Wait for the water to cool (maximum 2 hours).
  4. Shake the kettle lightly.
  5. Rinse the kettle.

Newly formed scale will come off without agitation. But for more old ones, you need to help the product dissolve the compounds.

Cleaning the electric kettle with soda

Baking soda is the most popular means for cleaning an electric kettle at home. It can loosen even old scale. For cleaning you will need:

  • 0.5–1 l. water;
  • 2-4 tbsp. l. soda respectively;
  • For maximum effect, you can also use a 20 gram sachet of citric acid.

The process is not long, and the method is considered the safest. The cleaning process consists of the following steps:

  1. Pour water and add soda.
  2. Boil.
  3. Wait 20 minutes and drain the solution.
  4. Rinse the kettle.

After the action, the same is done with citric acid. Using baking soda and citric acid alternately will give immediately visible results. If the scale itself has not left the walls, it can be easily removed with a sponge.

Cleaning the electric kettle with vinegar

Using vinegar to clean an electric kettle is the most effective home method. The only disadvantage of the method is that it is not recommended for use with plastic teapots. For the solution you will need:

  • an amount of water equal to the maximum volume of the device;
  • 1 glass of 6% vinegar per 1 liter. water;
  • citric acid or baking soda to consolidate the effect.

If you combine vinegar with powdered acid, a violent reaction will occur with abundant release of CO2, which helps break down the layers of scale. The method is effective even for old, multi-layered scale.

First, water is poured into the kettle, then vinegar is added. The solution should boil. Leave it to cool for 2 hours. A kitchen sponge will help remove any remaining deposits.

Attention: The method leaves a strong smell, so be sure to ventilate the kitchen well.

Cleaning the electric kettle with oxalic acid

Oxalic acid can rid the kettle of salt deposits. It quickly loosens layers. If there is no acid, you can take fresh sorrel. But concentrated store-bought acid removes scale much faster.

Water is poured into the kettle, to which a small amount of acid is then added. The solution must be brought to a boil. Within just a few minutes, the salts will begin to flake off. Using a kitchen sponge you can successfully remove all softened peelings. Fresh sorrel is also thrown into water and brought to a boil.

Cleaning an electric kettle with soda water

Carbonated drinks usually contain orthophosphate acid (E338). It can loosen layers. After exposure, the scale falls off in layers. Sprite is an effective drink.

It is recommended to use carbonated drinks without dyes, since the additive can color the inside walls of the kettle. Before use, you need to remove the gas from the drink a little to avoid foaming. To do this, you can shake and periodically open the bottle of drink, or leave it open for a while.

Soda is poured into the kettle and boiled. Then you need to leave it for an hour. Then the soda is drained, and the remaining deposits can be removed mechanically, without the use of sharp hard objects.

Removing scale using household chemicals

Modern descaling products are known for their effectiveness, but not all of them. The most popular are Antiscale, Silat and Mayordom. Excessive amounts of scale cannot always be removed successfully by such purchased funds, so most people prefer not to spend money, but to use folk remedies.

Instructions for use must be present on the packaging. Cleaning must be carried out strictly following the instructions. They usually also require boiling.

It is extremely important to thoroughly rinse the electric kettle after cleaning. The chemical components of the products are hazardous to health. Before drinking water from an electric kettle, you should boil it at least 3 times. clean water.

If we talk about safety, the main precaution when cleaning an electric kettle is to rinse the device. After any folk or store-bought product You need to boil the kettle several times and pour out clean water in order to rinse out the solution used as much as possible. The components of the products can cause poisoning.

You also need to be careful not to get acids into your eyes. In case of contact, rinse eyes with running water.

Sticking to simple recommendations, you can be confident in the functionality of the kettle. To make the need to remove deposits less frequent, you need to:

  1. Use filtered or settled water.
  2. Throw away unnecessary remaining water. Even when water cools, salts settle and harden.
  3. Do not wait until the scale layer becomes too rough. Cleaning should be regular.
  4. Clean the appliance with a kitchen sponge at least once every two days.
  5. If we are talking about it, then devices with a closed spiral are much easier to clean.
  6. For preventive cleaning, products such as brine and fruit peelers are suitable.

If you take care of your electric kettle, you can significantly extend its service life. Care is regular cleaning, which prevents the appearance of rough layers.

Scale is formed due to the fact that the water contains a large amount of salts, which settle on the bottom, walls and heating coil of the kettle.

The accumulation of scale inside the kettle will cause it to take much longer to heat the water. And over time, when the layer of scale thickens, the kettle may break.

At home, the following are used to remove scale:

If you do nothing, such an electric kettle will only last a year and a half. To prevent it from breaking down prematurely, you need to know how to remove scale from an electric kettle.

Method one is the easiest

Many housewives know how to descale an electric kettle. We offer the simplest and effective method which will take a little time:

Baking soda works well against scale
  1. Fill a kettle with water and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
  2. After the kettle boils, let it sit for 20 minutes, then drain the water.
  3. Then fill the kettle with fresh water with 20 grams of citric acid.
  4. Boil the kettle in the same way and let it sit for half an hour.

After this procedure, rinse the kettle. If the scale has not disappeared, then its structure has become loose, and you can easily clean the kettle with a regular sponge.

Method two – “grandmother’s method”

Of course, our grandmothers did not know how to clean an electric kettle from scale - there were no electric kettles at that time)). But this method of cleaning copper teapots will also work for us. So, we need a nine percent solution acetic acid, or more simply put, vinegar.

  1. First, fill the kettle 2/3 with water, the remaining third is vinegar.
  2. Let the water boil and then leave the kettle until the water cools down. After some time, the scale in the electric kettle will dissolve. This is due to the fact that the acid contained in vinegar will react chemically with salts and decompose them into simple substances.
  3. However, do not forget to rinse the kettle thoroughly after this, as acetic acid will remain on its walls and then enter your body with the tea.

Method three - using soda

Perhaps the most unconventional way to descale an electric kettle. However, according to many housewives, this method is very effective.

To perform this cleaning, you will need a liter of colorless carbonated water, like Sprite. Pour the soda into the kettle and boil. And scale in electric kettle will disappear!

The key point here is to purchase colorless soda. Be careful - the dyes contained in colored sodas will remain on the walls of the kettle when boiled, and it will be even more difficult to wipe them off than to get rid of scale.

Method four - citric acid

Do you want to know how to descale an electric kettle using regular citric acid?

  1. Pour one packet of acid into a full kettle and boil.
  2. Drain this liquid and rinse the kettle with running water.
  3. Boil a couple of times plain water from the tap and pour it out.

You only need one packet of citric acid

This method is based on the same chemical reaction, as when using acetic acid. Removing scale from an electric kettle may not happen immediately - after all, it’s more soft way. To do this, repeat the procedure again until the vessel is completely cleansed of salts. Also, do not forget to rinse the kettle after this procedure.

Method five - household chemicals

In addition to manual cleaning, you can also resort to using all kinds of chemicals. The household chemical store knows how to remove scale from an electric kettle.

However, this method may not bring the expected result, and the money will be wasted. The kettle may not be cleaned due to the fact that the layer of scale has already sufficiently corroded the body and heating element.

And finally

With these simple tips you will be able to descale your electric kettle, but do not forget that the procedure will need to be repeated at certain intervals.

And remember, before you descale your electric kettle, you should warn your family members, as one of them may inadvertently make coffee from boiled Sprite, or worse.

There are many more methods for removing scale from an electric kettle, but not all of them are effective. Remember that if you use untested methods, you risk getting the opposite effect and your kettle may become completely unusable.

Someone noticed that the kettle, like the stove, by the way, is the face of the hostess. Therefore, each of us should know how to descale a kettle.

Where does scale come from?

Part drinking water includes a huge amount minerals and salts. Whatever traditional methods and you haven’t cleaned it with modern filters, even a small percentage of various impurities still remains. When sodium and magnesium salts are heated, they form a limescale that eats into the walls of the cookware and does not want to leave it voluntarily.

This plaque covers any type of material, so all housewives have to clean their teapots.

Why get rid of scale

  • Limescale has low thermal conductivity, causing water to boil more slowly.
  • If the kettle is electric and you are too lazy to clean it, the deposit will quickly damage the heating element.
  • Due to scale, water becomes tasteless. And if it boils for a long time, it will also become cloudy.

Effective ways to combat scale

How to clean a kettle using simple remedies, which can be found in every home.

Hit the scale with citric acid

  1. Fill a full kettle of water, add 1-2 sachets of citric acid (depending on its volume and thickness of the scale). Boil it.
  2. Let the solution cool slightly, in the meantime the acid will have time to eat away the plaque as much as possible. Drain the liquid.
  3. Boil water with citric acid again. Drain the liquid again and rinse the kettle thoroughly.
  4. You can replace citric acid with vinegar - 100 grams per liter of water.

Removing a thick layer of scale

If the citric acid solution does not give the expected result, try another method:

  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons in 1 liter of water baking soda. Pour this solution into a kettle and boil for about half an hour.
  2. Drain the resulting liquid. Pour water and add a tablespoon of citric acid, boil.
  3. Pour water with vinegar a third time (the thicker the layer, the more vinegar), boil for 30 minutes.
  4. After such triple treatment, the scale becomes soft and easily comes off the walls. Remove it with either a kitchen sponge or a wooden spatula. Rinse the kettle thoroughly, to be safe, boil clean water and pour it out.

Trying to clean with Coca-Cola

  1. Before use, release all gas from the drink.
  2. Fill half the kettle with Coca-Cola and boil.
  3. Pour out the contents and rinse.
  4. Some claim that Fanta and Sprite are also suitable for this purpose.

Is your kettle sparkling clean again? Isn't it time to drink some fragrant tea? Have a nice tea party and pleasant conversation!

A decent housewife always has a clean kettle, and not just the outside. His inner purity means absence limescale leading to scale formation.

However, tap water already contains lime and salts, which explains its hardness. As a result, scale formation is inevitable. After all, they have not yet come up with a remedy for the appearance of limescale when boiling tap water (even filtered).

There are many different methods explaining how to remove scale from a kettle. This and folk recipes, and ready-made chemical compositions.

Does a filter help?

Many people believe that purchasing a water filter eliminates the problem of scale. This is a misconception, although filtering the water somewhat reduces the amount of scale. A household filter purifies water only from chlorine and heavy metals, leaving lime intact. You can partially prevent the appearance of scale by boiling soft water.

Household anti-scale products

In our technologically advanced times, a lot has been created household products that help remove scale:

  • "Antikipin"
  • "Cinderella",
  • "Anti-scale."

They contain soda ash, commonly used to soften water. This product is available in liquid or powder form. But they are used in the same way - they are poured into a kettle, filled almost to the top with water and boiled.

Other products are also sold various manufacturers, including foreign ones. However, they all have a similar operating principle and the same result.

Caution - chemistry

Household products serve the easy way getting rid of scale. But it has disadvantages:

  • chemicals contained in cleaning products enter the stomach, which is not safe;
  • Some formulations do not give the desired result.

Home remedies for descaling

Since it is easier to remove scale from a kettle using reliable and proven folk remedies, we will present the most popular of them.

Soda plus or minus vinegar

This has been used for descaling for a long time. safe means as usual baking soda. Pour soda (3 tbsp) into a kettle with boiling water. When the water has cooled, after about half an hour, boil the water again. Then pour this water out and pour it into the kettle hot water with vinegar essence added to it (1-2 tsp). Boil the water again and pour it out after half an hour.

After such “manipulations,” the scale will turn into a loose mass that can be removed with a regular sponge. This method helps in advanced cases with a thick layer of scale. It separates in the form of thin plates. If there is little scale, then one soda is enough.

Another effective method involves using only vinegar (no soda). Pour vinegar (1-2 tbsp) into the kettle and boil for 20 minutes. The result is excellent, and then for a long time the problem of how to remove scale from the kettle will not arise. But there is still one drawback - the smell. That is why you need to open the windows while working, and at the end rinse the kettle thoroughly.

Citric acid - advantages and disadvantages

In a teapot with cold water add two or three bags of citric acid and boil. Let the kettle sit for a while. Then drain the water and boil new water. With the help of acid, all scale is easily broken down, so all that remains is to rinse the kettle. The functions of citric acid can be performed by lemon. Cut it into several slices, put it in a kettle and boil.

Citric acid works well against scale in regular and electric kettles. This is a cheap and effective method. But it also suffers from disadvantages:

  • Not suitable for metal teapots. Acid dissolves scale, making it rough metal surface. A new and more durable scale forms on it faster.
  • Citric acid does not cope well with large “crusts”.

Peel and ash effect

Washed apple or potato peels allow you to descale the kettle with good results. Place the peels of three apples and potatoes into a kettle of water. Cook for about two hours.

Another surefire remedy is wood ash. You should pour more ash into the kettle. Then use a washcloth or sponge to rub the ash into the areas with scale. Finally, rinse the kettle with warm water.

Soda on scale

Surprisingly, the effectiveness of carbonated drinks for descaling has been proven in practice. Suitable for this:

  • "Fanta"
  • "Coca Cola",
  • "Sprite."

Pour the drink into a kettle and boil. When the water has cooled slightly, pour it out. As a result, the scale comes off freely.

Deposits in the electric kettle can be prevented by using filtered or bottled water for boiling. In the absence of such an opportunity, it makes sense to defend tap water during the day. During this time, excess salts will settle, and chemical composition the water will soften a little. You can put a piece of silicon in a container of water - this both disinfects and softens the water.

Popular products for cleaning electric kettles

When scale has already formed in an electric kettle, you should resort to the following methods:

  1. If the scale is small, then just rinse the kettle with a washcloth and soapy hot water.
  2. Descaling and whitening of an electric kettle is achieved with one packet of citric acid. Add it to water, boil with twice changing of water. The kettle will be as good as new.
  3. You can descale your electric kettle using any cleaning and detergent V finished form. The most popular of them are: “Descaler”, “Antiscale: deep cleaning”, “Major Domus”. In this case, it is very important to follow the instructions. After chemical treatment The kettle should be washed several times.
  4. The same proven means will help you get rid of scale in an electric kettle - vinegar and baking soda according to the previously described scheme.
  5. And sparkling water is suitable for an electric kettle. Only it should be colorless. This is very important, because when boiling, dyes settle on the walls, and getting rid of them can be more difficult than getting rid of the scale itself.

From a wide variety of methods and means to combat scale, choose any that is suitable for you. But it is better to resort to total cleaning in as a last resort. It makes more sense to fight scale instead of preventing it through regular daily care.

An electric kettle has long become an indispensable item in the kitchen. But over time, scale forms in it, which occurs regardless of the quality of the equipment, frequency of use, and other objective factors. The deposit disrupts the operation of the device and causes an unpleasant odor in the water. To avoid such negative phenomena, carry out regular cleaning household appliances using chemicals or home methods. How and with what to effectively descale an electric kettle at home?

To descale your electric kettle, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Warn all family members that the kettle is being cleaned and the water from it should not be drunk. If possible, carry out the procedure when no one is home.
  • To clean the device, pour water into it, add the active substance and boil. Unplug the kettle and rinse thoroughly.
  • Do not use abrasive powders or metal brushes for cleaning. They may damage the kettle.
  • Do not allow a large accumulation of scale - to do this, clean the electric kettle at least 1-2 times a month. For preventative purposes, use settled or filtered water.
  • To remove heavy stains, use several methods in combination.
  • When using household chemicals for cleaning, do not forget to wash the device thoroughly to harmful substances did not enter the body.

Citric acid and juice

To clean the kettle, prepare a solution based on 500 ml of water and 1 tbsp. l. citric acid. Pour the resulting mixture into the device and boil. After turning off the kettle, leave it for 15-25 minutes to dissolve old dirt. After the allotted time, rinse the kettle with a soft sponge and clean water.

In a similar way, you can clean the device using lemon. Add a few slices of fresh citrus to a kettle of water, boil it and wash it. This method will not only get rid of scale, but also give a refreshing lemon aroma.

Baking soda

Baking soda will help you get rid of scale effectively. Pour 1 liter of water into the electric kettle and add 3-4 tbsp. l. soda Bring the solution to a boil, let it cool slightly, and then rinse the device with clean water.

To get rid of old dirt, boil a kettle with soda, then pour out the solution and pour in vinegar. The reaction of alkali and acid will speed up the process of destruction of scale and help quickly get rid of it.

Vinegar and essence

To clean an electric kettle at home, pour water (1.5-2 l) into it and add 100 ml of 6% vinegar or 1-2 tbsp. l. essences. Turn on the kettle, wait for it to boil and leave it for 3-4 hours (at large quantities scale - overnight). During this time, the vinegar will dissolve the plaque. Then pour out the vinegar solution and rinse the kettle thoroughly with clean running water. The disadvantage of this method is bad smell vinegar, which can be removed by prolonged ventilation.


It may seem strange to you, but scale can be overcome with carbonated drinks. It is important that the lemonade is colorless, otherwise some elements of the device will become colored.

To descale, shake the soda and pour 1 liter into the kettle. Bring the lemonade to a boil and leave to cool completely. The scale will completely dissolve and be removed due to the orthophosphoric acid contained in the drink. If the stains are not severe, simply pour the soda into the kettle and leave for several hours (without boiling), and then rinse with a soft sponge and clean water.

Oxalic acid

Oxalic acid can also cope with scale. Pour a small amount into the kettle and fill with water. Boil the solution and leave it for a few minutes, then remove any remaining scale with a soft sponge. You can also use fresh sorrel for cleaning, but due to the low acid concentration in it, you will need to repeat the procedure.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals will help get rid of scale in an electric kettle. The range of products will allow you to choose the most suitable option, which will effectively remove plaque. The most popular products are Antiscale, Antiscale, Major Domus.

Before use, carefully read the instructions and perform all actions strictly following the dosage and recommendations. After processing the kettle household chemicals rinse it well, and to remove any residue chemicals, boil clean water in it at least 3-4 times.