home · Appliances · Homemade remedy for descaling your kettle. How to descale a kettle: revealing all the secrets. The most effective and safe methods for descaling a kettle. Folk remedies for descaling a kettle

Homemade remedy for descaling your kettle. How to descale a kettle: revealing all the secrets. The most effective and safe methods for descaling a kettle. Folk remedies for descaling a kettle

Today, there are many devices designed to purify water from harmful substances and impurities. But even the highest quality filter does not guarantee that solid deposits will not form in kettles of any kind.

Scale is nothing more than the deposition of potassium and magnesium salts present in water. And the more there are, the more “hard” the water is.

Every housewife wants to get rid of harmful limescale on the inner walls of the appliance, so carefully looks for a descaler in the kettle.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of it once and for all; it will appear regularly and this is a natural process when heating water in the device.

In specialized stores there is a huge selection of special cleaning products that effectively remove scale. They should be used exactly according to the instructions, since they contain chemical substances and, according to many, this is not the most best method combating solid deposits.

Folk remedies will help remove scale from the kettle. These are vintage safe methods cleansings tested by many housewives:

  • Lemon acid;
  • Acetic acid.

Citric acid or natural lemon juice

What needs to be done?

  • Wash the kettle, getting rid of loose pieces of scale;
  • Pour water and add two tablespoons of crystalline powder;
  • Boil, watching the process.

Ideally, after boiling, the process of exfoliation of solid deposits begins to “bubble” and boiling for 15 minutes over low heat is sufficient. The procedure can be repeated by performing similar steps (this applies to a deep layer of scale). In any case, it is not difficult to clean off the loose particles using a regular sponge. The final stage is to boil the water a couple of times “idle”.

Sometimes it is enough to bring citric acid diluted in water to a boil and leave overnight.

Some housewives, instead of cleaning with citric acid, use freshly squeezed juice of one large lemon or chopped with peel. The effect is almost the same, but it is much more difficult to clean an ingrained thick layer of deposits using this method, and it will take longer to boil due to the low acid concentration.

Acetic acid

Another remedy for descaling a kettle in your home knowledge bank. It works on the same principle as “lemon”, that is, the result will please you. The only problem - specific smell, which is sometimes difficult to get rid of. Therefore, it is better to use this method when open windows, and after the procedure, rinse the kettle thoroughly. Suitable for any type of device.

What needs to be done?

  • For 1 liter of cold water you will need half a glass of 9% vinegar;
  • Bring to a boil and leave for several hours ( best option– at night);
  • Wash away loose particles of sediment;
  • Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Sometimes, to achieve a more effective result, vinegar essence is used (the percentage of acid in it is much higher than in vinegar).

In particularly advanced situations, when the plaque has reached an incredible thickness, a comprehensive descaler in a kettle will help deal with it.

What needs to be done?

  • Add 1 tbsp to the water. soda, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes;
  • Then drain and add new solution with citric acid(1 tbsp);
  • Boil over low heat for about half an hour;
  • Drain again, add a new portion of water and vinegar (1/2 cup);
  • Let it boil for 30 minutes.

If the limescale does not peel off from the walls, it will in any case become loose and can be removed with light movements.

There are a couple more methods for cleaning a kettle

Potato or apple peels. This type of descaling agent has been used for a long time (not for electric kettles). Suitable only for light coating. The peel is peeled, filled with water and boiled for two hours. “Grandmother’s” methods include spoiled milk, and brines.

A controversial method is the use of carbonated drinks such as Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta. Their effectiveness on deep hard deposits has not been proven; the plaque is given only a specific color.

More information about descalers in kettles (video)


The easiest way is to buy any anti-scale agent in the store and clean it following the instructions. As a rule, such a product costs . But, if you want to protect your health from accidental ingestion of chemicals, it is better to use natural means.

Boil the resulting solution and leave for at least two hours, and if possible, overnight.

After pouring out the solution, rinse the kettle thoroughly with running water and boil again to remove any remaining vinegar and scale.

If it was not possible to completely get rid of the plaque, repeat the entire procedure from the very beginning or try another folk remedy.

Besides acetic acid To combat scale, you can use citric acid - 1 tablespoon per 1.5-2 liters of water. Pour acid into a kettle, pour hot water and leave for 15-20 minutes. It is not necessary to boil the solution. If the coating was not very strong, then after the specified time the kettle will shine like new.

If you don't have citric acid and vinegar in your house, don't despair. It may come as a surprise, but in times past, grandmothers used to get rid of potatoes!

Take clean ones potato peelings, cover the bottom of the kettle with them and add 1.5-2 liters of cold water.

Bring the water in the kettle to a boil several times (4-5 depending on the complexity of the task) and leave to cool.

Drain the cooled water and rinse the kettle well with tap water.

If you are still unhappy with the result, try another very extravagant remedy.

Buy in store liter bottle“Sprite” or “Fanta” and shake it until the gases disappear.

Pour the drink into the kettle, heat and leave overnight.

In the morning, pour your sweet anti-scale into the sink and rinse the kettle. After all these procedures, the scale should disappear without a trace.


When using industrial descaling agents, keep in mind that they affect not only the scale, but also the inner surface kettle, destroying its structure. Therefore, try to use industrial products as little as possible.

Helpful advice

Citric acid has an important advantage over vinegar: it does not have a pungent odor.

The main way to combat scale is to soften the water itself. Use a water filtration and purification system.


Tip 2: How to descale a kettle using improvised means

Scale in water appears due to the content in it large quantity salts and impurities that settle on the bottom, walls and heating element of the electric kettle. If you do not clean the kettle in time, this may cause rapid breakdown, or the process of heating water will take longer. At the same time, scale affects the body negatively, destroying the kidneys and genitourinary system.

The easiest way to remove scale is using citric acid. To clean scale, you need to buy one sachet of food-grade citric acid. Pour acid into the kettle. Dial into it cold water and leave for several hours. Then pour everything out of the kettle, add fresh water and boil several times.

If citric acid does not cope with the scale, then pour an additional 100 g of 9% vinegar into a kettle with water, then boil this mixture, pour it out and rinse the kettle thoroughly.

Fanta, Sprite or Cola carbonated water is suitable for descaling. You need to remove the gases from them, fill the kettle 1/2 full and boil.

Potato peelings along with apple peels will also work. They should be washed, put in a kettle with water and boiled several times.

If the kettle is high content scale, then you can do the following procedure: Pour a full kettle of water, add 1 tablespoon of soda and boil for 30 minutes. Change the water, add 1 tbsp citric acid and also boil for 30 minutes. Change the water, add 150 g of vinegar, boil. With this method, the scale will become soft and must be removed with a sponge.

Video on the topic

Hello dear readers! Today we will deal with one not very pleasant thing - scale in the kettle.
Nowadays there are teapots in every house different forms and firms, conventional or electric. But regardless of the type, scale appears in all of them. Of course, we try to purify the water with filters, however, they do not always cope well with our water.
Scale gradually forms and, of course, you need to fight it. I wanted to tell you exactly how to get rid of scale. But before we fight, let's figure out where this scale comes from.

Why does scale form?

If you look inside the kettle, you will see scale on the walls, and if you have an electric kettle, it will form on the heating elements that come into contact with water.

The cause of scale is the salts contained in the water. The harder the water, the faster scale forms. And whichever good filter If you didn't put it in, the salt will still remain in the water.

Why is scale dangerous?

Of course, many people think that scale is not worth fighting. But in fact, scale has a bad effect on the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. In addition, scale leads to premature failure of electric kettles and destruction of enamel in conventional ones.

That is why, right now, look into your kettle and check if there is scale there?
And if it exists, then you need to immediately start fighting it.
In order to get rid of scale there is a lot different ways, the main thing is, after you get rid of the scale, do not forget to boil your kettle several times.
This will need to be done to get rid of any aftertaste from the descaler.

How to descale a kettle

1 . How to descale a kettle with vinegar (metal kettle)

One of the most the best means to get rid of scale, while undoubted advantage vinegar is that it is not toxic to the body. Fill the kettle with water and add vinegar (100 ml for each liter), boil for a quarter of an hour. After this, the scale will flake off, you will need to rinse thoroughly and
remove any remaining scale.

2. How to descale an electric kettle with citric acid

Can be used for: plastic or electric kettles.
Cannot be used for: teapots made of metal and enameled.
Advantages: An excellent way - budgetary and effective.
Flaw: It works well if there is little scale.

Citric acid is always available in the kitchen, so this method is very simple. The main thing you need to remember is that everything needs to be done on time and the scale also doesn’t need to be started.

To descale an electric kettle, vinegar should not be used. To combat scale, use citric acid. Don’t forget about precautions and pour the acid only into cold water!

Make a solution of 2 tsp. acid per 1 liter of water. Pour the solution into the kettle for several hours. If the scale is not strong, it will flake off or dissolve. And if it’s strong, then you’ll have to rub it. If this does not work, then the same solution of citric acid must be boiled. After this, the scale will peel off and you will only need to rinse the kettle and then boil the water 2 times.

3. How to descale a kettle with Coca-Cola and Sprite

Can be used for: non-electric and enamel kettles
Cannot be used for: electric and enamel kettles
Advantages: The method is effective and can cope even with advanced scale
Flaw: Drinks contain dyes that can stain the kettle.

Probably each of us has heard about how easy it is to clean a kettle using cola or sprite. Popular drinks will cope with this task perfectly. These drinks are also great for fighting rust and other problems.

Another advantage of this method is that... you can show it to children. After which I think “interest” in sweet drinks in children
It's done like this. First you need to release the gas a little so that the bubbles completely disappear, then pour the drink to the middle of the kettle and bring to a boil. After that we wash it.

4. How to descale a kettle with soda

4.1.How to clean a kettle from heavy scale at home

If your kettle is in very poor condition. Then we proceed as follows: pour water and add 1 tbsp. baking soda, bring to a boil. Let it cool, then pour out the water. Pour a new one and add 1 tsp. citric acid and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Let's drain this water. Let's pour clean water and add 100g of vinegar to it, then boil for half an hour. After such a “cocktail” even the strongest scale softens. If scale (for electric)

4.2. How to descale a kettle with soda (metal or enameled kettle)

Pour water into the kettle and add 1 tsp. soda, put on fire and boil for 1/2 hour. Next, wash the kettle and boil it a couple of times with plain water to get rid of soda.

5. How to descale a kettle using brine

An excellent folk remedy for scale is brine from pickled cucumbers or tomatoes. All thanks to citric acid. Application is also simple: pour the brine into a kettle, put it on the fire and let it boil, let it cool, then wash it.

6. Only for enamel and metal kettles.

This method is also popular and does not require the use of acid; however, it is only suitable for weak scale. Take potato peelings and wash them to remove sand and soil. And then bring to a boil and leave for a couple of hours. After that, wash it well.

How to descale a kettle video

In any kettle, regular or electric, scale appears sooner or later. A grayish-brownish coating is nothing more than the deposition of salts that are present in the water. You can get rid of scale different ways– choose to your liking.

In stores selling household electrical appliances, for sale various means to remove scale. They must be used strictly following the attached instructions. You can also remove scale from a kettle using traditional methods. Whatever salts are present in water, they all dissolve with the help of acidic environment. So scale must be removed using a variety of acid-containing preparations. Boil water in a kettle and after turning it off, immediately add 2 tablespoons of dry citric acid. Let the water cool, and if not all of the scale has come off, repeat the procedure.

To remove scale, you can use regular white table vinegar by adding half a glass to a kettle of water and boiling for 10-15 minutes. If the kettle is electric, then after the water has boiled in it, you can add 3 tablespoons of vinegar essence. After the water cools, the scale will probably come off the walls.

If the layer of scale on the walls of the kettle is very thick, then it can only be removed in several stages:
  • First you need to boil water with two tablespoons of soda per liter of water. Let the filled kettle sit for one hour.
  • Drain the water and soda and fill the kettle clean water and add vinegar essence (3 tablespoons per 1 liter). Boil and leave the kettle until the water cools completely.
  • Next, the softened scale can be removed using a flat wooden stick.

If there is a small amount of scale, potato peelings work well with it. This method is only suitable for regular teapots, because you need to fill the kettle halfway with peelings and boil them in a kettle with water for at least 30 minutes.

Just like potatoes, sour green apples also act on scale. True, with apple skins the kettle needs to be boiled several times, each time allowing the water to cool completely.

You can also remove scale with Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite. Fill the kettle halfway with any of these drinks and boil for at least half an hour.

Whatever method you use to get rid of scale, the kettle must then be boiled several times with clean water. To prevent scale from settling so heavily on the walls of the kettle in the future, fill it with water that has passed through a household water filter.

The water in the taps leaves much to be desired, so lime deposits remain on the walls of all devices in contact with it.

Even expensive water filters cannot prevent plaque. Sooner or later it will appear on the surfaces of the appliance and the question will arise of how to clean the kettle from scale.

Traditional methods

Limescale deposits can be removed quickly using special chemicals. But since they are not safe for health, many prefer traditional methods that are time-tested.


Vinegar is not suitable for removing lime deposits from an electric kettle. This product is too aggressive and manufacturers do not recommend its use for such equipment.

You can clean an electric kettle with vinegar only when as a last resort when a large layer of sediment has accumulated.

During the procedure, you will feel it in the kitchen. Therefore, manipulation should be carried out in a room with good ventilation. All windows and vents are opened.

When working with vinegar, wear protective mask to avoid inhaling harmful fumes.

How to descale a kettle:

  1. For metal devices, prepare the following solution: 150 ml of 9% table acid is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. essences. ⅔ of the total volume of water is poured into the container, then the prepared composition is added. The mixture is heated and boiled for half an hour. After turning off the stove, you need to leave the kettle for 5 minutes so that the water cools down a little and repeat the procedure again. This must be done up to 3 times. If there is a strong limescale deposit, the solution is left overnight. After this you need to do well.
  2. How to descale an electric kettle: devices made from a plastic casing can be damaged if acid is used in pure form, so preparing the solution is a little different. Water is poured into the device to be cleaned with 5 tbsp. l. citric acid and acetic acid. The device is turned on, left until it boils, then turned off. After 15 minutes the process can be repeated. The process is repeated 3-4 times until all plaque is removed. Then wash with detergent.

Descaling a kettle with vinegar is quick and easy. Only such a remedy leaves behind bad smell, even after using detergent.

Boiling with clean water, which is carried out at least 3 times, will save you from the stench.

Lemon acid

Cleaning the kettle from scale is gentle on it and safe for humans. Citric acid is an excellent remedy for getting rid of plaque from any thermal elements.

The advantage of this product is the absence of an unpleasant aroma, which is good if there are small children in the house.

How to descale a kettle with citric acid:

  1. For conventional appliances: take 2 packs of product, fill the equipment with water, but not completely. Add citric acid to the liquid and boil. The solution should cool, leave it for 10 minutes. Then cleanse and remove plaque. The procedure can be repeated if the plaque has left the walls unevenly.
  2. How to descale a kettle with citric acid if it is electric: pour a solution of 1-2 tsp into the bowl. products and 1 liter of water. After the liquid boils, drain it and add another one. It is necessary to boil clean water several times.
  3. If the deposits are small, you can descale the kettle with citric acid even easier. It is dissolved in warm water, poured into the device and left for 6 hours. Then you need to wipe off the plaque with a sponge.

Descaling your kettle at home is easy and cheap. You can purchase the product at any grocery store.

Sodium bicarbonate

Not only Coca-Cola will do, but also Fanta, Sprite, Lemonade, and Schweppes.

How to remove scale from an electric kettle:

  1. First you need to release the gas from the drink.
  2. Pour 500 ml of Sprite into the container, close it and let it boil.
  3. After boiling, turn off the device and allow the liquid to cool.
  4. Wash away any remaining plaque with a soft sponge and rinse kitchen appliance several times with clean water.

Coca-Cola and other carbonated drinks contain phosphoric acid. Thanks to it, it is possible to remove lime deposits.

This method is ancient - our great-grandmothers successfully used it. The method is suitable for all types of devices and is accessible to everyone.

The only drawback is that it will not cope with old growths.

How to clean enamel teapot from scale:

  1. Water is poured into the device and washed apple or potato peelings are placed.
  2. The liquid is brought to a boil and left for 1.5 hours.
  3. Then they go over the walls with a sponge.

You can descale an electric kettle using this method if you carry out the procedure several times a week.

If the device has not been washed for a long time, do not waste your time. Apple peels and potato peelings will not help in this case.


Removing plaque is possible using cucumber or tomato brine. This is an effective folk method.

How to descale an electric kettle:

  1. Pour brine into the device.
  2. Bring to a boil.
  3. Cool, pour out the brine and wash thoroughly to remove plaque.

This tool is not independent. Thanks to the vinegar and salt in its composition, the cleansing process occurs.

Oxalic acid

Of all the cleansing folk remedies, oxalic acid is considered the most aggressive. It removes heavy limescale deposits.

How to remove scale from a kettle?

Housewives' advice - algorithm of actions:

  1. I pour a small amount of the product into the device and fill it with water.
  2. The solution must be boiled and left for 5 minutes.
  3. I remove any remaining product and clean it with a soft sponge.

Oxalic acid good remedy and many housewives recommend using it. To descale, you can also use fresh sorrel, but it contains a little acid and may require several manipulations.

Household chemicals

Range household chemicals great The products on store shelves effectively remove scale from the kettle.

Before using any products, you should wear gloves and a protective mask.

Antiscale and Major Domus can be used as cleaning agents. Such removing lime deposits chemical products effective against any contamination.

How to remove limescale:

  1. Antiscale. First, water is poured into the container to be treated, then the contents of the bag are poured at the rate of 100 g per 2–2.5 liters of water. The solution is brought to a boil and boiled for 20 minutes. After switching off, the liquid is left for 2–3 hours so that Antiscale can work better. To clean the kettle, take a sponge and remove any remaining plaque.
  2. Major Domus. The product is poured into a container and left for 20 minutes. No need to boil. After which the device is washed big amount water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  3. Cillit Another good industrial product that can quickly remove plaque from the surfaces of the inner walls of coffee makers and teapots. It is necessary to fill the container with clean water, dissolve Cillit in water in a ratio of 100 ml for every 500 ml of water. The product is left for half an hour. After which the container must be rinsed. Cillit should be used no more than once a month.

Household chemicals can cause serious irritation of mucous membranes. When using such products, you must wear glasses or avoid touching your eyes with your hands during manipulation.

Removal of limescale must be carried out in a timely manner so as not to resort to the use of household chemicals.

Due to the large amount of accumulated plaque, an electrical appliance is not only a source of certain diseases, but the functionality of the device suffers because of it. Before changing the device to a new device, you should try one of the traditional cleaning methods.