home · Lighting · DIY piggy bank from a 5 liter bottle. Step-by-step instructions for making a pig from a plastic bottle. To make a piggy bank from a tin can we will need

DIY piggy bank from a 5 liter bottle. Step-by-step instructions for making a pig from a plastic bottle. To make a piggy bank from a tin can we will need

Leaving funds for a rainy day is good habit. Everyone needs a little money sooner or later Money. It is convenient to use a piggy bank to accumulate funds. There is no need to buy it, because such a thing can be made with your own hands from scrap materials.

How to make a piggy bank from a tin can

Take a used tin can (such as coffee or baby formula). Cut a hole for coins in top cover. Decorate your piggy bank by covering it with colored paper or bright stickers.

How to make a piggy bank from a plastic bottle

Cut from plastic bottle front and back. You won't need the middle; you can throw it away. Bottom part put it on the top one and secure it with tape. Spray paint the bottle the color you like. Wait for the bottle to dry. Using a knife, carefully make a hole at the top. You can turn a bottle into a funny pig by gluing toy eyes to the base of the bottle. From plastic caps glue the legs, and the ears can be made from cardboard.

How to make a piggy bank from a cardboard box

The simplest option for making a piggy bank. Find a small cardboard box. Cover it with colored fabric. Make a neat hole on top for small items.

How to make a piggy bank from a glass jar

Roll up the lid on a jar of any capacity. Cut a hole in the lid for change and bills. Decorate as desired. You can glue funny inscriptions, wrap them in fabric or cover them with bright ribbons. Attach paper butterflies or bright bows.

How to make a piggy bank from matchboxes

To create such a piggy bank you need a large number of empty matchboxes. They need to be glued to each other in several tiers. You will get a retractable piggy bank for small change. Changes of various denominations can be placed in different boxes. The owner of such a piggy bank must be a person with iron willpower, since it is not difficult to take out change from there.

Using the simplest items you can make a convenient piggy bank. Now the accumulated funds will be with you, and you can use your money at any moment. Save longer and more!

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands from a bottle? The answer is below.

On the agenda today, or rather tonight, is a very relevant topic in the era of the current crisis - a do-it-yourself piggy bank!

According to the good tradition, our piggy bank will be as simple as... Ugly in general. Even a baby can do it...

Well, I got carried away, the baby won’t be able to handle it, but a 3-4 year old boy is already capable of this feat! The video will show you how to make a piggy bank in the shape of a pig, but you can make anything (in short, any animal and even not so much an animal), for example, a piggy bank in the shape of a nuclear power plant reactor (it all depends on you and on the ways to express your individuality )...

A set of things to build a piggy bank:

1. 2-liter plastic bottle of HEALTHY WATER, such as Sprite or Coca-Cola (whoever is poisoned with what), or the shape in the video (it seems from a 1.5-liter mineral water)
2. Scissors or utility knife
3. Glue gun, and if you don’t have one, you can use simple stationery glue
4. Several caps from plastic bottles a la Sprite and Coca-Cola
5. Acrylic paint (well, yes, you’ll have to go to the nearest stationery store, but who cares now...) Any color (you can experiment with colors)
6. And now we’re also heading to the store household chemicals, or everything for repairs, and buy VINYL GLUE there
7. Scotch (not a drink)!, but adhesive tape
8. Buttons (can be black, or any other colors)
9. Colored paper (any color)
10. Black marker

Video on how to make a piggy bank a la pink pig below:

Handmade things are, of course, beautiful and unique. But I want such a product to also be useful. Good example- money box. It will not only decorate your interior, but also serve its intended purpose. This item is also a wonderful gift for a wedding or birthday. From this article you will learn how to make a gift with your own hands.

Select the gift boxes you will use. Gift boxes Ideal as a piggy bank. They make more beautiful wedding sets. Their special design resembles the shape of a hanging object or a stack of gifts. The boxes can be round or square depending on your preference or theme for the wedding. The boxes should be of decreasing size to create what looks like a pile of gifts. Choose three gift boxes. . Cut the incision. Cut a slit into the side or lid of the box at the top or side of the box at the bottom.

What can you make a piggy bank from?

To make an original item, the simplest things are suitable:

  • shoe boxes;
  • suitable sized boxes and jars made of hard cardboard or tin;
  • glass jars;
  • plastic cans and bottles;
  • old toys.

Excellent materials for creating a gift would be cardboard, leftover wallpaper, colored and wrapping paper. For decoration, let's take: newspapers and magazine clippings, pieces of lace and ribbons, coins and key rings.

The choice is yours: the top box will be more affordable, and the bottom box will be larger. The placement of the slot will depend on how you decorate the box and what you find visually appealing. Use a ruler and marker to draw rectangular shape on the lid or side of the top box or the side of the bottom drawer. The rectangle should be thin, but long enough and wide enough to accommodate large envelopes. Scissors are preferred over scissors because scissors leave irregular edges.

  • Cut out a transparent rectangular shape.
  • Use a cutter to cut out a rectangle to create an envelope slot.
Measure the dimensions of the drawers.

How to make a piggy bank correctly?

To ensure that your work brings only pleasure and its results do not disappoint, we strictly adhere to the following steps:

  • The choice of style, model, purpose of the product is the idea of ​​a piggy bank. Here you need to consider who will
    your gift is intended – age, character, tastes. On what occasion will it be given - birthday, housewarming, wedding? Having decided on an idea, it is better to formalize it in the form of a drawing, sketch or drawing;
  • Selection and preparation of materials. Choose a suitable jar or box. It should be smooth, without dents. If it is a jar with a lid, then the lid should close tightly. Then, based on the methods of decorating our product, we select materials for decoration;

Use a ruler to measure the length and width of each side of each window. Pay attention to the sizes of each of them. . Cut out decorations. Cut the fabric or decorative paper the same size as the sides of each box. When using measurements as a reference, place the paper or cloth on a flat surface.

If necessary, name the resulting cutters to see which boxes they belong to. Draw the dimensions on each side of each box on paper or fabric. . Glue fabric or paper. Apply thin layer glue to the back of each cut and insert them into the boxes where they should put themselves.

  • Manufacturing. The sequence of work depends on general idea. If this is a piggy bank made from a shoe box, decorated using the de blending technique, then the techniques for working on it will differ from making a craft from a glass jar. Common to all products is the preparation of the base. The base of the future gift needs to be washed or cleaned, glass and plastic surfaces degrease, in in the right places make holes.

DIY piggy bank: several options

DIY piggy bank from a glass jar. A simple but very effective model. We select a beautiful glass jar, the size we need. Curly products from coffee or tea will look good. The lid on the jar should be plastic or tin, that is, one in which it is easy to make a hole.

Once the glue has dried, cut out the paper or fabric by closing the envelope slot with a cutter. If the edges of the nest are uneven, cover them with tape. . Decorate the wedding box. Use ribbons, lace, tulle, etc. whichever you like for the final decorative touch to the box.

Add a message below the slot. . Collect a stack of boxes. Place the largest box first, then the rest, from largest to smallest. You can wrap a big, pretty ribbon around the pile, ending with a big knot at the top to make it look like a stack of gifts.

  • Secure them with glue.
  • Place your wedding box on the table where the gifts will be placed.
  • People giving money can pass their ticket through the slot.
But how do you create a safe nest egg when investing?

The size and shape of the hole depends on what kind of money is intended to be stored: paper money or change. If these are coins, then cut the hole according to the size of the largest one. If you make your own piggy bank for paper money, the hole should be such that a bill folded in four can fit in.

Logically, unlike a current account, a deposit account allows for different transactions; such as: sampling and deposits. However, they can be made from and to an account with a limited amount for a fixed period. This means that the client keeps the money in the account to mature over time and have savings for the future. As you can understand, this eliminates the customer's ability to perform basic transactions that would normally be performed on a bank account; which could be salary credit, pension credit, domiciliation of daily withdrawals, etc.

When making a hole you need to be careful. This work is best done on carpenter's table or securely fastened wooden block. We decorate the cleaned and degreased jar according to our design. You can leave it transparent and watch how capital accumulates. Another option is to paint the base with acrylic paints. On glass jar Pasted pictures using the de blending technique, decor made of lace and beads, and hand-painted paintings look great.

How to create a safe piggy bank by investing money and paying expenses

This means that before leaving it is always advisable to program everything for petrol and various purchases that will be made. Therefore, if you need to go shopping, go to the pharmacy, visit the office, go to the Italian post office and so on; It's always better to leave the house once and do everything together.

Deposit account expenses and the best piggy banks in circulation

This is just a little trick to prevent money from being checked and save as much as possible. Returning to our deposit account, it should be noted that not all banks in Italy offer the same features and operations; in fact, it is always better to take a tour of the banks or consult various websites to find the lowest cost. Typically, almost all banks allow you to open a deposit account for free and create a safe piggy bank by investing money; all capitalizing interests and checking various expenses.

A homemade piggy bank made of paper and cardboard. We choose the appropriate cardboard box, perfect for storing shoes. If there is no suitable box, you can make it yourself. Drawings are easy to find on the Internet.

If you paint or paste over an object with paper, prime the surface with a solution of PVA glue and wait until it dries completely.

Create a report on various expenses and save money every day

Don't forget: the rate is 0.15%; tax is 50% higher than 2 years ago. Even if saving money is not easy, given fixed costs problems that arise daily, it is advisable to create a family budget registry, indicating everything related to the withdrawal of money from the family portfolio. Also in this case, it's kind of, the sole and only purpose is to save us. In fact, the register will include: gas, pay stubs, car tax, motorcycle insurance, employment contracts and purchases made.

We cut out the hole using a stationery knife and trim the edges. We decorate the box with old newspapers, printed banknotes, scraps beautiful wallpaper or fabrics. A piggy bank covered with velvet or leather looks very stylish and rich. When making this option, it is better to use special glue.

Piggy bank from an old soft toy. This one is simple and original model will become a wonderful gift teenager. It will remind you of childhood and help you save money for something your child needs.

Creating a register will help you analyze the results and hence clear any unnecessary expenses or double or incorrect payments. Additionally, the registry will help you manage your secure copy bank and keep you in control of everything, so you just need to deal with fines, missed payments, and blackberry requests.

Pension fund = safe piggy bank and money growth over time

The final method of creating and activating a safe piggy bank by investing money and allowing it to grow over time is definitely to open a retirement fund. This means that if the pension system worked well in the 1990s and you earned a lot of money once you retired, this is no longer the case!

From soft toy take out the filler. We leave it in the head and paws of the animal. We select the basis. This can be a tin or plastic jar with a lid. We make a hole in the lid. Place the base inside the toy. We fill the voids with filler. We sew it up carefully. Leave a hole in the toy, matching it with the hole in the lid of the jar. We glue the edges of the material or fur from which the toy is made.

It is for this reason that it would be useful not only to take advantage of the public pension in old age. Other ideas to consider are supplementary pensions, supplementary pensions and severance payments from pension funds. Here is a wonderful and interesting guide, quite practical and quick, through whose specific help you can understand and learn how to make a cute piggy bank with your own hands using glass bottle. as always, in practice, in this homemade work, all our goodwill, desire and creativity, which will never fail.

Wedding present

There are many options for DIY piggy banks. Those given as wedding gifts deserve special attention. A DIY wedding piggy bank can be made using any technique.

Her main qualities are that she should be elegant and look expensive. For decoration, use natural lace, decorative flowers made of fabric, beads in the form of pearls.

Get the money in a safe place, it is important to be able to find after a certain period of time - an important amount that needs to be spent in the most desired way. Always the most used is the classic copy bank, which can be easily made by recycling some items at home. Of course, by ensuring that you implement this particular creation yourself, you will have the opportunity to learn and learn particularly useful and innovative techniques, as well as have the opportunity to save significant amounts of money since you will not have to buy the product from a special good reading and good fun in creating this cute piggy bank, completely different from the classics we are used to.

The best gift would be a gift made in the shape of a chest or house.

When making such a piggy bank, you need to be careful to avoid glue smudges and uneven edges. Remember that your gift will be long years make the newlyweds happy.

As we say goodbye, I would like to wish everyone creative inspiration. Let the creations of your hands delight your loved ones and friends. See you again!

How to choose a glass bottle

Glass Bottle Electric Drill with Adjustable Vidio Steel Drill Bit Diamond Files. The first thing you will need to do is wash the bottle thoroughly and then blow dry it.

How to use an electric drill

Now take electric drill, drill a hole just past the neck of the bottle where the tubular part begins. Before you start drilling at the bottom, while reducing the speed to minimum, make a small groove to prevent the steel tip from sliding on smooth surface glass

You can make an unusual and stylish piggy bank with your own hands from an ordinary one. tin can with storage lid bulk products. For this, special knowledge or skills are completely unnecessary, the main thing is that your hands are at least somewhat skillful. We will decorate the tin can with stripes paper towels, creating a relief of randomly laid fabric, followed by painting with acrylic paints, decorating with mother-of-pearl semi-beads, decorative chains and small golden locks.

As soon as you get a hint drilled hole, start the drilling operation. When the hole is made and it is at least 0.5mm, take a diamond file and slowly widen the hole vertically, alternating it with a "semi-circle" diamond file.

How to create a copy bank slot

When the hole becomes cracked, do a test to see if you are introducing coins, especially two euros, which are thicker than others in circulation. Once you have ensured the success of the crack, you can continue, having already obtained a piggy bank with the compaction phase.

To make a piggy bank from a tin can we will need:

  • tin can of any size and shape
  • roll of paper towels
  • PVA glue about 200 gr.
  • acrylic paints black matte
  • acrylic paints gold
  • semi beads
  • decorative chain
  • small locks
  • coins of different denominations
  • Titan glue
  • hard and soft wide brushes
  • black beads (a little)

First you need to cut strips of paper towels about 4-5 cm wide. Dilute PVA glue with water 1:1 in a container with a wide neck. It is more convenient to “work” with a rectangular or square tin can; in the process you will understand “why”.

How to use a piggy bank

For this operation you have two options: make it final or make it inferable to other cases. If you choose the first solution, then this will be enough to put on the cap and you're done. If, on the other hand, you want to make money without breaking it or upsetting your work, you can drill a hole under the round base of the bottle and, having enlarged it with diamond files, close it with a stopper, taking advantage of the fact that the part is tapered, tending to re- enter the bottle unaffected by the thickness of the cap.

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands from a tin can

Dip the prepared paper towel strips one by one into the diluted glue. When removing the workpiece, you need to squeeze it slightly, passing it between two fingers. You should act carefully, without pressure, to avoid tearing the paper. The strip should only be saturated with the adhesive mass, but not soften in it. The resulting strip must be carefully placed diagonally on the tin, creating random folds, like on fabric. Thus, it is necessary to lay the strips on one side of the can
and leave the craft until the glue dries. The opposite side is covered in a similar way. In total, you need to make two or three layers of paper towels to make the piggy bank look solid and stylish.

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Thank you for helping us improve the quality of our content. In addition to giving money to your child every day, the most authentic gift you could give him would be a piggy bank where he enters his first "savings." Understanding how to make a hole in a glass bottle in a safe way, is a useful and creative skill.

This is what the workpiece should look like:

A completely dried piece can be decorated. First you need to paint it in the base color, for which we take matte black.

Before painting, acrylic paint must be diluted with water in the proportion of 1 part paint: 2 parts water. It is recommended to use a wide soft brush. While painting, try not to miss any folds and fill every millimeter of the future piggy bank with paint.

The beauty of a table often comes from the centerpiece.

It often happens that people receive flowers and don’t know where to place them. Therefore, the first instinct is to restore any object that may contain them. Glass bottles are always the most commonly used. Who doesn't have at least one glass bottle at home? Stored in boxes or basements, these containers often take up precious space and are rarely used.

Now the paint should dry completely. It will take about 5 hours. In the meantime, you can start decorating the lid of the piggy bank.

Decoration of the piggy bank lid with coins, semi-beads and seed beads

First of all, you need to make a bill and coin receiver from the lid. To do this, simply cut a rectangular hole with a knife. To equip the piggy bank with locks, we cut out a round hole on the sides of the lid and on the piggy bank itself.

Now let's glue the coins using Titan glue. We apply glue to the coins and place them on the surface of the lid in a random order, in a slightly disorderly manner. We decorate the hole for the money with beads, gluing them in the same way as coins. We “fill” the gaps between the coins with black beads.

The penultimate stage of making a piggy bank with your own hands from a tin can is applying gold acrylic paint. To do this you will need a hard wide brush.

There is no need to dilute the gold paint!

The gold decor is applied to the surface of the folds of the piggy bank's trim with light brush strokes, lightly touched with paint. When dry, the gold decor on a black background creates the effect of old red gold, glitters beautifully in artificial light, and looks expensive!

Money box- a special container where you can put money so as not to spend it in the near future. Often this is a closed container with a small hole so that money can be inserted into it. In most cases, it’s just a jar where people put change from their pockets so as not to rush around with it, and after a while, when the jar is full, they can please themselves with some kind of gift. There are many ways to make a piggy bank, and today we will talk about some of them.

Before that, we talked about it, now we’ll look at other types of piggy banks!

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands?

We have prepared for you the simplest and most quick ways, materials for which every home has, this can be cardboard box, can or plastic bottle. The choice is yours. Let's get started!

How to make a piggy bank out of paper?

Very interesting craft, available even small child. Great idea For various lessons and activities for children. By making a piggy bank, they will have a very good time and receive a useful gift.

To make such a piggy bank, print out the diagram below:

In the upper left corner you can see a diagram of the folds, this is where you need to glue it.

How to make a piggy bank from a bottle?

Everyone has unnecessary plastic bottles. Encourage your child to do original craft, learn something new and acquire a valuable thing.

Let's prepare the materials we need:

Plastic bottle.
. Stationery knife.
. Pink paint.
. Corrugated paper pink and black.
. Glue gun.
. Eyes for a pig.

1 . Take the bottle and cut it into three parts. Try to make all cuts neatly and evenly.

2 . Lower and top part We connect the bottles together. The middle one can be thrown away.

4. Paint the form in pink color. It is advisable to use a spray can. Then we decorate our pig with eyes from black cardboard and cut out a nose, legs and a tail from pink materials.