home · Other · Safe housing: the main ways to protect the apartment from the penetration of thieves. How to protect summer property from intruders How to secure a garden from thieves

Safe housing: the main ways to protect the apartment from the penetration of thieves. How to protect summer property from intruders How to secure a garden from thieves

With the onset holiday season the theft of property of summer residents became more frequent. There are legal and not very legal ways to deal with this annual scourge.

Often summer residents do not rely on the police and protect their houses and plots themselves. As a result, every year the most inventive sit on the dock, and the assurances of summer residents that they only defended their property are not recognized by the court.

Special Forces for giving

Chairman of the Volgograd horticultural partnership"Energetik" Dmitry Titov created a security unit that keeps order in the entrusted territory. Methods of dealing with dacha thieves - on the verge and beyond the law. Opposite the dacha board there is a cage where those taken red-handed are put before the arrival of the police. Everyone caught is obliged to eat what he has collected. Yes, and thieves are dipped into the river at any time of the year - even in summer, even in winter.

From the point of view of the law, such protection almost completely falls under the articles of laws. The Constitution is violated - Article 22, that everyone has the right to freedom and personal integrity. In our country, arrest, detention and detention are possible only by a court decision.

Bathing and force-feeding thieves are just flowers compared to other methods of protection. So, a court sentenced a 60-year-old citizen of Cherepov to six years in prison, who fired a gun at an 18-year-old thief who tried to enter a summer cottage.

As the investigation established, the pensioner wanted to kill the thief, but this did not work out: a young man with a severe wound (the shot was fired from a gun with buckshot) managed to get to the road, where he was picked up by the driver of a random car and taken to the hospital. The victim had one lung removed, and he issued a disability.

When examining the thief's personal belongings, the policemen found a set of master keys and other things that clearly indicated why he went to the dachas. Later, he himself confessed to his craft. At trial, the pensioner pleaded not guilty. However, he is currently serving time.

Queen of country crime

This is how the operatives call theft: half of all out-of-town criminal statistics fall on this type of criminal activity. They drag everything. From houses and hozblok - products, utensils, household and agricultural equipment. From the plots - everything that grows, from carrots to berry bushes and young trees. My friend, having missed two summer months due to illness, came to the dacha only closer to autumn. There she saw a clearing of holes. They took away everything that could be dug up.

In the early 90s, poisoned foods and booze were one of the ways to protect yourself. Vodka with rat poison and pickles, where saltpeter was generously poured instead of salt, was not infrequently used by summer residents, stupefied by endless thieves. But all the poisoners received long sentences. For several years, not a single such case has been recorded.

Fighting for your good is more useful for life and health, after all, by legal methods. Where to start?

If the theft happened a long time ago, you can run to the police, but you don’t need to. This is empty work. But if something was stolen no more than a week ago, then traces can still be found. Try to find a district police officer or call 02 (112 is dialed from a mobile). Although, as practice shows, it is best to get to the local police station yourself.

The main thing there is not to succumb to persuasion that there is no time for busy policemen. And be sure to get a tear-off coupon that the statement about the theft was accepted in full.

According to the law, a criminal case can be initiated if the amount of stolen money is at least 1,200 rubles. Anything below this amount is considered an administrative offense. Anything above is a crime.

Security is a private matter

Is it possible to independently protect yourself from possible summer misfortunes and at the same time not overdo it? After all, it happens that some owner will prepare a banner with a grenade for a country thief or start firing at boys stealing apples. As a result - criminal punishment for exceeding the limits of self-defense.

In spring and summer, residents of cooperatives can organize night shifts themselves. You can invite both neighbors and migrants as watchmen. But in order to really sleep peacefully, the police recommends summer residents to conclude agreements with private security companies. The contract must necessarily stipulate liability for the entrusted object. Before signing it, you must check the license of the private security company.

Most cheap option for small dacha cooperatives - duty in turn by the residents themselves according to the schedule: one house - one night. To do this, it is necessary at night, especially in the morning, to walk with a dog, your own or someone else's. At the same time, as the police say, the size of the animal does not matter. A survey of thieves conducted in different prisons - what stops you gave one result: it stops the presence of a dog, even a lap dog or a dachshund.

It must be light in the village at night - even 1-2 lanterns in different parts of the village will save the day. A remarkable result is the installation of dummies of video cameras. They blink a red eye, buzz and turn. No one knows that there is no recording. And these dummies are quite inexpensive.

How not to protect the cottage

1 In the village of Gritsovskaya Tula region A recidivist thief tried to break into someone else's house. However, an improvised explosive device installed by the owner of the dacha for uninvited guests prevented him from doing this. The thief died from numerous wounds. Now the demolition master is awaiting sentencing for negligent infliction of death. He faces up to three years in prison.

2 Conducted through the fence and the gate caused paralysis in an elderly thief in the holiday village "Ogorodnik" in the Smolensk region. At the request of the owner of the dacha, the current was conducted by a rural electrician. The surviving robber is now accused of stealing someone else's property - this is a moderate crime. And the crime of a pensioner is more serious, as is the punishment for committing it - imprisonment for up to two years.

3 The last case of poisoning of thieves was in Ruza, near Moscow, in 1998, when a family left vodka poisoned with arsenic on the table of the country veranda. Three people were poisoned - the thief and his accomplice did not drink the bottle on the spot, but took it home. The owner of the dacha received 12 years and is still serving his sentence.

4 The crossbow at the site of a family from the Novosibirsk region turned out to be not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Under article 109 of the Criminal Code, causing death by negligence - the head of the Bykhovsky family received three years in prison. A neighbor in the village died, who came to the man with payments, not noticing that the neighbors had left in the morning. The deceased inadvertently pulled the door handle and received an arrow in the eye.

Unpunished methods invented by summer residents:

The retired summer resident Valitov from Naberezhnye Chelny went unpunished. He dug and disguised a hole in front of the threshold of the cottage, into which the thief fell and broke his leg. As the police said, this does not threaten a criminal article: it is difficult to prove that the pit was dug on purpose.

A pensioner from Arkhangelsk, leaving for the city, on the veranda of her house hangs a stuffed hangman in a noose under the ceiling. No one has visited her for two years now.

Summer resident from Bryansk, having built brick house, made a doorway in an unconventional place and painted the door "under the bricks". And in a traditional place, he hung a fake steel door directly on the masonry. Complete illusion that it opens. The thieves have already tried to knock her out - to no avail.

A locksmith from the Oryol region invented a timer that turns on at a certain time in the house table lamp for a couple of hours. The system works all year round. Since then, there have been no thefts.

Viktor Kuleshov, retired military man, Zhodino settlement:

In winter, I ask an acquaintance from a neighboring village to tread a path through the snow to the gates and the house.

Nikitin family, Omsk:

We installed car alarms, volume sensors and a siren under the visor near the windows. Checked: with a siren yelling at the entire cooperative, there are no people who even want to come close.

Criminal articles that summer residents need to know

Article 109 Causing death by negligence shall be punishable by restriction of liberty for a term of up to three years or by imprisonment for the same term.

Article 114 The term is up to two years in prison.

Article 115 Fine - from 50 to 100 minimum wages, or compulsory work for a period of 180 to 240 hours, or work for a period of up to one year, or arrest for a period of two to four months.

Article 116 Fine up to one hundred minimum wages, or work for a period of 120 to 180 hours, or correctional labor for a period of up to six months, or arrest for a period of up to three months.

Article 130 Fine up to 100 minimum wages, or compulsory work for up to 120 hours, or corrective labor for up to six months.

Article 167. Deliberate destruction or damage to property. If these acts caused significant damage, they are punished with a fine in the amount of 50 to 100 minimum wages. The maximum is imprisonment for up to two years.

How to turn Vacation home, into an impregnable fortress? There is an answer to this question. In this article, three classic, but very effective ways secure your beloved home, as well as some cheap, but very tricky ways to protect.

As it usually happens, a person arrives at his dacha, and the rooms are in a mess, the window is broken, the lock on the door is broken, his favorite electric stove, TV, dishes, tools and garden tools. In some cases, they even cut and pull out the wires. country thieves do not disdain anything, which is insulting!

Remember! As a rule, they climb where it is easy to climb, and quietly and imperceptibly, otherwise the risk of being caught increases greatly. Therefore, determine what are the weakest points in the house, as a rule, these are windows and doors. So they need to be strengthened so as not to leave a single chance to the thief!

Method number 1 Strengthen a wooden front door

If your door is wooden, it can be reinforced with fairly simple methods.
Cover it with a steel sheet or tin, protect the lock by installing a steel plate. You can strengthen the box with iron corners.

If you want to give the box extra strength, drill a hole in the end and hammer in 10mm metal pins. After such changes, a thief will no longer be able to snatch your box with a crowbar.

“But it should be taken into account that due to the increase in the weight of the door, the hinges can sag, which will lead to sagging and the problem of opening and closing. If the loops are weak, then change them to more powerful ones.

Method number 2 Steel doors

It is not necessary to put a door with a very expensive exterior trim. The main thing is not appearance, A protective functions. Here's a look at the models steel doors economy, they are usually often used in summer cottages.

When choosing a door, remember that:

The steel sheet of the door must be no thinner than 2mm, otherwise it can be opened with a kitchen knife.

Install a door that opens only outwards. So that it could not be knocked out inside.

You need to install two complex locks, with different mechanisms.

A professional burglar understands well how difficult it is to open such metal doors with modern mortise locks.

To crack iron door by force, which is correctly installed, it is necessary to cut it out with an autogenous, and this requires time, equipment, and besides, there will be so many sparks and noise that the entire summer cottage village will wake up. It is unlikely that an attacker will take such a risk.

Method number 3 Install bars or shutters on the windows.

For a summer resident, the most pleasant quality of the gratings is that in the summer you can sleep with open window and not to think that someone is sneaking into your room on the sly.

To date, many options do not limit our choice. They can be made in any style and harmoniously fit into the architecture of any home.
But don't forget the rules fire safety! You need to make at least one lattice opening.
The cheapest ways:

Using LEDs instead of alarms.

Hanging a sign saying “the house is guarded by non-departmental security” is at first glance a simple but very practical method, since no one will be able to verify such information and will not take risks.

One of the latest inventions, traps with marking paint. Items are used that the thief will definitely covet, and as soon as he picks them up, the item explodes in a cloud of paint. It has a very strong psychological effect, realizing that he has remained marked, the attacker immediately hides.

Dummy video camera. Equipping a video surveillance system is of course a very reliable method of protection, but also very expensive. It is easier to hang signs with the inscription and the picture “Attention! Video surveillance is underway” and install two or three dummies of video cameras. A special impression can be achieved if the dummies of cameras are disguised, but in such a way that the attacker will definitely notice that they were trying to hide them.

Other ways:

Services of a security organization, an effective but expensive method.

Cottage and country property insurance is one of the most common types of insurance. This issue should always be taken very seriously, carefully study the insurance company and the conditions of insurance.

In order not to overpay premiums, insure only those valuables that could potentially be stolen. Draw up a separate insurance contract not only for the building, but also for property (lawn mower, heater ...) and indicate the prices of each unit.

Set up a loud alarm. Who will climb into the house, which is noisy for the whole district. As a rule, this has a very strong psychological impact and the attacker will immediately disappear. Installing a branded alarm system is not cheap, but for giving it you can easily make it yourself.

The main thing is not to use illegal methods of protection and not to harm offenders. It is better to leave a bowl of water over the door frame, and the thief will appreciate your joke with humor.

Summer is the time for holidays and recreation, but not for thieves and robbers. For them comes the most "hot" time. Official statistics say that during the holiday season the number burglaries doubles, because the majority of citizens not only leave their homes unattended, but also neglect simple, but effective security measures.

Today "So simple!" will talk about how to prepare your home for the holidays and protect it to the maximum from the visit of uninvited guests. So, read the article, follow the instructions and go on vacation with peace of mind!

How to protect your apartment from thieves


According to statistics, most thieves get inside the dwelling through the windows, breaking the glass or breaking the frame.


Bad news: a bunch of all kinds of locks on the front doors are not a hindrance to robbers. The good news is that we know how to keep your apartment safe.

Security from within

The most modern protection today is alarm and video surveillance. Here the choice is simply huge, so we will focus on the simplest and most inexpensive tools that do not require the call of specialists to install them.

  1. Trip sensors
    Opening sensors can be installed on windows and doors. The principle of their operation is very simple: as soon as the door or window on which the sensor is installed opens, a loud sound signal and the device sends an SMS message to the owner's phone.

    There are also glass break sensors (triggered by impact) and motion sensors (react to heat transfer). All devices are wireless, powered by a battery that lasts approximately one year. A big plus is that these devices are relatively inexpensive.

  2. IP camera
    Another of the most advanced devices for tracking a property is an IP camera. With this device, at any time you can not only watch, but also listen to what is happening in the apartment, as the camera is equipped with a two-way communication function.

    The main condition for work is an Internet connection. In addition, the camera is equipped with a motion sensor. If it works, the camera will immediately take a photo and send it to the owner. Perhaps, this device has only one drawback - its price.

  3. Men in Black
    To protect the apartment from thieves, you can use the services of security companies. However, this method is not the cheapest. In addition to the cost of equipping the apartment with electronic eyes and ears, you will have to pay a monthly fee, and also be sure to insure your property.

    The advantage of this choice is that the villains have practically no chance to profit in the apartment. After entering the dwelling, a signal from electronic sensors is sent to the dispatcher's console, and after 3-5 minutes a squad with weapons arrives.

  4. Dog
    There is an opinion that the best guard is a dog living in an apartment, which certainly will not allow you to rob your home. However, in reality, if the dog did not pass special training, she does not guard the apartment, but only barks loudly, smelling a stranger behind the door. The most reliable defenders are American Staffordshire Terriers, American Bulldogs and Cane Corso.

    They attack without warning any "non-pack member" invading their territory. The problem is that such a fighting character must be brought up for a long time, teaching that no one can enter housing without owners. And if the owners go on vacation, who will feed and walk the animal? In this case, you will have to teach the dog in advance that one of the close relatives who do not live in this apartment has the right to enter.

  5. Psychological tricks
    If professional protection until you can afford it, then try to apply some psychological tricks, capable of creating a "presence effect" in the apartment.
  6. Light on
    In the face of rising prices utility bills this method seems not so cheap, but this is how our grandmothers protected their home, when they had never heard of an alarm and a video peephole. Just leave the lights on in one of the rooms when you leave.

    If your apartment is being watched, it will create the effect of the presence of the owners of the house. For the same reason, our grandmothers left the radio on. It takes little electricity, but the thieves, having heard sounds outside the door, changed their minds about entering the house.

  7. Correspondence
    It is better to leave the keys to the mailbox with the neighbors and ask them to regularly take out the correspondence. Robbers often pay attention to such seemingly trifles - the mailbox is full, which means that the owners have been absent for a long time.

In this article: why there can be no absolute system of protection; we block the paths of passage for intruders; double door- an unpleasant surprise for the cracker; simulation and real security and warning systems; "panic room" for storing expensive equipment and property.

Every city dweller wants to be among the owners of comfortable suburban real estate, well located in some picturesque corner of nature near a river or lake. In a country house you can take a break from the bustle of the city, the Brownian movement on the freeways and the constant hubbub of the streets, spend time in the bosom of nature with family or close friends. But for all its merits, the house outside the city has one serious drawback - the owners visit it on short visits, which dark personalities will not fail to take advantage of. Only reliable doors, roller shutters on the windows of the first floor or agreements with a neighbor permanently residing in the neighboring area to provide protection country house cannot - a set of measures is needed, which will be discussed later in the article.

Ideal protection of the cottage

Let's decide right away - it is impossible to guarantee the safety of a country house from professional intruders, since criminals of this category are well aware of most protection systems and are able to bypass them without too much noise. However, professional robbers will not break into country houses without full confidence that solid prey awaits them inside - the risk is too great. Most thefts in suburban buildings carried out by petty amateur thieves, hoping that at least something valuable will fall to them. Such criminals "work" rudely, counting on the simplest tool And physical strength- it is possible and necessary to protect your country house from them.

A set of works to increase the degree of security of the dacha from outsiders must be carried out not in a stereotyped way - the more unexpected difficulties fall on the heads of the robbers, the more likely they are to abandon the idea of ​​robbing this house. Go out into the courtyard of your country house and carefully look around - you need to find out how potential robbers can get inside the buildings.

We find and eliminate weak points in home defense

The country house either faces the street, or is located in the depths of the courtyard, enclosed by a fence. In both the first and second cases, the robber will prefer to get inside the yard - on the street he can be noticed by random passers-by. Therefore, the first line of defense is a fence and a gate in it.

The fencing of the dacha must be strong, high and, in ideal impervious to prying eyes. A fence of 2 meters or more is needed, barbed wire can be installed along its end so that it is not visible from the outside, but it does not allow to pull up along the fence canvas. In principle, the owner of a country house can equip the fence with several rows or rings. barbed wire, fixed between the racks, exposed with a slope in the direction of the street, however, the appearance of the site will lose from this. Gates located in the railing must be locked with mortise locks - any the padlock can be knocked down with a sledgehammer or twisted with a crowbar. Make sure there are no gaps between the gate leaves and the adjacent fence.

The easiest way to get into the house is through existing entrances and window openings. There are usually two entrances - front and back, each of them must be equipped with a tricky door tambour, consisting of wooden and steel doors. We put the set of doors leading from the courtyard to the house exactly the same as at the main entrance! The leaf of the first door that goes outside the building is made of wood, taking care of a strong jamb and reliable locks. Attackers must spend a lot of effort to open it, and if they succeed, the robbers will face a second, metal door, equipped, among others, with a crossbar lock, which will be much more difficult to overcome. Typically, upon discovery metal door criminals give up their intentions - it will take time to open it, during which they can be detected. However, to increase the degree of panic among hunters for other people's good will help additional measures, which we will talk about a little later.

For some reason, windows covered with modern frames are considered impregnable for intruders by many homeowners, although it is not difficult to open them - in last resort, it is enough to break the double-glazed window with a mount. Double-glazed windows coated with glass transparent film or made from tempered glass harder to break, but they will cost the owners quite expensive. It is better to use an alternative solution - installing roller shutters on the windows of the first floor and, which is correct, the second floor, the guides for which are cut into the walls window opening. Since it will not be possible to install such roller shutters on windows without their serious alteration, it is necessary to take into account the installation of roller shutters at the stage of construction of a country house. By the way, overhead roller shutters, which are installed outside the existing window, especially those fixed with distinguishable screws, are easy to remove.

It is naive to rely on window bars - almost any robber will be able to remove them, using pliers to cut reinforcement, it will take only a few minutes.

Technical doors, hatches and windows located at a height - if the owners do not think of using them to enter the house, this does not mean that burglars will not be able to penetrate through them with good physical training. Attic windows must be protected with lockable roller shutters, hatches must be enclosed in a steel frame and provided with secure lock, not a toggle valve. If there are doors facing the courtyard and hatches to the basement, they must also be reinforced with a frame made of steel angle and securely locked from the inside.

Another possibility for burglars to enter the house is the garage space, combined with the building or located in it. ground floor. It is better to block the entrance to the garage with a sliding or lifting sash, garage shutters are also suitable - in all cases, the sash should be equipped with a bolt lock, which non-professionals will not be able to open.

Outbuildings in the yard are also important to protect reliable doors and window coverings - after unsuccessful attempts to enter the house through the doors and windows of the first floor, the robbers will try to open them in order to steal at least something more or less valuable. In the barn, they can find a ladder to climb to the second floor level of the building, in the hope that these windows are less secure than those on the first floor.

The measures described above will seriously complicate the task of the robbers, but with time, sufficient equipment and training, their goals will still be achieved. Therefore, you should not rely only on locks and steel doors, because it is equally important to detain intruders and save your property.

Tracking, control and signaling systems

There are two types of tracking systems - imitation and real. The cheapest way to imitate surveillance is to install one or two faulty and cheap video cameras on the facade of a country house, equipping their housing with flickering LEDs, powered by a small battery inside the housing of each such "tracing camera". You can put one flickering LED on the windows of the facade and facing courtyard site - together with "video surveillance" they are guaranteed to frighten potential robbers.

Simultaneously with imitations of the tracking system, it makes sense to install genuine video surveillance, only its infrared ip cameras should be placed covertly by placing the video recorder in a secure compartment inside the house - it is most difficult for robbers to track, because there are no cables.

A wonderful means of psychological protection of the dacha is a siren, the sudden and incessant signal of which will frighten intruders and force them to run away. The siren must be connected to a motion sensor installed discreetly in the vestibule between the two entrance doors: as soon as the thieves open the first door and see the second steel door, a mournfully howling siren is triggered. A good solution would be to link the activation of the siren's howler to the lighting inside the house, which is activated at the same time. A wide range of impressions for robbers is guaranteed!

Let's imagine the worst-case scenario - the attackers were not stopped by the front doors, the howling of sirens and video cameras, they intend to get to the homeowners' property regardless of the interference. The case is bad, but not hopeless - you will need a GSM alarm that reports the penetration to the cell phone to the homeowner and, when arming, to the control panel of the police or security agency. Upon receipt of such a signal, the owner of a country house turns to the police and the criminals are promptly detained.

There is one more nuance - alarm systems work only if they receive power and experienced robbers are well aware of this moment. It is not difficult for intruders to cut the electrical wiring at home and wait a couple of days for the backup power supply batteries to completely discharge, so it is important for the homeowner to receive alarm signals not only when there is extraneous movement in the house, but also when there is no power supply. Often, such signals are ignored by the owners of dachas, because power outages in Russia, unfortunately, are in the order of things - this is exactly what the robbers are counting on!

Before a long absence, all valuable property must be removed from the country house - if possible, then household appliances together with garden equipment. If it is impossible to do this, it makes sense to arrange a secret “panic room” in the house, the entrance to which, for example, hides a wardrobe from ceiling to floor, and there are no other openings - steel roller grilles will help to additionally block access to this room, which are very difficult to overcome. difficult.

Finally, if you don’t save your property, then insurance of the building and property inside it will help to compensate for losses from the actions of intruders - the cost of payments will be about 1-1.5% of the value of real estate and property.

Please note - in most cases, the homeowner, his family members, relatives and friends, as well as employees of companies that have installed security and warning systems, become the source of information for robbers. No one except the homeowner should know the exact location of the devices of the security and alarm systems; before leaving the country house, he needs to personally verify that the systems are working, that all windows, doors and hatches are locked. Be careful and pedantic - any of your miscalculations in matters of home defense benefit the robbers!

Publication date: 10/13/2012

My home is my castle. But the world is not without bad people. This means that there is a chance of encroachment on your property. In this article, we will consider ways to protect an apartment from intruders.

Protection from intent

Most The best way to stop a thief is at the stage when the thief has intent. In other words, you need to discourage thieves from breaking into your apartment. You can do this by following simple rules.

First, do not let letters and newspapers stay in the mailbox. Thieves watch mailboxes. If a lot of newspapers have accumulated in the box, then the person has been absent from the apartment for a long time - perhaps he has gone somewhere. If you are going somewhere out of town or on vacation, then ask your neighbors to pull out all correspondence from your mailbox.

Secondly, in the evenings, draw curtains and curtains so that thieves do not see your apartment “from the inside”. Usually thieves look out the window to determine the level of wealth of a person. If they see suspended ceilings, new frames, large LCD TVs, laptops, etc., you may be considered a money person.
They usually watch in the evenings. The thing is that daylight gives a strong glare on the windows, and therefore it is impossible to examine the interior in detail. And in the evening you turn on the light in the apartment, and therefore there are no glare.

Thirdly, install the camera dummy. Thieves are afraid of cameras (unprofessional burglars are especially afraid of cameras). Ideally, of course, install a real camera. However, a cheap plastic dummy will also work.

It happens that your apartment is “ringed”. They call you on a landline phone, you pick up the phone, and the interlocutor immediately hangs it up. If this happens several times over several days, you should think about safety. This is how thieves try to find out if you are at home.

Talk to your neighbors in advance about strangers. If someone else walks near your apartment, then let the neighbor be not too lazy to ask the stranger who he is. Neighbors will cover you, and you - neighbors.

Windows and doors

Naturally, thieves will try to get into the house through the door or window. It is enough to put bars on the window. In addition, the higher you live, the less chance of intrusion through the window. Exception: if you live on the top floor, then they can get to you from the roof along the rope.

Don't skimp on doors. If the structure landing allows, then install an iron door that will be common to you and your neighbors. The entrance door to the apartment is also better to put iron. Just choose a heavy and massive door. Sometimes there are fakes made of dense tin or thin metal. Thieves can easily open such doors with a can opener.

Also pay attention to the castle. Ideally, there should be at least two locks, and that there should be different mechanical device. Try not to install the so-called "flat" and "construction" locks, such locks open with a simple selection of a key. It is better to choose complex locks that cannot be drilled or knocked out of their core.

Some people like to protect their home with special methods. Some bring electricity to the door handle, some set traps before leaving. You don't need to do this. Innocent citizens may suffer. In addition, such behavior of yours may be considered sabotage, and therefore there have been cases when thieves sued a person for stepping into a trap in his apartment.

Alarm and insurance

There are expensive ways to protect yourself. You can install an alarm and security system in the apartment. It will cost you from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, in addition, you will need to pay a subscription fee. But this way works well.
You can also insure your property. However, such insurance can be expensive.

As a rule, they put "volumizers" in apartments. Those. sensors that respond to volume movement. To prevent the sensor from responding to pets, you can set the motion detection threshold.


One of the most reliable ways to protect an apartment is to get a dog. Naturally, you need to choose a large dog, preferably designed for protection. If you get a small and expensive lap dog, not only will it not be able to protect your home, but it will most certainly be stolen.

In this case, you need to properly train the dog. To your four-legged friend reacted correctly to strangers in the apartment. There were cases when thieves met in the apartment friendly dog who, instead of protecting property, brought slippers to the robbers :)

By the way, you don't have to have a dog. You can get several angry cats instead of one dog.


In general, valuable items and money should be kept in a bank. If you keep money at home, then do not follow the common mistakes. Therefore, you do not need to hide money in:
- bed linen
- clothing pockets
- cistern toilet bowl
- under the mattress
- books
- refrigerator
behind paintings and mirrors
- under carpets
- among dirty linen

If you want to keep money and securities at home, then buy a safe. It is advisable to buy a massive and heavy safe that you cannot carry alone. Even cooler if you make a safe built into the wall. If you do not have a safe, but you need to store money safely, then you can hide money in unexpected places.

Money can be hidden in food (!). Models of fish are sold with a special pocket for money.
Money can be hidden in holes in the wall. Hollow out a small cavity, and paste the wallpaper on top. True, you often don’t use such a cache, you have to re-glue the wallpaper.
Money can be hidden in the old system unit. But there is a chance that your system unit can also be carried away.
You can also hide money in soft toys. Better a lot soft toys. Then the thieves will not have a desire to inspect every toy. The main thing is that you yourself do not forget later that you hid the stash in the green bear :)

What to do if you find a thief in your apartment

You come home, and there is a stranger in the room. You look at him - he looks at you ... You must immediately run out of the apartment and close the door. Hold the door so the thief can't get away. This way you will catch the thief. Call the police.

The thief will try to rush through the window first. If you live above the third floor, then the thief will not jump. Or maybe jump ... Then you have a chance to watch him break his legs (revenge!). The main thing then is to prove that it was not you who threw him off.

If the thief does not jump through the window, he will try to exit through the door. Your task is to hold the door with all your might so that he does not run away. If possible, close the door and break the key. Then he won't be able to open the door from the inside.

When the thief realizes that he can no longer hide and that the police will come for him now, he will begin to “prepare” for a meeting with the police. First, the thief will begin to threaten you that he will burn the apartment or your valuable property. You must tell him that he will not intimidate you, and if he tries to burn something, then you will sue him and he will work for you all his life.
When the police arrive, tell them everything you know about the thief (whether armed or strong). Then the police will burst into your apartment in a crowd, and you will hear cheerful screams and a mat of justice :)

Professional thieves

You can't stop a professional thief. Neither the complexity of the castle, nor the strength of the doors, nor the safe will stop them. The only comforting fact is that such thieves will not rob the apartments of ordinary citizens. Such thieves aim at the apartments of stars and politicians.

That's all!

Thank you for your attention!

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