home · Tool · Comic forecast for the year of the dog at school. Cancer's travel plans include Holland or Australia. And hot Africa will amuse you. But you don’t have to go on a trip alone, because loneliness is strictly contraindicated for Cancer. A friendly dog ​​will try to surround

Comic forecast for the year of the dog at school. Cancer's travel plans include Holland or Australia. And hot Africa will amuse you. But you don’t have to go on a trip alone, because loneliness is strictly contraindicated for Cancer. A friendly dog ​​will try to surround

As we already know, the earthy yellow Dog is the patroness of 2018. Funny horoscope with humor he will predict the fate of each sign for the entire next year. These will only be good jokes that can be used in the midst of the New Year's feast and amuse the guests.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for the diligent Aries

All Aries need to get busy at work. You have worked hard enough, and in 2018 the Dog should not drive you into a pen. Unnoticed, separate yourself from the herd, apply makeup, powder your horns and go to the disco, since your curls are already ready. The Yellow Dog will forgive you such offenses all year long. So take advantage of the moment.

A frivolous horoscope for 2018 for the impressive Taurus

The ringing of your hooves may give you away important point, so be sure to ask your owner for warm white fur boots. If you have dreamed of a nose ring, then this is the moment to make it come true. The patroness of the year will forgive you for such a bold step, even if you are a TV presenter on Channel One.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for identical Geminis

Now, the very moment has come when it is necessary to remember our brothers and sisters. Remember how they wiped their bags on your clothes, how they rubbed your shoes. Nothing should be forgotten this 2018. You must take revenge for every sneak that deprived you of candy. And the Dog will forgive you every revenge, until the end of the year.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for..., don't be such a Cancer

All Cancer needs to do for the next 365 days is drink beer. Dark, light, filtered and not. The main thing is to beware of non-alcoholic ones. With them, Cancers risk poisoning themselves and frightening off their fatal acquaintance, unexpectedly appearing in need. And also, under no circumstances drink beer with crayfish. Otherwise, your neighbors at the table will think that you are poorly mannered.

A frivolous horoscope for 2018 for Leo - the leaders of the situation

All Leos need this year is not to offend the Dogs. And then luck will smile on them all 32. Give your subordinates a pass. Print out the coloring pages and let them have fun. But Leo subordinates should smile, because the boss loves idiots. You shouldn’t show that you are smarter, bigger, and braver than the director.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for real Virgos

In order not to become an old maid, you need to change the place of acquaintance. Stop going to your library, it's time to get old in some nightclub. But if not seriously, then remain as beautiful as you really are, then other signs will get a lot more bodies of the opposite sex.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for the ever-doubting Libra

We bet your friends and acquaintances are already buying new furniture, and you haven’t saved enough for an apartment yet? Stop weighing everything, we don’t do anything like that. You can only get rich with a scale by weighing the eternal white powder. Yes, companies involved household chemicals, more and more firmly stand on their feet.

A frivolous horoscope for 2018 for poisonous Scorpios

In 2018, your place is somewhere on the sand. Be it Egypt or the local chic beach near the village of Gadyukino. Do not deny yourself parasitism all 12 months, and not just in the summer. You still don't help at work. But when you come back at the end of the year, the boss will give you a bonus for not interfering. Is it the Year of the Dog? So let them take the rap for everyone.

Comic horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018

We know this sign by its long tongue. This year it is advisable to use it for other purposes. And yet, Sagittarius is generally invisible on the streets. Make yourself a bow or something. They say that in 2018 it will be very fashionable to walk with a dog and a bow. It’s true that it’s better with a gun, but with a bow everything is according to the law.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for omnivorous Capricorns

All Capricorns who dream of losing weight in 2018, don’t even dream, you won’t succeed with any diet. It’s better to go to the South and drown your fat in the sand. Don’t worry about the means, the cabbage will jump into your shopping bag on its own.

A frivolous horoscope for 2018 for the chatty Aquarius

Somebody knows how to pour water. And they pour it into the ears, and pour it into the empty from empty. Finally, get down to business and let those around you do the work. If you want company, then better than Pisces you can’t find anyone else who will listen to you. And at least your water will be useful for their aquarium.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for talkative Pisces

Have you ever seen a fish talk? So, you remain silent. Be silent for the next year. You couldn’t even imagine how many problems can be avoided if you just remain silent every time. Have you heard: silence is golden? And silent Pisces always seem smarter. Be silent all year and next year astrologers will write: smart Pisces...

The year of the warlike Fire Rooster is coming to an end. From February 16 to eastern calendar, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will come.
Let's find out what the year of the Yellow Earth Dog has in store for us? What needs to be done to make the coming 2018 successful?
As you know, the Dog obeys the element Earth, which is associated with rest, peace and harmony. The name itself determines that the predominant color of the year will be yellow - the color of the Sun, comfort, and warmth.

Year of the Yellow Earth Dog

The dog is a peace-loving creature, faithful, kind, and devoted to humans. This means the year will be peaceful, calm and warm in all respects. And for him to be like this, let’s listen to what the Earth Dog recommends to us.

Brief horoscope for 218 according to the signs of the Zodiac

Let's start according to all the rules of astrologers.


  • Aries is honest, bold, quick-tempered, and at times picky. He will give a worthy fight to all sloths, that is why he is so proud!
For the year to be extremely successful and especially successful, Aries needs to show the best traits of his character. Then no one will doubt his nobility. Good nature and goodwill are the traits that should accompany Aries throughout the year. He needs them more than ever.
To do this, it is imperative to moderate the exorbitant temper and curb the notorious assertiveness, and also reduce ambitions and emotions. Then worthy partners with lucrative offers will be drawn to Aries.
And emotions, they will come in handy when he goes on vacation.

Good advice

The Yellow Dog recommends traveling to England, Germany and Italy, where painting and music will be in complete harmony with the spiritual sensations of Aries. And also Georgia, where the beauty of the mountains will fill their world with new colors.


  • Our Taurus is worthy of praise, because in life he is calm. But a stubborn person is one who cannot live without worries. Sweet and loyal, but not sure about many things. Money is valued by this sign; everyone values ​​it.
2018 will bring a lot to Taurus good changes, especially in career terms. The main thing is not to be childish, communicate more with colleagues and friends, and not go into silence. Expand your knowledge, make new acquaintances, don’t be sad about the past and be more optimistic.
Taurus should go on vacation to Australia, which will allow him to wholeheartedly enjoy the peace of the green continent. Or to Ireland, Poland, where he can not only have a great time, but also successfully decide business matters with partners.

Well, how can you disagree?

The main thing is to be decisive, and the Dog will give Taurus a great year!


  • Our Geminis are obstinate and sometimes fussy. It’s not a sin for them to be more serious; a sharp mind promises success!
For Gemini, the Earth Dog recommends focusing on one profitable project. You should not fuss in vain and reduce your ambition a little, and also hide away the manifestation of sudden aggression. Then success in business will come, and conquering the career ladder will not seem so difficult and unrealistic.

The main thing is to dream correctly

The Dog recommends visiting Canada, Belgium, or Egypt in the coming year. There, Gemini will not only have a good rest, but will also find new ways to achieve success and realize their risky ideas.


  • Noble Cancer rejoices, in the year of the Dog he gets high. I wouldn’t rush to get high, it’s time to crawl out of my shell.
For Cancer, the Year of the Dog will not be entirely simple. To really achieve something, Cancer needs to be more open, not react so sharply to outside criticism, and be less emotional and touchy. And hide your vanity away.

Great medicine!

Cancer's travel plans include Holland or Australia. And hot Africa will amuse you. But you don’t have to go on a trip alone, because loneliness is strictly contraindicated for Cancer. A friendly Dog will try to surround Cancer with a friendly atmosphere and loved ones.


  • A proud Leo is a reliable friend, everyone around him praises him. And how can one not praise, one must live with strength in friendship.
Strong-willed and temperamental Leo is a power-hungry personality. But in order to maintain friendship and a good attitude towards him, the Dog advises Leos to moderate the manifestation of their royalty, to be noble in their attitude towards those who are weaker.
For 2018 to be successful, Leo should not lie on his side for a long time. The Dog does not like lazy people. Leo's hard work will be rewarded with excellent rest.

And really, what difference does it make...

A trip to France or Italy will bring a sea of ​​positive emotions to the royal beast. Morocco is also suitable.


  • Virgos are very patient and extremely thrifty. They are as accurate as all clocks, and will soon be replaced by Libra.
What a calm and modest person needs to be happy. Not so much. Quite suitable nice trip in the company of great friends or a loved one.

The Marine Station is also suitable

Such a trip could be a trip to Greece, or to Israel. Since Virgos are very thrifty, they may not decide to make such expenses. The Earth Dog hints to close people not to skimp and give Virgo a trip to distant lands.


  • Libras are very romantic, gentle, kind and non-critical. They can be creative at times. But the comfort... Eh! He drags them home.
They say that the Dog has prepared a special year for Libra. He will be very lucky if Libra, known for his curiosity, devotes time to deep knowledge of the World or directs his energy to the struggle to preserve environment. Diplomacy and intelligence will help Libra in this matter.
But you should be more decisive in your actions, not endlessly weigh the pros and cons, and then life will take on new colors. They will be especially bright when traveling.

The main thing is not to lose optimism

Thailand, China or Japan are waiting for inquisitive Libra. This is where their caution and prudence comes in handy.


  • Scorpio does not tolerate falsehood, he likes to know what will happen next. Traveling is not a sin - the year promises success in everything!
Healthy passion has always distinguished Scorpio from other zodiac signs. Business acumen and wisdom will bring him success in the Year of the Dog. Of course, if Scorpio stops stinging others. Especially in business circles.
He needs to control his character more often, and not find fault with trifles, be kinder and more generous, and also more forgiving, and then fate will smile on him again.
And Norway, Sweden and Algeria will give you unforgettable memories, if, of course, Scorpio visits them.

Knowledge is power! I'm completely exhausted

  • Our irrepressible Sagittarius is cheerful and desperate. I won’t hide it from you - he is young in heart and soul, even though now he’s ready to walk down the aisle again. And he is active, restless - he is worthy of travel!
For Sagittarius, the Year of the Dog promises to be prosperous if, along with the fun, he does not forget to work, and also persistently strive to complete the assigned tasks. Love of freedom and mobility will not allow him to stay in one place for long.

The main thing is to have a good rest

It is likely that in the year of the Dog Sagittarius will visit Latin America, Portugal or Spain. These countries are very suitable for his hot character.


  • The irreconcilable, proud Capricorn will willingly twist all his enemies into a horn. Be more cheerful in the Year of the Dog - you will make new friends!
Prudence and thoughtfulness in solving all problems have always been inherent in Capricorn. So 2018 expects the same thoughtful decisions from him. And success will be ensured - as in financial matters, and in career growth. The Yellow Dog is very supportive of Capricorn, so he should try and not miss his moment to become happy!

Travel is not easy

But while doing righteous labors, one should not forget to also rest. Mexico and India will help workaholic Capricorn relax and gain strength for new achievements.


  • Aquarius is original in everything, even though it can be banal. An erudite and diplomat - always rich in kindness!
For Aquarius, the Year of the Dog will be extremely successful. Work and reasonable risk are very appealing to a devoted animal, so Aquarius should not bury his talents too deeply. Let him show them to the world, and let his work and creativity be adequately appreciated. The main thing is not to lose optimism.

The main thing is the right reference point!

Although Aquarius is not lacking in creativity, he needs to continue to be active and as proactive as possible. And hurry to Canada or Denmark for vacation. He will be comfortable in Italy too.


  • Pisces will become indifferent if you are tactless towards them. They have intuition from birth. Let's wish Pisces love and good mood!
In order for the mood to always be excellent in 2018, Pisces need to finally wake up and be more active. A trip to Asia Minor– you can even plan it for January. Or visit Italy.

And it's true!

The Year of the Dog promises to be successful for Pisces, cheerful, hardworking and determined. And success will be followed by recognition in business circles, as well as respect and honor.
As you can see from the horoscope for 2018, success awaits us all - of course, if goodwill, activity, reasonable risk and kindness are used.

Wishes for 2018

What about the Rooster's prophecy?

I wonder how the Year of the Rooster turned out for you? Were your hopes and expectations met? Have the prophecies of the Fire Rooster come true? Were you, my readers, able to go on vacation where you had planned? Or maybe someone has been on long journeys in countries that Cockerel recommended for you in mine, posted on the pages of the site. I really wanted this year and the year of the Yellow Earth Dog to be successful for everyone!

But, if you did not manage to accomplish something planned in the year of the Rooster, do not be discouraged - there is still time. And the coming Year of the Dog 2018 inspires hope to be peaceful, calm, and friendly, as the horoscope for 2018 says.
We will achieve our goals!

Comic horoscope for travelers for 2018: 83 comments

  1. Lyudmila

    Funny pictures and captions. ... really, what difference does it make in WHICH sneakers when walking around Paris - as long as it's in PARIS!)))
    But the Cockerel 2017 crowed in vain - there was no Lions (though I’m only talking about one of them)) this year, neither diving in the Red Sea, nor a hang glider over Turkey, nor alpine skiing nowhere, nowhere, even in the Carpathians!
    Maybe you'll have better luck with the Yellow Dog? 🙂

  2. Olga Parfenova

    I really liked about Paris. It’s better in old sneakers, but in Paris. I’ve been to Marseille, now I just have to visit Paris.

  3. Larisa

    A sea of ​​positivity from your horoscope, Tanya! Such pictures are optimistic and meaningful that it is simply impossible to read the inscriptions and your horoscope without a smile! How quickly time flies! It’s even scary - it seems like we recently celebrated 2017 and here we go, 2018 will soon be here! Fuck! 🙂

  4. Lara

    I read with interest the wishes for Taurus, Leo, Aquarius - all these zodiac signs are in our family. Jokes aside, but how everything written corresponds to the truth!

  5. Stranger

    I noticed that Italy is often mentioned in wishes for travelers. It’s probably fate - my friend lives in Milan, and she’s been inviting everyone over for three years now. But I just can’t get my act together—this or that other gets in the way. We need to address this issue! 🙂

  6. Laura

    My middle daughter's husband, Libra. I laughed at the meaningful picture and was surprised at the accuracy of the description - that the son-in-law likes to doubt and can be indecisive, that’s for sure. But he loves to travel, and more and more to the countries of the East. But I need to do something about my excessive emotionality! Thanks for the advice and positivity, Tanya!

  7. Irina

    I agree with all the countries that the horoscope suggested for Aquarius) I’ll start with Denmark!)

  8. Elena

    Aries brings gratitude! It is to Italy and Germany that I Lately I really want to go for a long time. True, it’s not entirely clear what to do with my husband - he should go to Holland and Australia, and not alone :)

    I also liked the idea from the picture, where they advise putting a trip to the Maldives to your head for a headache. In fact, I would agree to both Cuba and Mexico... I’m just somehow sure that this would instantly cure my head.

    1. Post author

      Yes, Elena. Indeed, you have a difficult task. I want to go to Germany, and Italy, and Cuba, and Mexico. Moreover, my husband should also accompany me to Holland or Australia. In short, I’ve been on the road all year, and there’s certainly no time for my head to hurt. 🙂 To get everything done, start right away in the New Year with a trip with your husband to warm Australia, then to the Caribbean (Cuba and Mexico), and only then to Europe - when it gets warmer there too. Happy travels to you! 🙂

    2. Natalia Litvishko

      Lenochka, even I, with all my patriotic feelings, will not refuse such a lotion to my head. Preferably as a gift and for a long time.

      1. Post author

        Natalya, what about “I don’t need the Turkish coast and I don’t need Africa...” Or are they not needed until the right moment comes? 🙂

      2. Elena

        The Seychelles has always attracted me. And my husband definitely won’t mind going there.
        By the way, just now I thought: every country has its own protected places where most of citizens have never visited. And horoscopes quite rarely invite you there; more and more they invite you to the other side of the map. The power of tradition? Is there no prophet in your own country?

        1. Post author

          I recently watched the program “Heads and Tails” about a trip to the Seychelles - what a beauty it is there! Eh, it would be great to visit there. And about a prophet in his own country - who would be interested in what is nearby and accessible. Serve everyone something distant, romantic and exotic. 🙂

  9. Eugene

    Let's wait for 2018 and check)

  10. Illyrica

    You always want to know what New Year cooking for us? No exception next year Dogs. Not a single New Year's celebration takes place without mentioning the lord of the year. Be it a corporate party or any family dinner. I want to dress up and set the table to please the ruler of the year. Everyone wants a happy year. Therefore, it is important that even comic predictions were positive for all zodiac signs. Tatyana, you successfully completed this task! And it turned out believably and with a touch of humor. 🙂 Thank you!

  11. Olga

    Very interesting and fun! Thanks a lot!

  12. Catherine

    Interesting horoscope. It may not be a joke, but someone will actually use it in their plans for next year. I quite like the predicted countries

  13. Designer

    My favorite Asia: - Thailand, China and Japan! I’m just planning to go to Thailand next year!

  14. Anna

    Here I am an Aries, but I don’t have any exorbitant temper or assertiveness. They used to be, but with age, the traits of the Iron Rat (Mouse) prevailed and the character changed a lot.
    I hope that in better side!

  15. Tatiana

    Great jokes! I’ll add one more, ancient one: “Three things travelers from Rome bring with them: a bad conscience, an upset stomach and an empty wallet.”
    Ulrich von Hutten

  16. Maria Korotina

    Good horoscope, but it’s unlikely that I’ll get to Australia in 2018. And as for my career, I was pleased.

  17. Tatiana

    Tatiana, we entertained you with our predictions, thank you! I only read horoscopes from you. True, I conveniently forgot what the Rooster prophesied for this year... I plan my trips, forgetting about all sorts of horoscopes :)

  18. Evgenia

    Excellent horoscope, made me laugh. The pictures and inscriptions also pleased me. I liked the selection of countries, I checked with some friends, everything fits)) Every joke has some truth, and who knows, who knows...

  19. land_driver

    I already have a rough idea of ​​where I’ll go next year, hardly abroad, although I don’t rule out Morocco, or to the North and Crimea on bicycles. I'm already getting ready!

    1. Post author

      You, Lyudmila, as in that saying - prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the oars in the winter. So the cycling route has already been chosen. Where is this to the North?

As we already know, the earthy yellow Dog is the patroness of 2018. A funny horoscope will humorously predict the fate of each sign for the entire next year. These will only be good jokes that can be used in the midst of the New Year's feast and amuse the guests.
Funny horoscope for 2018 for the diligent Aries

All Aries need to get busy at work. You have worked hard enough, and in 2018 the Dog should not drive you into a pen. Unnoticed, separate yourself from the herd, apply makeup, powder your horns and go to the disco, since your curls are already ready. The Yellow Dog will forgive you such offenses all year long. So take advantage of the moment.

A frivolous horoscope for 2018 for the impressive Taurus

The ringing of your hooves can give you away at an important moment, so be sure to ask your owner for warm white fur boots. If you have dreamed of a nose ring, then this is the moment to make it come true. The patroness of the year will forgive you for such a bold step, even if you are a TV presenter on Channel One.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for identical Geminis

Now, the very moment has come when it is necessary to remember our brothers and sisters. Remember how they wiped their bags on your clothes, how they rubbed your shoes. Nothing should be forgotten this 2018. You must take revenge for every sneak that deprived you of candy. And the Dog will forgive you every revenge, until the end of the year.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for..., don't be such a Cancer

All Cancer needs to do for the next 365 days is drink beer. Dark, light, filtered and not. The main thing is to beware of non-alcoholic ones. With them, Cancers risk poisoning themselves and frightening off their fatal acquaintance, unexpectedly appearing in need. And also, under no circumstances drink beer with crayfish. Otherwise, your neighbors at the table will think that you are poorly mannered.

A frivolous horoscope for 2018 for Leo - the leaders of the situation

All Leos need this year is not to offend the Dogs. And then luck will smile on them all 32. Give your subordinates a pass. Print out the coloring pages and let them have fun. But Leo subordinates should smile, because the boss loves idiots. You shouldn’t show that you are smarter, bigger, and braver than the director.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for real Virgos

In order not to become an old maid, you need to change the place of acquaintance. Stop going to your library, it's time to get old in some nightclub. But if not seriously, then remain as beautiful as you really are, then other signs will get a lot more bodies of the opposite sex.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for the ever-doubting Libra

We bet your friends and acquaintances are already buying new furniture, but you haven’t even saved up for an apartment yet? Stop weighing everything, we don’t do anything like that. You can only get rich with a scale by weighing the eternal white powder. Yes, companies involved in household chemicals are getting stronger and stronger on their feet.

A frivolous horoscope for 2018 for poisonous Scorpios

In 2018, your place is somewhere on the sand. Be it Egypt or the local chic beach near the village of Gadyukino. Do not deny yourself parasitism all 12 months, and not just in the summer. You still don't help at work. But when you come back at the end of the year, the boss will give you a bonus for not interfering. Is it the Year of the Dog? So let them take the rap for everyone.

Comic horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018

We know this sign by its long tongue. This year it is advisable to use it for other purposes. And yet, Sagittarius is generally invisible on the streets. Make yourself a bow or something. They say that in 2018 it will be very fashionable to walk with a dog and a bow. It’s true that it’s better with a gun, but with a bow everything is according to the law.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for omnivorous Capricorns

All Capricorns who dream of losing weight in 2018, don’t even dream, you won’t succeed with any diet. It’s better to go to the South and drown your fat in the sand. Don’t worry about the means, the cabbage will jump into your string bag on its own.

A frivolous horoscope for 2018 for the chatty Aquarius

Somebody knows how to pour water. And they pour it into the ears, and pour it into the empty from empty. Finally, get down to business and let those around you do the work. If you want company, you won’t find someone better than Pisces who will listen to you. And at least your water will be useful for their aquarium.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for talkative Pisces

Have you ever seen a fish talk? So, you remain silent. Be silent for the next year. You couldn’t even imagine how many problems can be avoided if you just remain silent every time. Have you heard: silence is golden? And silent Pisces always seem smarter. Keep silent all year and next year astrologers will write: smart Pisces...

According to the eastern calendar, 2018 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Dog. A comic horoscope will tell you what he will bring to each Zodiac Sign.


Taurus should forget about slowness. Your tirelessness and desire to succeed will be appreciated, and at the beginning of 2018 you will be able to lay the foundations for future victories. Astrologers advise you to hide your sharp horns for a while so as not to scare away the friendly Dog. An amazing year awaits you, fulfillment of all desires and great mood. However, you will have to listen to a lot of eulogies, which can become boring. You don't have to worry about your personal life either. The symbol of the New Year will make sure that family life Taurus's life was going well. For lonely people, a playful Dog will definitely show the way to their soulmate. Don’t hesitate, or even better, get yourself a puppy so that the whole year passes not only positively, but also in motion.


Gemini will need determination in the new year 2018. You will experience an unprecedented surge of strength and be able to change your life for the better. To achieve greater success, throw out all the trash from your life. This applies not only to old and unnecessary things, but also to thoughts that prevent you from moving forward. However, you shouldn’t think about further steps for long, otherwise capricious Fortune sticks out his tongue at you and runs off into the sunset. Thanks to the patronage of the Dog, you will have the opportunity to improve your personal life. But remember that the patron of the year prefers married couples, so it is better for Gemini to avoid fleeting romances. Don't forget about your loved ones. Delight them with your attention, invite them over for pancakes and pies. It is best for representatives of your Sign to spend the New Year in noisy company. This way you can relax and gain positive emotions for active activities in the New Year.


The most mysterious and pessimistic representatives of the zodiac circle are capable of getting confused in their feelings and emotions. They dote on their saving holes, in which they strive to hide at every opportunity. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy tea with jam in blissful solitude. The Wishing Dog will help you change and overcome your own indecision. Cancers need to learn not to step back, but to proudly greet every day. Many opportunities await you in the New Year, and you have no right to miss them, otherwise your hole will remain the haven of a lonely and timid person. Lonely Cancers will be lucky. Don't miss a meeting with love and you can share yours cozy life with your other half, who, by the way, will certainly have delicious cookies for tea.

a lion

Proud Leos will have to part with their crown more often in the new year. A dog will certainly give you many chances to prove yourself. You will bask in much-needed attention, but at home the shine and glory will have to be muted. Narcissism and selfishness will be of no use to you, because your family simply will not understand the royal habits. Leaving a crown on a shining mane is worth it only in an effort to find your love. They will notice you and fall before your charm, irresistibility and nobility. The victim will only have to be held tightly in sharp claws. Remember that the symbol of 2018 does not like selfishness in all its forms. Be careful and don't go overboard.


Virgos will have to change not only their worldview, but also their bad habits. Astrologers strongly recommend that you leave pessimism in the past. Understand that not everyone likes to listen to lamentations, especially if they do not carry any semantic meaning. As for the cheerful Dog, she simply may not understand your mood and run away in search of a more positive person. Take action immediately after New Year's Eve so that your work brings joy and material well-being until the end of 2018. Have no doubt: as soon as you take off the mask of the impregnable Princess Nesmeyana, you will have crowds of fans, among whom you can find your soul mate.


In the New Year 2018, astrologers recommend that Libras weigh everything. Don't rush off the handle so that your impulsiveness doesn't play a cruel joke. Look for a middle ground so as not to be branded as bores and overcautious people. Include courage and energy to direct them to fight competitors and take new heights. Astrologers recommend that Libra plan things for the whole year so that all 12 months are successful. In the year of the Dog, representatives of your Sign may make mistakes in people, and to avoid such an unfortunate misunderstanding, do not be fooled by flattery. Success awaits those who do not take the position of a victim to please the environment. Do not deprive yourself of the joy of life and stop pleasing those who do not value you at all.


Scorpios should hide their deadly sting if they want to spend 2018 in abundance. The Dog will bring you happiness and open many paths for development. You can reach any heights, start your own business, while receiving not only profit, but also pleasure. Remember your friends who will help you in any way difficult situations. Leave your poison for competitors and people who want to use your hands to pave their way to happiness and success. Try to moderate your selfishness within your family, otherwise the Yellow Dog will not help you maintain your love. Find that balance that will help you be tough in business sphere, and at home be known as an exemplary family man and a sensitive person.


Astrologers recommend that Sagittarians moderate their ardor, otherwise you risk winning the “adviser of the year” prize, which will not make you happy. Instead of sharing your opinion with everyone, pay attention to your own affairs. The symbol of the year, the Dog will accompany you everywhere. Don't scare off the animal and direct the energy into the love sphere. You are distinguished by your ability to win hearts, so finding a match will not be difficult for you. However, constant partying can deprive you of your strength. Try to tell yourself “no” in time. There will be more than enough strength, and if you realize it in time, financial well-being will accompany your activities everywhere.


Capricorns will have to calm down their ambitions. Your horns will help you become a leader, but excessive pressure will be unnecessary. Boredom may be your biggest disappointment, so astrologers recommend that you focus your energy on solving personal issues. Cupid has already prepared his arrows, and the most exciting romantic adventures await you. In 2018, you will find a love for centuries or a relationship from which you can gain invaluable experience. Do not skimp on compliments and show concern, and then you will never be bored. Perceive love experiences with philosophical calm, because irrepressible ardor can negatively affect nervous system. 2018 will bring extravaganza and a huge number of pleasant surprises into your life.


A surge of creative energy will help Aquarians make a breakthrough in the business sphere. Don't get stuck on standard problem solving methods. Creativity and entrepreneurship will help you achieve excellent results. However, don’t get carried away, otherwise the rapid flow of imagination can lead you into such a jungle that it will be difficult to get out of even on a motor boat. Dog, the patron of 2018, will help you improve your personal life. Married couples A period of romance and rapprochement awaits. Singles will be able to meet their soul mate, who meets all the needs of Aquarius. Astrologers recommend not inventing obstacles for yourself and leaving jealousy so as not to inadvertently offend your companion.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will begin on February 16, 2018 at 01:05 Moscow time.

Do you remember everything? So, my dear Podkalinye, we have to endure the machinations of the Fire Rooster for another month and a half and observe poetic safety precautions.

However, according to tradition, I will risk politely looking under the underwear of the Zodiac signs for the fifth time. Radiologists and clairvoyants are welcome :)

However, anyone can predict by turning on logic and artistic thinking at full volume. It is enough to feel the same switch. Where? But this is where self-service begins...

ARIES: You will have everything, the golden fleece and the sky the size of a sheepskin. So make sure you have a large kissing dog in your repertoire, such as a Caucasian Shepherd with higher education and high athletic training. And then you will fully feel the warm cover from the rear, lush pastures from the flanks and a sea of ​​love ahead. Oh, well, that’s how I see it, why laugh right away?

CALF:(torreodors, please don't worry) Do you know why? big people love small pets with an inexplicable love? Because they definitely need to protect, save, protect someone. Not to mention breastfeeding and sacrificing skin. This is your case. You will have many chances to show your rescue ambitions in this unsaveable world. Unless, of course, laziness takes its toll on a full stomach. So don't relax too much, and then many little noisy friends will be proud of those they tamed...

TWINS: But one dog is not enough for you, take both. Preferably, burdened with intelligence. One will help to sow reasonable-good-eternal things, and the second will correct what they have done with desperate barks of repentance and oaths that this will not happen again. And no “money in the morning, chairs in the evening”! Only immediately from hand to hand and without leaving the cash register. Otherwise, you never know what kind of dog waltz might spin you around in the evening...

CANCER: In general, you are parallel and violet with both a rooster and a dingo when they are outside your pond and do not have any culinary views on you. At night and in good mood you can even whistle to an individual howling at the moon, but again, only on someone else’s territory. And on your own there are only two main enemies: the dog fisherman and the beer stall, which casts an ominous shadow on the mirror-like surface of your shelter from spring to autumn. My job is to warn...

A LION:(noble) History knows many cases when a mother dog fed lion cubs like her own, and a reveler dog, who accidentally entered the enclosure, became his best friend. And even for a hungry Leo. There is something in this connection between a cat and a dog, so the year will be good, regardless of the breed of the dog, but depending on the nobility of the king of animals...

VIRGO: Natural tamers of the obstinate can handle any dog, right? At the same time, both the carrot and the stick pure heart, generously and according to the merits of the victim. This is the year of your hidden and obvious opportunities, take it for future use so that it will last for the next 11 years. But remember: only one can become your faithful guide, hearth keeper and tracker. And let it be Dog with a capital D...

SCALES: It's hard to say what this sign will choose. After all, he needs to announce the entire list of breeds with pedigree, weigh them all, measure them, evaluate them... and definitely choose the wrong one. To admit a mistake and start over. On the other hand, we still need to look for a Yellow Earth Dog that would voluntarily agree to have its soul cut open with a vegetable knife. So an unpredictable year is in a sense predictable...)

SCORPION: If you still adhere to the principle “one step from hatred to love,” then in the coming year there will be plenty of causes and consequences for such steps. But there is no need to bite the unbitable and waste poison on what is already poisonous. Otherwise, it will be a year of step-by-step reciprocity without the right to correspondence. But what a powerful motivation for creativity! Take advantage, there can never be too many masterpieces...

SAGITTARIUS: Well, here everything will be only in tandem with a Partner and, preferably, without any arrogance. If you show your teeth, then together, and not like last time. If a collar, then voluntarily. If on a tight leash, then for the safety of others. Do not drink from a hoof, do not eat from a trough, even if you really want to. Don't get carried away looking for black cats in a dark room when they are not there. And finally learn to distinguish a Spitz from an Arctic fox...

CAPRICORN: There is hardly a dog that would risk provoking you to respond with force. And if there is one, it will not be Yellow or Earthy. Ignore her, she was fatally mistaken. Otherwise it will be good year to realize your magical natural powers and chronic ambitions. Just don’t let yourself be led around by your nose (or horn) for show, like that elephant from the fable. Excessive attention is tiring, and guides are expensive, don’t forget about it...

AQUARIUS: And yes, you will have someone to compete with in eloquence, discus (fan?) throwing and biathlon. I don’t know why in biathlon, it’s said so from above. Well, it’s not worth mentioning your unsinkability once again. Although in some cases a cork vest and fins will not hurt for speed in the murky waters of controversy. And finally, you will agree that pouring water on the wheels of history and swimming in the water that flows out from under them are not the same thing...

FISH: It's definitely your year. The dog barks, the school swims. This is the same caravan, only in the water. But this year you are advised to remove signs from the beaches that say “Swimming with dogs is prohibited.” It’s better to hang others, for example: “Don’t throw garbage into the water, dogs swim here!” I understand that it’s weak, but it’s necessary, fish, it’s necessary. I'll tell you one real case. One Pisces lady had six veiled tails in an aquarium and one spaniel under it on the rug. But one day the lady heard a strange slap and ran into that room with a bad feeling. Oh God, gold fish jumped out of the aquarium and struggled in a bowl of dry dog ​​food! Even the spaniel covered his muzzle with his paws out of fear and crawled under the rug. The lady was not at a loss and instantly returned the fugitive to her native environment. Naturally, without washing it off... And then the rest of the veils rushed to remove the trophy crumbs from her. And the next day there were already three fish testing their fate in and around the bowl, fortunately the lady was nearby.

Well, and a happy ending: ta-daaam! On the third day, all six plopped down in a friendly golden flock into the coveted bowl. And what did the Fish Lady see? The spaniel carefully took them into his mouth one at a time and took them to the aquarium...

So, my dears, it’s not just the house manager that’s man’s best friend.

With secret hope for the best,