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A beautiful wish for a good mood. Beautiful wishes for a good mood

A stormy whirlpool of affairs and unnecessary worries simply overwhelms and consumes. And you can’t see the blue sky, and you can’t hear the birds singing. And moves away... Stop! Let's rewind the film! We forget about the most important things - about the people who are next to us, about our relatives, about the man who is dear to us.

Why don't you remind your loved one, just like that, without any reason, that you love, appreciate and cherish them? One of the options is to write wishes for your loved one to have a good day, and do it in such a way that he remembers it for a long time!

Without leaving home

You can start at home! For example, what kind of wishes can you come up with for your loved one? Write with lipstick on the glass of the bathroom mirror: “Good morning”, “Have a nice day” or a banal but pleasant “I love you”.

If you don’t want to remove permanent traces of lipstick from the mirror later, attach sticky notes with the same text to the refrigerator. Or do something more original: stick a note on the lid of the frying pan under which the ready-to-eat scrambled eggs rest: “I am an egg, eat me! This is the key to a good day!”

By spending 10-15 minutes on an idea, you will earn a man’s devotion for life!
You can also place a note on the front door containing warm wishes to your loved one (“Have a good day!”), etc. Believe me, your man’s mood will immediately improve, and he will go to work in the best mood. And like, as you know, attracts like.

Phone to the rescue!

If you were too busy this morning or your brain hasn’t yet “turned on” to write treatises for your husbands, don’t despair! You still have time. A great way to send warm wishes for a good day to your loved one is SMS! You can simply write pleasantries, or even better - compose a poem! But! Keep it short and concise! Don't be boring!

So, examples:

  • May this day have the same bright smile as yours!
  • May everything work out for you today! Have a good day!
  • Have a nice day, honey! May it be as bright today as your smile!
  • Let only pleasant, bright people surround you today!
  • Let all the goals set for today be easily achievable! Lucky day! Smack! Your Badger.

And some poems:

May this bright day smile on you.
Don't be sour in vain, and everything will work out!
Have a nice day!

The sun came out from behind the clouds,
A beam of light appeared.
For you it shines clearly
A wonderful day awaits you!

There are clouds outside today,
And a wonderful opportunity arose
Wish you success
There is more laughter in the darkness!
Have a good day!

What if we make it a surprise?

Don’t know what else to come up with to wish your loved one a good day? You can make sure that your man receives a letter delivered by courier. Naturally, written by your hand. What to write about? Yes about anything! How much you love him, how you can’t wait to meet him, etc. You can hint that some surprise awaits him at home. Or send 2 tickets to a match of his favorite football team with the phrase: “Darling, it seems like you’re having a good day today!;)”

You can do this. Come up with a small quest. Prepare in advance and discreetly place notes in the pockets of your work suit, your spouse’s briefcase, etc.

Then send an SMS message: “There is one piece of paper waiting for you in the left side pocket.”

And on a piece of paper found in his left pocket, he will read:

"You are beautiful, no doubt about it!
Look at your tablet!"

When you open the tablet, your man will see a screensaver on his desktop. For example, a photo of you where you are holding an A4 sheet of paper, on which it is written in large letters:

"Under lock and key, in a briefcase fairy tale,
Another hint awaits you."

In the briefcase, in a pocket with a lock, there is a candy with a note attached to it:

"Here's some candy from me,
Have a nice day!"


And the last, but very important, tip: do not overdo it. You shouldn’t bombard your man with letters and messages every day. Just like you shouldn’t cook his favorite fried potatoes every day. This will get boring, sooner or later. But sometimes it’s worth presenting beautiful wishes for a good day to your loved one.

Have a nice day to you and your men!

When a person is in a good mood, he is ready to move mountains. This gives a positive charge for the whole day, and as they say, any problems can be overcome. On our website we have collected the most beautiful wishes for a good mood, which you will find on this page. Share them with your loved ones, give them a piece of your heartfelt warmth.

Have a great mood, friends!

Beautiful wishes for a good mood in prose

A new day has arrived and it brings something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries within himself, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. I wish you good mood!

May your day be pleasant in every way. Good company, in which it is fun, or silent solitude, in which it is good to dream. Let it be as you wish. I wish that on this day everything will be especially tasty, and the sofa pillows will be especially soft... Have a great mood: Today, tomorrow and always!

May joy explode in your heart like a supernova, may all ideas turn into successful events, may all moments become happy. And my sincere love always keeps the bar of your mood at the highest point, so that your smile constantly illuminates my life.

I wish you the most wonderful and wonderful mood. Let the day pass richly and cheerfully, let the rays of love and joy illuminate your soul. I wish you strong hugs from your loved one, sweet kisses on your lips and incredible feelings of happiness in your loving hearts.

I wish that luck smiles tenderly at you, that fate presents as many chances as you ask of it. Let your joyful laughter be a magic iron, smoothing out not only all the wrinkles on your face, but also any conflicts. I wish life to be a fabulous cup filled with pleasant travels and exciting things to do.

My ray of sunshine, my love, I wish you vigor of soul and body, brave strength, great aspirations and an incredibly wonderful mood. I wish you a busy day, bright emotions, great success and a high optimistic wave.

My love, I wish you vigor of soul and body, a lot of vitality, desire for great goals and an excellent mood. May the day be eventful, rich in emotions, and may success and optimism go hand in hand with you.

Beautiful wishes for a good mood in verse

I'll dispel your doubts
I'll give Vera the green light -
Well, guess what, luck
Was stingy with greetings...

This is temporary and soon
Everything will change, believe me!
Happiness dawns will shine,
Luck will open the door.

Smile, broaden your shoulders,
Steady step, go forward -
We are waiting for you to meet with success
And the cycle of miracles!

May it appear on your beautiful face
The smile will play again
Wishes will not be in vain
And joy only inspires!

We want you to come back again
Good luck bright moments
And we, as before, became infected
Your good mood!

Love life, love inspiration,
Let them not fear you in the coming years,
May your mood be better
And the sadness will leave once and for all.

Lilac bush and blue sky,
Smile of the sun, joy, love
And the greatest happiness in life
We wish you well on your life's journey!

Beloved, I wish you
Sea of ​​warmth and positivity,
May happiness surround you
It's time to forget about troubles, grief,

Let the mood always
It will be good and beautiful,
You smile and then
Everything in life will be very cool!

May the coming day bring with it
Success, luck, joy and love!
May it be deep and filled with meaning,
And positive thoughts only come to mind.

Everything that was planned for today
So that it will certainly happen by evening.
When the page falls off the calendar,
To make it clear - the day will not be lived in vain!

May your mood be higher than the sky
And let happiness take you into flight.
Let success follow you blindly,
Well, the problems are the other way around.

Let it be in the arms of a gentle radiance,
Let your heart live in love.
My love, my charm
Let your soul sing with joy.

I wish you a good mood
And a magical glow in the eyes!
May every moment be happy
Bathe in miracles today!

Let the day be filled with smiles,
And with sincere, most sincere warmth...
Let your wish come true now,
And you will be completely surrounded by joy!

Good luck awaits you today
She doesn’t hide her gift -
Brings you success and joy,
And drives away all fatigue.

May this day be good
Not like the previous one.
And let the streak begin
Have a nice day, love, kindness!

And if you add to the wishes of a good mood joke, which you find, you will provide a charge of vigor and positivity for more than one day.

Every person loves to receive gifts. It doesn't always happen that the day goes well in the morning. This is where our beautiful wishes for a good mood will help, which you can send by email, SMS or messenger. This will lift your mood and the person will feel supported and become more confident. Beautiful wishes for a good mood in some cases carry more weight than an expensive gift. Because it is very important to wish for a good mood every day.

You will find beautiful wishes for a good mood on our website. Krasivo Pozdrav.ru on this page. Give your family and friends a good mood, share your warmth with them.

The most beautiful wishes for a good mood in prose

Start your day with a smile and everything around you will change! The neighbors will smile back, passers-by will think that you are having a holiday - and they will also give you a smile, your friends will rejoice with you in a good mood! Give smiles to those around you and your day will be kind and full of happy moments!

May great weather, smiles from friends, approval from your superiors, good news, pleasant compliments, exciting moments, interesting events, and the expectation of a miracle fill your day and certainly delight you, giving you an excellent and playful mood!

Let the sun wake you up with its bright ray and bring you a charge of vivacity, give you confidence, fill your body with energy, your mind with bright thoughts and ideas, and your spirit with joy. May this day please you with wonderful discoveries, pleasant meetings and unforgettable surprises, and may success accompany you on all roads today.

My love, I wish you a sincere, good and kind mood, which is like the bright tints of a rainbow in the rays of the spiritual sun after a warm rain of goodness! Similar to gentle, airy clouds on which the Guardian Angel sits! Similar to sparkling rays of joy that break through even the gray clouds of everyday life!

My beloved soulful person, this life was given to us by God himself. Don’t waste it on troubles, adversity, vanity, problems... It’s all empty. I want you, dear, to smile and enjoy the bright gifts of fate. Your mood is my mood. And let it be fun every day.

A new day has arrived and it brings something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries within himself, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. I wish you good mood!

The most beautiful wishes for a good mood in verse

I wish you happiness, sun, laughter,
Smiles, joy, success,
Still live to be a hundred years old,
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles.
May there be enough happiness for the rest of your life,
And let your loved one be nearby!

Beautiful sunny day
May it bring you good luck
Will light a flame of hope,
Your dreams will come true in addition.

Talent will awaken, creativity,
Will sparkle with rays of inspiration,
Let him give you positivity,
Great success and good mood!

Let your heart sing with joy,
The soul blossoms with peace.
A smile suits you, dear.
Let happiness gently warm you.

Let the mood sparkle
Fun, tenderness, warmth.
Let inspiration inspire you
In a magical golden dance.

I wish you to smile with all my heart,
Always keep pace with success
Plunge into a wave of positivity
And infect everyone with your laughter.

I wish you to enjoy
From deeds and from wise decisions,
May your mood be great
May many achievements await you!

May it appear on your beautiful face
The smile will play again
Wishes will not be in vain
And joy only inspires!

We want you to come back again
Good luck bright moments
And we, as before, became infected
Your good mood!

I'll dispel your doubts
I'll give Vera the green light -
Well, guess what, luck
Was stingy with greetings...

This is temporary and soon
Everything will change, believe me!
Happiness dawns will shine,
Luck will open the door.

Smile, broaden your shoulders,
Steady step, go forward -
We are waiting for you to meet with success
And the cycle of miracles!

Love life, love inspiration,
Let them not fear you in the coming years,
May your mood be better
And the sadness will leave once and for all.
Lilac bush and blue sky,
Smile of the sun, joy, love
And the greatest happiness in life
We wish you well on your life's journey!

Let the mood be wonderful
After all, it means a lot in life.
Whoever is in a joyful mood, without a doubt,
Get lucky faster!
After all, those who love life and smile,
They warm the whole world with spiritual warmth.
Let people respond to your smile
And they respond with sincere love!

Best short wishes you will find.

A smile is what we wish for everyone in this world. After all, if you woke up cheerful, cheerful and smiling on a beautiful face, then thanks to this beautiful facial expression your day will go in the best possible way. We we wish make you smile more often and longer. The more often you smile, the longer you live! Of course, thanks to irresistible smiles, happiness appears that inspires many people. Unnoticed by you, life will take on a new meaning, and our wish for a smile and great happiness will become like a life preserver in the vast ocean of the world!

You will be surprised, but this will add new emotions to your life. You will become healthier. Men will become stronger, and women will become more feminine, which is what we wish for everyone. It is unlikely that anyone will know what grief and tears are. Of course, if you follow our wish: always be in a good mood, smile, don’t be sad and be happy.

Also, with great pleasure, we wish you that everything comes true, and that your wishes become reality in an instant, just be careful with your desires, think about them more carefully, then you will have exactly what you crave and a good mood will always be nearby!

Let the morning invigorate you with gentle sunlight, early flowers delight you with their delicate aroma, and let the birds give you the most colorful trills. Smile at the new day with your gorgeous smile, reveal to it the purity of your gentle soul, and it will definitely become for you a wonderful continuation of such a positive morning.

Have a nice day and a wonderful week!
Workdays, so you don't get bored!
So that the morning with a wide smile invigorates
And it gave you a feeling of peace!

And the day lasted long and extremely successfully,
And everything worked out for you, definitely!
Glows, we wish you to bloom with happiness,
And have a good time this day!

Man without a smile:
This is a kitchen without tiles,
this is a sea without a seagull,
this is a house without a mistress,
this is a cat without a tail
It's a tail without a cat!
Always smile
and a good day!

Let the sun shine like a spotlight
In your washed window,
And let, like a self-assembled tablecloth,
Your plot will give you everything,
And your house will become a full cup
To everyone's joy - and ours!

I would like to wish you a successful and pleasant day that will bring joy, success and many pleasant emotions into your life that will delight your soul for a long time after this. Let the day begin cheerfully, in the company of pleasant people, and with a wonderful warm atmosphere. Let the sun send you a boost of energy for the whole day, and the day will be filled with pleasant surprises. Have a nice day!

May your day turn out on a positive note,
Nothing will interfere, nothing will knock you down,
Be vigilant, like a falcon on the hunt,
If the goal is set, go ahead!

After all, they open only to those who knock,
You have known this truth for a long time.
So may good luck happen to you,
And everything goes smoothly, just like in the movies!

Let everything be great at work,
Let your boss not forget to praise you!
Roads without traffic jams, excellent news,
And as always, victories on the personal front!
Have a good day!

May the morning be good, fresh,
And the awakening will be gentle.
Dreams make for pleasant impressions,
And the day is surprisingly good.

In the morning the sun woke up,
It stretched sweetly,
Smiled again
It came out to walk across the sky!
Have a good day!
Good smiles!
Kiss you!

I wish you happiness, sun, laughter,
Smiles, joy, success,
Still live to be a hundred years old,
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles.
May there be enough happiness for the rest of your life,
And let your loved one be nearby!

It is very important that the day starts in the right mood. If it starts with something good, then this event will set the mood for the whole day! Therefore, to make sure your loved one has a wonderful day, you can send him a “Have a nice day and good mood” picture, which will definitely cheer you up. We have many of these pictures on different themes, but they are all great for starting a great day. We also offer. And in the evening you can say goodnight or...

Pictures with the inscription “Have a nice day and have a great mood.” Collection of 58 pieces

Morning New York charges the day and creates the right mood.

A cool picture of “Great Mood” with Grumpy Cat, which can be very funny due to its contrast

Girls having fun in a club with champagne are a great motivation to spend the day quickly and join them!

Cute kitten wishes you a great mood and a good day: 3

Cheerful alcoholic energizes for a fruitful day at work

Champs Elysees, Paris Eiffel Tower. Beautiful morning view. As they say, see Paris and have a good day!

Mr. Bean wishes you a good day and a great mood!

Hang in there with Rambo! Sylvester wishes you a great day!

The cat wants you to be in a great mood. Well, is it possible to refuse a cat?

Wishes for a great day from young Brad Pitt

Chuck has a great day. He has already made arrangements for your day to be great.

Arnie wishes you a great day

A man in glasses flashes a smile from under a well-groomed mustache and shows two thumbs up. A gesture charged for a good day and a great mood!

The President of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, wishes you a good day and good mood.

If you live in Russia and Putin ordered you to have a good day, then it will be like this!

Another variation of Putin wishing him a good day. This time he winks!

May you have a day so good that even Putin can give you a thumbs up

Picture “Have a nice day and good mood” with a beautiful view of the morning New York

Siphon and Beard wish you a nice day

Wishes for a great day from a working man - a peasant in a vest.

The angry cat continues to attack our selection. Well, doesn't he look great with these wishes?

Have a nice day... Have a great mood... yeah

And now some funny cats. This one flies and wants the day to fly by.

Another soaring cat in our selection of “great mood and have a nice day” pictures.

Cute picture with a cat decorated with a smile and a flower.

Another cat, decorated with a funny facial expression)))

The kitten in the sun-drenched greenery winks and wishes you a great mood, a nice day!

The cat is chewing grass with a crazy expression and it's definitely a good day for him. Let it be like this for you too!

The ginger cat openly winks, and thereby lifts the spirits of everyone who sees this picture.

A picture with many emoticons and the inscription “Have a great mood! Have a good day!"

Everyone around you is sad, but the person you send this picture to will be happy. After all, the main thing is not the picture, but attention!

A picture with yellow smiling balloons and the inscription “Have a nice day, have a great mood.”

One big smiley can do more than 100 small ones. In this picture, one big bun wishes you a good day.

Another variation of a joyful kolobok, charging with its energy

A picture with a kitten signed with a verse, cat lovers will be amazed!

A picture with roses, tea, cakes and wishes for a good, successful day. Many people need exactly this for a great start to the day!

A bright pink rabbit in a red skirt and beads wishes you a good mood!

And this cat with a red bow wishes good work, holding roses in his hands

A little fairy with purple wings and a diaper wishes something very good to happen to you today.

A cute fox with green eyes wishes you a good mood today and always! :)

Picture of “Have a nice day” on a background of coffee, cheese and roses

Sweet wishes from a cat on the lawn.

GIF animation of “good afternoon”. The wish is supported by tea with rose, raspberry and cute emoticons.

Why send this picture? So that she, and therefore you, will be in a good mood all day!

Picture with a cartoon kitten on a background of roses

An unusual animal in our selection is the hippopotamus! And he lovingly sends wishes for a good day!

GIF with a red ap with the sun spinning on it. Wishes for a great mood included.

GIF with powerful charges for a great mood - coffee, sweets, flowers.

The bear greets you and wishes you a good mood!

A beautiful picture with a kitten and wishes, including a great mood.

A cute dark cat seems to be holding a rose in his hands and bringing it to you along with wishes for a good day and a good mood

Picture with tea and yellow rose. For those whose day these things can brighten!

A cute snail, sunshine and wishes that will definitely fill the day of your beloved second-grader with a good mood.

We have pictures not only of cats, but also of dogs! Here is one of them. Great picture with a cute pug and tulips.

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