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Rating of the best husbands by zodiac sign. The best husband according to the zodiac horoscope

Loyal, caring, sexy and beautifully courted admirers do not always make ideal husbands.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

The Aries husband is authoritarian, likes to command and believes that all members of the household are obliged to report to him. But don’t expect him to give an account of his deeds and actions in return. “I said: at work means at work!”, and it doesn’t matter that at that moment he is drinking beer with friends or playing computer strategy in the office. But it’s a sin to complain about him: he’ll go out of his way, but he’ll provide his wife with everything she needs, and he won’t forget about her relatives. True, jealous like a pack of tigers, but you can simply not provoke.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

The Taurus husband is as reliable as Fort Knox; if he looks at someone else, it is only with purely aesthetic interest. As a rule, he has a tight penny for all the global needs of the family, such as health and study, loves his home and is constantly improving something in it. But he is tight-fisted, stubborn, approves of only useful purchases, and is also a bore - he can spend hours discussing the economy regime, squeezes the paste out of the tube to the last drop, lives according to a schedule he knows and forces his wife to follow it.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

The terms “Gemini” and “husband” in one sentence sound like an oxymoron. Today he seems to be a husband in love, and tomorrow he already “loves” someone else on all surfaces, without really hiding, and hastily packs his things if his wife is suddenly outraged by his infidelities. In everyday life, it is, of course, charming as an interior decoration, but extremely useless even if the hands grow from where they should. He grabs onto everything in a row according to his mood, but does not bring anything to its logical conclusion.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

A Cancer husband is a housewife's dream. Trembling, gentle, he brings everything into the house, tries to spend all his free time with his family, blows dust off his wife, adores children to the point of insanity, and often copes with household chores much more skillfully than his wife. True, he has attacks of all-consuming laziness, especially if the work is exhausting. That’s when everyone at home walks on tiptoe, breathes every once in a while and tries not to disturb the peace of the head of the family. Because it’s more important to himself, he’s also a master at hysteria.

The Leo husband is a wonderful creature, as long as you don’t touch him. Generous, cheerful, knows how to organize leisure time, feed deliciously (according to the mood) and never refuses sex. This is where the pros end and the cons begin: by the time you force the garbage to be thrown away, you will grow old, and food waste will turn into fertilizer; he goes shopping himself only when there is nothing but an echo in the refrigerator, and even growls when you remind him that your husband is This is not only a conventional unit, but also a useful gadget in everyday life.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The Virgo husband is stingy with affection and gifts, but he is very generous with various kinds of instructions and masterfully brings people to a white heat with his manic passion for cleanliness and order. As a rule, he always has money, but his wife doesn’t get much of it, but if she earns a lot, he, without a twinge of conscience, sits on her neck and at the same time continues to teach her how to run a business, take care of the household without interrupting work. and raise children.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

A Libra husband is extremely good if his wife knows how to competently organize his life and gives clear instructions: what, where, when and how. He adapts to the demands of his wife, can be economical (under the watchful guidance), and sympathetic, and romantic, and he is not ashamed to show off to guests, especially since he himself adores all kinds of gatherings and gladly takes part in the preparation for them. But you don’t need to expect initiative from him; he is more likely to do so through doubts and reflections than through independent actions.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

A Scorpio husband is an unpredictable creature. He, of course, can kill his wife’s offenders, and gives mind-blowing gifts, and it’s good in bed with him. But all these options are available only when he is at peace with himself, and since attacks of black melancholy do not happen so rarely, you never know how he will react to an innocent remark and where he will go for a week to release his demons. , and sometimes he gnaws at his wife even more harshly than those who encroached on her. And let’s keep silent about jealousy - sometimes even children read us.

The Sagittarius husband is good in everything: he knows how to get money for food, he is generous to the point of indecency, he carries his wife in his arms and children in his teeth, he organizes sexual marathons in bed with extravagant twists, and he is also quite useful in the household. But no fortune teller can predict how long such an idyll will last. There is only one Sagittarius in the world, and there are a lot of women thirsting for love and warmth, so he tries to benefit and “pollinate” as many as possible, and marries almost everyone.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

The Capricorn husband is despotic and strict, his conservative troubles poison existence and prevent him from enjoying life. But! If you accept all his dogmas as an immutable truth and come to terms with them, you will receive the most faithful creature in the world, who will do everything to keep you fed, healthy and almost happy. Almost - because he won’t tolerate your chirping girlfriends and former boy classmates in his house, so you’ll have to revolve only around him, like the Moon around the Sun.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

An Aquarius husband is something like a blanket on the sofa - sometimes cozy, but mostly useless in everyday life. And glory to Merlin! As long as it performs a purely sexual-aesthetic function, peace reigns in the house. The main thing is to stick to this line and not give him ideas about a radical reorganization of the universe called “apartment”, otherwise your life will plunge into chaos, which you will have to disentangle, because your idea will be followed by his own, and it is not known where this will lead the family.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

The Pisces husband is a driven slacker. He is always satisfied with everything, the main thing is that they don’t turn over. No, of course, he will do the repairs, go to the store, and spend half of his salary on a gift for his wife, but only after he is told in plain text that he can’t live without it. And if you don’t kick, then you’ll have to carry the whole household on yourself and buy flowers for yourself too. In addition, sometimes a monster awakens in him, who for some reason begins to pose as a ruler and master; however, under the influence of a kind word and an exquisite dinner, he falls asleep again - quickly and for a long time.

Text: Nadezhda Popova

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I was simply amazed, it felt like the characteristics of Cancer were copied from my husband! And all the men I know are the same!

This is truly a complete encyclopedia of men. You won't find such detailed specifications anywhere. Sometimes astrology can be fun, and sometimes it really helps a lot. The advice in these characteristics is very practical. It’s a pity that I didn’t read this horoscope as soon as I got married; I’m sure many conflicts could have been avoided. So, read this article quickly - you will be pleasantly surprised by the veracity of the information!

Aries man

The Aries man abruptly changes from one state to another. One minute he was burning with passion, and the next moment there is an iceberg in front of you. If you offend him or he simply loses interest in you (or maybe both at the same time), you will feel a dramatic change in yourself immediately. To get his attention again, you will have to start from scratch.

Aries are full of ideas and creative energy, so being with them all the time is sometimes tiring, but not boring. They are fast and swift, and if you are a snail by nature, you will find it difficult to keep up with an Aries; besides, he has no habit of looking back, and you can get lost along the way. Aries usually look younger than their age, maturity and maturation come to them. later than others, don't forget about it. The Aries man is impatient, determined and self-confident; he strives to get ahead of everyone, sometimes even himself. Sometimes he is generosity itself, shares everything he has with people, and at the same time he can be intolerant, forgetful, unbearably demanding and selfish if his desires are not fulfilled immediately.

The Aries man's attitude towards love is amazing. He gives himself to his beloved with all ardor, sincerely believing that this is the only love in the world (with the possible exception of Romeo and Juliet). When the romance unexpectedly collapses, Aries rushes with the same passion to glue the broken shards, and if he fails, with the same faith and no less passion he starts an affair with the new Juliet, where everything is repeated all over again. Regardless of the serial number of the novel: be it the first or the hundred and first, Aries firmly believes that this one is the true one. In love, Aries is a pure idealist and is so sentimental that he will not miss a single sigh, glance or groan of yours, enveloping your relationship in a haze of sublime poetry. He doesn’t do anything halfway, so he gives himself completely to love, without reserve.

Sometimes among Aries you come across creatures that seem at first glance to be calmer. But don't be fooled. Aries is an Aries, and any Aries is ruled by Mars. Is your Aries not very talkative? Is he calm and not bursting with energy? This is just an appearance. The brain of any Aries rotates at a speed of 200 revolutions per second.

None of the other signs of the Zodiac is as faithful in love as Aries (if, of course, the love is real). Honest by nature, he will never cheat on you and, being an idealist, will not even think about it.

Aries, if his beloved is not romantic enough, first gets upset, then gets angry and, finally, goes in search of a new, less down-to-earth lover. And such an act cannot in any way be called dishonest on his part. He didn't break his promises. It was you who disappointed his expectations. You promised him to be a wonderful nightingale, but in reality you turned out to be an annoying jay. Your voice seemed to him like the voice of an angel, and you scream at him so much that his eardrums burst. And most importantly, why? He just stayed up late two nights in a row with friends, and you are throwing a tantrum as if he committed a crime. What do you allow yourself? Marriage in his concept is not a prison, and he is not a prisoner, you must understand this well.

If you nevertheless learn to look at him languidly and try not to lose your charm for him, he will happily prefer you to all other women in the world, especially since Aries is very rarely attached to several women at the same time (unless, God forbid, there were no Geminis in his family or Venus was not in an unfortunate position at the hour of his birth). Several novels at once simply do not correspond to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bone, unique love. He will never start a new romance without breaking up with the previous one.

If you think you can fix the relationship by making him jealous, get those thoughts out of your head once and for all. Your first betrayal will most likely be your last. Aries will not tolerate not only genuine betrayal, but even light flirting and advances with another man. Aries loves to reign everywhere and in everything, including in your heart; he is a terrible owner and jealous. But, what’s worse, he allows himself much of what is denied to you personally; at the same time, he requires from you absolute faith in his infallibility.

Know that behind the self-confidence and aggressiveness in the character of Aries there is often hidden a well-disguised inferiority complex, which a true Aries will not admit to even on pain of death. And if you are able to heal the moral injuries inflicted on him with tenderness and devotion, the heart of your Aries will belong undividedly to you. Never try to prove to Aries that he is wrong, even if you are sure of it. You must learn to see the world through his eyes: to love what he loves and hate his enemies. This is his life principle, and if you cannot follow it, it is better to look for another man for yourself. The nature of Aries is alien to any pretense; you will immediately feel that he has cooled down towards you, by the aloof tone with which he will address you. At the same time, the violent outbursts of anger that he unleashes on you subside quite quickly and most likely indicate only temporary discontent. This is why Aries's coldness is much worse than his anger.

Play is not natural to Aries. He is always direct and truthful in all his manifestations - both in business and in love. Once he understands what he loves, he won't waste a second, but let him play the lead role. Don't stalk him, don't bother him with your calls, and don't declare your love to him until you are sure that your feelings are reciprocated. The best way to lose an Aries is to take the initiative into your own hands. Aries must be a leader, otherwise his interest in you will disappear so quickly that you won’t even have time to blink an eye. But when he confesses his love to you, put aside your coldness and excessive modesty, otherwise he will look for warmth elsewhere. Love with an Aries man is like balancing on a tightrope, and you yourself are like a tightrope walker. You must keep him in constant tension, maintaining interest in you, but at the same time he must be completely confident in you. As you can see, the game is not easy. But if you want to keep Aries, learn how to play it.

The positive side of a relationship with Aries is that after a quarrel, he will usually be the first to ask for forgiveness and the first to come to your aid. If you are sick or in trouble. Aries will always be with you. He will generously spend money on you,” will not miss an opportunity to compliment you, and will openly admire your appearance and talents. He can be quick-tempered over trifles, but this condition quickly passes. You can become the greatest value in his life, and he will certainly tell you about it, but at the same time, he is pleased when you sincerely share his hobbies and listen to his opinion. Aries strives to be everything to you and at the same time, unlike other men, he will gladly reveal himself to you. Aries wants his girlfriend to be femininity itself, and at the same time - his boyfriend; he loves independence in you, but still such that he remains the leader. He craves adoration and devotion on your part, but not slavishly, but with dignity. How, after all of the above, do you still want to stay with an Aries? Commendable. Then, at the end of the day, a few more touches of his character. He may lose his temper and say hurtful things (which, however, he doesn’t think about), but you must forgive and forget everything as quickly as he does. You should like all of his friends, although he reserves the right not to like yours. What do you want? You have chosen a real man, and in the person of your Aries you have him. And if you are a real woman, then your Romeo and Juliet romance (without the sad ending, of course) will be the envy of everyone around you. If you become the wife of an Aries, he will be the head of the family. He will not tolerate any comments from you, both in public and in private. Especially when it comes to money. After all, it's his money, he earned it. It cannot be said that he is a good financier, but do not even think about interfering in his financial affairs. If he is a typical Aries, he will never spare money for you and will give you as much as you want. He will be happy to buy you a snakeskin handbag, but only after he buys himself a crocodile case (if, of course, there is money left after buying it). He is, of course, selfish, but by no means stingy.

Although Aries, until he starts his own business, may often change jobs, this will not affect your well-being in any way. He will find a way to earn good money, although it will flow away quickly. The best advice in this case is to manage the household more economically and give the savings when he needs the money most. Aries rarely save “in reserve”, unless, of course, they had someone stingy in their family or if at the time of Aries’s birth the Moon (predisposing to saving) - the patroness of Capricorns and Cancers - was not shining.

Aries is an attentive and proud father, who delights in the birth of a baby (no matter what kind of baby he turns out to be). Later, however, he will try to control the children and dictate their future careers. In this case, he should be reminded that children love independence no less than he does. Fatherhood is a role in which Aries feels excellent. He enjoys playing baseball and football with the kids, talking about birds and bugs, and when the child grows up, he will willingly invite them to a restaurant for a family dinner. All that is required of you is not to let him understand that young Herman or Henrietta means more to you than he does, otherwise his love for children will noticeably decrease.

If you were successful at work before marriage, you can continue to do so after you get married, but (especially if you work in the same field) do not try to outshine your husband with your production or creative success, he will not tolerate this. Aries is the kind of husband who would rather forgive you for a hastily prepared dinner than for losing your interest in him and his affairs.

Don't interfere with his independence, but tactfully try to restrain his impulsiveness. He must lead in life, otherwise it loses all meaning for him; Don't suppress his energy and enthusiasm. As soon as he ceases to dominate at work or at home, his optimism will turn into dull discontent, and then into complete indifference. Remember that he lacks the ability to obey. Don't try to break his masculinity, but don't lose your own individuality. Don't boss him around and don't let him boss you around. An Aries husband will not tolerate a wife who spends every evening chatting in a ladies' club. And at the same time, he will not like his wife, who always hangs around at home, doing only household chores. Try to find a middle ground. And if you succeed, many, many years later, at your golden wedding, you will be the only gray-haired Juliet, and next to you will be the aged, but eternally loving Romeo. For the sake of such a wonderful prospect, especially if you are romantic by nature - and you cannot help but be if you have chosen Aries as your companion - it is worth living.

Taurus man

I wonder what you imagine a Taurus man to be like? Well, firstly, slow, reasonable and cautious and also calm, reasonable, quite down-to-earth and practical to the core. All this is true. And yet, in Taurus there is one more quality that does not follow from all of the above and seems in no way connected with them, but is nevertheless present in him. This is romance.

Does this seem illogical to you? But who said that Taurus obeys only the laws of logic? After all, this strong, courageous sign is patronized by the planet of love and peace - Venus.

Taurus thinks for a long time before starting serious courtship. He will not rush headlong into the pool. But if he decides that you are his chosen one, he will give a hundred points ahead to all your other fans. Every morning a messenger will come to you with a bouquet of flowers until you agree to become the wife of Taurus. He can compose a poem in your honor and send it to you without a signature, of course, in the case when he is firmly confident that you will guess who the sender of the message is. Taurus is a gentle, attentive and caring lover. He will appreciate the aroma of your perfume, the smoothness of your skin and the beauty of your hair. He may not shower you with flowery compliments, but he will certainly find a way to show you how much he appreciates your charms.

Taurus does not like to throw money away, but he likes to see you beautiful, and he will be happy to give you exquisite outfits and expensive furs. The Taurus soul is characterized by sentimentality, and it doesn’t cost him anything to give the old flower girl from whom he buys flowers for your boutonniere an amount several times higher than the cost of the bouquet, just because she somehow reminds him of his mother.

Taurus is extremely sensitive to music, it excites him and puts him in a lyrical mood. He definitely has a favorite tune that reminds him of you.

If everything that has been said to you is still not enough to prove the romanticism of his nature, I will give a few more examples. For your birthday, Taurus will give you several beautiful and expensive porcelain and silver trinkets that you have long dreamed of; for Christmas, they will shower you with gifts no worse than Santa Claus himself. It will offer you moonlight swimming, walks and picnics in the most picturesque corners of the forest. February 14, Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day), will inundate you with humorous poems and passionate messages. If Taurus is courting, then this is real courtship, maintained in the best traditions. He will invite you to lunch in a luxurious restaurant with dim lights and soft music. Taurus will remember for the rest of his life the day he first met you and many other small intimate dates that you yourself have long forgotten about. Well, now have I convinced you?

Taurus is not a groundless dreamer, like Aquarius, not a heartthrob, like Leo, and not a creator of castles in the air in pink clouds - Aries. Having chosen you as his wife, he will first present you with a plan of the house in which you will live for approval. This house will not look like an Aries castle, but it will be real, solid and reliably insured. With a Taurus husband, you won’t have to worry about anything, your future will be in good hands, and a few years later you yourself, laughing, will remember the pink castles in the air and passionate sighs under the moon of your former admirers. A Taurus husband is a reliable acquisition, and you will never regret it in your life.

Taurus builds his well-being with his own hands, gradually, without being distracted by trifles and without hoping for illusory luck. But real success comes to him, and the state of affairs is such that he can afford himself and his wife the luxury of a winter vacation somewhere in Florida or other exotic places.

But, of course, like all people, Taurus has shortcomings. Taurus will not tolerate a rude, assertive woman next to him. That is why you must develop gentleness and forbearance. Don’t even think about expressing your opinion in front of everyone, much less interfering in disputes when your Taurus husband is next to you. He prefers to play the first violin, while you are destined for the role of accompaniment. In private, he will be happy to listen to your opinion, but God forbid you speak publicly. This is fraught with serious consequences. If Taurus is a primitive type, he will simply cause a scandal for you. If he belongs to more refined natures, he will punish you with silence and sit all evening like a stone statue, causing surprised glances from those gathered. You will be ready to fall through the ground.

Of course, you will try with all your might to get him out of this state, but it will not be easy. An angry Taurus will not cool down immediately. And all because you interrupted his monologue with some stupid phrase. If your husband then decisively takes up his coat to go home, the best thing is to follow his example and try to beg his forgiveness on the way home. You should not involve your acquaintances, relatives or friends in a quarrel. Not only will this not help, but it will anger Taurus even more. It is better to resolve the conflict yourself and try to avoid such mistakes in the future.

Taurus is patient, but he will not allow a ring to be inserted into his nose. The bull also does not like jealous women who cling to him like a drowning man clinging to a straw. He is attracted to graceful, feminine, playful women who will constantly keep him on his toes and intrigued. But at the same time, a woman should know when to stop and not overdo it. Taurus will watch with delight the impression his lady makes in society, but only as long as she is prudent enough and does not deal a blow to his male pride. There is nothing in the world that Taurus would not do for his beloved.

Taurus has an amazing feature. In love, he loses caution and prudence. No advice from friends and relatives can shake his decision, even if everyone unanimously assures him that the object of his passion is not a match for him.

Taurus, the owner of the Earth sign, is more suitable for wives with the signs of Earth and Water than of Fire and Air. But even in this case, there are happy unions - after all, as you know, opposites converge. Financial problems for Taurus are almost non-existent. Given his attitude towards money, even if he does not become a millionaire, he will at least have a stable and strong position.

Taurus loves country walks, sports, fishing and hiking, and enjoys growing flowers and gardening. He prefers books of an adventure nature and biographies of great conquerors to refined literary genres and philosophical treatises.

Taurus is a real man in everything. He loves well-prepared home-cooked food and does not tolerate any canned food or sandwiches. This is why you should get yourself a good cookbook. But don't think that he wants to turn you into a cook. He will be happy to take you to a good restaurant or on a visit (provided that the food there is good). He himself will never mess around in the kitchen, except for the sake of a joke.

Taurus is an attentive, loving, caring father. From childhood, he teaches the child to love and respect property. The Taurus father is very self-possessed. He never gets angry with a child if he shows insufficient progress in his studies, the main thing is that he follows the right path. It may seem to you that Taurus pays too much attention to the material aspect and lavishes his children with gifts. But he also spares neither time nor emotions for the children, and if necessary, he will show firmness. In general, the Taurus father is a gift of fate, except for those periods when he falls into a rage, which, however, is extremely rare.

Taurus pamper their wives, buying them clothes, perfumes and trinkets, while not forgetting about the decor and products. Taurus people love luxury and can afford it.

Taurus works a lot and therefore needs good rest. Make sure he gets enough rest, otherwise it will make him irritable. Never nag him for being slow. This is akin to waving a red rag in front of a bull. Taurus lives according to his own schedule and rushing him is not only useless, but also unsafe. Taurus loves to receive guests in his own home, but these should be people close to him in spirit. Taurus avoids large noisy companies.

He also cannot stand loud sounds (be it people's voices, radio or TV), disorder and chaos, scattered things. Let quiet music, beauty and comfort reign in your home. Try to be a real woman and you will not find a better husband. No one can surround you with such affection, attention and love, and if you take into account the stability and strength of his financial position, then what else can a woman dream of?

Gemini man

Love brings with it a feeling of security from the outside world. You stop being lonely. There is a loved one next to you, ready to help always and in everything. But almost every rule has an exception. And this exception is the beloved - Gemini. There is no need to talk about any reliability here. He can go buy bread from a nearby bakery and return three days later. If you try to find out where he was and what he was doing, your affair will most likely end there. Therefore, if your Gemini is very dear to you, pretend that nothing happened and learn to put up with his unpredictability and impermanence.

But in the company of Gemini you will never be bored; when he is with you, you will be with not one, but two, or even three or four men at once.

A Gemini man is a welcome guest in any home. He is extremely cheerful, a pleasant conversationalist, has excellent manners, is a master at telling jokes, and is the life of the party.

If you happen to meet him at any social event, you will be unconditionally fascinated by him.

But don't rush to take the fatal step. Think before you agree to become his wife. A Gemini's thoughts, desires, and moods are as changeable as the wind, and you may feel this before your honeymoon is over.

While courting you, he may one day appear at your house with flowers, perfume and books (one of which he wrote himself) and invite you to go to the theater or circus. All evening he will give you such attention, smiles, tender words and assurances of love, from which all other men will immediately fade in your eyes, and you will feel like the happiest woman in the world.

But the next day, when you wait with bated breath for his call, he will either cancel the date or not call at all. Thousands of doubts will begin to torment you. Maybe you behaved wrongly? Or was he just joking? Or maybe he was in trouble? Or does he have another woman? Any of these assumptions may turn out to be correct.

A week later, your lover will appear, but with a completely different mood. He will be maliciously sarcastic and irritated. He will not like everything about you: from lipstick to literary tastes. In another day he will be gloomy and silent, and you will not receive any intelligible answer to all your questions.

If you manage to survive such a change in your lover, he will again appear before you cheerful, charming and witty, and you will again go to theaters and art galleries, museums and concerts and will be amazed again and again by the breadth of interests and erudition of your Gemini. This time he will be even more tender and attentive to you, and you yourself will not notice how you say “yes” to him.

If you are the type of woman who expects constancy, warmth and comfort from family life, then you are making the wrong choice. In the palette of Gemini's moods, there are all shades - from sunny yellow and cloudless blue to hopeless gray, and it cannot be said that there are more joyful shades. Therefore, I will repeat to you again: if you are romantic and seek harmony in life, Gemini is definitely not your type of man.

If the Sun was in the constellation Gemini at the time of his birth, the main trait of his character will be changeability. Therefore, if you are a gambler by nature, you can take a risk. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky. But before you place a bet, you need to know the conditions of the game in advance. Ultimately, even among Geminis there are very persistent and purposeful people who know what they want. A striking example of this is the late US President John Kennedy and Queen Victoria of England. True, these are just two exceptions known to me, whose characters were reflected by their high position and responsibility for the fate of states.

Loving a Gemini is easy and pleasant, unless you give yourself to it with all passion. Remember, Gemini has a certain spiritual essence unique to him, which he will not share with anyone, not even with you. Don’t complicate or dramatize your relationship, try to treat everything calmly and simply. Don't bore him, but try to stimulate his imagination all the time. Don't protest against his changeability, but change with him. Be a lively, interesting conversationalist, because the most important thing for a Gemini is the intellectual level of their partner. Unlike all the other men who are intimidated by smart women. Gemini will prefer that you sparkle not with your outfits, but with your brilliant, sharp mind.

Geminis often change friends, but this does not happen out of heartlessness, but from constantly changing interests and from the desire to have partners with similar interests. Geminis do not give in to nostalgia for the past, be it memories, things, people and places where they lived. Being very sociable by nature, Gemini hates loneliness and, being alone for a long time, may begin to shed tears, but this is nothing more than a manifestation of sentimentality. In general, if you want to attract the attention of a Gemini for a long time, do not cling to him, do not expect constancy from him and, most importantly, be an interesting person.

Geminis, as a rule, marry more than once, although the later the first marriage is concluded, the more likely it is that it will last for a long time, maybe forever. But even if Gemini is married only once, he will compensate for his desire for duality with two cars, two apartments, two diplomas, two jobs, two hobbies, etc.

In financial matters he is also ambiguous. Either surprisingly generous, even wasteful, or stingy. But if you still compare these two traits, then generosity will probably outweigh.

Will he remain faithful to you? In the form in which he understands it, without a doubt, yes. Women feel extraordinary sympathy for Gemini, and he, for his part, is not indifferent to them. Therefore, most likely your life will not be calm. But if you sincerely believe him, he will never allow himself to destroy your faith, you can be sure. True, I mean precisely real, unconditional and reckless faith. If you secretly do not trust him, he will feel it and will not hesitate to take advantage of it. Geminis have the ability to read your secret thoughts - remember this. Don't think that your Gemini spouse will act around other women as if he doesn't notice them. On the contrary, he will happily chat with them, laugh and even have a drink or two. But this does not mean that he is flirting with them. Gemini needs listeners, and what gender they are is indifferent to him.

The woman who achieves intellectual harmony with Gemini can be calm. He will not cheat on her either physically or morally. This is a rule to which there are practically no exceptions. And his smiles, exuding always and everywhere, are just a manner of behavior. He just can’t help but smile, just like the sun can’t help but shine. Understand and never reprimand him for this. Otherwise you may ruin his character.

He will most likely develop friendly relations with children. He can teach them a lot. They will be happy to share their problems with him and confide their secrets to him. Gemini does not like to lecture and speak in an edifying tone. He is not a big disciplinarian, which makes the children more sympathetic. But his reluctance to insist on doing certain obligatory things leads to the fact that his children are sometimes a little loose. This is how Geminis spoil their children. Although Geminis almost never physically punish their children, they have a bad habit of making comments to their children in a caustic, sarcastic tone, which can hurt the child. Being cold by nature, Geminis do not like hugs and kisses, but children need it. Otherwise, the Gemini father is a good parent, if, of course, the children do not tie him down too much and do not distract him from his many Hobbies and activities.

With your Gemini husband, you are unlikely to encounter such a problem as jealousy, because Geminis have a very poorly developed sense of property. Even if some rumors reach him, he will most likely simply brush them aside - After all, love for a Gemini is, first of all, not physical, but intellectual intimacy. Therefore, if you are looking for a community of interests in marriage, spiritual unity. Gemini will be a good partner for you.

You just need to get used to his numerous “ifs”, not to pay attention to some coldness and detachment, to his desire to have his head in the clouds. Never try to get anything from him by pushing Gemini to the wall or making a violent scene for him. This will not only not lead to the desired result, but will cause a reaction that is completely undesirable for you. The twin will simply disappear, dissolve, cease to exist for you. Don't forget that his sign is Air.

It is often said about Geminis that they must have two loves at the same time. Let me explain this statement. It does not mean at all that two loves are two different women. Most often this is not the case. If you are connected to him not just by marriage, but by a spiritual and emotional connection, then you understand what I mean and what such a statement means.

Cancer man

This person is not one of those who is ready to open his soul to the first person he meets. Even his best friends often don't know much about him. To truly understand him, you will have to eat more than a pound of salt with him.

He can be frivolous and unreliable and at the same time sensitive and loyal. A severe wrinkle on the forehead can smooth out for no apparent reason, and then a radiant smile will illuminate the face. The grumpy and dissatisfied tone gives way to affectionate intonations, but after a moment it turns into hysterical laughter. When he is sad, you want to come up and caress him, protect him from all adversity. If he undertakes to make predictions, you will be amazed at the accuracy of his foresight. Cancer is cautious beyond measure, and his melancholy can bring despondency to those around him. Being a romantic at heart, he is at the same time surprisingly rational and practical. In short, this man combines the most diverse, sometimes completely opposite, character traits.

Speaking about the Cancer man, it should be remembered that these contradictions are caused by the change in the phases of the Moon, on which Cancer is highly dependent. Outwardly, he may be rude and cold, but in his soft, loving heart there is always room for compassion and empathy. Cancer is very touchy. In such cases, he withdraws into himself and silently digests the insult. It may seem to you that this will last a long time - but it never happened. After a while, he appears in public again, beaming, enjoying everything around him, and you joyfully rush to meet him. Unfortunately, the Cancer man has days of such hopeless melancholy that you simply don’t want to continue living. But the bad mood quickly passes, and now sadness is replaced by joy, and you rejoice with him. Of course, such a change in mood can puzzle anyone, but if you have chosen Cancer as your companion, you will have to get used to it. And further. The most severe attacks of melancholy happen to him when he is afraid of losing something especially dear to him - most likely you. Assure him that you belong to him alone, that you love him immensely, and he will be happy. Words of love are a balm for his soul.

The Cancer man is unpredictable and not always consistent in his actions. Imagine that you are sitting together on a moonlit night and he invites you to listen to his favorite poems. You close your eyes and lean against his shoulder, expecting to hear a love sonnet, but instead you hear:

In one region there was such a case:

While walking one day,

The sage came across a thorny bush

And he scratched out his eye.

But he was extremely smart

And without saying a word,

He wandered into another bush

And he scratched his eye again.

All your romantic mood disappeared. You will feel offended, but he was just joking.

And now a few words about a more prosaic, but no less important aspect of your future life - money. Since childhood, the Cancer man has had an extraordinary inclination towards them, to say the least. Your only rival in his heart will be money. Cancer cannot be called a miser, but he has never been a spender either. The crunch of bills and the jingling of coins in his wallet fascinate him no less than the organ mass of others. But no matter how much money he has, he will never brag about it. On the contrary, he is more likely to present himself as a poor relative. But don’t rush to do him good. Most likely, his bank account is twice or even ten times larger than yours.

After reading what is written above, you will probably be upset and even decide not to connect your life with such a stingy person. I beg you, do not make hasty conclusions. Cancer is ready to pay dearly for a high-quality item, because he adheres to the principle: “I am not so rich as to buy cheap things.” He will refuse to run into a cafe to have a snack, but he will be happy to sit in an expensive restaurant with excellent cuisine and an excellent reputation; he will object to buying a drape coat, but without hesitation, he will buy you a mink coat. Not only is it a beautiful and expensive thing, it is also durable. Now you are convinced that he agrees to pay, but only for expensive, durable and high quality things. So there are definitely positive traits in Cancer.

If you know a Cancer artist or musician, don't think that he has only lofty ideas in his head. Cancers are very artistic, and if they choose such a career, they reach extraordinary heights in it. However, the Cancer artist will not give away his paintings - he will try to sell them profitably, especially since Cancers are usually high-class professionals.

The Cancer man does not like sportswear, preferring a strict business suit, and certainly from an expensive store. Even those who experience temporary (they do not have permanent) financial difficulties always have an ironed, starched shirt and shiny shoes.

And now one of the most difficult issues is family relationships. God grant that your mother-in-law turns out to be a pleasant, attractive woman. But even if this is not the case, if you marry a Cancer, you will be forced to give her every attention. Cancer will constantly compare you to his mother, and your home to his parents' house. Cancer by nature is a domestic creature and, having become accustomed to warmth, comfort and affection in childhood, will demand the same from his wife. You will have to, at least outwardly, in the presence of your mother-in-law, be content with the role of second fiddle, since she will play the first. Pretend that you are interested in how and what she cooks, how she runs the house, even if you are sure that you do it better.

Cancer men are usually good at cooking themselves, especially gourmet, formal dishes. In general, Cancer is a sophisticated creature, paying attention to the most seemingly inconspicuous little things. He will be happy to show guests his collection and show extraordinary gallantry towards females. Cancer adores its ancestry and honors its ancestors. And those antique things that he inherited from them are the subject of his special pride - after all, they combined two passions that owned him: history and money.

Cancer makes high demands on his future wife, so sometimes years pass before he finds his chosen one. Cancer is very afraid of making a mistake, since an unsuccessful marriage can unsettle him for many years. But if he has already chosen a bride, he will praise her to the skies and shower her with gifts. With his constant presence next to you, he will quickly drive away the rest of your fans, but you will not regret it.

As a father, Cancer is impeccable - few mothers can boast of such love and devotion to their children. In addition, he has limitless patience and is sincerely interested in all the affairs, troubles, worries and joys of his children. Cancer fathers are proud of their sons and adore their daughters. True, during adolescence, when children experience some alienation from their parents, difficulties may arise. Children love independence, and Cancers are too protective of them. But in the end, reason will prevail, and the Cancer parent will find consolation in the fact that instead of a couple of children, he will have twice as many grandchildren. And more is always better.

So, how can you get a Cancer into your arms if he doesn’t immediately decide to propose to you? There are two ways. First: let him know that there are other men around who dream of making you their wife while he is thinking about it. Cancer is unlikely to allow itself to miss its intended prey.

There is a second, more “intelligent” way. Music, poetry, flowers, beautiful clothes, expensive (but not too harsh) perfume, gentle manners and tenderness, coupled with wonderful dinners, will also help you win his heart. True, this is a long way, but less risky. When you become the wife of a Cancer, don’t even think about throwing away his old sweater and worn-out sneakers, as well as his diploma of excellent completion of primary school. All these are his treasures, and they need to be cherished and cherished no less than he himself. In return for this care, he will love you all his life. And what could be more beautiful than a woman who is loved?

Leo man

The Leo man knows the value of his charm very well and therefore never wastes it. He will gladly show off in front of you and in the company of friends, and even better - in front of a large gathering, and the larger it is, the more pleasant it is for Leo. Then he will no longer be admired by one or five people, but by as many as two hundred.

Leo is not Virgo or Aquarius, who, despite the desperate attempts of fans, may remain cold to their charms.

Leo is initially aimed at romance, so nothing is easier to catch him in your network. Love babble in the light of candles, seasoned with a solid portion of adoration, delight and flattery, and the proud king of animals turns into a domestic kitten. At the same time, he will adore you immensely, shower you with gifts and flowers, take you to theaters and social events, and write passionate letters. An encouraging start, isn't it? But every coin has a downside.

Leo is unusually jealous. If you are his, then you belong to him entirely: body and soul. He will decide for you what to wear, what hairstyle to do, what to read, who to be friends with and how to spend the day. He will interrogate you with passion about where you deigned to disappear for two whole hours, while when you left, you said that you would return in an hour and forty-five minutes. He will ask who called you and what you talked about. If, while preparing your morning coffee, you look out the window for too long or just sit, thoughtfully looking at the ceiling or floor, he will certainly ask why your thoughts are so busy that you don’t pay any attention to him for five whole minutes. I don’t advise you to even jokingly answer what you think about someone else. He won't forgive you for this. And if this other person (who most likely has nothing to do with you) happens to be familiar to him, he may also be in trouble. So, as you see, your family life with Leo will not be strewn with only roses, and if it is, then do not forget that roses have thorns.

It is best if your relationship with him contains softness, tenderness and affection, which calm even the most violent outbursts of emotions.

With a Leo husband, you will not be able to make your own professional career. He won't allow it. And if you insist, then it is possible that, standing in front of the altar in a wedding dress, you will suddenly discover that the groom has disappeared.

The Leo husband is kind and grateful, like King Arthur (if you make him the center of your universe, of course). If you respect him the way he thinks he deserves, he will be generosity itself, not denying you the slightest whim. And if you adore him, it is likely that he will never cheat on you (being by nature too lazy to hunt for new cats when he has his own lioness at home).

With Leo, you will lead a very active social life. True, in those cases when he goes to a bachelor party or simply loses a lot of money at the races or in the casino, you will have to be patient.

But all Leos have a rare feature in our time - they have golden hands. If your switch is broken or the kitchen faucet is leaking, the TV is not working or the tape recorder is wheezing, tell your Leo about it, and he will immediately rush to fix them. And what’s most interesting is that it will fix it. After some time, the switch will turn on and off again, water will flow from the tap when it is opened, an image will appear on the TV screen, and the tape recorder will sing in its usual voice. And Leo will do all this without any stress, and even with pleasure. Now do you understand what a treasure your spouse is?

Leo men are very impressionable and great aesthetes, so when they get married, they will not remain indifferent to pretty faces. If you do not make scenes of jealousy for him, try to flirt with others in revenge, and at the same time treat him with the same love and tenderness, he will never move on to another. Leo, somewhat selfish by nature and preoccupied with himself, may at some point lack tact, but, realizing that he has hurt someone, he will not pass by indifferently, but will try to “lick” the wound.

Leos have a certain illusion that they cannot overcome. Leos often marry women of lower social origin or who are simply inferior to them in some way, in the hope that the “poor daisy” will be grateful to them for this all her life. But it often turns out that these “unfortunate creatures” skillfully take away the scepter of power from the poor fellow Leo and continue to rule without him. The poor king of beasts does not feel very comfortable. For some reason, this sad story does not teach Leo anything, and they continue to be seduced by “modest flowers.”

Surprisingly, Leos often have a very small family. There are either no children at all, or one child, or Leo ran away to another family, leaving his offspring. Leos are passionate, although not very consistent parents. But they are the kind of fathers whom children love all their lives. I advise Leo wives not to pay more attention to their children than to Leo himself, otherwise he will be terribly wounded and offended.

So, as I tried to explain to you, if you agree to remain second fiddle and build (or pretend to build) your life according to the scheme that Leo has drawn for you, you will be loved, cherished and rewarded, and, just as importantly, in your home will always have handles, taps, switches, sockets and everything else in it in perfect working order. Sounds like a good deal to me, doesn't it?

Virgo man

I think we should immediately dot all the i's. If you are sentimental and dream of fairy-tale love, you should immediately part with your new acquaintance - Virgo, otherwise, instead of the expected Lucullan feast, you risk receiving a modest vegetarian lunch consisting of a watery soup, seasoned with a few roots, and a handful of rice, sprinkled with vegetable oil. But a true gourmet is unlikely to like this.

The Virgo man exists entirely on a practical, materialistic level; he simply does not have time for all sorts of unearthly passions. He is certainly not the type to serenade you outside your window, and even if you lower a rope ladder from the window for him to climb, he is unlikely to use it, preferring to enter through an ordinary door. -

In fact, Virgos experience a feeling of love very early, even in childhood, but not of the same type as the immortal passion of Romeo and Juliet. In his concept, the word “love” is associated with selfless devotion to family and friends and, in general, to beings weaker and less organized than himself. Virgo is born with an instinctive love of work, duty and discipline and devotion to the defenseless. Even those of them who do not follow such high ideals in life constantly experience internal remorse.

The type of love that is expressed with passionate promises, stormy scenes and sweet, sentimental babble leaves the Virgo man completely cold. On the contrary, it may even frighten him and push him to run away. If your romance proceeds with moderate ardor, perhaps you will be able to melt the feelings of this person, who is made, as it were, of ice and steel. There are certain secret approaches to the heart of a Virgo man. Aggressive pursuit is not one of them, as well as coquetry and even hypersensuality, as many passionate divas, to their surprise and disappointment, could see.

In love, Virgos seek first of all quality, not quantity. And since high quality is a rather rare thing, there are very few romances in the lives of Virgo men, but those that do happen most often end tragically. The usual reaction of Virgos is to bury themselves even deeper in their work, avoid communication and be twice as careful next time. Therefore, having chosen a Virgo man for yourself, you will have to develop some strategy in order to achieve success. Virgo's main desire is chastity, and Virgo is only able to deviate from this principle for the sake of a very worthy woman. Many Virgos, although not all, can live in abstinence much longer than other signs of the Zodiac, and not experience any discomfort. A sense of discipline and submission to fate is deeply rooted in Virgo, and if fate wants him to remain a bachelor, then so be it.

The Virgo man, although he is not always aware of it, is a sophisticated seducer. The combination of wit and rationalism attracts many women, but he himself, being a master of critical analysis, rarely gets carried away enough to take the relationship from platonic to more earthly. In order for a Virgo man to become passionate, the object of his love must be truly unique. There are, of course, cases when Virgo gets so carried away that she succumbs to ordinary earthly passions. But these cases are extremely rare and the passion quickly passes. In Virgo's love there is always an element of virginity and pristine purity, which is never clouded, even in moments of the highest passion.

The Virgo man spends a lot of precious time searching for his chosen one - no less than on food, clothes, health and work, because he takes everything very seriously. Don't try to lie to him, he still sees right through you and has no illusions. He longs for a fair and equal union. He knows well that, with his pretensions, it is very difficult for him to find the desired object of love, but nevertheless he will not agree to a surrogate.

It is quite difficult to emotionally captivate a Virgo man. Sometimes he can stay with you for a very long time without showing any outward signs of falling in love, and you will decide that he simply does not have a heart. But that's not true. He has a heart. And those who have enough patience will be able to verify this.

As soon as he realizes that you are his true chosen one, he will immediately let you know it. His love will burn with an even, soft flame, without flares typical of other signs, but the warmth with which he will surround you will warm you from all life’s adversities and storms. Is this not enough? The love of a Virgo man still has the quality inherent in the love of fairy-tale princes: if you are his true love, he will go through all the trials to achieve you, will travel thousands of miles to hold his only beloved to his heart. In the name of his love, he is able to sacrifice a lot and will adore you all his life.

After you become his wife, he will not make you jealous by trying to court someone else, and will try to do everything so that no emotional or material difficulties affect you. The only thing he needs is to constantly feel you next to him. You cannot find a better comforter and helper when your heart is broken or you are sick. True, he will not shower you with money, but you will always be provided with everything you need and you will be given maximum attention.

The Virgo man is very attentive to the little things that women attach such great importance to. Having a clear memory, he remembers all the small but important dates and events for you, although he is slightly perplexed as to why they are so important to you. A Virgo man will never throw wild, ugly scenes of jealousy at you, but you must remember that Virgo is a possessive person like no one else, so try not to walk too far from home, otherwise, when you return home one day, you will find that no one is there . Virgo men, who are naturally loyal, hate the thought of breaking up family ties, but if you go too far, he won't hesitate to divorce you. And without stormy scenes, prayers, tears, reconciliations. The end is the end. As they say, sorry - goodbye.

After all, he belongs to the breed of those who believe that glued shards are not the same thing as a whole cup, and that destroyed harmony cannot be restored.

If you have fallen in love with a Virgo man, think about what and how you say. Virgos hate stupidity and ignorance no less than dirt and vulgarity. I advise the girlfriend of a Virgo man not only to dress elegantly but discreetly and have an elegant hairstyle, but also to have a smart head.

Of course, you may not master the art of a chef at an expensive restaurant, but don’t flatter yourself with the thought that your Virgo husband will allow you to feed him canned food. A selfish, dull, lazy woman, even if she belongs to the category of sex bombs, will never achieve success with a Virgo man. After all, he is primarily looking for a wife-friend, and not a mistress.

Virgo men do not have a strong attraction to fatherhood; They don’t need children at all to confirm their masculinity. Therefore, Virgos usually have very small families. But if the child is nevertheless born, Virgo will pay him the closest attention; he is a very responsible parent. He will be happy to work with the child, read to him, teach him all kinds of skills, help with homework, go for walks, with special emphasis on intellectual development. Even in the event of a divorce, the Virgo father will not lose interest in raising the child. He is not one to spoil children, so his child will grow up disciplined. Virgo, however, can be reproached for some coldness in her relationship with children, which over time can grow into a whole wall of misunderstanding. Sometimes Virgo fathers are overly critical, expecting too much from their children, more than they can give.

The Virgo husband loves it when you care about his health; in turn, he pays you with the same coin. Sometimes Virgo can be in an overly grumpy mood. At such moments, let him grumble alone, then he will come to you and surprise you with his tenderness. Let him take care of you. This does not contradict his character and gives him pleasure.

If, after all that has been said, you have not changed your mind about making Virgo your chosen one, you will get a smart, intelligent, although perhaps somewhat cold spouse. He is reliable and pleasant if you are so tactful that you will not notice his mistakes and shortcomings. And to be honest, he doesn’t have many shortcomings. Well, just think, when he comes home from work, he likes to run his finger over the furniture to see if there is dust on it.

Learn to respect his habits. Regardless of whether you like what he does or not, do not make comments to him, do not be a bore. Take his criticism with laughter, and you will not have any problems. The Virgo husband is not an angel, but many women will envy you.

After all, how many husbands are there who work from dawn to dusk, are neat, smart, outwardly pleasant, remember the anniversary of your first meeting, always have money, rarely visit male companies and almost never have mistresses? Take a look around. I think you can rightfully consider yourself the happiest of mortals.

Libra man

From this person you will always receive a lot of free advice on any issue. He is able to solve all your problems, except one - your relationship with him. Libra's habit of rationalizing everything, including love, can drive you crazy.

Once you meet a Libra man, think carefully about whether you should fall in love with him. Moreover, you have very little time to think, otherwise you will be so bewitched by it that you will lose all ability to decide and think for yourself. His dreams will become your dreams, his thoughts will become your thoughts, and your only desire will be to make him happy.

He, for his part, will not strive to ensure that you constantly feel at the height of bliss. Exactly half the time he will be in an unbalanced state, when he will absolutely not care what you think and feel. True, the other half of the time you will feel as happy as if you were on divine Olympus. Therefore, think before you decide to become his wife. After all, you are doomed in advance to be dissatisfied with him for half your life.

Libras are not very reliable people; they are difficult to rely on. Today they may think one way and tomorrow another. Imagine the position you will find yourself in if you agree to become his wife, when the very next day after the proposal is made he changes his mind about getting married and does not fail to tell you about it. Frankly, I don't envy you. Of course, this situation is quite extreme, but it could happen, so is it worth the risk?

But in matters of love, Libra seems to have surpassed all other signs. They not only invented love and romance, but also turned them into the highest form of art. Libra men do not lose interest in love until they are ninety. Often, of course, this interest is only platonic, but its presence in the nature of Libra until the end of their life is undeniable. Libra men are always full of fans. Because of their gentleness, indecision and reluctance to harm anyone, Libra can simultaneously have more than a dozen novels at different stages of development. Libra is simply unable to say “no,” although prolonging a painful relationship is much more cruel than breaking it off at once. The same can be said about the opposite case, when the relationship is so sincere and deep that the word “yes” seems to be the only possible outcome. But even here Libra manages to delay, prevaricate, ponder, not daring to take the right step, and thereby miss out on love.

Libra men, not being passionate by nature, do not experience love failures much. Besides, there are always so many other women around that they are quickly comforted. The only time Libra is truly uncomfortable is when they manage to marry a powerful, decisive woman. Such a person manages to convince Libra that divorcing her is a much greater sin than all seven deadly sins combined. Caught in such a net, Libra turns out to be a miserable slave of love. But such cases are extremely rare.

Libras do not suffer from excessive curiosity. They have not the slightest desire to find out the secret motives of your behavior. He will spend hours trying to prove to you that here one should do this, and here - that way, and that this follows from the logical course of things, but at the same time he will not agree to take into account that the reasons for many human actions lie primarily in human psychology. But Libra doesn’t go that far in their curiosity; their interests are more abstract.

Although he is an expert in matters of love, he is by no means an expert in matters of the soul. You will not only be surprised, but also horrified by his spiritual callousness. For example, you can turn to him for sympathy, and instead of unconditionally taking your side, he will begin to reason and ask you questions, and in the end he will even declare that it is you who are to blame. But this will not make it any easier for you. You came to him not to find out the truth, but to express sympathy. This is exactly what you most likely won’t get.

Libras are quite generous when it comes to money. Prepare also for the role of a charming, skillful housewife. True, Libra will never invite many guests to the house. He needs quality, not quantity. Therefore, among the guests there will be celebrities and simply smart, interesting people.

Remember that your home should not only be clean and tasty, but also beautiful. If you don’t want your husband to divorce you, don’t turn on the TV at full volume, make sure that smells from the kitchen don’t penetrate into the rooms (this torments him terribly), so that the children don’t scream or run around the house so that diapers and undershirts do not hang in a visible place, so that you do not appear in front of him in curlers and cream and many other “no’s”. Despite all this, he himself can be as messy as a pig, leaving socks on chairs and throwing cigarette butts and pieces of paper on the floor. But you must immediately put everything in order.

Libra will not express their dissatisfaction to you out loud, but will secretly suffer from mismatched carpet and curtains, from a tasteless picture above the fireplace, from the bright color of the tiles in the bathroom. At the same time, he himself may not even be aware of the reason for his bad mood. You'll have to figure this out.

Read also:

Libra is a fairly calm father. He will not be angry and shout at the children, but he will not fall into ecstasy over his own offspring either. For him, even after children appear in the house, the first place is given to his wife, and no parental feelings will outweigh his attitude towards you, unless, of course, you leave dishes unwashed in the sink for three days and do not do other things that could offend his aesthetic feelings.

Scorpio man

If you are not a hyper-passionate person who loves all kinds of emotional excesses, and a Scorpio man appears on your way, my advice to you is to flee before it’s too late. Scorpio is something like King Kong.

Despite its cold appearance, it can burn no worse than a red-hot stove. Do you know how long a burn, especially a severe one, hurts? An equally painful unsuccessful contact with Scorpio. You will not be able to recover from it for many weeks, or even months.

But if you are sure that you have an equally passionate nature and also burn protection, take a risk. (Still, other women will someday thank me for connecting their lives with calmer and more reliable signs, for example, Cancer or Capricorn.)

For those who did not find the strength to escape or preferred to remain in the arms of Scorpio, I offer a more detailed introduction so that you can know in advance what awaits you.

If one word could describe this man, then that word would be invincibility. Scorpio cannot be defeated; he will win any battle. Therefore, be careful and try not to provoke him, otherwise it will be worse for you.

Scorpio has a perfectly balanced mind and emotions. And if he is highly intellectual, then his mind is akin to philosophical and is busy searching for the meaning of life.

Scorpio is a sensual nature, loving luxury and prone to excesses: in food, drink, drugs, love. Especially in love. Scorpio seems to be made for her. He strives for her with all his being. The instinctive beginning manifested itself even when he was riding a tricycle. And it doesn’t matter that he looks like Huckleberry Finn, covered in freckles, and does not at all resemble a dangerous seducer. The faster you will find yourself in his power, without even understanding how this could happen.

Scorpio does not allow defeats. Therefore, if he feels that he is not able to bewitch you with his gaze, he will use poison that will paralyze your feelings. At the same time, outwardly he will remain absolutely calm. His favorite manner is complete indifference until he feels that the victim is in his power and he can allow himself to enjoy it to his fullest.

Every Scorpio is his own decree. He usually follows the rules as long as they do not contradict his own ideas, goals and objectives. But as soon as something or someone interferes with Scorpio in the implementation of his plans, he will send everyone to hell, not caring at all about the consequences. Scorpio makes all vital decisions independently; the opinions of friends, relatives, neighbors and even his wife mean as little to him as the opinions of his ill-wishers. Here you may be offended, thinking that he could take your opinion into account. Now try, putting aside the offense, to look at the matter from the other side. Are there many men in the world who are ready to solve complex life problems on their own, without pushing or prompting? It's sad to admit this, but there are few of them. And if your Scorpio is one of those who takes full responsibility, then that's great, isn't it?

In order to respect and love Scorpio even more, it is enough to see him in action when clouds have gathered over him. While other men are panicking, angry, grumbling or simply confused, he rolls up his sleeves and rushes into battle. He does not expect that his life’s path will be strewn with flowers alone, and therefore, when trouble comes, he perceives it not as thunder from heaven, but as the most ordinary everyday situation that must be solved in the same way as all others. Needless to say, with such a wise philosophical view, life turns out to be much simpler and more enjoyable.

Scorpio is very selective in choosing friends and acquaintances. He will not surround himself with people whom he does not love, does not respect, does not appreciate.

Scorpio is not inclined to show his feelings in public. Sometimes you may feel that he is rude, inconsiderate and even cruel. He may even allow himself to laugh at you in front of strangers. Only later, left alone with you, will he admit his true attitude towards you.

If you are a delicate nature, it will be difficult for you and Scorpio. But if you can survive the most acute period of addiction, you yourself will probably melt into a stronger personality. Unlike other men who tell their wives (without taking their eyes off the newspaper) vulgar, ingrained compliments, such as “you’re lovely as always, little fish,” Scorpio will only praise you if you really deserve it. His praise is worth a dozen others.

As for jealousy, this is a very, very difficult question. Scorpio's wife, like Caesar's wife, must

be above suspicion. If you are jealous, it is better to convince yourself that this is not so. You will constantly watch how women hang around his neck. But what can you do about it when he is so irresistibly charming? In such cases, you can only hope that no flattery or other temptations affect him; he has a strong natural immunity against this. Well, did you feel better after my words? Hope so.

Scorpio is an unusually stern father. He will not allow children to be lazy and play around, but will teach them to respect themselves and their property. While they are small, he will fiercely protect them, as he protects everything that he passionately loves. But once they grow up, he will teach them to defend themselves and fight for themselves. Sometimes Scorpio children consider their fathers too domineering and harsh, but only as they grow up do they realize how much they have learned from them and feel gratitude towards them.

As for the Scorpio husband, if you completely trust him and share all his thoughts, he will be attentive, caring, gentle and will repay you for everything with such love that many women can only dream of.

Sagittarius man

I don’t want to disappoint you right away, but Sagittarius are elusive people (both literally and figuratively).

To begin with, Sagittarius is always busy with some kind of business. He either saves someone from trouble, or is in a hurry somewhere, and if he suddenly stands still, then he is certainly not alone, but among the crowd, telling funny stories. Therefore, you need to either run very fast or be able to use your elbows to get close to Sagittarius.

The main quality of Sagittarius is invincible, ineradicable optimism, which stems from the fact that fate too often gives him gifts.

If he goes with a search party in search of gold, he may not find it, but he will accidentally discover a uranium deposit. Hundreds of times you might see something shiny on the sidewalk, lean over and discover that it was just a chewing gum wrapper, while he might come across a diamond ring accidentally dropped by a taxi passenger. Such luck cannot but lead to optimism.

Women often tend to misunderstand the true attitude of Sagittarius, mistaking it for something more serious. Sagittarians are very flighty and amorous. But this does not mean that he is in love for life. More often than not it's just a little hobby. And if the object of his passion, without understanding his true intentions, wants to cling to him, he will either run away, so quickly that she won’t even have time to blink an eye, or he will turn everything into a joke.

But if you are a smart girl whose head exists not only to wear a hat, and if you still want to get him into your network, then I can give you some recommendations on this matter.

Don't be jealous and suspicious. Let him walk on a long leash. Don't ask where he's been, don't throw tantrums, don't whine or threaten to leave him. Give him complete freedom, try to look at the world through his eyes and accept his rules of the game.

Try to be what he wants to see. Stay active. Love sports. Go hiking with him. Get a dog (preferably a big one). Be generous, relaxed and enthusiastic. Let him know that the same spirit of freedom lives in you as in him. Convince him that besides him, you have many other interests in life. Believe me, once he is convinced of this, he will soon tell you that this is exactly the kind of woman he needs. Here you should warm it up a little more. Tell him that you are also not averse to joining your life with him if he continues to undertake not to infringe on your freedom. Otherwise, you will unfortunately have to break up. It would be nice here (you will, of course, have to organize this in advance) if at that moment a phone call from one of your fans rang. Right before Sagittarius's eyes, arrange a date with him. Then, after hanging up the phone and smiling sweetly at your Sagittarius, tell him that no matter what, you will remain friends.

I assure you, soon after this you will become his wife.

Sagittarius, a small lover and admirer of family ties, will not burden you with his relatives, and in return, do not torment him with your relatives.

Having become the wife of a Sagittarius, adhere to the same policy that brought you to the crown. Allow him to spend as many evenings as he wants outside the house. Don't question where he was. If it sometimes starts to boil, let it release steam. Don't listen to gossip, but believe his words.

Sagittarius is a passionate fan, so you will have to watch sports programs on TV with him. If you are pleasant in appearance and have a cheerful disposition, he will invite you to go visit him.

If you have any talents, you can safely demonstrate them to him. This will appeal to him very much. Once you become his wife, don’t give up your books. Sagittarius does not like women with whom there is nothing to talk about. Get ready for the fact that he may criticize you, sometimes not very tactfully. But what can you do, these are the rules of the game.

Sagittarius is almost not interested in small children, but as they grow up, he will pay more and more attention to them. Perhaps, sons are still closer to him, although he will be especially gentle with daughters. Sagittarius enjoys playing sports with children and taking long walks with them. There is only one thing he is always strict about: they must never tell a lie.

As for your behavior after the birth of children, you must firmly remember: as soon as he calls you with him, you should hand over the children to the nanny and go on a hike with him or wherever he invites you.

If you always adhere to the scheme that I have outlined for you, your success in life with Sagittarius is completely guaranteed.

Capricorn man

This man built a stone wall around himself. He is timid, but at the same time strong and strong. Gentle, but terribly ambitious. He seems to prefer being alone. In fact, this is not so. Or rather, not quite like that.

Secretly, he longs for people's approval. In the depths of his Soul, he is an incurable romantic, but Saturn imposes heavy shackles on him, demanding strict discipline, complete calm, practical actions and serious intentions. This is his cross, and he is forced to bear it to the end.

If you were able to turn the stern, stubborn Capricorn inside out, you would see a gentle and cheerful dreamer, longing for a fresh wind that would inflate the sails of his hopes. But, unfortunately, all this will remain hidden somewhere in the recesses of his soul, and on the surface he will be exactly as you know and imagine him. And although what is desired is not the same as what is real, the thought that (without the influence of Saturn) this is inherent in it will help you look at your Capricorn with different eyes.

Capricorns try to assure others that they do not need compliments. In fact, this is not so. Secretly, he longs for people to notice his virtues and merits. It’s just that, being naturally modest, he gets lost when praise is lavished on him. But have you noticed how his ears light up and his eyes shine when he is told something pleasant? He is happy, it’s just that his nature does not allow him to jump to the skies and express delight in a more obvious way.

Capricorn can be likened to a late flower (if such a comparison is at all appropriate). He matures later than his peers, but retains the youth of his soul and body much longer than them. In my opinion, this is one of those advantages that should be discussed in more detail.

Other men, at first, cannot give up boyish habits and grow up for a long time, and then suddenly, almost overnight, they turn into grumpy, dissatisfied old men. For Capricorns it's the other way around. At first they will seem too decorous and decent to you, but their more mature years will not only please you, but will also pleasantly surprise you. In his youth, Capricorn is unlikely to run away with his beloved to Paris, buying all the violets from the Montmartre flower girls and throwing them at her feet; but it is he and no one else who, four or five decades after the wedding, will invite you to India to admire the Taj Mahal glowing in the moonlight, while other husbands will prefer to sit at home by the fireplace, complaining of gout.

If you belong to that breed of unreasonable women who, eating only sandwiches and aperitifs in their youth, spoil their health and then switch to vegetarian cuisine, Capricorn is certainly not your partner. An affair with Capricorn (of course, if it ends in marriage) resembles a traditional, according to all the rules, dinner with dessert at the end.

The process of Capricorn's long-term unfading may naturally make you wary of his infidelity. And this may well happen, both in youth and in adulthood. But, treating the home altar with reverence. Capricorn will give you much less grief in the area of ​​feelings than other signs of the Zodiac. No hobby will ever replace Capricorn's family, wife and children. Family ties are sacred to him. Moreover, this is how he treats not only his own family (wife, children), but also the family in which he grew up (parents, brothers, sisters, etc.).

Not only should you not humiliate or insult his family and friends, you should treat them with respect and attention, even if, in your opinion, they do not deserve it at all. If your relationship with his relatives does not work out well, Capricorn, forced to rush between two fires, will become gloomy and gloomy.

Capricorns who do not immediately dare to take a responsible step, such as marriage, will most likely do this when they receive complete economic independence and can support their family in accordance with their ideas.

Capricorn chooses a wife for a very long time and selectively. Capricorn's chosen one must first of all meet his ideal of the future mother of the family: to be devoted, faithful, loving and patient. Secondly, she must cook well and keep the house in exemplary order. Of no small importance for Capricorn is whether his future wife knows how to dress with taste, whether she has good manners, education and intelligence to make a favorable impression on colleagues and superiors. And only after that will he think about whether his beloved is beautiful and whether he likes her. If you don't have very voluminous hair and don't have the most beautiful legs in the world, don't be upset. For your future Capricorn husband, this is not so important.

If you want to impress him, invite him (or better yet with his mother) to dinner. Moreover, all dishes must be prepared by you yourself and served on the family Wedgwood. When he invites you for a walk, take your little sister with you and be extremely attentive to her. (If you don't have a younger sister, borrow the child from neighbors or friends.) When hanging out with Capricorn, you can sprinkle your speech with French expressions and quotes from classic works from time to time. It doesn't hurt to casually mention that one of your ancestors fought for George Washington at Valley Forge, and your uncle was Henry Ford's right-hand man.

If you strictly follow these tips, the only test left for you is to gain the approval of his family. And as soon as it is received, you can consider yourself a bride.

When dating a Capricorn, you should not dress extravagantly, douse yourself from head to toe in exotic perfumes and behave provocatively, otherwise you may find that your reserved, loving Capricorn fiancé has suddenly disappeared.

Since Capricorn lacks emotionality, he should be raised in this direction from the very beginning. Give him poetry collections, and the more romantic their content, the better. Teach him to be affectionate and show visible signs of love and sympathy towards you. If you do not inspire this in him from the very first days of your life together, do not complain later that he does not tell you about his love. And if you try to reproach him for this, he may object: “I don’t love you? Yes, you're crazy. Don’t you remember what I said when the priest asked me about it on our wedding day?”

It seems to Capricorn that if he supports you, feeds you, waters you, clothes you, and not only you, but also your children, this is already a sufficient manifestation of his true feelings, which do not need verbal confirmation. And if you let him know that you need tender words no less than his care for you, he will be sincerely surprised.

Capricorn is a real father in the classical sense of the word. He demands respect, obedience and strict discipline from children. He, for his part, will be devoted to them to the depths of his soul and is even capable of self-sacrifice. Capricorn fathers do not spoil their children and do not spoil them with permissiveness. The only thing they can be reproached for is being too harsh. But Capricorns make the most wonderful grandfathers in the world. By the time they have grandchildren, they become less strict and sometimes allow babies to sit not only on their laps, but also on their heads.

Capricorns are not those who quickly get married and then repent for a long time. They do the opposite - they take a long time to choose, but if they decide to break up, they do it without regret, at once. Capricorns rarely destroy a family, but if they do, it’s abruptly and irrevocably.

Although Capricorns have everything strictly regulated, from spending money to love, it is with them that you will be reliably insured against any surprises, both emotional, spiritual, and material. If you are not a very passionate person by nature, but a reasonable and calculating person, you may like this very much. While other men will waste their love in their youth, Capricorn will appreciate and love you all his life, no matter how many gray hairs appear in your hair or how many wrinkles appear on your face. And is it really so important that he said the word “love” only once in his life, if it means “I love you forever,” and not for five minutes and not for five years.

Aquarius man

To immediately dot all the i’s, I should warn you that an Aquarius man manifests himself in love completely differently than others.

If it suddenly seems to you that he is acting as if he doesn’t love you at all, then this means that he is simply sad, saying goodbye to the rest of humanity. After all, Aquarius loves everyone, but here he will have to love only you alone, which means that the rest of humanity will undoubtedly suffer from this, and first of all Aquarius himself. After all, he is interested in everyone, literally everything, and because of you, a huge layer of life will remain completely unexplored. There is something to be sad about.

And yet, if you want to get an Aquarius, you should first of all intrigue him. Try to remain an unread book for him. He loves only what is locked behind seven locks, and the more work he has to do to discover secrets, the more secrets, the better. If you pretend that you are indifferent to him (especially at first), his eyes, which were previously wandering around, will open wide and stare directly at you. It's strange, why don't you look at him? What's behind this? True indifference or just a game. These and hundreds of other questions (and you yourself at the same time) will intrigue him until he reveals all your secrets. True, during such “research” you may feel like a guinea pig and run away to more temperamental or simply more earthly fans. Well, this solution might not be such a bad thing.

But if you still decide to stay with Aquarius, then listen to what awaits you.

Aquarius runs away from marriage like the devil from incense. But even if he decides to do this, his marriage will be based only on friendship, and a very long one at that. Aquarius will choose a girl with whom he can talk not only about love, but also (preferably) about the Battle of Waterloo, flying saucers, Dead Sea Scrolls, African aborigines, problems of endangered animals and plants, solve crossword puzzles, etc. Talking is much more important for him more interesting than making love. The ideal of Aquarius is a female friend who will not demand mad love from him and throw scenes of jealousy at him.

Even if you have established a strong friendship with Aquarius, this does not mean that the next step will be an inevitable declaration of love, and then a marriage proposal. In the case of Aquarius, such a state of uncertainty can last not for months, but for years.

After he finally confessed his love to you, he will find a thousand reasons why he cannot marry you now (or in a year). These reasons may be different: he is not able to support you as you deserve; his parents love him so much that they would die if they had to part with him; he is not good enough for you. As soon as you dismiss these reasons, he will immediately lay out others in front of you. The future of the world is very unstable; a nuclear war could break out at any moment. And besides, he could be sent to Alaska for about ten years to study the habits of the local residents. In the meantime, you may catch pneumonia and die, and he will be inconsolable for the rest of his days.

You may think that getting involved with an Aquarius is useless, but it's not all bad. Although belatedly, he is still getting married. But this will happen only after his last friend gets married. Then Aquarius will have a natural interest in marriage as something unknown. How is it that everyone has already tried what it is, but he hasn’t.

And then you will find yourself married faster than you can blink your eye. After all, Aquarius is completely unpredictable in his actions.

It may seem to you that your Aquarius is too cold, and you want to warm him up with jealousy. Absolutely the wrong step in the case of Aquarius. Aquarius is not jealous. If you tell him that you are leaving for someone else, he will calmly say goodbye to you and even wish to remain your friend. Well, won't you be offended? You were expecting a completely different effect. That's why I don't advise you to bet on jealousy. It is better to come to terms with the idea in advance that Aquarius cannot be exactly like this and cannot be anything else.

He himself will never cheat on you, if only because problems of sex do not bother him, but interest him only theoretically.

Love is an integral part of his concept of ideal. Therefore, if it seems to him that your romance lacks perfection, he will immediately break off relations with you. Imperfections include: dissatisfaction with parents on one side or the other, different religions, your not-so-forgotten admirer, and much more.

If, despite everything said above, he marries, take his word for it and give him as much freedom as he sees fit. He needs to continue studying the rest of humanity. Don't suspect him of anything. Most likely he is completely clean in front of you. But if you start interrogating him without believing what he said, he will spin so many tales that you will spend many days raking them through. (After all, Aquarians have such a rich imagination that it is not difficult for them to come up with something, especially incredible.)

Don't be offended when he wants to be alone with himself. This state does not last long, and if you treat it with understanding, he will reward you with warmth and extraordinary frankness.

Aquarius belongs to the breed of people who more often than others achieve great success in life. He has every chance of becoming a Nobel Prize laureate or inventing a time machine.

Your Aquarius cannot be called very generous, and not at all because he is stingy. Rich people rarely come out of Aquarius. If they have money, they will not waste it on mink coats and diamonds. Most likely, they will save them for the occasion when they need to implement some brilliant idea or perform some unexpected act. What if they announce that anyone can fly to Mars, but he doesn’t have enough money to pay for the trip?

Children will at times be simply fascinated by their Aquarius father. Who else, besides him, knows so many nonsenses and can always explain no worse than Humpty Dumpty, and “sniffy shorties” and “zelyuks”, and much more, about which other parents have not the slightest idea.

Don’t forget that your Aquarius needs to be fed on time, make sure his buttons are sewn on, and generally devote all your free time to him. Otherwise, why did he marry you? Do you want an answer? So that you are nearby all the time and he can communicate with you whenever he wants. Believe me, with your Aquarius husband you will have much more fun than gossiping with a dozen friends, watching the most interesting performance and reading the most entertaining magazine. After all, in it you will find any answers to any questions that you have ever asked or will ask in twenty-five years.

Being realistic. Aquarius in one case remains a complete romantic. He always remembers his first love. Therefore, in order not to fade in comparison with her, it is better to be her yourself.

Aquarius may forget your wedding day, but out of the blue he will present you with a bouquet of violets in January. And Christmas can be celebrated with it in June. Have you forgotten that your husband is Aquarius? And as you know, the most incredible things can happen to Aquarius. The main thing is that everything ends as happily as Alice in Wonderland. I sincerely wish this for you.

Pisces men

If your Pisces is the breed that knows when the tide is coming and dives into the highest wave, you are lucky. Most likely, fame and fortune await you ahead.

But if, beyond hope, she is unable to predict the time of the tide, then she may well dive at the moment when the tide has already begun, and you will be forced to splash around in shallow water all your life.

A Pisces man can become everything and nothing. It all depends on how decisive and prudent he is. Pisces cannot be called weak creatures. It's just that some of them indulge in daydreams for too long and miss their chances in life. Let's say, if by the age of twenty-five he is still in doubt about which wave to dive into, your case, frankly speaking, is almost hopeless. Of course, he can decide to take a responsible step at thirty-five, but his chances will be much less . When I say this, I mean the chances of your life together. In any case, he himself will be happy. All he needs is a loaf of bread and a jug of wine. On such a diet, you can successfully continue to indulge in your dreams. However, supporting a wife and children with such an income is very problematic. With this type of man, you have two options: either be a rich heiress, or work two jobs - for yourself and for him.

True, at the same time, you and your Pisces will invariably be happy from a purely emotional side. But, as you know, you won’t get far on emotions alone. The only reasonable way out in this case is to part with Pisces. In the end, even a breakup is better than a life spent in fruitless dreams of the future.

Now let's talk about other Pisces, those who managed to dive deep in time. This type can be considered a godsend for any woman. After all, you always have hope that your husband will turn out to be Albert Einstein or George Washington. In the first case, he can often work on Sundays, and in the second, returning home, he can continue to discuss problems of high politics with you, but, as you know, there are no people without shortcomings. And these shortcomings are by no means the worst, because despite them he will give you fame and wealth, and maybe both. The Pisces man is completely devoid of any prejudices. He is always able to take the side of any person and will never judge anyone. An excellent quality, especially if the person he will always understand is your mother.

Friends of Pisces often confide their secrets to him, sometimes very unpleasant and even shocking. But Pisces reliably keeps secrets (of course, if he is asked to do so). True, by chance, if he was not warned about this, Pisces may spill the beans for the simple reason that he does not suspect that such information can be used out of malicious intent.

Pisces are so sensitive to the affairs and problems of others that you should somewhat protect him from annoying friends and neighbors out of pure compassion for him. Before you cry into your Pisces vest, think about the fact that he will take your sorrows as close to his heart as if they were his own. To recover from emotional overstrain, Pisces need solitude and long rest.

Pisces are very easy to offend. Remember this constantly.

Many Pisces show interest in everything unusual: yoga, Zen Buddhism, astrology, palmistry, the theory of rebirth and other occult sciences. They make good mediums. Possessing the gift of seeing through people, Pisces are rarely deceived about people's true intentions. You will never be able to deceive Pisces.

But they themselves sometimes like to make things up (just like Gemini). True, this deception is completely harmless. For example, he went for cigarettes, or he may tell you that he went to the dry cleaners. Why is he doing this? He himself doesn’t know. It’s just nice for him to have his own little secrets, with them he feels much more confident. And since this doesn’t affect you in any way, why not let him?

Pisces are almost not jealous, but even if they are jealous, they hide it well (remember their amazing acting skills?). Your own jealousy also needs to be hidden deeper, and if you are a possessive person by nature, then it is better not to get a Pisces husband. After all, Pisces is so sympathetic to everyone that you will not be able, no matter how hard you try, to make him not notice the other half of humanity.

When he is in a gloomy mood, try (putting aside all household chores) to entertain him. For this purpose, it is best to invite him to the theater or to an exhibition. There, among the paintings dear to his heart or his favorite actors, he will perk up again.

Father Pisces is just a gift for children. Who else can they play Thumb or the Wolf and the Seven Little Goats with? From whom else can they learn to stand on their heads or read fate based on the lines of their hand? Take my word for it, there are no better fathers in nature.

Of all the signs of the Zodiac, Pisces are the most scattered and uncollected. But don't be afraid of it. You’re not scared by the sight of an unpacked suitcase with things laid out around it. Your task in such cases is to collect, fold your things and fasten your suitcase tightly. So it is with Pisces. Help him get ready and tighten his belts, then he will serve you faithfully throughout your entire life journey.

Give him a dream for breakfast, a witty joke for lunch and Chopin for dinner, and he will give you the whole world, and not only the one that is, but also the one that was a long time ago, and the one that will be tomorrow.

Love works wonders in our lives. And each of us wants to find that person who will be with us in sorrow and joy. Sometimes we choose the wrong people, and so that we make fewer mistakes, we can rely on one more selection criterion - which zodiac signs are suitable for each other.
Not all women know which is the best husband according to their zodiac sign and how signs behave in marriage. The presented rating will help you understand the psychology of relationships and see new facets in your chosen ones.

In 12th place are Gemini:

  • Husbands from these signs turn out to be a little strange. He may turn out to be a creepy slob with strange hobbies. He may get a mistress and spend the money you earn.
  • Among the positive qualities - divine sex and he himself is a very charismatic person.

11th place is occupied by Pisces:

  • The biggest disadvantage of Pisces is the desire for everything at once. Very rarely can they make their own decisions. If you are ready to be your partner and mother and wife, the union can exist.
  • The undoubted advantage of this sign is loyalty to his wife.

In 10th place is Sagittarius:

  • If you want romance, tenderness, care, Sagittarius will not give it to you. Getting bored, he can take a mistress and go to her.
  • For those women who, like Sagittarius, have a cold attitude towards romance, such a man is perfect.

Scorpio deservedly takes 9th place:

  • If your opinions do not coincide, it will be difficult.
  • If you always agree with Scorpio on everything, it will be heaven. He will create the perfect relationship for you.
  • Inspiration is very important for this sign.

In 8th place is Cancer:

  • The problem with this sign is that in society he is the ideal husband who earns “millions” for his family. But as soon as you return home, all his passion disappears and he is only enough to lie on the sofa and watch TV.
  • Please note that if he does not do this, then he is lying on the couch in another woman's house.

Aries takes 7th place:

  • In the wrong hands, he becomes selfish, rude, and a brawler.
  • If you are married and are going to leave for a couple of days, prepare a refrigerator full of food, iron your clothes, in general, create all the conditions so that your Aries husband does not turn your apartment into a trash heap, and himself and your children into slobs.
  • However, in wise and feminine hands, he will be an ideal family man. You just need to be patient.

6th place belongs to Aquarius:

  • If you are ready to take on all the pressing problems that the Aquarius man does not like to solve, the marriage will last a long time.
  • This sign is attentive, easy to communicate, a little flighty, but in most cases faithful to its partner.

Taurus is in 5th place:

  • Taurus are ideal husbands. They will do everything they can for their family to provide comfort and love. Loyal to their partners, caring fathers.
  • Disadvantages include excessive calmness and boredom. If you are willing to put up with it, it will be a perfect marriage.

4th place goes to Libra:

  • Romantic, devoted, caring and loving husbands. Even after living together for more than one year, at any opportunity he will tell you about his love and give you sweet gifts.
  • Just like Gemini, he is the god of sex, but at the same time he is faithful only to his partner.
  • Of the minuses: he does not like to help with cleaning and washing dishes.

Capricorn is firmly in 3rd place:

  • If you are not afraid of competitors, marry him. Honest, devoted, loving, charming, sweet, and also attractive - just the dream of any woman. And other people's women will always look at him.
  • There is only one drawback - Capricorn is never in a hurry to part with his freedom. But once he gets married, he will live his entire life with one partner.

2nd place belongs to Leo:

  • Let's make a reservation that this sign loves rare beauties and marries only them.
  • The “father-daughter” scheme always prevails in relationships. He looks after his wife like a child and throws all the privileges of this world at her feet.

And finally, Virgo deservedly takes 1st place:

  • Virgo husbands are ideal life partners.
  • They cook, clean, help, earn good money and are well mannered.
  • They always treat their wife and children with care. They cope well with pressing problems.
  • They may fall in love out of pity - most likely this is a minus.

We choose a husband according to the horoscope. When choosing a soul mate, we rely on the personal qualities and material wealth of our loved one; a horoscope will help those who are completely confident in their future husband.

Choosing a husband based on your horoscope sign

Relationships between men and women - preface. An ancient legend says that man was once a bisexual creature. Strong and powerful, he did not need anything other than power, and therefore encroached on the power of the gods themselves. The Supreme God, angry at man’s self-will, divided him into two parts, and since then, every half-human, called man or woman, is doomed to wander the world in search of his own half, which belongs only to him...

Your one and only man. Sooner or later in a woman's life the day comes when she meets her King and Master. But unlike Eve, who, perhaps fortunately, had no choice, modern women, when getting married, strive to enlist the support of the luminaries so that the union does not fall apart.

But they are not very interested in the fact that, let’s say, Hans Christian Andersen, Johann Sebastian Bach, Bismarck, Charles Chaplin, Sergei Prokofiev and many others were born under the sign of Aries. It’s also not very interesting that the Aries man’s attitude towards love is amazing. He gives himself to his beloved with all ardor, sincerely believing that this is the only love.

In love, Aries is a pure idealist and is so sentimental that he will not let a single breath, glance or word of yours pass without shrouding your relationship in a haze of sublimity. None of the other zodiac signs are as faithful in love as Aries.

But this brilliant characteristic will only interest those for whom Aries “suits”. They will prefer to choose the ambivalent, timid and unpredictable Pisces or Gemini if ​​the horoscope with them promises harmony and peace. Moreover, there are many signs who are not at all inclined towards marriage, and it is very difficult to lure, for example, Sagittarius into family networks. Maybe that’s why Sagittarians get divorced so often, preferring informal relationships to the ties of Hymen.

Let us trust the knowledge of astrologers to make sure that the beloved one who appears is exactly the wandering soul mate that we have so often dreamed of.

Husband according to the horoscope is Aries

(March 21 – April 20) The Aries husband may look younger than he actually is. He grows up quite late, impatient, brave, self-confident, always ahead, generous, distributing sympathy even to strangers, but at the same time he can be completely unbearable, selfish and demanding when his desires are not fulfilled. When it comes to love, he dives into it, confident that no one has ever had such a one and only feeling.

Aries will never admit that he is wrong. After the breakup, he will be able to start a new relationship with you, but for this you will need to try very hard.

If you decide to cheat on him, be prepared to break up immediately. He will not forgive you even for an interested glance towards another man. He must be the first in everything.

He denies any power over himself and feels superior to other people. But behind his outwardly aggressive and self-confident behavior lies an inferiority complex that he will never admit. So it has to be supported gently, then you will succeed. Don't make the mistake of agreeing with his enemy, don't try to be fair by proving him wrong. You must love what he loves and hate what he hates. If this doesn't suit you, look for another man.

He doesn't like to play. Do not pester him, do not express your feelings until you are sure that the passion is mutual. The fastest way to lose him is to be the first to say how you feel. Love with Aries is complicated, sometimes you even have to be an actress - not to run after him, but not to run too far, to be a little mysterious, but still he must know that we love him.

Husband according to the horoscope is Taurus

(April 21 – May 21) The Taurus husband is an earthly, sensitive person. It takes him a long time to decide if he wants something. He doesn’t want to dive into the pool of romance and discover mid-flight that they forgot to add water. A typical Taurus will never promise you a castle in the air: he will bring you a project of a real house, into which he will introduce you as the mistress. This type of man is for women who prefer tangible values.

However, getting along with a Taurus is not easy. To achieve this, a woman must first polish her behavior. No Taurus will tolerate a woman with a loud voice and rude manners. If you have your own opinion, do not try to express it to a Taurus in public. An emancipated woman is not suitable for him. The most reasonable behavior with a Taurus man is gentle compliance and “keeping your mouth shut.”

And don’t even think about complaining about him or making jokes about him: with all his restraint, he won’t stand it. But you shouldn’t stick to it like a grapevine. He is too practical and loves his freedom to allow a woman to encroach on it. When his manhood is safe, no one can handle him with kindness, tenderness and tolerance. He will do anything for the woman he loves.

But before making a choice, Taurus will look closely at you for a long time. It takes him a while to realize that he needs you. He is going through a long and difficult divorce and is even more looking for a new girlfriend.

The financial side of life with a Taurus is always excellent: he rarely spares money and nevertheless always thinks about tomorrow's well-being. He works a lot, so he needs rest. Being tired can become unbearable. He's usually lazy at home, but don't scold him for it. Taurus cannot be pushed or rushed. His home should be cozy and quiet. Take care of him, and your life with Taurus will be happy.

Gemini husband by horoscope

(May 22 – June 21) The Gemini husband can go to the store on Monday to buy salt and return home only on Wednesday. Don’t be offended by him and don’t be upset if he brought you matches instead of salt. Falling in love with a Gemini means insuring yourself against loneliness and boredom. There will always be, as it were, two people with you, and both are he, your chosen one. You will never know where he is at the moment and when he will return.

Love with a Gemini man can be easy and pleasant only if you don’t try to get too close to him and don’t hang around his neck before every time he leaves for work. Accept that there is some mysterious essence in him that he does not reveal to anyone. Take this lightly and calmly. Don't bother him.

But a silent mouse won’t suit him either. He needs, first of all, an intellectual duel; do not rebel against his fickleness - change with him, and your original romance can become long-lasting. He may confess his love to you today, but not show up for a date tomorrow. If you get over this and forgive him, a few days later he will propose to you again, and then express his belief that you cannot be happy together. Before you marry a Gemini, make sure you are able to live with constant mystery and uncertainty.

Husband according to the horoscope Cancer

(June 22 – July 22) Don’t expect a Cancer man to bare his soul to you at the first meeting. He never trusts strangers. It will take a lot of time and patience to truly get to know him. His caution will amaze you, and his pessimism will make a depressing impression. He may be very attentive to you, and you will decide that he is a romantic dreamer, but if you look closely, you will see the rationality and practicality of any action.

Remember: Cancer's manners may be rough, but their hearts are kind. The typical Cancer adores his mother. Therefore, if you fall in love with a Cancer, you will have to, on the one hand, put his mother on a pedestal, and on the other, constantly compete with her. Although Cancer can easily flirt, it takes him a lot of time to have a serious feeling, since it is not easy for him to find a woman who meets his ideal.

Cancer is a wonderful father: he is proud of his sons and protects his daughters. But when the children grow up, difficulties may arise, since he would like his children to be attached to him forever and stay with him forever.

Horoscope husband Leo

(July 23 – August 23) There must always be an audience in front of him. Become her for him - and you will enjoy constant favor. It's easy to lure him into an affair if you play it right: flatter him, adore him, and respect him.

An affair with Leo will never be without trouble. He will tell you what to wear, how to comb your hair, what books to read, what friends are right for you. He will definitely need to know why you went to the store for fifteen minutes and returned an hour later, who you met on the street and what they told you. He will ask you what you think about when you look out the window.

After all, you may be thinking about another man! Never forget the strength of his impulsive character. Trying to excite him with random flirting is very stupid: he already knows that others desire you. Be ready to always balance his enthusiasm with a calm mind, learn to calm him down when he dumps his problems of enormous proportions on you. You need to have stability to balance out his pride. If you don't have this quality, your love will turn into a battle. You will constantly quarrel and make up.

When choosing a Leo man, forget about your career, he is your career! Married for love, your Leo husband will be kind and gentle with you, provided that everything in the house revolves around him. Leo is usually too lazy to chase pretty faces, especially if he has already found a wife capable of running his household.

Despite their natural gentleness, Leos are insensitive to the experiences of others. They are so preoccupied with themselves that they can be cruel in their frankness and tactlessness. Leos rarely have large families, they are wonderful fathers, but you should not pay more attention to your children than to your husband. Whether he is good-natured or dangerous, generous or selfish, Leo believes that he deserves the role of master of the situation. And we must admit that he achieves success everywhere.

Husband according to Virgo horoscope

(August 24 – September 23) Don't pin your hopes on a Virgo man if your heart is drawn to romantic feelings. A love affair with a Virgo will put you on cold ground and can cause a lot of pain. Such a man lives entirely on a practical, material level. The expression of love for him comes down to endless affection for family, friends and those who are weaker than him. He was born with an intense love of work, duty, discipline.

He always strives for honest, clean and decent relationships. But it is very difficult to hurt his emotions. Be patient. Success will come to the one who knows how to wait. His love will burn with an even flame, without gusts or outbursts, and this love will give you a feeling of warmth and reliability for many years. There is only one romantic quality in the love of a Virgo man - he can wait for years for a reciprocal feeling from his chosen one.

Self-discipline is a characteristic feature of the Virgo man. If he decided something, it was final. He does not tolerate ignorance and stupidity, as well as dirt and vulgarity. He is looking for a wife, not a mistress. He does not have strong paternal feelings and will not take his responsibilities seriously. With a Virgo man, you can safely hope for a stable future.

Husband according to the horoscope Libra

(September 24 – October 23) Libra men are usually pleasant people, friendly, with a light and clear mind. He always has a ready solution to all your problems. His habit of rationalizing everything, including love, can drive you crazy. But it can be so pleasant and gentle that you will forget about all the annoying flaws.

His behavior is full of contradictions. Life with him is unlikely to be smooth and calm. A big difficulty for him is making a decision, and even having made it, he can change it without warning if he realizes that he has made a mistake. In a love story, Libra has achieved such perfection that it has surpassed Scorpio, Leo and Taurus.

A Libra man can conquer almost any woman. However, having acquired it, he does not always know what to do with it next. Having charmed, he begins to hesitate. He will not lose interest in women until he is 90 years old. If he is happily married, it may be a selfless interest, but love itself will never tire of him.

He hates quarrels, troubles, complications. More than anything in the world, he values ​​peace. He is loved in society for his courtesy, kindness, cheerful and good-natured character. If you keep yourself and your home in order, you will one day realize that your husband is a wonderful person.

Husband according to horoscope Scorpio

(October 24 – November 22) If you've fallen in love with a Scorpio and the word “passion” scares you, put on your sneakers and run as fast as if the devil himself is chasing you. So it is: Scorpio is passionate in everything - in friendship, politics, work, love. Scorpio will amaze you with its duality: it combines reason and passion, intellect and emotions. He's more than smart. Scorpio will never allow his wife to dictate anything to him; an intelligent wife will simply kindly and tenderly ask him; he will do everything for his beloved.

He is a man, She is a woman. However, with a wife who understands him, he will be gentle and attentive, repaying her with such loyalty and love that other women have read about only in novels. Don't try to resist this man: if he decides that he needs you, he will still hypnotize you. A woman must be very brave to live with him and not break. Hold on tight so as not to fall, and open your eyes wider - you will see a horizon that is inaccessible to timid women.

Sagittarius horoscope husband

(November 23 – December 21) His imagination can get him into a lot of trouble, but fate always helps him. He does not like dishonesty and always looks for the true value in a person. People who listen to his frank remarks may be offended, but, as a rule, they understand that his intentions are good-natured.

The sin of Sagittarius is his tactlessness and inattention, but not deliberate cruelty. His speech is as direct as a symbolic arrow. Women often misunderstand the attitude of Sagittarius men towards them. They think their relationship is more serious than it really is. They hope that he wants strong connections, while he only wants an easy relationship, maybe even platonic.

He loves to flirt, but he wants more than just sex. Variety attracts him. If he sees that a woman is beginning to become firmly attached to him, then he tries to turn everything into a joke. Sagittarius thinks with both heart and mind. And he doesn’t always act wisely on this. He stumbles and falls, gets up and tries to start over. But you will forgive him almost everything, because he is gifted with a great gift - to love honestly.

Husband according to the horoscope Capricorn

(December 22 – January 20) Striving for perfection, Capricorn men choose their wives very carefully. They need a woman who will be a good mother and an excellent housewife, who will dress beautifully and tastefully, who will be smart and well-educated. But beauty and physical compatibility are not so important to him. The main thing for you is to please his family.

You can call him father with a capital letter. He always sits at the head of the table, demanding respect, unquestioning obedience and submission. In response to this, he will pay with affection and self-sacrifice. Most of Capricorn's marriages are strong, but if he made a mistake, he may get divorced, although divorce terrifies him.

Your Capricorn will cover you on a rainy day, protect you from loneliness and blows of fate. Any reasonable woman would appreciate such affection. Let him not be an ardent lover, looking at you with sparkling eyes and whispering passionate words. He is a strong man with a soft heart. And even when his hair turns gray and his face becomes covered with wrinkles, for him you will remain the same woman to whom he once said: “I love you.”

Husband's horoscope is Aquarius

(January 21 – February 18) You should know that the Aquarius man is reserved and modest, and does not like to burden others with requests. His life may be unhappy, but it is never gray and monotonous. He will have everything - wealth and poverty, success and disaster, hobbies and disappointments. He has many strange relationships, both in love and in friendship. And until you get married, for him, no matter how hard it is to admit, you are another experiment.

He can be very gentle and soft, but you should remember that his superficial calm is just a mirage. An angry Aquarius is capable of completely shocking actions. And what’s especially unpleasant is that you can forgive him for this. Don't do something stupid like that, at least more than once. The most unpleasant character trait of Aquarius is his negative attitude towards marriage. He tries to delay it as long as possible.

As for his fidelity in the physical plane, here you can be relatively calm: sex does not consume him. This is not at all what he lives for. If he thinks that you don’t suit him in some way, he will abruptly break off the relationship. And the worst thing is that he will never explain the reason for the breakup.

There will be times when you won't know where he is or with whom, even after you've gotten married. Consider that this is just a tribute to curiosity, interest in people, even if a woman is involved. If you want the truth, you can ask a direct question and he will answer it sincerely. Don't be offended when he is in a gloomy mood and prefers to be alone at such moments. He will return.

Despite his clumsiness in love, he can unexpectedly say good things about his feelings. Having forgotten your wedding anniversary, you may bring a bouquet of violets in January for no reason. He may remain silent for weeks, and then say only a few words, but such that your heart will flutter with happiness. With him you will see rainbows at night, celebrate birthdays at dawn, light candles on pies... After all, you married an Aquarius and live in a wonderland. But be careful – it’s so easy to get lost in Wonderland...

Husband according to Pisces horoscope

(February 19 – March 20) The Pisces man has great spiritual subtlety with a developed skeptical mind. If your Pisces man knows his tide and is not lazy to rush into this stream, then you will be happy like no one else, fame and fortune await you. But if he did not notice the beginning of the tide and missed it, then being stranded can lead to big troubles. Remember that he is very sensitive and can be easily offended. He needs to know that his virtues are highly valued by those he loves. Encourage him constantly.

He may say he went out to buy cigarettes when in fact he was in the laundromat. Why? No one can explain this, not even himself. This way of hiding himself gives him pleasure and gives work to his rich imagination. He will not have outbursts of jealousy. If there are reasons for her, he will pretend not to notice anything.

But this is a man, despite his poetic nature, and he needs loyalty. But you will have to control your jealousy, since he has many close friends of both sexes. They will turn to him for sympathy, sometimes at inopportune times.

He admires beauty and enjoys looking at the beautiful legs of strangers, but try not to pay attention to it. And your reward will be a gentle husband, a romantic lover and an attentive interlocutor.

Children will have a lot of fun with it. For them, he is a book of fairy tales come to life. In love, he needs constant confirmation of feelings and faith. Try to support him with a happy family life.

The zodiac sign under which we were born largely determines our character for the rest of our lives. In the same way, it determines the character of our partner. That is why the zodiac signs under which he and she were born influence their entire future life together.

So, if astrology is not your last priority, you should pay attention to its “star”.

Aries is a good father and lover

If Aries is calm and self-confident in marriage, then he will become a protector, loving, faithful husband and father, and a good lover. Aries born in the year of the Dog (faithful dog) and in the year of the Pig (heart of gold) are especially reliable. But still, the stability of married Aries is under threat more than that of other signs.

Aries like to brag about their achievements and exaggerate them, to command their partner. If a woman is morally strong, impulsive or ill-mannered by nature and begins to contradict, and he is a leader by nature, then conflicts, even over trifles, cannot be avoided. Let him blow off some steam. You can't argue with Aries - he doesn't hear you and can offend you, even if he later regrets it. Aries fires up quickly and calms down quickly. Aries wives, remember that peace in the home and happiness in family life depend only on your tact, patience and love.

Taurus is a good owner and a faithful husband

Taurus people do well in marriage and family life. They are peace-loving, cannot stand shouting and quarrels, although they can be stubborn, capricious over little things and lazy, but on the whole they are patient, careful and pliable. Taurus loves home comfort, good food and is ready to arrange the house and garden themselves.

Taurus fathers are usually affectionate parents who care for their children warmly, although they can be a bit dictatorial towards them. Exclusive owners of their woman, they will not tolerate deception, affairs or flirting on the side. Relationship disharmony and instability are not for them. Adultery is not forgiven and will definitely destroy a marriage. Taurus goes through the hell of jealousy, despondency and does not want any reconciliation; he may fall into alcohol addiction, “Don Juanism” or deep depression.

Gemini is a fickle analyst, subject to moods.

There is a certain coolness in the nature of Gemini; a moment of mood is often mistaken for high feelings by both the Gemini themselves and their partners.

Gemini is a cold-blooded sign. First, the desire to learn new things pushes them into a love adventure, and then their sophisticated intellect begins to analyze everything, compare all the pros and cons, and ponder the thoughts, words and actions of their partner. If this is unprofitable for him, he is transferred to a new target. Therefore, in their youth they are fickle, and in adulthood they divorce.

A Gemini wife in her late forties may ask: “My husband suddenly packed up his things and left for another woman. He will return?" Most likely, the triangle situation will drag on for a long time. When Gemini decides to leave the family, he does not have the patience to sort things out and wait for a divorce. He prefers to simply disappear, he may lie. So does this mean that men of the Gemini sign are completely unreliable and should not be in a relationship with them at all? Of course not! After all, they are not polygamous, do not strive for infidelity, and prefer one woman. You just need to know their main features and take them into account.

Cancer is an attractive but very mysterious man

Just as the Moon changes its phases, people born under the sign of this planet are changeable, and their behavior depends on circumstances and mood.

Developed intuition, the ability to carry on a conversation and be a friend allow Cancers to win a girl. But the femininely romantic and sensual Cancers, behind the facade of external charm, childish naivety and enthusiasm, hide the ambitious nature of a man who is aggressive in his demands. They are not created for marriage, because they strive to suppress others.

Leo - reliable protection, happiness and prosperity

The king of beasts is characterized by power, ambition and pride. He is only angry when he is hungry or when someone decides to encroach on his territory. But few people can dare to do this, so Leo is usually calm and kind.

Leos are the children of the Sun. Their ruling planet gives them energy, strength and health. Their motto is I intend and I do. Their modus operandi is to produce offspring, wealth, happiness and development. Both the Sun and Leo symbolize the masculine type of behavior that magnetically attracts women.

Virgo - practical, reliable and constant

Virgos usually get married after a long courtship, subjecting their beloved to many tests, after which they fall in love with her forever.

Virgos in marriage require their partners and children to live in a disciplined manner. In the family, everything is assigned an exact time and place, everything must be in “virgin” order, but the Virgo husband himself gives his all. After all, such a man chose you to serve you. He will provide for his family well and will be faithful. Cheating on his wife can turn his character around, and the thirst for love will turn into a thirst for revenge. Provided that his wife is attentive to him and friendly, he becomes an excellent family man.

Libra - in search of spiritual love

Libra is ruled by marriage. Libras in marriage are the best husbands who provide for the family well, create an atmosphere of harmony, and are good fathers. They often rely on women to achieve success and purpose. Libras need stability more than other signs and rarely get divorced.

There may be some dissatisfaction on the part of the wife, since Libras in marriage soon get tired of the physical aspect of the relationship (they are more concerned with the spiritual component), and after the romantic period, frequent caresses and regular intimacy begin to strain them over time. Everything can be fine in your married life if you do not require your husband to constantly pretend to be a passionate lover and allow him to freely engage in social activities or his hobbies.

If a husband suddenly has a casual affair on the side, it is only because he cannot say “no” to anyone. It will end for him rather with a feeling of guilt and repentance.

Scorpio is the most passionate lover

Scorpios in marriage meaningfully choose a woman who is mentally compatible. They guard their home like a fortress, provide for their family and are excellent fathers, although they can be overly harsh. However, extramarital affairs are not uncommon among Scorpios. They perceive sex on the side as an area of ​​human relations independent of marriage, but they will never allow casual love affairs to threaten the family and, having gotten married, do not allow the thought of divorce. You will say that this is immoral, that they are selfish. Maybe you are right. But nature created them that way.

The sexual appetites and possibilities of Scorpios are unlimited. In addition, sex restores his strength to continue working for the good of the family. If his wife understands this, then he will appreciate her even more. Dear wives, think better about how to please your beloved Scorpio in marriage. Give him enough sex, but don't do it too quickly.

In his youth, Scorpio loves soft light, romantic music and the aroma of perfume. Later - bright light, mirrors and a well-groomed, clean body. A wife must be careful, devoted and faithful in everything. Scorpios are possessive, don't give them a reason to doubt you. Don't insult: he will remember and take revenge. Remember that Scorpio can have outbursts of unexpected aggression, when he can take it out on you. Don't react violently. In his race for success, he is simply exhausted physically and mentally today. You better get him a bath. Tomorrow he will forget his troubles and will be grateful to you. Don't bear a grudge against him.

Sagittarius - shoots in all directions

In love, Sagittarius is known as a seeker of adventure, adventure and pleasure, as a fickle fire that will burn and disappear everything. You will notice and distinguish him in any crowd. As a rule, Sagittarius is dressed in high-quality, well-cut and sewn clothes and carries himself confidently. He flirts with everyone and can talk about any topic: philosophy, science, politics, religion. He will choose a girl who is bright, different from others: a beauty or a smart girl, the best student or an informal girl, an Asian or an African, etc. If you fall under the spell of his unconventionality, remember that he can disappear after a very short affair as suddenly as he appeared.

Sagittarians are delighted with sexual adventures, and they like not so much sex as a change of partner. Experiencing intimacy, they sincerely believe in love, give their all, but soon sad, tender memories remain from the meeting. Sagittarians are rarely found in marriage: it is believed that they are not created for a long-term union. Their goals in life are varied, but their goal will never be serving a woman.

Sagittarians marry when they come to the conclusion that the ideal friend does not exist, and choose intellectual communication or tolerance and comfort. The wife must create an atmosphere of prosperity and ease of communication. She should not only be able to improve his opinion of herself, but also run the household well.

Sagittarius in marriage will be an excellent protector, provider and father. He can be romantic, noble, if there is motivation. At the same time, connections on the side are commonplace. Sometimes a husband confesses to his wife that he has been unfaithful, and the wife agrees to such a relationship. One can only be amazed at the talent and ability of Sagittarius to achieve their goals and force others to live by their rules.

Capricorn is a reliable friend

Do you want to marry a stable and reliable husband? Choose Capricorn! Such men are simple, honest and reliable, like the earth itself.

Capricorns fall in love with difficulty, but they love deeply, although they do not know how to express their feelings. If a Capricorn man has chosen his one and asked her to marry, he will always remain faithful and is unlikely to get divorced - and he has a strong craving for home, family and stability. These men retain their charm and freshness until old age. So you will never be ashamed to go out with your beloved man.

Aquarius is a freedom-loving husband

Aquarius in marriage is a faithful and devoted husband. Among the men of this sign there are quite a lot of monogamous people. He will provide for his family, help relatives, and will always find a way to earn enough money. Often he works all his life for the benefit of his family. He trusts his wife, does not control her, does not force her to change. Even in quarrels he makes compromises. You can always come to an agreement with him. Even if he leaves a woman, he is ready to maintain friendly relations and help for a long time.

However, Aquarians have the highest rate of divorce. They leave him because they consider him selfish. They believe that he does more for others than for his family. Aquarius is always busy, and loved ones do not always know where he is and what he is doing now. Aquarius leaves his home when a woman tries to "pin him up her skirt." Life, even in a golden cage, is not for him. He silently and for a long time prepares his release, but at one fine moment he simply disappears in an unknown direction without saying a word.

Pisces are a sensual nature and a devoted partner.

Love for a woman in the life of Pisces men occupies no less place than self-realization. Boys of this sign mature early and fall in love platonically: with a high school student, a teacher, an unattainable girl. Love comes to them secretly, grows imperceptibly, and more often the lover does not dare to open his feelings for a long time, but cherishes the dream alone. Having matured, Pisces men can also love on the highest spiritual level, with dreams and poems, with prayers or an easel and brush in hand. Feelings overwhelm them, Pisces’ speeches drive them crazy, they consider their beloved to be an ideal, they tolerate and forgive shortcomings.

But among Pisces there are also men who do not love at all, preferring a variety of sexual pleasures, or “men who collect women.” But even in this case, they respect, value and protect the items in their collection. And if Pisces cannot make a decision and understand whether to leave, leave or return, then they will silently move away. They are not conquerors - they will not win you from their rival and will not create scenes of jealousy either, preferring to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their beloved. Your fish will flash its silver fin and swim away. And who is happy in this case? No one. Both are wounded. Pisces love can be heaven or hell. Would you risk this? Then go ahead - help him conquer you.