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Do you need higher education to... Is higher education necessary for a happy life?

Is education necessary today? ? Surprisingly, we hear this phrase more and more often these days. And not only because much attention is now paid to the levels and quality of education.

Modern youth are increasingly thinking about a prosperous life and a dignified old age. And even though many teenagers are not used to making conscious decisions at that age (sometimes they even make serious mistakes), sometimes they may not think about a plan “ahead,” but it is still worth doing. And why?

Why do you need higher education, and is it possible to live without it? Let's try to figure it out.

Is it possible to realize oneself in life without higher education?

The choice of each person is unique, everyone arranges their own life. Now there are rumors that you can be realized in this life without higher education. What are those rumors? It is enough to enter the importance of higher education into the search engine, and we will see that now it is still possible to work without it. But is it? Actually, not really. This rumor appeared a long time ago; you should not blindly believe that without a higher education you will be able to get a decent and well-paid job. Of course there are exceptions. Even without counting those people who got a job thanks to influential or wealthy relatives, there are people with talent and skills at the highest level. But where is the confirmation of this? Nowadays, employers give preference to people who have a higher education diploma.

“If you don’t have a brain, even 5 higher educations won’t help you”

Quite a strange joke, but there is truth in it. Why give up higher education if you have a thirst for knowledge, a desire to find a good job and natural talent? A diploma of higher education will confirm your knowledge and skills in this specialty. Judge for yourself: you need to entrust an important job to one of two workers: one of them knows his job, and the second person is a mystery, it is unknown what he is capable of. Any boss, of course, will choose a more qualified employee, because why should he take risks? The bottom line is that higher education is not necessary, but getting a prestigious job with help is much easier.


It is also important to highlight that at present education is just a formality. You often find people with higher education working for pennies, or vice versa. But an important advantage here is your skill and understanding of your specialty. Do you have these qualities? Then completing college and obtaining a higher education will help you in your career growth! Entrepreneurs always take care of “valuable” workers. It is enough to prove yourself, you will become in demand as a representative of your specialty, and thereby ensure your career growth. The fact is that your boss will help you if he does not want to lose a highly qualified worker with a higher education. But don’t forget about diligence: without it nothing will come of it.

Own business

Many students also dream of their own personal business. This is also an option for making good money on the right conditions and on your own “soil”. But few people realize that most entrepreneurs with their own businesses have higher education. And it is very important here! Building a strong business that will not bankrupt you and will begin to make a profit even in the first couple of years will be difficult for a person who has not graduated from college . IMPORTANT:Here we are talking specifically about a diploma of higher education! If a person does not have talent or desire, then nothing will help him. Higher education here will only simplify the process of starting a business and its development.


Here we will talk about the difference in education, and specifically about higher and secondary – vocational. It is enough to understand that since 2004, secondary education has been increasingly being “diluted” with the school curriculum. In this case, we are being prepared to pass exams, and not to obtain a future profession and skills in the field of interest to us. In all kinds of institutes, by decree of the Ministry of Education, increasing attention is being paid to the ability of future workers to take advantage of the acquired knowledge.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Long learning time. Indeed, for some specialties, five years of study is too much. However, you just have to come to terms with this.
  • Sessions and nerves. Of course, sessions are also present during secondary education, but the requirements for higher education are more stringent, and therefore the sessions are more painful.
  • Lack of skills. There is nothing to add here: a higher education diploma is of no use if a person cannot work in his profession. In this case, “With a higher education for six thousand rubles” will come out.


  • Advantage when applying for a higher level job. It was written above that the employer will choose a person who understands his profession.
  • Opportunity for rapid career growth. With the appropriate skills, you can easily become a boss yourself.
  • The opportunity to easily grow your business. A business can be founded without a diploma, but again, an entrepreneur with a higher education will have an advantage.


Higher education will significantly spoil your nerves and will take a lot of time (depending on the qualification you choose). At times, many people will also have problems understanding their profession. However, it's worth it. A higher education diploma will give you undoubted advantages in the future and will ensure you climb the career ladder. In addition, now is the time: without a higher education, it will be difficult to get even the simplest job, not to mention the legal fields. It turns out that the importance of higher education in the modern world is quite difficult to overestimate.

Are you wondering: is higher education necessary today? You will find answers and a useful video to this question here!

Until about 15 years ago, people, having higher education, were very highly valued by both employers and society.

No one doubted the abilities of people with higher education; it was believed that if they had it, then this specialist was of the highest level. While, higher education could only get two categories of people: smart and.

What is happening now is very sad!

To date higher education— DISAPPRECIATED!

Now, probably, only the person himself does not have it.

Absolutely EVERYONE can enroll in a university on a paid basis!!!

People go for a diploma, thinking that, having received it, they will be easily hired and will be highly valued and respected.

But in reality everything turns out differently.

In the modern labor market, there is a huge shortage of people for such specialties as: builder, salesman, cashier, worker, electrician, plumber, and so on.

While almost everyone has diplomas in economics, accountants, teachers, managers, and lawyers.

Therefore, now teachers sit at store cash registers, lawyers lay the asphalt, and economists sell kvass on the streets.

So why do you need to get higher education?

To end up working in a position that is in demand, and not one that you specifically need?

Is higher education necessary? Reasons why you shouldn't get it:

    One-way training programs.

    In modern universities, there are a huge number of disciplines that are completely unnecessary for any specialist.

    As a result, when you come to work, you have to forget everything that you studied hard at the university and learn again, but this time for a specific job.

    Quality of teaching.

    I won’t tell you a big secret, but in almost all universities, half of the tests and exams can be obtained for a small “present” (or whatever they call it – “magarych”) to the teacher.

    This is, of course, good for those who came specifically for a diploma, but what about those who came for knowledge?

    Number of higher education institutions.

    Over the course of several years, a huge number of commercial institutions have appeared.

    The passing grades there are low, and the quality of education is corresponding.

    And teachers, where can we get such a number of highly qualified teachers to fill all the vacancies in all universities?

    Nobody guarantees employment.

jeweler February 16, 2017 at 6:11 pm

Do you need to get a higher education?

  • Educational process in IT *

I recently had a very interesting discussion with a 17-year-old young man, which began with his phrase, “Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of school and became successful.” I saw in him the same stupidity and naivety that was in me, with the only difference that when I was 17, there was no Facebook, and my “uneducated” and successful idol was Bill Gates. I diligently explained to my parents that they were completely wrong, and that success can be achieved without a higher education. They, in turn, hammered into my head that with a diploma from a good university I would never be left without a job and stuff like that. In a discussion with a young man, I became convinced that this issue is still relevant. I hope that this text will help all 17-year-old “me” who cannot understand whether they need to study at a university or not.

“You won’t find a job without a diploma”

A phrase that I often heard from my parents in one interpretation or another. There is some truth in it, since from the point of view of the labor market, a specialist without a “crust” really has enormous difficulties in finding a job, and such an employee costs much less than “certified” ones, even if they are not from “top” universities. However, every time parents tell their children this, they are actually deceiving both themselves and their children. On the part of parents, there is a need for a stable and high-quality standard of living for their child, so they want him to have a diploma, because... this is a certain condition of “stability” in the existing system. But such formulations create an incorrect value system in children: they go for a diploma, and not for knowledge and brains, hence the reluctance to learn - skipping lectures, “freebies, come” and the like. For them, education = diploma, which is fundamentally wrong. The question is not at all that it is difficult to find a job without a diploma, the question is that you don’t need to go to university for a diploma.

“Mark Zuckerberg dropped out and became successful”

Mark Zuckerberg never dropped out of school, just like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, etc. They all abandoned systemic (classical) education in favor of self-education and very hard work. And 17-year-old me didn’t realize this at all. I was in illusions about the ease and coolness of entrepreneurship, about the uselessness of education (namely education, not a diploma), I wanted to go against the system and become a millionaire at the age of 20. But, no matter how trivial it may be, not every person is an entrepreneur. The essence of entrepreneurship is not only to generate cool ideas, but also to be able to implement them, and therefore to be able to take serious risks. Refusal of classical education is one of these risks. The trick of people like Mark Zuckerberg is that their self-education and talent allowed them to quickly get cool results, which took them out of the classical system of determining the value of personnel. They had cases that were orders of magnitude more valuable than diplomas from MIT and other “top” universities. Do you have absolute confidence that you can quickly create such cases? And to be honest?

Classical education or self-education

The most important advantage of classical education is the long-established system of motivation through tests, exams, coursework and other certifications. You find yourself in a system that constantly puts pressure on you and forces you to study. This is why students don’t like studying, but also what makes them study in principle. In the case of self-education, there will be no such system, which is the most important risk of abandoning classical education, which must be recognized. I know many examples of people who dropped out of universities and degenerated very quickly. Not because they are stupid or bad people, but because they lacked their own will and interest in self-education. In addition, at the age of 17, you most likely are not able to properly organize your own education in terms of the completeness, relevance and necessity of the knowledge acquired, at a time when classical education, although it gives a lot of unnecessary things, at the same time gives really a lot necessary.

Do I have enough motivation to develop?

For a long time I had no interest in studying, I was always lazy and studied with grades of three or four. After my second year of study at MEPhI, I realized that I was doing the wrong thing and transferred to a commercial, non-prestigious university, where I formally continued my path to obtaining a diploma, but in reality I concentrated on “work.” Moreover, I soon found a “dream job”, where I was paid a very good salary, and where I had to do practically nothing. After a year and a half, I realized that, to put it mildly, I had become stupid. I fell behind the trends, lost my competencies, my brain, not loaded with new tasks, atrophied, I stopped engaging in education, in short, I fell behind and fell behind very much. I measured my worth by the salary I received, not realizing that I was losing my real value day by day. The only thing that brought me out of this whirlpool was that I radically changed the direction of my work and “caught the wave” - I began to get real pleasure from my activities, which is why my laziness disappeared both in terms of work and in terms of education. I have shaken up my brain again, I have gained and continue to gain the necessary competencies and experience. I went to get a second higher education for the sake of education, and not for the sake of a diploma. I began to understand what exactly I wanted to study. I'm already thinking about where I will study next. In other words, you will only get real motivation at the moment when you find something you really want to do. Then you will begin to understand what exactly you need to study in order to achieve greater success in your business. But all this rarely happens at 17 years old, so what you see as your future now may not be what you want in 3-5 years.

Three main assets

What creates real value for you is: developed brains, accumulated knowledge and accumulated experience. Do everything to systematically pump up these assets. It doesn’t matter how you do it: studying at a university, reading books, participating in thematic parties, working for your uncle or for yourself. If you are absolutely sure that you know how to pump up all three assets without a classical education, how to stand on your feet (earn money), and are confident that your own motivation will be enough and that you understand exactly what you are going for and how you are going - go for it. But don’t have your head in the clouds, remember that you are building your life and someone else’s examples or advice should not be decisive in this. Be aware of all the risks and disadvantages of this approach. And yes, if you refuse classical education, still get a formal diploma; universities are a dime a dozen, it’s not difficult to do this without interrupting your other activities. The “crust” will not create additional value for you, but it is still needed. The rules are like this.

Tags: higher education, university, diploma, self-education, motivation

So is higher education necessary? Most of those who received higher education, and then came to the conclusion that they do not need it, begin anti-propaganda of education. And often they don’t even realize that they themselves were the cause of the unsatisfactory experience. How is this possible? I want to tell you in this article.

For skeptics of higher education, I just ask you to read to the end and answer the questions. And if, after answering the questions, you still believe that higher education is “evil,” then I am very seriously ready to delve into this issue and consider your arguments.

So, why did the topic arise? Lately, I increasingly hear and see, especially on the Internet, a lot of anti-advertising for higher education. And since I myself am in the system, I know it from the inside, it seems to me that I can talk about it, scold and praise it. And in general I have the right to raise this issue.

Is higher education necessary: ​​oh, these examples

For example, I came across the following statements:

  • First you work for your record, then nowhere
  • Mom's bedtime stories: you will graduate from school, graduate from university, find a good job and everything will be fine

The network is full of information and articles about how many eminent, famous people, often businessmen, innovators, reached heights. At the same time, they dropped out of university or school and did not receive a higher education. Like, why is it needed, why waste years on an incomprehensible pastime, if later it is not needed.

It’s hard and often painful for me to look at these statements. After all, they are addressing young people, these statements are being paid attention to by schoolchildren who still have to make a choice. And the sad thing is that such powerful, memorable, often provocative phrases and thoughts can direct a young, unformed personality onto the wrong path and confuse them. Why?

1. Think for yourself. In percentage terms, how many stories are there of such successful people who, having dropped out of universities, achieved success? Hundredths of a percent. Did anyone count those who graduated from university and became successful?

Nobody talks about the education of these people. This is not interesting, not provocative! How many are there? The following figures are often cited (and by the way, it is still unknown where this came from) that about 30-40% of successful and rich people do not have a higher education. Yes, good number! But the remaining 60-70% are with higher education, and not vice versa. Statistics are in favor of education.

Many people don’t even think that successful projects were formed precisely thanks to education.

Here's just a small list.

  • Google is the result of the scientific development of its student founders Larry Page And Sergei Brin. Their developments were financed by the scientific foundation, and scientific supervisors supported the young developers. And imagine that they didn’t go there to study.
  • But our domestic Internet giant is not lagging behind. Volozh Arkady Yurievich - co-founder and general director of the company
  • Warren Buffett. The world's largest and one of the most famous investors. Buffett studied under Benjamin Graham at Columbia University, New York. Buffett says Graham instilled in him the foundation of smart investing through fundamental analysis, and describes him as the person who had the greatest influence on his life after his father.
  • Kostin Andrey Leonidovich. President and Chairman of the Board of VTB, a bank included in the TOP-3 Russian banks. At one time he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University.
  • Aven Petr Olegovich. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Banking Group " Alfa Bank" He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, and later defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.
  • Dmitry Grishin. Russian venture investor head of the board of directors of Mail.ru Group. Graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University with honors in his specialty "Computer-aided design systems."

Well, if you want to be the head of a bank, a millionaire, or create a new Google or Yandex, study. Something doesn't sound so interesting, right? Not exactly anti-propaganda. (I’ll just keep silent about doctors and scientists, they are ALL educated, and there are... thousands of them).

What are the chances that this particular student who decided not to study will achieve similar success? What are the chances that he will achieve it with education? Unknown. Yes Yes. In either case there are no guarantees. I'm not saying that education will make you successful. There are no guarantees in either case.

Education will only help those who really need it. Is higher education necessary and how to determine this? Let's talk below.

Is higher education necessary? Popular Objections

I received my diploma, but no one hires me, I have to go look for places. Higher education is to blame.

For some reason, we believe that once we receive our qualifications, we will get a job right away, and joyful employers will tear us away right away. But is there any guarantee of this? No, we have not been living in the Soviet Union for a long time. There is no guarantee that you will be received with pleasure. What are the chances of getting a job somewhere without education? Even less.

I want to say that education and getting a job are two different processes. Yes, one partly depends on the other, but it is important to understand that getting an education does not mean getting a job. Both in the case of education and without it, in order to find a good place, you need to work hard and make an effort.

Does this bother you? Get rid of the myth in your heads that a diploma equals a prosperous place. With the collapse of the USSR this ceased to be so. You can feel about it however you like. This is a fact and it needs to be understood. Throw out this myth about getting a job.

With or without a diploma, you need to make an effort. Cutlets separately, flies separately. Getting a job is a separate project. Your personal. Education will only give you the right to hope for some positions and a knowledge base for a number of specialties. That's all.

Now think about it, is higher education itself to blame for the fact that this Soviet myth is sitting in your head? The question is rhetorical.

I received my diploma, I’m looking for a job, but I can’t get a job. There is no work. My industry is overcrowded. Nobody hires by specialty. Higher education is to blame.

Just a question: when you entered, did you study the market? Have you analyzed where you can work and how much demand the profession has? No? Why?

Why, before submitting your documents, did you not ask what are the chances of getting a job in this specialty, what is the turnover in the profession, what are the chances of development? Weren't you interested? Why?

I can say that at the age of 16, when I was preparing to enter the Faculty of Chemical Technology, I learned everything that was available about the specialty I was interested in. Where can you work, what are the chances, are there any vacancies. I was pleased that there was a specialist in the desired specialty. recruitment from employers who are willing to pay special fees. scholarship and wait for graduates. Great, really. I was preparing and dreaming of working in a large, cool, prosperous company.

But I never got there. No, the exams would have been fine; I deliberately did not submit documents there. There I could have problems with the device, since these types of enterprises are wary of hiring women due to health risks. I decided that this option was not suitable for me. I realized in advance that difficulties might await me later, and my health is dear to me.

I was preparing for one, and entered another, the Faculty of Chemistry. Where there was wide potential to work in safe food, cosmetics and environmental fields. I was already thinking about this when I was 16 years old. And you?

When we want to open a business (for a good reason), we carefully analyze the niche, demand, and identify the needs of potential buyers. After all, without doing this, you can go down the drain. When we meet people, we consciously or not evaluate them, how good a person they are, what their values ​​are. We don’t really want to communicate with alcoholics, parasites, whiners, beggars, we distance ourselves and don’t let such people into our lives.

Why do we thoughtlessly receive an education that no one needs and still hope that we, as highly qualified specialists, will be torn away with our hands? Go study to become teachers, doctors - there is a huge demand there. Do not want? Do you want to become a lawyer? Is there freebies and money? So don’t be surprised that there are plenty of lawyers and the chances of finding a job are minimal.

Now think about it: is higher education itself to blame for the fact that you did not think about work in advance? Another rhetorical question.

I know people with education, they are kind of stupid and stupid. Education spoils them

In fact, no matter what external cultural influence there is, a person becomes smart, erudite, and literate. Yes, the environment can make its own adjustments, a young man can fall into bad company. But those who want to develop, develop. And those who only like to drink beer and play with tanks will not become great scientists and inventors, no matter what elite university they study at.

Any person can launch himself, or he can constantly develop and improve personal qualities. Only this is the work of the person himself, someone else should not and cannot do it for him. Do you still think that these should be university teachers?

While I was studying, I realized that I wanted to do something else. I opened my own business, took up design/decided to study psychology/carve furniture/travel, etc. Higher education is to blame for preventing me from doing what I love.

There is one amazing, beautiful principle in coaching: “every person makes the BEST choice at the moment.” Then, at 16-17-18 years old, you simply could not know that in 2-3 years you would be fixing bikes and this would be a real pleasure for you, it would become a matter of life.

Then you did not have the experience, the knowledge that you have now. Then you made this choice because you didn't know what you might like in the future. Then you have just begun to understand what you want in life. The tower was a viable option at that time. You didn’t hang around the courtyards drinking beer with “friends”, but began to learn at least something, perhaps found real friends among your classmates, met your future wife/husband, and participated in student events.

Many of us have a myth in our heads that once we have chosen a profession, we will remain in it forever. Friends, this is a MYTH, MYTH, MYTH. You can (and should) change your type of activity. There is nothing terrible if, a year or two or three after admission, you realized that this is not your thing, if you found a job that you like better. So this is wonderful!

Some of my classmates/classmates finished their education and realized that this specialty was not for them. Even during their basic studies, some entered the second higher education, others completed retraining courses. We learned, got settled and are happy in our new field. This is good, and this is their life path.

Is it education’s fault that you yourself didn’t know what you wanted when you were 16-17-18 years old? Yes, this rhetorical question again!

Or maybe you did it because your parents insisted, for company with a friend, because it was fashionable? And then you say that education is useless. So very carefully, don’t take it as impudence, I want to ask if it’s not your fault that you chose education, succumbing to external influence?

So is education to blame for the fact that you did not act of your own free will? (What kind of rhetorical questions are these, I’m tired of them already!)

Analyze whether you need higher education

So, if you have a negative attitude towards education, answer the questions:

  • Is the specialty you entered desirable, is it your favorite thing? Was it like that at the time of admission?
  • Have you analyzed the possibilities of getting a job in advance? Have you looked at the demand for specialists in this specialty?
  • Have you made efforts to find a job? How well did you look for a place?
  • Do you really enjoy doing what you learned?

If you answered YES to all the questions, if you did everything that depends on you, and at the same time you think that higher education is not necessary, then I am very interested in your position, I will be happy to discuss this topic with you in the comments.

It is most sad to see that the blame for universities is mainly those who went to study there not of their own free will, did nothing to learn about future work, and did not make attempts to use their knowledge. And then they blame education for their failures. Agree, this is the position of a child, a teenager, but not an adult.

The myths have been dealt with. Now my opinion is whether it is necessary, this is education.

I believe that education is necessary. BUT. Not everyone.

Who does NOT need higher education? Those who do what they love and at the same time do NOT need a diploma for your business. Some make crafts, some write fairy tales, some repair bikes, some sell their crafts, some raise children, some build a business. Why do you need education in something that is not yours? No reason. You personally don’t need it and that’s all. Just like you don’t need a sheepskin coat and felt boots if you live in the tropics and have 30-degree heat all year round. The sheepskin coat and felt boots themselves are a good thing, but you personally don’t need them.

If your favorite activity requires a diploma (for example, if you are a doctor and you really like it), then yes, education is needed. Necessarily.

We so often blame everyone and everything (education, government, president, country, parents, society) for our failures. We often think about such a pretentious word as “responsibility” when it comes to others. But, alas, we so rarely remember this responsibility when it comes to our own education. After all, we ourselves went for this education, so why blame someone or something for the failure of this attempt?

It is we who make the choice whether to submit to external pressure or go our own way. It is we who change, grow up, and gain experience. We almost always have a real choice, and we absolutely always have a choice of our reaction. This is called proactivity, if you've read S. Covey or Viktor Frankl.

Who else doesn't need education? For those who have chosen a profession in a rapidly changing field. Web programming, most specialties in marketing and web professions (targetologists, advertisers, SEO and SMM specialists), businesses of all levels. In these areas, things change faster than curricula are modified. Yes, the education system with its standards is less flexible. By definition, in its essence, it cannot keep up with these super-high-speed areas.

And if you asked the above questions about the future device, you will immediately understand that education in such specialties will soon become obsolete. I encourage you to always think ahead, that's the main thing.

Education as a resource

I think you understand that education itself is neutral here. The system has its gaps, holes, and there are also positive aspects. As an everywhere. This is exactly the same external resource as everything else. We can use it or not. We can choose it, that is, education, change it, not finish it or finish it, use it or not use it.

Education is a resource. Like time, money, materials for construction, houses, cars, the ability to drive this car, skill, computer and smartphone, bank loans. There are frankly terrible resources, rotten and dilapidated. There are wonderful ones. We choose for ourselves which resources to use and which not. You don’t take out loans from every second bank simply because:

  • I liked the ad
  • parents insisted
  • credit is fashionable
  • for company with a friend
  • Well, everyone has loans and it’s the same with me...

and then you sit and cry because you are deeply in debt and blame the banks for issuing such and such loans. So it is with education. If you consider it as a resource, choose it according to your needs, look for a good university with the right program, examples of successful graduates, reviews (and don’t go to places where they teach you poorly and not what you need), then education will become one of the most successful investments in your future.

I’m finishing this long story, otherwise I’m afraid I’m already tired of it.


Let's sum it up to collect my thoughts. A few key takeaways:

  1. Higher education is neither evil nor good. This is a resource that needs to be used wisely.
  2. There are people who do not need education to live. And then you don’t need to receive it.
  3. There are people who need education. Welcome to the walls of the university.
  4. And most importantly: you need to learn what you love, what you like, what makes your eyes sparkle. This applies not only to higher education, but to any education.

What do you think about this?

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A comment

The relevance of education is an eternal topic that does not subside for a minute. She inspired this review, in which we will both indict and defend higher education. Talk about its importance and meaninglessness.

After reading all our arguments, you will be able to better understand the topic and decide for yourself whether we need higher education or not. For your convenience, all arguments against the tower will begin with the word attack, the argument for higher education begins with the word protection.

Attack. Higher education is a waste of time.

You will study at a higher education institution for 4 to 6 years, depending on your choice of university. In addition, you need to complete the 10th and 11th grades of school, or in return study for 2 years at a technical school.

Instead of the time we spend studying, we could work and gain experience, which many employers value much more than a higher education mark.

Protection. Higher education helps you get a job.

The obvious cannot be denied. There are a huge number of vacancies where higher education is not required, but there are areas where having a specialized education is an advantage. The same is true for highly specialized vacancies.

In most cases, a college degree will not be a deciding factor in hiring you, but it will complement your strengths. Otherwise, you will need to shyly talk about why you did not get a higher education.

Attack. What is taught in universities is not applicable and will not help in real life.

You can't argue with this either. Even if your profession requires specialized knowledge and you have received the appropriate education, 95% of the knowledge acquired will never be useful to you. As does the knowledge of high school. In your life you will never solve equations, remember the history of the Russian state, or program in Pascal.

Even if 50 years ago this knowledge was relevant, now in the age of programs, computers and the Internet. Today programmers don't program in Pascal, they use Python, ruby ​​and C++. Designers do not draw in Paint or use 3D max, Illustrator and Photoshop. Online translators will allow us to read Chinese texts without knowing the language and we will understand what is written.

Protection. Communication with peers, connections and acquaintances.

Many of the people facing the choice dismiss this point without even thinking. We need a career. And there are some connections here. I have friends and I don’t need any more communication. And they will be wrong.

When you go to work, most likely you will be around people of different positions, ages, and work responsibilities. It may be difficult for you to get along with your colleagues. There are jobs where there is no time for communication at all. For example, in a Call center. Your friends will go to university or go to work. Weekends will be few and far between and may never coincide.

Institute is a skill of communication and acquaintance. While receiving education, families are created and children are born. Colleagues at work rarely have enough common interests to form a relationship.

Attack. It is difficult to obtain the required specialty, and the left direction will only get in the way.

In our youth, we still don’t know who we are comfortable working with. We cannot consciously choose the right specialty due to little life experience. There are jokes about how few people work in this profession. Why does a chef need to be trained as a logistician? What about the customs officer? Such education will not help you in any way when applying for a job.

No, of course they will tell you, “You’re great,” but at the same time they will think, “You’re great, but your education is useless for our work.” In some cases, having a higher education will negatively affect the device.

Protection. Education teaches us systems thinking.

At school and at university we solve hundreds of problems, prepare presentations, take exams, and write tests. All these skills will be useful to us in our future life.

How is a philosophy exam essentially different from an interview? Both here and there you must show yourself and your knowledge in a favorable light. How does good work differ from work at lectures and seminars? The teacher knows the level of his students even before the exam, and forms an attitude towards the student. Your employer should have the same attitude towards you.

Thus, even if we discard the information that we memorize, we learn to work and cooperate with teachers.

Attack. University graduates have incredibly high expectations.

Why do employers hate people with higher education? These are their high expectations. People come without knowledge, without experience, without work history and want to receive unrealistically big money. That is, the employer needs to train you to work for his money and at the same time he must pay you a high salary. A story about an interview for a web programmer position:

Our company needed a person who could quickly create websites with non-standard functionality. Salary was discussed during the interview depending on the candidate's skills.

One of those who came to the interview was a girl who had graduated from a second-rate university. She wrote six months of work experience on her resume. At the interview, she admitted that she had just graduated and had not yet worked.

Before we talk about this girl's skills, I'll talk about her financial expectations. She is ready to work for 80,000 rubles. No more, no less. Apparently she heard that self-respecting programmers get paid that much. In fact, only good programmers get paid that much. If you do not have talent and a high level of training, then even with 5 years of work experience you will not receive more than 50,000-60,000 rubles.

Now let's talk about her knowledge. There are none at all. All her knowledge in programming is some kind of thesis on an issue related to databases. That is, our company, instead of a professional who immediately makes websites, will receive a girl who someone needs to train for about two years so that she can call herself a programmer. At the same time, she most likely will not become a good specialist. Do you think the employer will be happy about this prospect? And for 80,000 rubles a month? This person doesn’t want to receive less.

I would advise this girl to gain experience in a job that will pay 20,000-30,000 rubles. And after 2-3 years of successful work and a bunch of completed projects, try out for such a highly paid position. She won’t succeed any other way, even if she is very talented.

Protection. There are positions where higher education is mandatory.

There are many high-paying places where having a higher education is mandatory. Yes, usually they add to this the presence of work experience, skills, and personal attractiveness. If an employer is so strict about choosing a candidate, then most likely there is a lot of competition for the position. But in this case, having a higher education is mandatory.

Attack. There are few such positions and there is always an alternative.

There really are such vacancies, but they are few. You will not be left without a job without a higher education. In addition, there are many jobs where you will be paid depending on sales, plan completion, number of projects and other indicators. In this case, having a higher education will not help you at all. Only your abilities and diligence will help you get more than others.

In addition, I would like to point out an international study. We analyzed all the world's billionaires in the hope of finding out whether their success in any way depends on the presence or absence of a higher education. As a result, we received a clear answer. Their condition does not depend in any way on education. Relatively speaking, half of billionaires have a higher education, and half do not.

Protection. Even skills that are useless at first can come in handy.

The skills that we learn at first glance may seem useless, but in fact they turn out to be in demand in life. Here's my personal opinion

We cannot always assess what skills will be useful to us in life. I always thought that my life would be connected with exact sciences. Other subjects were not given to me and I struggled with them under pressure.

I have been working as a programmer and internet marketer for more than 3 years. What knowledge was most useful to me at work? English language, Russian language and literature.

Programming languages ​​are in many ways similar to foreign languages. All syntax is written in English. Much important documentation is available exclusively in English and the translator does not help much in understanding the text.

In my work, I often have to accept, edit or write texts myself. My huge problems in punctuation and spelling, my relatively small vocabulary and expressions hinder my development.

These jobs are more related to school skills, but you can also learn a lot at the institute that you will use. For example, experience in conducting laboratory work in physics helps to better test new solutions.

Attack. Money spent on higher education is a whole capital.

How much money do we spend on higher education? Let's do the math together and then decide whether it will ever pay off.

This is the first time that our education is paid. We are looking at an average university. Prepare 100-120 thousand rubles per year. Plus, during training, the payment will increase by 10 percent. Inflation spurs price increases, and according to the agreement, 10% is an acceptable value. We need to study for an average of 5 years. 600,000 rubles disappeared.

Even if we don't pay tuition, we could work these 5 years, gain experience and earn an income. In large cities without education, you will start with 20 thousand rubles and after 5-6 years, if you are ready to work, improve your working skills and become a specialist in your field, then you can count on 40-50 thousand rubles a month. On average 30 thousand rubles - 360 thousand per year, 1,860,000 rubles. Yes, you could become a millionaire! And if you also pay for training, you lose 2,460,000 rubles. Sorry, but this is the cost of an apartment in the near Moscow region.

Yes, you can say that you can work and study, but it is very difficult and will negatively affect either your studies or your work. In any case, you will miss out on a tidy sum. Moreover, from my life experience I can say that a candidate with a higher education, but without experience, will not receive more than 25-28 thousand rubles, while a specialist with five years of work experience can receive 50 thousand.

That is, you not only lose money, but also find yourself a less paid employee. The situation can change only after a year of work since you received your higher education. But by this time you have already lost your apartment.


Our task was to be objective during the dispute. We tried to put aside the interests of both sides. How far we succeeded is up to you to decide.

Everyone must decide for themselves whether they need education. Make a decision based on your life situation, aspirations, connections, interests. Our task was only to provide food for thought. We wish you to make the right choice and not be disappointed in it later.