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Helping flowers. Flowers in the house: signs and superstitions about indoor plants. Guardians of married couples

Even in ancient times, people believed in miraculous properties various plants. Some of them are able to bring comfort and warmth to the house, and there are indoor flowers for women's happiness, which can bring love and prosperity to the family. To home plant began to work for the good, it is important to find for him right place and provide proper care. A sick or dried flower will not be beneficial.

Spathiphyllum, or Women's Happiness

One of the signs about which indoor plants bring family happiness is associated with spathiphyllum. This flower does not require special care; it thrives in dimly lit rooms and blooms for a long time. The plant has unusual shape- These are white inflorescences that are surrounded on one side by a large petal. To create for a green pet favorable conditions, you need to spray it daily. The plant is replanted in the spring, always in new soil.

Signs associated with the plant

There are plants that are believed to attract prosperity and comfort into the home. They help to gain mutual understanding in the family, attract love and help strengthen family ties:

Planting and caring for the imperial hazel grouse flower

A positive aura in any home is impossible without the use of house plants. Since ancient times, various flowers have always been present in houses, which guarded the hearth, driving away evil spirits.

Energy of house plants

Not all flowers are capable of carrying something more than just aesthetic beauty. We will tell you how to attract love into your home, maintain health and increase your chances of financial success. Flowers have different energies and different compatibility, so sometimes you can’t put plants with different energy structures next to each other.

The human aura and the aura of a plant are incredibly similar. If you have good mood, then you glow and radiate kindness, positivity, joy and give smiles to everyone. Otherwise, the situation is exactly the opposite - you take away everything positive from the world, emptying it. If you do not take care of a plant or flower, it will begin to absorb positive energy, leaving the house empty and lifeless. In such a house, there are usually quarrels, or someone is sick.

Any flower can bring a large or small amount of happiness to your home, but it will only do this if proper care. Love him, keep him in good condition - then he will repay you with positive energy that will fill you with self-confidence.

It is worth noting that “using” the plant will not achieve good results. Buy flowers solely for pleasure and mutual friendship, and not for success in your personal life or wealth. Scientists have proven that plants love music, so play your favorite songs more often so that the plants hear it too. Become friends by giving your attention to each other.

Which flowers to choose

To attract love: rose, violet, spathiphyllum. They should grow in your bedroom and nowhere else. This is a strict rule, since love comes from the place where a person is most often. The bedroom is the place of sleep, the marital bed, so one of these flowers should grow there.

To attract money: geranium, orchid, fern, lilac. It is better to place such flowers where you keep money or work, that is, not at home. By placing one of these flowers at home, you risk neutralizing the effect of another plant. You can also put not a real flower, but replace it with an image, for example, have a desktop wallpaper with a bouquet of lilacs or fantastic fern flowers.

For good luck: Oxalis, Ruelia, Echeveria. You can place these flowers anywhere. Take good care of them and never expose them to stress, cold or dryness.

Choose and place flowers correctly. One of the flowers described above for the home can be an excellent gift for a loved one. Our life is positive and negative energy, their symbiosis, interaction and eternal war. Try to maintain balance the right actions. It is better not to place flowers of money next to flowers of love or at the head of the bed. Also, flowers of love at work will bring office affairs, not joy.

We wish you good luck, love and wealth, and that your plants bring you only positive emotions. They are all our blessings. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.04.2016 00:30

His personal life is not going well, he constantly lacks money, suffers from insomnia and Bad mood? The reasons for everything...

Each name has a unique energy. It is this aura that determines your luck, abilities, and also...

Not many people know that individual indoor plants can attract good luck, money to their owner, and even help build a reliable family. Since ancient times, some plants have been credited with healing properties and the potential of talismans. Previously, people considered them to be living creatures that had a soul, a certain character and the ability to saturate the owner and his home with beneficial energy.

It is believed that aichrizon, myrtle, violet, hibiscus and some other plants can attract success, happiness and love into the family.

Plants that support love and peace in the family

Indoor flowers can become real helpers in preserving and maintaining warm feelings between lovers.

Spathiphyllum are flowers that symbolize marital chastity. This flower of love brings wisdom and trust to each other into the home. By placing it in the bedroom, you can create a unique protective screen from infidelity in marriage. This flower promotes harmonization family relations and attracts happiness into the home. For a married couple, spathiphyllum will allow them to establish mutual respect for each other and become happy parents. The lonely owner of this plant will find his soul mate.

The owner of the flower needs to properly monitor the spathiphyllum. It is necessary to provide him with warmth and attention. Only then will the plant reveal its own “magical” characteristics. You should not pass the flower into other hands, otherwise you can give away a piece of your own female happiness.

Myrtle is popular as a wedding gift for a young couple. It is believed that family harmony will not leave a home in which there is myrtle, and the couple will live in love, peace and harmony. If the bride grew this flower herself and gave each guest a sprig of the plant at the wedding, then her marriage will be successful and long.

In order for myrtle to begin to protect the family happiness of a couple, it must be in a beautiful pot. The plant loves to “listen” to words of gratitude for family comfort, well-being and financial success. In response, the flower will help its owners even more.

Aichrizon - attractive and interesting plant from the Crassulaceae category, reaches 0.3 m in height. An adult flower resembles a small tree. It is popularly known as a talisman for the home. This plant is called the “tree of happiness”, “tree of love”. Aichrizon is often used as a housewarming gift: it is believed that it attracts comfort, peace and prosperity to the apartment.

The plant has rather non-standard leaves - small, fleshy, with thick fluff. Yellowish star-shaped flowers resemble small suns, and the plant itself is associated with a spring meadow, which is dotted with many dandelions. The “tree of happiness” should be placed on windowsills or at the entrance so that it absorbs negative energy that can penetrate into the home from the street.

The Usambara violet (Saintpaulia) has long been considered a talisman for lovers. Saintpaulia creates a festive atmosphere in the home and brings a sense of comfort to its owners. Violet energy attracts health, abundance and success - the most important factors for supporting family well-being. It is believed that Saintpaulia blooms only in families with a favorable atmosphere. In homes where there is often quarrel and conflict, these flowers fade.

Plants with pink and red petals help maintain health. Blue flowers promote inspiration. Snow-white Saintpaulias bring peace, cleanliness to the apartment, and free you from depressing experiences. If there are disagreements between spouses, white violets successfully fight them. They are also recommended to be placed in children's rooms.

Anthurium is a male amulet. It is called “male happiness” because it has a beneficial effect on male potency. The flower symbolizes hot love feelings and is considered the personification of masculinity and strength. Anthurium increases attraction, increases mutual attraction between a man and a woman. The plant helps its owner achieve recognition from the opposite sex, and the flower brings bright emotions and complete harmony to relationships with his beloved.

This flower is also called “male fidelity.” If he begins to fade, you should take a closer look at the behavior of your spouse, as this is a signal that the man may have a hobby on the side. It is not advisable to place Anthurium in direct sunlight.

Hoya in many countries symbolizes recognition in love feelings oh and is used as a kind of valentine for the holiday of February 14th. The optimal area in the apartment for him is the bedroom. Couples who dream of a happy family should purchase this plant.

This Indian flower emits a delicate aroma with hints of the scent of a tulip, and externally attracts attention with inflorescences created as if from wax. At the same time, the plant does not require special care.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) is national symbol Malaysia. For the Chinese, the plant represents art. This flower symbolizes peace, mutual respect and passionate feelings. If passion begins to fade between spouses, growing hibiscus together will help return strong emotions to each other.

If the flower is in the house unmarried girl, it is believed that she will become more attractive in the eyes of men and will gain many fans.

The plant creates energy of movement around itself. It absorbs laziness and apathy and awakens creativity. If the owner of the hibiscus has any complexes or is not confident in himself, then the plant will give him strength and vigor.

There is a sign that if a hibiscus suddenly begins to drop leaves or unopened buds, then this bad sign. You should not be upset, as this phenomenon may be due to the fact that the owners do not properly care for the hibiscus. Particular attention should be paid to timely watering of Chinese roses.

Chrysanthemum, according to popular beliefs, allows you to preserve tenderness in the relationship of a married couple. It helps to preserve love feelings and mutual understanding in the future. long years. The owner of the plant, who has not yet gotten married, will certainly meet her other half.

This plant is useful to keep in your home for those people who often experience mental hesitations and self-doubt. Indoor chrysanthemum capable of protecting a person from the adverse consequences of his own actions. The plant evokes a desire to restore order not only in the house, but also in one’s soul, and gives its owner peace and confidence.

Flowers to attract money, prosperity, good luck

Many indoor plants help not only maintain a tender relationship with your other half, but also strengthen financial position families.

Oxalis, or oxalis, evokes associations with luck, luck and fortune. There is a custom to give a plant to loved ones or good friends for a housewarming or other special occasion. Oxalis protects the family from quarrels, helps to find mutual language.

Crassula is the most popular plant for attracting financial profit and good luck. Another name for it is “ Money Tree" In order for the plant to fully demonstrate its “magical” properties, you should monitor its correct landing.

It is recommended to use only red or green colored containers. Place a coin in the bottom of the pot interspersed with the drainage. You should not break off the leaves of the tree; they should naturally fall to the ground. If a flower appears on a Crassula, this is good sign, which promises a solid profit.

Geranium can lift a person’s mood and give confidence in own strength, overcome stressful situation or depression. If geranium is in the house, then there will never be big scandals or showdowns between family members. In such a home there is always comfort and tranquility. The plant helps to obtain a stable profit.

It is important to consider that the flower has a strong, pungent aroma, which can cause headaches. Therefore, you should not place geranium in the bedroom near the bed, in those rooms where family members spend most time. A balcony, hallway, or corridor is suitable for this plant. Geranium can be placed near front door or in the southeast of the apartment.

The cactus will help provide its owner with constant financial income and material well-being, and will protect against bankruptcy and financial losses.

It is important to consider that watering the plant should be moderate. Otherwise, the possibility of rotting of the cactus root system cannot be ruled out.

Dracaena gives its owner success in financial matters, well-being and prosperity.

The plant does not require special care conditions other than regular, abundant watering.

Bougainvillea is able to bring money to its owner's house - on the condition that the person will make a lot of effort to become rich. The dedication and hard work of the owner of the flower will be duly rewarded. In order to enhance the effect of the plant, you need to hang a sword made of bronze coins next to it.

Fuchsia, according to signs, helps a person develop the ability to be creative, have a creative view of things, accept quick and right decisions in difficult situations.

The owner of the flower can count on good luck in matters related to money.

Japanese yakuba helps to reveal a person’s inner potential and achieve success in all matters.

An orchid will fill its owner with inspiration and energy, and will help to earn a large sum. The best place for the plant would be an office or living room.

Calathea symbolizes home comfort, family well-being, peace and harmony between family members. It is believed that if this plant is in the house, it will be filled with a warm atmosphere, harmony and mutual understanding.

Ficus is a symbol of harmony and peace in family life. It will not only decorate the house, but also create a friendly atmosphere of tenderness and peace. Helps achieve financial stability and material independence. To activate this property of the plant, it must be placed in the kitchen. If you place a ficus in the bedroom, it will contribute to the birth of a baby.

The tree can lift the mood of its owners and relieve signs of stress and depression.

Akalifa helps the strong half of humanity strengthen courage and tenacity of character. If the plant is in a woman’s house, she will become softer, more feminine and attractive.

Chlorophytum helps restore an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding and trust in the house. You can place it in office premises, where the boss needs to be able to get along with many people. If you place the plant in an apartment that has recently been renovated, it will be able to cleanse the air of the smell of household chemicals.

In order to enhance the effect that the above flowers have, it is necessary to place the pots in suitable parts of the apartment.

  • To achieve material well-being, flowers are placed in the southeast of the home.
  • If a person wants to meet his other half, then the flowerpot with the plant should be placed in the southwestern part of the apartment.
  • To achieve family well-being, pots should be placed in the east.
  • To attract good luck, it is recommended to place plants in the west.

I have a close friend who has been unlucky in love for five years now. I learned that there are special indoor flowers that can attract love to their owners. I went shopping and bought a gorgeous Spathiphyllum for my friend.

The most amazing thing is that a month later my friend met her loved one, who proposed to her two months later! In this article I will tell you which indoor flowers bring love and happiness to their owners.

In order to enhance the effect of the flower of love, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Water it regularly and feed it periodically.
  • Tell him tender words, for example, how beautiful and beloved he is.
  • Don’t forget to wipe the dust off its leaves with a soft, damp cloth once a month.
  • To attract love, the flower pot should be located in the southeast of the room.
  • For an enhanced effect, the indoor plant should be given as a gift from a loved one.


This very cute and unusual shrub plant is popularly called the tree of love. And for good reason, since it is often given to newlyweds for strong and long-lasting love.

For an unmarried girl who will carefully look after the aichrison, it will help increase her attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex, and then her personal life is not far off. For a housewarming party for peaceful and happy life It is aichrizon that is given as a gift.

It is rarely taller than 30 centimeters, and from a distance it resembles a small tree. It has small, fleshy, fluffy leaves. With proper care, yellow flowers resembling the sun bloom on it.

Occasionally the petals are red. It loves humidity very much, so it needs to be frequently sprayed and watered, but only with warm water.


It is considered a talisman for family people, as it quite effectively cleanses the aura in the house. If you give a single woman red geranium, she will very quickly meet her love. And with pink petals they give it to a married couple for their well-being and peace of mind.

People suffering from insomnia should keep one pot of this plant in their bedroom as it promotes sound and healthy sleep.

In ancient times, girls carried a bag of dried geranium petals in their pocket to attract the attention of the guy they liked.

It has been noticed that in a house where geranium grows there are no scandals, peace always reigns. And geranium gives infertile couples a long-awaited child.

It is very easy to care for her. Even with little care it will bloom magnificently. Every summer it is better to put it on open balcony, if possible, since she loves fresh air. Some people specifically grow them to decorate their own balconies.

Only on the hottest days does this plant need to be protected from the scorching rays of the sun. It is not advisable to display it in dark places, as the plant will stretch in search of light, thereby losing its decorative effect. It is watered about once a week. It is not necessary to spray, as water may cause unsightly spots on the leaves.


This flower is usually found in the bedroom as it enhances physical attraction between spouses and strengthens their love. Thanks to its subtle and unobtrusive aroma, the relationship between husband and wife becomes tender and trusting, and there are almost no quarrels in such a family.

Therefore, it is recommended to give it to a married couple between whom the passion has almost disappeared. If you give it to a single woman, then within six months she will definitely meet her future husband. And hibiscus will give self-confidence to a girl who lacks self-confidence, as it creates an energetic aura around itself.

It's pretty heat-loving plant, which can withstand heat up to +35 o C, but cannot easily tolerate coolness, so it must be protected from drafts. In summer it is watered and sprayed more often than in winter, and it is fed once a year. mineral fertilizers except nitrogen.

Loves sunlight, so for him ideal place there will be a window sill. Every year it should be transplanted into a larger pot, as it grows quite quickly and does not like being cramped. If you do not properly care for it and hide it in a dark room, then in a short period it will shed all its foliage and inflorescences.


This flower is not suitable for everyone, so you need to take into account the character of the person to whom you are planning to give an orchid. This strong flower will make a weak-willed and melancholic person even weaker and more vulnerable. But he will help strong and optimistic people achieve everything in life and successfully overcome obstacles.

Due to its energetic aura, it is not recommended to place the orchid in the bedroom, as insomnia is guaranteed. It is considered if a girl staying in difficult relationships with a loved one, give a pink orchid, then her relationship with this man will improve.

She is quite difficult to care for. It is quite difficult for her to tolerate a change of place, so it is not recommended to move her around the apartment. Orchid loves well-lit places, but not direct ones Sun rays.

In addition, its roots are also light-loving, so the most ideal option it will be transparent for her plastic pot with drainage holes, then it for a long time will bloom. And the pot must be smooth so that the roots feel comfortable in it.

It is watered only when top part the earth dries out completely. Once every six months it is fed with special mineral fertilizers.


This indoor flower with large green leaves and white flowers, it is deservedly called “Women’s Happiness”, since it really helps its owner find love. But for this it is not enough to simply buy a plant and place it in the apartment.

You need to carefully look after it, regularly water it, spray it, feed it, talk affectionately, periodically loosen the soil, make sure it doesn’t get sick. Spathiphyllum can grow even in partial shade, but loves humidity. Every two years it is advisable to replant it in new land. But this should be done only in the spring and not during the flowering period.

It would be ideal if spathiphyllum gives best friend or mom, then him love magic will increase significantly. And it is believed that if you give it to a childless family, they will soon have a child.

Spathiphyllum will the best gift for the twenty-year wedding anniversary, as it revives the former passion and love of the married couple, and establishes their mutual respect for each other. If placed in the bedroom, it will protect a married couple from infidelity.

After he helps his owner find love, he cannot be given to other people, otherwise he will take the love with him.

Usambara violet

It can be found in almost every apartment. And for good reason, since it is considered a symbol of eternal and pure love. In addition, it fits perfectly into any interior, adding coziness to it. Thanks to the huge palette of colors, you can choose a violet so that it fits perfectly into the design of your home.

The violet looks like a very nice little bush with fleshy, slightly fluffy leaves, in the center of which small flowers almost always bloom.

She loves light very much and hates watering with cold tap water. The water must be settled and room temperature. And you should always water at the root, otherwise drops of water can spoil the delicate leaves.

If you care for it properly, replant it every three years, then it will not only attract the love of its owner, but will also protect her from family conflicts and financial problems. Unfortunately, if you quarrel often around her, she will wither, despite careful care, since she is very sensitive to negative atmosphere.


You can’t even say that such an inconspicuous plant, which from the outside resembles ordinary grass, can bring love and family harmony to its owner. According to him appearance determine how much a happy family. If chlorophytum looks healthy and very lush and grows quickly, then harmony and happiness reign in the family.

Childless families can have a child within a year if this wonderful flower transplant it into a pot with any child's drawing and place it in the bedroom.

In addition to the above, chlorophytum also purifies the air from pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Its effectiveness can be increased several times just by adding a little crushed activated carbon. Thanks to this plant, you can forget about air purifiers.

It is very easy to care for, you just need to water it on time and spray it periodically. It should be placed in a well-lit place.


If you give a chrysanthemum growing in a pot to a lonely girl, she will soon meet her soulmate. And for a married couple, this magical flower will help preserve love, strengthen mutual trust, while simultaneously eliminating quarrels over trifles.

For a person who lacks self-confidence, chrysanthemum will help get rid of complexes and give peace of mind. This does not apply to a cut bouquet of chrysanthemum, since it has a completely different aura.

It is not advisable to place it in direct sunlight, as the inflorescences will quickly fade, losing their beauty. But in the twilight they will not even bloom. The most best place for chrysanthemums there will be a well-ventilated balcony. This, of course, is only in the summer season, and in winter an ordinary window sill is enough.

It is watered when upper layer the soil dries out, it is highly recommended to spray it, as it loves wet air. If necessary, you can place a container of water nearby.

Many people believe that indoor flowers bring prosperity and prosperity to the home. There is a fashion for some plants: for example, the money tree is often found on the windowsill in many families and offices.

Folk signs and beliefs are associated with dozens of types of indoor plants. How not to make a mistake when choosing green decor? What home flowers should I buy for well-being and prosperity in the family? What is the “tree of love”? The answers are in the article.

Our ancestors believed: every flower has a soul, this is Living being. It is no coincidence that many trees are believed to feed a person with positive energy. It is worth looking at the shining eyes of amateur flower growers, who talk about their “wards” with inspiration, warmth and tenderness, to be convinced: the plants give a good mood.

To make indoor flowers bring joy, you need to take into account several rules:

  • buying plants for a green corner not only as a tribute to fashion: if the owners do not like the “correct” type and type of living decor, then you need to choose another flower;
  • search in advance for information about the plant you like, find out how a particular variety affects the health of your household and the atmosphere in the family, you need to know: . If the owner or hostess is interested in Feng Shui and believes in omens, then be sure to find information about the flower so that the soul can be at peace;
  • think about where to place the plant. Some amateur flower growers believe that the money tree will quickly help you get rich. It often happens that withering and loss of leaves causes bad feelings, frustration and even panic: since the flower has dried up, the money will not “take root” in the family. Don’t despair: the owners probably chose the wrong place for the flowerpot. A plant with fleshy leaves and a thick stem should be placed in a room with enough light, but not in the hottest room, provide moderate watering - and everything will work out.

Plants for happiness in the home

10 indoor flowers for prosperity and well-being in the home:

  • Uzambara violet. Home amulet, delicate flower symbolizes marital fidelity, warmth of the hearth and endless love. Our ancestors decorated the newlyweds' bed with violet petals. Ornamental plant with velvet leaves and flowers of several shades (from white to deep purple) creates a pleasant, cozy atmosphere in the house. Small bushes are easy to propagate by shoots, violet blooms for a long time and beautifully, and is easy to care for. Unlike many plants with showy flowers, Usambara violet can be placed in the bedroom on a windowsill or placed closer to natural light.
  • Chlorophytum. Unpretentious flower popularly called “family happiness.” The plant rarely gets sick and gives a positive attitude, especially after the appearance of “babies” - mini-chlorophytums (small shoots) on long thin branches. It is difficult to find a plant as popular as chlorophytum. A flower with long leaves (light middle and darker edge) emanating from a “single center” looks great on a wall, high floor stand or a cabinet. Chlorophytum is often bred in homes, offices, schools, government institutions and cultural centers. Wherever an unpretentious plant with a high degree of decorativeness grows, it pleases the eye everywhere.
  • Money tree (crassula). There are many beliefs associated with this type of green decor. The main and most famous sign is reflected in the name of the flower. The more actively the money tree grows and enlarges, the faster the leaves become fleshy and strong, the sooner the owners will have financial well-being. It is no coincidence that flowerpots with Crassula are on the windowsills not only in the apartment, but also in the office. At good care plant with magical properties grows almost as tall as a man, and the diameter of the stem reaches 8-10 cm. Crassula tree is pleasing to the eye: white or soft pink flowers resembling small stars appear on an adult tree.
  • Pansies. Bright colors, spectacular combination pleasant shades, delicate aroma - these are pansies. The plant is used for decoration not only outside, but also in the apartment. If household members are often nervous, or relations between spouses have gone wrong, then bioenergy therapists advise buying pansies and placing them on a window on the east or west side. Bright flowers They give joy, reduce irritability, create comfort and a positive mood for household members.
  • Pelargonium. Do not go with pelargonium and geranium, which is often called the “flower of loneliness.” Despite the similarity of leaves and flowers, decorative flowering plants are completely different: this is what botanists say. Unlike geranium, Blue colour Pelargonium does not have petals; the main color range is white, all shades of red and pink. Pelargonium loves warmth and pleases its owners with spectacular flowering. Luxurious flowers lift your spirits and put you in a positive mood. Hot-tempered people need to purchase pelargonium with soft pink or white flowers, and those with a tendency towards apathy and depression - with red, bright petals. Delicate, juicy greenery and luxurious medium-sized flowers on a thin stalk give a sunny mood even in severe frosts.
  • Calathea. The plant is often called the “guardian of the hearth.” The unpretentious flower came to Europe from South America and took root well in warm and temperate climates. Calathea is difficult to confuse with other types of green decor: against the background of the dark shade of the leaves, lighter veins look impressive. U different varieties the pattern on the greens is different. The original appearance is complemented by a bud on a long stalk, the shade of a complex “multi-layered” flower - from milky white to yellow-orange.
  • . The luxurious flower exudes a pleasant aroma, delights with interesting shades and a noble appearance. Bengal, remontant and polyanthus roses take root well in the apartment. With good care, the indoor plant blooms for several months a year. Rose is the flower of love and marital fidelity. If the bedroom windows face west or southeast (there is no heat, but there is enough sunlight), then you can place one or two flowerpots with small flowers next to the window. indoor roses. If the aroma is very rich, then you need to place the “queen of flowers” ​​in the living room.
  • Dracaena. Many housewives keep a flower with long narrow leaves at home. dark green and a forked stem. Popular name- “indoor palm tree”. Dracaena is unpretentious, grows actively, pleases household members original look. A mini-tree has a positive effect on mood and attracts financial stability to the home. The absence of serious difficulties during care allows the mini-palm tree to grow successfully and for a long time in a green corner. Dracaena is often brought to birthday people to bring prosperity to the house. Green decor can also be placed in the office.
  • Myrtle. A plant that resembles a small tree with a dense crown is a symbol of a strong, prosperous family. Myrtle also attracts good luck, financial stability, and has a positive effect on the energy and health of household members. From time to time, small white flowers appear on the crown. Contemplating a tree with lush foliage and delicate “decor” improves your mood.
  • Spathiphyllum. The plant is popularly called “women’s happiness.” If there is no harmony in the family, frequent quarrels with your husband disturb your peace of mind, then you can buy a plant with an unpronounceable name. Perhaps the appearance of an original plant with rich green leaves and luxurious white flowers will really bring happiness to the house. You can admire together pleasant view spathiphyllum, which will certainly benefit the relationship.

Note! Indoor plants need to be treated with care and love, then there will be peace and well-being in the house.

Indoor flowers that attract love

You can arrange a green corner in the apartment to attract not only financial well-being and peace to the family, but also love. It is easier to find a life partner and maintain the strength of feelings if there are “correct” indoor plants in the house. In the flower shop you can find “male” and “female” happiness, a “tree of love”, and green amulets for spouses. You need to add a positive attitude, self-confidence, zest to the floral decor - and love will definitely settle in the house.

Bioenergy therapists advise purchasing certain types of indoor plants:

  • Chinese rose has a positive effect on the strength of feelings, giving pleasure from contemplating large red flowers;
  • anthurium all year round pleases with delicate inflorescences, leaves of original shades with a spectacular pattern;
  • To attract love, chrysanthemums need to be chosen in certain shades: soft pink, light purple and white. Some women believe that yellow- to separation;
  • Hoya Kerry with its fleshy leaves strengthens relationships. The symbol of a harmonious marital union often replaces the “Valentine” on Valentine's Day. It is advisable to place Hoya Kerry in the bedroom;
  • indoor roses decorate the home and are a symbol of love and marital happiness and harmonious relationships. Depending on the variety and type, a small (up to 40-45 cm) bush can have 5-7 or 10-15 flowers different sizes. Many varieties of roses not only look spectacular, but also have a delicate scent.

Don't make fun of those who believe in folk signs related to indoor plants. A luxurious rose garden, fleshy crassula, bright pelargonium, delicate violets create coziness and a pleasant atmosphere in the apartment. Surely, you can find green home decor that has a positive effect on mood, family happiness and financial stability. It is useful to listen to the advice of experienced gardeners and bioenergy therapists, to know how to choose home flowers that will bring happiness and well-being to your home.

Lovers of indoor plants are often guided by the external beauty of a particular flower when choosing plants for their home. Undoubtedly, beautiful flower is able to please the eye, improving the mood of the household with its very appearance. But some plants can also have a beneficial effect on the human body. More about this in the next video: