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How animals help plants spread. Question: a story about how animals help plants reproduce. Homework assignment

Animal and vegetable world harmoniously connected with each other. Any processes occurring among animals invariably affect the development of plants, and vice versa. And if all the animals on our planet suddenly disappear, after a while the plants will also die, because the former have helped the latter to exist since the emergence of life on Earth.


First of all, animals help in processing organic compounds created by plants. Through other links in the food chain they transfer them to inorganic substances, due to which plants can create again and again organic matter. Thanks to this, a natural cycle occurs in nature. This is why underestimating the importance of animals for plants often leads to irreversible changes in natural biocomplexes.

Animals also contribute to the spread of some plants. Animals and birds, for example, carry spores and seeds of various flora representatives over long distances. It happens different ways. Firstly, they eat fruits, the seeds of which subsequently fall into the ground along with waste products. Secondly, animals often simply catch spores on their fur and feathers, as a result of which they can fall to the ground many kilometers from the place of birth. Ants and rodents, for example, often lose grains and nuts, carrying them into their pantries. Once in fertile soil, the grains germinate over time.

To continue the life of flowers great importance insects play. Bees, bumblebees and butterflies, for example, not only collect nectar from flowers to produce honey, but also pollinate them. This method of propagation is especially important for shrubs and flowers that are not wind pollinated.

Individual representatives of the animal world loosen the soil and fertilize it with the products of their vital activity. Thanks to this, the plants grow much better and more abundantly. This benefit comes from worms, ants, and various small rodents.

Animals also maintain a strict ratio of some plants to others, which helps maintain natural balance. This is achieved due to the fact that each animal species feeds on a specific type of plant. If this balance is disrupted, many plants may simply disappear from the face of the Earth, and with them the animals that fed on them.

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How do animals help plants reproduce?

  1. those who do it
  2. Animals are one of the ways of plant propagation, since they can cross vast areas, move thousands of kilometers, thereby spreading plant seeds to adjacent areas

    So the first way is when the seeds involuntarily attach to the animal’s fur, and together they go to their new habitat. For example, burdock.
    The second method is when seeds eaten by birds or animals come out in the form of feces. example - apple tree, cherry tree, and starting my own life cycle already on a new land.

  3. In these answers, animals help plants not to reproduce, but to spread: they spread ready-made seeds.
    And assistance in reproduction means promoting the formation of fruits and seeds, i.e. pollination. Insects (bees, bumblebees, butterflies, wasps, beetles, etc.), some birds and the bats They transfer pollen from flower to flower, causing cross-pollination. As a result, seeds are formed, with the help of which plants reproduce.
  4. Almost all.
  5. There is a certain tree whose seeds can germinate only after birds have eaten them and they have passed through them. digestive system. they have such a hard skin that otherwise they will not germinate
  6. for example, take the same dog, she walks outside, plays on the grass and the seeds of the plant cling to the fur

a story about how animals help plants reproduce


let's say)) don't judge my imagination strictly :)) Early in the morning, a bee once flew to work - collect pollen from flowers. One flower lured her with its variegated color and the bee flew to it. She collected pollen from all the pollen sacs and flew to another flower. And on the body she received particles of pollen, which she transferred to another flower, thereby helping the first one reproduce. :) We are talking about only one little bee, but each of them - out of 120,000 from one hive - flies every day to work, in search of pollen to make honey. And while hard-working bees are flying somewhere in the sky, on the ground some animal - the same cow - has just eaten and wants to get rid of a little “garbage” in the stomach, that is, to go to the toilet, so to speak)) and so , when the cow has done her business, unprocessed flower seeds will also come out of her, which she probably ate with the grass)) then they remain in the ground and grow :) and cats during parties cling to all sorts of weeds, like thorns, and then this “garbage” simply falls off, clings to something else, and thus the seeds spread. Appreciate my work adequately)))

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Fruits travel

Question: try to explain why fruits must travel.

Answer: if fruits did not travel, then there would be no spread of plants across the Earth. Each type of plant would grow only in one place, and this is bad for plants, because if plants of one type suddenly disappeared in one place, then they would not be found anywhere else. For natural communities this is bad. (example: if wheat grew only in one country and nowhere else, then bread would not be known in other countries. Potatoes were not known in Russia until Peter the Great, and when tubers traveled to Russia, potatoes became the most favorite food product)

Let's discuss!

1. Question: is a seed a living or non-living body?

Answer: a seed is a living body, it breathes, it contains the future plant.

2.Question: Plant seeds are usually stored in bags. Why don't the seeds germinate?

Answer: seeds in bags are usually stored in a dry place, and seeds need moisture for germination.

3. Question: in the spring blooming gardens hives with bees are often taken out. Why do they do this?

Answer: bees collect nectar from flowers, while pollinating the flowers, the plant gets the opportunity to set fruit and form a replacement.

Check yourself.

1. Question: how does pollination occur in plants?

Answer: in addition to nectar, flowers contain pollen - tiny yellow grains. When an insect lands on a flower, pollen remains on its body. Flying to another flower of the same plant species, the insect involuntarily transfers pollen to it - pollinates this flower

2. Question: what is formed in place of flowers after pollination?

Answer: after pollination, an ovary forms in place of the flowers, from which a fruit with seeds then develops.

3. Question: how are plant fruits distributed?

Answer: fruits “travel”:

With the help of the wind (fruits of maple, ash, dandelion);

With the help of animals and humans (attached to wool clothing with special hooks - burdock, string);

With the help of birds (a bird that has eaten the fruit can leave undigested seeds with its droppings many kilometers from the place where it ate the fruit);

Cultural fruits travel according to the will of man.

4. Question: what conditions are needed for seed germination?

Answer: for seeds to germinate, they need: air, moisture and heat.

5. Question: how does a plant develop from a seed?

Answer: Stages of plant development: seed - embryo - seedling with root - seedling with stem and leaves - mature plant with flowers - an adult plant with fruits and seeds.

Assignment for homework:

Task 3. Prepare a story about how animals help plants reproduce (pollinate flowers, distribute fruits).

Animals play an important role in the distribution of pollen, spores, seeds, and fruits of plants, while influencing their reproduction and settlement. The activities of animals are usually motivated by nutritional needs, but their use of seeds, fruits and pollen for plants as food is beneficial because it promotes their distribution.

In the flora of the Earth, flowering plants occupy a dominant position, and the flowers of most species are pollinated by animals (usually insects, less often birds and mammals). Animals are attracted to flowers by the food they find here (pollen, nectar); plants that have adapted to animal pollination have bright petals or sepals, an attractive smell, and contain nectar.

Next lesson

Question: remember what significance plants have for animals and humans. What plants do you know that are included in the Red Book of Russia? What plants in your region need protection?

Answer: plants are a source of food and oxygen for animals and humans, without which life is impossible.

Plants of the Red Data Book of Russia: flat-leaved snowdrop, Martyanov's frogwort, cheerful colchicum, rhododendron Faurie, nut-bearing lotus, mountain peony, etc.

Plants of the Red Book of the Chelyabinsk region: astragalus, lady's slipper, open arrow

Peony evasive (medicinal), Moritz violet, etc.

The animal and plant worlds are harmoniously connected with each other. Any processes occurring among animals invariably affect the development of plants, and vice versa. And if all the animals on our planet suddenly disappear, after a while the plants will also die, because the former have helped the latter to exist since the emergence of life on Earth.


First of all, animals help by processing organic compounds created by plants. Through other links in the food chain, they convert them into inorganic substances, through which plants can again and again create organic matter. Thanks to this, a natural cycle occurs in nature. This is why underestimating the importance of animals for plants often leads to irreversible changes in natural biocomplexes.

Animals also contribute to the spread of some plants. Animals and birds, for example, carry spores and seeds of various flora representatives over long distances. This happens in different ways. Firstly, they eat fruits, the seeds of which subsequently fall into the ground along with waste products. Secondly, animals often simply catch spores on their fur and feathers, as a result of which they can fall to the ground many kilometers from the place of birth. Ants and rodents, for example, often lose grains and nuts, carrying them into their pantries. Once in fertile soil, the grains germinate over time.

Insects are of great importance for the continuation of the life of flowers. Bees, bumblebees and butterflies, for example, not only collect nectar from flowers to produce honey, but also pollinate them. This method of propagation is especially important for shrubs and flowers that are not wind pollinated.

Individual representatives of the animal world loosen the soil and fertilize it with the products of their vital activity. Thanks to this, the plants grow much better and more abundantly. This benefit comes from worms, ants, and various small rodents.

Animals also maintain a strict ratio of some plants to others, which helps maintain natural balance. This is achieved due to the fact that each animal species feeds on a specific type of plant. If this balance is disrupted, many plants may simply disappear from the face of the Earth, and with them the animals that fed on them.