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Why does a bat fly into the apartment? What to do if a bat flies into your house

From century to century, people endow bats with mystical powers. Out of superstitious fear, we treat them as messengers of otherworldly forces. Maybe that's why signs associated with a bat usually portend trouble? How scary it can be when a mouse flies into your apartment.

Vile, scary, disgusting - epithets reflect the emotions that arise when you see a bat. This is exactly how the animal is treated in many countries. God forbid you meet him. And when a bat flies into the house, which is our fortress and protection, don’t expect anything good. It’s not for nothing that the following signs are common:

  1. A mouse flew into the house- soon you or your loved ones will get sick. Another interpretation: you and your family will face failure in business, including financial ones.
  2. A bat flew into a house and fell dead- someone in your family will die soon.

What to do? - you think in panic. First you need to catch the mouse and release it into the wild. If she's dead, bury her. You can cleanse the aura of your home and your consciousness with the help of prayers. Their energy, created over centuries, will not only calm you down, but also help prevent troubles and losses.

Magic symbol

Our ancestors believed that bats had magical powers. It is not for nothing that they are associated with vampires, witches, sorcerers and are used in occult rituals.

If a bat flies into your home, evil spirits have settled in your house. Quickly consecrate your home before hidden forces cause you harm.

There is a belief that the souls of the dead visit us in the form of a bat. Remember your deceased relatives and under no circumstances kill an animal, no matter how unpleasant it may be.

A bat at home is a lucky omen

You have created fear, you might think. Considering the frightening and unpleasant appearance and lifestyle of the bat, this is easy to do. But residents of Asian countries are not at all afraid of the bat, but rejoice at it. Moreover, it is a strong amulet that protects a person, his family and home from evil spirits. They even made amulets and talismans from animal bones.

And the signs associated with the bat are happy:

  1. A bat flew into the house- to wealth. But there is one condition - the sign is valid only in summer and in rainy weather.
  2. A bat flew into a girl's room- Her wedding is coming soon. For the omen to come true, the girl must catch it herself.
  3. A bat flew into the house during a wedding- to a happy life for young spouses, to the birth of healthy children and family financial well-being.

It is very important not to offend a happy animal. Carefully cover the animal with a dark cloth and release it into the wild without hurting or damaging it.

Weather warning

Bat - to heavy and torrential rain. If only she hit the window glass of the house. Yes, some peoples view the animal in such a practical way. If you manage to see a bat overhead, then expect good weather in the near future.

The last weather sign is easily explained: the mouse is very sensitive to weather changes and does not leave its secluded home before it rains.

Bat in a dream

If a bat flies to you in a dream, wait for a stranger. The meeting will be significant in your life and will lead to changes. Is it good or bad to expect from a stranger? Its role depends on how you treat it in a dream. If a stranger causes fear, then be careful in communicating with others.

The dream may have another meaning: if a flying animal moves chaotically around the room, then soon you will have to go on a trip. The more mice, the longer it will be.

A bat can bite you in a dream - someone from your close circle is trying to guide you.

Safety regulations

What to do if a bat bites you in reality? Get to the hospital quickly because these animals often carry rabies. If treatment is not started in time, you can die. Maybe this is where the connection between signs and our everyday life lies?

To prevent a bat from biting you, let it land, do not catch it in flight. Next, put on gloves, cover it with a box, and slide a piece of cardboard under it. Now you can safely take it outside.

Scientific approach to the phenomenon

Skeptics will not hesitate to destroy faith in omens. Why did a bat fly into your house? Made a mistake or got lost. This often happens, especially if the bat is young and inexperienced. It is quite possible that she was looking for a new place to live. There is nothing magical here.

Whether you believe in magic and omens or not is up to you. Any sign is a sign. Good or bad? Depends on our attitude towards it and on how we program ourselves for the future. It's better to believe in lucky omens, isn't it?

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Signs associated with a bat and ways to drive the animal out of the apartment.

The bat is a rather strange creature, around which there are a lot of unusual legends and beliefs. A lot of fear and apprehension arises during contact with an animal, especially if it gets into the house.

Bats in the house: is it good or bad, is it for money or a wedding?

In fact, a bat flying into a house is not always a harbinger of misfortune. The details and little things that caused the mouse to fly into the house are of great importance.

Signs associated with bats:

  • Our ancestors believed that if a bat was in the house, it promised the death or illness of someone close to them. You should be wary if an animal attacks the homeowner.
  • In China, this mammal generally portends financial wealth and well-being. In Feng Shui, this strange animal is simply adored and nothing bad is associated with it.
  • If an unmarried girl was the first to encounter an animal, then most likely she will find herself a betrothed and perhaps get married soon.
  • If a married housewife encounters an animal, then perhaps soon she will have to meet a rival who is not exactly friendly to her husband.

If you are engaged in business, then the animal portends you financial success and decent income.

Some signs and beliefs about bats:

  • In Ancient Babylon they believed that these animals were descendants of divine beings. Their wings are protection from the evil eye and evil spirits. One of the legends says that for disobedience and participation in bacchanalia, God Dionysus turned the daughters of King Minos into bats. If a woman could not get pregnant, she had to sprinkle the animal’s blood on her pillow and sleep on it for 2 days. After that, the women successfully became pregnant.
  • Animals were often used as a talisman against the evil eye and to attract wealth. The owner of a dried winged animal received the ability to attract money to himself.
  • One of the cruelest traditions was to nail bats above the front door. Such a crucified animal protected the room from the visit of evil spirits.

A bat flew into an apartment or house: sign

In our country there is a sign that a bat that appears in the house promises trouble or illness. But don't be upset. Early in the morning or the same day, go to the temple and light a candle.

What does it mean if a bat flies onto the balcony?

Most often, inexperienced and young individuals fly onto the balcony. They often lose their way and end up indoors. Don't get upset and think about something bad. Such a visit most likely does not bode well.

Judging from the point of view of folk signs, such a strange guest can bring trouble to the team. Most likely, employees will quarrel or face financial ruin. But the Chinese, on the contrary, would be happy to have such a guest, since they consider the animal a symbol of money and material well-being.

Most likely this indicates a change in the weather. People believe that bats are excellent weather forecasters. They hit walls and glass before a heavy downpour. Therefore, if you find an animal on the window, take an umbrella with you to work.

What does it mean if bats are flying around your house?

This doesn't bode well. There are a lot of bats near their habitats in the evening. Perhaps their nest is somewhere nearby. They often settle in attics and roofs, and in the evening they fly into courtyards to feast on mosquitoes. So a visit from bats means there will be fewer mosquitoes in your yard.

Perhaps animals are being slaughtered somewhere nearby. Bats often roost near meat processing plants because they are attracted to the smell of blood. In fact, such a neighborhood does not mean anything.

What does it mean if a cat catches a bat?

It is quite difficult for a cat to catch a bat, since the mammal is very nimble and nimble. But if this happens, don't be upset. Try to carefully remove the animal from the cat's mouth and release it into the wild.

If you dreamed that a cat caught a bat, do not be upset. According to the dream book, this promises trouble, but if a cat comes into play, then they will be quickly resolved.

Under no circumstances should bats be killed. In some religions, it is believed that this animal protects the world from evil spirits and evil spirits. Therefore, killing an animal will bring trouble. There is a belief that whoever kills a mouse will have a shortened life.

Why do bats fly into the apartment?

This happens by mistake, the animal simply lost its way. This is possible at night and in the evening, so before going to bed, close the windows or install mosquito nets.

Do not kill the animal under any circumstances. This applies not only to apartments. An animal should not be killed at all, as this will lead to trouble and possibly illness. Mages believe that whoever kills a bat will live a short life.

A bat flew into an apartment in winter: what to do?

As winter approaches, bats prepare for hibernation. They tend to hide in a narrow gap. They often spend the winter in attics and roofs. Animals mistakenly fly into apartments and offices.


  • Never take the life of a mammal. Turn off the lights and open the windows. The animal will find a way out on its own.
  • If the mouse did not fly away, but sat on the windowsill, take the box and cover the animal.
  • If the weather is dry and windless, take the box outside and open it.
  • If it’s frosty outside, take the animal to the roof, as it will freeze in the yard.

The animal is attracted to bright things, so if a mouse gets into your house, open the windows and turn off the lights. Tie a white cloth to a stick and hang it outside the window. The animal will fly to the light and leave your house. If the mammal is in no hurry to leave the apartment, do not kill it. Put gloves on your hands or cover the animal with a box or jar. Take the bat outside and release it into the wild.

Never handle an animal with your bare hands; you risk being bitten. Bats often suffer dangerous illnesses.

In fact, a bat is a cute animal that does not want you harm. Therefore, do not rush to kill the animal, release it into the wild.

VIDEO: Signs and superstitions about bats

A bat flew in - the signs associated with this event are, for the most part, associated with negative energy and even evil spirits.

Negative energy

At all times, people have associated bats with demons and the undead (most often they talked about vampires who could turn into bats and cover vast distances or silently fly into a victim’s house). A large number of legends and superstitions associated with this unexpected guest have survived to this day.

A vampire came to visit

Expect big troubles

A bat flew into the apartment - expect trouble. If a dove or a sparrow is still possible, then a bat is always unfortunate. The Scots believe that the bat is the messenger of the devil. When a bat (or a flock) soars up and then flies down, the Scots believe that it is time for witches. And such behavior is considered the apogee of evil spirits.

If a bat not only flew into the apartment, but also flew into or even attacked a person, then this could promise major troubles or even the death of some person in the house. Most often, the appearance of a bat is associated with death. If a bat flies around the house 3 times, this means an early death in the house. Bringing a bat into the house is also a bad omen, which promises death and illness in the house.

The sign is a bat in the house, its connection with death, all this has been reflected throughout the centuries (take the same unfortunate vampires, whose connection with bats cannot be overestimated). It is also known that the appearance of bats at a wedding can promise a quick break in the marriage.

If the bat did not fly into the house, but only hit the window, it means rain.

Despite the fact that the bat is associated with death in popular belief, you cannot kill this animal, as you will greatly shorten your life. Therefore, we can advise you to treat these not very pleasant creatures from a neutral point of view, simply ignore them, and do not regard their appearance in the house in any way, and quickly try to send the uninvited guests out without causing harm.

What else you need to know about bats

If you wear the eye of a bat, you can be invisible to others. By washing yourself with the blood of a bat you can gain visibility in the dark.

In general, you should not perceive a bat as a messenger of dark forces. Over all times, many different legends and myths have been invented about these creatures, but not everything is true.

Signs and beliefs associated with bats

Signs and beliefs associated with bats.

I am One of the night, a bat from an ancient family.

An unknown mouse hanging upside down on a tree.

I may be some rare breed of bird

From the realm of ultra, from the city of echoes, a hero?

No, I'm not a vampire, that's in the past...a larva for dinner,

(I'm on a diet), butterfly pate,

Fruit pulp is a supply of vitamins, colds...

Kh..., an eternal draft in these European caves!...Over the years

The understanding has come that I am not the only butterfly alive,

I am sending a request to other worlds - ultrasound...

But the echo is silent, the Great Mouse does not listen.

Where to put the membranes of winged hands???


If bats come out of their holes just after sunset and frolic in the sky, this portends clear and warm weather.

An old Scottish belief states that if a bat flies up and falls to the ground again, it means that the witching hour has come, when witches have power over all human beings, deprived of special protection. Of all the inhabitants of Britain, only the Scots saw some kind of connection between bats and people .

Here is another similar belief.

Modern residents of Tendo (Gold Coast) believe that the flocks of bats that leave the island every evening and rush to the mouth of the river are the souls of the dead who reside on the sacred island and every evening must visit the home of the good fetish Tano, who lives in the river of the same name. And the Wotjobaluk tribe in southeastern Australia believe that the life of a bat is connected to the life of a person, and if you kill a bat, then human life will also be shortened.

A similar superstition in Scotland and the north of England was associated with hares. It was believed that witches could turn into hares, and if the hare was wounded or killed, the witch would also be found killed or wounded.

In this way, many witches and sorcerers were caught in Britain. In Russia, “superstitious people carried [bats] ... in dried form in their bosoms, for the sake of health or happiness. Or they brewed it with boiling water and gave such water for healing to the sick, lying in gnetica or in a fever, for children." In Eastern Siberia, after killing a bat, "they hang it on a thread from the ceiling and dry it for a long time; after that they crush it into powder, which is mixed with the horses' feed. It prevents spoilage." Bats were called bats. It is believed that “bats are played to the bucket.

A bat flies into the house - to trouble.

Meetings with a bat are the most terrible signs - there is nothing worse than meeting these mice.

If a bat screams or squeaks while flying, expect failure.

If a person is attacked by a bat, death is already on the way.

To see a bat flapping its wings is to incur a terrible disease.

On the Isle of Man and in areas along the Welsh border, it was said that witches turned into bats and entered houses as such. E. M. Leather tells the story of a man from Whibley Marsh who saw "something like a bat" fly into his room. He hit her with a handkerchief, but when he began to look for the body, he found nothing. Subsequently, he said that from this sign he understood that it was a witch from among those who then lived in the area, because a real bat would certainly have died from such a blow. It is recorded as a Scottish belief that when a bat soars upward in flight and then descends sharply towards the ground, it means that the hour of the witches has come - the time when they have power over people who have no special protection against them.

Despite this connection with witches, the Manx population considers it a very good omen if a bat falls on a person. Many women outside the island will doubt this because of the general belief that if a bat flies or falls on a woman’s head, it will certainly become entangled in her hair and will not get out until it is cut off. But this, it seems, is nothing more than superstition, not based on facts. Countryman magazine (Spring 1960) reports an experiment carried out in 1959 by the Earl of Cranbrook, with the kind help of three young women who allowed him to drop a bat into their hair. Four different kinds of bats were used, and in all cases the creature was easily extricated without making any mess in the hair.

In Oxfordshire it is considered an omen of death when a bat flies around the house three times. If bats appear in the early evening and fly around, as if playing, this means good weather.

Children, seeing a bat, often try to ward off trouble by singing or saying:

Mouse, mouse, fly away

Fly away from here,

Come again tomorrow

Mouse, mouse fly away,

Bat, fly to the sky,

I'll give you bread

I'll give you a sip of beer

A piece of wedding cake.


A bat falling on you is a sign of good luck.

Bringing a bat into the house is a sign of misfortune, a sign of death in the family.

A bat appearing at a wedding is a bad sign.

A bat flies around the house three times - a sign of death.

A bat flying out to “play” in the early evening is a sign of good weather.

A bat hitting a building is a sign of rain.

Seeing a bat during the day is unlucky.

Kill a bat - your life will be shorter.

Keeping a bat bone in your clothes brings good luck.

Keeping the right eye of a bat in your jacket pocket gives you invisibility.

Carrying a powdered bat heart with you will prevent a person from bleeding to death or stop a bullet.

Washing your face with bat blood gives you the ability to see in the dark.

Adding a few drops of bat blood to someone's drink makes the person who drinks it more passionate.




Many people fear bats and consider them messengers of the devil. But what if such an animal flew into a house or apartment? To avoid trouble, you need to act correctly and consistently.

What should you not do?

Since meeting a bat is a rare and unexpected event, many people make a lot of mistakes. And to avoid them, it is important to find out which actions would be wrong.

So what not to do?

  1. Catching a bat with bare hands and even touching it with unprotected skin. The fact is that these animals are carriers of many infections, including dangerous ones. And if microbes from the animal’s body get onto the skin and then into your body, then the risks of developing unpleasant diseases will increase significantly.
  2. Panic and try to drive the mouse away. If you perform chaotic actions and sudden movements, the animal may become frightened and also show aggression. A mouse bite is a direct threat to health and life, so you should be careful and remain calm.
  3. “Set” domestic animals on the mouse. Firstly, a cat or dog can become very frightened when faced with an incomprehensible and unusual animal. Secondly, an aggressive and large mouse can attack a pet and bite it, and this threatens the development of incurable rabies. And thirdly, even if a pet plucks up courage and attacks a bat, this will lead to injury to the latter, and its blood, as you remember, may contain extremely dangerous viruses or bacteria.

How to catch?

What to do if a bat flies into your house or apartment? First of all, calm down and prepare everything necessary to catch such an uninvited guest. You will need thick, impervious gloves (preferably long and reaching to your elbows), a box or other similar container, thick cardboard or a piece of plywood, thick fabric and possibly a ladder.

How to catch a bat quickly and without loss? First, calm down and make sure that the animal is also calm. It is advisable to remove all pets from the premises, as they can behave unpredictably and interfere with capture. Then take the box and approach the mouse carefully and quietly. Carefully but quickly cover it with the container. Then lift one edge of the box a little and begin to place thick cardboard or plywood under it. When it covers the entire space under the container, carefully take it. Hold the structure tightly, because the animal inside may begin to try to free itself.

Further actions will be aimed at freeing the mouse; this will be the most humane solution. When she calms down enough, you can let her go. You can do this by going outside or onto the balcony. Just place the box on any surface, move it slightly to “stir up” the animal. It is better to do all this in the evening or at night, since bats navigate well in the dark, so they practically do not fly during daylight hours.

Advice: a bat may be frightened by your sudden and careless movements, fly up and accidentally crash into you. To prevent contact with it and bites, it is better to wear some thick clothing that protects the entire body. You can cover your face with a mask or wide glasses.

FYI: If a bat accidentally entered your home during the cold season, it probably just wanted to stay warm. By releasing it into the street, you doom the animal to death. In this case, it is better to contact specialists involved in catching wild animals.

Popular beliefs

There are many popular beliefs associated with bats, including those concerning the visit of this animal to the house. Moreover, among them there are both optimistic and extremely pessimistic. Here are some signs:

  • It is believed that such an animal belongs to dark forces, so its visit to the house does not bode well for the residents. According to this belief, bad events and misfortunes await them, for example, illness, significant losses or losses. Moreover, if you try to kill the animal, you can only worsen your already not the best situation.
  • If a bat not only flew into the house, but also tried to attack one of the residents or even accidentally stumbled upon him, then this indicates that the person will face a serious illness or health problems. And some believe that contact with such an animal can promise death or a serious threat.
  • If an animal flies into a room during some kind of holiday, then trouble awaits the hero of the occasion. Newlyweds will be especially unlucky: they may encounter frequent quarrels, disagreements and misfortunes.
  • This sign is more optimistic. So, in China, a bat is considered a symbol of wealth, so its visit may mean that you will soon make a profit or significantly improve your financial condition. There is probably a prize, a highly paid position or an inheritance waiting for you.
  • In some countries, it is believed that such animals are very sensitive and choose places with positive energy. Therefore, if the mouse chose your house, then consider this a good sign, because there is probably a favorable atmosphere in the house, and all residents feel comfortable.
  • Seeing an animal in your domain is good luck. Therefore, do not be alarmed, but wait for good news. And don't forget to release the bat.

If a bat visits your home, you can catch it and avoid trouble. And remember that a visit from such an animal will not bring anything bad if you treat it correctly.