home · On a note · DIY flower bed baskets. How to make a fence in the country. How to make a flowerbed-basket from stones of different sizes

DIY flower bed baskets. How to make a fence in the country. How to make a flowerbed-basket from stones of different sizes

Making a flowerbed basket with your own hands is quite simple and does not require special skills from a person. Every year during the warm period, any owner tries to grow as many interesting plants as possible on his plot. The most creative gardeners create small flower beds of various interesting shapes. An example of such decorative elements is wicker flower beds.

Making flower beds with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. We usually use a variety of hedges and fences to place our flowers, which provide support for our plants. Such a wattle fence for a flower bed has long become boring and no longer causes delight. Another thing is a flowerbed basket, which can turn any garden into an amazing and incredibly fabulous place. The main thing is to figure out how to make such a flower garden with your own hands and what materials are best suited for this.

Before you start weaving a basket, you should collect a sufficient amount of the same material.

The main criterion for selecting branches is sufficient flexibility. Young twigs of hazel, birch, willow, dogwood, raspberry branches, apple trees and even grapes have these properties. Each of the above shoots differs from other analogues in their sufficient length, flexibility and ease of removal of the top layer of bark. All this contributes to the creation of a high-quality and uniform design. One thing to remember is that branches cannot be harvested in the hottest months of the year, as they dry out a little and can be brittle. Experts advise harvesting material in early autumn, when the shoots have all the necessary characteristics.

If the proposed basket is large, then you should seriously work on collecting the material, because at least two thousand twigs will be required to make it.

It is recommended to immediately clean cut shoots of young bark, since over time this process can become significantly more complicated. If you did not have the opportunity to devote time to this labor-intensive process right away, and the branches managed to dry out a little, you should boil them, after which the process of removing the bark and leveling the twigs will be as simple as in the beginning.

It is necessary to store the shoots in a dry place, but before starting work you should moisten the twigs with warm water, this gives them special flexibility and evenness.

Types of flower beds

In order to start making a wicker basket for a flower bed yourself, you should understand their main types. There are only two types of such products.

The first of these is the hired flowerbed basket. This is the most common option, as it is the easiest to do. If your flower garden has a significant area, you can install several similar structures on it. This wicker flower bed is a wicker oval fence that looks a bit like a hedge. Such a fence for a flower bed is necessary not only for decoration, but also to protect plants from strong gusts of wind and frequent rain. Very often there are above-ground flowerbed baskets, which are an ordinary basket in which flowers are planted. This option is now very fashionable and, of course, attracts owners with its stylishness. In the basket, a film is laid out at the bottom, and only then soil, so that the roots of the plants cannot penetrate below and do not get tangled in the rods.

The second type of wicker basket flower bed is the hanging wicker flower bed. It is often made in the form of a basket. Of course, the hanging counterparts are smaller in size compared to the previous version. Such flower beds look good on verandas, house walls, and sometimes even on tree branches. This flowerbed basket primarily performs a decorative function, so the shape and color of the basket can be absolutely any. The only thing that is required from the owners is proper care of this element. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the basket, otherwise it could fall on someone’s head at any moment.

Front garden manufacturing process

To make such an original flower garden in the form of a basket you will need scissors, cardboard, a shovel and many rods one and a half to two meters long. After preparing the materials, you can begin the process itself.

First of all, you should soak the shoots and sort them by width and length. After soaking, you need to thoroughly clean the rods of bark and level them. After this, you should cut out a circle from cardboard, which should match the size of the bottom of the future basket.

After this, you need to cut off a small part of the circle, which will become the support of the future basket. After all this, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil to a depth of thirty centimeters. It is important that the size of the hole matches the size of the bottom of the future basket. After this, thick shoots are inserted into the hole in a circle. The branches should be placed at a distance of fifteen centimeters from each other.

Immediately after this you can begin weaving pegs. Everyone determines the height of the basket for themselves, but, as a rule, it is no more than sixty centimeters. After finishing the weaving, you should connect all the rods that served as support and cut off the unnecessary ones. This way you will get something similar to a pen. After this, you can paint the basket in an interesting way, after which you should plant the desired flowers.

Decorating your home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. This does not always require a lot of money and time. A flowerbed basket is just the kind of detail that can completely embellish a garden without requiring significant costs. Believe me, many neighbors will envy such a flower garden.

There is a very simple solution on how to make a fence for a flowerbed with your own hands - this is an ordinary wattle fence. Such a wooden fence will look especially natural in a dacha.

Sometimes in a garden you can’t just use a border for a flower bed - you need a low fence that will not only divide the border of the flower bed, but also block the path of small animals to flowers and ornamental plants. But which one and from what?

From boards, wire or brick? Please note that they all require a lot of effort to install and costs for purchased materials. The answer is simple - you need a fence made of stumps or wattle fence. You can do these with your own hands. Today we are talking about the fence.

Surely everyone in the garden has materials at hand to make a wicker fence. And there will be a place, of course.

Choosing a location for a country fence

First, choose a flowerbed around which you decided to make a fence. You can simply separate a group of tall flowers and shrubs, surround a tree with a fence, or put up a small decorative wall separating the vegetable garden and flower bed area.

After you have chosen a place, draw a line on the ground along the perimeter and calculate how many stakes you will need - they need to be driven into the ground with an interval of 25-30 cm from each other.

If you want a wattle fence for a year, then next to the corner peg you additionally need to drive very close (5-7 cm) one more wooden peg on each side to make a vine castle. In a conventional wattle fence, the rods are cut off at the corners, which is why they often fall out if the fence is touched. If you place additional pegs next to the corner pegs, then you can run the rods around the three corner pegs without cutting them. Such a fence will not have the ends of the rods sticking out at the corners and, by the way, is much more beautiful.

Let's prepare materials

For vertical pegs around which the twigs intertwine, find branches 2.5 -5 cm thick and cut to the required length.

To find out what length you need, first make length marks on one peg and try to drive it in according to the principle: “the deeper, the stronger.” Look to what depth it went into the ground in this area, add the height of the fence and decide on the size.

You can start preparing the peg. Cut the branches to the specified length, clear them of knots and sharpen them on one side. To prevent the branches from sprouting, treat the pointed ends with an antiseptic and paint them.

For weaving, we will need flexible shoots 10-12 mm thick: birch and willow twigs, grapevine, raspberry branches are perfect, which are thinned out in the fall anyway.

It is easier to harvest twigs in spring and autumn, when there are no leaves on them.

How to make a fence for a flower bed?

The day before weaving, it is advisable to soak an armful of twigs overnight in a large basin or bathtub. It is best to pour boiling water over them - they will bend softly and lie down easily.

Drive the stakes around the perimeter and make sure that they do not wobble and are driven firmly. The stakes can be adjusted in height with a hammer. If you leave a few taller ones, you can hang small pots or jugs on them for beauty.

Next, braid the stakes with twigs in a zigzag pattern and make sure that the protruding parts go inward. Do not forget that each vine must be compacted and pressed against the previous layer. If the vine is too thin, you can take several pieces in one weave. Do not start the next layer until you have gone around the entire perimeter of the fence. And layer by layer, raise the fence to the height you need.

A few weaving rules:

  • Do not start weaving the rod from the corner pegs. Start somewhere in the middle so that the branch, when weaving, passes the corner and ends on the other side of the perimeter. Then the corners will be prettier and the structure more stable.
  • Align the thick end of one rod with the thin end of the next so that the knitting is even.
  • Make sure that the end of the vine does not fall on a peg where there is already another tip from the previous layer. Either choose a vine of a different length, or shorten this one.
  • To make the fence stronger, you can additionally tie them with rope in several places, for example, on the corner stakes.
  • By adjusting the distance between the vertical stakes, you can make the fence more or less densely woven.

And finally, after finishing the work, trim the protruding edges of the rods - cut with a knife or pruning shears. That's it, the fence is ready!

The base of a flowerbed made of wattle

By the way, you can combine a wattle fence and a base for a flower bed. Such a flower bed is good in places where the soil is unsuitable for growing flowers - clay, stones or construction waste. Make a low wall of wattle fence around this area, fill it first with crushed stone and sand in the case of clay soils, and cover it with a layer of fertile soil on top.

For stability, use thick stakes less than 20 cm apart and drive them at a slight angle into the center of the flower bed. After filling with earth, they will level out and steadily hold back the soil pressure from the inside. It is better to use rods that are a little thicker and more flexible - then the weaving will be denser, stronger, without large holes, and the earth will not spill out.

Such a flower bed with a wicker fence base does not require extra expenses and will look great both in the country and in the garden of a city house. Don't worry if you think wicker won't look good next to concrete, metal and glass. On the contrary, they will soften the modern design of houses, the look of cast fences and create coziness in your urban garden.

I wonder how such a base for flower beds is made? If you have any ideas, write in the comments so that others can make a base for a flower garden or vegetable garden from a wooden fence.

Wicker flower beds are used mainly for decorating a summer cottage. In addition, the walls of the fence protect the flowers from damage, and several products create a single style on the site. They go well with other decorative elements, especially if they are also made in a similar way.

Flower beds made of wicker vines are used when decorating a site in a rustic, ethnic or natural style. They differ from other fencing methods by being cheap, easy to manufacture and environmentally friendly.

There are two types of flower beds - ground and hanging. The former are the most common option for wicker fencing. Large products are structures consisting of supports dug into the ground and walls made of thin branches. They look like fences with beautifully stretched vines.

Depending on the type of plant, the flowerbed is supplemented with various elements. For example, for climbing species, a canopy or lattice is formed from twigs in the upper part of the structure, to which young shoots are woven. Visually, it looks like a human-sized basket with a high handle.

The fence does not have to be dug into the ground. Small products can be installed without fixation and moved from place to place, thus changing the order in the territory. The most popular above-ground flower beds are oval or round baskets, often with handles.

The height of the basket depends on its diameter; the smaller it is, the higher the walls. Low products often serve as a border fence. In this case, they are woven in a rectangular shape.

Hanging products are small in size and can be hung on walls to decorate an area. Small dimensions allow them to be mounted on walls, tree branches, fences, etc. To create suspended structures, comply with the following requirements:

  • They must rotate on a pendant to periodically turn one side toward the light.
  • It is recommended to plant plants that do not require careful care in hanging flower beds. Usually petunias, pansies, and daisies are placed at height. They grow quickly and turn the wall into a blooming garden.
  • The volume of the product must be at least 10 liters due to the large roots of many plants. In small baskets they squeeze out the soil and dry out.
  • Suspended systems must have a tray in which moisture remains after watering. Without it, the water will quickly wash away the minerals. If there are no pallets in the soil, it is necessary to periodically apply fertilizers.
With the exception of the listed features, caring for seedlings in wickerwork does not differ from terrestrial plants.

Wicker flower bed technology

To make a flower garden with a fencing made of twigs, several factors should be taken into account - the location of its installation, the properties of the material, the type of plant. All the necessary information for making a wicker flowerbed with your own hands is given below.

Harvesting vines

Before starting work, prepare the material. Thin, long, flexible branches that are easy to bend are suitable for weaving. The best rods are made from willow, hazel, willow, and birch. In small quantities, branches of apple, raspberry, dogwood, and grapevine can be added to the composition, which add zest to the product. Most often they stop at what is available.

It is recommended to harvest the material in the fall, when the plants stop growing. At other times of the year, you can also stock up on material, except for the beginning of summer, when the rods have not yet acquired greater strength. Vine for weaving flower beds is commercially available, but you can cut it yourself.

When preparing rods, use our recommendations:

  • The branches must be at least 1.5 m long, preferably the same length. The best ones are those that are one year old.
  • Cut the rods at an angle, leaving 15 cm long sections with buds on the branches. Under such conditions, the plant will quickly recover.
  • Inspect the cutting areas. Samples with a loose core are not suitable for work. Also throw away twigs with a reddish core and visible defects - broken, damaged, broken.
  • After cutting, remove the leaves from the twigs immediately.
  • To remove the bark, you can use a special tool - a pincher. The procedure can be performed immediately after cutting from the tree. Do not delay this operation. Removing dried bark is very difficult.
  • Store cut branches in water so that they remain flexible for a long time.
Before making a wicker flowerbed, prepare the vine for installation according to our recommendations:
  1. Tie the blanks into a bundle and place them vertically in a bucket. Make sure that all the branches touch the bottom, then form several bundles, the rods of which will differ in length by no more than 10-15 cm.
  2. Soak the material in hot water to increase flexibility. First, divide the vine by size. It is enough to immerse twigs with a diameter of about 2 mm in water for 10 minutes, with a diameter of 8-10 mm for 1 hour. During the operation, wood bark releases dyes, so use a container that you don't mind.
  3. Dry the soaked rods and place them in a plastic bag. This increases the period of maximum flexibility of the vine.
If you often make wicker flower beds, it makes sense to create a plantation on which the vine will constantly grow.

To set it up, perform the following operations:

  • From twigs with a diameter of 3-4 mm, cut into pieces 25 cm long.
  • Make holes in the soil to a depth of 20 cm.
  • Install the rods in them so that they protrude 4-5 cm above the ground.
  • After 1-2 years, the cuttings will grow and can be cut for weaving.
It is necessary to plant preparations every year.

Rules for weaving flower beds

To create flower beds, the vine is stretched between the posts in various ways:
  1. Horizontal. It is the simplest option for weaving fencing for flower beds. Rods are stretched between the pillars parallel to the ground. The junctions of the branches are fastened with wire or bark.
  2. Vertical. For this case, additional slats will be needed. Some are attached to poles parallel to the ground (for rectangular flower beds), others are necessary to increase the rigidity of the structure. They are placed vertically between the supports at the same distance.
  3. Oblique. It is obtained by laying several branches at an angle at once.
  4. Chess. It differs in that the rods are passed not through one post, but through several, creating a beautiful pattern. It is possible to paint the material in different colors before work to create aesthetics.
The fence can be turned into a hedge if the supports are made from willow stakes. They will grow and completely change the appearance of the building.

To get a beautiful flower bed, follow the basic rules of weaving:

  • For work, choose rods 1-2 cm thick; the larger the product, the thicker the workpiece.
  • Laying is carried out from the thick part of the rod to the thin one.
  • After finishing one row, start the next one on the other side. This ensures the same wall thickness throughout its entire height.
  • To ensure the row is horizontal and to prevent branches from slipping off the stakes, secure them in their normal position with wire.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a wicker flower bed-basket

To create it you will need stakes with a diameter of 2-3 cm and thin rods. The height of thick branches is selected taking into account the above-ground part plus 20 cm of the underground part. Thus, for a fence 25-30 cm high, stakes 50 cm long are needed. Sharpen the blanks and coat them with an antiseptic to extend their service life.

You can use metal tubes, but they will spoil the aesthetic appearance.

To create the walls you will need a vine 1-1.5 cm thick and 1.5 m long. Before weaving, it must be processed as indicated above.

Sequence of work:

  1. From the site where you plan to place the flower bed, remove fertile soil, collect plant roots, and loosen the soil.
  2. Mark the contours of the flower bed on the site. If it is round, draw a circle and mark its position with pegs, driving them into the ground after 25-30 cm.
  3. Drive stakes into the corners of the rectangular structure, and two more next to it, one on each side. During weaving, the rods are pulled through them, forming a so-called “lock”. For reliability, they are additionally fixed in this position with wire.
  4. Attach horizontal slats to the supports, which can be used to control the horizontality of the rows.
  5. Next, the rods are braided around the stakes in a given way. Place the first branch near the ground. She should go around three or four supports in a zigzag, alternately in front and behind. After finishing the branch, take the next one and continue the operation from the area where it ended. In the place where the joint occurs, cut the vine at an angle of 45 degrees and secure it with additional wire. You can experiment with the width of the step or the number of rods laid in one row. To make the design beautiful, choose blanks of the same length or trim off the excess.
  6. After creating a row, tap it with a hammer to reduce the gaps between the branches. This is due to a significant reduction in the diameter of the rods after they dry and the appearance of large gaps between them.
  7. At the end of weaving, protect the vine from the sun and precipitation, which will extend its service life. To do this, the finished product can be varnished or painted with stain. The varnish should be matte, because... glossy gives the structure an artificial look.
  8. Cover the bottom and sides of the flowerbed with plastic wrap to prevent soil from spilling out.
  9. Create a drainage layer at the bottom of the basket from crushed stone, broken stone and sand.
  10. Fill the container with fertile soil, plant the plants and water them.
Often, fencing for flower beds is woven in winter or early spring from willow grass. This is a species of willow that grows as a small shrub.

The operation is performed as follows:

  • Prepare a barrel of any diameter.
  • Fill it with snow and compact it.
  • Prepare the willow rods. Thick branches are suitable for supports, thin branches are suitable for weaving. Cut the blanks before the buds bloom on the bushes.
  • Along the perimeter of the barrel, insert thick samples into the snow after 15-20 cm.
  • Stretch thin talnik rods around them, two at a time. After creating the first two rows, the racks will still move, but then the structure will become rigid.
  • Repeat the procedure until the basket reaches the required height.
  • Trim any protruding vertical stakes.
  • Make a flowerbed handle. To do this, braid several branches together and fasten them diagonally to the sides of the basket.
  • Remove the product from the barrel and use it for its intended purpose.
How to make a wicker flower bed - watch the video:

A flowerbed-basket in a country yard looks beautiful and creates the effect of home comfort. Making a braid is not that difficult if you have a little patience. The classic material for a basket is wicker, but resourceful summer residents have adapted to using old linoleum and even boards.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wicker flower bed

A flowerbed in the form of a wicker attracts attention with its originality. To know how profitable it is to create it, you need to understand its pros and cons.

The advantages of wicker borders for flower beds can be characterized by four facts:

  • A basket-shaped fence fits effectively into poor and rich landscape design. The flowerbed is succinctly combined with the architectural ensemble and is suitable for growing simple and exotic varieties of flowers.
  • It is economical to create a basket. There is no need to purchase materials. The owner uses what is at hand.
  • Wicker wicker is an environmentally friendly design.
  • It’s easy to weave a basket yourself.

Of the shortcomings, only one point stands out. After a season of use, baskets lose their attractive original appearance. This is due to the harmful effects of weather conditions, mechanical stress, and careless care of the flowerbed by the owners.

Selection of weaving material

The classic material for weaving a basket is wicker. The more flexible the rods are, the easier it is to work with them. Twigs of willow, dell, birch or willow are good for work. From fruit trees, twigs are taken from apple, dogwood or raspberry trees. Excellent results are obtained when using grapevines.

The rods are cut with pruning shears. Minimum length – 600 mm. The vines are sorted by thickness. Rods with a diameter of 0.6 to 15 mm are used to weave the sides of the basket. A vine 15-30 mm thick is used for stakes, around which the braid is wound.

Harvesting of vines is carried out in the fall. You can cut twigs at other times of the year, but not at the beginning of summer. At this time, the vine is still immature and will break when bent.

Advice! The best vines for baskets are willow and willow. Grape vines are not inferior in quality.

From artificial materials, old linoleum cut into strips is used for weaving baskets. Any flexible hose or wire will do.

Varieties of wicker flower beds-baskets

Conventionally, wicker flower beds are divided into two types:

  1. Ground wicker fences for flower beds are available in large and small sizes. The design resembles a fence. The shape of the basket is given at your discretion: round, rectangular, oval or complex polygonal. Even though the basket is installed on the ground, it can be moved to another location if necessary. The braid is made without a bottom. For transportation, the fence is simply lifted, the soil from the flowerbed remains in place. After installing the basket, it is again filled with soil.
  2. A hanging wicker flowerbed resembles a flowerpot suspended from the ceiling of a shed or open veranda.

When creating a hanging braid, take into account 4 rules:

  • The fastening should allow the flowerpot to rotate freely around its axis. The basket is periodically turned by hand to ensure uniform sun illumination of the flowers.
  • Flowers for pots are selected that are not demanding to care for. Petunia and pansies are considered a good option.
  • Almost all house flowers have developed roots. To prevent them from displacing soil from the basket during growth, it is made with a volume of at least 10 liters.
  • Braid is unable to retain water during irrigation. The flower pots are equipped with a pallet. During irrigation, useful substances are washed out of the soil along with water. Flowers need to be fed more often.

General care for flowers in pots is no different from the care of plants growing above ground.

If we compare the two varieties, then a wicker fence for a flower bed is most often erected by summer residents with their own hands. Sometimes such a basket is complemented with a wicker trellis. Climbing plants are spread along the support, forming a beautiful wall near the flower bed.

Flowerbeds-baskets differ in the type of weaving:

  • with a horizontal vine arrangement;
  • with vertical arrangement of rods.

In both options, the basis of the braid is stakes driven into the ground. They are placed at a distance of 300-400 mm from each other.

With horizontal weaving, the rods are twisted between the stakes, laid parallel to the ground. To connect, the ends of the vine are cut at an angle, joined together, and tied together with wire or strong bark. Each new rod is inserted from the back of the peg. The procedure lasts until the height of the braid is equal to the tops of the stakes.

When weaving vertically, additional horizontal slats are attached to the stakes. The vine is twisted between them, positioned perpendicular to the ground. The weaving process is similar. Only the arrangement of the rods is different.

Experienced craftsmen create a multi-tiered wicker flowerbed or use a complex type of weaving, for example, oblique and checkerboard. In the first option, the vine lies at an angle relative to the stakes. In checkerboard weaving, the rods are laid horizontally, but they do not wrap around every pillar, but from 2 to 4 pieces are passed through. The result is a complex pattern.

Unusual baskets are woven from twigs of different trees. They differ in color, which allows you to create beautiful designs. To achieve this goal, the vine can be painted.

Advice! If you drive fresh willow or willow pegs into the ground for braiding, they will sprout with regular watering. You will get a beautiful green hedge.

How to make a flowerbed in the form of a basket with your own hands

To create a flowerbed-basket yourself, you first need to stock up on materials. The second important issue is understanding the craft of weaving. There is nothing complicated about this. You can learn how to weave a vine using the master class presented in the video:

Flowerbed-basket made of vines

An inexperienced person can weave a basket for ground installation with a vertical and horizontal arrangement of rods. More often than not, the second option is more acceptable. To begin with, it is better to take the simplest shape of a flowerbed: a circle or a rectangle.

To weave a flowerbed-basket from willow, follow these steps:

  • In order for the ground flowerbed to have increased strength, the vine is harvested 15 mm thick. Pegs are taken with a diameter of about 3 cm. The tools used are a knife, pruning shears, and a mallet.
  • A place is selected for the flowerbed. A contour is marked on the site using a construction cord. Using a shovel, remove the top layer of soil with the roots of weeds.
  • Measure the perimeter of the flowerbed and calculate the required number of stakes. The parameter depends on the installation step. If the vine is short, then the distance between the pegs is reduced to 250 mm.
  • The length of the stakes is calculated taking into account the fact that half will go into the ground. The protruding ground part determines the height of the fence.
  • One end of the stakes is sharpened with a knife. It will be easier to drive them into the ground with a mallet. The workpieces are treated with protective impregnation. Additionally, you can open it with varnish. The stakes are driven in at the same distance from each other. The docking location is determined by the length of the vine. Where the lock will be, an additional support is driven in at a distance of 50 mm from the main peg.

    Advice! Sometimes stakes made of metal rods are used for reliability. This type of flowerbed fencing will last longer, but looks less attractive.

  • The vine for weaving is cut to a minimum length of 600 mm. The rods should cover 3-4 spans. To increase flexibility, the vine is soaked in water before weaving. The bark is removed from the rods and treated with protective impregnations.
  • Horizontal weaving begins from the bottom of the supports from the ground. The vine is twisted in a zigzag around the stakes. Weaving starts from the thick end of the rod and ends with the thin end. At the junction, the ends of the vine are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. The branches are tied to the stakes with wire.

When the flowerbed-basket made of willow twigs is ready, the bottom is covered with film, the prepared substrate is poured, and flowers are planted.

DIY flowerbed-basket made from boards

The boards are not suitable for weaving due to their lack of flexibility. However, you can create a flowerbed in the shape of a basket from them. The structure is made rectangular. For supports, it is advisable to choose oak or larch boards. Hard wood lasts longer in the ground. The slats for the sides are cut along the length of the fence. It is optimal to make the thickness of the workpieces 10-15 mm so that they can bend a little.

To build something like a wicker fence for a flowerbed with your own hands, drive supports around the perimeter of the marked area. The pitch between the pillars is determined empirically so that the planks can bend between them. Each plank is fixed to the support with self-tapping screws. At the corners, mounting angles are used for joining.

The finished structure is treated with protective impregnation. The braid is opened with varnish. To give a beautiful shade, stain is used.

Flowerbed basket made of linoleum

The advantage of a basket made of artificial materials is its long service life. Beautiful fences for flower beds are made from old linoleum. First, the material is cut into strips 100 mm wide. The supports are driven into the ground from a plastic pipe. The ribbons are intertwined with horizontal laying using the vine method. To keep the rows more firmly, the linoleum is fixed to the posts with a stapler.

Weaving is carried out to the top of the supports. To give the end of the braid an aesthetic appearance, it is framed with a strip of linoleum, covering the ends of the pipes. Upon completion of weaving, they begin to decorate the flowerbed in the form of a basket with decorative elements. First of all, a handle is attached from a plastic pipe and wrapped in burlap for beauty. You can guide the weaving stems of vines along the handle. The side of the flower bed is decorated with large artificial flowers, figurines of animals or fairy-tale characters.

Flowerbeds from old baskets

The option of creating a flower bed is suitable for lazy people who do not want to weave. An old basket is used as a basis. For above-ground installation, the bottom will need to be removed. It is carefully cut from the basket so that the weaving does not fall apart. The fencing frame is installed in a prepared place. The braid is pinned to the ground with wire or pegs are driven in end to end.

It is better to use a small old basket instead of a flowerpot. It is suspended by the handle from a support. The flowerbed can simply be installed on a stand. A multi-tiered structure is constructed from several baskets. Flowers are planted undersized and unpretentious. Pansies and marigolds grow well.

Caring for a wicker flower bed

In the spring and at the beginning of the first summer month, a flower garden in a basket at the dacha looks modest. Viola usually begins to bloom first. Petunia blooms at the end of June. The flowerbed becomes lush and “plays” with the colors of flowers until the end of summer.

The care required is the same as for a simple flower bed. The only requirement is increased watering. The soil in the basket dries out faster. Fertilizers usually include a solution of chicken manure and potassium preparations. After each watering, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed.

Ideas for wicker flower beds in the shape of a basket in the country


A flowerbed-basket looks beautiful in an area where they are trying to create a rustic style. Wicker garden furniture is added to the overall composition. Flowerbeds look aesthetically pleasing near wooden gazebos and canopies.

In the modern world there is a huge amount of innovative materials that are used to decorate flower beds. A very beautiful and original option is a flowerbed in the form of a wicker basket.

This composition does not require the use of expensive materials. Thanks to the simplicity of the design, you can build a flowerbed with your own hands.

Photo example:

Wicker flower beds are characterized by the presence of several varieties. They can be ground-based and mobile, making them easy to carry. There are also hanging flower beds and baskets. With their help, the garden and summer cottages are revitalized. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the flower bed is secured at a certain height.

In the second case, the creation of a flower bed should be carried out taking into account certain subtleties:

If the gardener strictly adheres to all the above rules, this will allow him to create a very beautiful flower bed.

How to weave a large flower bed: step-by-step master class

There are several ways to weave flower beds. They can have horizontal or vertical rods. Let's consider the process of constructing a stationary flower bed:

Creating such a flower bed is a very simple and low-cost procedure that any summer resident can do with his own hands.