home · electrical safety · Why can't you leave a knife on the table? Folk omens about knives. Signs. What happens if you leave a knife on the table

Why can't you leave a knife on the table? Folk omens about knives. Signs. What happens if you leave a knife on the table

To understand the key folk signs, you should understand what the knife itself is. This is a tool (in the kitchen), a weapon (when hunting), a witchcraft tool (during magical rites).

Obviously, the knife is popular. And the main role here is played by the shape of the product and the material of manufacture:

  1. The handle is in contact with the human body, absorbing his thoughts, emotions, intentions. The generated energy message turns into a blade, which, due to its sharpness, enhances the potential of any action. Chop vegetables, kill an animal, draw a protective circle - all this is achievable without a knife, but the effect will be noticeably worse.
  2. Natural material has its own biofield. If the handle of the knife is wooden or bone, and the blade is metal, then the product forms its own aura. Plastic in this sense is weak and "empty".

These properties of the knife explain its active "participation" in folk signs. The product receives energy from a person, develops its personality and acquires the ability to prevent or harm, depending on the situation.

Find a knife - what do folk signs say?

Knowledgeable people have always advised to avoid random finds. It's no secret that along with some things you can pick up a negative. And folk signs say unequivocally:

  • take a knife lying on the road with a point towards the one walking - to death;
  • raise an unknown knife from the ground - to be stabbed to death by evil people;
  • find a rusty knife - to parting with a loved one.

The reputation of the "foundlings" is unenviable. Nevertheless, it is well-deserved: the knife is often used in rituals, during which damage, illness, and curses are transferred to it. In the same item, you can enclose a devil or a demon. Sometimes a knife is deliberately spoken to cause harm. specific person- in this case, the weapon is thrown into the house, under the threshold, in personal belongings. Finding someone else's knife in your home is a clear sign of a negative magical effect. It is recommended to immediately throw away the product, and then carry out an energy cleansing (of yourself and the premises).

It happens that you really like a knife found on the street. But one should not succumb to his "charm": some conspiracies act in such a way as to attract random victims, not to let them pass by. At a minimum, instead of a raised knife, it is required to leave an odd number of coins, a valuable thing, a good treat - in order to pay off trouble. Although it is better not to take risks if a knife is found lying at a crossroads, in a ravine, in a cave, or stuck in a stump, in a wall, in the ground - such a weapon was definitely left here for a reason.

Folk signs about a knife as a gift

Traditionally, a knife is not given. It is believed that such a present:

  • will attract all sorts of troubles and conflicts to the new owner;
  • "cut" the bonds of friendship between the recipient and the giver.

From the point of view of magic, such folk signs are more than justified. Why? There are two main reasons, and each can play a role in a specific situation:

  1. It is not customary to refuse gifts, which means that you can speak a knife to the negative and literally hand it into the hands of the person being presented. "In addition" to the present, a person will also receive something bad - troubles in love, financial difficulties, illness.
  2. The owner of the knife is the one who bought it. And the product may not like the sudden change of owner. In the best case, the donated item will be lost (“it will go to look for the real owner”), in the worst case, it will start to play dirty tricks (it will constantly be dull, cut hands, attract negativity).

Instead of a knife received as a gift folk wisdom recommends giving at least a small coin. This will contribute to the conclusion of a kind of sale and purchase agreement, which will remove the potential negative to the maximum. But if an enemy or an unpleasant person acts as a giver, it is better to ignore the norms of decency and refuse the knife by any means. The obvious magical “underlying reason” is more difficult to level, i.e., a coin can weaken the influence of damage, but it is not able to completely eliminate its effect.

In any case, the donated knife is recommended to be cleaned before use. It is necessary to hold the product in salt, warm it over a fire, bury it in the ground or rinse it under running water. All this will remove at least some of the extra energy programs.

Folk signs about a knife that has become unusable

Since the knife is an extraordinary item, its breakage is also considered not the most common occurrence. Popular superstitions They say:

  • the knife breaks when too much negativity goes to its owner;
  • the knife quickly rusts if the one who uses it has health problems;
  • the knife is constantly blunted in cases of blocking a person’s abilities at the witchcraft level (someone does rituals to close the paths);
  • knife accidentally breaks in front of big quarrel or parting with loved ones.

Since the “death” of the knife indicates a certain amount of negativity that has manifested, cleaning is recommended. It is also unacceptable to simply throw away the product: it must be buried under a tree ( better oak), after saying a few farewell words. Such a "funeral" will not cause resentment at the knife and will not provoke additional trouble for a person.

Signs about a knife in everyday life - in the kitchen and on the table

Since people mostly “communicate” with knives while cooking or eating food, superstitions regarding this area remain the most relevant folk signs. Among them, the most common:

  1. Eat with a knife - become evil (sharp on the tongue).
  2. Playing with a knife - to conflicts in the house.
  3. The knife fell off the table - a man will come to the house soon. If the sound during the fall was sonorous and clearly distinguishable, then the guest is someone familiar.
  4. The knife not only fell, but also stuck its tip into the floor - to a serious quarrel. If this happened in the process of cutting bread, then be dead.
  5. The knife fell with a blade in the direction of the one who dropped it - to an unpleasant conversation.
  6. To point a knife with a point at someone is to provoke a disease in a person.
  7. Cutting bread with not one, but two different knives is a misunderstanding in the family.
  8. Leaving a knife stuck in bread on the table financial problems and hunger.
  9. Do not remove the knife from the table at night - inviting trouble for yourself. Basically they say that the brownie will cut himself, be offended and begin to harm negligent owners. But there is also a version that evil spirits will play with a forgotten knife, and the devil will be able to kill the owner of the house with it.
  10. Putting knives crossed on the table is in trouble. Cross a knife with a fork or spoon - to death.
  11. Pregnant sharpening a knife - harm the unborn child.
  12. To hold a knife in your hand and scold him is to offend the product and incur his wrath. Do not be surprised by sudden cuts - this is a kind of revenge.

The knife must be taken seriously, as it easily catches and conveys negativity. But if the product is “friendly”, then, on the contrary, it will help the owner and save him from trouble.

Signs about knives as amulets

Some simple rituals have survived to our time, based on folk signs about a knife as a protector:

  1. Stick a knife into the jamb of the front door or into the wall - protect yourself from evil spirits And evil people. Additionally, it is recommended to read the conspiracy: “The knife is sharp, my tongue is cunning, weaves, weaves, the enemy takes away, drives away, confuses their paths, winds their paths so that they don’t go to me, so that they don’t harm me.”
  2. Put a knife under the pillow - protect yourself from any trouble. Such an amulet is placed in the cradle of an unbaptized baby, in the bed of a pregnant woman or newlyweds. Be sure to make a reservation: "From troubles and misfortunes, from blasphemy and scrip, from black sorcerers and unclean witches." It was especially advised to keep the knife under the pillow during funeral rites, so that the deceased would not cling to the person.
  3. Godparents to step over the knife, leaving the house for christening - to protect the child from evil spirits.
  4. Draw a circle around you with a knife - close yourself from werewolves, ghosts, witches and other evil forces.
  5. Cross all the windows and doors of the house with a knife, then stick it in the threshold - protect the home from the machinations of evil spirits and black magicians.
  6. Stick a knife into the ground - protect yourself from thunderstorms and storms. And if you throw a weapon at a tornado at a crossroads, you can injure the devil.
  7. Stick a knife into the wall of an empty barn - make a talisman for livestock from wild animals. At the same time they said: “The bear should not eat fresh meat from this knife, do not tear our cow, do not offend the cattle.” Only then animals were brought into the barn.
  8. Strain milk through a knife - protect the cow from the witch who spoils it. The sorceress, in order to harm the animal, plunges a knife into a pole, tree or plow.
  9. To stick a knife from the bottom of the table during a feast is to “save” food from overly hungry guests (they will eat less food than usual).

by the most strong rite it was considered stabbing a knife into the ground. This technique was used in any incomprehensible situations. For example, if a person suddenly met mermaids in the forest, he drew a circle around himself, inserted a knife into the ground - and the evil spirits did not notice him. In a similar way, they were saved from wolves, goblin, hail, storms, witches, etc.

Ideally, each person should have their own knife. Then any folk signs will be more accurate for him, and the protection will be as complete as possible. No wonder the Russian proverb says: "A knife is a comrade on the way." This weapon is suitable for work not only in the material, but also in the subtle world.

Anything can happen in everyday life, even the most accurate housewife can get so tired during the day that she can not remove the dishes from the table at night, leaving this work in the morning. But the knife is probably somehow intuitively simple, you always want to remove it from the table.

Perhaps the appearance of such a knife is associated with the type of edged weapons and causes some discomfort, or perhaps this is some kind of inner conviction like “you need to remove the knife - away from sin.”

A knife left on the table at night can cause a number of problems.

The knife was probably the first tool that was invented by man. Therefore, many different signs are associated with it. They may differ slightly in interpretation among different nationalities, but, in general, they talk about the same thing.

One of the main signs that are associated with a kitchen knife is related precisely to the fact that you can’t throw it at night without putting it away in its place. The knife must be put away in its place, even if it is a stand on the same table.

A kitchen knife should always be under the supervision of the owners and never fall into the wrong hands. If it ends up in the hands of an ill-wisher, trouble cannot be avoided, so such things should be taken seriously.

Knife on the table at night can not be left for various reasons

Folk wisdom about a kitchen knife left on the table at night knows a lot:

If a family often throws a kitchen knife unowned on the table at night, in such a family one cannot avoid frequent quarrels, disputes and assault. The father of the family will dissolve his hands, beating the mistress, and their children will now and then reward the younger ones with cuffs;

if you forget the knife on the table - in the morning the children will have a stomach ache;

A knife forgotten on the table - to insomnia and a short, restless sleep in the morning;

If the “unclean” takes possession of the knife, the consequences for the owners and their children can be the most unpredictable;

There is even an opinion that a brownie can kill with a thrown knife. Although this entity is known to be peaceful, it guards the house. But, apparently, he does not like disorder;

If the brownie inadvertently injures himself with a knife thrown at night, he will be very offended by the owners. He will no longer be their guard, but on the contrary, he will start to dirty things, which will cause a lot of problems;

the habit of throwing a kitchen knife on the table at night will lead, in the end, not only to big problems, but it also causes diseases. Diseases will overcome all members of such a family.

The sign about a knife thrown at night is interpreted, of course, very badly. But it is better to remember this always and not allow anything like this. It is necessary to make it a rule, no matter what, and the knife must be removed from the table at night. Just like at night they check if it's closed Entrance door and if the lights are off. And then everything will be all right.

It happens that the housewives do not always have time to clear the table after the evening meal, but for some reason the knives are always cleaned on an intuitive level! What is it - discomfort from the association of ordinary kitchen knives with bladed weapons or an inner voice trying to save people from something bad?

The knife has long been almost the first instrument of human life. That is why a huge number of signs are associated with this household item, and in different villages, among different nationalities one can meet the same action. various interpretations! So, there is a sign that kitchen knives should not be left on the table at night. They must be cleaned up permanent place storage. Even if the stand for a set of knives is on the table, they still need to be put into it.

Why leave the knife overnight?

The master's knife is never left unattended. This sign is bad because it can fall into the hands of any ill-wisher and anything can happen! The notes say the following:

  • When the knife periodically “sleeps” on the table, in this dwelling everyone constantly quarrels with each other, argues and even assaults! A husband can periodically beat his wife, and older children can beat younger ones.
  • I forgot the knife on the countertop at night, which means that in the morning you will feel cramps in your stomach.
  • Insomnia will torment you all night, and in the morning you will have a short but restless sleep.
  • If a forgotten knife falls into the hands of evil spirits, then it can do whatever it wants with the residents.
  • In some places, they even say that a brownie can kill. And this is despite the fact that, in principle, this entity is considered the guard of the house.
  • The brownie can injure himself. Then such an action will greatly offend him and, upset, or rather angry, he will cease to protect the home, on the contrary, he will periodically throw new unpleasant surprises to the owners. Suspicious sounds will periodically be heard in the house, small items start to get lost and fall.
  • Leaving such items on the table, the owners of the house risk letting in not only serious troubles, but also diseases in the first place. A series of ailments will fall on the head of everyone who lives in the house.

Interpretations about knives left overnight are, of course, unpleasant, however, in order to prevent misfortunes in your family, put such items in their permanent place after use, and there will be nothing to worry about! Even if the signs “do not work”, then just from the mere sight of an ownerless knife it becomes unpleasant in the soul, and uncomfortable in the room!

- The knife is a symbol of my faith!

- What faith?

- Belief that it is more convenient to cut sausage with a knife than to break it with your hands!

From the Internet

A knife is an almost universal tool, and at the same time it is exceptionally ancient, having gone through, one might say, fire and water. And the rules for interacting with a knife have developed a long time ago; some relate to the safety of the owner, some to the safety of the product itself, and some even relate to myths and very ambiguous signs.

Part One: Safety

  • It is undesirable to work with a knife if the blade is directed in your direction. Mostly they cut or clean hard and small foodstuffs, cucumbers, radishes, etc. in this way: they hold what they cut, and with a knife they “serve” from below towards themselves. This, admittedly, is quite convenient, but not safe. It is all the more undesirable to cut, for example, bread on weight, making the cut again towards you; and cutting tape, electrical tape, rope in this way is generally prohibited. Especially dangerous is the cut "on thumb”, when a small object being cut is propped up with the thumb on the side opposite to the blade.
  • Do not use dull knives. The same rule applies to scissors, although they are safer. For knives, this is an indisputable rule: when working with a dull knife, we put more effort, as a result of which the knife often slips and injures the user.
  • You can't catch a falling knife mid-flight. It is unlikely that the injury will be serious, even if you grab the blade and squeeze it, but cuts are guaranteed in this case.
  • You can not leave the knife in a mess on the table, between products, in products. If the knife is not in place, it can be accidentally grabbed along with other objects and cut yourself.
  • Do not leave a knife on the edge of a table, shelf, etc. Compliance with this rule is especially critical in a house where there are children.
  • Do not leave the knife on the table in the "blade up" position. There is even a folk sign on this score, the meaning of which does not need to be explained.

Part two: the safety of the knife itself

The most detailed part of our material, where we will tell you what not to do if you do not want to ruin your knife. These recommendations concern steel and ceramic appliances, kitchen and hunting knives, fixes and folds, that is, absolutely all products.

    The knife must not be used for other purposes. For example, if we are talking about a kitchen ceramic knife that is brilliant at cutting greens, then they cannot cut frozen meat and any other hard food, pry on tight lids, or use it as a screwdriver. An ordinary kitchen knife with a relatively thin blade is not designed to open cans, even empirically you figured out he was still capable of doing the job. Sooner or later she will hopelessly ruin cutting edge, which will no longer be a perfectly straight line.

  • Do not leave the knife dirty and/or wet. After each use, the knife should at least be rinsed or washed with a liquid dish detergent and then wiped dry. Even divers' knives with stainless steel blades are cleaned after diving. fresh water(the so-called desalination). Moisture trapped in the hinge of a folding knife is best evaporated with a hair dryer.
  • Do not store knives "in bulk" in the same drawer with other cutlery. From impacts on steel, microscopic chips are formed on the cutting edge. Ideal for storing kitchen knives drawer a special tray with holders, or on the wall. Remember about hygiene - the design of the coasters should ensure their cleaning.

  • It is impossible for a long time (weeks, months) to store knives in a leather sheath. Especially with blades made of carbon steel and handles made of materials of natural origin - wood, bone, horn. Various leathers are used for leather dressing. chemical substances, adversely affecting the components of the knife, especially if the skin is wet. It must be removed from there and stored in oiled paper or cloth. Sheath care is similar to shoe care: dry away from heating appliances, clean inside and out, do not store in the light.

  • Do not leave knives in rooms with high humidity: swimming pools, bathrooms. Make it a habit to remove all knives from your pockets and belts if you are undressing for a swim and can leave your clothes in the same room.
  • You can't sharpen knives against each other, but editing is possible. Dressing the edge of one knife against the butt of another is widely practiced by chefs. It works, however, only with cutting edges that have a thin supply.
  • To sharpen your knife, use either by special means or contact a pro. Sharpening is done only the right tool. Household sharpeners are not suitable for this: too high speeds can “set fire” to the cutting edge. They are loved to be used in ordinary metal repairs by “universal masters”, whose services are also not worth resorting to: look for a specialist in sharpening cutting tools.
  • It is undesirable to sharpen knives if you do not have enough experience. It is better to sharpen ceramic knives in general to the master, and sharpen steel knives only with a suitable tool corresponding to the degree of wear of the supplies.
  • It is undesirable to store an unused knife without conservation lubricant. If you plan to put the knife away for a long time, for example, it was bought as a gift and will not be needed soon, treat it with conservation grease. This is especially true for folding knives and knives with carbon steel blades.

Part Three: Signs

This will be a very small review part, and, rather, of a cultural and educational, rather than recommendatory nature. True, not a single ancient sign arose just like that, each of them had practical roots, and if your experience suggests that you need to pay attention to them, why not?

  • Don't give knives. It is believed that this will lead to trouble (sometimes they even talk about a knife in the body of the one to whom they gave a gift!), And such a belief exists on the territory not only of Russia, but also of some European countries. The Mongols have a similar concept of this - they have not accepted such gifts since the time of Genghis Khan. But in the same Japan, they are extremely positive about donated knives: they even use the same hieroglyphs for the concepts of “cutting a path to happiness” and “cutting”. And such presents really bring the Japanese, if not luck, then the pleasure of the gift itself for sure. And then, what about such a common custom even in our country as the presentation of award weapons, including edged weapons? .. So this popular belief is completely ambiguous.
  • Do not leave a knife on the table, especially at night. This prohibition has very practical roots - a knife left in plain sight attracted the attention of children, which sometimes led to trouble. At some point, such a reasonable prohibition lost its original meaning and acquired a sacred one, although its “base” is quite obvious.
  • Cannot pick up found knives. The "superstitious" side of the issue is in the negative energy of such magic item, like a knife, but quite ordinary and very reasonable - simply in the fact that other people's piercing and cutting objects can be dirty, infected, etc. They can also have a "criminal" past. But perhaps these reasons were once not enough, resulting in an explanation for the mystics.

The handling of the Knife was regulated by many rules and prohibitions:

* According to the beliefs of the Eastern Slavs, if the Knife lies on the table with the blade up - there will be a quarrel;
* You can not eat with a Knife - you will be angry.
* You can not play with a knife - there will be a quarrel; if you find a Knife on the road, you can’t take it, otherwise you will die from the knife (Russian).
* You can’t drive a knife through milk or sour cream - from this the cow’s milk will be with blood (woodland).
* You can’t cut bread into milk with a knife, but you can only crumble it with your hands, otherwise the cows’ udders will crack (Ukrainian and Polish).
* Do not leave the Knife on the table overnight - the evil one will slaughter;
* You can not give a Knife or a needle in order to avoid a quarrel (Russian, Ukrainian).
The word "knife" could not be spoken at sea, but the knife itself was often stuck into the mast of a fishing vessel in deep sea fishing for good luck.

* If two knives or a knife and a fork intersect on the table - this is a failure or a quarrel, unless you immediately spread them in different directions.
* If the knife falls to the floor, this is the arrival of a male guest.
* If you leave a sharp knife on the windowsill on a full moon night, it will become dull by morning.
* In Lincolnshire it was considered bad omen sharpening a knife after sunset or leaving it on the table overnight. In the first case, a robber or an enemy will enter the house, in the second, some domestic animal will fall at night, and a knife will be needed to skin the carcass.
* It is not good to toast bread on the tip of a knife, and also to twist the knife on the table.

However, the latter was used in some places as a fortune-telling to find out whether the husband or wife of the fortuneteller would have dark or fair skin.
This required a white-handled table knife, which was twirled on the table and watched as it stopped.
If the tip is towards the fortuneteller, then the skin of the future wife or husband is light, and if the handle is dark.

The most common prejudice associated with knives today is that, because the knife is sharp, it can cut through friendship or love if given as a gift.
When this happens, the knife should not be accepted except in exchange for something else.
Even today, the recipient of such a gift usually gives a small coin in return to prevent a subsequent quarrel or misfortune.

Knife - is a talisman along with other sharp and cutting objects made of iron (scissors, needle, ax, scythe, sickle).

They carried a knife with them, put it under themselves, under a pillow or at the bottom of a cradle to protect an unbaptized baby, a woman in the prenatal and postnatal period, the bride and groom during the wedding ceremony. To protect against a witch, wolves, whirlwind, hail, they stuck a knife into the ground, a wall or a threshold, drew a magic circle around themselves with a knife, crossed windows and doors with a knife.
During the commemoration in Belarus, they tried to do without knives, so as not to inadvertently injure the soul of the deceased.

In the Rivne and Volyn regions. during a wedding, youth meeting or big holiday a knife was stuck into the table from below so that the guests ate less.

In Poland, on Christmas Eve, they guessed with the Knife about the future harvest: they put the Knife between wholesome bread and a wheat pie and left it on the table until the New Year; if the Knife rusts on the side of the bread, then the rye will not be born, and if on the side of the pie, then wheat.