home · Lighting · Close the blind rack. Closed shelving cabinet - main types of designs and tips for choosing the best option. Avoid items that are too small

Close the blind rack. Closed shelving cabinet - main types of designs and tips for choosing the best option. Avoid items that are too small

When the apartment is cramped and there are not enough storage systems at all, then you should pay attention to the ceilings, or more precisely, to the place under them. Here you can store things, books, towels and even toilet paper. We found many more interesting solutions, which will help to rationally use the space under the ceiling.

The most acute shortage of storage systems is felt in the children's room. It is necessary to hide not only the child’s things, but also his toys. This can be done with small wicker baskets, fixed to the ceiling. Even a child can raise and lower them.

Often between wall cabinets and there is little space left in the kitchen ceiling. Fill it out wisely additional systems storage, and use compact baskets for this.

3. Above the refrigerator

The space above the refrigerator is also often empty. If you equip it with a convenient shelf, you can store dishes and other kitchen utensils here.

4. Double bonus

If the ceilings in the kitchen are high, then you can make several long open shelves under the ceiling. Here you can store dishes that are rarely used.

Even in small bathroom It is possible to make an additional mezzanine where it will be convenient to place toilet paper.

6. Towel storage

You can store towels in the bathroom in the same way. You will need a stepladder to make them easy to reach. Today, special stepladder stands are made for these purposes, but they are convenient for storing personal hygiene products.

7. Shampoo storage

Low ceilings are a minus, but can become a plus with the right approach. So, if you equip an open shelf above the door in the bathroom, you can easily place shampoos, soaps, towels and other products there. It won’t be difficult to get them if the ceilings in the room are low.

The shelves located under the ceiling in the form of a ladder look even more original. This design is more spacious.

9. Open niches

It is also not difficult to organize open niches under the ceiling. It is convenient to store clean linen, powders, cotton pads and much more here.

10. One bucket, two buckets

It is not necessary to use only baskets and plastic containers. Metal buckets will look very stylish in the interior. Especially if the space is decorated in country or Provence styles.

11. In the hallway

In a small apartment there is a struggle for every centimeter. In such a home it is not always possible to place a shelf with books. But it turns out that you can store them even above front door in come.

12. Shelf above the bed

A book lover will find a place for his library anywhere, even if it is a cramped bedroom. Moreover, it is not necessary to place a wall shelf above the headboard; it will also look good on the adjacent wall.

Often in small apartments designers get rid of extra doors and partitions. This allows you to construct original zoning elements with niches. Drywall and even plywood are suitable for their manufacture.

14. Instead of a headboard

A bulky headboard is not appropriate in a small bedroom. Some are not afraid to get rid of it altogether and make an alternative storage system.

15. Open wardrobe

Today, more and more often small interiors you can see the bedrooms with open wardrobes. This is especially true in those rooms where it is not possible to install a closet. Here, too, you should not ignore the space under the ceiling. It can be equipped with an open shelf and put baskets with things or accessories on it.

There are many more.

We will talk about the placement of cabinets, their internal filling and options for additional decor on open shelves. And further 30 pictures as examples.

By the way, did you know that you can replace MDF shelves with glass ones? Ikea, for example, has the opportunity to purchase ready-made shelves for standard cabinets.

And if you have another furniture manufacturer, just order glass from the workshop in the exact size with the obligatory grinding of the edges. This is another (bonus:=) way to update cabinets with a couple of caveats: it is not advisable to place heavy objects on such shelves and their length should be proportional to the thickness of the glass. This method is only suitable for open cabinets, the racks have a different design, and glass unplanned by the manufacturer violates the stability of the system.

Well, shall we continue?


Method number 6. Find a place for the original location

The question of where the cabinet or shelving is located should also not be overlooked. Although the first thought, of course, is the most banal - move it to the wall.

But if you look at it from a different angle, you can find a lot interesting ideas. For example, place it around windows. Or delimit the space of a room. Or place it in niches. This will solve several problems at once:

  • convenient storage space,
  • saving space on “long” walls,
  • more harmonious proportions of the room
  • and a striking piece of furniture.


Method No. 7. Choose convenient and stylish containers and boxes

One of important rules The order states: containers (compartments) for storing things must be proportional to their size. But the second thing: it is advisable to combine small items by groups or functions (what are they needed for). So you will still have to purchase small containers, boxes and baskets.

At the time of purchase, think about how they can decorate your closet. It makes sense to purchase multi-colored ones only for a children's room. And if we are talking about a living room or office, it is better to choose them in the same style and/or color scheme. Against the background of a colored “backdrop” (see method No. 3 from part 1), white containers or those made from natural, unpainted materials (wicker or plywood) look great.


Method No. 8. Play with fabric instead of traditional doors

It is quite possible that you will want to hide some of the items in cabinets and shelves. As an alternative to doors, you can use fabric: smooth (in the style Japanese panels) or assembled (in rustic style) - depends on the style of the room.

Similarly - with the pattern and color of the fabric + it is desirable that it harmonizes with other textiles in the room (curtains, upholstery upholstered furniture etc.) or with a cabinet shade.

Do you like decorating with fabric? See more ideas about this:

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Method number 9. Choose decor from your favorite and simply interesting items

Our proposal to decorate cabinets and shelving with decor does not mean that it should occupy the lion’s share usable area. It's not exhibition samples in the store, right?

But it is the decor that dilutes the monotony of the items for which the cabinet was purchased. Framed photographs or figurines from the collection... Mini vases or souvenirs from vacation... Mirrors and paintings attached to outer surface support posts... And even original design the nearest wall. All this will allow your cabinets to be not only useful, but also beautiful furniture.

The only advice: divide all the compartments into parts: “useful” and “decorative”, this will make it easier to put things in order.


Method No. 10. Look for non-standard ideas for other cabinet furniture

Appetite comes with eating:=). If your creative thought, inspired by our ideas, requires an additional outlet, and the cabinets, alas, are “out of stock,” look for other objects from among other cabinet furniture: chests of drawers and bedside tables.

They can change facades, fittings (handles, hinges) and even repaint them. It all depends on your desire! Check out our other furniture renovation galleries.

Aesthetics play an important role in interior design; thanks to it, the house becomes cozy, acquires style and is pleasing to the eye. When selecting materials and furniture to create the overall appearance of a home, it is important not only their quality, but also their visual appeal.

In addition to the basic design elements, in the form of furniture, great attention devoted to decorative items. Gradually, the interior is supplemented with various memorabilia: figurines, books, paintings, vases and other little things. In this article we will tell you how to make these memorabilia a harmonious continuation of the interior of your home.

Advice. There can never be too many memorabilia, but it is not necessary to display them all in a prominent place; they should not clutter up the space, but be a pleasant addition to the decor. Therefore, it is recommended to use beautiful containers or wicker baskets to store them. To store the accessories of your home, you can choose containers that match the style and color of the shelves, which will not only organize all the little things, but will also look more neat.

Ideas for decorating shelves and racks

  • Maintaining balance

The lack of harmony or its presence affects the overall impression of the interior. When there are a lot of decorative items and they are quite varied in terms of size, shape and color, this can easily create an imbalance and the effect of the interior being overloaded with details.

To avoid disturbing the harmony in the appearance of the house, decorative items must be placed on the shelves in such a way that they match or alternate in size, height and shape. For example, next to a massive-looking book you can place an elegant figurine, and next to a narrow and tall vase neatly stack several books. It is important to remember that items should be combined and look like a single composition.

  • Symmetry

The essence of symmetry, as a technique for creating a composition, lies in the principle of placing objects, according to which: on the shelf there should be decorative elements of similar sizes, shapes and matching colors. In this case, the composition will make a pleasant impression and succinctly complete the look of the room.

Items on the shelf should be distributed in such a way that one side is in harmony with the other. For example, if there is a large vase on the upper right side, then the lower left corner should be filled with several small items.

  • Knowing of limits

The rack should not be overloaded with a large number of things throughout its entire area, this will create the impression of chaos. And beautiful things can get lost among simpler trinkets. It is necessary to leave about 30 percent of the space on the shelf free, and fill the remaining space with decorative items.

  • Combination with colors

The overall color scheme of your interior determines the shades of colors for decorative items. Things of the primary color should be placed in the foreground, and objects will serve as the background neutral colors, matched to tone. To avoid imbalance, you should use no more than three colors when selecting the decorative components of the interior. The shades of decorative items should be derived from the colors used in the furnishings of the room. It is also worth paying attention to textiles, for example, the color of curtains can also serve as the basis for selection decorative elements.

It is recommended to use a neutral rack color range(white, black, gray, beige), in the case where the decorative items are varied. At the same time, do not forget about the compatibility of the shelves with the surrounding environment and the decorative item; they should fit laconically into the interior. For example, a shelving unit made of dark wood will fit perfectly where there is furniture made of wood of the same shade and texture, and the decorative elements will be red, red and gold.

  • Upper shelves

Placing massive bulky things on the top shelves creates a feeling of heaviness that presses from above. It is short-sighted to place bulky objects above the horizon line. Decorative items should be distributed so that all these heavy objects are left on the lower shelves, and from eye level and above it is worth distributing more elegant items, fragile objects in light colors.

  • Selection of accents

If after all efforts competent organization decorative elements, the shelving looks boring and faceless, then you can complement the composition with accents that can revive and create a more favorable impression of the decor.

Accents involve the use of things that differ from the main composition in color, shape or purpose. They can be placed so that the result is geometric figure. Such accents can be a bright vase, a textured figurine, books with golden covers; accents can be placed both in the center and along the edges of the shelves at any height.

To turn part of a balcony or loggia into a convenient, useful storage system, ordinary wardrobes, single shelves, bedside tables, tables. However, it is better to make a roomy, sized rack for the balcony, which will successfully replace bookshelves or a flower rack. If you buy the parts and assemble a simple structure yourself, you can save on purchasing a finished product.

Mainly used for storage horizontal surfaces– shelves. They are convenient for folding things and arranging flower pots or books, set up containers with tools and useful household items. But single products are not very spacious, so they came up with multi-tiered structures with several shelves located one above the other - bookcases and racks.

Universal storage for useful things and favorite trinkets

A storage rack on the balcony greatly saves space in a small room and performs a number of useful functions:

  1. Unloads clothing and bookcases V living rooms from unnecessary things.
  2. Frees up the floor and countertops on the balcony.
  3. Helps to maintain order.
  4. Allows you to organize things in storage.
  5. Creates convenient storage for tools, books, clothes, toys, cans of canned food and semi-finished products.

Owners of a practical product do not need to worry about additional area for placing containers with seedlings. In summer, a wall dedicated to a multi-tiered structure easily turns into a lush flower garden.

Violets do not have voluminous leaves or inflorescences, so they feel comfortable

You can go the easy way - buy Ikea shelving for your balcony in the desired color and size. But it is much more profitable to make the design yourself. It's not just about inexpensive materials and fasteners. To install shelves, you can use inconvenient niches or free corners, as well as a section of the wall under the glazed part. If you accurately take the dimensions and think through the installation method, you will get products that are superior to factory analogues in all respects.

Types of balcony racks

It may seem that the choice of models for the balcony is limited. This is wrong. The size and shape of the structures depend only on the imagination of the craftsmen. Usually, when choosing, they focus on the installation location and purpose of the rack, and then carefully think through the drawing, method of fastening, and select materials.

By material

On sale you can find products made of metal, wood, glass, and plastic. For home assembly Three design options are suitable:

  • from metal parts;
  • from wooden blocks and boards (plywood, lining);
  • boardwalks on metal brackets and corner stands.

The last type is combined designs, some of the fasteners for which are purchased at the construction market, and the decking is made independently from sheets of plywood or planed boards.

Wooden parts coated with dark stain look good in the interior

Wood is a grateful material, easy to process and decorate. From several bars of suitable size and strength, you can build reliable, stable supports, and place decking boards between them. For styles such as country or Provence, rough, deliberately unprocessed elements are sufficient.

For heavy baskets with vegetables, the boards should be thick - from 2 cm

Wooden shelving for a balcony does not always look “uncouth.” If the boards are well sanded and then coated with paint, you get magnificent pieces of furniture in any of the styles: classic, modern, hi-tech.

Idea: how to rationally use a free wall

In addition to wood, metal is actively used. But if wooden product can be completely designed, manufactured and assembled with your own hands, then working with steel parts is unjustified. It is better to buy a ready-made metal rack for the balcony, the assembly of which will take an hour and a half.

The factory model is assembled like a children's construction set

Stainless steel or aluminum alloys. If reliability is important, take steel, lightness – aluminum. Previously, steel sheets and angles were galvanized, now they are coated with thin polymer layer or spray paint that protects against rust.

An advantage of handicraft models made of wood and metal factory models is the height adjustment of the shelves. For this purpose in wooden racks it is necessary to drill a few extra holes for the bolts, and for metal shelves they are provided for by the design.

At the installation location

Depending on the location, the racks are divided into the following groups:

  • floor and wall;
  • front and corner.

Wall-mounted, unlike floor-mounted, can be located above other pieces of furniture: a sofa, table, coffee table. They have no legs, but have brackets, hooks or loops for attaching to the wall.

A way to organize the space above your desk

Frontal models are more common, but if a corner remains unused and there is a general lack of space, then there is reason to think about a corner shelving unit for the balcony. With the help of a well-placed module, you can combine front models installed along two adjacent walls - then you get a single volumetric, roomy structure.

Option to make maximum use of the balcony area for storing things

The dimensions of the rack and the depth of the shelves directly depend on the installation location. If the structure is placed along a long wall, then it should be shallow so as not to block the space of the balcony or serve as an obstacle to movement. End shelves, on the contrary, can be deep. However, shelf widths of more than 60 cm are usually not used, since this results in loss of ease of use.

Comfortable depth of window sill shelves – 30 cm

Niche or corner - a good place for storage car tires. Not all city residents have garages, so parts and components from the car have to be stored on a loggia or balcony. To prevent bulky tires from getting in the way, they came up with a special design for them. wall holders– metal frames on brackets.

Convenient storage for winter or summer tires

Instead of one long frame, you can make a two-tier one, each shelf of which is designed for a pair of products.

By design features

Racks can also differ in the shape of individual parts (racks, shelves, fasteners), but the main structural difference concerns the presence/absence of doors.

Open – these are several shelves whose contents are visible. Example open model– flower rack for the balcony: plants need free access to air and sunlight.

Sun-loving flowers are planted near a glass wall

Open models are also convenient when things on the shelves are in active use or serve as interior decoration. However, to store food, old clothes, books, and tools, closed balcony racks with doors, reminiscent of ordinary cabinets, are used. The difference is that balcony structures do not have back and side walls.

Low homemade design, similar to a cabinet

Instead of doors you can use roller blinds, blinds or even ordinary curtains, if their use does not contradict the style of the room.

How to make a shelving unit out of wood

For manufacturing you will need the following material:

  • four bars for racks of rectangular section 50*100 mm;
  • boards 20-30 mm thick;
  • dowels, screws.

A drill or hammer drill, saw or jigsaw, screwdriver, screwdriver, hammer, sandpaper, plane and chisel will be useful for additional processing wooden parts.

  • Step 1 – drawing up a project. Before manufacturing, you need to clarify the installation location and select a design. To do this, draw up a drawing of the balcony shelving indicating the dimensions of each part.

The finished drawing is adjusted to size

  • Step 2 – preparing parts. Wooden blocks sawn into fragments of a given length, then the same is done with the boards. Each part must be sanded with sandpaper and covered with a layer of impregnation, varnish or paint to protect it from insects and mold. Colorless products preserve the natural wood texture.
  • Step 3 – installation of racks and transverse side elements. The bars are attached with dowels to brick or concrete walls.

The racks located near the glazed part are secured with crossbars on the floor and ceiling

  • Step 4 – installing shelves. It is better to fix wooden flooring from boards with self-tapping screws rather than nails, so that any fragment can be quickly replaced.

The distance between the shelves must be outlined before starting work.

The upper shelves are attached in the same way as the lower ones. At the end of the work, the structure is checked for stability - additional fastenings may be required to make the product safe.

Wood storage in narrow space typical balcony

In the future, you can repaint the visible parts of the structure to match the color of the interior decoration. If the contents of the shelves need to be hidden, the easiest way is to hang blinds.

Video ideas for creating shelving

Useful video materials will help you make a shelving unit on your balcony with your own hands quickly and without errors.

Assembly principle and construction simplest design:

Sequence of manufacturing a model with doors:

Ideas for creativity:

It’s not difficult to build a rack on the balcony, the main thing is to choose correct model. You can safely experiment with materials, sizes, decor so that the finished product becomes harmonious part interior If you don’t have enough woodworking skills, it’s better to buy finished model, assemble it according to the drawing or entrust the assembly to a furniture maker.

May 5, 2018
Specialization: master in construction plasterboard structures, finishing works and styling floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Don’t know how to properly organize the storage of books or other items placed on shelves? Rack closed type is perfect for different purposes, and in this review we will look at the main varieties of this type of furniture so that you know what to look for when buying and which aspects matter most.

Types of structures and materials used in manufacturing

Let's start with the main aspects and look at all types of furniture and the materials from which they are most often made.

It is important to immediately note that closed options shelving includes both products with solid doors and structures with glazing, the main thing is that the contents are fenced off from the room, and what material is used does not matter.


Let's look at the main types of designs. Depending on the type of door, the following options are distinguished:

  • Blank shelving. They have opaque doors, which are most often made of chipboard or metal. They hide the contents from prying eyes and protect them; for this purpose, locks are often provided in the design;

  • Glazed options. They differ in that all the contents of the shelves are clearly visible from the outside. This is very convenient when storing books, as you can quickly find the required copy. Also, such furniture is great for displaying various collections and souvenirs;
  • Combined designs. There are two main solutions here, the first is furniture, some of which are closed with solid doors, and some with glass. The second type is shelving, in which some of the shelves are closed with doors, and some are open to provide fast access to content.

According to the form, several varieties can be distinguished:

Illustration Description
Sectional racks. Their main feature is a structure that consists of small sections that are moved closer to each other to obtain the required capacity. The convenience of this option is that you can easily add or remove one or more elements. Moreover, thanks small size individual parts, they are much easier to carry, assemble and install.

Sizes may vary; there are one, two, three and even four-section racks on sale.

Transformers. Unusual solution, allowing you to store a large number of items for limited area. The design is a deep cabinet, in which there is hidden behind closed doors. sliding system, as in the photo, so that you can store books in several rows. This system allows you to put what you need occasionally in the back row, and place everything you need in plain sight. When you need to find something from the second row, it will take a little time, because you just need to move the movable front part.

Collapsible systems. If necessary, they allow you to quickly disassemble the shelving cabinet and assemble it in another place.

Most often this iron version, in which all parts of the structure are bolted together. Disassembly using a screwdriver takes just a few minutes, as does assembly. At the same time, the reliability of the design does not suffer even with numerous disassemblies and subsequent reassemblies.

Non-demountable structures. They do not require disassembly and have two main types:
  • Cabinet furniture. It can be assembled on site independently, but it is not advisable to disassemble it later, as this reduces the reliability of the structure during subsequent assembly;
  • Built-in options. Most often they are made for a specific room and attached to the floor, ceiling and walls; using them in other rooms is problematic.

Manufacturing materials

There are three main types:

Illustration Description

Chipboard and MDF. Inexpensive materials, from which budget segment racks are made. They have good performance characteristics and at proper care capable of serving up to 20 years.

It is important not to overload the shelves, as they become deformed, and not to expose the material to moisture - this will cause it to swell and the problem will not be eliminated; you will have to replace the entire furniture.

Tree. Natural material who has an attractive appearance and long service life. Furniture for the living room and children's room is often made from it, since the wood is safe for health and looks presentable.

Improved solution - furniture board, it cracks much less due to changes in humidity and is cheaper than solid wood.

Steel. The metal locker is reliable and safe. If it has a lock, it will be difficult to get inside without making noise.

The second advantage is the strength of the structure; it can withstand high loads, so larger options are often used on balconies for storing workpieces or tools.

Features of closed shelving

Let's look at a few aspects you should consider when choosing. They are all important, so read this section carefully.


The choice of design and configuration of the rack largely depends on this aspect. So remember a few simple tips:

  • Balcony. This includes options of small width, installed at the end and occupying the entire width of the balcony for effective use space. Most often, built-in options are selected, since they are made according to the size of the room and fit perfectly into the decor. The main material of manufacture is wood, as it is inexpensive and looks good;

  • Kitchen. Racks on metal frame with a facade made of chipboard or other material. Perfect solution- shelves with holes so that moisture does not accumulate inside and the dishes that are stored are ventilated. It is best if the kitchen furniture is placed on legs in order to clean the floor under it and prevent flooding if the unexpected happens;

  • Living room. Most often, the shelves in this room are used to store books or souvenirs, so the structures have continuous glazing from bottom to top, although it is possible when Bottom part closed with blind doors. Furniture is selected to match the interior; appearance is very important here;

  • Bedroom. This room is used different variants designs, it all depends on the purpose of use. For books and collections, it is better to choose products with glazing, and for bed linen and other things, blind shelving is more suitable. Sizes can also be different and are selected individually.


To make the rack convenient and practical, consider the following tips when choosing a size:

  • Room area and furniture placement. First of all, you should consider how much space you can afford so that the rack fits organically into the decor and does not interfere with use. You should know the height of the ceilings, the permissible depth and width, so that, based on the basic parameters, you can immediately reject unsuitable options;
  • Purposes of use. If you are going to stack books, then standard height the shelves will be 30 cm, and the depth - 25 cm. For things, the dimensions are different - the distance between the shelves is at least 35 cm, and the depth is from 40 to 70 cm, the 60 cm options are best suited, they are roomy enough, and at the same time easy access is provided to all content;

  • Suitable design dimensions. Sometimes it is better to install 2-3 separate modules than one massive rack, so you can make the structure mobile, and if you need to move it, then the work it will be easier and will take less effort.


There are several main options:

  • Standard cabinet furniture. Most often, this is a separate cabinet that is installed in any place convenient for you and can be moved to another room or another apartment. Furniture is installed close to the wall, most often it is placed on the side of the openings or closer to the corners of the room;
  • Built-in shelving. If you have a niche, you can make a rack right in it by attaching shelves to the walls and closing the opening with sliding or hinged doors. Such options are often made on balconies, because there is very little space there and choosing a standard cabinet is quite problematic;
  • Corner designs. Placed in a corner and can have different shapes and sizes, the most compact ones take up minimal space and have a flat or semicircular façade. Designs with greater capacity have L-shape, the length of the sides can be either the same or different, it all depends on the room;

Color solutions

To make the rack look harmonious in the room, when choosing, use a few simple recommendations:

  • Compatibility with the environment. The simplest solution is to choose the same color and material structure as other furniture that is already installed in the room. This creates an overall ensemble that looks like one and gives the impression that the interior was thought out in advance. If you cannot find exactly identical facades, then you should look for the closest tone and structure;

Very often manufacturers sell furniture for different rooms sets, there are different cabinet options, so you can order everything you need at once. Even if you bought furniture and purchase a shelving unit later, it is enough to remember the name of the collection to quickly find the required option.

  • Using shelving as an accent in the interior. You can choose a contrasting color option so that it becomes the center of attention in the room and serves as a decoration for the entire decor. This technique is often used in living rooms, when a dark shelving unit with large glazed doors is selected, and books in expensive bindings and souvenirs are placed inside;

  • Using the structure natural wood . No best decoration furniture than the texture of wood, tinted to the shade you need. This option goes especially well with books and collections; you can put them inside glass shelves, so that the content is visible even better;

  • For children's rooms use bright colors . There can be either a solid color or drawings or prints that will make the rack unique and inimitable. Moreover, you can make pictures yourself; now there are many pictures that are easy to paste with your own hands.

In order to highlight the facade and make it more expressive, lighting is often used. The lamps are placed so that the light falls from top to bottom and illuminates the shelving.


Now you know about all the varieties closed shelving and you can choose suitable option according to the recommendations from this review. The video in the article will reveal some important aspects The topic is even better so that you understand it to the end, and if you still have any questions, write them in the comments under the review.

May 5, 2018

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