home · Installation · How to legitimize the destruction of a storage room that is not a load-bearing wall. Redevelopment of a storage room Redevelopment of a built-in closet by attaching part of a corridor or living room to it

How to legitimize the destruction of a storage room that is not a load-bearing wall. Redevelopment of a storage room Redevelopment of a built-in closet by attaching part of a corridor or living room to it

Living in the same type of apartments, people are increasingly trying to change the space “to suit themselves.” Some break down walls to enlarge usable area, others dismantle partitions, but few people think about the legality of their actions and the need to formalize these works.

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What does the term cover?

When considering the question of what belongs to the term redevelopment and what does not, it is necessary to be guided by all current regulatory legal acts RF, and primarily the Housing Code.

Any change in the configuration of a residential property that leads to a discrepancy between the technical passport and the actual location of residential premises falls under the term redevelopment.

Redevelopment includes the following types of work:

  • dismantling partitions between rooms;
  • moving the doorway;
  • increasing the kitchen area at the expense of non-residential space;
  • other types of redevelopment.

Prohibited works

Prohibited work during redevelopment includes the following:

  • that directly or indirectly violate the integrity of the building;
  • harm the property or health of those living together or in the same building (neighbors);
  • the location of restrooms above the living quarters and kitchens of the apartments located below, the apartments where redevelopment is being carried out;
  • move bathrooms to those rooms where the kitchen or living room was located;
  • It is prohibited to place a kitchen under the sanitary block of those living above, or above the living room of those living below;
  • complete dismantling of the wall partition between the room and the kitchen is excluded in the case when gas equipment is used for cooking;
  • It is not allowed to dismantle the pipeline when remodeling the kitchen;
  • association prohibited ventilation ducts kitchens, bathrooms, storage rooms with ventilation of the room in which gas equipment is located;
  • It is impossible to install heated floors using central heating;
  • when glazing and refurbishment of loggias (which is also considered redevelopment), City Administration may refuse this if the windows face a street considered a historical part of the city, as this can significantly change the aesthetic appearance of the building;
  • when glazing a balcony, moving radiators from living rooms is prohibited;
  • installation is prohibited front door to the bathroom directly from the kitchen or living room;
  • It is prohibited to design living rooms in non-residential premises (storage room) if there is no natural light there;
  • install fireplace equipment using solid fuel permitted exclusively for top floor building, or on one of the levels of a multi-level residential premises located on the top floor;
  • It is prohibited for apartment owners to appropriate the area of ​​the attic, basement or partially inter-apartment vestibule, since this is a common building area.

What is not redevelopment

The following types of work are not redevelopment and do not require approval:

  • preparing and covering walls with different types of wallpaper;
  • painting or covering (linoleum, parquet, laminate, etc.) of floors;
  • moving heating radiator within the room;
  • moving a water heater or washing machine;
  • installation of indoor air conditioning;
  • work on installing a suspended ceiling;
  • changing plumbing pipes;
  • installation of new doors in place of old ones;
  • replacement of a bathtub, toilet, etc.

Briefly speaking, all work that does not require adjustments to a residential property can be excluded from the concept of redevelopment.

Types by degree of difficulty

Types of redevelopment can be divided into two types of complexity. The first one is a little simpler in terms of the sketch than the second one in terms of the design. Let's consider each type of redevelopment separately.

According to sketch

To redevelop a residential or non-residential premises, an approved sketch or project is required. This directly depends on the type of complexity of future work. Permission for this or that type of work can be obtained from the housing inspection or by contacting the MFC.

Approval on the sketch is carried out if this does not apply to:

  • load-bearing walls;
  • floor slabs;
  • engineering communications;

These works also include:

  • moving the bathtub and toilet;
  • rearranging the electric stove without moving it outside the same room;
  • dismantling built-in furniture (wardrobe, mezzanine, etc.).

Dismantling or reconstruction interior partitions made of lightweight materials, or installation doorways in these partitions are also coordinated based on the sketch. In exceptional cases, approval of the project is required (without technical specifications).

In other cases, a sketch may be needed to combine the bathroom (if expansion of the area is not planned). The same applies to combining the kitchen and living room.

According to the project

When redevelopment requires engineering calculations, for example, when a load-bearing wall is affected, a design and technical opinion are required from the architect who designed this object.

With further approval of the redevelopment of the project, it is necessary to contact the appropriate organization, which has the authority to carry out the project in compliance with all SNiP and SanPinov standards.

Current issues: is redevelopment considered:

Plasterboard partition

It is believed, but to install such a partition it is enough to have a sketch, since this work is not dangerous to the lives and property of neighbors.

Demolition of the balcony block

Yes, it will be considered a redevelopment, especially if work was carried out to combine the balcony with the living space, since balcony wall is a load-bearing building, and this type of redevelopment requires mandatory project approval.

Moving a doorway

Definitely, since this is considered a change in the design of the living space.

Important! It is worth noting that it is necessary to sharpen Special attention on moving the doorway to flight of stairs, in this case, the territory of the common property is seized, which is not allowed without the consent of the neighbors.

Demolition of a built-in wardrobe

Yes, it definitely is, since this cabinet is assigned the corresponding designation in the technical data sheet.

Combining bath and toilet

This directly depends on the year the building was built and its design.. If a project was used where the plumbing cabin was not installed in one piece reinforced concrete block, but a block where the bath and toilet were separated only by a brick or other partition, i.e. the septum is independent design, then this redevelopment can be designed according to the sketch.

What type of septum the partition belongs to can be determined by technical passport, where the millimeter of the walls is clearly stated (the load-bearing wall cannot be thinner than 120 mm).

Moving the kitchen into the room

Moving the kitchen into the living room is prohibited work, as there is one caveat: the kitchen is a “wet” area. Only association with a room is allowed.

Insulation of the loggia

No, it does not count if heating radiators are not removed for insulation, since removing radiators outside the living area is prohibited work. If there is a converter in place of the radiator, then for God's sake. That's your business.

Replacing a bath with a shower

It is not, if the walls of the bathroom are not affected, because these works refer to the replacement of old plumbing with new ones in the same place.

Demolition of storage room

  1. Doesn't count, if it is not indicated in the technical passport.
  2. If indicated in the technical passport - will be considered, and will have to be agreed upon.

Combining a balcony with a room

As in the case of a loggia, combining a balcony with a room is a controversial issue:

  1. In essence, the walls are not affected, only the window is removed and balcony door, but there is an increase in living space, once combined with a living room.
  2. The balcony itself is an unheated room. This means that heat will be wasted from the room, and accordingly heating companies must provide heat more intensively, since the heat of the entire house will be wasted.
  3. According to the law, an increase in usable area not specified in the passport for a residential premises is subject to mandatory payment and registration with the relevant authorities. This means that this is considered a redevelopment.

With purchase new apartment New residents almost immediately think about redevelopment. The desire to functionally optimize their home with their views often arises among citizens who decide to major renovation. Russians were especially zealous in redevelopment after the adoption of the privatization law. Massive apartment renovations, storage room redevelopment and utility rooms in high-rise buildings it reached the point of absurdity.

People even tried to demolish load-bearing walls if they believed that this would increase the usable area or radically change the interior. Instead of the usual and not always large baths Sauna equipment was installed in the bathrooms.

Bedrooms and kitchens were combined with loggias, and redevelopment of the storage room was considered mandatory when carrying out repair work. And practically no one particularly cared about the neighbors and the structural violation of the integrity of the entire building, since there were no official governing documents.

Since January 2005, Russia has legalized clear rules for the refurbishment and redevelopment of residential premises, including cold storage rooms in unheated apartments. The redevelopment of the storage room itself, as well as other premises, involves a whole range of construction and installation works:

  • replacement or removal of partitions;
  • breaking through openings;
  • carrying out or removing all kinds of equipment.

The most “painless” was and remains storage room remodeling in the apartment. There are many options for using this space. One of the most popular and useful options for families is placing a system for storing clothes and shoes in the pantry, similar to a built-in closet or dressing room. Convenient and functional even with small volumes of utility room.

When starting a renovation, you want to create something of your own: swap the kitchen with the room or “marry” them; thanks to the loggia or storage room, “capture” a few meters. How does such creativity fit within the framework of the law?

Consultants: consultant for approval of redevelopment Yulia Yudenich, deputy head of the information department of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate Tatyana Filippova.

Is it possible to attach a loggia to a room?

Theoretically, yes. There is a phrase in the Moscow City Law that seems to allow such redevelopments: “attaching a loggia to a living room according to a specially developed project approved by the Moscow Committee for Architecture.” But I will say based on personal experience and the experience of my colleagues: over the past two years, no one has been able to obtain such permission officially. The fact is that according to the BTI, the loggia has a payment coefficient of 0.3, since it non-residential premises. This means that the first thing to do is to transfer the loggia from the status of non-residential premises to residential. I don’t know a single “coordinator” who has gone all the way from the prefecture to the Moskomarkhitektura to the end. There was one desperate person, but they answered him: “Yes, join it, but then it will be all over the riser.” The thing is that if a loggia is connected in only one apartment, heat exchange is disrupted. Freezing, leaks, mold - this is what neighbors below may face after such a seizure of territory. The law says that water can be taken out onto the loggia. heating devices(central heating radiators) is strictly prohibited. Even if we assume (although this is prohibited!) that you are insulating the loggia, use only electric heating devices.

As a rule, we offer such a scheme to our customers. First you need to remove the window sill area. In those houses that are glazed according to a single design, for example in new buildings, this is easier to do - removing the window sill area is regarded as internal redevelopment, and there is no need to obtain permits for reconstruction. In old houses, where single glazing of loggias is not provided, such permission will have to be obtained. It's expensive, but possible. In any case, it is necessary to install a double-glazed window into the resulting opening so that the thermal contour is not disturbed. By the way, many, having approved the redevelopment, remove it - until the next BTI inspection...

Is it necessary to coordinate the combination of the kitchen and the living room?

The main rule: the sink (the so-called “wet zone”) and the stove should not be located above the living quarters of neighbors. If you have gas stove, then there are more problems. In order to extend gas to a new place, you will have to make a separate project, which must satisfy a number of requirements - lighting, the presence of a window in the room, and so on... (By the way, replacing gas with electricity is expensive, difficult, but possible.) If you have an electric stove , then it’s a little easier to carry out the operation called “moving the kitchen.” You can, for example, arrange a so-called niche kitchen, that is, place it in a non-residential space (for example, in a corridor, hall, storage room or in the place of one of the bathrooms). It is also difficult to agree on this, but it is quite possible. You can place the stove and sink strictly in the corridor area, and the rest kitchen furniture, as well as a refrigerator and dinner table, - in a residential area. This space should be called a kitchen-dining room. And this is important, because if your plan says “kitchen-living room,” they won’t approve it, but if it says “kitchen-dining room,” they will. By the way, on the first floor (or on the second, provided that there is non-residential space below) there is much more freedom.

When cleaning out a pantry, do you need to arrange a remodel?

Work that can be performed without completing design and permitting documentation includes:

  1. Repair (cosmetic) of premises, including replacement finishing coatings walls, floors, ceilings, external carpentry elements (without changing the design and color of the latter).*
  2. Arrangement (disassembly) of built-in furniture: cabinets, mezzanines (not forming independent premises, the area of ​​which is subject to technical accounting).
  3. Replacement (without rearrangement) engineering equipment similar in parameters and technical design.
  4. Rearranging household floor electric stoves within the kitchen area.

Since we are not talking about built-in furniture, but specifically about a storage room, then if they are not affected bearing structures and engineering communications, redevelopment can be agreed upon according to a sketch made by hand on a copy of the BTI floor plan.

In addition, you must submit:

  • title documents for the premises,
  • technical passport of the apartment,
  • sketch,
  • application in the prescribed form.

Apartment layouts include storage rooms or dark rooms.

A pantry is an isolated room without windows with an area of ​​approximately 1 to 6 square meters. m, related to non-residential area.

Unlike a built-in wardrobe, BTI plans A pantry is often designated as a separate room (that is, without a letter).

Options for remodeling a storage room

Redevelopment of the storage room comes down to the following areas:

  • expansion of the adjacent room due to the storage room;
  • increasing the pantry due to the adjacent room;
  • complete dismantling of the existing storage room in the apartment;
  • installing a storage room in an apartment where there was none before.

The pantry was removed - this is a redevelopment!

Expansion of premises due to a dark room is often found when remodeling a storage room in a Khrushchev-era building. The fact is that in the houses of the “Khrushchev” building there is a general shortage of space, so the redevelopment of storage rooms in a Khrushchev building, as a rule, means connecting it to an adjacent room - most often a residential one.

So, if you wish, you can attach a storage room to the room by simply removing the doors and partition. After such redevelopment, the area of ​​the former storage room will belong to the residential area of ​​the apartment.

In addition, during redevelopment, the pantry can serve as a kind of springboard for expanding almost any room in the apartment - bathroom, corridor, kitchen, etc.

If the pantry is adjacent to a bathroom or bathroom, then its area can be used to expand wet areas. In this case, it is necessary to waterproof the floors and arrange act of hidden work .

If the apartment is equipped electric stove, it is possible to remodel the storage room with arrangement in it niche kitchens without dining area. Such redevelopment of a dark room is possible only if its area is at least 5 square meters. m.

Expansion and arrangement of storage room in the apartment

Many residents, on the contrary, categorically do not want to part with the storage room in the apartment because of its incredible functionality. After all, in this room you can store a huge number of things: from household cleaning equipment such as a vacuum cleaner, a broom with a dustpan and a bucket with a mop to canned goods, clothes, construction tools, old newspapers and magazines, as well as fairly large items like a bicycle, sled, scooter, skis and the like.

An example of a storage room (6a) instead of a built-in closet (8) and at the expense of part of the area of ​​the corridor (6) and room (2) in a 5-story brick house

Moreover, realizing the full value of a dark room, owners often decide to expand it at the expense of an adjacent room.

That is, if the owner intends to expand the storage room at the expense of the room or create a new one from a section of the living room, then the space occupied by the storage room is excluded from the living area of ​​the apartment.

Features of storage room redevelopment

Despite the fact that storage rooms are separated from other rooms using non-load-bearing partitions, their redevelopment requires the development of a project.

The development of a project for approval and redevelopment of the storage room can only be carried out by specialists with SRO approval. Our company has the appropriate license, so we will be happy to prepare for you all the necessary design documents at an affordable price. price as soon as possible.

The possibility and nuances of remodeling a storage room depend on a number of circumstances.

So, if the entrance to the storage room leads from the living room, and on the BTI plans it is indicated by a number with a letter (for example, the living room is designated as number 2, and the storage room - 2a), and not as an independent room (by a number without a letter), then expand A bathroom or kitchen is not allowed in such a pantry.

In a situation where the pantry is marked with a number and a letter and the exit from it leads to the kitchen, it will be problematic to increase the area of ​​the living room using it.

If, for example, you decide to make a storage room instead of a bathroom, then it can then be expanded into a living room.

An example of a storage room (6) on the first level of a two-level apartment using part of the bathroom area (5)

In addition, it will be possible to expand the living room into a storage room arranged instead of a kitchen, which in turn will be moved to another place in the apartment.

These examples show that remodeling a storage room is not as straightforward as it might seem at first glance, so before deciding on such a renovation, it is better to get a preliminary consultation from specialists in coordinating redevelopment.

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