home · Networks · Caution: “Unified city water supply accounting service. The network organization has received a notification about the failure of the metering device: what should consumers - legal entities - do? Question about abolishing mandatory verification

Caution: “Unified city water supply accounting service. The network organization has received a notification about the failure of the metering device: what should consumers - legal entities - do? Question about abolishing mandatory verification

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354 (as amended on July 13, 2019) “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (together with the “Rules for the provision of utility services...

VII. Accounting procedure utilities using

metering devices, grounds and procedure for inspections

condition of metering devices and the correctness of their readings

80. Accounting for the volume (quantity) of utilities provided to the consumer in residential or non-residential premises, is carried out using individual, shared (apartment) room appliances accounting.

Metering devices of an approved type and verified in accordance with legal requirements are allowed for use. Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Information on the compliance of the metering device with the approved type, information on the date of initial verification of the metering device and the verification interval established for the metering device, as well as requirements for the operating conditions of the metering device must be indicated in the accompanying documents to the metering device.

81. Equipping residential or non-residential premises with metering devices, putting installed metering devices into operation, their proper technical operation, safety and timely replacement must be ensured by the owner of residential or non-residential premises.

The commissioning of the installed metering device, that is, the documentation of the metering device as a metering device, according to the readings of which the amount of payment for utility services is calculated, is carried out by the contractor, including on the basis of an application from the owner of a residential or non-residential premises submitted to the contractor.

The application contains the following information:

information about the consumer (for an individual - last name, first name, patronymic, details of an identity document, contact telephone number, for a legal entity - name (company name) and place of state registration, contact telephone number);

proposed date and time of commissioning of the installed metering device;

type and serial number of the installed metering device, location of its installation;

information about the organization that installed the metering device;

meter readings at the time of its installation;

date of next verification.

The application is accompanied by a copy of the passport for the metering device, as well as copies of documents confirming the results of the last verification of the metering device (with the exception of new metering devices).

Installed device metering must be put into operation no later than the month following the date of its installation. In this case, the contractor is obliged, starting from the 1st day of the month following the month the metering device was put into operation, to calculate the amount of payment for the corresponding type of utility service based on the readings of the metering device put into operation.

(see text in the previous edition)

Availability (absence) criteria technical feasibility installation of metering devices, as well as the form of the inspection report to determine the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing metering devices and the procedure for filling it out are approved by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

81(1). The contractor is obliged to consider the date and time proposed in the application for putting the metering device into operation and, if it is impossible to fulfill the application within the specified period, agree with the consumer on another date and time for putting the installed metering device into operation.

In this case, a proposal for a new date and time for carrying out the work is sent to the consumer no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application, and the proposed new date for carrying out the work cannot be later than 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

81(2). If the contractor did not appear on the date and time proposed in the application to commission the metering device or other date and time agreed with the consumer and (or) the new date and time proposed by the contractor were later than expected established by paragraph 81(1) of these Rules, the meter is considered to be put into operation from the date of sending to the executor an application that meets the requirements established by paragraph 81 of these Rules, and from this date its readings are taken into account when determining the volume of consumption of utilities.

81(3). If the installation of the metering device is carried out by the contractor, commissioning is carried out by the contractor by drawing up and signing the act of putting the metering device into operation, provided for in paragraph 81(6) of these Rules.

81(4). During the commissioning of the metering device, the following must be checked:

a) correspondence of the serial number on the metering device to the number indicated in its passport;

b) compliance of the metering device with the technical documentation of the device manufacturer, including the configuration and installation diagram of the metering device;

c) presence of signs of the latest verification (with the exception of new metering devices);

d) operability of the metering device.

81(5). Non-compliance of the metering device with the provisions provided for in paragraph 81(4) of these Rules, identified by the contractor during the inspection, is grounds for refusal to put the metering device into operation.

81(6). Based on the results of checking the metering device, the contractor draws up an act of putting the metering device into operation, which indicates:

a) date, time and address of putting the metering device into operation;

b) last names, first names, patronymics, positions and contact details of persons who took part in the procedure for putting the metering device into operation;

c) the type and serial number of the installed metering device, as well as the location of its installation;

d) a decision to commission or refuse to commission a metering device, indicating the grounds for such refusal;

e) in the case of putting the metering device into operation, the readings of the metering device at the time of completion of the procedure for putting the metering device into operation and an indication of the places on the metering device where control disposable number seals (control seals) are installed;

f) date of the next verification.

81(7). The act of putting the metering device into operation is drawn up in 2 copies and signed by the consumer and representatives of the contractor who took part in the procedure for putting the metering device into operation.

81(8). Before signing the act of putting the metering device into operation (if there are no grounds for refusing to put the metering device into operation), the representative of the contractor installs control seals on the metering device.

81(9). The commissioning of metering devices in the cases provided for by these Rules is carried out by the contractor without charging a fee.

81(10). Operation, repair and replacement of metering devices are carried out in accordance with technical documentation. Verification of metering devices is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

81(11). The metering device must be protected from unauthorized interference in its operation. In order to establish the fact of unauthorized interference in the operation of a metering device, the contractor, when conducting a regular check of the condition of a consumer's metering device, has the right to install control seals and indicators of anti-magnetic seals, as well as seals and devices that allow recording the fact of unauthorized interference in the operation of a metering device with mandatory notification to the consumer about the consequences of detection the fact of violation of such seals or devices, while payment for the installation of such seals or devices is not charged to the consumer.

When the contractor checks the condition of the metering device, the following are subject to inspection:

integrity of the metering device, absence of mechanical damage, absence of holes or cracks not provided by the manufacturer, tight fit of the indicator glass;

The presence and safety of control seals and indicators of anti-magnetic seals, as well as seals and devices that allow recording the fact of unauthorized interference in the operation of the meter;

lack of free access to switching elements (nodes, clamps) of the metering device, allowing interference with the operation of the metering device.

Violation of the indicators specified in paragraphs three to five of this paragraph is recognized as unauthorized interference in the operation of the meter. If these violations are discovered during the inspection, the contractor draws up a report of unauthorized interference in the operation of the metering device. At the same time, if the metering device is installed in a residential premises and other premises, access to which cannot be achieved without the presence of the consumer, the contractor recalculates the payment for utility services and sends the consumer a request for payment of additional charges for utility services. Such recalculation is made for the period starting from the date of installation of the specified seals or devices, but not earlier than from the date of the previous inspection by the contractor and no more than 3 months preceding the date of inspection of the metering device, during which unauthorized interference in the operation of the metering device was detected, and until the date of elimination of such interference, based on the volume calculated on the basis of consumption standards for the relevant utilities using an increasing factor of 10.

A report on unauthorized interference in the operation of a metering device is drawn up in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

If the amount of payment for a heating utility service is determined without taking into account the readings of individual and general (apartment) heat energy meters, then violation of the indicators specified in paragraphs three to five of this paragraph is not recognized as unauthorized interference in the operation of the meter.

(see text in the previous edition)

In the absence of information about citizens permanently and temporarily residing in a residential premises, the volume of utilities is calculated taking into account the number of owners of such premises.

The cost of consumption of utility resources in the event of unauthorized intervention in the operation of a metering device by a consumer in a non-residential premises is collected by the resource supplying organization.

(see text in the previous edition)

81(12). The metering device is considered to be out of order in the following cases:

a) failure of metering devices to display measurement results;

b) violation of control seals and (or) verification marks;

V) mechanical damage metering device;

d) exceeding the permissible error of the meter readings;

e) expiration of the verification interval for verification of metering devices.

81(13). In the event of a meter failure (malfunction), the consumer is obliged to immediately notify the contractor about this, report the readings of the meter at the time of its failure (malfunction) and ensure that the identified malfunction is eliminated (repair, replacement) within 30 days from the date of failure the meter is out of order (a malfunction occurs). If dismantling of the metering device is required, the contractor is notified of the above work at least 2 working days in advance. Dismantling of the metering device, as well as its subsequent installation, is carried out in the presence of representatives of the contractor, except for cases where such representatives did not appear by the time for dismantling the metering device specified in the notice.

81(14). Commissioning of a metering device after its repair, replacement and verification is carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 81 of these Rules. The installed metering device, including after verification, is sealed by the contractor without charging a fee to the consumer, except for cases when the sealing of the corresponding metering devices is carried out by the contractor again due to violation of the seal or verification marks by the consumer or a third party.

82. The contractor is obliged:

a) carry out checks of the condition of installed and put into operation individual, common (apartment), room metering devices and distributors, the fact of their presence or absence;

b) carry out checks of the reliability of the information provided by consumers about the readings of individual, common (apartment), room metering devices and distributors by comparing them with the readings of the corresponding metering device at the time of verification (in cases where the readings of such metering devices and distributors are taken by consumers).

83. The checks specified in paragraph 82 of these Rules must be carried out by the contractor at least once a year, and if the metering devices being checked are located in the consumer’s residential premises, then no more than once every 3 months.

(see text in the previous edition)

84. If the consumer fails to provide the contractor with the readings of an individual or general (apartment) metering device for 6 months in a row, the contractor no later than 15 days from the date of expiration of the specified 6-month period, another period established by the agreement containing provisions on the provision of utility services, and (or ) solutions general meeting owners of premises in an apartment building are obliged to carry out the check specified in paragraph 82 of these Rules and take meter readings.

(see text in the previous edition)

85. The checks specified in paragraph 82 of these Rules, if they require access to the consumer’s residential premises, are carried out by the contractor in the following order, unless otherwise provided by the agreement containing the conditions for the provision of utility services:

In their mailboxes, Irkutsk residents began to find announcements from the “Unified City Water Supply Metering Service” demanding urgent verification and replacement of water meters. If this is not done, the equipment is considered faulty. The asking price is 2.5 thousand rubles. Read about what kind of organization this is, who actually verifies the devices and in what cases they need to be replaced.

34 59 11

One of these notices fell into our hands. At first glance there is nothing suspicious. On the contrary, the name of the organization is “United city ​​service on water supply accounting" - quite inspires confidence. The leaflet says that the house is undergoing a collective verification of water meters. And if the owners do not apply for it, they will soon have to pay for water general standard. Below is a seal, which, by the way, should raise even more questions among vigilant residents than the text itself, and the signature: administration of the Unified City Water Supply Accounting Service.

We called the phone number indicated in the leaflet. And almost immediately it became clear that this organization had nothing to do with “water supply accounting”. So, the operator answered us. When I asked why I needed water meters to be verified, she explained that hot and cold water meters have their own service life.

As a rule, the verification interval is given for hot water 4 years, and in cold weather 6 years,” she explained. - This depends on the date of manufacture of the device at the factory. After this period, either verification or replacement is carried out. You independently choose what is more convenient for you.

The meter was installed no more than three years ago, which means I don’t need a replacement? - I ask.

The girl doesn't give up.

Look, it was installed maybe no more than three years ago, but you need to look at the date of its manufacture,” she says. - For example, the meter could have been left in the store, which means its service life is shorter.

The leaflet talked about collective verification, but in reality this organization does not carry out verification, but offers to replace the equipment. The operator said that a metrologist was doing this and suggested contacting the regional center for standardization and metrology:

If you decide to carry out verification, the meter must be dismantled and taken to the laboratory. For verification you will pay 1.5 thousand rubles. If the device passes it, then you pick it up, install it on the pipes and seal it. If it does not pass, then it must be replaced. Now, according to statistics, 73% of devices simply do not pass verification. And therefore, to avoid double overpayments, we recommend immediately replacing the meters with new ones. Replacing one costs 2.5 thousand rubles.

So, everything became clear. The company deals only sale of equipment. You can buy meters from them or anywhere else. And the mention of the law, the call for collective verification is just a publicity stunt. However, unknowing people easily fall for the tricks of such organizations. And, as often happens, pensioners are the most gullible.

Expert opinion

After talking with the “Unified City Water Supply Accounting Service,” we contacted the “Irkutsk Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Irkutsk Region” (CSM), which the operator mentioned. It turned out that they had to deal with similar notices more than once. Legal department specialist Kapitolina Ilyinichna Kupetskova reported that Irkutsk residents themselves bring similar leaflets with a request to explain what kind of organization this is and whether they can be trusted.

Water meters really need to be verified. But when to carry it out depends on the date of their installation or previous verification.

“I decided to find out how they carry out verification,” says the specialist. - They told me that they do not check the equipment, this is done by the Irkutsk Central Medical Center, but since they often reveal a large error in water metering, their service recommends changing the meters.

A representative of the regional “CSM” found out that the “Unified City Water Supply Accounting Service” - commercial organization, which pursues the only goal - to make a profit. And they, taking advantage of the fact that the law really requires that the calibration interval be observed, are trying to convince residents to change meters without verification.

Kapitolina Ilyinichna said that since the installation of meters does not require either a license or accreditation by law, some organizations actively use this. “A lot of Irkutsk residents contact us with similar notices. And how many go directly to those who distribute them, and instead of trusting the equipment, they immediately change it,” the specialist explained.

Verification or replacement?

So, why do you need to verify meters? First of all, this is a requirement federal law"On ensuring the uniformity of measurements". Each meter has its own service life, and, according to the regulation of the Russian Federation, the owner is obliged to independently organize the verification of metering devices in apartments. For hot water meters, the service life is 4 years, for cold water meters - 6 years.

However, you should not think that after this time they will fail like clockwork. No. The devices may begin to show incorrect water flow or continue to work properly. This is why the law provides for verification of equipment.

The meters can be taken to the laboratory or an application can be made for verification at the place of their operation. If the device has successfully passed the verification procedure, an appropriate certificate is issued; if the error exceeds the permissible values ​​or the meter is faulty, a notice of its unsuitability is issued.

Citizens are required to verify individual devices accounting at your own expense. In Irkutsk you will have to pay from 600 to 1000 rubles for this. If the water meter does not work or shows incorrect water consumption figures, it needs to be changed. If the device is in working order, then it can be used until the next verification.

After installing water meters, they must be sealed. This can only be done by an organization that has a license: either a management company or a resource supply organization, MUP Vodokanal.

In case of replacement new counter You can buy it yourself in the store. On average, one meter will cost you from 600 to 1.5 thousand rubles. You will also have to pay 400-800 rubles for its installation and sealing. As a result, you will spend around 2.5 thousand rubles to replace one meter.

There cannot be any collective verification of water metering devices, as indicated in the leaflet,” emphasizes the Irkutsk CSM specialist. - Residents installed and are installing meters in different time, which means they must be guided by the deadlines specified in the documents for their devices. Each verification period is individual.

Anastasia Markova, Irkutsk Online Information Agency

URL: http://www.site/news/problems/article/63133/

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The provider of utility services in an apartment building (UO, HOA, residential complex or housing cooperative) is obliged to carry out inspections:

  • the state of individual metering devices, the fact of their presence or absence, as well as
  • the reliability of their testimony (hereinafter referred to as IPU verification).

When access to the consumer’s living space is required for inspection, you must:

  • notify him of the upcoming inspection;
  • gain access to living quarters;
  • check the condition and reliability of the IPU readings;
  • formalize the results of the inspection.

This procedure is provided for in paragraph 85 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 (hereinafter referred to as Rules No. 354).

Attention: The contract for the provision of public services may provide for a different procedure for conducting inspections of the IPU.

Step 1: Submit notification to the consumer about checking the IPU in his residential premises

Prepare a message or written notice. In him:

  • indicate the expected date(s) and time of the inspection;
  • notify of the need to let the performer into your premises at the specified time;
  • Explain the consequences in case the consumer refuses to allow the contractor to access the ISP. A negative consequence for the consumer is a transition to a less profitable procedure for calculating utility bills, taking into account an increasing coefficient.

Send the message to the consumer in any way that allows you to determine the date of departure, or provide a written notice against signature. Do this at least 14 days before the inspection date.

This procedure is provided for in subparagraph “a” of paragraph 85 of Rules No. 354.

  • How to collect readings from apartment meters without entering the apartment

Situation: does the contractor have the right to notify the consumer by telephone about access to the residential premises to check the IPU

Yes, you have the right if:

  • the performer can record the outgoing phone call and confirm its date, or
  • The utility service agreement provides for the opportunity to notify the consumer by telephone.

Thus, a message about access to a residential premises to check the private property must be given to the consumer against signature in writing or sent in a way that:

  • will allow you to determine the departure date or
  • specified in the utility service agreement.

This is established by paragraph 85 of Regulation No. 354.

  • Accounting for utility resources: how best to organize it

Stage 2. Gain access to the residential premises to check the IPU

According to the current rules, the consumer is obliged to allow the contractor into the residential premises for inspection on the day and time specified in the notification of its conduct (subclause “c” of paragraph 85 of Rules No. 354).

Until January 1, 2017, the contractor was obliged to invite the consumer to provide a convenient date(s) and time of admission. In this regard, we had to wait for the consumer's response. Now the law does not establish such an obligation (subparagraph 44, paragraph 3 of the amendments approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2016 No. 1498 “On issues of provision of utility services and maintenance common property in an apartment building").

At the same time, at the moment there are still three cases when the consumer’s response or expression of will affects the verification date.

Case 1. The consumer is temporarily absent from the residential premises.

In this situation, the consumer is obliged to report a temporary absence, as well as indicate other possible dates (date) and time of admission.

In this case, the proposed date must occur:

  • no earlier than two days from the moment the message was received from the consumer, and
  • no later than three days from the date specified in the notice of inspection.

The consumer must send this message no later than two days before the date indicated by the contractor.

This procedure is provided for in subparagraph “b” of paragraph 85 of Rules No. 354.

Case 2. The consumer declared his readiness to let the performer into the residential premises after he drew up an act of refusal of admission to the IPU.

In this situation, the IPU must be verified within 10 days after receiving the application.

Such an obligation is provided for by subparagraph “d” of paragraph 85 of Rules No. 354.

Case 3. The consumer, on his own initiative, demanded that the status of the IPU be checked.

The requirement must be fulfilled within 10 working days from the day the contractor received the consumer’s application (subparagraph “e(2)”, paragraph 31 of Rules No. 354).

  • Checking the DPPU: who is obliged to bear the costs

Situation: what to do if the consumer has not provided access to the residential premises to conduct an inspection of the IPU

Draw up an act of refusal of admission to the IPU in two copies (subparagraph “d”, paragraph 85 of Rules No. 354).

In the document please indicate:

  • date, place and time of drawing up the act;
  • the circumstances in connection with which the inspection was required;
  • persons who participated in drawing up the act and should have participated in the inspection;
  • information that the consumer violated his obligation - he refused the contractor access to the IPU;
  • reasons for refusal of admission, if the consumer provided them.

This follows from paragraph 85(1) of Regulation No. 354.

Both copies are signed by the consumer and the representative of the contractor who was supposed to conduct the inspection. If the consumer cannot or refuses to sign the document, indicate this in it.

Give one of the copies to the consumer. For example, give or send by registered mail(Clause 85(2) of Regulation No. 354).

If the consumer receives a statement of readiness to provide the performer with access to the premises, conduct an inspection within 10 days from the date of receipt of this statement (subparagraph “d”, paragraph 85 of Rules No. 354).

Before checking, calculate utility fees according to subparagraph “c” of paragraph 59, paragraphs 59(2), 85(3) of Regulation No. 354.

  • Mandatory installation of metering devices: nuances of agreements

Stage 3. Check the condition and reliability of meter readings

When checking the IPU, make sure that:

  • the integrity of the device is not compromised - the indicator glass fits tightly, there is no damage or extra holes;
  • the consumer does not have free access to the components and terminals of the device, which may affect its operation;
  • all control seals that you previously installed are in place and undamaged. If such seals do not exist yet, you have the right to install them.

This procedure is provided for in paragraph 81(11) of Regulation No. 354.

If the meter has not failed and no unauthorized interference in its operation has been detected, take readings.

  • Fine for unauthorized connection of devices to the public network

Stage 4. Document the results of the inspection of the IPU in the residential premises

After completing the IPU inspection, immediately draw up a report in two copies. Indicate in it:

  • date, time and place of compilation;
  • the circumstances in connection with which the inspection was carried out;
  • identified violations and related circumstances;
  • objections (positions) of the consumer or his representative in connection with the identified violations;
  • persons who participated in the inspection and drawing up the report.

Both copies are signed by the consumer and the representative of the contractor who conducted the inspection.

This procedure is provided for in paragraph 85(1) of Regulation No. 354.

Give one of the copies to the consumer. For example, hand over or send by registered mail (clause 85(2) of the Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities).

Situation: what to do if the consumer refuses to sign the IPU inspection report

Draw up an act on general rules and make a note in it about the refusal of the consumer or his representative to sign the document. If the consumer gave reasons for the refusal, indicate them in the act.

This is provided for in subparagraph “d” of paragraph 85(1) of Regulation No. 354.

Enter the meter readings that you recorded in the report in the IPU reading log (sub-clause “g”, clause 31 of Rules No. 354).

Checking the condition of metering devices and the reliability of their readings, if this requires access to the residential or non-residential premises of the consumer, is carried out in the following order:

a) the contractor sends the consumer in a manner that allows him to determine the date of receipt of such a message, or delivers a written notice against signature with a proposal to inform the consumer about the date(s) and time convenient for the consumer of the contractor’s admission to carry out the inspection and an explanation of the consequences of the consumer’s inaction or his refusal to allow the contractor to metering devices;

b) the consumer is obliged, within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt of the specified notice, to inform the contractor in a way that allows determining the date of receipt of such a message by the contractor about the date(s) and time convenient for the consumer within the next 10 calendar days when the consumer can ensure the contractor’s admission to residential or non-residential premises occupied by him for inspection. If the consumer cannot ensure the contractor’s access to the residential premises he occupies due to temporary absence, then he is obliged to inform the contractor about other possible date(s) and time of admission for the inspection;

c) if the consumer fails to fulfill the obligation specified in subparagraph "b" of this paragraph, the contractor re-sends a written notice to the consumer in the manner specified in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph, and the consumer is obliged to inform the contractor within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt of such notice , allowing to determine the date of receipt of such a message by the contractor, the information specified in subparagraph “b” of this paragraph;

d) the contractor, on the date and time agreed with the consumer in accordance with subparagraph “b” or “c” of this paragraph, is obliged to conduct an inspection and draw up an inspection report and transfer 1 copy of the act to the consumer. The inspection report is signed by the contractor and the consumer, and if the consumer refuses to sign the act, by the contractor and 2 disinterested persons;

e) if the consumer did not respond to the contractor’s repeated notification or did not allow the contractor into the residential or non-residential premises occupied by him 2 or more times on the date and time agreed upon by the consumer, and at the same time, in relation to the consumer living in the residential premises, the contractor does not have information about his temporary absence from the occupied residential premises, the executor draws up an act of refusal of access to the metering device. The act of refusal to allow the contractor to access metering devices located in the residential or non-residential premises of the consumer is signed by the contractor and the consumer, and if the consumer refuses to sign the act, by the contractor and 2 disinterested persons. The act indicates the date and time of the contractor’s arrival to conduct the inspection, the reasons for the consumer’s refusal to allow the contractor to access the metering devices (if the consumer informed the contractor about such reasons), other information indicating the actions (inaction) of the consumer that prevent the contractor from conducting the inspection. The contractor is obliged to transfer 1 copy of the act to the consumer;

f) the contractor is obliged, within 10 days after receiving from the consumer, in respect of whom the act of refusal of access to the metering device was left, a statement of readiness to allow the contractor into the premises for inspection, to carry out an inspection, draw up an inspection report and transfer 1 copy of the act to the consumer. The inspection report is signed by the contractor and the consumer, and if the consumer refuses to sign the act, by the contractor and 2 disinterested persons.

According to clause 59 of the Rules starting from the date when the executor drew up an act of refusal of access to the metering device (distributors) until the date of the inspection in accordance with subparagraph "e" of paragraph 85 of these Rules, but no more than 3 billing periods in a rowlat for a utility service provided to a consumer in residential or non-residential premises for the billing period is determined based on the calculated average monthly consumption volume communal resource consumer, determined by the readings of an individual or general (apartment) metering device for a period of at least 1 year (for heating - based on the average monthly consumption volume for the heating period), and if the period of operation of the metering device was less than 1 year - then for the actual period of operation metering device, but not less than 3 months (for heating - not less than 3 months of the heating period) in the following cases and for the specified billing periods.

After three months, utility fees are calculated in accordance with paragraph 42 of these Rules based on utility consumption standards.

Thus, it is possible to set a fee according to the standard, but only after 3 months from the date of drawing up the act of prohibition of access to metering devices!

It is not the verification that has been canceled, but its fixed deadlines! An article about this from the newspaper "Star Boulevard"

Four questions about water meters

The editors receive many questions that concern mandatory verification water meters. All of them are associated with the release in December last year of Moscow Government Resolution No. 831-PP, which canceled the document that regulated the procedure for installation, maintenance, and verification of water metering devices (Appendix 1 to Moscow Government Resolution No. 77-PP dated February 10, 2004). So is it necessary or not to carry out verification?

The changes were commented on by the Directorate of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the North-East Administrative District.

1. Do I need to check or install new cold water meters?

Need to. It is not verification that has been canceled at all, but its fixed terms - 4 and 6 years for hot and cold metering devices. cold water respectively, which were indicated in the canceled annex to the resolution of the Moscow Government. Nevertheless, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of residential premises,” the consumer is obliged “to establish the technical documentation for the metering device.” In other words, within the time limits specified in the device data sheet. Data sheets for domestic water meters usually indicate calibration intervals in accordance with GOST - 6 years for cold water meters and 4 years for hot water meters, although the calibration interval for some imported meters can be 10-15 years.

2. How does the management company control the timing of verification of apartment water meters?

When installing or replacing water meters, a resident must bring to the management company a certificate of commissioning of the device, which indicates the date of its installation, since only in this case the payment for consumed water will be made based on the readings of the apartment water meter. Thus, the management company has information about the expiration of the verification interval for all water meters installed in the house. And in required deadline The resident will be informed of the need to perform verification.

3. What consequences can a resident expect if he ignores the verification deadlines?

Without testing, the devices are considered unsuitable for metering water consumption. For subscribers who have not provided verification certificates or replacement of the water meter, payments for housing and communal services based on metering devices will be transferred from apartment to general house metering devices.

4. On what basis did the management company begin to check the registration of residents in apartments without water meters?

On January 30, 2013, the Moscow Department of Housing and Public Utilities and Improvement approved “ Guidelines to identify individuals using residential premises." Based on this document, management companies received the right to identify unregistered residents in order to charge fees for actually consumed water. Under the previous procedure for paying for cold and hot water, only citizens registered in the house were taken into account according to the readings of a common household appliance. . Apartments that are not equipped with water meters will be inspected by the commission at least twice a month. Information about the fact of residence of unregistered citizens will be transferred to the State Property Committee of the district for water charges.


Material from Star Boulevard No. 10 (328) from 03/17/2013

If you need it in your home, but don’t know which water meter is best suited for this, we advise you to pay attention to Beregun water meters, made in Russia.

Beware of fraudulent water meter companies!

Trust the replacement and verification of water meters to the professionals of the STEK company!

Certificates and licenses

Verification license

Requirements for metrological services of legal entities accredited for the right to verify measuring instruments, and the procedure for their accreditation are established by law. The MS must have a position, structure, quality assurance system, personnel, necessary working standards, premises and conditions that ensure the verification of measuring instruments. The regulations on the MS must be approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Order on accreditation of STEC

The activities of "STEC" in verifying water meters are fully consistent building regulations and rules. In particular, SNiP 2.04.01-85. Checking water meters will help reduce utility costs several times. Verification is carried out in any district of Moscow. This is the main argument for moving from utility standards to strict accounting of water consumption.

Free verification of water meters - Metrological Service STEC

When concluding a service agreement
We take care of all subsequent verification of water meters!

All verifications of your metering devices will be free for you!

Benefits of a service agreement

    By concluding a service agreement, you receive FREE OF CHARGE:
  • All subsequent instrument verifications
  • Free replacement of a faulty water meter
  • Visual inspection to identify malfunctions and irregularities in the operation of the water meter
  • Checking the presence and integrity of seals
  • Control reading and recording of water meter readings
  • Checking the operation of the counting mechanism on water meters
  • Cleaning the filter from sediments, sand and scale with disassembly and inspection - if necessary
  • Replacement of gaskets at the joints of water meters - if necessary