home · On a note · Minutes of the meeting on issues from the enterprise. Minutes of the general meeting of the organization’s employees on concluding a collective agreement (example)

Minutes of the meeting on issues from the enterprise. Minutes of the general meeting of the organization’s employees on concluding a collective agreement (example)

The minutes of a meeting of the labor collective is a type of organizational and administrative document that reflects information about the progress of the discussion of some management issues, recording the progress of the discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings. Contains an operative part and is used to document standing meetings.

The minutes of a meeting of the labor collective must necessarily include: the name of the institution (organization of the enterprise), the type of document (minutes), places to put the index of the document, date, place of drawing up the minutes (geographical point), heading to the text. So the header looks like:

Limited Liability Company “________________”


Also in the introductory part of the protocol after the title, the surnames and initials of the chairman and secretary of the meeting are indicated; the name of the position may not be indicated.

Next, type the word “Present:” on a new line and list it in alphabetical order surnames and initials of permanent participants of the meeting, members of the commission and other employees of this organization (structural unit) without indicating positions. If officials from third-party organizations are present at the meeting, the word “Invitees:” is printed in the minutes on a new line, as well as the names, initials and positions indicating the organization of those invited to the meeting.

When drawing up the minutes of an extended meeting, the names of the participants are not listed, but their total number is indicated by a number.

The minutes are drawn up on the basis of records kept at the meeting by the secretary or a specially selected or appointed person performing his functions, manually or using a voice recorder. The secretary of the meeting must use documents that emerged during its preparation - the agenda, lists of participants, texts of reports or speeches, draft decisions.

The date of the minutes is the date of the meeting! If the meeting of the labor collective lasted several days, then the date of the minutes includes the start and end dates, for example: 09/21–24/2000 or September 21–24, 2000. The number (registration index) of the minutes is the serial number of the meeting. The numbering of protocols is carried out within the calendar year or the term of office of the collegial body.

The next paragraph indicates a list of issues to be discussed. It begins with the words “Agenda.” The agenda contains a list of issues that are discussed at the meeting and records the sequence of their discussion and the names of the speakers (rapporteurs).

The agenda for a meeting of the labor collective, as a rule, is drawn up in advance and should include optimal quantity issues that can be considered and discussed at the meeting. A correctly drawn up agenda allows you to competently plan the meeting and achieve the greatest efficiency from this type of activity. Including several major issues on the agenda (or large quantity small) leads to delays in the meeting, loss of time for its participants, and a decrease in the quality of decisions made. Based on this, it is not recommended to include the “Miscellaneous” item on the agenda, the discussion of which may require considerable time.

The main part of the meeting minutes consists of several sections, each of which relates to a corresponding agenda item. Each section consists of three parts: “LISTENED”, “SPEAKED”, “DECIDED” (or “DECIDED”), in each of these parts there is a recording of the speech of the main speaker, participants in the discussion of the issue and the operative part formulating the decision of the meeting. Each surname and initials of the speaker is printed on a new line from the paragraph in nominative case. Questions to the speaker or speakers are entered into the minutes in the order they are received, each question is printed on a red line. Last names may not be indicated.

The decisions made at the meeting are entered into the minutes after the word “DECIDED” (or “DECIDED”). The decision is made collectively, which often involves voting by participants. However, in management practice, voting results are usually not reflected in the minutes. If such a need arises, the voting results are indicated separately for each item of the decision. For example, “Unanimously” or “For – 14, against – 1, abstained – 3.”

The minutes are drawn up by the secretary of the meeting, retyping the text, editing it and agreeing with the chairman of the meeting or the head of the structural unit. legal effect the protocol is acquired only if there are two signatures - the chairman and the secretary.

The first copy of the protocol is signed, which is filed by the secretary in the file and stored in accordance with the period determined by the nomenclature of files. However, cases often arise when an employee needs to introduce himself to another organization (or structural subdivision) decision. In this case, an extract from the protocol is drawn up.

An extract from the minutes is an exact copy of part of the text of the original minutes relating to the agenda item for which the extract is being prepared. At the same time, all the details of the form, the introductory part of the text, the agenda item on which the extract is being prepared, and the text reflecting the discussion of the issue and the decision made are reproduced. The header looks like:

Limited Liability Company “_______________”
meetings of the labor collective
07.02.2011 ________________________________________________ № 1

The extract from the protocol is signed only by the secretary, who also draws up the certification. It consists of the word “True”, an indication of the position of the person certifying the copy (extract), personal signature, surname, initials and date. If an extract is given for submission to another organization, it is certified by a seal.

Section: Document samples

Document type: Protocol

Document file size: 3.6 kb


The first issue on the agenda was addressed by the chairman of the meeting A.A. Petrova. which reported that the team of workers and the administration of the company had developed a project collective agreement, and suggested


conclude a collective agreement in the proposed wording.


Minutes of the general meeting of the organization’s employees on concluding a collective agreement (example)

Home / Information and reference documents / Protocols / Protocol general meeting employees of the organization on concluding a collective agreement (example)

The total number of team members is 9 people.

There were 9 people present.

There is a quorum, the meeting is competent to make decisions.

A.A. Petrova was elected chairman of the meeting. Secretary of the meeting Sidorov V.V.


1. Participation in collective bargaining.

2. Conclusion of a collective agreement.

3. Election of a representative on behalf of workers to sign a collective agreement.


conclude a collective agreement in the proposed wording.

Chairman of the meeting A.A. Petrova spoke on the second item on the agenda. who proposed to elect Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kashina as a representative on behalf of the workers and entrust her with signing a collective agreement on behalf of the workers.


elect Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kashina as a representative on behalf of the workers and entrust her with signing the collective agreement on behalf of the workers.

The agenda is exhausted and the meeting is considered closed.

Chairman of the meeting ___________________ /Petrova A.A./

Secretary of the meeting _____________________ /Sidorova V.V./

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective on the issue of conducting collective negotiations for the conclusion of a collective agreement (sample filling) ("HR Officer. Personnel records management", 2010, n 8)

The form was prepared using legal acts as of July 20, 2010.

Approximate sample

Number of employees - 318 people

Present - 298 people


1. Election of the chairman and secretary of the general meeting.

2. Election of representatives of the labor collective for collective bargaining.

3. List of issues to be included in the collective agreement.

4. Approval of the text of the proposal to begin collective bargaining.

1. Speaker:

Head of the transport department Sergeev D.N. - proposed to elect T.D. Markova, head of the human resources department, as chairman of the general meeting. Secretary - Clerk Pereverzev V.V.


elect T.D. Markova, head of the human resources department, as chairman of the general meeting. Secretary - Clerk Pereverzev V.V.

for - 290 people (97% of those present)

against - 3 people (1%)

abstained - 5 people (1.7%).

2. Speakers:

Head of HR Department Markova T.D. - invited employees to nominate employee representatives for collective bargaining.

Accountant of the settlement department Uvarova N.G. - proposed the candidacy of S.A. Grigorieva. occupational safety engineer.

Software engineer Sinitsyn G.V. - proposed the candidacy of E.N. Fedorov. leading specialist.

Mechanic Karpov E.F. - proposed the candidacy of G.V. Leonova. picker

Driver Rogov A.V. - proposed the candidacy of E.I. Ivanova. storekeeper

Head of HR Department Markova T.D. - proposed to elect the proposed candidates as representatives of the labor collective for negotiations.


elect these workers as representatives of the labor collective for collective bargaining.

for - 292 people (98% of those present)

against - 6 people (2%)

no abstentions.

3. Speaker:

HR inspector Ilyina N.G. - proposed a list of questions for collective bargaining regarding:

1) additional payments and allowances

2) introduction of quarterly bonuses

3) guarantees for pensioners upon dismissal

4) material assistance upon marriage, at the birth of children

5) Extra workwear

6) additional insurance of employees against accidents.

approve the proposed list of issues.

Sample internal labor regulations

An employee who, for health reasons, in accordance with a medical report, needs to be provided with easier work, the employer must transfer, with the consent of the employee, to such work for the period specified in medical report, and, if necessary, establish a shortened working day. Persons under the age of 18 are employed only after a preliminary medical examination (Art. safe conditions labor increase productivity and labor efficiency rational use working hours.

The listed responsibilities can be assigned to one of the founders (how to do this, read below). For the position of the director of the enterprise and the executive director, they are accepted after the approval of the candidates by the meeting of founders (drawn up in the minutes of the meeting). In this case, you need a document confirming such an appointment (for example, the minutes of the general meeting of ooo).

The monetary part of the premium is awarded to medical workers in the manner prescribed by the current legislation, regulatory legal acts by the Supreme Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Award of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to medical workers of public health institutions and those created on the basis of property belonging to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea 1. Law of Ukraine on remuneration for severe cases financial position enterprises can reduce tariff rates (and therefore official salaries) for a period of up to 6 months.

If necessary, the enterprise may establish individual working hours for individual employees with their consent. The presentation of the award to medical workers is timed to coincide with the day of the medical worker. Some experts express the opinion that the management of an enterprise by the founder (owner) without registration labor relations for some organizational and legal forms of business it is not entirely legal (for example, for economic societies). The employee is compensated for work on weekends in the manner prescribed by law (Article Founder-Director, how to correctly formalize modern economic realities are such that often at the enterprise, including due to the suspension of activities, there is not a single hired employee left and the functions of the manager are performed by one of founders. The application is accompanied by data on the labor achievements of the team in the field of healthcare, information on the specific personal merits of the team’s representatives, copies of their passports and identification numbers, copies of education diplomas, copies of certificates of availability qualification category in the specialty, an extract from the minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective.

Minutes of the general meeting of employees sample

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Extracts from the minutes of the general meetings of the labor collective 2013-2014

dated January 15, 2013

There were: 24 people (s)

Absent: 8 person(s)

Chairman: Mirzaeva N.V. (Chairman of the primary trade union organization)

Secretary: Goroshkova E.P.

1. On the selection of the chairman and secretary of the general meeting of the labor collective for 2013

2. On the tariffication of employees. Changes in wages.

3. On the adoption of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012, Federal Law No. 273 “On Education”

4. On amendments to the charter of the municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten general developmental type No. 72"

1. Elect as chairman: educator, chairman of the primary trade union organization - N.V. Mirzaev

Secretary - E.P. Goroshkova Deputy Head of VMR

2. Take note of the tariffs as of 01/01/2013

3. Take note and become more familiar with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012, Federal Law No. 273 “On Education”

4. Adopt changes to the charter of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “General developmental kindergarten No. 72”. Authorize E.V. Sukhareva register changes to the institution’s charter with the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 12 for the Vologda Region.

Chairman: Mirzaeva N.V.


1. On the adoption of amendments and additions to the provisions: “Regulations on the procedure for providing additional leave employees engaged in work with hazardous working conditions", "REGULATIONS ON THE BLOCK-RATING SYSTEM FOR ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF EMPLOYEES' ACTIVITIES", "REGULATIONS ON INCENTIVE PAYMENTS, INCLUDING FOR THE QUALITY OF WORK PERFORMED, INTENSITY AND HIGH RESULTS WORK RESULTS, PREMIUM PAYMENTS", " INTERNAL LABOR REGULATIONS", "REGULATIONS ON WAGES"

1. Adopt changes and additions to the provisions: “Regulations on the procedure for providing additional leave to employees engaged in work with hazardous working conditions”, “Regulations on the BLOCK-RATING SYSTEM FOR ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF EMPLOYEES’ ACTIVITIES”, “REGULATIONS ON INCENTIVE PAYMENTS, INCLUDING FOR THE QUALITY OF WORK PERFORMED, INTENSITY AND HIGH WORK RESULTS, BONUS PAYMENTS,” “INTERNAL LABOR RULES,” “REGULATIONS ON WAGES”


1. On the adoption of amendments and additions to the collective agreement for the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “General developmental kindergarten No. 72” between the administration and the workforce for 2012-2015

2. On the right of employees to sign a collective agreement

1. A proposal was received to accept changes and additions to the collective agreement for the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “General Developmental Kindergarten No. 72” between the administration and the workforce for 2012-2015

2. The right of signature on the part of workers should be entrusted to the chairman of the primary trade union organization, Natalya Vladimirovna Mirzaeva.

3. Familiarize employees with the changes against signature

Extract from protocol No. 4

Absent: 5 person(s)

Protocol No. 2

General meeting


1. On the election of the chairman and secretary of the meeting.

4. Bringing into compliance with the requirements of paragraph No. 8, paragraphs and paragraph 2. filing in in the prescribed manner information provided by law on the personnel of teaching staff

1. Listened: She made a proposal to elect the chairman and secretary of the meeting.


Elect chairman of the meeting, secretary of the meeting

2. Listened to: Klyuchnikova. In order to bring the Charter of the Institution into line with compliance with the Federal Law of 01.01.2001 No. 000/1 “On Education” in terms of fulfilling the requirements for the content of the Charter and in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of 01.01.2001

- in clause 1.6, the words “personal account” should be replaced with the words “personal accounts”.

Add clauses to the Charter:

1.17. The right to carry out educational activities arises with the Institution from the moment it is issued a license to carry out educational activities.

1.18. The establishment and operation of organizational structures is not permitted at the Institution political parties, socio-political and religious movements and organizations (associations).

In paragraph 2.2 the words “The subject of the Institution’s activities is the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education; providing education, training and development, as well as supervision, care and health improvement of children aged 1 year 6 months to 7 years. Types of activities of the Institution:" replace with the words "

In paragraph 2.3, the words “The Institution carries out tasks established by the Management in accordance with the types of activities provided for in paragraph 2.2 of this Charter” should be replaced with the words “The subject of the Institution’s activities is implementation main ; security

Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on issues of upbringing, education and development of children;

Labor relations between the employee and the Institution are governed by an employment agreement (contract), the terms of which must not contradict the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

IN When accepting children from disabilities health, disabled children The institution is obliged to provide the necessary conditions for the organization of correctional work, in groups for the supervision and care of children - conditions that take into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development.

Add item to section 3:

IN clause 4.1 the words “

In clause 5.1.

Listened: . In accordance with part one of Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Law) to amend the list of documents of persons applying for work in an educational institution.

3. Menshenin, responsible for maintaining the Institution’s website.

On bringing into compliance with the requirements of paragraph No. 8, clause and clause 2. filing in the prescribed manner, provided by law, information on the personal composition of the teaching staff on the basis of a Government Decree Russian Federation from 01/01/2001 No. 000 "On approval of the Rules for posting on the Internet and updating information about an educational institution."


"for" - unanimously





Council of the Institution

Present: 62 people (list attached). The total number is 77 people.




1. On amendments to the Charter of the Institution.

2. Internal rules labor regulations Institutions

3. Bringing into compliance with the requirements of paragraph No. 8, paragraphs and paragraph 2. submission in accordance with the established procedure, provided by law, of information on the personal composition of teaching staff

on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001. No. 000 “On approval of the Rules for posting on the Internet and updating information about an educational institution.”

1. Listened:Klyuchnikov. In order to bring the Charter of the Institution into compliance with the Federal Law of 01.01.2001 No. 000/1 “On Education” in terms of fulfilling the requirements for the content of the Charter and in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of 01.01.2001

- in clause 1.6, the words “personal account” should be replaced with the words “personal accounts”.

In paragraph 1.11, the words “as well as this Charter and local acts of the Institution” should be replaced with the words “as well as this Charter, the agreement concluded between the Institution and parents (legal representatives), and other local acts of the Institution.”

Add clauses to the Charter:

1.17. The right to carry out educational activities arises with the Institution from the moment it is issued a license to carry out educational activities.

1.18. The establishment and activities of organizational structures political parties, socio-political and religious movements and organizations (associations).

At the Institution, education is secular in nature.

In paragraph 2.2 the words “The subject of the Institution’s activities is the implementation of the basic general education program preschool education; providing education, training and development, as well as supervision, care and health improvement of children aged 1 year 6 months to 7 years. Types of activities of the Institution:" replace with the words "The main objectives of a preschool educational institution are: ".

In paragraph 2.3, the words “The Institution carries out tasks established by the Management in accordance with the types of activities provided for in paragraph 2.2 of this Charter” should be replaced with the words “The subject of the Institution’s activities is implementation of the main general education program for preschool education; security education, training and development, as well as supervision, care and health improvement of children aged 1 year 6 months to 7 years.

Types of activities of the Institution:

Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on issues of upbringing, education and development of children;

Organization of recreational activities, provision of preventive care to students;

Organization of holidays for children and their parents (legal representatives);

In paragraph 2.8. add paragraph:

The procedure for the Institution to carry out income-generating activities is determined by a local act - a regulation on the income-generating activities of the Institution.

In paragraph 3.1. add paragraph:

Relations between the Institution and parents (legal representatives) are governed by an agreement between them, which cannot limit the rights of the parties established by law.

Labor relations between the employee and the Institution are regulated employment contract(contract), the terms of which must not contradict the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

In paragraph 3.4. add paragraph:

The main structural unit of the Institution is a group of pupils preschool age(hereinafter referred to as the group).

In paragraph 3.5, replace the words “Rules for the admission of children” with the words “Procedure for staffing the Institution.”

IN clause 3.5.8, the words “In case of transfer of a child from a preschool institution (group) of a general developmental type to preschool(group) of the compensating type, the child retains a place “for words”When admitting children with disabilities and disabled children, the Institution is obliged to provide the necessary conditions for organizing correctional work, in groups for the supervision and care of children - conditions that take into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development.

In paragraph 3.5.9 the words “The number of groups in the Institution is determined by the Management based on their maximum occupancy. There are 5 groups working in the Institution:" replace with the words "The number and ratio of age groups in the Institution are determined by the founder (Management). The Institution has 5 groups in the following areas: ".

Add a paragraph to paragraph 3.5.9: “The occupancy of groups is established in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and SanPiN standards.”

Add item to section 3:

3.10.3 If necessary, the Institution can organize:

Groups for the supervision and care of children, including the organization of their meals and daily routine, without the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education. In groups for the supervision and care of children, their maintenance and upbringing are provided, aimed at socialization and the formation of practically oriented skills in them, including taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children with disabilities and disabled children;

Family preschool groups in order to meet the population's needs for preschool education services in families. Family preschool groups can have a general developmental focus or provide supervision and care for children without implementing the main general educational program of preschool education.

Groups can include both pupils of the same age and pupils different ages(different age groups).

IN clause 4.1 the words “Participants in the educational process are children, teaching staff, parents (legal representatives)” should be replaced with the words “Participants in the educational process are pupils, their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff.”

Add a paragraph to paragraph 4.7 with the words:

Undergo periodic medical examinations in accordance with the procedure established by law (at the expense of the founder).

In clause 5.1. delete the second paragraph as contradicting clause 5.6 “-funds received from income-generating activities permitted by the Institution;”.

Add a paragraph to clause 9.1:

Regulations on the income-generating activities of the Institution;

2. Listened:. In accordance with part one of Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Law) to amend the list of documents of persons applying for work in an educational institution.

In the local act “Internal Labor Regulations of the Institution, clause 2.2. the list of documents should be supplemented with a judicial certificate in the manner and form established by the federal executive authorities exercising the functions of developing and implementing public policy and legal regulation in the field of internal affairs) - when applying for a job, to which in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal law Persons who have or have had a criminal record, are or have been subject to criminal prosecution are not admitted.

3. Listened:, responsible for maintaining the Institution’s website, speaks of bringing it into compliance with the requirements of paragraph No. 8, paragraphs and paragraph 2. submission in the prescribed manner, as provided by law, of information on the personnel of teaching staff on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001. No. 000 “On approval of the Rules for posting on the Internet and updating information about an educational institution.”


1. Accept changes to the Charter of the Institution. Responsibility for registering changes to the Charter shall be assigned to the manager.

2. Adopt changes to the local act “Internal Labor Regulations”. Responsibility is assigned to the clerk.

3. Post information about teaching staff on the Institution’s website, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001. No. 000 “On approval of the Rules for posting on the Internet and updating information about an educational institution”

"for" - unanimously

Chairman of the Tataurov Council /_______________ /

Secretary of the Menshenin Council /______________/


(name of company)


general meeting of employees

_____________ No.______ city __________

Total employees of the organization ______ people

There are ________ people present at the meeting (list attached).


1. On the election of the chairman and secretary of the general meeting of workers.

2. On the election of a counting commission to conduct secret voting.

3. On the election of a representative body of workers to represent the interests of workers in social partnership at the local level.


Full name, position of speaker - proposed to elect ( FULL NAME. candidate) chairman and ( FULL NAME. candidate) secretary of the general meeting of employees.

1.1. Elect ____________ (full name, position) as chairman of the meeting, ____________________ (full name, position) as secretary.

The chairman of the meeting proposed to approve the rules of the meeting:

2. Elect a representative body of workers (for example, the Council of the labor collective) composed of ___ people. Include in the composition of the representative body one representative from 10 people (from one department, workshop, etc.).

3. Provide time for each speaker to nominate and discuss candidates - up to 2 (5 minutes).

4. Other procedural issues.

"for" - _______ people; “against” - _______ people; “abstained” - _____ people.


Full name, position of rapporteur - proposed to elect a counting commission consisting of 3 people to conduct a secret ballot for the election of a representative body of workers: Full name. - position, full name - position, full name - job title.

Instruct the counting commission to organize the secret voting procedure and counting of votes.

"for" - _______ people; “against” - _______ people; “abstained” - _____ people.

2.2. Instruct the counting commission to organize the secret voting procedure and counting of votes.


Full name, position of rapporteur - proposed to nominate the following candidates to the representative body of workers:






Full name, position of rapporteur - with proposals for candidacies for the representative body of employees.

________________________________________ (full name – position)





________________________________________ (full name – position)





It is advisable to determine the chairman and deputy of the created body.

3.2. Empower the employee representative body with the following powers:

represent the interests of all workers in social partnership at the local level;

conduct collective negotiations on the preparation and conclusion of a collective agreement, as well as monitor its implementation.

3.3. Instruct the chairman of the representative body of employees _________ (full name):

send the employer a proposal to begin collective negotiations for the preparation and conclusion of a collective agreement on behalf of all employees;

Chairman of the meeting (signature)

Secretary (signature)

The work collective includes all employees of the organization; it has independent powers that are exercised at the meeting.

The main role at the meeting belongs to the chairman, who is elected for a term of 12 months by voting of all group members. The chairman must be a member of the team until the moment of his appointment.

The minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective are drawn up by the secretary during the process.

Basic Concepts

The general gathering of the labor collective is organized to solve the most significant tasks of the life of the organization. In accordance with current legislation, there are 2 forms, divided depending on the number of employees necessary to recognize the meeting as competent:

  • a general meeting of employees has legal force if more than 50% of the institution’s employees attended it;
  • The workers' council has legal force if at least 2/3 of the elected delegates attend.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation reflects tasks that can only be resolved by a meeting of the labor collective. Special powers include:

  • election of a representative person for collective bargaining;
  • election of employee representatives to the labor conflict committee;
  • approval of the decision to create a commission for labor disputes in the department of the institution;
  • confirmation, presentation in an appropriate form and communication to the employer of the workers’ conditions;
  • approval of the decision to carry out a strike.

A labor conference may also be held to discuss other issues, unless the law specifies that the solution to the problem is assigned to a competent person or body. A meeting of the collective of workers helps resolve a huge number of difficulties.

Voting at the meeting is open. Other issues that affect the process of convening and functioning of the meeting are not regulated by law, which means that the meeting regulates them independently.

Meeting minutes fixes the order of consideration of issues, which were discussed at a particular meeting, notes the approved decisions and determines the time periods for their implementation.

The document has generally binding legal force. In other words, if a decision was made at the meeting, but it was not recorded in the minutes, then it legal force is not vested and is not subject to execution.

Existing drafting rules

Minutes of the general meeting of the collective of workers does not have a type sample submitted for use, therefore, it is compiled in a free format, or according to a specific template prepared by the organization and adopted in its accounting documentation.

However, some information is subject to mandatory indication:

  • name of the institution;
  • padding number;
  • the number of in-house and out-of-state employees;
  • the number of people who came to the meeting;
  • information about the chairman and secretary.

The protocol can be extremely detailed, or very laconic, reflecting only the main conclusions of the meeting - no regulation is provided.

If necessary, the protocol can be attached supporting papers, which are directly related to the tasks that were resolved at the meeting - information about them should be indicated in the text of the minutes.

How, by whom and where it is filled out

The protocol is being filled out throughout the meeting. In rare situations, in order not to be interrupted from the discussion, it is conducted through audio or video recording, after which a document is drawn up. The secretary of the meeting organizes and records the minutes. It reflects the results of the meeting on A4 paper.

Before starting to take minutes, the secretary is obliged to carry out preparatory actions that include:

  • find out the list of issues that will be considered at the upcoming meeting and draw up the rules of the meeting;
  • notify the team about the meeting;
  • set the order of studying tasks;
  • inform all persons attending the meeting about the agenda;
  • prepare a registration sheet to record information about the attendance of participants;
  • distribute abstracts of speeches and other important materials among those who came;
  • reproduce documentation related to the meeting and distribute it to those interested.

In addition to the secretary and the presiding officer, the protocol must be certified by all participants. To simplify this procedure, a registration sheet is used before the start of the meeting. When entering the meeting hall, everyone who comes will fill out their last name, first name and signature on this paper. The registration paper then acts as an annex to the protocol.

After drawing up the protocol, with it all participants, as well as interested citizens, must be made aware of:

  1. Sending a photocopy of a document. In this situation, the secretary prepares photocopies of the protocol and sends them to all persons via mail, electronic messages, or presents the paper in person.
  2. Posting an excerpt from the protocol on the institution’s information board. An excerpt is a portion of an original document that all participants should read. It includes the attributes of the meeting minutes, an introductory section, one of the tasks, the order of its consideration and the approved decision. In order for the abstract to have legal force, it is supported by the signature of the executive secretary.

Document must contain:

  1. At the top, in the middle - the full name of the organization, then the form of the document and its details (without their indication the protocol has no legal force) in accordance with the accounting.
  2. Below is the date the protocol was completed and the city in which the organization operates.
  3. Composition of the meeting: the number of the total number of employees of the institution is recorded, and the number of those who came is established.
  4. Information about the secretary and the chairman (position and full name).
  5. Below is the task that is on the agenda. If the voting method was used, then the sections “for”, “against”, “abstained” and on the basis of percentage votes approve the decision.
  6. At the end - the signatures of the secretary and the presiding officer.

The basic part of the protocol consists of sections. Each section corresponds to a task on the agenda.

The section structure includes the following components:

  • 1 link from the word “Listen:..”. It contains the name of the speaker and often the title of the report itself. The report must be attached to the protocol. But the content of the report may also be reflected in the minutes;
  • 2 link from the word "Speaked: ..". This paragraph indicates the names of those persons who asked questions on the topic or took an active part in the discussion. In addition, the content of questions and reports is expressed;
  • the final part with the words "Decided: ..". It reflects the approved decision. The number of those who voted positively, negatively, or abstained is indicated.

In addition, you must attach a list of persons who abstained from casting their vote. The solution of one problem may include more than one section.

In such a situation, they will be arranged in descending order of importance. The dissenting opinion of a particular person is recorded in the protocol after the statement of the decision with which it is associated.

Features during development

Document can be certified by the seal of the institution but this is not mandatory requirement, since since 2016, organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs, have been exempted at the legislative level from the rule of using seals and stamps when signing documents.

The protocol is filled out in a single copy, which, after losing its importance, is sent to the organization’s archive, where it is stored for the period required by law, and then processed.

Sample No. 1

Sample No. 2



general meeting of the labor collective

13:35 local time

Chairman: Chief Accountant Ivanova M.F.

Secretary: engineer Semenova A. A.

Total employees: 30 people

Present: 28 people (list of those present is attached).


Approval of requirements for the employer to comply with clause 1.5 of the collective agreement for the calculation of additional incentive payments to employees who have worked at the enterprise for more than 10 years.

Listened to: the secretary of the general meeting of the labor collective, A. A. Semenova, who presented the agenda for consideration with the aim of making changes and additions to it and holding a vote.

Speakers: storekeeper D.S. Zaikin, who spoke in favor of adopting the agenda in the proposed version.

Decision: the agenda was adopted unanimously.

Heard: the chairman of the general meeting of the labor collective, M. F. Ivanova, on the requirements for the employer to fulfill clause 1.5 of the collective agreement on the accrual of additional incentive payments to employees who have worked at the enterprise for more than 10 years, with a request to make changes and additions, and to hold a vote.


1. Accountant Mukhina R.S., who proposed to approve the requirements for the employer voiced by the chairman of the general meeting of the collective of workers in the original wording.

2. Mechanic Dybov M.P., who supported the point of view of accountant Mukhina R.S.

Decision: the proposed requirements for the employer were approved unanimously.


The proposed requirements for the employer to comply with clause 1.5 of the collective agreement regarding the accrual of additional incentive payments to employees who have worked at the enterprise for more than 10 years should be accepted in their original wording.

Chairman Ivanova M. F. Signature

Secretary Semenova A. A. Signature

Regulatory regulation

In accordance with Article 418 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the activities of participants in a collective labor dispute, contracts and decisions approved in the course of resolving this dispute are drawn up in the form of protocols by representative persons of the participants in the collective labor conflict.