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Accusative. The difference between the nominative case and the accusative case

At school, several classes are always devoted to the accusative case, as it causes the most serious difficulties for students. It is no wonder that adults often make mistakes when using the accusative case. So it’s worth looking into this topic.

The accusative case is one of the 6 main ones and, as a rule, is used in pairs " transitive verb+ noun." What does this mean? This means that a noun in the accusative case experiences some kind of action directed at it by a noun or pronoun that performs the function of the subject. A simple and understandable example is “I love mom (dad, cat , sausages, porridge, music, flowers, etc.)" Subject, that is actor, in this case is the pronoun “I”. Direct addition expressed by a noun, following the verb, experiences the action of the subject - love. And it will always be used in the accusative case.

This is quite easy to check: firstly, you can remember the case questions,

the accusative answers to “who? what?”, secondly, follow the endings, substituting nouns of the 1st declension instead of the complement in ambiguous cases - mom, dad, fox, etc. They will all end in "y".

The accusative case in the Russian language is often a source of errors, especially when it is replaced by the genitive, dative, nominative, and even Very often verbs require the use of a nominal direct object, but errors still slip through, so studying a topic on how to correctly use the accusative case , needs to be combined with the topic about the construction of phrases and the features of the “verb + noun” pair.

There is also a possibility of encountering the accusative case in sentences that denote temporary concepts, for example, “work all week,” “get up every hour,” “rewrite notes all night.” In the latter case, both nouns are used in the accusative case, so care and caution should be exercised when parsing such sentences.

If the form of a noun is very similar to but the noun is not the subject, you can do a grammatical to make sure that the noun is used in the accusative case.

If doubts arise about the correctness after

some verb, you should look in the dictionary and check which case you need to use. For example, verbs such as “slow down”, “inspire”, “report”, “send”, “put on” and so on.

There are still some differences in the declension of animate and inanimate nouns. For example, “wait for a letter” and “wait for father.” In the first case the case will be genitive, and in the second case it will be accusative. This can be easily verified by asking questions from the verb to the object. So the substitution of nouns belonging to the first declension is still not a panacea. There are several ways to check yourself.

A The best way become a competent person and practically avoid making mistakes - in large quantities read good literature.

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“Only by mastering the primary material as perfectly as possible, that is, native language, we will be able to master a foreign language as perfectly as possible, but not before.”
F.M. Dostoevsky

Studying the cases of a noun is one of the important topics of the Russian language. Knowing the cases helps us express thoughts correctly and be confident in completing written work.

Thanks to research work, we studied the history of the occurrence of cases, learned their meaning and difficulties, and consolidated the skills of distinguishing the nominative, accusative and genitive cases. Our research also allowed us to identify the most difficult cases.

According to sociological research, the most difficult case to determine among our classmates is the accusative case, in second place is the nominative case. It should be noted that the nominative case itself does not present any difficulties, but in the text it can be confused with the accusative case.

Why does language need case? If, for example, all of the Russian language suddenly disappeared case endings, we would not be able to understand a single sentence. For example, in the sentence The wolf scared Petya noun Peter is in the accusative and the noun wolf - in the nominative case. Now let’s try to put a noun in the same sentence Peter in the nominative form, and the noun wolf– into the accusative case: the resulting sentence Petya scared the wolf describes a different situation, in a certain sense opposite to the first. We can say that the case indicates the roles that Petya and the wolf play in the situation: if you change the cases, then the roles will change.

Thus, the study of cases is necessary for everyone who wants to master the Russian language perfectly.


  • to develop the ability to recognize I.p. and V.p. nouns in a sentence;
  • practice the ability to determine the case of a noun by question and preposition, parse a sentence into members;
  • cultivate attentiveness, independence, and a sense of mutual assistance.

Equipment: computer, projector, blackboard, textbook “Russian language” T.G. Ramzaeva, task cards.

During the classes

I. Org. moment.

II. Checking the house. tasks.

2 slide

P. 80 ex. 150

– At home you had to make sentences and determine the case of nouns.

– What needs to be done to determine case?

(Reading sentences and identifying cases)

– Read the sentence that corresponds to the scheme proposed in the textbook.

III. Calligraphy.

3 slide

IV. Vocabulary and spelling minute.

4 slide

The slide has words printed against the background of the picture “In the Field.” Find the extra ones.

What letters are missing?

Make up phrases with the remaining words, putting them in different cases. Write it down in a notebook with comments, determine the case.

(For example: bread made from wheat (R.p.), watched the work (T.p.), etc.)

V. Working on a new topic.

5 slide

Communicating the topic of the lesson and setting goals.

– Today we will continue to learn how to determine the case of nouns.

Look, our guests have two cases. They are very similar to each other and we will learn to distinguish them. What do you think these cases are? (I. and V.) Formation of new knowledge.

– What are the similarities ( questions) and difference ( prepositions, part of the sentence) these cases? 6 slide

– What do the cases themselves tell you about themselves?

- I am nominative case, 7 slide
And I don’t have other people’s clothes on me.
Everyone recognizes me easily
And the subjects are called.
I haven’t liked prepositions since childhood
I can't stand being around you.
My questions are who? So what? –
No one will confuse it with anything.

- And I am the accusative case, 8 slide
And I blame it all on the ignorant.
But I love excellent students,
I catch “fives” for them.
Who to call, what to play,
I'm ready to give the guys some advice.
Don't mind making friends with pretexts,
But I can live without them.

- Read the sentences. Slide 9

– What noun. found in all sentences?

– What question does it answer? Is it possible to determine case by it?

Conclusion: Inanimate nouns. both in the I. and V. cases they answer the same question - what?

- Then let's look for differences.

Conclusion: If noun. is the subject, then it is in I.p., if it is a minor member, then in V.p. (with or without preposition).

Analysis of proposals with commentary.

What other noun? We haven't determined the case? (grows where? in what? in the nursery - P.)

What is a nursery?

VI. Consolidation of knowledge.

10 slide

Complete the sentence with nouns, putting them in the correct case.

Sasha took………. went to ………. and cleared……….. .

Checking missing letters on a slide.

What else did you find in this sentence? (Offer with homogeneous members. Explain the placement of the comma, conjunction and).

Words for reference: st..tsa, d..ro..ka, l..pata.

VII. Summing up, conclusions from the table.

11 slide

How to distinguish them. case from Vin.?

D/z p.81 exercise 153, learn the rule.

VIII. Task on cards (according to options).

IX. Reflection.

Filling out the table.

How to distinguish the accusative case from the genitive and nominative?

Perhaps the most interesting of all cases in the Russian language is the accusative. Because everyone else answers their questions calmly and does not cause difficulties. With the accusative case everything is different. It can very easily be confused with a nominative or genitive. After all the accusative case answers the questions “Whom?” What?" The accusative case denotes the object of the action. A noun, being in the accusative case, experiences the action of another noun, which in this sentence is a predicate. Everything becomes clear with the example: “I love my brother.” The noun "brother" will be in the accusative case. And he will experience a feeling of love from the pronoun “I”. What you should pay attention to when determining the case, so as not to confuse it with the nominative, is the ending. Below is the table:

To distinguish the accusative case from the genitive case, we will use auxiliary words and questions. For the genitive - no (who, what), for the accusative - I see (who, what). As you can see, the questions are different for animate and inanimate objects. Let's play on this.

Let's look at an example:

“Grandma is not at home.” Let's substitute an inanimate object - “there are no keys in the house.” No one, what? Grandmothers, keys. Genitive.

“I don’t see a plate on the table.” Let's substitute an animate object - “I don’t see my brother on the table.” I don’t see who – my brother, I don’t see what – a plate. Whom, what – accusative case.

Features of the accusative case.

The accusative case is used with prepositions such as “In, for, about, on, through.” Difficulties may still arise with the accusative case when tense concepts are indicated in sentences. Let's give an example: “Rewrite an essay all night.” The nouns “night” and “abstract” are in the accusative case in this sentence. You need to be extremely careful with such offers. Along with the confusion between the accusative and the nominative, it can also be confused with the genitive. Let's give an example: “Wait for mother” and “Wait for message.” In the first case the case will be genitive, and in the second case it will be accusative. The difference here is due to the declination of animate and inanimate objects, as we already wrote above.


In order to determine case names, it is necessary, first of all, to pose a question to. Words related to nominative case y, to the questions WHO? WHAT? If you asked questions WHO? or WHAT?, then you have a noun used in the accusative form case A.

Determine what the noun is. If the word is the subject, i.e. the main member of the sentence, then it is used in the nominative form case a.Accusative case om denotes a word that is a minor member in a sentence, a direct object. For example, ask the guys to define case in this sentence.
The girl writes. Ask them to pose questions, determine which member of the sentence they are. They should come to the following result. The word “girl” answers the question WHO?, is the subject, which means it is used in the nominative case e. And the word “letter” is a minor member of the sentence, a direct object. It answers the question WHAT? and therefore is used in the accusative case e.

Draw the attention of schoolchildren to the fact that the noun is used with or without it. Words in the nominative case They are not used without prepositions. In the accusative - they have prepositions ON, FOR, THROUGH, IN, etc.

It is also worthwhile when determining case and compare the endings in . So, nouns of the first declension will have endings A, Z, if they are in the nominative form case A. Accordingly, in the accusative case e - U, Yu. For example, in the first declension noun “wall” the ending is A. It is used in the nominative case e. The word "wall" U. This means it has an accusative case.

Case indicates the role of a word in a sentence. You can use the helper phrase WHO DOES WHAT to distinguish between nominative and accusative case to her.

“Ivan Gave Birth to a Girl and Ordered to Drag a Diaper” - the first letters of this literary nonsense orderly read out the list of cases. There are six types of cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. Each of them speaks about the temporary state of a particular noun, which can change in case form. Determining the type of case of a noun is not difficult; you just need to figure out what question each case answers.


Case nominative– initial, real sound of the word. Answers the questions “who?” or “what?” If it is inanimate, for example: a window, a house, a book, a bus, then it answers the question “what?”, and if it is animate, for example, a girl, an elephant, a mother, Rita, then, accordingly, it answers the question “who?” This distribution according to the liveliness of the subject will concern everyone, which is why each case has two questions. Example 1. Person (who?) – animate noun case, car (what?) – an inanimate noun in the nominative case.

Genitive case, from the word “to give birth to whom?” or “what?” No matter how funny it may sound, this is exactly how the question should be asked. A number of questions are the same, so some words will sound the same, the main thing is to put the case question correctly. Example 2. A person (whom?) is an animate noun in the genitive case, a car (what?) is an inanimate noun in the genitive case.

The accusative case answers the question: “whom to blame?” or “what?” In the above example, an inanimate noun coincides, so the case is determined logically, according to meaning. Example 4. A person (who?) is an animate noun in the accusative case, a car (what?) is an inanimate noun in the accusative case. But if it makes sense: I bought a car (genitive case), but crashed the car (accusative case).

The instrumental case sounds like: “to create by whom?” or “what?” Example 5. By a person (by whom?) is an animate noun in the instrumental case, by a machine (by what?) is an inanimate noun in the instrumental case.

Prepositional case - posing a question that is not consonant with its name: “to talk about whom?” or “about what?” It is easy to determine a word in this case, since a noun in this case always has . Example 6. About a person (about whom?) is an animate noun in the prepositional case, about a car (about what?) is an inanimate noun in the prepositional case.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Even if a case question does not match the meaning in a given sentence, it should still be asked to determine the case of a noun.

Related article


  • School experience
  • cases example words

Tip 3: How to distinguish the genitive case of a noun from the accusative case

Cases of the Russian language is a category of a word that shows its syntactic role in a sentence. Schoolchildren memorize the names of cases and their signs, that is, questions, but sometimes difficulties arise. For example, when you need to distinguish the genitive case from the accusative case.

You will need

  • Knowledge of Russian language by school curriculum, nouns in accusative and genitive cases,


There are six: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. To determine case, auxiliary words and questions are used. The spelling of the ending of the word depends on this. Very often they confuse the genitive (no: whom? what?) and the accusative (blame: whom? what?), since the questions to animate objects are asked the same: “who?”

Ask a question. If in doubt, ask the noun a qualifying question: “no what?” (for genitive) and "I see what?" (for accusative). If a word takes the form of the nominative case, it means that in this case it is accusative. For example: small fish (accusative: I see what? a fish, you can’t say: there’s nothing? a fish).

If you need to determine the case in order to place endings, substitute the word “cat” or any other word instead of the noun, but be sure to use the first one. Depending on the ending, determine the case. For example: pride in the teacher is the accusative case, because, substituting the word “cat” in place of the noun, we get: pride in the cat. The ending "u" indicates the accusative case. The ending "and" is in the genitive.

Analyze the relationship of words in. Genitive, as a rule, the relationship between a part and the whole (a glass of milk), belonging to something (a sister’s jacket), it is used in comparison (more beautiful than a queen). The accusative is used to convey spatio-temporal relations (work for a week), the transition from an action to an object (drive a car).

Use the same methods for the inflexible. For example: put on a coat (put on a cat - accusative case), do without coffee (do without a cat - genitive).


The accusative case denotes the complete coverage of the object by the action, a certain amount (drink milk), and the genitive case denotes the extension of the action to part of the object (drink milk).

Helpful advice

An inanimate noun in the accusative case does not change, unlike the same noun in the genitive case: I saw a house (accusative), there were no houses in the area (genitive)


  • Page dedicated to the grammatical characteristics of a noun

Unlike the Finnish and Hungarian languages, in which there are one and a half to two dozen cases, in Russian grammar there are only six of them. The endings of words in different cases may be the same, so to determine the case, you need to ask the correct question about the word being checked.


To determine the case of a noun, carefully read the phrase in which it appears. Find the word that the noun you are checking refers to - that’s why words you will ask a question. For example, you are given the phrase “I love dogs,” and you need to determine the case of the noun “dogs.” The word “dogs” in this sentence is subordinate to the word “love”. Therefore, you will ask a case question as follows: “I love whom?”

Each of the six cases has its own special question. So, in the nominative case they answer the question “who?” or “what?” The auxiliary word “is” can be substituted for this case. For example, there is (who?). The question of the genitive case is “who?” or “what?” The auxiliary word “no” can be substituted for the noun in this case. Dative to the question “to whom?/what?” and is combined with the auxiliary word “to give.” The question of the accusative case is “who?” or “what?”, and its auxiliary word is “blame.” Nouns in the instrumental case answer the question “by whom?/what?” and are combined with the words “created” and “pleased.” Finally, the following questions: “about whom?/about what?”, “in whom?/in what?”. One of the auxiliary words of this case is the word “I think”.

To determine case, you first need to find the noun or pronoun to which it refers. Having determined the case of this main word, you will also recognize the case of the adjective, since they always agree in gender, number and case with those nouns () on which they depend. For example, “Kolya ate a big pear,” the noun “pear” is used in the accusative case, therefore the case of the adjective “big” related to it is also accusative.

A noun is a part of speech that designates a person or thing and answers the questions “who?” So what?". Nouns change according to cases, of which there are six in the Russian language. To prevent cases from being confused with each other, there is a strict system of rules and differences between them. To be able to correctly and quickly determine the accusative case, you need to know its questions and what it is used for.


To never make a mistake with the case of a noun, remember that each of them has unique questions specific to it, by asking which you will receive the corresponding one. Accusative case questions are the question “I see who?” for the animate and “I see what?” for inanimate nouns.

In addition, learn the definitions of the accusative case of the Russian language, or, more precisely, the cases when it is used. So, the accusative case denotes the transfer of temporary and spatial relations(week, walk a kilometer); transition of the action entirely to the object (driving a car, leafing through a book). Very rarely the accusative case as a dependence on (offended for a friend).

However, even with rules or endings, it is sometimes very difficult to determine case, so always use special questions. In terms of its questions, the accusative case partially coincides with the genitive and nominative. In order not to confuse them, do the following: if in front of you, and it answers the question “who?”, which coincides with, substitute it instead

Subject : Nominative and accusative cases

Target:Familiarize yourself with the ways of distinguishing I.p. and V.p., determine the case of nouns (Im.p. and Vin.p.) in the text.

Pedagogical tasks:

Create conditions for familiarization with ways to distinguish the accusative case from the nominative case; - improve the ability to distinguish between the nominative and accusative cases;

Promote the development of spelling vigilance;

To promote interest in the Russian language.

Planned subject results:

They will become familiar with the way to distinguish the accusative case from the nominative case through the identification of the main and minor members of the sentence;

They will learn to distinguish between the nominative and accusative cases, change nouns by case;

Parse the proposal by members,

Determine the case of nouns.

Metasubject UUD:

educational : navigate the textbook: determine the skills that will be developed based on studying this section;

regulatory : accept and maintain the goal and learning task corresponding to a certain stage of the lesson, with the help of the teacher; understand the highlighted action guidelines (in textbook assignments, cards);

communicative : defend your point of view, observing the rules of speech etiquette; argue your point of view with the help of facts and additional information; be critical of your opinions.

Personal results:

Recognize language as the main means of human communication;

Understand that correct oral and written speech is an indicator of a person’s individual culture; -possess the skills of cooperation with the teacher and peers in the process of implementation joint activities at the lesson.

Org. moment

Ι. Updating knowledge.

- It's an unusual day for us

And the class is full of guests

What should we tell our guests?

- We are very glad to see you!

- Guys, I’m always very happy

Enter our friendly class

For me this is already a reward -

The shine of your smart eyes

I know everyone in our class is a genius

But without labor, the mind is of no use

Let's work together

And together we’ll write a lesson

- Now let’s smile at each other and start our lesson

-The lesson begins

It will be useful for the guys.

Try to understand everything

Learn reveal secrets,

Give complete answers,

To get paid for work,

Just the “Five” mark!

- First, let's remember the rules. Complete each rule

Working in pairs

-If you know, put +

If you find it difficult -?

If you don't know -


2. Constant signs of nouns –

3. Inflection of nouns –

4. Inconstant signs of nouns -

5. In Russian... cases.

6.Names of cases, auxiliary words, questions:

7. A noun in the nominative case in a sentence is always –

8. A noun in the accusative case in a sentence is always –

- Which rules did not seem very familiar to you?

Open your notebook.

What should you write down? (Date.)

Commented number entry.

Write “Cool work.”

On the board are the words: on the mark, at the mark, mark, mark, about the mark, about the mark.

Read it. What can you say about this recording?

What kind of task can you create?

Write these nouns. in order of cases.

Mark, at the mark, by the mark, about the mark, by the mark, about the mark – 6b.

What needs to be done to determine the case of nouns?

Today, in a minute of penmanship, we will write three letters, the first is a suffix in the word mark. What letter is this? (TO)

The second is the ending in noun. mark used in I.p. What letter is this? (A)

The third letter is the ending in the noun. mark used in V.p. What letter is this? (U)

Determine the order of letters in this row:wow

kaauuu kaauuu kaauuu

Formulation of the problem.

- Write this series letters in the specified sequence.Remember in what cases the noun was used, the mark in which we highlighted the letters for a minute of penmanship? Make any guesses about what will be discussed in the lesson? (I.p. and V.p)

II . Formulating the problem.

Amazing twist of fate:

We are studying the nominative case,

And you need to know the accusative case,

Distinguish from nominative.

(T. Rick)

You and I know that there are six cases in the Russian language. But it arises new question: Are they all used in the same way in speech? It turns out that the cases are used extremely unevenly: some cases are used often, others rarely. The most common case in writing is the nominative case, followed by the genitive and then the accusative. These three cases account for 77% of all case forms, and the other three only 23%. IN colloquial speech The nominative case is also in the lead, the accusative case is in second place in terms of frequency of use, and the genitive case takes an honorable third place.

State in your own words the main problem of the lesson. (How to distinguish the nominative from the accusative?)

Problem situation .

Ex. 132 – two points of view on determining the case of a word are presentedstory .

Which guy is right?

Do you agree with the guys' explanations? Suggest your own option, if necessary.

Why there were disagreements in determining the case of a nounstory ? (The noun answers the same question in different casesWhat? )

What does a noun have in common?story with nounscity , island ? (They are inanimate, m.p., singular)

Formulate a problematic question.

Specify the problematic problem to be solved in class.( How to distinguish I.p. from V.p., if the forms match and answer the question What? )

III . Discovery of new knowledge.

    Performing work according to options. (Suggestions on slides).

Material is proposed for deriving the rule for distinguishing I.p. and V.p., having similar forms (with a zero ending).

Read the highlighted words.

Is it possible to immediately determine their case? Why? (Zero ending, no prepositions, questionWhat? can be set to both I.p. and V.p.)

Encouraging dialogue .

What else needs to be done to correctly determine the case of these nouns? (Determine which member of the sentence they are.)

Do it.

Leading dialogue .

Underline the main parts of the sentence.

Which part of the sentence are the highlighted words in each example?

Make an intermediate conclusion: how to distinguish the subject from the secondary member of a sentence? (The subject denotes the one who performs the action, this person (object) is the producer of the action, it is closely related to the predicate.)

Who is the producer of the action in the first two examples, and in examples numbered 2, 3? Underline the subject.

What is the case of a noun if it is the subject? (I.p.)

What if this is a minor part of the sentence? (V.p.) Prove it. (Ask a double question to nounsisland , city , story .)

Draw a conclusion: how to distinguish I.p. in a sentence. from similar to

him V.p.(Determine which member of the sentence the word is; if the subject is I.p., if the minor member is V.p.)

2) Testing assumptions based on inference within the framework of the textbook.

Reading the 1st paragraph of the rule (p. 120).

3) Continue the search.

Material is proposed for distinguishing cases with and without preposition .(Suggestions on slide)

Do nouns have prepositions in the nominative case?

Draw a conclusion.

4) Testing assumptions.

Reading the 2nd paragraph of the rule (p. 120).

What new did you learn? Write down the prepositions of the accusative case.

Convey the content of each part of the rule using diagrams, including keywords.


The nominative jumped up,
And the Parent was flying.
The dative climbed up the hill,
And Accusative is tired.
Our Creative One swam,
And Predlozhny ran away.
We all need cases -
And yet everyone is important.

IV . Skill development

Work in groups.

Performing differentiated tasks.

Level 1.

Determine the case of nouns

Drive into a village, chop with an ax, turn blue from the frost, work in a factory, help a friend, snow falls.

Level 2.

Enter prepositions and determine the case of nouns

Run ______river, drove up ______ factory, met ______forest,

flew _______ field, read ______animals.

Level 3.

Make up sentences, determine the case of nouns

On, the animal, sat, red, stump

U, had, a fluffy, animal, tail

Squirrel, spruce tree, teeth, pine cone, gnawing

Working with proposals.

1st group. Write down those sentences in which the word “station” is in the nominative case.

2nd group. Write down those sentences in which the word “station” is in the accusative case.

The station is located on the outskirts of the city.

The station received a message about the arrival of the train.

Passengers approaching the city see the station .

This station was built before the war.

3rd group. – Write down those sentences in which nouns in the accusative case appear first. (work with cards)

4th group - Write down those sentences in which nouns in the nominative case come first. (work with cards)

The sea is washing away the shore.

A deer ran out to the edge of the forest.

Birds make nests.

A bird flew up a tree.

Now guys, check yourself. (slide with correct answers)

2.Now listen to what the Nominative and Accusative cases say about themselves.

I - Nominative case,
And I don’t have other people’s clothes on me.
Everyone recognizes me easily
And the subject is called.
I don’t like prepositions since childhood,
I can't stand being around you.
My questions are WHO? So what?
No one will confuse you with anyone.

And I am the accusative case,

And I blame it all on the ignorant.

But I love excellent students,

I catch “fives” for them.

Who to call, what to play,

I'm ready to give the guys some advice.

4.Game with signal cards

Signed a postcard, heavy cloud, forest path, walked through a clearing, hummed a song, washed away the shore, migratory birds, smart girl, freshened the air, funny song, dropped a pencil, new album, caught in a net, forest edge, behind a high fence.

(Children's answers)

Executing the test. (Slide)

Questions for the student who did the work (the beginning of the formation of a self-assessment algorithm):

What did you need to do?

Did you manage to complete the task?

Did you do everything right or were there any mistakes?

Did you compose everything yourself or with someone's help?

What was the task level?

What skills were developed during this task?

What mark would you give yourself?

Now we are together with...(student's name) learned to evaluate their work.

What did we do in class? What skills did you develop?

V . Lesson summary.

What did you do best today?

What difficulties did you have?

Who got a note in the diary today?

For what?

VI . Homework.

1. Ex. 3, p. 118.

2. Be able to convey the content of the rule based on the diagram (p. 120).