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How to increase the speed of sending data to the Internet. Optimizing the operation of the router. Why is the Internet speed slow or fluctuating?

In this article we will look at how to increase the speed of your home WI-FI network. Currently, wireless access to boarding schools is the norm for most Russians. The technology provides a single connection source for all devices in the home. Considering the trend of increasing devices that require a constant and stable Internet connection (Internet of Things), the speed, or more precisely, methods of network optimization are becoming very actual problem. Below we will talk about several simple solutions, allowing you to increase Internet speeds without changing providers or switching to a more expensive tariff.

One of best solutions is the use the latest devices signal transmission and reception. Routers that distribute the Internet. The transmitters that help them. Smartphones, laptops and tablets that receive the signal. For example, let's say that the iPhone X provides a significantly faster Internet connection compared to the iPhone 5, this is due to the presence of a more advanced communication module in the first one. When purchasing a new device, take into account the fact that a new one a priori receives a signal better than an old device, especially one that has been in use for a long time.

Check the standard your device uses. On Windows this can be done in the following way:

Method 2. Noticeable

Sometimes Wi-Fi router You may look terrible, but that doesn't mean that the best place for such a device, deep in the closet or far behind the sofa, by the way, this is why the design of the router is as important as its technical characteristics.

If you want to achieve a good Internet connection, place the router in a visible place - in the middle of the room, for example. In addition, place the antennas (if available) perpendicular to each other. A good solution would be to “nail” the router to the wall of the same room where the main receiving device is located, and it does not matter whether it is a stationary PC or a portable tablet. In the latter case, consider how often you use the device in a given location.

Of course, the location of the router is determined mainly by where it will be convenient to connect to it ethernet cable. So take this into account when initially wiring the latter.

Method 3. Correct

Read best ways to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal in the new article -

Wi-Fi router operates sufficiently big amount wireless channels, which in some cases can lead to problems. Let's look at one of these. Let's say you have neighbors who, like you, have WI-FI connection. Let’s also assume that you have several such neighbors. In a situation like this Internet hostel, your neighbor’s connection is quite likely on the same transmission channel as yours and a couple of others.

On a note! In order to change the channel to a freer one, you need to manually select a data transmission route with the least number of “clients” and, accordingly, with the least delay time.

To do this, do the following:

Step 1. Determine the load on the data transmission channel. To do this, you can use the inSSIDer program on Windows or Network Analyze on iPhone. The network load on your phone will look like this.

Step 2. We change the channel on the router (router). Let's assume that, like most Russians, you are the happy owner of a router from TP-Link.

For those who use a D-Link brand router:

Method 4. Accusatory

A fairly common case is when the normal transmission of data by your router is interfered with by other devices that are in close proximity to it. Such devices can be a microwave oven or a handset of a mongrel telephone.

Remove your router from the kitchen, remove the phone from the router and finally determine for the latter “its place”, in which no other device can interfere with its work.

Method 5. Protective

Make sure that you are the only user of the network and that no one else is using it without express permission. There are many ways to ensure the security of your Internet connection. The most obvious ones include: setting a password and setting the “correct” password. In addition, you can come up with a unique name for your network (SSID). Call it something like petya-virus.exe, this should reduce attacks on your Wi-Fi by inexperienced users.

You can change the SSID in the following way.

On TP-LINK routers:

On Asus devices:

On D-Link routers:

Method 6. Radical

To increase the coverage area and signal intensity, you can purchase so-called Wi-Fi signal repeaters or amplifiers. Poke into each socket (one per room will be enough) and be sure that the slow speed is the work of the provider, not yours.

Thus, we talked about basic ways to increase the speed of your home Internet network. In the vast majority of cases this should be quite sufficient.

Video - How to increase Internet speed to the maximum

What gets on your nerves more than? Perhaps only the “turtle” Internet! Tired of watching your cursor spin endlessly while waiting for a website to open? Or wait forever for a file to load? If yes, it's time to act.

This article is for those who value their time and protect their peace of mind. Read how to increase Internet speed by everyone possible ways. Spend half an hour once and this problem will never bother you again. And if it happens again, you will know how to solve it.

How to increase Internet speed

Is your plan right for you?

First limiter bandwidth Internet connections are your ISP. It is he who sets the upper speed limit, which you cannot bypass. More precisely, you can, but for an additional amount.

To find out if your actual Internet speed is what you're paying for, go to any testing site like Speedtest.net or , and take measurements. To get the most reliable indicator, close VPN applications and proxy browser extensions (if you use them) before doing this, and also disconnect other traffic consumers (computers, phones, TV, etc.) from the network.

If the result is not much different from what was stated, it means that the Internet is slowing down due to the fact that the line bandwidth is too low for your needs. The solution is to change the tariff to a faster one. Don't want to overpay? Take a closer look at the offers of other providers.

If the speed is 30-50% lower than specified in the contract, then the reason is not in the tariff plan. Short-term slowdowns during the day are normal, but constant slowdowns, especially at night when the line is not loaded, are a reason to call technical support.

In some cases, the speed decreases when a certain traffic threshold is reached (this should be stated in the description of the tariff plan), in others - due to problems (both on the part of the provider and on yours) and other reasons.

If the provider's technical support did not help, move on.

We are looking for traffic eaters

Slow Internet operation may be due to the fact that a traffic “eater” has settled on your computer - a program that clogs up a significant part of the Internet channel with its data. Such a “devourer” can be:

  • Torrent clients. Especially those running on several computers at the same time.
  • Viruses – worms, spam senders, etc.
  • Operating system and applications while downloading updates. Especially when there are many such applications and the connection is not very fast.
  • Cloud service clients during data synchronization (Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, Evernote, Yandex Drive, Google Drive, etc.).
  • A browser minimized to the taskbar with many open tabs.

To find out which processes are actively using the network, run Task Manager, go to the tab " Performance" and click on the link " Open Resource Monitor».

IN Resource Monitor open the tab " Net" and expand the list of processes. To see what share of traffic is consumed by any process, check the box next to it.

The presence of unknown objects in this list, as well as high network activity of operating system processes, is a reason to scan your computer for viruses.

Checking if there are any “left” connections

If you use a wireless access point to access the Internet, .

After this, open the section “ Traffic monitoring"(if any) and see how traffic is distributed between devices. If there is a clear consumption leader among them, you need to look for the source of the problem first of all.

We identify and strengthen equipment bottlenecks

Network cables

Let's start with something simple - by checking the cables between computers and the router, as well as between the router and the provider's equipment. Poor contacts, creases, close proximity to sources of electromagnetic interference (for example, power lines) significantly impair signal transmission. If you find a problem, fix it if possible.

Router (router)

The router is the second most common culprit for slowing down Internet speeds. In the home segment, budget models with low speed characteristics are common. A device purchased for 2-3 thousand rubles is unlikely to give you the feeling of flying, especially if you connect more than 3-4 consumers to it. The maximum speeds indicated in the characteristics of inexpensive devices are almost never achieved in reality. At best it will be half. If the quality of the Internet connection decreases when using a router, but increases when connecting the cable directly to the PC, it is obvious that this is exactly your case.

To get the most out of a weak router, update its firmware to the latest version and place it in a point in the apartment where each connected device will receive a good Wi-Fi signal. Do not place the router close to heat sources, as overheating is another reason for its slowdown.

In the Wi-Fi access point settings, make the following settings:

  • Wireless mode– 802.11n standard. If possible, disconnect all devices operating under 802.11b/g standards from the access point so that the speed is not limited by the level of their capabilities (802.11b mode operates at 11 Mbit/s, 802.11g - at 54 Mbit/s, 802.11n - at 600 Mbit /s). If you have such devices and they need the Internet, connect them via cable.
  • To maintain speeds above 54 Mbit/s, activate the “ Wi-Fi Multimedia» ( WMM).
  • Experiment with broadcast channel width. Choose between 40 MHz and 20 MHz. When the signal level is low and unstable, a 20 MHz channel often provides better throughput than a 40 MHz channel. The “auto 20/40” mode also does not always work optimally.
  • Use authentication method"WPA2-PSK", encryption algorithm - "AES". Disabling encryption completely will improve the performance of the router, but it will make your network open to everyone, and this is unsafe.
  • Using the brute force method, find the optimal broadcast channel (option " Channel» in the wireless network settings).
  • Select the optimal power of the wireless signal transmitter (option " TX power"). Sometimes lowering it significantly improves transmission quality.

LAN card

Outdated drivers and some network adapter settings can reduce communication speed. Start by updating your drivers to the latest version - download them from the computer motherboard or laptop manufacturer's website and install them like a regular application.

After that, launch Windows Device Manager, open the list " Network adapters" And " Properties» the one you are using.

If you are connecting via cable, go to the " Additionally" and set the value of the parameter " Speed ​​& Duplex» to the possible maximum for the device. Choose from two options " Full Duplex"(in this mode, the adapter receives and transmits information simultaneously).

On a similar properties tab wireless adapter set the priority of working in 802.11n mode (the option may be called “ 802.11nmode», « 802.11npreamble» « 802.11n direct connection mode", etc.) and just like on the router, enable support WMMWi-FIMultimedia" or " Multimedia and gaming environment»).

Choosing the fastest DNS server

DNS servers - nodes that map domain names of devices and websites to IP addresses - are essential components of any Internet connection and also affect its speed. Some of them work faster, others slower, some are geographically located closer to you, others further away. Some are heavily loaded, others are lightly loaded.

To determine the fastest and closest DNS server to you, we will use free utility Namebench by Google.

Namebench runs on Windows, OS X and Linux platforms and is available in graphical and console versions. You can choose any one, and I will tell you how to use it, using a graphic example.

Namebench will search for the optimal DNS server based on the opening time of web pages in browsers, data from network traffic analyzer utilities (tcpdump and winpcap) and some other information.

Once launched, Namebench will automatically detect your location and current DNS addresses. You only need to select from the list " Querydatasource» maximum points for calculation (number in brackets). Above the dotted line of this list is a selection from your browsers, below are standard test sets of the program itself.

To start the scan, click " Start Benchmark».

Upon completion of testing, the result in the form of a table will open in Internet Explorer. The top right shows the recommended DNS servers - the fastest and closest to you. On the left, where I say “Fastest” - how many percent is the best DNS faster than the current one.

  • Go to the folder " Network connections"(via the context menu of the Start button or "Network and Sharing Center").
  • Open the context menu of your connection and select " Properties».

  • In the list of components on the tab " Net» check « IPv4" Click " again" Properties».
  • Set the switch to " Use the following addressesDNS servers" and indicate there what the program advised.

Also change DNS in the router settings:

Choosing the best browser

Open the same website in several browsers and see that they have different loading speeds. According to the results of comparative tests, the maximum performance is shown by Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Yandex.Browser. In addition, the latter two have a “Turbo mode” option, which speeds up the opening of pages on a slow connection.

Also, to improve browser performance, do not forget to close unnecessary tabs and disable unused extensions.

Using the TCP Optimizer program to speed up the Internet

There are a lot of programs that promise to speed up the Internet by 100-200-500%, but most of them are paid and are not nearly as omnipotent as they are written about. I will tell you about one of the free ones that does not make empty promises, but simply works - the TCP Optimizer utility. It can increase network throughput by approximately 15-20% while supporting all types of connections.

Despite the many options, using the program is not difficult. The optimal parameters are selected automatically. To do this, you only need to perform a few operations:

  • Run the utility with administrator rights (it does not require installation).
  • On the scale " ConnectionSpeed» specify the maximum speed of your connection.
  • From the list " Networkadapterselection» select the current network adapter.
  • In the list " Choose settings» check « Optimal».
  • Click " Applychanges" and restart your computer to apply the settings.

IN automatic mode TCP Optimizer installs itself optimal parameters TCP (core network protocol) windows for a given connection speed. And if you want to understand the program in more detail in order to change its settings manually, there is a link on the developer’s website.

That's all I wanted to say on today's topic. Of course, on the vastness of the global network you can find a lot of other tips on how to speed up the Internet by 1000%, but some of them have long been irrelevant, and some are downright harmful (like suggestions to abandon the antivirus and disable Windows updates). And the main advice is this: speed up, but maintain a reasonable balance between online comfort and data security on your PC. After all, the second, whatever one may say, is more important than the first.

Question from a user


Tell me, is there any way to speed up the Internet on a laptop? I'm connected via WiFi connection, the provider promised a speed of 50 Mbit/s - but in reality everything loads very slowly. I contacted my Internet provider - they checked the network and said that everything was fine on their side, look for the problem on your own. I didn’t find it myself, but in order to call specialists from the provider, you need to pay them (and, I would even say, not sourly...).

Good day!

You wrote “slowly” - and this concept is very flexible. For some, it takes 10 minutes to download a movie. - it's slow, it takes 2 ☺. But in general, in general, the problem is quite popular, and in this article I will describe the main methods and points that need to be checked, and which, ultimately, will somewhat speed up your connection. So...

To help with this article...

How to find out the real Internet speed on a computer -

Ways to speed up the Internet on Windows

Changing provider/tariff plan

This advice does not apply to optimization and configuration, but nevertheless...

Of course, one of the most effective ways to increase Internet speed is to change the tariff plan of your connection (or even change the provider itself). Moreover, now in most cities Internet connection is free, several providers are available and there is always a choice (perhaps the only people being held hostage here are those who live in small regional centers, where there are practically no alternatives) ...

Note: by the way, if you decide to change your provider, I recommend asking your neighbors next door - this way you can assess the real speed and quality of Internet services (and choose the best option specifically for your specific home).

Setting up Internet channel reservation

Windows can limit your Internet bandwidth by up to 20% by default! Naturally, this can seriously affect the download speed, and therefore it would be a good idea to disable this reservation. How to do it?

You need to open the Group Policy Editor. To open it, press the button combination WIN+R, enter the command gpedit.msc in the open line, and click Enter. The method is relevant for Windows XP/7/8/10.

Note! If you have a home (or entry-level) version of Windows, most likely the Group Policy Editor will not open for you, giving you the error: "Cannot find gpedit.msc. Please check if the name is correct and try again" . In this case, there are two options: either change the version of Windows, or install this editor (there are clever ways on the Internet how to do this).

Next you need to open the thread: "Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Network -> QoS Packet Scheduler" . After, on the right, open the parameter "Limit reserved bandwidth" (see screenshot below).

Local Group Policy Editor / Windows 7

In the window that opens, switch the slider to mode "Turn on" and set the limit to 0% (as in the screenshot below). Save the settings and restart your computer. Now the restriction should be lifted...

Optimize the system, fix errors, clean up garbage

I think it’s no secret that the speed of the Internet, and indeed all your activities on a PC in general, depends on system optimization. Not to mention that all sorts of garbage (old and broken shortcuts, leftover tails from long-deleted programs, erroneous registry entries, etc.) can “make” your computer slow down...

For auto-optimization and cleaning the system of this “good”, I recommend a couple of utilities below.

How to optimize and speed up Windows 7 -

Are there other applications loading the network?

Also, quite often, many users do not even know what applications they use their Internet channel. It is quite possible that the Internet speed is low in your current program due to the fact that the entire channel is occupied by some other process that you are not even aware of!

A simple and reliable Internet monitoring application. Allows you to see all programs using the Internet channel. Having identified everything unnecessary, you can block or disable these applications. This will free up the Internet channel for your current tasks.

You can also partially estimate the load on the network in task manager (this is especially clearly visible in Windows 10, in Windows 7 - open the resource monitor). An example is shown in the screenshot below.

The download application is not configured (for example, uTorrent)

Not long ago I helped a friend who was complaining that it was taking too long to download files. Imagine my surprise when in uTorrent (and he downloaded them through this program) I discovered a set speed limit! Because of such little things and inattention, sometimes you have to wait for hours for the download.

The message here is simple.: Be sure to check the settings of the application in which you download the file (and in which you are unhappy with the Internet speed). It is possible that there is a limitation in the settings!

If you touch uTorrent (as one of the most popular downloading programs), then open the program settings and check the tab "Speed"(Speed). It sets download and upload speed limits. Set your values ​​based on your tasks and PC power.

Also check the tab "Traffic limit" - if you do not have an unlimited Internet connection, then it can be very useful.

(If you have a certain traffic limit enabled and set, then upon reaching it, uTorrent will stop transferring files)

By the way, if the question concerns uTorrent, then I recommend that you also read another article:

Why does uTorrent download at low speed: torrents take a very long time to load... -

Using turbo modes in browsers

If Internet pages open slowly in your browser, online video slows down, etc., then I recommend trying to use turbo mode (available in some browsers: Opera, Yandex browser, etc.).

Turbo mode allows you to compress heavy pages before loading them, causing the pages to load faster. In general, this makes sense if you have a slow network connection.

In addition, you can try using browsers with low system requirements. Their functionality is a little limited, but they work very quickly! Link to article below.

Browsers for weak computers -

Update the drivers for the network adapter

In general, drivers are a tricky thing; sometimes you have to spend quite a lot of time until you configure everything properly.

When it comes to the network adapter, there may be a couple of options:

  1. you don't have a driver for network card- as a rule, in this case you will not have the Internet (at all!). Here, I think, it’s clear what to do - download and update the driver;
  2. Windows automatically selected and installed the driver: in this case, the network will work (and in most cases you don’t even need to do anything else). But it also happens that an adapter with these drivers does not work nearly as fast as it could with “native” optimized drivers. Therefore, it is highly advisable (when you are not satisfied with the Internet speed) to download and update the driver from the official website of the device. For example, I encountered several times that after updating the driver, the network speed increased by 3-4 times!

How to install, update or remove Wi-Fi (wireless network adapter) driver -

How to find and install a driver for an unknown device -

I think that many who have been playing online computer games for a long time have encountered more than once or twice that the game is slow on one particular server, but on another everything is fine. The point here is that with different servers - different quality connections.

And it is quite possible that your file download speed is low because bad connection with a specific server. This happens all the time. Try downloading your files from other resources.

As an option, you can use torrents - if the file is popular, then the download will come from many sources and will reach the maximum speed possible for you.

Strengthen the signal, configure the router (for those with a Wi-Fi network)

If you have a router at home, a Wi-Fi network is configured and you access the Internet using it, then there are a number of important things that you need to pay attention to: the location of the router and laptop (phone), channel settings, whether network security is configured, etc. I talked about all these subtleties in one of my articles:

Ways to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal - improve reception and increase network radius at home -

As a result, having completed these activities, the speed in your Wi-Fi networks will grow, which means the Internet will work faster...

Perhaps your processor is slowing down/ HDD

And, probably, the last thing I wanted to dwell on in this article.

The fact is that perhaps it is not your Internet that is slowing down, but, say, your hard drive. Because of this, the same uTorrent automatically resets the download speed, waiting for the load on the hard drive to decrease. When it returns to normal, the download speed increases if the disk load reaches again large values- uTorrent resets it again (and so on in a circle)...

Therefore, I recommend that you open Task Manager (press the Ctrl+Alt+Del button combination), and see if there is a high load on the disk - i.e. >30-50%. If there are, identify the applications and close them (if they are not system processes).

Also check out a couple more articles for more complete information and solutions to the problem.

The hard drive is slow: 100% loaded, everything freezes and works slowly -

The processor is loaded at 100% for no apparent reason, it slows down - what to do? -

If you managed to speed up your Internet connection in another way, I would be grateful for a couple of lines in the comments.

That's all, good luck everyone!

Are web pages taking longer to load than usual, and file download speeds are not as good as advertised by your provider? This may be due to many factors. Fortunately, there are many tricks that can help you improve the quality of your Internet connection. You will notice the difference within minutes.


Checking equipment, network status and connection speed

    Test your connection speed. Before you go to the hardware and computer settings, check the speed of your connection and compare it with that stated by your provider. There are many sites on the Internet that can help you check your connection speed. Just search Google for "connection speed test" and select one of the first results in the list.

    • Different tests will show different results. Even the same test can show several different meanings at repeated checks. The test result depends on the location of the servers and the network load.
    • Take several tests and find the average.
    • To pass the test, you may need to download and install plugins.
    • If the site asks you to select a server to test your connection speed, choose the one closest to your actual location. This way you will get the most accurate result.
  1. Compare the test result with the data declared by the provider. Check with customer support to determine what your connection speed should be. Remember that the provider will indicate the maximum possible speed, but the actual speed will not always correspond to this figure.

    • If you haven't changed your data plan in a while, you may be able to get more high speed for a lower fee. Companies typically don't let existing customers know about better deals, so check to see if they've added any new rates since you started using their services. Check out what all providers offer in your area.
    • Remember the difference between megabits and megabytes. There are 8 megabits (MB) in one megabyte (MB), so if you pay for 25 megabits per second (MB/sec), then your maximum speed will be slightly higher than 3 megabytes per second (MB/sec).
  2. Reboot your router. Restarting your modem or router can resolve many connection problems. If your modem or router does not have a power button, simply unplug the power cord, wait 30 seconds, and plug it back in. Read this guide to learn how to restart your home network.

    Check for conflicting signals. If you use a wireless router, check to see if it conflicts with your cordless phone or wireless camera. There are two main types of wireless routers: 802.11 b, g, and n (2.4 GHz) or 802.11 a (5.8 GHz). If your cordless phone and router operate on the 2.4 GHz frequency, the Internet connection speed will be slower when someone is using the phone. The same applies to wireless outdoor cameras. Check the signal frequency of your phone and camera. If it is 900 MHz then there is nothing to worry about. If they operate at a frequency of 2.4 or 5.8 GHz, then they are likely interfering with your wireless network.

    Check if you have reached your traffic limit. Many providers set limits on Internet traffic, but do not always notify their customers about this. Log in to your provider's website or contact customer support by phone and check if you have reached your monthly limit. Usually, after exceeding the limit, the provider limits the connection speed.

    Call your provider's customer service line. Sometimes only your provider can fix a connection problem. Usually, to establish the causes of problems, a technician does not need to come to your home. You may be prompted to restart your router again.

    Check all devices on your network. If other users on your network frequently download data from the Internet, such as watching videos online or downloading large files, this may take up a significant portion of the network bandwidth.

    Reduce the distance between the router and computer. If you are connected to the Internet with using Wi-Fi router, the reason for the low connection speed may be a weak signal. Position your computer and router as far as possible closer friend to a friend, or place the router on a closet to improve signal quality.

    • Clean any dust from your router or modem using a can of compressed air. This will protect it from overheating and increase the stability of its operation.
    • Provide everyone electronic components good ventilation to keep them from overheating.
  3. If you use DSL technology, check your splitter. A splitter is a small box into which the cable of your landline phone. On the opposite side there are two sockets - one for the phone, the other for the modem. If you are connected to the Internet via a landline telephone line In order for the connection quality to be good, you must have a high-quality splitter installed.

    Check the weather forecast. If you use satellite Internet, your connection speed may fluctuate due to wind, snow, rain, lightning, static fields and other meteorological phenomena.

    Optimizing your computer and network

    1. Scan your computer with an antivirus at least once a week. Viruses can not only create the threat of leaking valuable information, but also seriously affect the speed of the Internet connection. Protecting your computer from virus threats plays an important role in ensuring good quality Internet connections.

      • Your computer should always be protected by an antivirus program, especially if you use the Internet frequently. It can be installed for free. No need to install more than one antivirus program, otherwise they will conflict with each other.
    2. Remove unnecessary toolbars. If you have many toolbars installed in your browser, they can significantly slow down your connection. By getting rid of these panels, you will speed up your browser and protect yourself from leaks of your personal information.

      • Sometimes it can be difficult to remove some toolbars. To do this, you may need the anti-spyware programs listed in the previous step.
    3. Change your browser. If your old browser is overloaded with difficult-to-remove add-ons and is too slow, you may need to start using a different browser. Firefox, Chrome and Opera are faster than Internet Explorer.

    4. Clean up your hard drive. If you don't optimize your hard drive, it can slow down your computer, and this will affect everything you do, including surfing the Internet. Optimizing your hard drive will only take a few minutes, but it will significantly improve the quality of your web surfing.

      • Defragment your hard drive regularly. Latest versions Windows does this automatically.
      • To clear your disk of temporary files that may be slowing down your browser, perform a disk cleanup.
      • Make sure that there is at least 15% free space on the system partition of your hard drive. If your disk is full, programs, including your Internet browser, will start and run more slowly.
    5. Check which programs are consuming traffic. Often the connection speed is reduced because the connection is being used by other programs. To find out if any programs are accessing the Internet without your knowledge, you need to use the Command Prompt. Press the keyboard shortcut ⊞ Win + R to open the Run dialog box. Type cmd and click ↵Enter. (For Windows 7 - open the Start menu>All Programs>Accessories, right-click on Command line and select "Run as administrator" from the menu.

      • Enter the command netstat -b 5 > activity.txt and click ↵Enter. A list of programs that use the Internet connection will appear on the screen. After a minute or so, press Ctrl + C to complete the scan. The system will create a file with a list of all active Internet connections.
      • Enter activity.txt and click ↵Enter to open the file and view a list of programs.
    6. Close all unnecessary programs. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys simultaneously and launch Task Manager. Go to the processes tab and disable all programs that may consume traffic. (Note: Interrupting processes with unknown names may cause programs to crash.)

      • View the process data in the "User" column. If the process is running as System, stopping it may cause other programs to crash and you will have to restart your computer. If your username is listed, terminating the process will likely not affect other programs or processes. Sometimes the system prohibits ending an important system process or automatically restarts it.
    7. Change Wi-Fi channel. If many people in your home share the same channel, your Internet connection speed may be slower. To detect free channels, use the inSSIDer application for PC and the KisMAC or WiFi Scanner applications for Mac. By switching to a less busy channel, you will get rid of network interference and will likely be able to access the Internet faster.

      • If you find an unused channel, switch to it to improve your connection speed. If you don't know how to change the wireless channel in your router, refer to the user manual or reference materials on the device manufacturer's website.

In most cases, speed problems are related to the tariff or malfunctions on the side of the provider or user equipment. However, there are times when a decrease in speed is due to software settings or malfunctions. In this case, you can try to correct the situation on your own. Let's figure out how to speed up the Internet on Windows 10, what needs to be done for this, etc.

All overclocking options can be divided into the following categories:

  • lifting restrictions in operating system;
  • removing restrictions in third-party programs;
  • fixing errors and updating firmware in the router/modem;
  • using settings for slow Internet;
  • network optimization using third-party software.

One of the methods listed will definitely help you make your connection faster and more stable. Next, all methods will be considered in the form step-by-step guides, as well as ways to check speed.

How to check speed

First, measure the speed of your connection using a special service. This is necessary in order to verify the data with your tariff plan. It is possible that the Internet is not limited in any way, but fully corresponds to the declared speed. In this case, you need to use services to measure speed, ping and other parameters.

  1. The most popular option is checking on Speedtest.net. To do this, go to the website http://www.speedtest.net/ through any browser and click the Begin Test button.

  1. Next, automatic selection of the nearest server and speed measurement will begin.

  1. At the end of the procedure, you will see the Download and Upload Speed, Ping data on the screen. Verify the information received with your provider's tariff plan information.

The Windows 10 operating system has a built-in network scan feature that can be used through the Task Manager. To view network load, do the following:

  1. Bring up the task manager using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Go to the "Processes" tab and click on "Network" to organize the list as you use the Internet.

  1. At the top of the list will be all processes that somehow use the network for their work. If yours is slow home Internet, then close some of them. You can view more information about network load in the “Performance” tab. At the bottom of the window, click on the “Open Resource Monitor” button.

  1. The “Network” tab contains all processes related to working on the Internet. You can close them using RMB and the “End Process” button.

After a reboot, the computer will again use these processes, so it will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem with loading the network channel. Let's move on to removing restrictions in the system.

Now let's look at the OS settings and restrictions on a laptop and PC. After installation, Windows 10 by default limits the connection speed and reserves part of the channel for system purposes (updates, etc.). To optimize the Internet, you need to remove the bandwidth limitation through your computer configuration. After this, the connection should stabilize and the speed should increase slightly.

To remove the restriction, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Run window using the Start menu or Win + R keys. Next, enter the command gpedit.msc and click OK.

  1. The Local Group Policy Editor will appear in front of you. Go to the Computer Configuration – “Administrative Templates Network” – “QoS Packet Scheduler” branch.

  1. On the right side of the window, find the line “Limit reserved bandwidth” and right-click. Then select “Change” from the menu.

  1. In the window, set the “Enabled” option. In the field for changing the network bandwidth limit, set “0” and apply the changes with the “OK” button.

  1. Now you need to check the use of the QoS scheduler by your network connection. To do this, right-click on the connection icon (1) in the tray and select “Network Center”.

  1. Now go to the “Change adapter settings” section.

  1. Right click on your connection and go to properties.

  1. Check the box next to QoS Packet Scheduler and apply the changes with the “OK” button.

Ready! Optimization helped increase speed by about 10%, which was reserved by the system. If speeding up in this way helped only slightly, then move on to the next methods.

Diagnostics using standard means

You can also use the standard diagnostic wizard to check the connection. The program will scan the network and display the status and the need to correct errors.

To run the diagnostic tool, do the following:

  1. Right-click on the tray icon and select “Diagnostics problems”.

  1. Wait for the diagnosis to complete and look at the result.

If no problems are found, proceed to the next steps.

Program restrictions

Some of the software installed by users is connected to the network. Such programs can limit the Internet and make it extremely slow. In addition, they may have speed restrictions. To return the Internet to functionality and improve it, you need to use our advice.

The main program that most users use to speed up their connection is uTorrent. Increasing Internet Speed ​​parameters is possible through the settings.

Open uTorrent. Click on required download RMB and select “Reception Restriction” in the menu. In the next section, you should set the Unlimited option to speed up the torrent to its maximum.

This can be done while you are downloading a particular file or game via uTorrent. If you are very Bad Internet and the channel is not enough for all needs, then turn off some programs before the download is completed. After the torrent is downloaded, you can again launch Internet-related software (Steam, Skype, etc.). This way you will get the most from the tariff.

Browser settings and cache size

If problems arise when working in the browser (pages take a long time to load, it’s impossible to watch videos, etc.), then use the special features. Let's consider enabling turbo mode in Opera, Yandex Browser and Chrome.

To set up turbo mode in Yandex Browser and Opera, use the instructions provided:

  1. In Opera, you need to click on the browser icon in the upper left corner (1), then select the Opera Turbo button (2).

  1. In Yandex browser, go to Settings. Click on the "Show advanced settings" button. In the Turbo subsection, set the position to “Always on” (1). To disable the function, move the checkbox to the “Disabled” position (2).

In this way, you can limit the number of multimedia files on web pages (pictures, videos) and, therefore, speed up loading sites.

  1. IN Google browser Chrome needs to install a separate plugin – Data Saver. It will help remove the brakes and reduce the waiting time when loading website pages. To do this, open the extension store in your browser and click the “Install” button.

  1. Now, by clicking on the extension icon, you will receive information about the saved traffic.

If the connection continues to slow down, then proceed to the following troubleshooting methods.

Increasing the cache size for the Internet browser can lead to slowdowns. It is not recommended to allocate more than 100 MB for cache on the system disk. To fix this, you need to go to the browser settings and set the desired value (1), and then clear the cache using the special button (2).

This is how you set the cache size in Mozilla Firefox and Opera. In Google Chrome and Yandex browser, the procedure looks different, since they are built on the same Chromium core:

  1. Open the properties of the desktop shortcut.

  1. In the Object field, add the command:
—disk-cache-dir=”с:\browserсache” —disk-cache-size=ххххх

where xxxxx is the desired cache number in bytes.

Virus check

Malware can also significantly affect the performance of the Internet. To increase speed, you need to scan your system for viruses and remove them. You can use third-party programs or the built-in Windows 10 Defender. Let's scan the system for viruses using Defender:

  1. Go to system settings via Start.

  1. Select the "Update and Security" section.

  1. Next, go to Windows Defender.

  1. Click on the “Open Windows Defender Security Center” button.

Working with a router

If you have a laptop, then most likely you use a Wi-Fi router and wireless connection. This type of connection is unstable and the speed can drop at any time if you are using mobile Internet. If the wired provider is connected to the router, and the connection is still slow, then you need to reconfigure the device itself.

Through a Wi-Fi router you can:

  • change the firmware;
  • reconfigure the connection again.

This can be done online using a browser. Therefore, you do not need special skills or knowledge to work with iron.

All router firmwares differ in interface, but the essence remains the same. Let's look at the update using a device from ASUS as an example:

  1. First you need to log in to your ASUS account using the device’s IP address. In this case it is You need to enter it into the address bar of your browser, and then log in using the username and password that the provider gives you when concluding the contract.

  1. Next, go to the “Administration” tab (1) and select the “Firmware Update” section (2).

  1. You must download the firmware file in advance from the official website of the router developer and upload it using the “Select file” button (1). To start the update, click on “Submit” (2).

  1. Wait for the software to update and reboot your device.

Now let's look at how to raise the Internet using re-configuration:

  1. The first step is to reset old settings. To do this, go to “Administration (1) – “Restore/save/load settings” (2). Here click on the “Restore” button (3).

  1. Wait for the factory settings to be restored and log in to the system again. Next, go to the “Quick Setup” tab and follow the instructions.

If this does not help, then use the services of your provider’s wizard. It is possible that the problem lies in the router itself and it needs to be replaced with a new one.

Additional programs

The last option is to get it back fast internet- this is to use the optimizer functionality.

One such program is Internet Speed ​​Booster or cFosSpeed. You can download cFosSpeed ​​from this link. With its help, you can optimize the Internet for games, streaming videos or torrents. Install the utility and follow these steps to configure the priority:

  1. Right-click on the tray icon and select “Options” - “Settings”.

  1. Next, go to the “Programs” tab (1). All programs are divided into categories. For example, go to “Games” and use the slider to change the priority for an online game from low to high (2). Now the connection will be directed to work with the game.

  1. Protocols are prioritized in the same way.

  1. In chapter " General settings» you can set automatic priority active application. When you minimize a game or program, the Internet speed will increase in other applications.

Bottom line

Each of the methods presented in the instructions can help increase Internet speed on Windows 10 in a certain situation. If all methods are ineffective, then contact your provider's support service for advice and assistance.


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