home · Other · Cable for connecting smart TV. Internet connection - Switch - TV. Video of connecting the TV to the Internet using LAN, Wi-Fi

Cable for connecting smart TV. Internet connection - Switch - TV. Video of connecting the TV to the Internet using LAN, Wi-Fi

In our time - time digital television- It’s just stupid not to know how to set up such a receiver, and how to connect the TV to the Internet.

The latter is no less important than simply using the broadcast service. After all, modern TV is almost completely integrated with the network and allows much of what a regular TV was not capable of.

The user of such a device has at his disposal the lion's share of the capabilities of a computer user. Without getting off the couch, you can wander into in social networks, browse the web, watch movies posted online and listen to music located there. This technology known as SmartTV.

Samsung is well known as a manufacturer of new generation television receivers. The company's technologies absorb the latest innovations in the field of digital electronics like a sponge.

That is why Samsung Smart TV is considered the best development of such a plan in the world and is always one step ahead of its competitors.

In our short note, we will look in detail at the procedure for connecting Samsung TVs to the global network and the configuration of such a connection.

From you, the reader, only the bare minimum of attention is required. And the benefits of reading can be very, very significant, because the chance that you will purchase a Samsung TV, that is, a receiver from this particular manufacturer, is very high. So, let's get to work!

Minimum for connection

Making a TV one of the Internet nodes is not so difficult, but for this you need to have a special device - a router (or as it is also called - a router). After all, it is impossible to directly connect a PC to a TV receiver.

A certain intermediary is needed to transmit the signal from the provider's network to electronic circuits TV. This intermediary is the WiFi router.

For those who do not know what kind of device this is, we refer you to numerous Internet pages where this equipment is described in more detail than we can do in our short article.

The TV itself does not have a built-in module capable of receiving and transmitting signals via L2TP or PPPoE protocols. The second reason why direct communication with the provider is impossible is the linking of subscribers to the so-called. MAC address.

A MAC address is a unique identifier for a device on a network. And if the provider sends a signal to a PC with a MAC address it recognizes, then it will refuse to send the same signal to a television receiver with a different MAC address.

The router solves all these problems. It is capable of sharing operator network resources between many subscribers.

To connect via Wi-Fi, the router must have a wireless network configured with the name (SSID) you assigned and the DHCP server must be activated. How to do all this, see the articles on setting up routers.

Connect via cable

Internet on TV Samsung Smart TV will work better if the devices are connected via cable. Here is the image schematic diagram such a connection:

And here’s what the cable itself looks like, shown in the figure above as a straight line labeled “Ethernet”:

This cable is called a “patch cord”. Having configured and connected the router, we must connect one of its free LAN connectors to a related Ethernet connector on our Samsung.

This will be our first action - physically connecting the devices to each other. Further instructions look like this:

  • Go to the TV settings interface.
  • Select the “Network” section.
  • Click on the “Network Settings” button and launch the setup wizard, in the first window of which you will see the “Start” button - you should click it first.
  • After this, we will be presented with a window with connection type options - select cable.
  • The receiver will “think” for a while - it should receive an IP address that is understandable to the router’s DHCP server. After which all work can be considered completed. There is no need to configure any more. Internet TV is at your complete disposal. All that remains is to exit the configuration panel and launch a browser on the screen, testing Internet access.

In this case, Samsung does not connect to the Internet via WiFi.

Connect wirelessly

Why is this worth doing? Why not limit yourself to a patch cord? After all, the reliability of signal reception via cable is always higher than with Wi-Fi transmission. Firstly, because it is not always convenient.

The router can be located in close proximity to a PC located in another room.

Then the length of the patch cord will be too long, and it will have to be mounted to baseboards and walls so as not to endlessly trip over the wire. Secondly, if you have a sufficiently powerful router, the connection will be confidently stable.

How to connect the Internet to a Samsung TV via Wi-Fi? The device software is connected in the same way as in the previous example, only the connection type will be different - “Wireless Network”, and you will need to specify the network name in the settings.

Naturally, a patch cord is not needed; the connection occurs at the router’s radio frequency.

The process of connecting television equipment to the World Wide Web does not require special skills and experience; anyone can handle this work. In many ways, the procedure has been simplified by equipment manufacturers who produce high-quality devices with a simple setup system and an intuitive interface. It is very easy to figure out how to connect your TV to the Internet.

Smart TVs have a direct connection to the Internet; they are equipped with a special platform, as well as a wide package of pre-installed applications, including a browser. For example, models running on the Android operating system provide the ability to download software from Google Play.

How do TVs without Smart TV connect to the Internet? Even the most ordinary plasma TV you can connect to the Internet, for this you need to first purchase a special one. There are several ways to connect to the Internet, let's look at the main ones to find out which option is the most effective.

What will connecting your TV to the Internet give you?

Why spend yours free time on this? The fact is that having access to the World Wide Web opens up an extensive list of additional opportunities for the user:

  • playing media content online;
  • Internet surfing;
  • video calls via Skype and various instant messengers;
  • launching applications and video games;
  • watching sports broadcasts, news, TV shows, etc.

As you can see, connecting an LG TV to the Internet or a device from another manufacturer is definitely worth it. Because then you will be able to fully use the functionality of the technology. Naturally, you first need to choose a connection method, which will be discussed further.

If the TV does not connect to the Internet, and you have followed all the suggested instructions exactly, then contact the specialists who are involved in the setup - they will solve the problem.

What you need to connect

In addition to TV, you will need the following:

  • Internet connection;
  • instructions for the TV;
  • router;
  • network cable(if the TV does not have Wi-Fi).

If you have all this, then you can use one of two available ways connecting TV to the Internet. Let's look at them. The direct method is characterized by additional difficulties, since it involves connecting an Internet cable to an Ethernet connector - after all, it needs to be beautifully connected to the TV.

An alternative option is a wireless connection (Wi-Fi). Naturally, this method is considered simpler and more accessible. Cables won't get in the way.

Connection via cable

Of course, you can connect the Internet to your TV by simply inserting the cable into the appropriate connector. However, if you are required to enter a login and password, as well as additional server data, the web pages will not load. All modern models of television equipment have a network connection system almost similar to a computer, but certain differences everything is just like that. Therefore, it makes more sense to connect a router to the TV. How to connect a TV to the Internet via a modem?

Step-by-step instructions for connecting your TV to the Internet via a router:

  1. Purchase and connect a router, if this has not been done previously.

  1. Connect the Internet cable to the WAN connector located on the router.

  1. Next, you need to configure the router so that it connects to the Internet. This process depends on your ISP and router model. To do this, you need to connect to the router via a computer or laptop, using another Ethernet cable or via Wi-Fi. To open the settings panel, you usually need to enter the combination of numbers (0.1.) in the address bar of the browser.

  1. When the router is configured and the devices connected to it (computer, laptop, smartphone) access the Internet, you can start connecting the TV.

  1. We take a network cable and connect one end to the LAN connector of the TV, and the other to one of the free inputs on the router.

  1. When the two-way patch cord is connected, the corresponding load indicator on the router corresponding to the selected port will light up.

  1. When everything is done correctly, you can start programming the TV.

  1. We go to the main menu by pressing the corresponding button on the remote control remote control(Menu or Keypad).

  1. Open the “Network” section and select the “Network Settings” subsection.

  1. Select the connection mode, in our case “Connect via cable” or “LAN”.

Actually, at this point the connection process can be considered complete. Just wait for the automatic setup to finish direct connection, and also click “OK”.

Connect via Wi-Fi

Wireless connection – best option. In principle, the algorithm for connecting a TV via a Wi-Fi adapter is the same as in the case of a cable. With the exception of a few important nuances:

  • no need to pull Ethernet cable from the router to the LAN port of the TV;
  • During the software setup process, you must select a wireless connection for a Samsung, LG TV or device from any other manufacturer.

Television equipment manufacturers strongly recommend giving preference to this option. Why? Let's find out now.

Firstly, you can connect additional devices, for example, a tablet or smartphone. Synchronizing equipment will make the process of use even more convenient and practical. Secondly, you don’t have to run the cable across your entire apartment or house. Thirdly, if you crimp the cable incorrectly, failures may occur. In the case of a wireless connection, this is completely excluded.

How to connect the Internet on a TV via Wi-Fi if you have a login and password? Almost always, after setting up the television equipment and selecting the connection type, a window appears on the screen in which you need to specify a login and password. It would seem that what is so difficult here? But what if you don’t have a remote control keyboard at hand? Although modern TVs will display a keyboard, and you can use it to enter data, this is not very convenient.

To connect Smart TV to the Internet via Wi-Fi, use WPS. The essence of this algorithm is to confirm the connection without a login and password. When the authorization window appears, back side router, click on the thin button, it’s called WPS. As a result, authorization will be confirmed without entering a password.

Connecting a TV without Smart TV

If you want to set up access to the World Wide Web on a regular TV, then you may encounter certain problems. This applies not only to the implementation process, but also to additional financial costs. However, it is still possible to achieve results.

The best option is to purchase a Smart set-top box that has its own operating system. As a result, a regular TV will become “smart”. The cost of upgrading depends on the box you choose.

Naturally, the most popular are consoles running on the Android OS. Firstly, they are distinguished by their low price. Secondly, they are more familiar to domestic users. A more expensive and high-quality solution is Apple TV.

As for the process of attaching a set-top box, it is quite simple:

  1. Connect the device to the network.
  2. We connect the TV and TV box using an HDMI cable.
  3. Press “Search for external source” on the remote control and select the connected device.
  4. Setting up a network connection.

The software setup procedure directly depends on which set-top box the user chooses. They differ not only in hardware characteristics, but also in functionality and the number of pre-installed applications.

Using the set-top box, we connect to the Wi-Fi router. If you need to specify a login and password, then log in using the WPS button. Although it is much easier to enter authorization data in the set-top box.

How to connect a TV to the Internet without a set-top box? Whether it's LG, Samsung or another, it doesn't matter. If you don't want to spend money on a purchase additional equipment– prefixes, then you should consider alternative options. For example, or to a computer using HDMI.

The functionality will be similar to that of Smart TV, but you will significantly save on financial costs, since average cost HDMI cable– 150-250 rubles. It’s no wonder that most users consider this method of connecting a regular TV to the Internet to be the most effective.

Majority modern TVs equipped with Smart TV technology. Thanks to it, you can connect to the Internet through the TV interface and watch high-quality films online. And even this is not the end, because with a camera and microphone, you can communicate through the Skype application. But for everything to work out, it is important to connect and configure Smart TV correctly.

Smart TV connection

To use all functions Smart technologies TV, you need to connect your TV to the Internet. This can be done in 2 ways:

  • wireless connection using a Wi-Fi network;
  • connecting the TV and router using an Internet cable.

The best thing to do is to decide on the connection method before purchasing a TV. However, it is highly recommended to purchase devices that communicate with the Internet via Wi-Fi. This method of connecting to the network is much faster than an Internet cable, the circuit is much easier to connect, and you can avoid unnecessary expenses and laying cables around the apartment.

In any case, connecting Smart TV technology to the Internet is easy:

  1. Cable connection.

This is the most the simplest way, although not very practical. An Internet cable is taken and directly connected between the TV, modem and Ethernet port. The connection will be recognized instantly, after which you can start using all the conveniences of the Smart TV system on your TV: watch videos, download them, use Skype (if you have peripheral equipment).


  • moving devices is difficult and depends entirely on the location of the router and the length of the cable;
  • the slightest damage to the wire can cause a certain instability in the network or completely ruin the Internet connection;
  • over time, the cable sheath may crack, exposing the inside of the cable (increasing the likelihood of electric shock);
  • in some cases, it is not possible to lay the additional cable beautifully (under the baseboard or floor), as a result it will lie sloppily right on the floor.


  • the most simple circuit connections that you can think of (any person can handle it, even a complete beginner);
  • there is no need to understand the settings or otherwise configure the TV to receive the signal;
  • 99% of all faults are in the cable - after replacing it, the Internet appears again;
  • An Internet cable is purchased at a low price, and the entire connection procedure lasts no more than 1 minute.

One end of the LAN cable must be connected to the Ethernet connector on the TV with Smart TV technology, and the other end to an external Internet modem. The modem itself also connects to the Ethernet port in the wall (if this has not been done previously). Then the device will briefly recognize the new connection, and access to the Internet will appear. This ends the connection.

  1. Wireless connection.

To connect Smart TV via Wi-Fi, you must have a built-in Wi-Fi module in your TV. It is he who will “catch” the Internet from the router. If you don’t have one, you should purchase a special adapter (a small device that connects to a TV/computer) that will link. This adapter is connected to the USB port on the TV.

First, you need to make sure that the Wi-Fi router is working properly and is fully connected to the Internet. Next, after installing the adapter (not required with a built-in module), you should select the appropriate section in the TV options and start the process of searching for available Wi-Fi connections.

It is important to pay attention to the name of the available Internet network. If it turns out to be a neighbor’s router, it can be turned off at any time. Therefore, you should be responsible in choosing available networks in order to have a constant and guaranteed connection to the Internet.

If you have a security code/password, you will need to enter it during the connection process. Once the connection between the TV and Wi-Fi router will be configured, the user will have full access to Internet resources and applications.

Also included with the purchased TV is always a user manual that contains comprehensive information on the rules for connecting, setting up and using Smart TV technology.

How to connect Smart TV to the Internet via a LAN cable and via Wi-Fi, see the following video:

  1. Connection via computer.

The use of Smart TV technology can be achieved via a computer. You can connect TV in 2 ways:

  • via the mentioned Wi-Fi.

However, an HDMI connection will not be able to provide Internet access. Thus, you can only watch movies on your computer using the TV as a monitor.

But when connected to a computer via Wi-Fi setup The Internet will become accessible as if you connect to a regular router (in fact, they are the same thing).

After all the procedures have been completed, all that remains is to finally configure the Smart TV.

Features of setting up LG TVs

On different TVs there are different settings, therefore, for Smart TV to function fully, it is important to configure the device for correct connection with the Internet.

For TV models from the manufacturer LG, it is often required to register with Smart system TV. Without this, it will be impossible to install and use applications (as well as the rest of the TV’s functionality).

First you need to go to the main TV menu. Then in the upper right corner of the menu there will be a button to log in to your account. There you will need to enter your login and password, but since the account does not exist yet, you need to create it. This is why you need the “Create account/Register” button.

In the form that opens, you should create and enter a password, login, and also add an email address:

In any case, during the registration process you will need a smartphone or computer to log into email and confirm the online profile registration process.

Connection features in Sony Bravia

The setup of Smart TV technology on Sony Bravia TVs is significantly different:

1. First of all, press the “Home” button on the remote control:

This will take the user to the main menu of the TV.

2. Then in the window that opens, select the icon with the image of a suitcase, after which the “Settings” menu will appear:

3. In the drop-down list, select “Network”:

4. As a result, several more items will appear, from which you should select “Update Internet Content”:

After these steps, the Internet will conditionally reboot, and the TV will tune to the desired network. This completes the Smart TV setup.

Setting up Samsung TVs

A user manual is supplied with the TV, which thoroughly explains the connection procedure, but not detailed Smart TV settings. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Samsung company I am completely sure that there will be no problems during the connection:

1. On the remote control you need to go to the menu Smart Hub:

2. To check the operation of Smart TV, just launch any of the available applications:

If it starts, then the technology is working successfully, and you can start enjoying all the benefits of the service.

What to do if you couldn't connect to the Internet?

But it’s hard to say what to do when various errors occur. Each malfunction has its own solutions, so it is impossible to determine actions that will certainly help.

However, you can try to fix the error in the most common way. Go deeper into the Smart TV settings and change them if necessary:

1. Select the “Menu” item, then “Network” and “Network Settings”:

2. A message will appear there that will prompt you to automatically try to set up the connection.

You shouldn’t immediately give up on this idea, because it is quite possible that the TV will be able to solve the problem on its own. Therefore, in the window you should click on “Start” to begin the automatic configuration process.

If the Internet can be configured, a corresponding message will appear. If not, an error message will pop up.

3. If it is impossible to establish a connection in this way, you need to go to the “Network Status” menu. It is located immediately under “Network Settings”:

4. In the new window, you need to go to the “IP Settings” item, and then select to automatically obtain an IP address:

5. If this does not help, then you will have to enter all the data yourself:

You can find out the IP address, subnet mask, etc. by contacting your Internet provider via a phone call. Also, if you have a computer and use the same Internet, you can go to the menu local connection and select "Details". The window that appears will show all the data about the Internet network, but only the underlined ones will be of interest to Smart TV:

They should be entered into the TV menu in the sections of the same name.

After these steps, the connection to the Internet should be established, and you can start using Smart TV on your Samsung TV.

Identical steps for setting up the network can be carried out on any other models, since the difference is only in the location of the menu and the names of the sections. But no need to worry because they will be intuitive: “Network Settings” and “Network Settings” are the same thing.

To check Smart TV, you can launch any application or otherwise try to use TV functions that require the Internet. If it works, then everything is in order, but if not, you need to adjust it. Everything is very simple, the main thing is to understand the essence of the device’s operation and carefully read the user instructions.

In contact with

I welcome everyone to the pages of the blog site. Finally I got to my blog and decided to write about how to set up and connect a Samsung TV to the Internet? I think many people will be interested in this.

And let's get straight to the point.

Connecting a Samsung TV to the Internet is very simple. TVs are “smart” and almost all aspects of setting up are taken care of; we just need to help him a little and point him in the right direction. There are a few nuances here:

  • firstly, depending on what kind of Internet you have, the connection method will differ,
  • secondly, how to connect via Wi-Fi ( wireless communication) or via cable.

If the TV has a built-in Wi-Fi module, then you can use it, but if not, then it can be purchased separately, but it is not cheap, somewhere around 100-150 dollars. So if you don’t have it, then it’s easier, or rather cheaper, to connect it via cable. Of course, see for yourself which option you like best.

If you have Internet via an ADSL modem, then everything is simple. We connect the network cable to one of the free LAN ports on the modem (most often there are 4):

and on TV:

If you have dedicated Internet, then you can simply insert a network cable into the TV, and the Internet should work on it. If you have a dedicated Internet, but want to use it on both your computer and TV, then you will need to buy an additional router or a router, they say. But you need to know which one to take, there are also some nuances here. What router fits better check with those. support from the Internet provider itself.

How to set up Internet on a Samsung TV

I think we have more or less sorted out the connection. Now let's move directly to setting up the TV. The technology is smart, it’s not for nothing that it’s called SmartTV (translated as smart television 🙂), so you most likely won’t have to set up the TV itself, everything should be set up automatically and there will be Internet. This is the case if we connect via cable. After you have connected the cable, go to the Smart Hub menu:

and run some application, YouTube for example, to check:

If everything works, great. You can install the necessary ones and enjoy watching.

If, when checking, you see the message “Network error” or something similar and browsing the Internet does not work, then go to the settings. Click “Menu” - “Network” - “Network settings”:

In the network settings menu you will see the following window:

Click “Start” and let the TV try to set up the Internet on its own. If you are successful, you will see a message something like “Setup completed successfully...”.

If something doesn’t work out, then you need to go to the “Network Status” section:

and first select “IP Settings - receive automatically”:

try. If it doesn’t work, you will need to manually register the IP address, mask, gateway and DNS. To do this, in the “IP Settings” field, select “Manual”:

And enter all the data manually. Naturally, you need to know what data to enter; here either the provider’s support service or a friend who is well versed in computer networks can help you.

If you connect via a WIFI wireless network, then you will need to configure it (“Menu” - “Network” - “Network settings”) - select a network, connect to it, specifying a password. If the TV does not “see” your wireless network, you will need to add it manually - the “Add network” menu and manually fill in all the necessary fields.

Well, in short, that seems to be all. If you missed anything or what is unclear, ask in the comments.

With this I say goodbye to you...

Smart TVs are no longer a rarity. Smart devices They allow you not only to watch TV channels, but also to install applications on them, surf the World Wide Web, connect portable storage devices, and synchronize with mobile gadgets. Many Smart capabilities TV can only be accessed when the TV is connected to the Internet.

What you need to connect your TV to the Internet via Wi-Fi

In general, a smart TV can be connected to the Internet in two ways:

  • via a network (LAN) cable,
  • via a wireless Wi-Fi network.

Since the first option usually does not cause any particular difficulties for users, it is worth taking a closer look at the Wi-Fi connection. To do this, you need a router that is already connected to the global web and configured for distribution via Wi-Fi, as well as a Smart TV that supports the appropriate connection. You can find out whether your device has Wi-Fi support on board by studying technical documentation to the TV (including on the manufacturer’s official website).

Connection diagram for Smart TV to the Internet via Wi-Fi

Majority modern models TVs with Smart TV function have a built-in wireless module. Some devices may not have such a receiver, but there is the ability to connect an external Wi-Fi USB adapter. And all smart TVs have a LAN port, which makes it possible to connect via cable and also organize a Wi-Fi connection. Last option, however, requires the purchase of an additional network cable (patch cord) and a router (repeater) with the ability to work in adapter mode.

  1. Connecting a Smart TV with a built-in wireless module to the Internet is not difficult and is no different (except for setup nuances) from connecting a smartphone or tablet to a network via Wi-Fi. More detailed instructions settings for TVs different brands later in the article.

    Internet connection diagram for a smart TV with built-in Wi-Fi module

  2. If your TV does not have a built-in module, but it supports Wi-Fi, you will have to purchase an external USB adapter. Branded ones are highly recommended for purchase. Wi-Fi devices, suitable for your TV model. You can get information about supported equipment on the manufacturer's official website. The adapter should simply be inserted into the USB port. No drivers or additional settings are required. For those who are not looking for easy ways and want to save money (branded adapters are still quite expensive), you can try your luck with Chinese clones, the performance of which is not guaranteed by anyone.

    Connection diagram for Smart TV to the Internet with using Wi-Fi adapter

  3. The third option is more complex. Many modern routers can operate in adapter mode (among the inexpensive ones are Netis and Totolink routers). You need to connect the LAN port of the device to the TV port of the same name with a patch cord and switch the router to adapter mode (instructions for this setup for different models can be found on the Internet). Please note that the TV itself is configured as in the case of wired Internet.

    Connection diagram of a smart TV to Wi-Fi networks via router

After connecting Wi-Fi, the connection of your Smart TV is configured.

Setting up a TV connection to the Internet via Wi-Fi

To connect to a Wi-Fi network, you need to know its name (SSID) and password (if the network is closed).

Connecting Samsung Smart TV

These instructions are intended for setting up the Internet via Wi-Fi on Samsung TV models of the M, Q and LS series. Network settings in Samsung Smart TV of other series may differ from those proposed.

  1. You need to enter the Samsung Smart TV settings: to do this, press the Home button on the remote control and select “Settings” on the TV screen.

    On Samsung TV models of other series, the menu may look different

  2. In the list of available settings, select “General”.

    In the General menu you can configure other functions

  3. In the drop-down list, move to the “Network” line and select this item.

    The “Network” menu gives access to the TV’s network settings

  4. Select the line “Open network settings”.

    Here are the configurations network settings to connect to an available network

  5. Next, you need to select the network type, in our case - “Wireless”.

    You must select the Internet connection you are using

  6. Now you should wait until your Smart TV finds available Wi-Fi networks and select yours.

    Selecting a wireless connection

  7. An on-screen keyboard should appear on your TV. Enter the network password and click “Finish”.

    To see what password you entered, check the “Show. password"

  8. After the message about the completed connection appears, click OK.

    If you have problems connecting to network services, contact your provider

Connection to open network Wi-Fi works in the same way, but without entering a password.

Setting up your LG TV

First, check your TV's User Manual to make sure your model has a built-in WiFi receiver. If the latter is not available, the connection is made using a proprietary LG AN-WF100 adapter (which can be purchased separately).

  1. Subject to availability wireless connection The “Network setup: wireless” option should appear in the settings menu. Select it by pressing the OK button on the remote control.

    Before connecting, you need to configure the access point

  2. We configure from the list of access points (AP) by pressing the button of the same name.

    In the window that appears, select the desired connection method

  3. In the list of available WiFi networks you need to select your access point.

    Scanning may take some time

  4. Next, you need to enter a password using the on-screen keyboard and remote control. Let's enter.

    After confirming the selection of a secure access point, you will be prompted to enter a password

  5. The wireless network has been successfully connected to the LG Smart TV.

    More information about network connection also displayed on screen

Internet connection TV Sony Bravia

Before setting up, you should make sure that your router distributes Wi-Fi. You can check this with any other device. Connecting your TV to Wi-Fi using a security key is as follows.

  1. Go to the Sony Bravia menu and find the Network button. Remote control: Home button, selection.

    Determine your Wi-Fi connection by scanning

  2. The system will prompt you to enter a security key. Enter it from the remote control and click Continue.

    The key is required for a secure connection

After completing the settings, you will be asked to save the entered data. This is necessary so that you do not have to retype the password each time.

Possible connection problems

From step by step instructions It can be seen that connecting Smart TV to the Internet via Wi-Fi is not difficult. If the algorithm is followed, users, as a rule, should not have any questions. In other situations, it is recommended to study the “User Manual” for your TV in more detail. Problems that are not resolved in this way are usually resolved by calling a specialist, but first you can try to deal with the problems on your own.

There may be many reasons for problems with Smart connection TV to the Internet via Wi-Fi, starting from incorrect connection and configuration network equipment or TV to problems with software or services, as well as ways to solve them. Let's look at the main faults and options for eliminating them.

Table: main faults and their solutions

To avoid many connection problems, place the router in direct line of sight from your Smart TV and away from sources of electromagnetic radiation ( microwaves, phones), this way you will avoid the Wi-Fi module being affected by interference generated by these devices.

Video: how to connect Smart TV to the Internet via Wi-Fi

Connecting Smart TV via Wi-Fi is a convenient option, as it eliminates the need to pull (sometimes across the entire apartment) a network cable from the router. However, when slow internet This solution cannot be called successful, since when transmitting data wirelessly, the speed loss can be significant - so much so that it may not be enough for comfortable viewing of streaming television.