home · Appliances · Calculation of heating of industrial premises calculator. Heating production facilities is a necessary condition for protecting the health of workers and the safety of equipment. Calculation of network natural gas consumption

Calculation of heating of industrial premises calculator. Heating production facilities is a necessary condition for protecting the health of workers and the safety of equipment. Calculation of network natural gas consumption

The air temperature in industrial premises is set depending on the nature of the work performed in these premises. In the forging, welding and medical areas, the air temperature should be 13 ... 15 ° C, in other rooms 15 ... 17 ° C, and in the department for repairing fuel equipment and electrical equipment, the temperature should be 17 ... 20 ° C.

The maximum heat consumption for heating is determined by the formula.

Qo \u003d qo (t in - t n) * V, (3.2)

where qo -specific consumption heat for heating 1 m3 with a temperature difference between outside and inside of 1 ° C, equal to 0.5 kcal / h.m3

t in- internal temperature premises;

t n - outdoor temperature;

V-room volume

Let's make a calculation according to the average temperature inside the room, equal to 17 ° Cubature production building, at medium height 4.5, is V = 4.5 * 648 = 2916 m3, outdoor temperature - 26 ° C.

Qo \u003d 0.5 (17- (-26) 2916 \u003d 62694 kcal / h

The maximum hourly heat consumption for ventilation is calculated by the formula

Qv \u003d qv (t in - t n) * V, (3.3)

where qw is the heat consumption for ventilation of 1 m3 at a temperature difference of 1 °C, equal to 0.25 kcal/h.m3.

Qv \u003d 0.25 (17- (-26)) 2916 \u003d 31347 kcal. h.

The amount of heat given off by heating devices per hour will be equal to the sum of the heat spent on heating and ventilation of the production room.

Qn= Qo+ Qv (3.4)

Qn= 62694+31347=94041 kcal/h

Surface heating appliances, required for heat transfer, is determined by the formula

where Kn is the heat transfer coefficient of the device, equal to 72 kcal / m2 h.grad.

t n - average design temperature of the coolant, equal to 111 ° C

fn= 2

For heating the production building, it is proposed to use cast iron radiators, each section of such a radiator has a surface of 0.25 m2. The number of sections required for heating the workshop will be equal to

n sec=

For heating, we will take batteries of 10 sections, then 56 batteries are needed for the workshop.

The annual consumption of standard fuel required for heating the workshop can be calculated using the formula,

where is the heating period equal to 190 days;

is the fuel efficiency factor.

The amount of natural fuel is found by the formula,

where is the coefficient of conversion of standard fuel into natural, equal to 1.17

G n \u003d 24309.9 * 1.17 \u003d 28442.6 kg

We accept the amount of coal for heating equal to 28.5 tons.

The amount of firewood for ignition is found by the formula:

G dr \u003d 0.05 Gn (3.6)

G dr \u003d 0.05 * 28442.6 \u003d 1422.13 kg.

We accept 1.5 tons of firewood

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Expert opinion

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Manufacturing facilities are very different from residential apartments their size and scope. This is the fundamental difference between industrial ventilation systems and household complexes. Options for heating spacious non-residential buildings exclude the use of convection methods, which are quite effective for heating homes.

The large size of production workshops, the complexity of the configuration, the presence of many devices, units or machines that release thermal energy into space will disrupt the convection process. It is based on the natural process of rising warm layers of air, the circulation of such flows does not tolerate even small interventions. Any draft, hot air from an electric motor or machine, will direct the flows in the other direction. in industrial workshops, warehouses there are large technological openings that can stop the operation of heating systems low power and sustainability.

In addition, convection methods do not provide uniform air heating, which is important for industrial premises. Large areas require the same air temperature at all points of the room, otherwise there will be difficulties for the work of people and the flow production processes. Therefore, for industrial premises specific heating methods are required, capable of providing the correct microclimate, corresponding.

Industrial heating systems

Among the most preferred heating methods industrial premises includes:

  • infrared

In addition, there are two options for the type of area coverage:
  • centralized

  • zonal

Centralized systems

Centralized systems are created for the most uniform heating of all sections of the workshop. This can be important in the absence of specific jobs, the need for constant movement of people throughout the workshop area.

Zone systems

Zone heating systems form areas with a comfortable microclimate at workplaces without full coverage of the workshop area. This option makes it possible to save money by not wasting resources and thermal energy on ballast heating of unused or unvisited areas of the workshop. At the same time, the technological process should not be disturbed, the air temperature must meet the technological requirements.

Electric heating

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Important! It should be immediately noted that heating with electricity as the main method of heating almost never used due to its high cost.

Electric heat guns or heaters are used as temporary or local heat sources. For example, for the production repair work installed in an unheated room heat gun, enabling the repair team to work in comfortable conditions, allowing you to get required quality work. Electric heaters as temporary sources of heat are the most popular, as they do not need a coolant. They only need to be connected to the network, after which they immediately begin to generate thermal energy on their own. Wherein, the areas covered are quite small.

air heating

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

air heating industrial buildings- the most attractive type of heating.

It allows you to heat rooms of large volumes, regardless of their configuration. Distribution air currents takes place in a controlled manner, the temperature and composition of the air are flexibly regulated. The principle of operation is heating supply air with help gas burners, electric or water heaters. Hot air with the help of a fan and a system of air ducts, it is transported to production facilities and released at the most convenient points, ensuring maximum uniformity of heating. Air heating systems are highly maintainable, they are safe and allow you to fully ensure the microclimate in production premises.

infrared heating

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Infrared heating - one of the newest, which appeared relatively recently, heating methods industrial premises. Its essence is to use infrared rays to heat all surfaces located in the path of the rays.

Typically, the panels are located under the ceiling, radiating from top to bottom. This heats up the floor, various objects, and to some extent the walls.

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Important! This is the peculiarity of the method - it is not the air that heats up, but the objects located in the room.

For a more efficient distribution of IR rays, the panels are equipped with reflectors that direct the flow of rays into the right side. The method of heating with IR rays is effective and economical, but it is dependent on the availability of electricity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Electric heating

Heating systems used to heat private houses or industrial buildings have their strengths and weak sides. So, virtues electrical methods heating are:

  • no intermediate materials (coolant). Electrical appliances generate their own heat

  • high maintainability appliances. All elements can be quickly replaced in case of failure without any specific repair work

  • electrically heated system can be very flexible and precise adjustment. At the same time, no complex complexes are required, control is carried out using standard blocks

disadvantage electric heating systems is their high cost. At the same time, the devices themselves are quite expensive, and the electricity they consume creates significant costs. This is the main reason for the rare use of electrical appliances as the main heating system.

infrared heating

Infrared systems have advantages:

  • efficiency, profitability

  • oxygen is not burned maintains comfortable air humidity

  • installation such a system is enough simple and accessible for self-fulfillment

  • system not afraid of voltage fluctuations, which allows you to maintain the microclimate in the premises even when connected to an unstable power supply network

Flaws IR heating:
  • the technique is intended to a greater extent for local, point heating. Using it to create an even microclimate in large workshops it is irrational

  • complexity of system calculation, the need for accurate selection of suitable instruments

air heating

Air heating is considered the most convenient way heating industrial and residential premises. This is expressed in the following benefits:

  • ability uniform heating of large workshops or rooms of any size

  • system can be reconstructed power can be increased if necessary without complete disassembly

  • air heating most safe to operate and installation

  • system has little momentum and can quickly change modes of operation

  • exists many execution options

disadvantages air heating are:
  • dependence on the heating source

  • addiction from availability connection to the electricity network

  • upon refusal system temperature very indoors falling fast

All these qualities are the criteria for choosing a heating system in the design.

Creation of a heating system project

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Designing air heating is not an easy task. To solve it, a number of factors need to be clarified. self definition which may be difficult. RSV specialists can make a preliminary for you free of charge premises based on GREEERS equipment.

The choice of one or another type of heating system is made by comparing climatic conditions region, building dimensions, ceiling heights, features of the proposed technological process, location of jobs. In addition, when choosing, they are guided by the efficiency of the heating method, the possibility of its use without extra costs.

The calculation of the system is carried out by determining the heat losses and selecting the equipment corresponding to them in terms of power. To eliminate the possibility of errors it is necessary to use SNiP, which set out all the requirements for heating systems and give the coefficients necessary for calculations.

SNiP 41-01-2008


ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT on 01/01/2008 by a resolution of 2008 REPLACED by SNiP 41-01-2003

Heating system installation

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Important! Installation work are produced in strict accordance with the project and the requirements of SNiP.

An important element of the system are air ducts., which provide transportation of gas-air mixtures. They are mounted in each building or room according to individual scheme. The size, cross-section, and shape of the air ducts play an important role during installation, since adapters are needed to connect the fan, connecting the inlet or outlet of the device with the air duct system. Without high-quality adapters, creating a tight and workable connection will not work.

In accordance with the selected type of system, are installed, carried out electrical cables , is done piping for circulation of the coolant. Equipment is installed, all necessary connections and connections are made. All work is carried out with the obligatory observance of safety requirements. The system is launched in the minimum operating mode, with a gradual increase in design capacity.

Useful video

Cosiness and comfort of housing do not begin with the choice of furniture, decoration and appearance generally. They start with the heat that heating provides. And just buying an expensive heating boiler () and high-quality radiators for this is not enough - you first need to design a system that will maintain the optimum temperature in the house. But to get a good result, you need to understand what and how to do, what are the nuances and how they affect the process. In this article, you will get to know basic knowledge about this case - what are heating systems, how it is carried out and what factors affect it.

Why is thermal calculation necessary?

Some owners of private houses or those who are just going to build them are interested in whether there is any point in the thermal calculation of the heating system? After all, it is a matter of simple country cottage and not about apartment building or industrial enterprise. It would seem that it would be enough just to buy a boiler, install radiators and run pipes to them. On the one hand, they are partially right - for private households, the calculation of the heating system is not as critical an issue as for industrial premises or multi-apartment residential complexes. On the other hand, there are three reasons why such an event is worth holding. , you can read in our article.

  1. Thermal calculation greatly simplifies the bureaucratic processes associated with the gasification of a private house.
  2. Determining the power required for home heating allows you to select a heating boiler with optimal performance. You will not overpay for excessive product features and will not experience inconvenience due to the fact that the boiler is not powerful enough for your home.
  3. Thermal calculation allows you to more accurately select pipes, stop valves and other equipment for the heating system of a private house. And in the end, all these rather expensive products will work for as long as is laid down in their design and characteristics.

Initial data for the thermal calculation of the heating system

Before you start calculating and working with data, you need to get them. Here for those owners country houses, who have not previously been involved in project activities, the first problem arises - what characteristics should you pay attention to. For your convenience, they are summarized in a small list below.

  1. Building area, height to ceilings and internal volume.
  2. The type of building, the presence of adjacent buildings.
  3. The materials used in the construction of the building - what and how the floor, walls and roof are made of.
  4. The number of windows and doors, how they are equipped, how well they are insulated.
  5. For what purposes will certain parts of the building be used - where the kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedrooms will be located, and where - non-residential and technical premises.
  6. Duration heating season, the average temperature minimum during this period.
  7. "Wind rose", the presence of other buildings nearby.
  8. The area where a house has already been built or is just about to be built.
  9. Preferred room temperature for residents.
  10. Location of points for connection to water, gas and electricity.

Calculation of the heating system power by housing area

One of the fastest and easiest to understand ways to determine the power of a heating system is to calculate by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. A similar method is widely used by sellers of heating boilers and radiators. The calculation of the power of the heating system by area takes place in a few simple steps.

Step 1. According to the plan or already erected building, the internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building in square meters is determined.

Step 2 The resulting figure is multiplied by 100-150 - that is how many watts from total power heating system is needed for every m 2 of housing.

Step 3 Then the result is multiplied by 1.2 or 1.25 - this is necessary to create a power reserve so that heating system was able to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house even in the most severe frosts.

Step 4 The final figure is calculated and recorded - the power of the heating system in watts, necessary to heat a particular housing. As an example, to maintain comfortable temperature in a private house with an area of ​​​​120 m 2, approximately 15,000 watts will be required.

Advice! In some cases, cottage owners divide the internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing into that part that requires serious heating, and that for which this is unnecessary. Accordingly, different coefficients are applied to them - for example, for living rooms is 100, and for technical premises – 50-75.

Step 5 According to the already determined calculated data, a specific model of the heating boiler and radiators is selected.

It should be understood that the only advantage of this method thermal calculation heating system is speed and simplicity. However, the method has many disadvantages.

  1. Lack of consideration of the climate in the area where housing is being built - for Krasnodar, a heating system with a power of 100 W for each square meter would be clearly redundant. And for the Far North, it may not be enough.
  2. Failure to take into account the height of the premises, the type of walls and floors from which they are built - all these characteristics seriously affect the level of possible heat losses and, consequently, the required power heating system for the house.
  3. The very method of calculating the heating system in terms of power was originally developed for large industrial premises and apartment buildings. Therefore, for a separate cottage it is not correct.
  4. Lack of accounting for the number of windows and doors facing the street, and yet each of these objects is a kind of "cold bridge".

So does it make sense to apply the calculation of the heating system by area? Yes, but only as a preliminary estimate, allowing you to get at least some idea of ​​the issue. To achieve better and more accurate results, you should turn to more complex techniques.

Imagine next way calculating the power of the heating system - it is also quite simple and understandable, but it is more accurate end result. In this case, the basis for the calculations is not the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but its volume. In addition, the calculation takes into account the number of windows and doors in the building, the average level of frost outside. Let's imagine a small example of the application of this method - there is a house with a total area of ​​​​80 m 2, the rooms in which have a height of 3 m. The building is located in the Moscow region. In total there are 6 windows and 2 doors facing the outside. The calculation of the power of the thermal system will look like this. "How to do , you can read in our article".

Step 1. The volume of the building is determined. This can be the sum of each individual room or the total figure. In this case, the volume is calculated as follows - 80 * 3 \u003d 240 m 3.

Step 2 The number of windows and the number of doors facing the street are counted. Let's take the data from the example - 6 and 2, respectively.

Step 3 A coefficient is determined depending on the area in which the house stands and how severe frosts are there.

Table. Values ​​of regional coefficients for calculating the heating power by volume.

Since in the example we are talking about a house built in the Moscow region, the regional coefficient will have a value of 1.2.

Step 4 For detached private cottages, the value of the volume of the building determined in the first operation is multiplied by 60. We make the calculation - 240 * 60 = 14,400.

Step 5 Then the result of the calculation of the previous step is multiplied by the regional coefficient: 14,400 * 1.2 = 17,280.

Step 6 The number of windows in the house is multiplied by 100, the number of doors facing the outside by 200. The results are summed up. The calculations in the example look like this - 6*100 + 2*200 = 1000.

Step 7 The numbers obtained as a result of the fifth and sixth steps are summed up: 17,280 + 1000 = 18,280 W. This is the power of the heating system required to maintain optimum temperature in the building under the conditions specified above.

It should be understood that the calculation of the heating system by volume is also not absolutely accurate - the calculations do not pay attention to the material of the walls and floor of the building and their thermal insulation properties. Also, no correction is made for natural ventilation characteristic of any home.

Many people think that heating industrial premises is no different from heating residential buildings. In fact, many aspects must be taken care of here, for example, compliance with the appropriate temperature regime, the level of dust content in the air, as well as its humidity.

In addition, the features of the production process, the height and size of the room, as well as the location of the equipment in it, should be taken into account. Proceed to the selection, design and installation of the production heat supply system should be after the calculation of the required capacity.

Heating calculation

To carry out a thermal calculation before planning any industrial heating, you need to use the standard method.

Qt (kW/h) =V*∆T *K/860

  • V - the internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in need of heating (W * D * H);
  • ∆ T is the value of the difference between the outside and the desired inside temperature;
  • K is the coefficient of heat loss;
  • 860 - recalculation per kWh.
  • The heat loss coefficient, which is included in the calculation of the heating system for industrial premises, varies depending on the type of building and the level of its thermal insulation. The lower the thermal insulation, the higher the value of the coefficient.

    air heating

    Most enterprises at the time of existence Soviet Union used a convection heating system industrial buildings. The difficulty of using this method lies in the fact that, according to the laws of physics, warm air rises, while the part of the room located near the floor remains less heated.

    Today, more rational heating is provided by an air heating system for industrial premises.

    Operating principle

    Hot air, which is preheated in the heat generator through air ducts, is transferred to the heated part of the building. Distribution heads are used to distribute thermal energy throughout the space. In some cases, fans are installed, which can be replaced by portable equipment, including a heat gun.


    It should be noted that such heating can be combined with various supply systems ventilation and air conditioning. This is what makes it possible to heat huge complexes, which could not be achieved before.

    This method is widely used in the heating of warehouse complexes, as well as indoor sports facilities. In addition, such a method in most cases is the only possible one, since it has the highest level fire safety.


    Naturally, there were some negative properties. For example, the installation of air heating will cost a pretty penny to the owners of the enterprise.

    Not only do the fans necessary for normal operation cost a lot, but they also consume huge amounts of electricity, since their performance reaches several thousand cubic meters at one o'clock.

    infrared heating

    Not every company is ready to spend a lot of money on an air heating system, so many prefer to use a different method. Infrared industrial heating is becoming more and more popular every day.

    Principle of operation

    The infrared burner operates on the principle of flameless combustion of air located on the porous part of the ceramic surface. ceramic surface differs in that it is capable of emitting a whole spectrum of waves that are concentrated in the area infrared radiation.

    A feature of these waves is their high degree of permeability, that is, they can freely pass through air currents in order to transfer their energy to a certain place. The flow of infrared radiation is directed to a predetermined area through various reflectors.

    Therefore, the heating of industrial premises using similar burner allows for maximum comfort. In addition, this method of heating makes it possible to heat both individual work areas and entire buildings.

    Main advantages

    On this moment exactly the application infrared heaters is considered the most modern and progressive method of heating industrial buildings due to the following positive characteristics:

    • rapid heating of the room;
    • low power consumption;
    • high efficiency;
    • compact equipment and easy installation.

    By making the right calculation, you can install a powerful, economical and independent heating system of the enterprise that does not need constant maintenance.

    Scope of application

    It should be noted that such equipment is used, among other things, for heating poultry houses, greenhouses, cafe terraces, visual, commercial and gyms, as well as various bituminous coatings for technological purposes.

    The whole effect of the operation of an infrared burner can be felt in those rooms that are distinguished by large volumes of cold air. The compactness and mobility of such equipment makes it possible to maintain the temperature at a certain level, depending on the technological need and the time of day.


    Many are concerned about the issue of safety, since they associate the word "radiation" with radiation and harmful influence on human health. In fact, the operation of infrared heaters is completely safe for both humans and equipment located in the room.

    Creation effective system heating of large buildings is significantly different from similar offline circuits cottages. The difference lies in the complexity of the distribution and control of the coolant parameters. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of the heating system for buildings: types, types, calculations, surveys. All these nuances are taken into account at the design stage of the structure.

    Requirements for heating residential and administrative buildings

    It should be immediately noted that the heating project administrative building must be carried out by the relevant bureau. Specialists evaluate the parameters of the future building and according to the requirements normative documents choose the optimal heating scheme.

    Regardless of the chosen types of heating systems for buildings, they are subject to stringent requirements. They are based on ensuring the safety of the functioning of heat supply, as well as the efficiency of the system:

    • Sanitary and hygienic. These include uniform temperature distribution in all areas of the house. To do this, pre-calculation of heat for heating the building;
    • Construction. Job heating appliances should not deteriorate due to the features of the structural elements of the building, both inside and outside it;
    • Mounting. When choosing technological schemes it is recommended to select unified units that can be quickly replaced with similar ones in case of failure;
    • Operational. Maximum automation of heat supply operation. This is the primary task along with the heat engineering calculation of the heating of the building.

    In practice, proven design schemes are used, the choice of which depends on the type of heating. This is the determining factor for all subsequent stages of work on arranging the heating of an administrative or residential building.

    When putting into operation a new house, tenants have the right to demand copies of the entire technical documentation including heating systems.

    Types of building heating systems

    How to choose the right type of heat supply for a building? First of all, the type of energy carrier is taken into account. Based on this, you can plan the next stages of design.

    There are certain types of building heating systems that differ in both the principle of operation and performance. The most common is water heating, as it has unique qualities and can be adapted relatively easily to any type of building. Having calculated the amount of heat for heating the building, you can choose the following types heat supply:

    • Autonomous water. It is characterized by high inertia of air heating. However, along with this, it is the most popular type of building heating systems due to the wide variety of components and low maintenance costs;
    • Central water. In this case, water is optimal type coolant for its transportation over long distances - from the boiler house to consumers;
    • Air. Recently, it has been used as common system climate control in homes. It is one of the most expensive, which affects the inspection of the heating system of the building;
    • Electrical. Despite the low cost of the initial purchase of equipment, electric heating is the most expensive to maintain. If it is installed, it is necessary to calculate the heating according to the volume of the building as accurately as possible in order to reduce the planned costs.

    What is recommended to choose as a heat supply for a house - electric, water or air heating? First of all, you need to calculate the thermal energy for heating the building and other types of design work. Based on the data obtained, the optimal heating scheme is selected.

    For a private house, the best way to supply heat is to install gas equipment in conjunction with a water heating system.

    Types of heat supply calculation for buildings

    At the first stage, it is necessary to calculate the thermal energy for heating the building. The essence of these calculations is to determine the heat losses of the house, the selection of equipment power and thermal regime heating work.

    To correctly perform these calculations, you should know the parameters of the building, take into account climatic features region. Before the advent of specialized software systems, all calculations of the amount of heat for heating a building were performed manually. In this case, there was a high probability of error. Now, applying modern methods calculations, you can get the following characteristics for drawing up a heating project for an administrative building:

    • Optimum load on heat supply depending on external factors- outdoor temperature and the required degree of air heating in each room of the house;
    • Proper selection of components for heating equipment, minimizing the cost of its purchase;
    • Possibility to upgrade the heating system in the future. Reconstruction of the heating system of the building is carried out only after the agreement of the old and new schemes.

    When making a heating project for an administrative or residential building, you need to be guided by a certain calculation algorithm.

    The characteristics of the heat supply system must comply with current regulations. Their list can be obtained from the state architectural organization.

    Calculation of heat losses of buildings

    The defining indicator of the heating system is optimal amount generated energy. It is also determined by the heat losses in the building. Those. in fact, the work of heat supply is designed to compensate for this phenomenon and maintain the temperature at a comfortable level.

    For the correct calculation of heat for heating the building, it is necessary to know the material of manufacture of the outer walls. It is through them that most of losses. The main characteristic is the coefficient of thermal conductivity building materials- the amount of energy passing through 1 m² of wall.

    The technology for calculating thermal energy for heating a building consists of the following steps:

    1. Determination of the material of manufacture and the coefficient of thermal conductivity.
    2. Knowing the wall thickness, the heat transfer resistance can be calculated. This is the reciprocal of thermal conductivity.
    3. Then several heating modes are selected. This is the difference between the temperature in the supply and return pipes.
    4. Dividing the resulting value by the heat transfer resistance, we get heat loss per 1 m² of wall.

    For such a technique, you need to know that the wall consists not only of bricks or reinforced concrete blocks. When calculating the power of the heating boiler and the heat loss of the building, thermal insulation and other materials must be taken into account. The total coefficient of TV transmission resistance of the wall should not be less than the normalized one.

    Only after that you can start calculating the power of heating devices.

    It is recommended to add a correction factor of 1.1 to all the data obtained for calculating the heating by volume of the building.

    Calculation of the power of equipment for heating buildings

    To calculate the optimal heat supply capacity, you should first decide on its type. Most often, difficulties arise in the calculation of water heating. For the correct calculation of the power of the heating boiler and heat losses in the house, not only its area, but also its volume is taken into account.

    The simplest option is to accept the ratio that 41 W of energy is required to heat 1 m³ of a room. However, such a calculation of the amount of heat for heating the building will not be entirely correct. It does not take into account heat losses, as well as climatic features of a particular region. Therefore, it is best to use the technique described above.

    To calculate the heat supply according to the volume of the building, it is important to know the rated power of the boiler. To do this, you need to know the following formula:

    Where W– boiler power, S- area of ​​the house TO- correction factor.

    The latter is a reference value and depends on the region of residence. Data about it can be taken from the table.

    This technology allows you to perform an accurate thermal calculation of the heating of the building. At the same time, the heat supply capacity is checked against heat losses in the building. In addition, the purpose of the premises is taken into account. For living rooms, the temperature level should be between +18°C and +22°C. The minimum level of heating of sites and household rooms is +16°С.

    The choice of heating mode is practically independent of these parameters. It will determine the future load on the system depending on weather conditions. For apartment buildings, the calculation of thermal energy for heating is done taking into account all the nuances and according to regulatory technology. In autonomous heat supply, such actions do not need to be performed. It is important that the total thermal energy compensated for all heat losses in the house.

    To reduce the cost of heating system it is recommended to use the low-temperature mode when calculating the volume of the building. But then it is necessary to increase the total area of ​​​​radiators in order to increase the heat output.

    Maintenance of the building heating system

    After the correct heat engineering calculation of the heat supply of the building, it is necessary to know the mandatory list of regulatory documents for its maintenance. You need to know this in order to timely control the operation of the system, as well as to minimize the occurrence of emergencies.

    Drawing up an act of inspection of the heating system of the building takes place only by representatives of the responsible company. This takes into account the specifics of heat supply, its type and Current state. During the inspection of the heating system of the building, the following items of the document must be filled out:

    1. Location of the house, its exact address.
    2. Link to the contract for the supply of heat.
    3. The number and location of heat supply devices - radiators and batteries.
    4. Temperature measurement in rooms.
    5. Coefficient of load change depending on current weather conditions.

    To initiate an inspection of the heating system at home, you must submit an application to the management company. It must indicate the reason - bad job heat supply, an emergency or non-compliance of the current parameters of the system with the norms.

    According to current regulations, during an accident, representatives of the management company must eliminate its consequences within a maximum of 6 hours. Also after that, a document is drawn up on the damage caused to the owners of the apartments due to the accident. If the reason is an unsatisfactory condition, the management company must restore the apartments at its own expense or pay compensation.

    Often, during the reconstruction of the heating system of a building, it is necessary to replace some of its elements with more modern ones. Costs are determined by the fact - on whose balance sheet the heating system is located. Restoration of pipelines and other components that are not located in the apartments should be handled by the management company.

    If the owner of the premises wanted to change the old cast iron batteries for modern ones, the following actions should be taken:

    1. IN management company a statement is drawn up, which indicates the plan of the apartment and the characteristics of future heating devices.
    2. After 6 days, the Criminal Code is obliged to provide technical specifications.
    3. According to them, the selection of equipment is carried out.
    4. Installation is carried out at the expense of the owner of the apartment. But at the same time, representatives of the Criminal Code must be present.

    For autonomous heat supply a private house does not need to do anything. Responsibilities for arranging and maintaining heating at the proper level belong entirely to the owner of the house. Exceptions are technical projects for electrical and gas heating premises. For them, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the Criminal Code, as well as select and install equipment in accordance with the terms of reference.

    The video tells about the features of radiator heating: