home · electrical safety · Heating systems and boilers for heating industrial buildings. Methods of heating industrial and warehouse premises What kind of heating is there in an enterprise?

Heating systems and boilers for heating industrial buildings. Methods of heating industrial and warehouse premises What kind of heating is there in an enterprise?

Why not go big and use classic convection heating for industrial buildings and factory floors? It's simple: radiators will not be able to heat large volumes of air and provide a comfortable temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to choose alternative heating systems, taking into account the characteristics of buildings.

Let's see what we can come up with.

Features of industrial and production premises

Why are there difficulties with heating industrial buildings:

  • large area and volume of air, complex configuration;
  • heat generation by machines, machines and mechanisms;
  • the need for zonal or uniform heating of the air.

The area of ​​the workshops reaches thousands of square meters, and the height can be up to several tens. If you use convection heating in such a room, then all the warm air will accumulate at the top of the workshop, and it will always be cold in the lower part. The principle of uniform heating of air layers does not work here. In addition, arches, ledges, passages and other elements of the factory premises can interfere with convection.

Rising warm currents can knock down the air that is heated by machines and machines - another reason for disruption of normal convection. The heat production of machines should be taken into account when designing heating - there is an opportunity to save energy resources.

Production processes dictate their conditions to the environment - in some cases, temperature and humidity must be constant. Therefore, the heating system must heat the air equally at all points in the workshop. But not always.

If there are only a few workplaces in a building (or areas where heat is needed), zonal heating can be organized - the required temperature will be maintained in a limited area, without wasting energy on heating the rest of the workshop. This approach minimizes heating costs, but is not suitable for conveyors and continuous production lines.

Now let's talk about specific heating options for industrial buildings. Now they are used everywhere.

A good example is a heat gun. Used when working inside unheated rooms. All you need is access to the power grid. In a short time, a comfortable temperature is achieved in the room, provided that the area is small. Workers in such conditions can carry out repairs and install equipment in accordance with the necessary requirements for these types of work.

This method is not suitable for a large workshop - heating with electricity is very expensive. Therefore, the convection heating system is not considered as a real alternative. This is the main disadvantage of electric heating. Among the advantages:

  • maintainability - parts are easily replaced;
  • simple adjustment - the temperature is adjusted manually without automation or complex units;
  • as such, the absence of coolant means high efficiency of the devices.

An electric heating system is sometimes used as an emergency system, designed for a short period of operation.

Infrared waves lie between the visible and microwave spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. They are invisible to the human eye and have the ability to transfer heat.

For heating, infrared panels are used, which are mounted under the ceiling. The key difference between this system is that it heats objects that are “reached” by infrared rays. Other systems heat the air.

To increase efficiency, the panels are equipped with reflectors that direct the waves in a given direction.

Infrared heating is economical, and although it directly depends on electricity, it consumes little of it. In addition, this is so far the only alternative when creating a comfortable workplace in a large unheated room or on the street.

But this system also has some disadvantages:

  • height limitation - if the ceilings in the workshop are high, then there is no point in installing such a system. An alternative is to mount it on the walls, and here you will need additional reflectors, or the creation of a hanging system. All this makes the design more expensive;
  • In some manufacturing operations, heating of equipment or materials is undesirable.

Therefore, so far infrared panels are used mainly for heating private houses or very small buildings.

The operating principle of this system is to supply heated supply air into the room using fans and air ducts. Gas burners are most often used for heating - this is the most profitable method; there are also electric or water heaters.

The main advantage of such a system is that the air is released in the right places and ensures uniform heating of the entire workshop area. The big plus is that the temperature of the supplied air can be easily controlled and adjusted if necessary. This is useful if the workshop needs to be divided into zones with different conditions - for each, a separate control unit is installed that maintains the desired temperature.

If necessary, you can increase the heating power without completely dismantling it - this option is much more profitable than replacing the entire system.

If the system is designed and installed correctly, its efficiency can reach 93%. Plus, it can be combined with a ventilation system, which will save money.

Air heating processes three types of air masses:

  • recirculated air, which is taken from the room, is heated and supplied back;
  • mixed - partly the air is taken from the room, partly from the street;
  • outdoor – air is completely removed from the room, outside air is taken in, heated and supplied to the premises.

The choice is made depending on the conditions that should be in the workshop and economic benefits.

Sensors, burners, controllers and other equipment are dependent on electricity - this is one of the disadvantages. If the system fails, the room will become cold very quickly, but this is a disadvantage of almost all heating systems. Therefore, it is necessary to have a backup source of electricity for uninterrupted operation.

Which industrial heating is better?

Considering the specifics of industrial buildings, it is still difficult to find a worthy replacement for air heating. This is the most profitable option for maintaining the required microclimate for the operation of an industrial enterprise. Although, of course, each situation is individual and requires calculation.

If we consider small workshops, then options with infrared or water heating also have the right to life. But here you will need accurate calculations - the ratio of the efficiency of the system to the costs of its design, installation and maintenance.


In a rather unfavorable climate, any building needs good heating. And if heating a private house or apartment is not difficult, heating industrial premises will require a lot of effort.

Heating industrial premises and enterprises is a rather labor-intensive process, which is facilitated by a number of reasons. Firstly, when creating a heating circuit, it is imperative to comply with the criteria of cost, reliability and functionality. Secondly, industrial buildings usually have quite large dimensions and are designed to perform certain work, for which special equipment is installed in the buildings. These reasons significantly complicate the installation of the heating system and increase the cost of work. Despite all the difficulties, industrial buildings still require heating, and in such cases it performs several functions:

  • ensuring comfortable working conditions, which directly affects the performance of staff;
  • protection of equipment from temperature changes to prevent overcooling and subsequent breakdown;
  • creating a suitable microclimate in warehouse areas so that manufactured products do not lose their properties due to improper storage conditions.
What is the result? Heating industrial workshops will allow you to save on various types of expenses, for example, for repairs or sick leave payments. In addition, if the heating system is chosen correctly, then its maintenance and repair will be much cheaper, and a minimum number of interventions will be required for its operation. It is only important to know that the specific heating characteristics of industrial buildings can be different, and it must be initially calculated.

Choosing a system for heating industrial premises

Heating of industrial premises is carried out using different types of systems, each of which requires detailed consideration. Centralized liquid or air systems are the most popular, but local heaters can also often be found.

The choice of heating system type is influenced by the following parameters:

  • dimensions of the heated room;
  • the amount of thermal energy required to maintain the temperature regime;
  • ease of maintenance and availability of repairs.
Each system has its pros and cons, and the choice will primarily depend on the compliance of the functionality of the selected system with the requirements that apply to it. When choosing the type of system, it is necessary to calculate the heating system of an industrial building in order to have a clear understanding of how much heat the building needs.

Central water heating

In the case of a central heating system, heat production will be provided by a local boiler house or a single system that will be installed in the building. The design of this system includes a boiler, heating devices and piping.

The operating principle of such a system is as follows: the liquid is heated in the boiler, after which it is distributed through pipes to all heating devices. Liquid heating can be single-pipe or double-pipe. In the first case, temperature control is not carried out, but in the case of two-pipe heating, the temperature regime can be adjusted using thermostats and radiators installed in parallel.

The boiler is the central element of a water heating system. It can run on gas, liquid fuel, solid fuel, electricity or a combination of these types of energy resources. When choosing a boiler, you must first take into account the availability of one or another type of fuel.

For example, the ability to use mains gas allows you to immediately connect to this system. At the same time, you need to take into account the cost of the energy resource: gas reserves are not unlimited, so its price will increase every year. In addition, gas mains are very susceptible to accidents, which will negatively affect the production process.

Using a liquid fuel boiler also has its pitfalls: to store liquid fuel, you need to have a separate tank and constantly replenish the reserves in it - and this is an additional expense of time, effort and finance. Solid fuel boilers are generally not recommended for heating industrial buildings, except in cases where the building area is small.

True, there are automated versions of boilers that are capable of independently taking fuel, and in this case the temperature is adjusted automatically, but maintenance of such systems cannot be called simple. For different models of solid fuel boilers, different types of raw materials are used: pellets, sawdust or firewood. A positive quality of such structures is the low cost of installation and resources.

Electric heating systems are also poorly suited for heating industrial buildings: despite their high efficiency, these systems use too much energy, which will greatly affect the economic side of the issue. Of course, for heating buildings up to 70 sq.m. Electrical systems are fine, but you need to understand that electricity also tends to go out regularly.

But what you can really pay attention to is combined heating systems. Such designs can have good performance and high reliability. A significant advantage over other types of heating in this case is the possibility of uninterrupted heating of an industrial building. Of course, the cost of such devices is usually high, but in return you can get a reliable system that will provide the building with heat in any situation.

Combined heating systems usually have several types of burners built in, which allow the use of different types of raw materials.

It is by the type and purpose of the burners that the following designs are classified:

  • gas-wood boilers: equipped with two burners, they allow you not to worry about rising fuel prices and problems with the gas supply line;
  • gas-diesel boilers: demonstrate high efficiency and work very well with large areas;
  • gas-diesel-wood boilers: extremely reliable and can be used in any situation, but power and efficiency leave much to be desired;
  • gas-diesel-electricity: a very reliable option with good power;
  • gas-diesel-wood-electricity: combines all types of energy resources, allows you to control fuel consumption in the system, has a wide range of settings and adjustments, is suitable in any situation, requires a large area.
The boiler, although it is the main element of the heating system, cannot independently provide heating for the building. Can a water heating system provide the necessary heating for a building? The heat capacity of water is much higher when compared with the heat capacity of air.
This suggests that the pipeline can be much smaller than in the case of air heating, which indicates better efficiency.

In addition, a water system makes it possible to control the temperature in the system: for example, setting the heating at night at 10 degrees Celsius can significantly save resources. More accurate figures can be obtained by calculating the heating of industrial premises.

Air heating

Despite the good characteristics of the liquid heating system, air heating is also in good demand in the market. Why is this happening?

This type of heating system has positive qualities that allow us to appreciate such heating systems for industrial premises:

  • absence of pipelines and radiators, instead of which air ducts are installed, which reduces installation costs;
  • increased efficiency due to more competent and uniform distribution of air throughout the room;
  • An air heating system can be connected to a ventilation and air conditioning system, which makes it possible to ensure constant air movement. As a result, exhaust air will be removed from the system, and clean and fresh air will be heated and enter the heating of the production workshop, which will have a very good effect on the working conditions of the working personnel.
Such a system can be additionally equipped with one more advantage: for this it is necessary to install combined air heating, which combines natural and mechanical air impulses.

What is hidden under these concepts? The natural impulse is to take in warm air directly from the street (this possibility exists even when the temperature outside is sub-zero). Mechanical impulse takes cold air, heats it to the required temperature and sends it into the building in this form.

Air heating is excellent for heating large buildings, and heating industrial premises based on an air system is very effective.

In addition, some types of production, for example chemical, simply do not make it possible to use any other type of heating system.

Infrared heating

If it is not possible to install liquid or air heating, or in the case when these types of systems do not suit the owners of industrial buildings, infrared heaters come to the rescue. The principle of operation is described quite simply: an IR emitter generates thermal energy directed at a specific area, as a result of which this energy is transferred to objects located in this area.

In general, such installations allow you to create a mini-sun in the work area. Infrared heaters are good because they heat only the area they are directed at and do not allow the heat to dissipate throughout the entire room.

When classifying IR heaters, the method of installation is first considered:

  • ceiling;
  • floor;
  • wall;
  • portable.

Infrared heaters also differ in the type of waves emitted:
  • shortwave;
  • medium wave;
  • light (such models have a high operating temperature, so they glow during operation;
  • long wave;
  • dark.
IR heaters can be divided into types according to the energy resources used:
  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • diesel
IR systems running on gas or diesel have much greater efficiency, making them much cheaper. But such devices negatively affect indoor air humidity and burn oxygen.

There is a classification according to the type of work item:

  • halogen: heating is carried out by a fragile vacuum tube, which is very easy to damage;
  • carbon: the heating element is carbon fiber hidden in a glass tube, which is also not very durable. Carbon heaters consume approximately 2-3 times less energy;
  • Tenovye;
  • ceramic: heating is carried out by ceramic tiles, which are combined into one system.
Infrared heaters are well suited for use in all types of buildings, from private homes to bulky industrial buildings. The convenience of using such heating lies in the fact that these structures are able to heat individual zones or areas, which makes them incredibly comfortable.

IR heaters affect any objects, but do not affect the air and do not affect the movement of air masses, which eliminates the possibility of drafts and other negative factors that can affect the health of personnel.

In terms of warming up speed, infrared emitters can be called leaders: they must be started while at the workplace, and there is almost no need to wait for heat.

Such devices are very economical and have very high efficiency, which allows them to be used as the main heating of production workshops. IR heaters are reliable, capable of operating for a long period of time, take up virtually no usable space, are lightweight and require no effort during installation. In the photo you can see different types of infrared emitters.


This article discussed the main types of heating for industrial buildings. Before installing any selected system, it is necessary to calculate the heating of industrial premises. Making the choice always falls on the owner of the building, and knowledge of the above tips and recommendations will allow you to choose a truly suitable heating system option.

Production workshops, premises and warehouses are large, as a result of which their heating has a number of features. Therefore, choosing the most optimal option based on the price/efficiency/reliability ratio is not easy. In this article we will look at the most common methods of heating industrial premises and their features.

General information

Creating a heating scheme for industrial premises is a rather complex task, this is primarily due to the fact that each industrial premises is built for certain technological processes, and moreover, most often has a large height and area. In addition, the equipment used in production often complicates the process of laying heating pipes.

However, despite this, heating installation is an important task that cannot be avoided for a number of reasons outlined below:

  • A properly executed heating system provides comfortable working conditions and, as a result, increases employee productivity.
  • Protects equipment from hypothermia, which is very important, because low temperatures can cause equipment failure.
  • If we are talking about a warehouse, then maintaining a certain microclimate is of particular importance, as it affects the safety of the goods.

At the same time, it is extremely important to choose the optimal system, which will allow you to save not only on its operation, but also on maintenance.

Therefore, when choosing types of heating for industrial premises, you must be guided by the following criteria:

  • Room dimensions(area and height).
  • Amount of thermal energy, which will be required to maintain the required microclimate.
  • Easy to use and, as well as its maintainability.

Today, the following heating systems for industrial premises are most often used:

  • Central
  • Air;
  • Infrared.

Below we will consider the features of each of these types.

Heating options

Central water heating

In this case, the source of the heat resource is the local boiler house or central heating system. Heating is carried out thanks to the coolant, which circulates through the pipes and heats the heating radiators. The advantage of this solution is the possibility of relatively uniform heating of large areas.

Water heating of industrial buildings can be implemented in several ways. First of all, the system may differ in the type of fuel on which it can operate. Therefore, the choice of boilers depends on the availability of energy.

The most commonly used boilers are the following types:

Gas If it is possible to connect to a gas pipeline, then gas equipment would be a good option. However, it should be taken into account that the price of this type of fuel tends to increase.
Solid fuel They can be an economical solution, however, their operation is a rather labor-intensive process. True, some models are automated, i.e. There is no need to load fuel into the firebox with your own hands. However, in any case, you will have to take care of the firebox and chimney. Therefore, before giving preference to this type of equipment, it is necessary to estimate all its advantages and disadvantages.
Liquid fuel boiler The disadvantage is the need for a separate room and container for storing fuel. In addition, the stock will have to be constantly replenished, which is associated with additional transportation costs.
Electrical The equipment is convenient to use, however, it has one drawback - the high cost of operation. Therefore, as a rule, it is used only in cases where it is impossible to install other equipment or it is necessary to organize heating of a production space of 70 square meters or less.

It must be said that combination boilers that can operate on different types of fuel are excellent solutions. In particular, they are able to solve the heating problem in the event of interruptions in gas or electricity supply. Their only drawback is their high cost.

The main parameter by which these devices are classified is the types of burners that are installed. The following types of equipment are most often found on sale:

To save fuel, you can set the boiler to maintain a lower temperature during non-working hours than during working hours.

In addition to the type of equipment, water heating varies.

There are two schemes:

  • Single-pipe connection - all heating radiators in this case are connected in series to one pipe through which the coolant circulates. This option is suitable for heating only small rooms, since in large systems the last radiators in the chain heat up much less than the first.
  • Two-pipe connection - this scheme involves the use of separate pipes for supplying hot coolant and discharging cold coolant. This ensures more uniform heating of all radiators.

In industrial systems, as a rule, a two-pipe circuit is used.

Air heating

Air heating in production has been very popular for many years. Therefore, we can say that it has stood the test of time.

All this thanks to its following advantages:

  • Air heating has a higher efficiency than water heating.
  • The air is heated evenly throughout the entire room from floor to ceiling.
  • The ability to combine heating with a ventilation and air conditioning system.
  • Regular changes and air purification have a positive effect on the well-being of workers.
  • There are no heating radiators in the air system.

For heating large areas, this heating is the most optimal option.

Infrared heating

Infrared heaters allow you to arrange heating of industrial premises without resorting to traditional methods. Moreover, this solution is very effective.

They work according to this principle:

  • Emitters produce radiant energy;
  • This energy transfers heat to objects located around it;
  • In turn, these objects heat up the air.

Thus, the principle of operation of infrared heaters is reminiscent of the Sun, which heats the surface of the earth with infrared waves, resulting in heat exchange and heating of the air.

In the photo - infrared heater

Thanks to this principle, large temperature changes in the room are eliminated, as is the accumulation of hot air under the ceiling, as is the case with traditional heating methods.

According to the installation method, infrared heaters are divided into the following types:

  • Wall-mounted;
  • Ceiling;
  • Floor-standing;
  • Floor portable.

Based on the type of waves emitted, they can be:

  • Long-wave (dark) - their feature is that they do not emit light even at their operating temperature, which is 300-400 degrees Celsius.
  • Medium wave (light) - the operating temperature reaches 800 degrees, as a result of which they emit soft light during operation.
  • Short-wavelength - they glow quite brightly, with an operating temperature of 400 degrees and above.

Depending on the type of heating element, these devices can be:

  • Halogen - the disadvantage is that if hit or dropped, the vacuum tube may be damaged.
  • Carbon - the heating element of these devices is made of carbon fiber placed in a glass tube. The main advantage of the device, in comparison with halogen heaters, is reduced energy consumption (approximately two and a half times).
  • Ceramic - the heating element of the heater consists of ceramic tiles assembled into one reflector. The operating principle of the device is based on the flameless combustion of a gas-air mixture inside the heater, as a result of which it heats up and transfers thermal energy to surrounding objects.

Before deciding how to heat an industrial premises, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the advantages of this type of heating:

  • IR heaters are the only heating devices that allow spot or zone heating. Thanks to this, it is possible to maintain different temperatures in different parts of the room. Zone heating can be useful for heating workplaces, individual parts on a conveyor belt, young animals on livestock farms, etc.
  • They allow you to feel the warmth immediately after turning on the devices, even without pre-heating the rooms.
  • Due to its high efficiency and low energy consumption, infrared heating is the most economical. Moreover, energy savings reach 45 percent, which provides significant cost savings. As a result, the money invested in infrared heating quickly pays off.
  • IR devices are quite durable, light in weight and do not take up much space, making them easy to install. Moreover, each device comes with installation and operating instructions.

Thanks to all these properties, IR devices are used not only for heating industrial premises, but many others:

  • Shopping and sports facilities;
  • Greenhouses and conservatories;
  • Private houses and apartments;
  • Livestock farms.

As a result, infrared heating has become increasingly common in recent years.

Here, perhaps, are all the main options for arranging heating in industrial premises. Finally, we present a table that shows the specific heating characteristics of industrial buildings (qо, W/m³C°), as well as the specific thermal characteristics for ventilation of premises (qв, W/m³C°) and the heated volume of buildings (Vн).