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Cypress mix. Cypress indoor care at home Cypress: dwarf varieties and trees of medium height

Nootka cypress in the photo

Nootka cypress- a tree of the first size with a narrow-conical crown. Even in central Russia it is possible to overwinter it; light shelter is enough. It is valuable because the needles contain essential oil and vitamin C and, of course, for their decorative properties.

As you can see in the photo, this type of cypress plant is used for single and group plantings against the background of a lawn:


The most famous form is "Pen-dula". It is only 2.5 m in height, the crown is weeping, the shoots flow down.

Cypress pea fruit in the photo

Cypress pea- Japanese species, very original with its crown. It is narrowly pyramidal, the branches are directed upward, and their ends hang down. The needles are shiny, green, with whitish stripes. The tree is frost-resistant, loves moist soils and moist air.

This species is most in demand on rocky ridges, as it grows very slowly and has a squat crown.

Popular shape "Bollward". This is a dwarf, very slowly growing plant up to 1 m in height. It has a conical crown and climbing shoots with silver-blue needles.

Pay attention to the photo - in winter this variety of cypress turns lilac-blue:

Cypress in winter
Cypress in winter

The form “Filifera Aurea” belongs to the same species.- dwarf tree up to 1 m in height. The crown is wide-conical. From the ends of the branches hang bright yellow thread-like branches - annual shoots. Used as a tub culture.

Dumb cypress in its homeland in Japan, it is a large tree up to 35 m tall with a dense, wide, sharply rounded crown and characteristic hanging ends of the branches. The branches are flat. The bark is brownish-reddish, smooth. The needles are thick, scaly, dark green above and bluish-green below.

Look at the photo - this type of cypress has single cones on short petioles, brown-orange, up to 1 cm in diameter, ripen in the first year:

Cypress cones
Cypress cones

Like other types of cypress, obtuse has many decorative forms. The most interesting of them are dwarf, slow growing ones.

Among the very small, dwarf cypress trees there is a form "Nana".

Its height is only 50 cm. The branches, folded like the wings of a shell, extend from the compact bush in different directions. The needles are dark green, glossy.

The plant is very decorative, which allows it to be used indoors or in greenhouses, as well as in open ground on alpine hills.

Lawson's cypress- a very beautiful large tree. In North America, in forests it reaches a height of 20-25 m. It is characterized by horizontally growing branches with hanging tips. The bark is reddish-brown with round scaly plates. The needles of adult plants are greenish-gray above and bluish-green below. The cones are numerous, small, 7-8 mm in diameter.

There is a wide variety of forms, which are distinguished by small scale-like paired needles and small rounded fruit-cones - flat, with outgrowths in the center.

So, Allumium form- with blue needles, paws pointing upward, it is a decorative miracle. The height of a ten-year-old plant does not exceed 2 m. It is used for single plantings and original hedges.

Form "Columnaris"- a columnar, growing tree up to 2 m high. Used for single plantings and high borders.

Very popular dwarf Elwoodi form. The gray-green needles take on a blue hue with a metallic sheen in winter. The height of the tree is 1.5 m. It grows very slowly. Indispensable for alpine slides and in tub culture.

But the record for short stature was set by such a variety of cypress of this species as

"Minima Aurea"- at the age of ten he is only 30 cm tall.

This is a good material for bonsai. It grows very slowly. The form is very decorative due to the bright yellow needle scales. Used in alpine slides and tub culture.

Dwarf forms "Minima Glauka"

And "Lana", the same short, but inferior to the previous one in decorativeness. “Lana” is also called “golden feathers” for its year-round, yellow-colored needles. But the crown of the tree is often branchy, although in nature it has a conical shape.

Caring for cypress varieties in the garden (with photo)

Despite the diversity of species and forms of cypress trees, their biological requirements are generally similar, but differ significantly from the requirements of their relative cypress. These, in contrast to cypress, are slow-growing plants that cannot tolerate smoke in the air and dry soils. For successful care of all varieties of cypress trees, the best soils are fresh, sandy loam.

Plants can tolerate light darkening and are frost-resistant, but not absolutely. They do not tolerate strong winds. They live much shorter than cypress trees, whose trees can be hundreds of years old.

In the south, especially in the steppe zone, cypress trees are not entirely comfortable due to dry air and heavy soils. Therefore, it is better to focus on tub culture.

When caring for cypress in the garden, remember that at a young age these plants are moisture-loving, but high groundwater is contraindicated for them.

Mature, well-developed specimens show drought resistance in the summer; they simply do not produce growth until the onset of wet autumn.

Cypress trees add a southern flavor to household plots and summer cottages, even in central Russia.

At the end of winter - beginning of spring, the apical shoots of the previous year suffer in many species and decorative forms.

As shown in the photo, when caring for cypress trees, “burnt” and frozen shoots must be cut out:

Frozen shoots
Frozen shoots

During the period of spring awakening, it is good to spray with one of the growth stimulants (Energen, Epin, Zircon, Albit, etc.) and water the soil generously, especially after frosty winters.

Growing cypress from seeds, propagation by cuttings and grafting

Cypress trees, like most conifers, are propagated by seeds, cuttings and grafting.

To grow cypress trees, the seeds are collected when the boxes begin to open slightly. The seeds are dried in a ventilated area. It is better to sow with fresh seeds in late autumn, but it is also possible in the spring, having previously stratified them. The seeds are sown in the spring when they have sprouted, sprinkled with humus or peat chips on top. When sowing, heavy soils should be avoided.

For the winter, it is recommended to cover the crops with fallen leaves or lightly sprinkle them with humus. In spring, the cover is removed gradually. Growing of seedlings occurs in stages, that is, the emerging seedlings are planted in the 2nd year, where they are given a large feeding area - 20-30 cm, and are grown there for 3-4 years. When transplanting to a permanent place or to another bed, be sure to save a lump of earth.

All garden forms are propagated vegetatively, mainly by cuttings. To propagate cypress, cuttings are cut with a “heel” measuring 5-8 cm and 2.5 mm thick. The “heel” is a piece of wood at the attachment point of the annual shoot. It is better to take cuttings from young, well-developed plants. You can cut them in spring and summer. Spring ones take root better.

Rooting requires a warm substrate, which is created in a greenhouse where there is a layer of manure and soil. It is necessary to provide a layer of sand on top of the ground - 1-1.5 cm. Cuttings take root in 1-1.5 months.

If the root system develops well, then after a year they are planted in the ground, where they remain for 3-4 years. With slow growth and a weak root system, the cuttings are left for another 1-2 years in the greenhouse.

Cypress grafting requires special skills. It can be done at the end of summer and winter in a greenhouse or room.

Two to three year old seedlings of cypress, cypress or thuja are taken as a rootstock. The grafting method is from the side into the cleft if the cutting is much thinner than the rootstock, and from the side into the butt if the cuttings are strong. The month of grafting depends on the maturation of the shoot (August - September).

Winter vaccinations begin in February and end with the awakening of shoot growth - at the end of April. Immediately before grafting, the soil under the rootstocks is watered abundantly.

Today, many varieties and types of cypress are known. There are differences between them in appearance, as well as in the characteristics of care and cultivation. By paying attention to this plant, as well as observing certain rules for its maintenance, you can acquire a lush and beautiful representative of the flora at home or in your summer cottage.

What it is?

Cypress is an evergreen coniferous plant of the Cypress family. The genus has more than 10 species, represented by trees and bushes. In the wild, this plant is quite common. The ornamental tree grows in areas where tropical and subtropical climates predominate., namely in European, Asian countries, in North America. The tree is considered a long-liver, as it has a lifespan of about 300 years. Under favorable environmental conditions, it lives longer. Many plants are characterized by straight trunks and a pyramidal crown; there are other species, the external description of which indicates their similarity to lush and spreading bushes.

In its natural environment, cypress grows up to 30 meters, but in private plots you can find trees with no less attractive appearance and with a height of no more than 200 centimeters.

The growth of the skeletal branches of a coniferous representative is directed upward, while they fit tightly to the trunk. It is this feature that makes the tree slender and beautiful. There are shoots on the branches of the plant; they are characterized by thinness and softness. The shoots are characterized by active branching. The foliage of cypress is fern-like and has a rich green color. Young representatives have needle-like foliage, but after 4 years of life it turns into scale-like.

It has been noted that age has a beneficial effect on the decorative properties of cypress. This tree is a gymnosperm and bears both female and male cones. The latter are colored gray-brown and also have a diameter of about 0.35 centimeters. The ripening of the cones occurs in the second year of the tree’s existence. The cones are covered with scales, under which the seeds are located.

Normal growth and vital activity of Cypress trees is possible at home, but with due attention and care. Some gardeners classify it as an indoor plant because it emits a lemon-type scent. To grow it at home, you can use not only cultivated varieties, but also wild ones. This plant is considered an excellent air purifier, which is able to absorb harmful substances and saturate the indoor air with oxygen and phytoncides.

Types and varieties

Currently, flora lovers can grow in their garden, as well as indoors, any of the varieties or types of cypress, of which there are a large number.


This variety of coniferous plant, whose homeland is the Eastern Mediterranean. Pyramid cypress is also called Italian. The tree is characterized by a wide crown in the form of a column and a height of about 35 meters. The plant grows to this size in approximately 100 years. The original form of cypress was obtained thanks to the work of breeders. This long-liver is characterized by good frost resistance; it tolerates frost of 20 degrees.

The ideal place for the life of a pyramidal species is a hilly area. The plant has a positive attitude towards mountains and poor soils. The tree is covered with small needles, which are colored emerald. The formation of cones occurs on small branches that are colored brown. The growth of a young individual is faster than that of an adult. After reaching 100 years, the pyramidal cypress stops growing. This plant serves as an excellent decoration for country houses, alleys, and park areas.


The Arizona cypress tree is native to Mexico, Arizona. A representative that lives in its natural environment grows on mountain slopes. Even 20 years ago, this beautiful plant began to be grown in private plots, parks and gardens. Representatives of this family are characterized by a long lifespan, which in some cases reaches 500 years. During this time, the tree grows up to 2000 centimeters. The bark of representatives of this species is gray, but turns brown over time. Arizona cypress wood is similar to walnut, it has high hardness and low weight. The tree can tolerate drought and frost, and grows quite quickly.


Evergreen cypress is also called common cypress; the shape of this tree resembles a pyramid. The narrow crown of the plant is formed by short branches that fit tightly to the trunk. The common cypress is cone-shaped and can grow up to 3000 centimeters. The needles are small, elongated, scaly, they are pressed tightly against the branches in a cross-shaped manner. The cones hang from short shoots and are characterized by a diameter of 30 mm.

This type of plant is characterized by rapid growth. Lovers of green spaces can also encounter common cypress with red needles. It prefers shaded areas and survives at temperatures as low as minus 20 degrees. The tree is not picky about soil, and the possible presence of stones in the soil will not interfere with its growth.

Excessive moisture has a detrimental effect on wood. This representative of the flora is a long-liver; it begins to produce cones at the age of 5 years. This type of cypress is trimmed for decorative purposes. Neatly trimmed trees serve as an excellent decoration for the area.


Lemon cypress is an indoor plant; it is distinguished by a pleasant pine-lemon aroma and elongated shape. The flower is quite beautiful, but whimsical. The needles of the ornamental plant are colored light green. The plant is characterized by drought resistance and an unpretentious attitude towards the soil. Lemon cypress grows slowly, but lives long.


The dwarf cypress is a tree with a pyramidal crown, it is quite similar to the thuja. The bark of the tree is brownish-brown in color and is covered with scales and cracks. The branches can be either drooping or spreading. The shoots of the plant are flattened. The needles of the dwarf cypress are opposite and arranged crosswise. Young individuals are covered with needle-shaped needles. Male cones are oval-shaped and small in size, while female cones are round and covered with scales.

Goldcrest Wilma

This variety of evergreen survives better than others at home. It looks like a miniature Christmas tree, which is covered with narrow leaves. The color of the shoots is light green, sometimes even yellow. The small scaly leaves emit a lemony scent. This flower is popular in apartments and office spaces due to its attractive appearance and unpretentiousness. "Goldcrest Wilma" prefers diffused lighting, too much of which can cause needles to fall off. A favorable temperature for the plant is considered moderate; if it exceeds 27 degrees, the plant dries out. To make the cypress crown look well-groomed, it should be trimmed; this process stimulates the growth of new branches.

How to care for a tree?

Growing cypress implies the correct procedures associated with caring for it. Since this is a subtropical plant, it should choose a warm, bright place without direct sunlight. The tree prefers a large growing space. In the summer, room temperature is considered optimal for an evergreen representative, but at the same time with constant and optimal moisture. In winter, the cypress should be moved to a room with a temperature of 5-10 degrees above zero.

The number of waterings in winter should be reduced, however, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. In summer, cypress should be placed on windows facing north or east, and in winter – to the south. In the room where the tree grows there must be sufficient sunlight; direct rays should be excluded. In winter, if there is a lack of natural light, it is worth using artificial light.

When irrigating cypress, you should observe regularity and abundance. But you should not violate the moderation of this process, since an excessive amount of moisture or its lack can destroy the plant. It is worth spraying the coniferous representative in the morning and also in the evening. During the procedure, settled water at room temperature should be used. In the cold season, the plant does not need to be watered frequently; it should be irrigated once every 7 days, and spraying should be stopped altogether before the onset of warm weather.

Cypress trees prefer high air humidity. Indoor humidity levels must be maintained by watering and spraying. The soil for planting an evergreen tree should be loose. The substrate can be purchased in stores or prepared yourself. To make soil, you need to mix river sand, turf soil, peat in equal quantities and 2 parts of leaf soil.

This coniferous representative of the flora is exotic, so conventional fertilizers are not suitable for it, and humus is considered harmful. The ideal feeding option in this case is liquid fertilizer with minerals, which is intended for coniferous species. It is worth feeding cypress once in May, June, July and August. It is worth making sure that the fertilizer does not contain a lot of nitrogen and that magnesium is present.

How to transplant it?

The loss of useful qualities of the soil mixture under cypress occurs within a few years after planting, so for the plant to function normally, it should be transplanted into a new substrate. The same procedure is necessary after purchasing a living decorative decoration for your home. The best time to carry out the work is considered to be spring. Due to the fact that cypress has a sensitive root system, it is better to replant it by transshipment.

The first step is to thoroughly water the soil, since it is easier to remove the plant from wet soil. The cypress must be removed from the pot along with a lump of earth. The substrate, which crumbles easily, must be removed and the roots inspected for damage. If a young shoot is detected, it is separated from the base of the trunk together with the root system. The separation area should be lubricated with garden varnish.

Next, you need to plant each of the plants in separate containers, an adult cypress in a large pot, and a young one in a smaller one. In this case, the young plant should be covered with a glass jar, which will promote better rooting. Do not forget that the bottom of the container should be covered with drainage, on top of which soil should be poured.

Diseases and pests

In most cases, cypress is attacked by a pest such as a scale insect; it sucks the juices from the foliage of the plant, causing it to dry out. You can also find spider mites on it, the cause of which is insufficient air humidity in the room. Both parasites die when a coniferous tree is sprayed with Actellik solution. It is worth diluting 2 ml of the substance per 1000 milliliters of water. If the pests do not disappear completely, then the spraying procedure should be repeated after 7 days.

Several decades ago, growing a coniferous tree in an apartment was out of the question, but today it is available to everyone. Dwarf and ornamental coniferous plants are quite suitable for these purposes. Thuja, some varieties of cedar, cryptomeria, and cypress are grown quite successfully at home. There is also a plant called chamaekiparis in this list (indoor cypress, cypress, chamaekiparis). This plant not only decorates the house, but also benefits the health of its inhabitants, releasing beneficial substances into the air that kill bacteria and germs. In addition, indoor chamaecypress will fill the house with subtle forest aromas.

Short description

The description of Hamaecypressus should begin with the fact that it is a representative of monoecious coniferous evergreen trees belonging to the Cypressaceae family. And in appearance, this beauty resembles a real cypress: cone-shaped, with cones and needles. In nature, wild cypress grows up to 70 meters, and at home its height does not exceed two to three meters. The most commonly grown ornamental species of this plant are: Dull, Lawsona, Nutkansky, Pea-fruited, Large-fruited. All these species have differences in appearance, but they are united by the shape of the crown, an erect trunk, cones with downward and slightly protruding scales. An exception is the weeping species of Cashmere cypress, whose branches hang down.

Features of care

To provide Hamaecypress with proper care at home, you need to know its biological characteristics. So, an ornamental tree loves light, but also tolerates shadow quite well. But drafts are extremely undesirable for him. The most favorable place to place the pot is a north or east window. However, indoor cypress will still need shading on these windows in the summer. To “dilute” the greenery, create a small floral group arrangement by including brightly flowering plants.

Caring for Hamaecypress at home also includes regular light watering. In this case, the substrate in the pot must be fertile and very well drained. If the room has high humidity, then 2-3 moderate waterings per month will be enough. Make sure that the earthen ball never dries out! Spraying will not be amiss, and in winter chamaekypress can be kept in a tray with water.

And now about how to care for chamaekiparis in the winter. Firstly, the plant needs a cool winter. The optimal temperature is no higher than 10 and no lower than 7-8 degrees Celsius. Of course, such a temperature in an apartment is unacceptable, but an insulated balcony or loggia is an excellent option. But watering should be significantly reduced. You can even replace it with a tray filled with water and pebbles.

Hamaecypress propagates by both cuttings and seeds. To propagate this tree using cuttings, in the spring you need to separate it from woody cuttings of the mother plant. As for germinating seeds, this process is very labor-intensive, lengthy and not always justified.

And finally. How to care for chamaecypress so that the indoor plant does not turn into a real tree? Firstly, do not use a variety of fertilizers for conifers unless necessary, so as not to provoke active growth. Secondly, in the autumn, you can prune the chamaecyparis, thereby adjusting its height.

By providing indoor chamaekiparis with optimal conditions for growth and proper care, you will get a beautiful plant that will provide your home with clean and fresh air.

Hamaecypress Elwoodi (plant)

Briefly: A living New Year's souvenir. The plant is as in the photo, height is about 30-40 cm. Description Hamaecypress Elwoodi or Cypress belongs to the Cypress family. This species is specially bred for indoor culture. It looks very decorative.
Cone-shaped crown. The branches are green and shiny above, bluish below. With age, the needles acquire a bluish tint. Shade-tolerant, moisture-loving, unpretentious. Not damaged by pests and diseases. At a young age, the tree tolerates shade, but later becomes more light-loving. Grows best in light, moist soils.
Temperature: Moderate, cool in winter - at least +5°C, optimal wintering at +8-10°C. From the end of May to the end of August, it is better to keep cypress in the fresh air, in the shade and protected from drafts. Hot air from central heating radiators is destructive for cypress.
Lighting: Cypress needs bright diffused light, shading from direct sunlight, especially in summer. In winter, cypress needs a bright room. If in summer it is not permissible to keep cypress on an open windowsill (except for northern windows), then in winter you will have to move the cypress as close to the light as possible, even to the southern window, but only until the hot spring sun. With a lack of light, the cypress stretches out and loses its shape; on the contrary, with too much light, the leaves turn yellow and crumble.
Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn. Moderate in winter. Cypress does not tolerate excess water and does not tolerate drying out of the soil. More precisely, drying out the earthen coma is simply destructive for the conifer. Watering in winter depends on the room temperature, for example, when kept at a temperature of 8°C, watering will be approximately once every 10 days, and at a temperature of 12-14°C once every 5-7 days.
Fertilizer feeding: From May to August, potted plants are fed with liquid mineral fertilizer for indoor plants, the fertilizer is taken at half the recommended dose. Feeding is carried out once a month.
Air humidity: Regular spraying in spring and summer. If in winter it is not possible to provide the cypress with a cool room, then it should also be sprayed with warm water in the morning and evening.
Transplantation: Annually in spring, in April - May. Cypress does not tolerate injury to the root system very well, so complete replanting with replacement of soil is only necessary, but usually transshipment is used, with partial replacement of the top layer of soil. Simply put, potted plants replace only that soil, which is easily separated from the roots itself if the conifer is removed from the pot. Soil for cypress - 1 part turf soil, 2 parts leaf soil, 1 part peat soil, 1 part sand. Cypress loves loose soil; when replanting, make sure that the root collar is not buried in the ground, otherwise the plant may die. Good drainage is a must.
Reproduction: By lignified cuttings in spring and summer. Seeds in spring.

Cypress (Chamaecyparis) cypress family

Cypress (Chamaecyparis) - the genus is represented by evergreen monoecious trees and shrubs. There are 6 species in the genus, native to North America, Japan and Taiwan. Tall types of cypress develop into a columnar tree with a regular crown shape and durable wood that resists pests and wood-destroying fungi for a very long time. Of the 6 species, only 4 species are cultivated in our Central European gardens. All of them are more or less cone-shaped trees with a straight trunk and drooping tips of shoots and branches.

The branches are flat, the needles are scaly, cross-shaped, often whitish on the underside. Male flowers appear in large numbers and are quite decorative. Female flowers are located one at a time on the side branches and are inconspicuous. The cones are small (up to 8 mm), spherical, hard, woody, with convex scales, with or without a point, and ripen in the first year. A seed with two wings.

Propagated by seeds, cuttings, grafting. Prefers moist soils, avoids calcareous soils. Shade-tolerant. Resistant to city conditions. Durable.

Because Chamaecyparis species mutate easily, gardeners have developed a huge variety of growth forms and needle colors over the past 100 years. Cypress trees are a large and very diverse group of evergreen coniferous plants; in city parks and gardens, cypress trees can create an interesting picture.

Let's consider the most decorative, unpretentious frost-resistant cypress varieties and species that can be used in decorative landscaping throughout Ukraine without any problems:

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson's cypress)

The distribution area of ​​Lawson's cypress in nature is in the mountains on the North American coast of the Pacific Ocean, climbing low into the mountains, where it settles in wet coastal valleys at an altitude of up to 1700 m above sea level. In its homeland, the tree is 30-40 m high with a trunk diameter of up to 3 m. In the middle zone in cultivation, its size is much smaller. The root system is superficial with a large number of fine roots, it is not picky about soil composition, can grow on all cultivated garden soils that are not too dry, develops optimally on moderately nutritious garden soils, from fresh to moist, acidity can vary widely, ranging from acidic to ending with slightly alkaline. Its great advantage is its resistance to pests and diseases; it is practically not susceptible to disease. Lawson's cypress is light-loving, but can also grow in the shade; varieties whose colors contain blue and yellow tones; in shady places the color saturation decreases, but in general the decorative effect is preserved. Lawson's cypress is one of the most beautiful representatives of coniferous plants; the richest variety of forms allows it to be used in any composition, purpose and style, as well as in a container version. Ornamental garden varieties of Cypress Lawson:

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson's cypress) 'Columnaris'

A fast-growing, densely branched tree in the shape of a straight column, the crown branches out from the ground itself, and retains its shape in old age. Annual growth in height is 20 cm, width is 5 cm, at 10 years it reaches 3-4 m in height. adult plant about 6-10 m high. and 1-1.5 (2) m wide. The needles are gray-blue, later more bluish-green. Undemanding to soil and climate, resistant to industrial emissions, shade-tolerant. One of the most frost-resistant varieties of Lawson cypress. It is recommended to plant separately and as an element of garden compositions. An excellent plant for a hedge. Winter hardiness zone 6A

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson's cypress) 'Dart's Blue Ribbon'

A valuable fast-growing, columnar variety, reaching 3 m in height at the age of 10 years. The scales are bright blue. It is undemanding to soil and moisture, especially frost-resistant. Used as a color and form element in compositions. Winter hardiness zone 6A

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson's cypress) 'Ivonne'

Cypress with a conical, tightly closed crown, branches growing straight, fan-shaped, characterized by high frost resistance and rapid growth. At 10 years it reaches 2.5 m in height, an adult plant is about 5-7 m in height. and 2-3 m wide. Very old specimens can be even taller. The needles are golden-yellow or pure yellow, greenish-yellow in the shade, and retain their color in winter. Requires fertile, moist soils. Recommended as a bright element in garden compositions. Tolerates clipping well and is currently considered the best yellow form. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson's cypress) 'Pelt's Blue' - Van Pelts Blue

A small slender cone-shaped fast-growing tree, the branches grow strictly vertically. At the age of 10 it reaches heights. 3 m. mature plant about 5-8 m. high. and 1.2-1.5 (1.8) m wide. The scales fit tightly to the branches of a bright steel color with a blue coating. Currently considered the bluest cypress with a columnar shape. Soil and moisture requirements are average. The variety is frost-resistant. Recommended for color compositions. Winter hardiness zone 6A

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson's cypress) 'Stardust'

A wide-cone-shaped variety, quite fast-growing, about 20-25 cm per year, reaches 2-2.5 m in height at the age of 10 years, an adult plant is about 8-10 m in height. and 3.5-4 m wide. The shoots are pinnate, densely arranged, golden yellow, retain color even inside the bush. It appeared in Europe only in 1965, and in 2002 it won the award of the English Royal Horticultural Society. To grow it requires fertile and moist soil. The variety is frost-resistant. Tolerates haircuts well. Recommended for flower garden compositions. Winter hardiness zone 6A

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nutkan or yellow cypress)

The distribution area of ​​Nutkan cypress in nature is the coast of North America, from Oregon to southern Alaska. It grows in the mountains, rising to a height of 2500 m, in deep, cool-moist, predominantly acidic soils. Wild species in their homeland reach a height of 30-40 m and a width of 5-7 m. The root system is superficial, in general it is not picky about soils, it only requires sufficiently moist soil and air, this is its native element. The amount of nutrients comes second after water supply. Light-loving, can grow in the shade, very winter-hardy. Nutkan cypress is one of the most beautiful representatives of coniferous plants; especially attention should be paid to weeping forms.

Decorative garden varieties of Nutkan or yellow cypress:

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nutka cypress) ‘Aurea’

A fairly fast-growing tree with a symmetrical cone-shaped crown, an annual growth of about 25-30 cm in height, 15 cm in width, with age with a strong straight trunk and strong dense raised or spreading branches, with slightly hanging tips of the shoots. At the age of 10 years, reaching 2.5 m in height, an adult plant is 15-20 m, very old specimens can be much taller. Wild species reach 30-40 m in height and 5 (7) m in width in their homeland. The color of young growths is yellowish, then greenish-yellow, dim. Soil and moisture requirements are average, avoid calcareous soils. Frost-resistant. Due to the shallow, flat root system, young plants may suffer in winter in very dry areas. Shade-tolerant. Recommended for planting in large gardens and parks. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nutka cypress) ‘Compacta’

The dwarf form has a dense ovoid or spherical shape. The shrub grows relatively slowly, annually adding 5-7 cm in height and 8-10 cm in width, reaching approx. 1 m. height The size of an adult plant does not exceed 1.5-1.8 m in height, the diameter of the bush is 2.5-2.8 m. Sometimes up to 3.0 m. The shoots are short, highly branched, some lie in a horizontal plane, others extend into sides at different angles, grow unevenly, resulting in the formation of an asymmetrical, irregular, yet attractive, very dense, compact, rounded crown. The needles are tender, green with a bluish waxy coating. Soil and moisture requirements are average; it loves open sunny places, although it can grow in drafty shade. Winter hardiness is high. Recommended for growing in small areas, near houses, in a small mixed group of plants, for alpine slides. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nutka cypress) ‘Glauca’

A fast growing variety with a symmetrical cone shape. The annual increase in height is about 25-30 cm, in width 15 cm, reaching 3 m in height at 10 years. The size of an adult plant is 15-20 m tall, very old plants can be taller. Width 5-6 (7) m. The branches are very strong, dense, raised or spreading, the branches and shoots are thicker than those of other varieties, often hanging strongly, the shoots are slightly drooping, heavy. The needles are greenish-blue. Soil and moisture requirements are average, avoid calcareous soils. Shade-tolerant. Frost-resistant. Removes harmful emissions. Recommended for planting in large gardens and parks. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nootka cypress) ‘Jubilee’

Beautiful weeping form. A fairly fast-growing, extremely narrow, pyramidal, graceful tree with a strong central leader. The annual growth is about 20-25 cm, at the age of 10 it reaches 2.5 m in height. The shoots are long, hanging, green. Soil and moisture requirements are average. An excellent form for single plantings in small gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nootka cypress) ‘Pendula’

Nootka cypress Pendula is a fabulously beautiful variety, one of the most beautiful varieties among weeping coniferous trees. Widely spreading, broadly conical weeping tree form. The needles are dark green, the side shoots and the top are drooping. A fast-growing variety, annual height growth is 15-25 cm, at 10 years it reaches about 3 m in height, an adult plant reaches up to 10-15 m in height, crown diameter is about 3.5-5.5 m. Moderate requirements for soil and climate. A beautiful tree, recommended as a tapeworm, in a prominent place. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nootka cypress) ‘Variegata’

One of the most elegant two-tone forms. Crown, symmetrical pyramidal. The trunk is smooth, the skeletal branches are long, slightly arched, the apex and ends of the shoots are drooping. It grows slowly, at 10 years it reaches 1.5 m in height. The needles are very attractively colored, green with a large number of scattered white spots. Soil and moisture requirements are average. Looks effective in solitary plantings. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis obtusa (blunt cypress)

The distribution range of the wild species of obtuse cypress in nature is the wet rainy mountain forests of Japan, rising to a height of 500 to 1500 m above sea level, on nutrient-rich, moist, well-drained, non-calcareous soils. In nature, it is a rather large, tall tree, reaching 35-40 m in height with a thick, massive trunk. In culture its size is incomparably smaller. Photophilous, tolerates partial shade, prefers humus-rich, fresh, moist, well-drained fertile soils, from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline.

Decorative garden varieties of obtuse cypress:

Chamaecyparis obtusa (Drath)

Cypress obtuse Dras is an interesting slow-growing narrow-conical bush. At 10 years it reaches about 2 m in height. The needles are gray-green. The branches are straight, very thick (similar to the shoots of a moss). Needs fertile and moist soil. Recommended for Japanese and rocky gardens, as well as mixed compositions, especially in small gardens. Grows in sunny and semi-shaded places. Winter hardiness zone 6A

Chamaecyparis obtusa (blunt cypress) ‘Nana Gracilis’

A dwarf, very decorative, slow-growing shrub with an irregular, wide-conical crown. At 10 years it reaches about 0.5 m in height. The branching is dense, densely growing, the branches have the shape of a twisted shell and shiny dark green needles. Needs fairly fertile and moist soil and a secluded place. Recommended for small, Japanese and rocky gardens. Grows in sunny and semi-shaded places. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea cypress)

The distribution area of ​​the wild species of pea cypress is the mountainous regions of Japan, damp in summer, on moist, rich soils. In nature, the pea cypress is a fairly large tall tree, about 30-40 m, in cultivation the size of the plant is approximately half that. Under cultural conditions, it requires fertile soils and periodic watering. Does not tolerate dry air well; periodic sprinkling is recommended. Light-loving, but at the same time shade-tolerant. A wide variety of garden forms and high frost resistance allow this beautiful species to be widely used in moderately cold, humid areas. Due to the abundance of forms, the use of pea cypress is varied: containers, slides, single plantings.

Decorative garden varieties of cypress pea:

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Cypress pea) ‘Boulevard’

Cypress pea "Boulevard" is a cone-shaped dense compact shrub, in youth it grows very slowly, with age it grows moderately, reaching about 2 m in height at 10 years, an adult plant reaches up to 5 m in height and 1.2-2 m in width. The needles are soft, non-thorny, silver-blue in summer, gray-blue in winter, one of the bluest varieties among decorative conifers. It is frost-resistant and undemanding, grows on all cultivated drained garden soils, is quite resistant to industrial emissions, and does not tolerate long periods of heat and drought. Grows best in fertile, moist soils in an open position. Recommended for small home gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Cypress pea) ‘Bady Blue’

The mutant of the popular variety ‘Boulevard’ differs from its ancestor in having a denser, more compact crown. Characterized by slow growth, initially oval with age, a wide-cone-shaped crown. At the age of 10 years it reaches about 0.6 m in height and 0.9 m in width. The needles are needle-shaped, delicate, soft, silver-blue. Requires sufficiently fertile and moist soils. Recommended for small areas and color compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Curly Tops)

Mutant variety ‘Boulevard’. A very decorative, slow-growing shrub with a dense cone-shaped shape. Reaches up to 1.5 m in height at the age of 10 years. The needles are needle-shaped, soft, with twisted ends, reminiscent of astrakhan fur, bright silver-blue. Needs fertile and moist soils. Recommended for small areas and color compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Filifera)

A tree with a spreading, wide-conical crown. Fast-growing, at 10 years it reaches 2.5 m in height. The shoots are thin, long, decoratively hanging, thread-like at the ends of the branches. The needles are scaly, dark green. Needs fertile, moist soils. Recommended for parks and large gardens, in group and single plantings. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Filifera Aurea)

Wide-conical shrub, reaching 1.5 m in height at 10 years. The branching is atypical, the branches are rope-like and drooping. The needles are golden yellow. Undemanding to soil and moisture. Photophilous, tolerates slight shade. Recommended for single plantings and garden compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Filifera Aurea Nana)

A dwarf, slow-growing variety of flat-spherical or rounded shrub, reaches up to 0.4 m in height at the age of 10 years, width is about 0.6 m, an adult plant reaches about 1.5 m in height and is twice as wide. The shoots are hanging, cord-like. The color is bright golden yellow and retains color in winter. Light-loving, brings a little shade. Soil and moisture requirements are average. Soils range from fresh to moist, acidic to alkaline. Recommended for small gardens, alpine slides and rock gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Filifera Nana)

A dwarf, very slow-growing, flat-spherical or rounded shrub, 0.5 m tall at the age of 10 years. The shoots are thin, rope-like, hanging, green. Requires relatively moist and fertile soil. Grows in sunny and semi-shaded places. Recommended for small and rocky gardens, alpine slides and rock gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Cypress pea) ‘Nana’

Pea cypress "Nana" is a dwarf variety, very slow growing, forms a cushion-shaped crown. Annual growth is 2.5 cm or less. At the age of 10 years it reaches up to 0.3 m in height and 0.5 m in diameter. The shoots are densely arranged, curly, bright green. Soil and moisture requirements are average. Prefers sun to partial shade. Recommended for containers, rock gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Cypress pea) ‘Nana Aureovariegata’

Cushion-shaped, very slow-growing, annual growth less than 2.5 cm, at the age of 10 it reaches only 0.2 m in height. with a diameter of 0.4 m. The shoots are short, curly, dense, dark green with small scattered yellow fragments. Soil and moisture requirements are average. Prefers sun to partial shade. Recommended for small gardens, alpine slides and rock gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Cypress pea) ‘Plumosa’

A cone-shaped fast-growing variety, annual growth in height is about 15-20 cm, width is 10-15 cm, reaches about 2 m in height at the age of 10 years, with age the growth rate weakens. With age it forms small trees. An adult plant reaches up to 10-12 m in height and about 4-5 m in crown diameter. The crown is wide-conical or pyramidal, symmetrical with a beautiful regular silhouette, with dense arched, pinnately curly shoots. The needles are scaly and needle-shaped, bright green in color. Needs fertile and moist soils, tolerates short-term stagnation of water in the upper layers of the soil. Shade-tolerant, resistant to industrial emissions. The variety is especially valuable for forming hedges. Planted in a row every 0.6-0.8 m. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Plumosa Aurea)

Pea cypress ‘Plumosa Aurea’ is a cone-shaped, rather fast-growing variety, the growth pattern is the same as ‘Plumosa’. At a young age, growth is more active, the tree adds 15-20 cm annually, then the growth rate slows down and the growth does not exceed 7-10 cm, reaching about 1.5 m in height at the age of 10 years. With age it forms a small tree. An adult plant reaches up to 8-9 m in height and about 3.0-3.5 m in crown diameter. A tree with a dense dense shape, wide-cone-shaped, symmetrical with a beautiful regular silhouette, with arched, pinnately curly shoots. The needles are scaly and needle-shaped, bright yellow in color. Requires fertile and moist soils, ranging from acidic to alkaline. Photophilous, resistant to industrial emissions. Recommended for single plantings and mixed color compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Plumosa Aurea Compacta)

A dense, slow-growing shrub, initially round and then broadly cone-shaped. At the age of 10 years it reaches about 1 m in height. The needles are in the form of scales and needles of golden-green color. Grows best in fertile and moist soils. Sun-loving. Recommended for small gardens as a color accent. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Cypress pea) ‘Snow’

Cypress pea "Snow" is a very attractive snow-white low shrub, with a flat-spherical and later cone-shaped crown. A shrub with bluish-blue-green needles mottled with white tips, seemingly covered with frost, this is especially pronounced in the spring. Slow growing, at the age of 10 years up to 0.5 m in height and 0.8 in width. An adult plant reaches up to 2 m in height and about 2 m in width. The shoots are small, tender, soft, densely located. The color of young shoots is creamy-white, then bluish-green. Somewhat sensitive to open hot sun and dry winds, the needles burn. It is preferable to plant in a sheltered location that is shaded from the hot afternoon sun. Requires fertile and moist soils and is tolerant of air pollution. Recommended for small gardens, as a color element of compositions, as a container plant. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Cypress pea) ‘Sungold’

Beautiful dwarf form with a hemispherical crown, at 10 years 0.5 m in height, annual growth of 3-4 cm, an adult plant reaches a maximum height of 1 m and 2 m in diameter. The shoots are thin, thread-like, hanging beautifully to the ground, and grow evenly. The needles are scaly, soft, yellow-green or golden. Soil and moisture requirements are average. It is recommended to plant in a sunny location, in rocky and heather gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5B

The richest variety of garden forms of cypress allows it to be used in any composition, designated style, as well as in a container version. Cypress trees are beautiful both as a single plant and in various groups and hedges. We must remember that bright varieties with yellow and blue needles need plenty of light.

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What is the difference between thuja and cypress

Cypress is a tall, long-lived tree. Outwardly it resembles a cypress, but has thickened shoots and small cones with a diameter of 12 mm with 2 seeds. The crown is pyramidal with drooping branches. The leaves are green, pointed and tightly pressed. In young plants the leaf blade is needle-shaped, in adults it becomes scale-like.

Cypress is often confused with another evergreen tree - thuja. The plants belong to the same Cypress family and are very similar in appearance.

A comparison of the characteristics of these plants is given in the table:


Genus of evergreen monoecious trees

Shrub, rarely tree

Large tree

Reaches 50 m

Grows up to 70 m

Average lifespan – 150 years

Lifespan 100–110 years

Scale-like, cross-lying needles

Scale-like opposite needles

Oval cones

Round or elongated cones

Branches are located horizontally or directed upwards

Drooping shoots

Releases a strong ethereal aroma

The smell is weak, has a sweetish note

Found in the middle zone

Prefers subtropical climate

Cypress in landscape design

Cypress tolerates urban conditions and grows in shade and partial shade. In hot weather, its growth slows down. The tree is sensitive to moisture deficiency in the soil and air, so before planting, consider an irrigation system. Cypress is suitable for decorating recreation areas of country houses, sanatoriums, recreation centers, and parks.

Cypress needles are highly decorative. The color depends on the variety; it ranges from light green to deep dark. Plants with golden and bluish-smoky needles are especially valued.

Due to its high winter hardiness and unpretentiousness, cypress is successfully grown in the middle zone. Depending on the variety, trees have different sizes. Tall hybrids are more often used in single plantings. Primroses and perennial herbs grow well under them.

Cypress is used for single and group plantings. A gap of 1 to 2.5 m is maintained between plants. Trees are suitable for creating a hedge, then a gap of 0.5–1 m is maintained between them.

Advice! Low-growing varieties of cypress are used in flower beds, rocky gardens, alpine hills and terraces.

Lawson cypress and pea fruit are grown indoors. Plants are planted in small containers and pots. They are placed on windows or verandas on the north side. To prevent the tree from growing, it is grown using the bonsai technique.

Types and varieties of cypress

The Cypress genus includes 7 species. All of them grow in the subtropical zones of Asia and North America. They are also cultivated in warm temperate climates. All varieties are frost-resistant.

Lawson's cypress

The species is named after the Swedish botanist P. Lawson, who became its discoverer. Lawson cypress wood is valued for its light weight, pleasant aroma and resistance to rotting. It is used in furniture production, as well as for the production of plywood, sleepers, and finishing materials. In recent years, the distribution area of ​​this species has decreased significantly due to massive logging.

Lawson's cypress is a tree up to 50–60 m high. The trunk is straight, the girth reaches 2 m. The crown is pyramidal in shape, the top is drooping, curved. The species is resistant to diseases and pests. In spring it is susceptible to sunburn. Prefers sandy, moist soils. It is recommended to plant it in the European part of Russia to create hedges.

Varieties of Lawson cypress trees with names, photos and descriptions:

  1. Aurea. The tree is cone-shaped and has medium vigor. Reaches a height of 2 m. The branches are dense and green. Young growths are beige in color.
  1. Fletchery. Columnar-shaped tree. In 5 years, the variety reaches a height of 1 m. The shoots are raised, greenish-blue, with needles and scales. Prefers fertile soils and lighted places.
  1. Aluminum gold. Compact cone-shaped variety. The tree grows quickly, reaching 1.5 m in 5 years. The shoots are straight, young shoots are yellow, and over time they become bluish-gray. The variety is unpretentious to soil quality and humidity.

Cypress blunt-leaved

In nature, the blunt-leaved cypress grows in Japan and on the island of Taiwan. It is planted next to temples and monasteries. The species has a wide conical crown. The tree grows up to 40 m, the trunk diameter is up to 2 m. Decorative properties are preserved throughout the year. Frost resistance is above average; after a harsh winter it can freeze slightly. The decorative effect lasts all year round. Does not tolerate urban conditions well, grows better in forested areas.

Varieties of blunt-leaved cypress:

  1. Coralliformis. Dwarf variety with a pyramidal crown. In 10 years it grows up to 70 cm. The branches are strong, dark green, twisted, reminiscent of corals. The variety prefers fertile soil with high humidity.
  1. Tatsumi Gold. The variety grows slowly, has a spherical, flat, openwork shape. The shoots are powerful, strong, twisted, greenish-golden in color. Demanding on soil moisture and fertility.
  1. Dras. An original variety with a narrow-conical crown. Grows up to 1 m in 5 years. The needles are green-gray, the shoots are straight and thick. Suitable for Japanese gardens and small areas.

Cypress pea

Under natural conditions, the species grows in Japan at an altitude of 500 m. The Japanese consider the cypress to be the habitat of the gods. The tree has a wide pyramidal shape. It reaches a height of 50 m. The crown is openwork with horizontal shoots. The bark is brown-red, smooth. Prefers moist soil and air, as well as sunny areas protected from the wind.

Important! All varieties of pea-bearing cypress do not tolerate smoke and air pollution.

Popular varieties of pea cypress:

  1. Sangold. A dwarf variety with a hemispherical crown. In 5 years it reaches a height of 25 cm. The shoots are drooping and thin. The needles are green-yellow or golden. The requirements for soil quality are moderate. Grows well in sunny and rocky areas.
  1. Filifera. A slow-growing variety up to 2.5 m high. The crown is spreading, in the shape of a wide cone. The branches are thin, long, thread-like at the ends. The needles are dark green with scales. The variety is demanding on soil quality and moisture.
  1. Squarrosa. The variety grows slowly, reaching a height of 60 cm in 5 years. With age, it takes the form of a small tree. The crown is wide, conical in shape. The needles are soft, gray-blue in color. Grows best in fertile, moist soil.

Thuja cypress

The species was brought to Europe from North America. In nature, it is found in damp, marshy areas. The wood is durable and has a pleasant smell. It is used to make furniture, ships, and carpentry.

The tree has a narrow cone-shaped crown and brown bark. It reaches a height of 25 m. The unusual shape of the crown, bright color and cones give the plant its decorative qualities. Dwarf varieties are grown in containers. The species prefers sandy or peaty soils with high humidity. It develops worst in dry clay soil. Planting in shady places is allowed.

The main varieties of Thuja cypress:

  1. Konika. A dwarf variety with a skittle-shaped crown. The tree is growing slowly. The shoots are straight, the needles are awl-shaped and curve downwards.
  1. Endelaiensis. A dwarf plant, reaching a height of no more than 2.5 m. The shoots are short, straight, and densely spaced. The needles are green with a bluish tint.
  1. Red Star. A hybrid 2 m high and 1.5 m wide. The crown is dense and compact, in the shape of a pyramid or column. The color of the needles changes depending on the time of year. In spring and summer it is greenish-blue, with the onset of cold weather violet shades appear. Grows well in the sun and can tolerate light partial shade.

Formosan cypress

The species grows in mountainous areas on the island of Taiwan. The trees reach a height of 65 m, the girth of the trunk is 6.5 m. The needles are green in color with a blue tint. Some specimens live more than 2500 years.

The wood is durable, not susceptible to attack by insects, and emits a pleasant aroma. It is used for the construction of temples and residential buildings. An essential oil with a relaxing aroma is obtained from this species.

The Formosan species is characterized by poor winter hardiness. It is grown at home or in greenhouses.

Cypress varieties for the Moscow region

Cypress is successfully grown in the Moscow region. The tree is planted in partial shade or in a sunny area. Fertile loamy or sandy loam soil is prepared for the plant. Work is carried out in the fall before the onset of cold weather or in the spring after the snow melts.

Important! The young tree is covered with burlap or agrofibre for the winter. The branches are tied with twine so that they do not break under the weight of the snow.

For successful cultivation, the plant is provided with care. It is watered regularly, especially during drought. The needles are sprayed every week. Mulching the soil with peat or wood chips helps prevent moisture evaporation. Until mid-summer, the tree is fed 2 times a month with complex fertilizer for coniferous trees. Dry, broken and frozen shoots are pruned.

Photos, types and varieties of cypress for the Moscow region:

  1. Lawson cypress variety Yvonne. Variety with a conical crown. In 5 years it reaches a height of 180 cm. The needles are golden in color, which persists in winter. Grows in moist, humus soils. The needles are scaly, yellow in the sun, and green when this variety is grown in the shade. The color lasts throughout the winter. The intensity of color depends on the moisture and fertility of the soil.
  1. Lawson cypress variety Columnaris. A fast-growing tree in the form of a tall column. At the age of 10 years, the variety reaches 3-4 m. The branches grow in a vertical direction. The needles are gray-blue. The variety is unpretentious to soil and weather conditions, and can grow in polluted areas. It is characterized by high winter hardiness.
  1. Lawson cypress variety Elwoodi. A slow-growing tree with a columnar crown. In 10 years it reaches a height of 1–1.5 m. The needles are thin, rich blue in color. The shoots are erect. The variety is unpretentious in soil, but requires constant watering. Ideal for small gardens, in winter it can be used instead of a Christmas tree.
  1. Lawson cypress variety Romana. Hybrid with a narrow ovoid crown. The apex has pronounced feathers. It develops slowly, reaching 50 cm in 5 years. The shoots are erect and densely spaced. The color is bright, golden yellow, and lasts through the winter. The tree is characterized by increased winter hardiness and is undemanding to watering and soil quality. Suitable for creating bright landscape compositions and solitaire plantings.
  1. Pea variety Boulevard. Cypress will grow slowly and form a narrow conical crown. In 5 years it grows up to 1 m. The needles are soft, do not prick, and have a bluish-silver color. The tree is grown in open areas.
  1. Pea variety Filifera Aurea. Shrub with a conical wide crown. It reaches a height of 1.5 m. The branches are hanging, rope-like. The needles are yellow. The variety is unpretentious and grows in any soil.

The considered photos, types and varieties of cypress will help you choose the appropriate option for your garden. The plant is unpretentious and resistant to frost. It is used for single plantings, hedges and more complex compositions. The variety is selected taking into account the weather conditions of the region, soil and place for cultivation.

Cypress is a decoration for any landscape design. But today it can be grown even at home, which gardeners are very happy about. The presence of pine needles in the house has a beneficial effect on the nervous and respiratory systems of all residents.

Caring for cypress trees involves systematic watering and spraying (it is advisable that the ground is constantly moist). The plant loves bright light, but without contact with direct sunlight.

The plant purifies the air and produces oxygen. Externally it is cone-shaped. The structure of the needles is similar to that of thuja. Small cones add forest flavor. An evergreen tree native to North America. In room conditions it reaches 50-60 cm in height.

Growing and care

Location, lighting and temperature

If you have such a “pet”, do not forget that it is still a forest dweller and requires special conditions. He loves bright light, but without the scorching rays of the sun. In the summer, the needles can get burned. An excellent place for it is an east or west window. The south side is also acceptable, but away from the windows. She loves fresh air, ventilate the room regularly. From the moment it becomes warm at night, it is taken out to a balcony, terrace or under a canopy in a private area. The latter option provides protection from the sun, drafts and precipitation. Species with yellow needles are less capricious and bask in the direct rays of the Star without any problems.

Does not tolerate high temperatures. Favorable conditions for it are 20-25 degrees in summer and 11-14 in winter. The most difficult thing is to create the necessary microclimate in the heat if the room does not have air conditioning and a balcony. Ice will help with this. Several cubes are placed on the tray of the flowerpot. In addition, they resort to using a spray bottle. During the heating season, move it away from the radiators.

Humidity and watering

Categorically does not tolerate dry air. This could cost the cypress tree its life. Experienced owners advise purchasing a hygrometer and monitoring its readings. Optimally they should be no lower than 50%. To ensure and maintain such conditions, there are many means and devices: regular irrigation; a container with expanded clay installed in the immediate vicinity, onto which water is poured as it evaporates; pot tray; electric humidifier.

From April to October, spraying is carried out in the morning and evening. Only warm and settled liquid can be used.

Prefers regular and abundant watering so that the soil is constantly moist. From spring to autumn he “drinks” every day, on other days of the year - once a week. Sometimes in frosty times they do without moisturizing at all. The procedure is replaced by a tray with moisture-retaining sphagnum moss. The water should be filtered, warm and lime-free. Stagnation is not acceptable. It is better to pour a little, but often. Evaporation is stopped by mulching. If you notice dry soil in a container, then, regardless of the season, immediately water your pet. Another way to provide him with the desired conditions is a shower. The pot is first covered with film so as not to erode the soil and prevent stagnation of liquid.

Choosing a pot

You should not select a huge container. Measurements of the exotic itself will help you determine the size correctly. The depth should be one third of the height, and the width should be half the width. When the vessel is subsequently replaced, the new one is larger by 2-3 in diameter.

Choose stable and heavy flowerpots so that they do not tip over. It is necessary to have through drainage holes.

Soil and fertilizers

The most suitable one, capable of ensuring full growth and development, is light, nutritious, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. A specialized store sells substrate for conifers. It is fluffed before use. You can prepare it yourself by mixing the following ingredients:

  • base (3 parts) turf soil;
  • 1 share of leaf soil;
  • sand;
  • peat.

Drainage is required (pebbles, fragments of stone, brick, etc.).

You can't do without additional food. It is applied from March to November. Mineral and organic complexes are ideal, which alternate. It is more convenient if they are in liquid form. The market always has a large selection of fertilizers for ornamental plants or bonsai. Schedule: every 2 weeks. The dose indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer is divided in half. Not required in winter. Before applying them, the soil is carefully loosened. Growth stimulants should not be used. Under their influence, the tree can completely lose the decorativeness of its crown.

Plant pruning

Only sanitary procedures are carried out. It helps maintain the correct shape of the “cap”. Held in the spring. Remove all yellowed, dried and dying branches. Deformed processes are removed completely, leaving not a single centimeter. In autumn, prune slightly to stop growth.

Ephedra pests and diseases

Despite its resistance to many troubles, if not properly cared for, cypress becomes easy prey for insects and diseases.

The appearance of small white spots and thin cobwebs are sure signs of an attack by this uninvited guest. If you do not react in time, the needles will change color and then begin to dry out and crumble. Special means will help get rid of pests - fitoverm, temik and folk methods - onion decoction, garlic or dandelion.

Have you noticed any uncharacteristic yellow, green or gray bumps? This is the pest. It feeds on green juice and causes weakening, and then a more serious consequence - death. First, you can use less harmful folk remedies - an infusion of potassium soap or horseradish.

But, if the expected result is not achieved, then they resort to chemical drugs - Actara, Actellik or Mospilan.

Root rot

Appears when the contents of the water supply system regularly stagnate. Absence or insufficient drainage and unsuitable soil play a negative role. Only transplantation solves the problem. Carefully removing the bush from the bowl, remove the affected roots and transfer them to a new container.

Transplantation and propagation of cypress

For young representatives, the flowerpot is replaced every spring using the transshipment method. If it is not an emergency (attack of insects or diseases), then a prerequisite is the preservation of the earthen coma. It is home to beneficial insects - symbiont fungi. They participate in the process of assimilation by the plant of useful elements from the soil. For the older generation, it is enough to “move” once every 2-3 years.

Fully grown exotics need to be replanted as the container fills with the root system. They can change the top layer of soil every year. The culture is propagated using two methods.

Propagation by cuttings

Cut off the side shoots (9 to 11 cm in length) from an adult and healthy “mother”. For rooting, a mixture of sand and peat and water are allowed. All this time the room should be warm (at least 23 degrees), light and humid. The shoot is regularly sprayed and protected from drafts. You can create a mini-greenhouse. It will take at least 3 months for roots to form.

After this, they are immediately transplanted into a full-fledged pot, using traditional cypress soil.


Less popular method due to low efficiency. The long process begins with finding good planting material, then stratification.

The seeds are placed in a moistened soil mixture for 3 months, the temperature in the room does not rise above +7. For germination, the situation changes - the thermometer stops at +22, and the mixture is replaced with nutrient soil. Each seed is placed in an individual bowl.

How to choose a healthy plant in the store

It all starts with a thorough inspection of the exterior. If the root system is noticeable on the surface, then refuse to purchase immediately. Any type of needles is very sensitive and cannot tolerate such an omission without consequences. An important indicator of health is needles. It should be green, dense and elastic. With slight pressure, a persistent aroma spreads.

You should not buy a specimen if spots, stripes, insects and cobwebs, dry or yellowed branches are noticeable.

Pay attention to the conditions of detention and the proportionality of the size of the flowerpot. After purchase, replanting is not required until next spring (except when it has become small).

Types and varieties

The most popular representatives of indoor cypress:

  • Kashmiri;
  • Mexican;
  • large-fruited;
  • evergreen.

Acts as a typical representative of the family. Found naturally in the mountains near the Mediterranean Sea in the east.

  • This is one of the varieties of cypress trees that can have a spreading or pyramidal crown.
  • The maximum height of the tree can reach 30 meters.
  • The trunk is up to 1 meter thick. But it takes many years for a tree to grow to such a size; it takes at least half a century.

The bark is slightly reddish, small leaves are collected in branches of a dark green hue. They press tightly against the shoots. The fruits are cones with large scales. Their maximum length is 35 mm. When the fruit ripens, the scales separate and become slightly yellowish in color.

Goldcrest Wilma

This cypress belongs to the Cypress family. It looks like a Christmas tree with narrow leaves, but in miniature size. The shoots have a light green, almost yellow tint. Because of this, the plant is called “golden”. The trunk of the plant is very slender.

The scaly small leaves emit a faint lemon scent. The variety was obtained on the islands of Foggy Albion specifically for growing indoors. Later it gained fame as the most popular plant for the office.

Representatives of this species are quite different from other conifers. is different:

  1. high resistance to drought;
  2. undemanding to soil;
  3. high shade tolerance;
  4. slow growth;
  5. life expectancy.

Adult representatives should be pruned regularly in the spring.

You can also watch and learn more about the Goldcrest cypress in this video:

Siberian juniper

Another name is . Comes from the Juniper genus and the Cypress family. Some scientists classify this species as Common Juniper. It was first described in 1787. Cultivated since 1879.

Grows in natural conditions:

  • Inner Mongolia.
  • Japan.
  • Korea.
  • In the Russian Far East.
  • In Siberia.
  • Himalayas.
  • In the east.
  • In the central part of Asia.
  • in eastern Europe.
  • North America.

Cypress trees are very useful plants. When grown at home, they disinfect the air and purify it.

“Lives” on rocks, in highlands, rocky slopes, and wasteland meadows.

It is a dioecious or monoecious coniferous plant, a low-growing shrub that reaches up to 1 meter in height. It has high endurance. Grows very slowly - about 0.5 cm per year. It has dense branches.


This is an ornamental plant. It grows in the form of a small tree or shrub. The Cypress genus includes 7 species, all of them are evergreen. The homeland of the plant is:

  • China.
  • Japan.
  • North America.

It reaches a height of up to 3 meters, has an incredible cone-shaped coniferous crown with a slightly bluish or green tint. Every year the plant grows 4-6 cm.

In central Russia, Elwoodi cypress can be grown not only indoors, but also outdoors. It is easy to care for.

You can learn more about Elwoody in this video:


It is the only species whose homeland is the southwestern part of America. This tree is medium in size (height up to 15-20 meters). The crown has a conical shape, the bark is smooth, reddish-brown in color. Over time, it becomes fibrous with flat ridges.

The foliage is scaly, bluish-green or grayish, sometimes silvery. Arranged in opposite pairs, tightly grasping the 4-sided branches. When rubbed it has an unpleasant aroma.

The cones reach 2.5 cm, the shape is almost spherical. The color is dark red-brown. Each cone has 6-8 shield-like woody scales. The cones ripen in the fall for a second season, but remain on the tree for many years.

In ancient times, cypress was a symbol of sadness and sorrow. But with the advent of Christianity, the symbolism of the plant changed: cypress became a symbol of eternal life.


It is a variety of evergreen coniferous tall shrubs or low trees from the genus Cypressaceae of the Cypressaceae family. Originates from North America and Asia. There it grows on moist soils in the valleys of the coastal mountains. “Lives” at an altitude of up to 1.5 km above sea level. The plant was exported from America in 1854, and since then it has been grown in Europe. Capable of living up to 6 hundred years.

It is a tall tree, reaching 50-60 m. The crown is narrow, cone-shaped, expanding downwards. The apex is narrowed, often inclined to the side. In good conditions, the branches tend to the surface of the ground. And with poor care or tight, improper planting, the crown becomes exposed at the bottom and dries out.

It is considered the largest tree of this genus.

The diameter of the trunk can reach up to 1.8 meters. Its bark is brownish-reddish, thick, and is distinguished by cracking into rounded plates. The root is shallow, the system is located in the upper soil horizon.


Cypress trees are grown in parks and gardens as ornamental plants and hedges. Evergreen cypress is often used for this purpose. The small size of some species allows them to be grown indoors.

Shoots and needles of some varieties are used to obtain aromatic oils, which are used in aromatic therapy for their antiseptic, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, tonic and other beneficial qualities.