home · Networks · Technology and methods of preparing hot desserts. Temperature conditions and rules for preparing hot desserts. Assortment and characteristics of complex cold desserts Cold and hot desserts

Technology and methods of preparing hot desserts. Temperature conditions and rules for preparing hot desserts. Assortment and characteristics of complex cold desserts Cold and hot desserts

Cold desserts, summer fun for the whole family! There's nothing better than enjoying a refreshing treat during the hot season. Ice cream and soft drinks are undoubtedly the favorites of the summer menu, but besides them, there are a lot of different goodies that can instantly lift your spirits and give you unforgettable bliss.

Here are 10 amazing cold desserts that are easy to prepare at home. Have a holiday for yourself and your loved ones!

Product set:

  • Chicken egg (1 piece);
  • Butter (120 grams);
  • Starch (half a teaspoon);
  • Flour (one and a half cups);
  • Strawberries (150 grams);
  • Gelatin (half a teaspoon);
  • Granulated sugar (half a glass).


  1. Prepare shortbread dough from flour, sugar, butter and a medium-sized egg. Divide into two equal portions and refrigerate for half an hour.
  2. To bake cookies, you will need a 22 cm square frame. If you don’t have one, you can take a split ring, and later, before sending the workpiece into the oven, cut the dough into triangles like a cake.
  3. Roll out one of the pieces of dough into a layer of about 5 millimeters. Trim the excess edges, tracing the contours of the frame, and then divide the resulting square into equal parts. Do the same with the second portion.
  4. Place the products on a baking sheet. Bake at 190 degrees for about a quarter of an hour: the cookies should be slightly golden.
  5. Mash the washed strawberries in a blender. It is necessary to achieve the consistency of puree.
  6. Separate 3 tablespoons of berry mass. Soak the gelatin in them for five minutes, place the remaining puree in a saucepan along with starch and sugar (the latter is added to taste).
  7. Place the dishes on the fire and heat thoroughly, almost bringing to a boil. Then remove from the stove and add gelatin. Stir thoroughly, dissolving all grains; leave to cool to room temperature.
  8. Place the ice cream in a container. When slightly melted, combine with strawberry topping.
  9. Line a small baking tray or cutting board with baking paper. Fix the frame and start filling it in layers: arrange the cookies in one tier, level the ice cream on top of them, and place the cookies on top again.
  10. Gently compact the sweet preparation. Place in the freezer for several hours.
    Before serving, remove the frame and divide the resulting briquette into portioned sandwiches.

Product set:

  • Ripe peaches (300 grams);
  • Granulated sugar (2 tablespoons);
  • Gelatin (35 grams);
  • Water (130 milliliters);
  • 30 percent cream (140 grams + half a glass for icing);
  • Chicken protein (1 piece);
  • White chocolate (half a bar).


  1. Wash the juicy fruits. Peel off the thin peel and remove the seeds; rub the pulp vigorously with a blender.
  2. Bring 60 milliliters of water to a boil. Meanwhile, soak 20 grams of gelatin separately.
  3. As soon as the gelatin swells, it will need to be poured into water that has cooled to a warm state. Stir until the grains are completely dissolved, then combine the mixture with the peach puree.
  4. Whisk the heavy cream thoroughly. In another bowl, beat one egg white and add sugar towards the end.
  5. Gently fold the peach mixture into the egg white mixture. After stirring, add heavy cream.
  6. Divide the dessert into the molds. Cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator for six hours.
  7. Peach mousse will be served with chocolate glaze. It’s easy to prepare: soak the remaining gelatin in chilled water; While it is swelling, warm the cream thoroughly and add small pieces of chocolate. Keep the mixture on the heat for about three minutes until it is completely smooth, then add the gelatin and mix everything again.
  8. Before pouring over the fruit mousse, the sauce must be slightly cooled. The finished delicacy is returned to the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour, and only then served.

Product set:

  • Chicken eggs (4 pieces);
  • Dark or bitter chocolate (1 bar);
  • 33 percent cream (1 cup);
  • Sunflower halva (half a kilogram);
  • Sugar (3/4 cup).


  1. Grind the halva in a blender.
  2. Separate the whites and yolks. Beat the yolk part thoroughly with a mixer.
  3. Now whip the chilled cream. A thick, creamy consistency should be achieved.
  4. Mix the whites with 30 grams of sugar. Beat until thick foam forms.
  5. Combine all the ingredients: first “make friends” with the cream and yolks, then gradually add the whites.
  6. Place the parfait in an elegant bowl. Place in the freezer until hardened.

When serving, the dessert should be decorated with chocolate chips.

Product set:

  • Gelatin (20 grams);
  • Dried mint (2 tablespoons);
  • Water (2.5 cups);
  • Kiwi (1 fruit);
  • Granulated sugar (60 grams);
  • Ground green tea leaves (1 teaspoon);
  • Melissa (1 sprig);
  • Lime/lemon juice (add to taste).


  1. Pour chilled water over gelatin. Leave until it swells, then heat slightly in the microwave and be sure to strain.
  2. Combine tea powder with granulated sugar.
  3. Boil the water. Then turn off the stove and throw the mint and lemon balm into the saucepan.
  4. After a couple of minutes, strain and add the mixture of sugar and tea. Repeat straining until the sweet grains dissolve.
  5. Add gelatin. Pour the mixture into a container and place in the freezer for twenty minutes.
  6. After the expiration date, the solidified mass must be thoroughly beaten with a mixer. Distribute the dessert among the bowls and place on the refrigerator shelf.

While serving, the jelly is poured with freshly squeezed citrus juice (either lime or ordinary lemon will do). For decoration, use slices of juicy kiwi, as well as fresh mint leaves.

Set of products (based on 8 servings):

  • Agar-agar (2 teaspoons);
  • Coconut milk (1 glass);
  • Grated coconut pulp (quarter cup);
  • Granulated sugar (150 grams);
  • Crushed cardamom (quarter teaspoon);
  • Soy milk (2 cups);
  • Ground saffron (1 pinch);
  • Crushed pistachios (20 pieces).


  1. Pour coconut and soy milk into a saucepan. Add chopped nuts and granulated sugar.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and continue cooking for another 7 minutes. Stir constantly during the process.
  3. Combine agar with spices. Dissolve in warm water (about 50 milliliters will be needed).
  4. Pour the thickening mixture into a saucepan. Stir thoroughly and boil for another four minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent the agar from forming lumps.
  5. Now the composition needs to be poured into a flat container. As it cools, the dessert will gradually harden - put it in the refrigerator for the next two to three hours.

Product set:

  • Frozen pitted cherries (100 grams);
  • 20 percent cream (250 milliliters);
  • Gelatin (10 grams);
  • Potato starch (1/2 teaspoon);
  • Granulated sugar (80 grams);
  • Vanilla (1 sachet).


  1. Soak the gelatin in water. While it is swelling, mix the cream with sugar (at this stage, use only 50 grams of sand) and vanilla.
  2. Add the swollen gelatin and place the bowl over low heat. The mixture must be heated, without bringing to a boil and always stirring with a spoon.
  3. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  4. In the meantime, you can start making the sauce. Crush the berries until pureed, add the remaining sugar to them and set the bowl over moderate heat.
  5. Dissolve starch in water (one tablespoon is enough). Place in a saucepan with heated syrup, boil the mixture for about five minutes with constant stirring.
  6. On the eve of serving, the frozen blancmange should be freed from the molds and poured with cherry sauce “from the heart.” Fresh mint leaves will serve as decoration for the delicacy.

Product set:

  • 33 percent cream (350 grams);
  • Brown sugar (3/4 cup);
  • Powdered sugar (3 tablespoons);
  • Vanilla sugar (20 grams);
  • Ripe kiwi (half a kilogram);
  • Chicken eggs (4 pieces);
  • Mascarpone cheese (250 grams);
  • Gelatin (10 grams).


  1. Dissolve gelatin in chilled water (about 70 milliliters). Leave for half an hour.
  2. Wash and peel the kiwi fruits. Grind the pulp with a blender, sprinkling with sweet powder.
  3. Melt the gelatin, never bringing it to a boil. Add to fruit puree and mix thoroughly.
  4. Separate half the portion. Pour into the mold and refrigerate for about twenty minutes.
  5. Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind with granulated sugar and place in a water bath.
  6. Start beating the egg mass with a mixer - work for about 6 minutes until all the grains have dissolved. Cool later.
  7. Add mascarpone. Whip the cream separately - you need to get a fairly thick consistency.
  8. Place the cream into the cream. Beat until smooth.
  9. The protein part must be beaten with vanilla until stable peaks form.
  10. Carefully fold the whites into the main mixture. Stir with a spatula from top to bottom.
  11. Spread half the cream over the fruit layer. Place the pan in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  12. Now you need to add the remaining kiwi puree. The remaining cream is distributed after the filler.
  13. Wrap the mold in cling film. Return to the freezer, now for the whole night.
  14. On the eve of serving, it is recommended to move the dessert to the refrigerator shelf and let it sit for about forty minutes.

Product set:

  • Natural yogurt or sour cream (40 grams);
  • Sweet carrots (2 pieces);
  • Olive oil (1 tablespoon);
  • Prunes (300 grams);
  • Granulated sugar (added to taste);
  • Raisins (a couple of tablespoons).


  1. Soak the prunes in water for at least 3 hours (best left overnight). Later, remove the seeds and place the fruits on a paper towel to dry.
  2. It is advisable to take medium carrots – both in size and in degree of ripeness. Peel and chop on a fine grater.
  3. Sprinkle the carrots with sugar (a couple of tablespoons is enough). Add pre-soaked raisins and a little olive oil. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour - the vegetable slices should release their juice.
  4. Combine sour cream with sugar (yogurt is a good substitute, you can experiment with cream). Grind well to dissolve the grains. Any citrus juice can be added if desired.
  5. Fill the carrot filling with the resulting mixture. Stuff the prunes using a teaspoon, and then put the dessert in the refrigerator until serving.


  1. Pour the coffee into a saucepan. Add cream, brown sugar and vanilla.
  2. Heat the mixture thoroughly – it should almost boil. Stir continuously during the process.
  3. When the mixture begins to acquire a thick consistency, remove the container from the stove and let it cool slightly. Then add 1/2 part of the gelatin and stir everything thoroughly.
  4. Distribute the mixture among the bowls. While it hardens, you can make blueberries: sprinkle the berries with sugar and simmer over low heat (they should release juice).
  5. Remove the bowl from the heat, making sure that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the remaining gelatin into a separate bowl and add 50 ml of water.
  6. Grind the blueberries with a blender (alternatively, you can use a sieve). Add dissolved gelatin, stirring the mixture constantly.
  7. Pour the berry mixture over the coffee layer. Place the bowls in the cold and wait until they harden completely.

Enjoy your meal!

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  • Classification and assortment of complex cold desserts
    Desserts can be classified by supply temperature for cold and hot, according to cooking technology- for creams, pastries, frozen desserts, mousses, soufflés, puddings, by main raw materials- for fruit, dairy, curd, chocolate, egg white, combined. Bakery....
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  • Ice cream. Submission rules, assortment

    Catering establishments sell industrial ice cream (hardened or soft). To obtain soft ice cream, it is kept at room temperature until softened and served with various dessert additives and side dishes. Hardened ice cream is placed in bowls, poured with syrup, wine, or canned fruits, berries or jam are placed on top. Soft ice cream is served with various side dishes.

    Chocolate garnish. Condensed milk is diluted with water, boiled, cocoa powder ground with sugar is added, the mixture is again heated to 800C, filtered, cooled and vanillin is added.

    Apricot garnish. The dried apricots are sorted, washed, poured with cold water, allowed to swell and cooked until tender; then puree, add sugar and cool.

    Ice cream with peaches. Place a slice of biscuit in a bowl, put ice cream on it, put half a canned peach on top, pour over strawberry sauce and sprinkle with chopped almonds.

    Ice cream "Surprise". Prepared for banquets and New Year's dinners. Canned fruits are placed on a metal dish, and a second slice of biscuit is placed on them. The prepared ice cream with biscuit and fruit is topped with whipped egg whites and sugar and baked for 1-2 minutes in an oven at a temperature of at least 2600C until the whites are browned. When serving, you can pour cognac or alcohol around the ice cream and light it.

    Hot sweet dishes include airy pies (soufflé), puddings, sweet cereals, baked and fried apples in dough, apple babka (charlotte), pancakes, etc. These dishes, especially cereal and flour ones, are highly nutritious and are used not only as a dessert, but also included in the dinner and breakfast menus.

    Air pies (soufflé)

    Prepared with beaten egg whites. To prepare the soufflé, egg yolks are ground with sugar, flour, vanillin (vanilla soufflé), cocoa or ground chocolate powder (chocolate soufflé), fried with sugar and ground nuts (nut soufflé) are added. This mixture is diluted with hot milk and, stirring continuously, boiled until thickened. Then it is slightly cooled and combined with whipped egg whites. The prepared mass is placed in portioned frying pans or metal dishes, greased with oil, and baked in an oven for 12-15 minutes. When preparing a soufflé, the whites should not be over-beaten, as this will cause the walls of the air bubbles in the foam to lose their elasticity due to the denaturation of the proteins, and during baking they will burst and the soufflé will lose its fluffiness.

    Serve the soufflé immediately after baking on the same dishes or frying pans, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Cold milk or cream is dispensed separately.

    Baked apples

    Without peeling the apples, the core is removed using a special notch. Granulated sugar is poured into the formed depression. Place the apples on sheets or baking sheets, add a little water and bake in ovens until done (15-30 minutes depending on the variety). Apples contain from 0.3-0.6 to 0.6-1.0% organic acids (mainly malic). Under the influence of acids, about 50% of the sucrose contained in apples is inverted. This leads to a change in their taste. The amount of inverting sucrose depends on the pH of the apple juice and the baking time. Baked apples are served hot or cold, topped with syrup, honey and sprinkled with sugar.

    Apples with rice

    The core is removed from the apples, peeled and boiled in acidified water. Sticky rice porridge is cooked in milk with sugar, eggs, raisins, vanillin and butter are added to it. This mass is placed in portioned frying pans, greased with oil, and baked in an oven. When serving, boiled apples are placed on baked rice and apricot sauce is poured over them.


    Sweet puddings are prepared from viscous porridges (rice, semolina) or vanilla crackers, broken into small pieces. To viscous porridges, cooled to 60-700C, add yolks mashed with sugar. To make a cracker pudding, grind the yolks with sugar, add milk, add crackers and let them swell. You can add candied fruits, raisins, and dried fruits to the pudding mixture. To add porosity, whipped egg whites are added to the prepared mixture. Then it is placed in greased molds and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, in portioned pans or laid out in an even layer on baking sheets. The surface of the puddings is leveled, brushed with egg and baked in the oven. Before serving, puddings are poured with hot fruit sauce or canned fruit is placed on them.


    Sweet casseroles are prepared from viscous porridges cooked with sugar in milk or water (rice, millet, wheat). Raw eggs mashed with sugar are added to them. Vanillin, raisins, candied fruits, and sometimes pureed cottage cheese are added to the prepared mass. Bake and release like puddings.

    Apple babka (charlotte)

    The walls of the pudding mold (with smooth walls) are greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Cut slices of wheat bread and moisten one side of them in lezone, to which sugar has been added. The bottom of the mold wall is lined with slices of bread (moistened with lemonade, side out) and filled with minced apples. The surface of the minced meat is also covered with slices of bread, greased with sweet lemonade and baked in the oven. Then take it out, cut into portions and serve with milk. For minced meat, apples are peeled, cut into pieces, sugar and a little water are added and baked. Ground cinnamon is added to the minced meat. You can cook charlotte on baking sheets (like a pie).

    Guryevskaya porridge

    Sticky sweet semolina porridge is cooked in milk. Prepare foams: pour milk or cream into a frying pan and bake in an oven; the resulting foam is removed, and the frying pan is placed back in the oven and baked until foam forms, which is removed again, etc.

    Add butter, eggs beaten with sugar and vanillin to the semolina porridge. Place half of the porridge in an even layer on a greased frying pan. Prepared toasted chopped nuts, foam and a second layer of porridge are placed on the porridge. The surface of the porridge is leveled, sprinkled with sugar and baked in the oven. When served, the dish is decorated with canned fruits heated in syrup, sprinkled with a small amount of apricot sauce, and sprinkled with chopped nuts.

    Croutons with fruits (croutons)

    The crusts are cut off from a loaf of white bread, cut into thin slices (1-1.5 cm), soaked in a mixture of eggs, milk and sugar and fried in butter on both sides. When leaving, canned fruits heated in syrup are placed on the croutons.

    Apples fried in dough

    Apples with the seeds removed and without the skin are cut into slices 0.5 cm thick and sprinkled with sugar. Prepare the dough: add sugar, salt, sour cream, flour to the yolks, separated from the whites, mix thoroughly and dilute with milk. Whisk the whites into a thick foam and carefully fold them into the dough. Apple slices are dipped into the dough using a chef's needle, then quickly transferred to heated fat and fried until golden brown.

    The fried apples are placed on a plate and sprinkled with refined powder. Apricot or apple sauce is served in a gravy boat.

    Apples Kiev style

    Peeled apples with the seeds removed are blanched until half cooked in acidified hot water. Then the apples are placed in a portioned frying pan, the resulting holes are filled with jam. The apples are poured with the egg-sour cream mixture and baked until tender. To prepare this mixture, the egg yolks are ground with sugar and flour is added. Then beat the sour cream and whites separately and combine with the yolks, ground with sugar. Place the dish in a portioned frying pan and sprinkle refined powder on top.

    Apples in a puff paste

    The puff pastry is rolled out into a layer 0.5 cm thick, cut into square pieces of such a size that an apple can be wrapped in each of them. Prepared apples (with the seed nest removed and peeled) are placed on the dough, the hole formed is filled with sugar, wrapped in an envelope in the dough, brushed with egg and baked in the oven. When serving, sprinkle with refined powder.

    Flambéed fruits

    Flambing is the hot processing of fruits, usually peaches, that is, the preparation of a hot dessert. This can be done by the waiter in full view of the visitor on a utility table for bars.

    Flambing is carried out on an open flame of an alcohol burner, and precautions must be taken. There should be a distance of at least half a meter between the waiter’s workplace and the visitor’s table. There should always be a wet wipe on the waiter's utility table to quickly suppress possible small fires.

    Flambing fruits is done like this:

    all components of the dish are placed on a tray in the order of their use; melt the butter in a preheated frying pan; pour sugar into butter and lightly fry it, caramelize it; pour in a mixture of sugar and orange juice, preheated in a ladle; boil the resulting syrup; put the fruit in a frying pan and put it on the fire, while the waiter works with both hands; pour cognac into a ladle and heat it until a flame appears; extinguish the burner; pour burning cognac over the fruit in a frying pan, then shake it several times so that the syrup saturates the fruit and the cognac burns completely; put fruit on ice cream.

    They are prepared on the basis of viscous porridges, cottage cheese, white bread or crackers. To add fluffiness to the products, add beaten egg whites. Puddings are baked in the oven or steamed. The finished pudding is cut into portions and served with sweet sauces.

    Rusk pudding.

    The yolks are ground with sugar and diluted with cold milk. Vanilla crackers are finely chopped and poured into the egg-milk mixture. When the crackers swell, add prepared raisins, vanillin and whipped egg whites. The pudding mold is greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, the pudding mixture is laid out and baked at 230...250C. If the pudding is steamed, sprinkle the mold with granulated sugar. The finished pudding is cooled slightly and placed on a plate, with berry syrup or apricot sauce poured around it. You can serve the sauce in a gravy boat. Instead of vanilla crackers, you can use dry sponge cake (sponge pudding).

    Rice pudding.

    Rice and raisins are sorted and washed. Egg whites are separated from the yolks. Sticky rice porridge is cooked in a mixture of milk and water. The finished porridge is cooled to 60C, butter, egg yolks ground with sugar, raisins are added to it and mixed, vanillin is added. Beat the whites until a fluffy foam forms and combine with the mixture, stirring carefully so that they do not settle. Grease the mold or baking sheet with oil and sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs, spread the pudding mixture, filling the mold ¾ full, since the mass increases in volume during heat treatment. The surface is greased with sour cream or poured with oil and baked in an oven at a temperature of 250C, gradually reducing the temperature to 200C. After the pudding has risen, cook for 25-30 minutes. The finished pudding has a golden brown crust on the surface; it is left to cool for 5-10 minutes, after which the pudding will begin to lag behind the walls of the dish. After removing from the mold, cut into portions, and the pudding prepared in small forms is served whole, placed on a plate and topped with sweet apricot or berry sauce.

    You can also prepare the pudding by boiling it in a water bath.

    Guryevskaya porridge.

    Viscous semolina porridge is cooked in baked milk, cooled to 70C and yolks mashed with sugar, vanillin and whipped whites are added. A portioned frying pan is greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, a layer of porridge is laid out, sprinkled with nuts and covered with milk foam skimmed from baked milk. Then lay out a layer of porridge again. The surface is sprinkled with granulated sugar and a pattern is applied with a hot chef's needle, and baked in an oven. The finished porridge is decorated with fresh and canned fruits, candied fruits, and sprinkled with roasted almonds. Place the pan with porridge on a small plate. Apricot sauce is served separately in a gravy boat.

    This pie is prepared on the basis of an egg-milk mixture or fruit and berry puree with the addition of whipped whites. The finished soufflé should be fluffy and well browned. Leave the soufflé in the same bowl in which it was baked immediately after cooking and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cold milk or cream is served separately.

    Vanilla soufflé.

    Egg yolks are ground with sugar, flour and vanillin are added. The mixture is diluted with hot milk and boiled until thickened. Beat the egg whites and add them to the resulting mass. The soufflé is placed in portioned frying pans and baked in an oven.

    Various sweet dishes are prepared from apples: baked apples, charlotte with apples, fried apples in dough, apples with rice, and so on.

    Baked apples with sugar.

    Whole apples are sorted by size and degree of ripeness, washed, cored, placed on a baking sheet, filled with sugar or minced meat (cottage cheese with raisins and nuts, honey with dried apricots and nuts, and so on), and baked in the oven. Served cold or hot with sweet sauces, whipped cream, and jam.

    Apples (pineapples) fried in dough.

    Peeled apples (canned pineapples) are cut into slices and sprinkled with sugar. Prepare a liquid dough (batter). Apple (pineapple) slices are dipped into the dough and then fried in heated fat (deep frying). The finished apples are sprinkled with powdered sugar. Apricot sauce is served separately.

    Apples poached in wine.

    Peel the apples without cutting them into pieces. Add sugar and spices to the water and boil a little, then put the apples in there and simmer - it is important that the apples do not boil or fall apart.

    Place the prepared apples in a glass vase and fill the cavities in each of them with strawberry jam - a kind of filling. Let the apple broth boil again, cook for another half hour, adding chopped almonds, raisins, orange zest and pouring wine. Once the broth is ready and cools sufficiently, pour it over the apples.

    Charlotte with apples.

    Peel the apples, cut into slices 2-3 mm thick or into small cubes, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. If the apples have dense flesh, then boil them in a small amount of water.

    Remove the crusts from stale bread. The crumb is cut into rectangular slices 0.5 cm thick. The remaining crusts from the bread are crushed into cubes, dried and mixed with apples. Slices of bread are moistened on one side in a mixture of eggs, milk and sugar, then placed (moistened side down) in charlotte baking dishes. The mold is filled with apple filling and topped with the same bread, but with the moistened side up. The surface is soaked with the remaining sugar lison and baked in an oven at 180...200C until golden brown. The finished charlotte is kept in the mold for 10 minutes and then placed on a dish or plate. When leaving, sprinkle with apricot sauce. The sauce can be served separately.

    Toasts with fruits and berries.

    The crusts are cut off from the wheat loaf, cut into slices 5 mm thick, soaked in a mixture of eggs, milk, sugar (egg-milk mixture), fried on both sides in margarine until golden brown. When leaving, fruits and berries heated in syrup are placed on fried croutons and sprinkled with apricot sauce.

    Baskets with fruits and berries.

    Baskets baked from shortcrust pastry are filled with boiled apple slices without skin and seed nest. Immediately before release, sprinkle with apricot sauce. Instead of apples, you can put strawberries or raspberries in the baskets and top them with strawberry or raspberry sauce.

    Baked bananas.

    Remove one banana from the peel, cut in half and lengthwise (that is, divide 1 fruit into 4 parts). Place the quarters, cut side up, on a greased baking sheet and immediately, without delay (before the bananas darken), sprinkle with the juice squeezed from the lemon. Sprinkle first with ground cinnamon, then with chopped chocolate into crumbs. Cover with the remaining banana halves and repeat the operations with cinnamon and chocolate.

    When serving, pour condensed milk, liquid honey or any sweet syrup over the finished dessert.

    Grilled fruits with liqueur.

    To prepare this dish, you need to cut the banana into equal large pieces, mix liqueur (orange) with honey, pour this mixture over the bananas and refrigerate for 1 hour. Then, drain the liquid from the bananas, thread the bananas onto skewers and grill for 5 minutes, periodically basting with a mixture of liqueur and honey.

    Apple sweet omelet.

    To prepare this dish, you need to peel the apples from the seed nest (if the skin is soft, then leave it, if it’s hard, then peel the skin), cut into small cubes and fry until softened in butter (you can add chopped cinnamon). Prepare the omelette mixture, pour it into a frying pan heated with butter, lay out the prepared apples, roll the omelette and fry on all sides. Serve with sour cream.

    Omelet stuffed with berries and fruits.

    Remove seeds and pits from fruits. Boil prepared fruits and berries in sugar syrup. Place the fruit and berry filling on the prepared omelette, fold in half and roll up. Sprinkle the finished omelette with powdered sugar (you can mix it with crushed vanilla sugar).


    Flambing is usually carried out in front of the visitor. When flambére voicing, cognac is heated until it ignites and the finished dish is poured over it. After the combustion of alcohol, a specific pleasant aroma and taste is formed. Flambéed desserts can be prepared in different ways.

    Flammed fruits.

    Fresh fruits are cut into slices, fried in butter with the addition of granulated sugar, or boiled in sugar or spicy syrup. Prepared fruits are poured with heated and ignited rum and cognac. When the alcohol burns out, the fruit is transferred to a serving plate and poured with sauce from the container in which the flambéing process was carried out. Fruits are flambéed after they have been doused with a sauce appropriate for a particular dish. Serve with the addition of chopped nuts, grated chocolate, and whipped cream.

    Fruits, berries and fruit vegetables.

    Fresh fruits and berries retain their vitamin activity, taste and aroma after picking. Therefore, they are among the most valuable dessert dishes. They are used fresh and frozen.

    Compotes and fruits in syrup.

    Compotes are prepared from fresh, dried, canned and frozen fruits and berries, both in various combinations and from one particular type. When cooking fruits and berries, a significant amount of sugars and other soluble substances (vitamins, mineral elements) are transferred into decoctions or syrups. For example, when cooking compotes from dried fruits, about 50% of the sugars contained in them pass into the decoction.

    When cooking compotes from sour fruits and berries, part of the sucrose is hydrolyzed under the action of acids (citric, malic, etc.) contained in them. So, when cooking compote from apples, 14-19% of sucrose can be hydrolyzed. The addition of citric acid increases the degree of its hydrolysis. Hydrolysis of sucrose when cooking compotes from dried fruits practically does not occur, since the active acidity of decoctions of dried fruits is much less than decoctions of fresh fruits and berries. Therefore, it is recommended to add citric acid to dried fruit compotes at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of compote.

    Some fruits and berries (oranges, tangerines, raspberries, strawberries, watermelons, melons, bananas, pineapples, black currants) are not boiled, but placed in bowls or glasses, poured with warm syrup, and cooled.

    Compotes are served in vases or glasses. Their temperature when serving should be 12-15°C. sweet dish cold dessert

    Jelly sweet dishes.

    This group of dishes includes: jelly, jellies, mousses, sambuca and creams. When cooled, they have a jelly-like consistency, as gelling agents are added to them. Jelly dishes can be unwhipped (jelly, jelly) or whipped (mousses, sambukas, creams).

    The process of their preparation consists of two operations: preparing the syrup and brewing the starch. The syrup is prepared differently depending on the type of product, but it is brewed in the same way: the starch is diluted with a small amount of water or chilled syrup, stirred well, poured into the boiling syrup and, stirring quickly, brought to a boil (brewed).

    Depending on the amount of starch, jelly is: thick (80g potato starch per 1 kg jelly), medium-thick (45-50g potato starch per 1 kg jelly), semi-liquid or liquid (30g potato starch per 1 kg jelly).

    The assortment of jelly is very large. They are prepared from fresh fruits, berries, rhubarb, rosehip decoctions, dried fruits, blueberries, fruit juices and syrups, jam, marmalade, berry extracts, milk, cream, tea with wine and citric acid, kvass, etc. .

    The technological scheme for preparing jelly from juicy fruits (cranberries, currants, cherries, blueberries, blueberries, etc.) includes the following operations: squeezing juice from sorted washed fruits; preparing a decoction of pulp (pulp); preparing syrup from the decoction; brewing starch; combining the finished jelly with squeezed juice; cooling.

    The operations of the technological scheme for preparing jelly from strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries differ from the previous ones in that the berries are pureed to obtain a puree and then prepared according to general rules.

    The technological scheme for preparing jelly from dogwood, cherry plum, plum, apricots, apples and other fruits includes the following operations: boiling (or baking) prepared berries or fruits; straining and wiping; combining the broth with puree and sugar, brewing starch; cooling the jelly.

    Berry juice and puree are added to jelly in its raw form to preserve the vitamin C they contain, as well as coloring substances, which are partially destroyed during heat treatment. For the same purpose, non-oxidizing containers are used when preparing jelly and storing juices and purees.

    After introducing the prepared starch, thick jelly is boiled for 6-8 minutes and poured into molds sprinkled with sugar, cooled, and then placed in vases or bowls. When on vacation, pour over fruit and berry syrup; you can serve cream or cold milk separately.

    Medium-thick jelly after cooking is slightly cooled and poured into glasses or bowls. The surface of the jelly is sprinkled with granulated sugar, which absorbs moisture from the surface, preventing the formation of a surface film.

    It is prepared from fruit and berry decoctions, juices, extracts, syrups, milk, and jam. When frozen, the jelly is a transparent (except for milk jelly) gelatinous mass.

    The shape of the jelly corresponds to the container in which it is prepared. Density depends on temperature and amount of gelling agent.

    Jelly is prepared in different types: single-color in molds; multilayer - pour a layer of jelly of one color, and after it hardens, a second layer of a different color, etc.; mosaic - frozen jelly of different colors is finely chopped, mixed, placed in molds and filled with light jelly (lemon, etc.); jelly with fillings - currants, raspberries, strawberries and others or citrus fruit slices are poured into the jelly. Jellies look very nice poured into baskets made from the peels of oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and watermelons.

    The finished jelly is poured into chilled portion molds or large molds (for several servings) and cooled in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 ° C for 1-1.5 hours. The frozen jelly is cut into portioned pieces with wavy edges or removed from the molds. To do this, they are immersed in hot water for 2-3 seconds, the walls and bottom of the molds are wiped, shaken and, turning, the jelly is carefully placed in a prepared bowl or on a dessert plate, then sold in 100, 150 g quantities. Jelly is sold mainly with sweet sauces, whipped cream, and natural syrups.

    Mousse differs from jelly in that the syrup with gelatin is cooled to 25-30°C and beaten in a mixer or by hand until the volume increases 4-5 times. The mass that has not yet hardened is quickly poured into molds and cooled. Before release, lower the mold with the mousse to 2/3 of the height for a few seconds in hot water and place it in a vase or bowl. When on vacation, sprinkle with sweet sauce or natural fruit and berry syrup.

    Mousses are also prepared without gelatin - with semolina. To do this, pour semolina into the boiling syrup, stirring continuously, brew it, cool the mass and beat it.

    Sambuca is a type of mousse. When making it, fruit puree from apples (apple sambuc) or apricots (apricot sambuc) is mixed with sugar and egg whites and beaten while cooling until the volume increases 2-3 times and a homogeneous fluffy mass is formed. The prepared gelatin is dissolved, cooled to 40-50°C and poured into the whipped mass in a thin stream with rapid continuous stirring, poured into gelling molds and cooled. Served with sweet sauces or fruit and berry syrups.

    To prepare fruit puree, place the prepared fruits on a baking sheet, add a small amount of water and bake in the oven until soft. They are then cooled and wiped.

    Since the gelling agents in these dishes are fruit pectin and gelatin, the gelatin addition is reduced to a concentration of 1.5%. Whipped egg whites give the finished products additional fluffiness.

    They are prepared from thick cream (at least 35% fat) or sour cream 36% fat with the addition of eggs, milk, sugar, fruit puree and gelatin, as well as various flavoring and aromatic products. Depending on the raw materials used, creams are divided into cream, sour cream and berry. The finished cream is poured into prepared molds and cooled. Before releasing, immerse the mold in warm water for a few seconds, then, after removing it from the water, shake it and place the cream in a vase or on a dessert plate. When on vacation, add sweet sauces or syrups.

    Whipped cream.

    They are used to prepare creams and are also sold as a separate dessert dish. To do this, powdered sugar, various fillers and flavorings are added to the cream. Chilled cream (35% fat content) is whipped to a stable fluffy foam and refined powder is added while stirring. When leaving, the whipped cream is placed in a bowl. They are served with jam, oranges, tangerines, chocolate or roasted almonds.

    Ice cream.

    At catering establishments they sell ice cream and cream, and immediately before the holiday they prepare soft ice cream. It is a product of creamy consistency with a delicate structure, low overrun (40-60%) and a temperature of -5 to -7°C. The following types of soft ice cream are produced: creamy, creamy-chocolate, creamy-coffee, creamy-protein, milky with a high fat content, milky.

    Ice cream is sold with various sweet sauces (chocolate, nut, chocolate-nut, raspberry, etc.), fresh, canned, frozen fruits and berries, jam, whipped cream, cookies, cognac, liqueur.

    Ice cream is sold in bowls, wine glasses or special vases.