home · Lighting · Autonomous heat supply of an apartment building and the reasons for its use. Roof boiler rooms - a new solution to old problems Maintenance of a boiler room on the roof of a multi-storey building

Autonomous heat supply of an apartment building and the reasons for its use. Roof boiler rooms - a new solution to old problems Maintenance of a boiler room on the roof of a multi-storey building

Roof boiler rooms - system autonomous heat supply residential or commercial facility, which involves placing equipment on the roof. Such settings - profitable solution for multi-storey residential buildings located mainly in central areas. They supply heat to all apartments, consuming a minimum of energy resources and without requiring operator maintenance. There is no need to build a separate building for them, which is not always possible in densely built-up areas.

Features of installing boiler rooms on the roof.

Roof-top gas boiler houses are installed, since gas is the cheapest and most accessible energy resource that does not harm the environment. They are used:

  • for heat supply to objects that do not want (for reasons of economy) or cannot be connected to a centralized heating system;
  • if the facility needs to support more high temperature heating;
  • for supplying heat to new buildings or buildings after reconstruction.

Rooftop gas boiler rooms must meet a number of requirements. Thus, their permissible power is from 0.5 to 3 MW, and the temperature of the liquid in the system is up to 110 ° C. Also, these indicators must correspond to the characteristics of the object, therefore, during the design process, thermal load calculations are performed. The installed equipment must be factory assembled, domestic or foreign, with certificates and approvals. For safety reasons, autonomous rooftop boiler rooms must be protected from unauthorized entry. The project is subject to mandatory approval from city government agencies. If the building is higher than 26.5 m, the possibility of installing a heating system on the roof should be agreed upon with the fire service.

Types of roof boiler houses, advantages.

An autonomous roof boiler room can be stationary or block-modular. Thus, block-modular ones are a design of two or several modules equipped with necessary equipment. They are assembled at the factory and delivered ready for use. Stationary systems are assembled by specialists from individual components - pumps, boilers, burners, etc. Regardless of the type of construction, roof-mounted gas boiler houses have a number of advantages over centralized heating:

  • no need for construction separate room, saving land area;
  • Autonomous operation of the system does not require operator maintenance;
  • does not require installation of chimneys or ventilation;
  • high efficiency (efficiency up to 95%), minimal heat loss;
  • Installation of roof boiler rooms is faster and cheaper.

So, subject to compliance with current standards, a well-designed project, correctly carried out calculations (installation power, thermal load, heat needs of the facility, etc.), the autonomous heat supply system is economical and efficient.

An autonomous roof boiler house is a complex system consisting of a set of components and installations. Standard equipment includes:

  • boiler;
  • gas-burners;
  • pumps;
  • gas meters, thermal energy control devices;
  • exhaust fan;
  • water tanks, pipework;
  • heater;
  • installation control system.

Depending on the specifics of the object and the wishes of the customer, the list can be supplemented or reduced. The final decision is made by the engineer after receiving the technical specifications and analyzing how well it corresponds to real conditions, equipment capabilities, and current standards.

Installation of roof boiler rooms is carried out according to technology, depending on its type. Thus, the stationary system is assembled from factory-made metal structures on site, and fences are erected from sandwich plates. Then the equipment is installed. Large-unit assembly is carried out. The installation of permanent installations must be carried out in parallel with the construction of the building. Testing is carried out in two stages - immediately after assembly, then before commissioning.

Block structures are delivered to the site already assembled. They are lifted onto the roof and then installed. Tests are carried out at the factory. At the site, commissioning is carried out after installation work.

To prevent the pumps from making noise, and also to reduce the load on the roof of the house, they are installed in basement. Drainage equipment and tanks remain on the roof.

The cost of a rooftop boiler room depends on its capacity, type, brand of equipment, complexity of the work, and other factors. Approximate prices The services are presented in the price list on our website.

Call. Our company will carry out all work on the installation of roof heating systems within the agreed time frame, guaranteeing efficiency, reliability and safety.

Traditional schemes for organizing heating infrastructure are not without alternative. New technological approaches are characterized by energy efficiency and the ability to provide autonomy. According to these principles, in particular, a roof boiler room is implemented. IN apartment building it allows you to optimize heat losses, increasing energy savings by 25-30%. Of course, there are also disadvantages this decision, which are expressed both in the difficulties of technical execution and in the strict requirements of regulatory rules.

Concept of an autonomous roof boiler house

The roof heating system is organized in the appropriate technical room, located on the top or one of the top floors. Often, for such purposes, special premises and utility blocks are built, designed specifically for the needs of accommodation heating equipment. From the boiler room, communication circuits are distributed throughout the house to heat the apartments. These can be the same pipelines as in the case of traditional hot water supply. Another thing is that the length of these lines will be shorter. Since the autonomous roof boiler house is not connected to the main supply network, its control is completely concentrated in the building itself, which facilitates maintenance. But this does not at all exclude the need to connect to centralized sources of fuel or electricity. The nature of the execution of this part will depend on the type of equipment, performance and other operational characteristics.

Types of roof boiler houses

There are several classifications of roof-top boiler houses, determined both by the principle of operation and technical and structural features. First of all, it is worth emphasizing the popularity gas equipment, the alternative to which is only electric models boilers The use of gas is economical and easy to maintain. As for electric units, they, on the contrary, are characterized by high costs, but at the same time eliminate the need for a gas pipeline. There is also a security aspect. The fact is that a rooftop gas boiler room in an apartment building must be carefully protected by security systems, usually automatic and allowing for self-diagnosis using sensors. Solid fuel boilers it is irrational to use on the upper floors due to technical difficulties in organizing the delivery of coal and firewood. Another sign of division involves classification into integrated and block-modular boiler houses. These two types should be considered separately.

Built-in boiler rooms

Main hallmark built-in or stationary boiler room - this is technical and structural compliance with the building itself. That is, the room with its constituent components is similar building structures, forming the house itself. If the building is made of panels or bricks, then the boiler room is made in the same way. In a sense, this is the same technical room, only oriented specifically towards heating needs. Another sign may be the fact that the design of the house itself, in which an autonomous roof boiler room is installed, provided for such a possibility. This could also manifest itself in calculations bearing capacity walls, and in the choice of insulating materials, and in creating circuits for the same gasification. Not to mention the fact that the designers could have consciously refused to introduce the pipeline into the walls for one reason or another and relied on strengthening the upper floor.

Block-modular boiler rooms

This is a type of lightweight boiler houses that do not belong to capital technical structures. The block-modular design consists of thin metal panels, which are additionally reinforced with profile elements, technological ribs and corners. The inside of the modular roof boiler room is carefully finished with steam, heat and waterproofing materials with a fireproof layer. To remove combustion products, a chimney is integrated, which also has a lightweight design.

The advantages of block-modular facilities include ease of construction, versatility in operation and the ability quick dismantling. Initially, materials for such premises are supplied in the form of kits containing everything necessary for the functioning of the heating system. If a roof boiler room is required in an apartment building, the design of which was not designed for construction on top floor, the modular option will be optimal.

SNiP regulatory requirements for design

Regardless of the choice of type of boiler house design, the developers of its project must rely on the requirements of SNiP. For this purpose, there is an entire section of rules II-35-76, which applies to general norms design of boiler houses, as well as addition P 1-03, dedicated specifically to roof structures. Technical solution must, in particular, comply with the following rules:

  • Walls and engineering structures should not be directly connected to the walls of residential premises.
  • The construction of roof boiler houses should not be carried out on the floors of residential premises.
  • The control system must provide for an autonomous alarm system.
  • The height of the chimney pipes is at least 50 cm relative to the highest point of the building.

It is also mandatory that technical rooms allocated for boiler rooms must initially have ventilation. This already applies to measures fire safety, when it comes to the operation of gas equipment.

SNiP requirements for equipment power

The operation of thermal units in residential buildings as such requires compliance with strict restrictions. And this is especially true for objects placed on roofs. In particular, a roof boiler house in an apartment building cannot contain heating stations total capacity about 3 mW. In addition, even if the productivity is less than the above value, another limit should be taken into account regarding general need buildings in heat supply. The equipment should not operate at capacities that are 15% higher than the demands of all consumers at home in total.

There are also limitations determined by the design of the room itself. Inside the process unit, the equipment must be located at a point that provides easy operator access to all functional parts. At the same time, the construction of roof boiler houses should not affect the structure of the house itself. That is, the project should not involve changing the structure roofing pie. IN as a last resort It is allowed to lay additional technological layers of insulator.

Gas supply requirements

Separately, there is a set of rules (SP) aimed at ensuring safety rules for the operation of gas communications. In operating mode, the gas supply circuit should not experience a pressure load of more than 5 kPa. As noted in the same joint venture, roof boiler houses should be supplied with gas only from a circuit running along external wall and does not have additional inserts. That is, the gas pipeline for the heating system is purposefully oriented only to the needs of the boiler equipment.

In some cases, it is allowed on the roof; it is sold only in open form without protection by gratings and other structures that prevent access to the pipe. Also, a rooftop gas boiler room in an apartment building is supplied with a full set of technological fittings. This and shut-off valves, and purge channels, and leak sensors.

Requirements for electrification of boiler houses

Electrical infrastructure applies not only to electric boilers, but also to gas units. In the first case, developers must provide a second level energy protection class. Heating equipment, supply elements and adjacent communications must comply with it. Regardless of the type of fuel used, the roof boiler room of a residential building must be provided with lightning protection and provide grounding. Lighting is provided by sealed lamps, the body of which has a metal mesh.

Positive reviews about the roof boiler room

Most of the positive feedback about boiler houses of this type is based on optimization. The absence of additional communication channels, reduced construction costs for individual buildings and, ultimately, simplified maintenance - all this undoubtedly creates only a positive impression. In addition, the roof boiler room of a residential building provides significant savings in energy costs already during operation. In most cases, it is this aspect that becomes the decisive factor in favor of such a choice.

Negative reviews

Organizations that have experience working with rooftop boiler houses note the complexity of design due to strict restrictions. First of all, this is due to the structural and power framework within which a rooftop boiler room in an apartment building should be installed. Reviews point to the fact that traditional ground-based facilities can be constructed using equipment of almost any capacity. Roof heating units, in turn, do not allow the use of even traditional solid fuel units.

Another group of shortcomings is associated with high requirements for ensuring protective measures. For example, a roof boiler room in an apartment building must have modern system automatic control and a wide range of devices that are activated when emergency operating conditions are detected.


For a number of parameters and operational features we can conclude that the roof method of placing heating equipment is the most promising. Moreover, the shortcomings of this solution are now being resolved modern technologies- this applies to both compact sizes and the introduction of automation. The only significant obstacle for organizations that cannot afford a rooftop gas boiler room in an apartment building is the price, which averages 2-3 million rubles. This is the cost of a modular unit with a standard boiler. To this it is worth adding the payment for the services of designers, installers and adjusters, as a result of which the price tag will rise by about 1 million.

Currently, when deciding the issue of a heating station, customers are increasingly choosing a rooftop boiler room, motivating them high efficiency. A well-chosen roof boiler house fits perfectly into the densely built conditions of modern cities, since it does not require land acquisition and extra space for construction separate building. There is also no need for chimneys Oh high altitude and construction of long heating mains. In addition, plays an important role high security roof boiler houses, their environmental friendliness and full automation of operation. Service life used in such boiler houses technological equipment longer due to the absence of water hammer.

Research and calculations clearly show that placing a boiler room on the roof can reduce both capital and operating costs. By eliminating the construction of chimneys and heating networks, it is possible to significantly reduce initial investments, because their cost reaches up to 40% of the cost of the entire heat supply system in cases of connection to centralized heat sources and about 25-30% when using various autonomous sources with ground-based placement. The absence of heat losses in such networks (up to 25%) and energy savings as a result of automatic temperature control in the building depending on the weather (5-10%) help reduce operating costs.

Block and modular options roof-mounted autonomous boiler houses can significantly reduce installation time, since they are fully factory-assembled boiler houses that do not require much time to put into operation.

Thus, we can conclude that roof boiler houses not only retained the inherent advantages autonomous systems heating systems in general, but differ in their unique and undeniable advantages. However, you can take advantage of these benefits only in the case of a comprehensive professional approach to the selection of equipment, design, installation and operation of the boiler room.

Design and installation are considered the most important stages construction of any roof boiler house. To avoid mistakes leading to breakdowns or even emergency situations, and therefore additional financial costs, the only thing the right decision There will be an appeal to specialists in the design and installation organization. Only there, based on terms of reference, the customer will be able to offer a competent engineering solution for the entire required range of services. This is explained by the fact that special requirements have now been developed not only for the weight characteristics of the heat-generating equipment used and its vibration and noise properties, but also for the buildings themselves intended to accommodate selected rooftop boiler houses, and for the maintainability of this or that equipment (is it possible the use of freight-passenger elevators of a given building for repairs and replacement of the boiler), etc., and not everyone has knowledge of such requirements.

In addition, if the choice of equipment necessary for a rooftop boiler house in accordance with the assigned tasks does not cause difficulties for qualified specialists, then satisfy all existing regulatory requirements requirements for the placement and operation of each rooftop boiler house are very difficult.

Strict restrictions of the existing regulatory framework (GOSTs, SNiPs, etc.), as well as a large list of requirements imposed by supervisory authorities, can become a serious obstacle in the process of resolving the issue of building a rooftop boiler house. The basis of the regulatory framework available in Russia used for the development and design of roof-mounted autonomous boiler houses is: SNiP 42-01-2002 “Gas distribution systems” and SNiP 11-35-76 “Boiler installations”. They provide the basic requirements that must be met to ensure safe work roof boiler rooms.

Usually thermal power The boiler room installed on the roof should be no more than 3 MW. However, in exceptional cases, based on appropriate justification, it is allowed to use an autonomous rooftop boiler room to provide heat supply to several other buildings, provided that the heat load of additionally connected consumers should not exceed 100% of the heat load of the main building.

For boiler rooms located on the roofs of residential buildings, it is allowed to use only hot water boilers, operating on natural gas, the coolant temperature in which does not exceed 115°C. For industrial enterprises And industrial buildings You can use boilers with a steam pressure of no more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm2) at a water temperature of up to 115°C. It is forbidden to place roof boiler rooms above warehouses belonging to categories “A” and “B” and production premises in order to comply with fire and explosion safety. It is also prohibited to design roof boiler rooms for buildings intended for children's schools and preschool institutions, clinics with a 24-hour hospital, hospitals and dormitory buildings of rest homes and sanatoriums. It is not allowed to build roof boiler rooms over rooms where more than fifty people can be present at the same time, adjacent to living rooms, as well as on the floors of various residential premises.

IN Lately The number of floors of buildings under construction is increasing more and more, which leads to a proportional increase in the need for heat, and consequently to a corresponding increase in the power of boiler houses. Building on existing regulations When constructing a building with a height of more than 26.5 m, the roof boiler room must be agreed upon with the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and local representatives of the State Fire Service, and if the capacity is exceeded, it will additionally be necessary to develop and agree upon with the Ministry of Regional Development Special technical specifications. This procedure, as a rule, takes a lot of time, but still makes it possible to significantly reduce capital costs for construction.

Building on existing regulatory framework, in the pipe supplying natural gas to the roof boiler room along the wall of the building, the pressure should be up to 5 kPa. Thus, if the building is high-rise, then it will be necessary to build a large-diameter gas pipeline. A large diameter of the gas supply pipeline will inevitably lead to deterioration appearance buildings and increasing the cost of gas pipeline construction. It is much more aesthetically pleasing and cheaper to use medium pressure gas pipelines in such cases, but currently only urban building codes Moscow allows connection to rooftop boiler houses natural gas through pipes with medium pressure (up to 100 kPa).

Considering high density In the development of modern large cities with a lack of space necessary to accommodate a heat source and accompanying supply lines for heating residential areas, the installation of rooftop boiler houses is without a doubt a very attractive solution. Although this also raises certain difficulties, both during the construction of the building itself and later during the operation of such boiler houses. They are mainly connected with the fact that our supervisory authorities, unfortunately, rely on the regulatory and technical framework developed back in the third quarter of the last century. While the revision, competent adjustment and adaptation to current conditions of outdated normative support in every sense will make it possible to more fully use Newest technologies and high-quality materials for the construction of new high-rise residential complexes.

The article was prepared based on materials from open sources.

Roof boiler rooms - a new solution to old problems

Roof boiler rooms - a new solution to old problems

Considering that it is not always possible to lay heating pipelines along the walls or under the floor, we have to consider schemes that are somewhat non-standard for traditional heating methods. One such option is the so-called roof boiler room. The method of laying and installing heating elements on the roof is somewhat labor-intensive work, but having a number of advantages, it is becoming more and more common on various enterprises and in hangars, where it is often difficult to conduct communications.

As you know, the main factors by which the efficiency of a heating system is calculated are the duration of the heating pipelines, the amount of thermal energy that is used and the amount of energy that “leaks away,” the so-called heat losses. But if we consider the roof boiler room in comparison with the usual, traditional scheme, then with a relatively short length of communications they allow you to constantly maintain desired temperature indoors. This advantage allows you to significantly reduce energy losses both during direct heating and when laying pipes. If we express the savings factor in numbers, it will be in the range of 30 – 40%.

Roof boiler room - heating system

As for the boiler itself for roof heating systems, it is preferable to place it in the form of autonomous ITP on roof and upper technical levels buildings, that’s why such boiler houses have a corresponding name – “roof boiler houses”. As for the advantages of such placement, firstly, the need for land acquisition or the construction of a separate building in the form of a boiler room is immediately eliminated. Secondly, relatively short communications and constant free access to them make it possible to special effort produce technical inspection pipelines and system components. Thirdly, increased safety. This factor is manifested in the fact that even with an emergency supply of fuel (gas or liquid carriers in the form of gasoline or diesel fuel, for a diesel boiler room), the likelihood of smoke and open flame entering the premises is virtually eliminated.

One more important property, which a roof boiler house has, is environmentally safe and preferable to other types of boiler houses. The fact is that, being on the roof, gases have greater access to the open atmosphere, so their removal is much easier compared to conventional gas outlets, in which gaseous combustion products are literally forced up the pipe.

An experiment was recently conducted that showed how much more profitable it is to use such heating systems. The analysis consisted mainly of the cost of thermal energy. The results showed that when producing 1 Gcal of energy with a roof heating system, we save about 20% compared to heating using another type of boiler house.

What qualities distinguish a modern roof boiler house?

Firstly, high performance. Manufacturers no longer offer weak models, because they are suitable only for small cottages. In great demand use the most powerful roof boiler houses, capable of maintaining heat even in multi-storey buildings. Moreover, they are constantly used even in low-rise construction, since the owners not only heat the premises, but also maintain a high temperature in saunas or baths.

Secondly, efficiency. Now fuel consumption has become an important factor. The roof boiler room runs on gas, so its cost is low. However, volumes still greatly affect the owner’s costs. For this reason, every modern model meets global requirements for efficiency. Without it, it is no longer possible to become a serious competitor in a market where there are many other options.

Thirdly, ease of operation. Among other things, the roof boiler room is easy to handle. The average person carries out basic maintenance on his own, quickly adds fuel and checks the main components. This means that the owner does not have to spend extra money on the services of a specialist, but these costs are usually high.

Fourthly, low cost. Usually, before every purchase, a compatriot thinks about the price. When choosing a roof boiler room, he will not be able to refuse this, because it is not always so necessary. True, no buyer can be upset by the price, because even the most powerful models are quite affordable.

So installing a roof boiler room is a solution to many problems due to the highest technical characteristics. A wide assortment will only pleasantly complement a visit to the store.

Roof boiler room disadvantages

As for the disadvantages that a roof boiler house has, the main one is the need to attract the latest, modern equipment for installation of elements of a roof heating system. And this is where the necessary requirements for a gas boiler room arise. First of all, this is a limitation on the weight of the boiler, since it is the main source of mass. And since the boiler group is attached to the ceiling elements, it is necessary to comply with the strength of the roof structure and distribute the weight evenly across all the roof’s load-bearing elements. This in itself is not an easy task. That is why optimal material Copper is used for the manufacture of heat exchangers. But besides this, such a complex system simply cannot do without systems automated control and control. Therefore, it integrates elements of ACS (automatic control systems) and ACS (automatic control systems), which continuously monitor parameters throughout the entire system.

It should also be noted that the roof boiler room is the latest achievement in the field of energy supply and heating of premises. Despite the complexity roof options, most likely, in the near future they will be replaced by boiler houses of other types.

When will you need a rooftop boiler room?

The best aspects of this autonomous heating allowed to use them in different cases. First of all, a rooftop boiler room is used when there is a lack of free space near the building. With the current dense development of the largest cities, firms have to use such models. In addition, due to the installation of a roof boiler house, low-rise construction becomes completely autonomous. Some unique cottage designs take this heating option into account because it provides the required power without taking up free space.

As a result, it is now quite easy to find a rooftop boiler room. They are installed in many residential areas or cottage villages, becoming an indispensable part construction of houses.

To ensure that the entire multi-storey residential building is always warm, without interruptions in service and incredible numbers in receipts, it is enough to simply install a boiler room on the roof of the house.

Features of boiler heating systems.

More and more developers are choosing this method of heating residential premises. And for good reason.

  • The boiler room can be located on the roof or in the basement of the house, so there is no need to build a separate household unit.
  • Less heat loss, since the coolant enters directly into the pipes.
  • Reduced costs due to the lack of personnel servicing the boiler room.
  • Full automatic system.

To order installation of a boiler room on the roof of a house, call +7 495 205-205-2

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  • installation of a boiler room on the roof of a house is carried out using lifting systems;
  • boiler weight restrictions;
  • the need to install an automated fire extinguishing system;
  • compliance with equipment installation conditions ( supply and exhaust ventilation, gas-insulating flange for shutting off gas, light and sound signals fault notification systems, smoke exhaust located 2 meters above the roof, separate power cable, insulated floor, annual equipment inspection, fire evacuation scheme).

Where to install?

In multi-storey buildings, the boiler room is usually installed either in the basement or on the roof. A boiler room located in the basement should not operate on explosive fuel, therefore a boiler room operating on gas and diesel fuel, no place in the basement. The chimney must also be installed above the level of the house by at least 2 meters. Therefore, residents often choose roof-mounted boiler houses for high-rise buildings. Plus, you don’t have to think about an additional ventilation system.

Choosing equipment

There is no need to re-read a mountain of literature, undergo training or “get the hang of it” from your own experience in selecting and installing heating system equipment. For help in this matter, it is better to contact design engineers.

They will help produce everything necessary calculations, draw up a project and install a boiler room on the roof multi-storey building .

In this difficult task, you need to take literally everything into account: wind direction, average temperature in the cold season, wall thickness, type of fuel and many other nuances. Specialists will make a choice, help you order and purchase all the equipment necessary for installation.

Installation of a boiler room on the roof of a high-rise building

Installation of a boiler room on the roof of a high-rise building can be carried out both during the construction of the building and during its reconstruction.

There are 2 types of roof boiler houses:

  • stationary;
  • block-modular.

Stationary ones are erected simultaneously with the construction of the building using reinforced concrete blocks. The construction of this type of boiler house is more expedient. Elements of the future boiler room are delivered individually or assembled at the factory. Installation of the latter is carried out using block modules, which can be delivered to the roof at absolutely any time. In this case, the boiler room is assembled and tested at the factory. The small dimensions of such equipment greatly facilitate the delivery, lifting and installation of a boiler room on the roof of a high-rise building.

After assembling the roof boiler room, the system is checked twice. The first is carried out in the factory, the second - at the installation site.

It is relatively inexpensive to install a boiler room only during the construction of a house.

The costs of installing a boiler room can be as follows:

  • the equipment itself;
  • possible construction of those floor in its absence;
  • waterproofing and drainage;
  • engineer's work.

Based on the above expenses, it is more advisable to install roof boiler rooms in houses with at least 100 apartments.

There are also restrictions for installation thermal equipment on the roof of houses.

  • The equipment must not be installed on administrative buildings And household premises if there are at least 50 people staying in them at the same time.
  • Roof boiler rooms are prohibited on buildings of schools, kindergartens and other preschool institutions.
  • Installation should not be carried out on the roofs of hospital buildings, clinics and other health institutions.
  • Boiler rooms are prohibited on the roofs of sanatoriums and other buildings intended for recreation.
  • Especially fraught boiler equipment over explosive production premises and warehouses.
  • The boiler room should not be located on ceilings or adjacent to residential premises.

In many major cities equipment and heating mains are in a state of crisis, so sometimes the best solution to provide the residents of the house with stable heat and hot water is the installation of a roof boiler room. But it is better to think about installing such equipment in advance or during the construction of the house. This will provide significant savings Money, effort and time.