home · Installation · How to plaster a house under a “fur coat”. Fur coat for facade Fur coat for external walls for home

How to plaster a house under a “fur coat”. Fur coat for facade Fur coat for external walls for home

As with the application of other decorative finishing materials on the facade, before installing the “fur coat” the wall must be well plastered. Such a smooth and homogeneous base, made of cement and sand, has excellent adhesion, so the applied solution will firmly adhere to it.

If during measurements of the wall planes it turns out that their difference does not exceed 0.5 millimeters per square meter, beacons may not be exposed when plastering the facade. Even greater deviations on the planes of the walls can be allowed if a “fur coat” is used, the fraction of which is 10 mm or more.

Fragmentary application of a “fur coat”

In the event that it is necessary to apply a “fur coat” to individual sections of the facade, thus drawing geometric figures, or to highlight the protrusions of the walls, it is recommended to initially make such elements with a mortar for plastering. As a rule, in such cases the pedestal is not made, and textured plaster is applied to designated areas, previously limited by slats.

Considering that the surface of the “fur coat” has a rough texture, rough plaster You don’t have to rub it with a construction float. The only exception is deep corrosion. They should be removed when leveling the walls as a rule.

Broom and stick

The most simple method creating a “fur coat” on the walls of a building is one that is performed using an ordinary broom and stick. A millet broom is taken in one hand, dipped into the solution and beaten against a stick, which is in the other hand. Impacts on the stick are applied with the base of the broom towards the surface to be treated. If you need to get small splashes, use a stiff brush instead of a broom and wooden slats. To do this, just run the strip along the bristles of the brush in the direction opposite to the wall. So, the splashes will fall on the surface being treated.

Applying plaster under the “fur coat” using a broom

Mesh and trowel

The texture of the fur coat applied using mesh will differ from the previous one. For convenience, it is recommended to stretch the mesh screen onto a wooden frame. This structure must be moved along the wall, throwing the solution onto the mesh with a trowel.

Mechanical machine

This method can be considered improved. Such a machine is nothing more than a structure made of a drum made of stainless steel and equipped with blades inside. The mechanism is rotated by a handle located on the side of the drum.

After loading the solution into the drum, you need to point the structure with the outlet hole towards the wall and turn the handle. This unit is easy to use, but requires regular thorough cleaning and washing. Otherwise, the frozen solution will clog the blades and quickly disable the mechanism.

Do-it-yourself device for applying plaster


Considering that this creative process It’s worth approaching with a certain amount of imagination, you can try various methods applying façade decorative plaster to treated surfaces. It remains to master one more mechanism, which is used in this work. Here the solution is pushed onto the wall by applying compressed air. This method is reminiscent of the principle of operation of the blades in a mechanical machine for applying a solution.

Another option decorative finishing building facades is the so-called house under a fur coat. This idea for decorating a residential building and garden buildings was known back in the last century and was actively used in summer cottages In the countryside. The technology for applying plaster under a fur coat is quite simple, fast and cheap, now we will prove it to you.

Plaster coat: essence and advantages

Plaster coat is an application sand-cement mortar sprayed onto the surface of the building. This process even a beginner in the construction business can carry it out, because all you need is a solution, a broom, a stick and a trowel. The process of applying fur coat plaster to a house is not labor-intensive and takes little time, compared to other options for finishing building facades (cladding, etc.). There are practically no material costs, the only costs are the purchase of cement and colored pigment for coloring the solution (optional).

The advantages of fur coat plaster are as follows:

The disadvantage is the fact that the type of fur coat will not suit modern garden styles(for example,), and also that a fur coat is a dust collector due to its textured surface.

How to apply decorative plaster fur coat?

You can apply a fur coat different ways, which are equally simple. It is best to use a special machine for applying plaster.

It is necessary to apply the solution with a machine as follows: hold the bell of the machine at a right angle to the wall, as a result of which the solution is applied in a small layer to the surface under the influence of air from the compressor. Please note that the bell must be kept at a right angle, otherwise the coat of plaster will be distributed unevenly and the decorative appearance will lose its beauty. It is necessary to apply the plaster using a machine in several layers; if you decide to take a break, be sure to cover the edges of the sprayed solution with film to protect the facade from cracking.

In addition to the machine, you can use the “old-fashioned” methods of applying fur coat plaster with your own hands. There are 3 most popular types of spraying: with a broom, a brush and through a mesh, now we will talk about them.

The easiest way to spray the plaster is with a broom. To do this you need to use a solution, a broom and a stick. We hold a stick in one hand and a broom in the other. Soak the broom in the solution and hit it on a stick that we hold against the wall. As a result of this solution, it is distributed over the surface of the house.

Using a brush is also not difficult to apply coat of plaster on the house with your own hands. All you need is to take a brush and a small wooden plank. We dip the brush into a container with a solution for a fur coat, turn the brush over near the wall and run the board along it (towards you). As a result, the solution is sprayed onto the wall and creates the appearance of a decorative fur coat.

Well, the last popular way of applying plaster to a fur coat with your own hands is to use metal mesh. In front of the wall on which the fur coat will be applied, a mesh with wooden frame and the solution is poured through it using a trowel. After finishing the work, the mesh is removed.

As you can see, the methods for applying fur coat plaster with your own hands are quite simple and not labor-intensive. Now we will talk about how to properly create a house under a fur coat with your own hands.

Plastering a house under a fur coat with your own hands: sequence of actions

As mentioned earlier, the technology for plastering a house under a fur coat is not complicated and even a beginner can handle it.

First of all, we prepare the wall for plastering. If the wall is smooth, then we specially make notches on it using a chisel and a hammer. We also make small holes, but without damaging the construction material at home (or cinder block). If the wall has uneven surface, there is no need to do any preliminary steps. In addition, it is necessary to get rid of the previous plaster, tiles or other decorative cladding, which was applied earlier. Once the wall is prepared, we move on.

The next stage is priming the walls. For this purpose, ready-made primer liquids are used, sold in hardware stores. Their price is inexpensive, and the quality is good enough to ensure the necessary adhesion of the wall to the mortar. You can apply the primer with a paintbrush; this must be done once, but carefully. If the wall area under the fur coat is large, then in order to save on the amount of primer, it is recommended to use a sprayer; it not only applies the primer in a thin layer, but also sprays it over all cracks and gaps.

After the wall is primed, wait until it is completely dry, this is mandatory. Next, we begin applying the Shuba plaster to the surface of the house.

At this stage, you should decide on the solution for creating a house under a fur coat. There is an option for applying gypsum mortar, but it is not recommended because... gypsum will not provide sufficient moisture protection to the wall. The only advantage of gypsum is that the solution dries faster.

It is best to use the more popular cement-sand mortar. As for the ratio of sand and cement for mortar, opinions often differ. Some argue that it is best to use a 1:3 ratio (cement: sand), others insist on a 1:2 or even 1:1 ratio. We still recommend choosing the 1:3 option, because... This solution has already been successfully tested. As for the thickness of the solution, the coat of plaster should have the consistency of liquid sour cream, so it is easier to apply and the requirement for the granularity of the solution is satisfied.

The solution must be applied in 3 layers. The first layer is applied with a regular trowel and leveled with it, additionally using a building level. Next, a second layer is applied, a preparatory layer, 1 cm thick. And, in the end, the last layer is sprayed using the tools and methods listed above. Here you should pay attention to the fact that the layer of the last, decorative plaster can be diluted with pieces broken glass different colors and powder color pigments. This design move will make the façade of a house with a fur coat even more interesting and attractive.

If the fur coat plaster is applied with your own hands without using color pigments in the solution, you can paint the facade yourself with a spray gun after the plaster has completely dried.

Among the most popular buildings for applying fur coat plaster with your own hands are the following:

  • House
  • Brick. You will be surprised, but it is also decorated with plaster under a fur coat, rarely, but there are still examples.

In order for fur coat plaster to decorate homes for decades, it must be applied correctly. Experts gave us the following useful tips:

  • Weather conditions for applying coat plaster should be as follows: temperature from 5 to 27 degrees above zero, without direct hits sun rays(better on a cloudy day), but not in rainy weather
  • All 3 layers must be applied in one process, allowing each layer to dry a little
  • It is prohibited to skimp on primer; it must be applied to the wall
  • To color the solution, it is recommended to use the following powders (from minerals): red iron ore, white asbestos, manganese powder, finely ground cobalt glass, crushed white marble, coal powder, etc. They must be added to the solution while mixing cement and sand with water.
  • The solution should be sparse, but at the same time not slide off the wall
  • To create a more grainy fur coat, you need to use a metal mesh or a stick with a broom. To keep the grain to a minimum, it is recommended to use a brush.

This is all I wanted to tell you about fur coat plaster, how decorative material for finishing facades. We wish you good luck in creating a home under a fur coat with your own hands!

Put a “Fur Fur Coat” on the façade plaster mixture Many owners of private houses are not averse to this. The reason is that this finish looks impressive and presentable, but its production does not take as much time as others façade cladding. Shuba plaster can be applied in various ways, and our article will tell you how to do it correctly.

You can make the surface of the walls look like a fur coat no worse than a master, the main thing is to know the basic principles of work

This type of house decoration received its name for its resemblance to inner surface sheepskin coat It is believed that the method of plastering houses “under a fur coat” came to us from the mountainous regions of Moldova and Ukraine, but today this method has gained great popularity among owners expensive houses, and among the owners of modest suburban buildings. What is the reason for such demand?

An impressive finish, which has a long list of advantages, is very low cost. The costs of its production are so small, and the methods of obtaining beautiful walls so simple that you cease to be surprised by the desire to do all the work yourself in order to save even more. Please note the cost finishing works given in the table. Calculations are given for 1 sq.m., which ultimately adds up to a round sum.

The cost of plastering the surface “under a fur coat” in one of the finishing companies

Previously, the finishing, which we now call a fur coat, was made from a mixture of cement and sand. Moreover, the more diverse the sand, the more effective the decorative “fur coat” is. By by and large, nothing has changed today - you can take any more or less coarse plaster mixture and apply it to the wall in the form of a coat. The main thing here is not the quality of the mixture, but the method of its application. But for a better and more lasting effect, we advise you not to skimp, but to use good construction plasters famous manufacturers, after all, you are already going to save money by abandoning the finishing team.

Advantages and disadvantages of coating

  1. The most important advantage, as we have already noted, is the low cost of the material. You can purchase any dry mixture for masonry and make an exclusive facade from it. Special decorative compositions are also not expensive.
  2. Simplicity of work that anyone can master, regardless of gender and age. The technology does not require any special knowledge or physical strength, no special skills.
  3. The plaster is applied in a fairly thick layer, and therefore perfectly protects the facade from wind and precipitation.
  4. The plaster layer provides a certain percentage of sound insulation.
  5. The material is 100% environmentally friendly.
  6. The mixture has zero flammability.
  7. When applied correctly, it does not crack or fall off for a long time.
  8. Does not require complex preparatory work.
  9. This is the only decorative plaster that can be painted in any way: add paint to the finished solution or paint the wall.
  10. With minimal labor costs you get an attractive appearance.

The disadvantages of the “fur” covering include:

  1. It is sometimes necessary to clean or rinse the facade from dust, since due to the structure of the surface, dust settles on it too well.
  2. The thermal conductivity of the finish is comparable to conventional plaster coatings.

There is an opinion that such a coating is outdated, but looking at the high-quality walls of expensive houses, I don’t want to call it plaster finishing"yesterday"

Manufacturers and prices of high-quality decorative plaster mixtures

Despite the claim that a “fur coat” finish can be made from a mixture of cement and sand, you still want to purchase ready-made plaster. This is the right decision, because its quality depends on what material is chosen for finishing. Today on the market of construction and finishing materials you can find many compositions from a variety of manufacturers.

Any professional decorator will tell you that you should always trust proven brands, which means buying a product that is known to be of high quality. To put a “fur coat” on your home, we recommend paying attention to several well-known manufacturers facade materials, whose products have long proven themselves in business:

Facade finishing

Preparatory work for applying plaster to the facade

Surface preparation

Needs to be cleaned façade walls from old decoration as carefully as possible. Remove paint, tiles, and old plaster. If the facade is new and well plastered, then it is enough to dust it off and get to work.

Preparation of the solution

If you purchase a ready-made plaster suspension, you can skip this step, but usually the fur coat mixture is sold in dry form. On the packaging you will find instructions for preparing the solution - follow them strictly, because the beauty of the texture depends on the quality of the suspension. To seal, use a special attachment on a drill.

Important! Pay attention to the sequence of pouring water into the powder and the settling time.

It is better to mix using a special attachment for a drill.


To cover the facade with a relief plaster pattern, careful leveling of the surface is not required, but the walls will have to be primed. This is necessary for better adhesion of the finish to the wall surface and for sealing large irregularities and cracks. Construction stores offer wide choose primers on all surfaces. We recommend purchasing two types - adhesive and facade starting mixture.

Apply the adhesive solution over the entire surface in a thin layer and leave for a day to set. After the initial layer has completely dried, prime with starting plaster using a spatula and trowel. If the walls are too uneven, you will have to use a level and apply a thick layer of plaster under the mesh.

A finishing coat is not required as this will be your textured finish.

Facade primer

Methods of applying Shuba plaster

Behind long years Using this finish, people have come up with a lot of ways to apply the solution to the wall. Many of them took root and became popular. Let's look at the main ones that are used today by both professional finishers and individuals.


This is the easiest way to apply the plaster mixture. To get the desired effect, simply dip the roller into a bucket of solution and “paint” the surface with it. The plaster should have the consistency of pancake batter - neither runny nor thick. Another option for working with a roller: apply the solution with a trowel, and then spread it over the surface with a roller. The resulting finish looks a little rough, but this has a definite advantage.

If, after drying, the “fur coat” is rubbed with a trowel, you will get an interesting effect - a worn-out fur coat. You can use a regular roller or buy one texture tool, it is equipped with certain holes, and the work will progress faster. Change your hand pressure as you work, so you can get an excellent drawing.

Applying the solution with a roller

Using a broom and stick

Same easy way applying plaster to the surface to obtain the desired pattern. An ordinary household “tool” is not quite suitable for this. It is better to tie ordinary coarse twigs into a panicle, for example, willow ones. The twigs do not have to be the same diameter; on the contrary, this is how we get an interesting and varied relief.

Some craftsmen use a plastic outdoor broom, which is available in hardware stores. A broom is dipped into the solution, and by tapping with a stick, the plaster is applied to the wall. When drying, you can slightly smooth the surface with a trowel, thereby adding smoothness and uniformity to the pattern.

One of the most simple ways applying plaster to the surface - using a stick and a broom

A special apparatus for spraying the solution

This method is more “automated”, since the solution is applied special apparatus. Inside the container there are brushes, which, when the handle is rotated, push the suspension onto the wall. This method allows you to cover the façade fairly evenly. But there is also a problem, this moment This device has disappeared from stores and you will have to make it yourself. True, it’s easy to do with a round brush and a container.

Special spray tool

Using a grid

This method involves the use of a rigid metal mesh. The grid cells can be different, so you get the relief different sizes. The mesh is installed opposite the wall and the solution is poured through it, after which the mesh screen is removed. It is recommended to insert the screen into a rigid baguette and move it along the entire facade.

Application with mesh

Brush and board

This method is reminiscent of using a broom and stick, but even simpler. To obtain a pattern, the brush is dipped into a container with a suspension, and the board is used to uniform movements on the pile towards yourself. This ensures uniform spraying away from you. Choose a fairly coarse and stiff brush, otherwise the drops will be too small.

Application with a brush and board

Spatula and trowel

The next method is reminiscent of using a roller, since the principle of obtaining a pattern is the same. The solution is thrown onto the wall with a spatula, and then spread over the entire surface with a trowel, applying and sharply releasing the tool. This creates a completely different relief, which is better to smooth out a little when drying.

Application using a spatula and trowel

With compressor and hopper

Certainly, mechanized methods It’s not only easier, but also better quality to apply the relief to the wall. In addition, the hopper adjusts the size of the drop, which can create completely different beautiful drawings. This method is convenient for plastering large volumes. For example, if your house is two or three storeys, then the use hand tools will be of dubious benefit. You don’t have to buy a compressor, but rent it from a finishing company.

Using a compressor to create a relief pattern

Painting the plaster surface under a fur coat

Some plasters are sold already painted, for example, Diamant Knauf dry mixes, but if you want to add your own creativity, then painting the “fur coat” surface is not difficult. The main thing here is to follow certain principles. The fact is that it is difficult to paint such a relief on the wall with a brush. The surface is not uniform, and to achieve complete staining, you will have to repeat the process several times. This situation will increase the cost of finishing several times, and it will no longer be possible to talk about a cheap facade. On the other hand, applying special facade paints in several layers will further protect the facade from external negative impacts. The choice is yours.

The easiest and most economical method to get a colored fur coat is to use a spray gun. Mechanically you will not only distribute the paint evenly over the surface of the textured plaster, but also save on material. There is no need to exclude working time - with a spray gun, painting will be several times faster and easier.

Painting with a spray gun

Video tips for applying textured plaster to the facade of a building

Using our video material, you can clearly study how to apply the solution to the facade of a building in the form of a fur coat.

Shuba plaster is one of the most common ways to decorate and protect the facade of a house. Anyone can repeat the steps of applying the solution, and the cost of materials is low. By choosing this method of facade cladding, you save money, which can be useful for other home improvement needs.

Decorating the facade of a house with fur coat is popular. This is not only a decoration item, but also design solution.
Sometimes when thinking about how to decorate the facade of a house, finishing with a fur coat is the only the right decision. First, you need to decide how to apply the material, because the appearance of the house will depend on this.
To do this, you should look at photos and videos on this topic. Instructions on how to perform this work will be provided.

Before purchasing materials, you should fully study the advantages and disadvantages of this type of finishing and only then apply the solution:

  • The price of the material is quite low. Therefore, almost anyone can afford it;
  • All work can be done entirely with your own hands and without resorting to outside help. This will significantly reduce the cost of all work.
    Qualified specialists they are not cheap;
  • This coating perfectly protects the base plane from external influences. Tolerates temperature changes and high humidity;
  • You can decorate the base plane with different patterns and make it different from the rest of the buildings. Moreover, it is possible to give it any color when preparing the solution;
  • If he talks about insulation, then it is worth noting that although a fur coat will serve as insulation, it will not be as good. If the walls of the house are thin and not insulated, then it will not save you.
    And when applying it, you will not be able to provide additional insulation from the outside of the house;
  • The issue of design is also important. If you are finishing the facade with siding and at the same time attaching insulation, then applying a fur coat to basement part the premises will not look good.
    It’s just that the sident will protrude much more in relation to the plane of the base;
  • The ease of work can also be attractive in this regard. Although there are some shapes to make, then it will take some time;
  • This coating will protect the surface from moisture and make the material more durable.

Technique for applying fur coat to the wall

Finishing the facades of houses with fur coat is not the same hard work, as it might seem at first glance. It must be done according to certain rules and in required sequence.
It is important to do here quality material, the durability of the structure will depend on this, so don’t miss anything. Select the correct method of applying the solution; the texture of the surface and the uniformity of application will depend on this.

Surface preparation

Exterior finishing of Shuba houses begins with the preparation of the base plane; this is what will determine the quality of bonding of surfaces and determine the appearance of the finish.

  • First of all, we inspect the plane. After this, take a metal brush and remove the previous coating.
    If you had partial tiling, you should also remove it;
  • We must have a rough surface, this is what will determine the quality of the bond. If the masonry is smooth, then it is necessary to apply notches on the plane.
    Many people want it simpler, but simply make indentations in the seam of the brick. This can be done faster and the surface will be of better quality;

Attention: Be sure to check the evenness of the wall. This can be done using a plumb line.
If the difference is up to two cm, then you can apply a fur coat. If more, then you will need to plaster the surface.
It is applied with the same solution. We have a detailed article on this topic on our website.

  • Now we treat the surface with an antiseptic. This is especially true for old buildings.
    We need to protect the surface from the formation of fungus. This liquid is commercially available and therefore it is quite easy to do. To do this, use a brush;
  • After complete treatment, let the surface dry completely and apply a layer of primer; it will ensure high-quality adhesion of the surfaces. Give preference to liquid deep penetration.
    For this work, you should use a brush or spray gun;
  • Craftsmen advise applying a construction mesh to the surface, which will make the connection better and more durable.

Preparing the solution

Fur coat external finishing houses is applied with a material that must be prepared with high quality. Moisture consumption, quality of fastening and appearance will depend on this.
Let's prepare the mixture:

  • Cement can be used for this. We make the simplest cement mortar.
    To do this, it must be mixed with sand. You can use both river and mountain material;
  • We use the ratio of sand and cement in the following proportions, it depends on the brand of cement. When using M300 we make a ratio of 3:1. Using M400 we make a proportion of 4:1 and when using M500 the batch should be made 5:1;
  • We pour sand into a mixing container, which is better to choose with smooth walls and bottom. This is where it will be most convenient to prepare the solution.
    Add cement in the required quantity;
  • Now mix thoroughly until dry. Make sure that the components are evenly distributed in the total mass;
  • Add water and stir until smooth;

Attention: Cement mortar settles quickly. To prevent this from happening, you should add any food to the solution. washing powder. To ensure uniformity of the mass, use a drill with an attachment.
It is this that will allow you to make the best quality batch.

Applying a fur coat to the wall

When we have everything prepared, then we can begin finishing the facade. It's not difficult to do, but you have to do the job correctly.
There are three ways to apply the mixture to the surface, here everyone chooses what they like best:

  • The first finishing option, many call it old-fashioned method. Then such work can be done using an ordinary broom and stick.
    This is still done in our time, although it should be said that it is acceptable only for a small coverage area. This is quite simple to do, just dip a broom into the solution and then tap on a stick and the solution will cover the surface in drops.
    This process takes a lot of time, and the eye needs to be filled so that the layer is evenly distributed;

  • The second option is faster and you can already process larger surfaces. It is performed in two stages.
    In the first, a thin layer of plaster is applied to the surface. After this, using a textured roller, you should apply another layer, which will determine the outer texture of the surface.
    Only in this method you also need to get good at it; here the question of uniformity of the layer arises, which is difficult to do without some practice.

Attention: Most often, unevenness occurs due to uneven application of the plaster layer. Therefore, if you notice this, then do not hesitate to remove the excess with a trowel and apply a new final coat.

Applying the solution with a compressor

The finishing of the facades of shub houses in this version is of higher quality. It has a rounded shape and will last much longer.
The rounded shape drains water better and does not undermine the surface. Finishing the facade of a house with a fur coat using a compressor is the fastest and can be used even when carrying out industrial finishing.

Attention: With this method of applying the material there is one rather significant point: you can adjust the size of the drop. The thinner the solution, the smaller the drop.
And vice versa. And the layer can be applied most efficiently and evenly.

  • This option will require a compressor, but you are not in a hurry to buy it, you can simply rent it from builders. In any case, renting will be much cheaper than buying a new one;
  • If you only want to work with your own tool, there is still another option, buying special machine to do this job. Although it will be practically manual option applying the solution, but the efficiency is exactly the same as that of a compressor.
    In common parlance this unit is called the “Hurdy Organ”, due to its external similarity.

There are details that you should know before starting work. They will help you do all the work faster and more efficiently.


  • Surface finishing should be carried out at a positive temperature of 5 * -25 *. It will be good if it is cloudy, of course rain can only interfere, but you should avoid direct rays of the sun;
  • The material is applied in three layers, which should be applied without waiting for the surface to completely dry, you just need to let it dry slightly;
  • You should not skimp on the primer; you can even apply it twice;
  • The solution can be painted in any color; for this, dyes that are commercially available are used. It is best to use powders with mineral dyes, these are: powder using coal, crushed white marble, finely crushed cobalt glass, asbestos white and others;
  • The solution should have a texture reminiscent of sour cream, quite thin, but not slide along the plane;
  • To give the coating a larger grain size, a mesh with a larger cell should be used.

Now you know how the external finishing of a fur coat is done. It's not that difficult.
The most important thing is to take your time and do everything carefully. Choose the right material and color, then it’s up to you.

Decorative plaster under a “fur coat” is a very common technique for decorating facades. This is due to the ease of application of the plaster and its pleasing to the eye texture, which is also difficult to technological process there is nothing - everyone can repeat the master’s actions!

Do-it-yourself “fur coat” plaster – selecting materials!

Facades finished with “fur coat” look good and last a long time! If earlier cement was used as a base for this method, modern mixtures contain more complex components that make them much more elastic, stronger and more durable. At the same time, this type of coating is relatively inexpensive - depending on the type of materials, you will spend from 50 to 200 rubles per 1 m². This is without work, but that’s why we’re reading the article to make a “fur coat” ourselves, isn’t it?

When choosing a material for coating, you will find both dry and ready-made options. Dry compositions are sold in bags - you just need to dilute the colored mixture with the required amount of water according to the instructions. The cost of “fur coat” in bags is much cheaper than the fully prepared composition, which is sold in buckets. This advantage, of course, is quite significant, but if you dig deeper, you will find out that dry mixes are almost always based on cement. As is known, cement forms a rather fragile surface to which the concept of elasticity is simply not applicable. If microcracks appear on the walls, they will also appear on the plaster.

Ready-to-use mixtures, as a rule, are made on a base of acrylic copolymers - this fairly “ductile” coating can hide all microcracks underneath. In addition, if you plan to work alone, then breed required quantity You simply won’t be able to create a solution, and the peculiarity of applying this coating requires continuous work from corner to corner, otherwise visible joints will form. WITH ready-made plasters such a problem will not happen if you correctly calculate the number of buckets for a given area.

Applying a “coat” to the facade - methods

The old-fashioned method using a broom and a stick is known to many, and it is still used to this day when it comes to small areas. The method is that a broom is dipped in a liquid solution, and then the master taps it on a stick towards the wall to produce targeted splashes. If we talk about the speed of work, then it is extremely low, and the master must have a very trained eye in order to apply an even “coat”.

The second method of applying a “fur coat” is faster, although the coating has a unique appearance, different from other methods. It is divided into two stages - first it is applied thin layer plaster, then pass over the wet layer textured roller, which leaves behind a “lint”. Again, for a beautiful result, the master must have a good eye, since when working with a roller it is very difficult to achieve a uniform texture, which in some places turns out to be more or less pronounced.

Most often, such unevenness occurs due to different thicknesses plaster, so if you see that after rolling a larger pattern is obtained in some area, remove a little plaster with a spatula or move the material to the place where the pattern is smaller. Then roll it again with a roller. As with all methods, you cannot interrupt the work - we apply it from corner to corner on the entire wall. Stay in one place for a long time - the dry edges form a visible joint. Therefore, if you have never applied a fur coat in this or any other way, practice on small areas first.

The method of applying a fur coat using a compressor is fast. For builders, this method is the most rational, since the purchase of equipment quickly pays off due to time savings. In addition, the texture is more round and even. Moreover, the texture can be adjusted during the process - if you make the solution thinner, the droplets will be smaller, and accordingly, the resulting pattern will become less porous.

The advantage of this coating is that the round surface lasts longer, since the “thorns” begin to crumble over time.

It is not necessary to buy a compressor if you decide to use this particular method - you can rent it from the same builders, but not all the time they do only this type of work! You will spend 1/10 of the cost of the device on rent, and during the day of its operation, the “fur coat” plaster will cover up to 200 square meters!

If you are a supporter of the idea that each job should have its own tool, and at the same time you don’t want to spend money on a compressor, pay attention to the intermediate option - applying plaster with a special machine. Why intermediate? Because the work, on the one hand, is manual, but the result is the same or almost the same as when working with a compressor. People call such a machine a “hurdy-gurdy” – this is the resemblance to which you will recognize it on the counter.

The “organ organ” device consists of a container inside which flexible metal plates rotate from pressure on the handle. The solution is poured into the container; when rotated, the plates “get dirty” and, resting against a special bar, create a splash of “fur coat”. The shape and size of the spray can also be adjusted by adding water to the solution.. Both in the case of the compressor and in the case of the machine, the decorative plaster is neat and round, which allows these tools to be used to cover walls inside the building.

Decorative plaster under a fur coat - in all the colors of the rainbow!

Quite often, ready-made and dry mixes come with color pigment already added. However for creative personalities It is possible to choose the color of your future fur coat yourself using tinting pastes or dry coloring pigments. The base color of a fur coat is usually either white or grey. It is much easier to obtain darker solutions from a gray base, and pastel shades will only be obtained on a white base.

Of course, you need to tint either with the help of specialists at the place of purchase of the required volume of material, or at your own peril and risk, display the desired shade directly in buckets. However, this is also possible if you are meticulous about the proportions of the tinting paste.

There are less risky way– paint the surface facade paints. By the way, the “fur coat” can be repainted many times! Painting has its pros and cons - on the one hand, the painted surface will be uniform and monochromatic, on the other hand, when microcracks appear, the color of the plaster under the layer of paint will be visible. Therefore, experts still recommend tinting.

Applying a “fur coat” to the facade - dressing up the house!

Even a beginner can cope with the technology of applying a “fur coat” to a façade – there is nothing complicated about it. As you already understood, you will need tools for applying the coating itself (a roller, a broom, a compressor, a barrel organ - one thing), as well as a hammer and chisel, a trowel, a brush, a shovel and a container for mixing the solution, standard for finishing work ( if we work with dry plaster).