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Cherry brown. Cool color combination cheat sheet. With pastel colors

Adopting all his qualities: temperament, authoritativeness, royalty. It is distinguished by a wine undertone (purple origin), which enhances the nature of the dark red towards the upper class.
In general, cherry is a very aesthetic shade. It is easily combined, forming colorful pairs, positively sets off the complexion (even for a cold appearance), visually masks figure flaws (in particular, completeness), betrays a passionate, dynamic character to the image.

The name of the color comes from the fruit of the same name, which has a color from dark red to deep wine tone. Exquisite taste and shade have become symbols of the pleasure that the tone has been endowed with. In addition to cherries, this shade can be found in some varieties of apples, plums, and berries.

Shades of cherry color in the Pantone system

Cherry tones do not differ in brightness, they seem to hide the most valuable thing inside, beckoning with promises and a willingness to open up. Muted saturation also gives a velvety feel to the color.

cherry blossom combination: combination

In combinations Cherry color can play both the first violin and be an addition to color palette.
The most common wine-burgundy companions will be black, gray, beige, gold, white tones. They emphasize the full depth and aesthetic nature of the color. You can add muted pink, coral or peach shades to such scales, which will enhance the attractiveness of the main tone.

In combination with other tones, cherry does not come to the fore, but gives the palette a peculiar flavor.

Cherry sandals

As a shade of red, cherry pairs well with green. In this case, the blue-green muted hue very favorably emphasizes the rich cherry-wine color, revealing its depth. The following tones are involved in the creation of this palette: light gray-beige, brown, gray-brown, leafy green, green-blue, cherry, coffee.

Stylish bow in gray-cherry tones
This palette conveys one of the most spectacular options to emphasize the depth and beauty of cherry blossoms. This is a neutral gamma, between themselves in terms of light difference and white-cherry, perceived by us as a muted pink. Members of the combination: light gray-beige-brown, light color cocoa, silver, wet asphalt, black and gray.

Cherry jam

The combination of red, ruby, wine-cherry shades make up the aesthetic side of cherry jam. Golden-brown “wooden” tones harmoniously fit into the same range, as well as muted green, in general, making up a rustic flavor with vintage notes. The palette is made up of shades Ivory, oak, faint frog, carmine, cherry, dark chocolate.

Winter cherry

This is a cold palette in which the wine-cherry color is not only bright, but also a warm spot, which makes it the central element of the composition. The light-dark contrast between white, cherry and gray-green shades is also important in it. In general, a very effective, emotional palette is obtained, which consists of white-gray, gray-beige, dark greenish-gray, dark cherry, black-gray-green.

Cherry combination table

A combination built on light contrast, where pink colors are shades of the main tone, thereby highlighting it, but at the same time remaining “in the shade”. For a couple, consider royal pink, rose ash, strawberry, salmon, clover.

cherry and red

Where red, like pink, is a shade of the described tone, however, it is brighter, which gives it an advantage in combination: dark cherry, although it creates light contrast, fades into the background according to the principle of bright spot contrast. The combination can be created with watermelon, pomegranate, scarlet, raspberry coral, wine.

Orange can successfully emphasize the main color, while if there is more of it, it will dominate, if on the contrary, the described shade will become the dominant. Consider combinations with light peach, orange coral, orange peach, copper, red.

The combination of these colors is harsh, unless the shades of yellow lean towards gold or mustard. Misted, velvety yellow forms an aesthetic tandem with it, with a slight touch of exotic. For example, combinations with fawn, straw, mustard, bright gold,
golden oak.

- a natural range, where muted grassy shades favorably emphasize the main tone. Besides green color is complementary to red, the shade of which is cherry. Pair it with polka dot green, chartreuse, swoon frog, leaf green, brown green.

They enter into a thermal contrast, reinforcing each other. dark shades create a mysterious, expensive, velvety composition. By creating this pair you will achieve an indelible effect. Use for this light gray-green colors, wormwood, dark gray-green, emerald, malachite.

Cherry and blue, sky blue

As in the previous version, cold-warm contrast dominates, creating an accent or balance, depending on the predominance of color. Combine the main color with hyacinth, royal blue, blue-green, Prussian blue, navy blue.

The combination is based on the relationship of shades, since there is red in the creation of purple, and there is blue in the main tone. And yet there is a slight thermal contrast between them. Combine in a pair of tones of blue-violet, lavender, thistle, orchid, plum.

Shades of brown richly set off the described tone, giving it richness and saturation. Such a composition can be called delicious, as it resembles a cherry in chocolate. Colors in combination, for example: beige-brown, cappuccino color, chocolate, dark chocolate, dark brown.

cherry and neutral color

TO neutral colors this range includes creamy, latte,
dark beige, steel, black. Next to them, the main color is an attractive center, which is often used in clothing and interiors.

Cherry blossom in clothes is a tasty morsel. There is no limit to his aesthetics: feminine, restrained, but temperamental, sensual. It favorably sets off the complexion, hides figure flaws. Decent, luxurious - its versatility to match, which will fit into a multifunctional wardrobe. It is appropriate for both office and formal occasions.

Who will suit cherry in clothes?

As a universal color, it will suit all color types, due to its moderate brightness with high saturation. In addition, even being warm (a shade of red), it has an admixture of blue and black, which makes it almost neutral. Warm color types such as "", "" in wine red will enhance their appearance, while the cold "" - will not become paler, and "" will be able to maintain its contrast.

The combination of cherry in clothes: wardrobe selection

Cherry is a charming shade, so it is often combined with neutral tones to emphasize its aesthetics. Smoky shades give it a vintage flavor; dark - languid, sensual, evening style; bright ones interrupt him, and complex ones, on the contrary, reveal his whole essence.

Black and cherry - classic couple filled with elegance.

Gray next to wine red almost disappears from view. The main thing is that the shade of gray should be with a slight reddish undertone, which hides the unwanted simultaneous contrast.

Bright white tones next to the main color are not welcome, since such a sharp contrast is a sign of banality. Whether the case is ivory, cream, light beige.

Beige and golden beige shades are the best companions of cherry-burgundy color, highlighting the chic and expensive flavor of the couple.

Gray-blue (denim) tones can also make a worthy pair of cherry, especially if they are diluted with beige or silver.

Cold shades of green will enhance the power of the main color, but they will not forget themselves. By adjusting the amount of color, you can put an emphasis on one or another tone.

Olive tones will create a pair with juicy clorite: harmonious and in a sense catchy.

Yellow and burgundy make a dramatic pairing, unless brown and white are added as intermediaries.

Muted orange, coral colors good choice, however, for it it is worth diluting it with black. Red looks like a continuation of cherry (or its bright highlight), which gives volume to the range.

Pink shades with cherry red look like a continuation of the main color, relying only on light contrast.

Cherry in the interior

Cherry color in the interior is powerful decorative element, which can be both independent, for example, an evenly painted wall, and a spectacular background for paintings, emphasizing their significance, luxurious golden frames, color. It is very important to observe color balance in such interiors: in the right amount adding neutral hues such as gray, pale pink (in which case it will be cherry highlights), black, taupe, brown, white. This is not only the introduction of contrast, but also placed accents on objects and surfaces.

Symbolizes power, luxury, power. The monarchs of the whole world preferred to surround themselves with them. It was used in the design of clothing, furniture, decoration and interior. Rich decoration in this color was shown to high-ranking guests, important visitors and visitors. cherry shades emphasized the wealth and abundance of resources in the country.
Don't use burgundy in a small kitchen as it brings things closer.

In modern times, the color of burgundy is used in the arrangement of mainly kitchens. It is popular in high-end restaurants. It is believed that such a kitchen will be preferred by a self-confident person. His choice is quite justified, because individuality, solidity fill the interior.

Features and shades of burgundy

Cherry furniture color is not trivial, but there are other advantages. He has strong energy. The point is the combination of scarlet and brown, which mutually complement and displace each other. The combination contributes to the formation of a festive mood, but not devoid of peace and comfort.

Dark cherry color - practical. It gets dirty a little, dust, dirt, food debris are not noticeable on it. If scratches or scuffs appear, they are hardly distinguishable. All housewives will appreciate this feature.

Fig. 1 Dilute the cherry-colored kitchen with other shades, otherwise its advantages will turn into disadvantages

Cherry blossom, according to medical and psychological research, relaxes, normalizes the condition nervous system and blood pressure. The effect in addition to dinner (or another meal) will not be superfluous.

But a burgundy-colored kitchen should be diluted with other shades. Otherwise, the advantages are nullified or worse - they turn into disadvantages.

Color combinations

What is the combination of burgundy color and its shades? There are many successful combinations. The most successful of them:

Fig. 2 According to the designers, the combination of white and burgundy is the best possible

  1. A combination of burgundy and white. The tandem is spectacular, the latter looks rich on a cherry background. If you add black, then the indicator of elegance will increase. According to the designers, this combination is the best possible.
  2. You need to carefully combine burgundy with green, because. you can overdo it with brightness. Or green tea will do.
  3. Combination with burgundy color calm neutral shades (beige, pale pink, blue, etc.). The combination is overflowing with warmth and tenderness, which provides comfort and harmony.
  4. Coral with burgundy does not combine well. If you leave only these two colors in the interior, you get bad taste. Coral can be used in detail, it should not be the main one. But when it is correctly combined with interior and decor elements, the atmosphere is striking in its originality.
  5. Combination with burgundy gray color. An unsuccessful tandem, if you do not add a third shade. Gray, as it were, dilutes, separates tones, or is a background;
  6. The combination with black shades evokes gloom. But if you know the measure, then you can achieve consistency, clarity of style.

Burgundy shades and their uses

Light and dark burgundy color belong to a warm palette. They visually bring objects closer. Therefore, they cannot be used in a small room. Although in this case Bordeaux is used in detail.

Still love cherry blossom good lighting regardless of shade. The lack of light exacerbates the situation with the visual reduction of space. For the same reason, designers recommend combining it with light, delicate shades. Then it looks more saturated and bright. It is better to use diffusing lamps with lamps - they do not put pressure on the eyes.

Fig.3 If you decide to do cherry cuisine then you will need to install good lighting

Shades of burgundyrarely combined in direct contact with each other, they need to be separated, for example, white or beige. If chosen light shades, then black or gray is used between them.

Cherry-colored kitchen is light or dark. The solution is focused on other interior details and/or finishes.

Style decisions

Cherry cuisine is unique because its feature lies in the perfect combination with any interior. Designers prefer to work with modern styles, but the classic looks solid.

You need to know how to combine furniture in order to get successful interior. The process depends on the chosen style:

Fig. 4 When choosing furniture for the kitchen, consider its style

  • Luxurious art decor. Cabinets are trimmed with gold or silver edging, gold fittings are installed in places;
  • Classic. Solid wood furniture is treated with burgundy material (paint or, for example, cherry laminate). Chipboard or MDF look cheap, the style is not maintained;
  • Country. A complex combination of simplicity with solidity, only designers can do it. It is necessary to combine unpretentious furniture "antique" with the seasoned lines of the headset. The role is played by correctly selected accessories;
  • High tech. Emphasis on functionality, richness in technology, appearance which has a burgundy color;
  • Minimalism. Here the only change is to cover the furniture with glossy acrylic or laminate. Matte colors will not work. Look spectacular chrome parts, for example, on modern technology.

To maintain the chosen style, you need to follow the advice of designers, the rules of harmonious combination and clear selection of colors with shades. Without skills, experimenting with Bordeaux is dangerous, fraught with a tasteless atmosphere in the kitchen.


Kitchens in burgundy color successfully harmonize with light walls. This shade brightens them up even more. As a detailed finish, the use of silver or gray is acceptable. When burgundy is involved in the decoration of the walls, the headset merges with them. light wallpaper or paint underline the choice of primary color.

Fig. 5 Light wallpaper or paint will emphasize the choice of the main color

It is undesirable that any part of the finish repeats the color scheme of the headset. For example, burgundy stretch ceiling will visually increase, fall, approach the person. Therefore, there is a feeling of a “cave”, a pressing space. It is better to perform a snow-white ceiling, it will visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, eliminate the opposite effect of a headset or furniture.

The white floor is in harmony with the burgundy set, but it is impractical. Designers recommend a classic brown or beige shade. Perfect option– black glossy floor. But at the same time, many details are needed in delicate and light colors, otherwise the kitchen environment is satiated with dark saturated colors, it becomes oppressive.

It is desirable that some other elements of decor and interior support an extraneous shade, not burgundy. Pale pink airy curtains or beige tablecloths look good.

Furniture and interior details

Headset surfaces can be glossy or matte. The latter will give the effect of severity, the former - festivity. The matte version is the most functional, because. defects are less noticeable. And they always appear in the kitchen.

Furniture can be made using glass surfaces. Stones, mosaics and tiles are successfully combined with color. By the way, if you apply the mirror finish correctly, then burgundy is also suitable for small room, it will visually enlarge the space.

A Bordeaux kitchen looks more attractive if the interior has a lot of details, such as curtains or tablecloths, napkins or towels.

It is desirable that they be performed in the same color palette, different shades are allowed.


Burgundy color in the kitchen is a symbol of luxury and prosperity. You can not use it lightly and boldly, frivolity is not allowed. Only a competent approach to creating an interior can make a kitchen noble and cozy.

Cherry color - bright juicy, rich and elegant, should be in the wardrobe of every fashionista. The magazine website today will tell about cherry blossom in clothes, and at the same time explain how to combine it with other colors correctly.

The main characteristic of color

The red range of colors is the richest and most saturated of all, which is why it is so popular. Among the variety of its shades, the most noble are such as, burgundy, and cherry.

Cherry is the brightest of the deep noble dark red shades. Every fashionista has in her arsenal at least one thing of this seductive color and often prefers it to the usual scarlet. Cherry color looks richer and often has a higher degree of compatibility due to its darker tone.

Cherry blossom and light shades

cherry + white

An incredibly sexy combination is obtained from cherry and flowers in clothes. Snow white emphasizes the depth and richness of the cherry and refreshes it, and it, in turn, looks more playful thanks to white.

Such the combination is suitable for casual looks different time year, for the dress code, for cocktail dresses and evening suits. This combination can be made even more stylish by adding metallic accessories or silver jewelry. Silver color in general in any role will decorate this color union.

cherry + beige

With shades of cherry will look more noble and sedate.

Trouser suits, dresses, skirts and blouses in this color scheme will pay tribute to femininity, and you will look elegant and stylish.

Cherry + creamy shades

Various creamy shades in combination with cherries are worth choosing depending on the season.

Warmer and darker for cold and lighter for spring-summer.

Cherry blossom and pastel shades

Cherry color in combination with looks very playful and attractive. It will look more harmonious if cherry color prevails.

Such a feminine color combination will suit both blondes and brunettes, emphasize a slight blush on the cheeks and highlight the hair. It is beneficial to choose these colors for frivolous looks with skirts, sundresses and dresses.

Lovers of more extravagance can combine cherry color with and - these shades will emphasize the beauty of each other and together create the impression of a quivering spring flower.

The optimal base for such color solution become simple dark blue jeans, they will tie the image together. Cherry and lemon should be combined only in summer, in bright flying looks, unencumbered by special fashion requirements.

Cherry blossom and vibrant colors

Combining cherry blossom with other colors correctly is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is only important to remember that such images should not be overloaded with prints (no more than one), colored decorations (matching one of the items of clothing or metal) and a variety of colors in general.

cherry + blue

Cherry and flowers - classic combination, which can outshine and red-black. the color will slightly remove the excessive brightness of the cherry, and it will emphasize the natural depth of blue color, so that their union can be adapted to a work / office bow.

Add black leather pumps and a bag for a discreet, dignified look.

cherry + red

It makes no sense to combine it with a related cherry - it will be clumsy and not attractive.

cherry + green

Another thing is rich emerald and dark green. With these shades, cherry will generally play in a new way.

Due to saturation, this combination is suitable for the autumn-winter season and for outerwear, and thanks to the nature of the shades themselves, it will organically echo the spring.

Cherry + yellow and orange

As for color, in combination with cherry one of them should be in the absolute minority.

For example, jeans, a cherry blazer and a discreet yellow top. With a similar situation, but not all of its shades will do.

cherry + brown

Cherry color and in clothes will create a noble tart union, suitable for respectable women.

Cherry blossom and achromatic colors

cherry + black

Cherry and colors in clothes are optimally combined in evening and weekend outfits.

Also from this combination you can make a cool "disco" bow or, on the contrary, adapt it for work.

cherry + gray

With cherry color in clothes it looks quite expensive and noble, which allows you to wear this combination for any occasion.

The desire to look interesting and non-trivial is inherent in any female representative. Without changing habits and without cardinal transformations, the use of cherry color in clothes will help to diversify the wardrobe. Such a bold move will allow you to stand out and be remembered, to feel like a special royal blood.

Color characteristic

It is not without reason that shades of cherry color were valuable among aristocrats and were present in the outfits of royal people. Energy, temperament, activity are its main characteristics. Unlike red, it is more restrained. It is one of the tones.

The ability to wear and combine such a royal shade will require a girl to be self-confident and sensual, delicacy and femininity. And the colors are equally appropriate. ripe cherries will look both in an office bow and at a gala event. In makeup or manicure, it will help create a discreet, but confident and fairly contrasting accent.

Who will suit cherry color in clothes

The versatility of berry colors in the form of moderate brightness and high saturation suits fair-skinned and swarthy girls. Being a warm representative, due to the admixture of black and blue, cherry is interchangeable with base tones. This color representative will reward a dark-skinned woman with elegance and chic. But a lady with fair skin will have to limit herself to only burgundy accessories or additional things.

Cherry color combination: basic rules

Juicy cherry is the most expressive among the intense dark red colors. Compared to scarlet, it is no less seductive. But it has significantly more options color combinations due to the saturation of the dark component.

Monochrome combinations

With White

The joint work of burgundy with white looks quite catchy and fresh. The greatest effect and contrast can be achieved by using these colors in equal parts.

  • A light top (blouse, shirt, turtleneck) and a jacket plus a cherry-colored skirt paired with beige pumps and a bag are a great summer look for different occasions.
  • A burgundy jacket with the same jumper, white jeans, a brown bag and the same boats is a versatile street outfit.

Duet with gray and black

In order not to guess what color is combined with cherry, you can simply choose. The restraint and rigor of the set in the company with elegance are provided. Coldness and detachment advantageously sets off the color of ripe berries. The result is a cozy, temperamental and stylish bow.

  • For example, a light cherry blouse with a black leather skirt plus a clutch and high heels.
  • Or a black skirt (pencil, sun, pleated, a-line), turtleneck and burgundy cardigan or jumper.
  • Dark red short-sleeved blouse and trousers plus a black handbag on a chain and shoes (sandals).

For office attire, you can choose one of these options:

  1. Cherry pantsuit plus black chiffon blouse (or vice versa, as in the photo)
  2. A pencil skirt and a maroon blouse or shirt.
  3. Sheath dress with cherry coat and black dress pumps.

Cloth gray tone will help to create universal sets both for rest and walks, and for work with a strict dress code.

The same effect can be achieved when paired with brown, which in such a set will look neutral and create an excellent base for a more complex palette.

Combination with light colors

With Bezhev

With creamy and creamy shades, cherry acquires sedateness and nobility. In one set you can get an elegant look, equally suitable for a romantic walk or work in the office.

With pastel colors

When asked what to combine cherry for a light, direct look, we can safely suggest using pastel colors. Baby blue, mint, or will be a great addition to the main prevailing berry tone.

Classic blue denim (jeans, shirt, jacket) paired with dark red and beige (leopard print) is a simple and versatile set that does not lose its relevance.

Combination with contrasting companions

A bold decision can be a combination of cherry tones with contrasting colors. Unusual and original decoration is guaranteed.

With green and its shades

Dark green, jade, become helpers of the elegant, even exquisite bow. They will strengthen the base and not get lost in the big picture.

Olive and will eventually show a harmonious tandem along with a cherry base. Military or casual are ideal styles for such sets.

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Scheme No. 1. Complementary combination

Complementary, or additional, contrasting, are colors that are located on opposite sides of the Itten color wheel. Their combination looks very lively and energetic, especially with maximum color saturation.

Scheme number 2. Triad - a combination of 3 colors

The combination of 3 colors lying at the same distance from each other. Provides high contrast while maintaining harmony. Such a composition looks quite lively even when using pale and desaturated colors.

Scheme No. 3. A similar combination

A combination of 2 to 5 colors located next to each other on color wheel(ideally 2-3 colors). Impression: calm, relaxing. An example of a combination of similar muted colors: yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green.

Scheme No. 4. Separate-complementary combination

A variant of a complementary combination of colors, only instead of the opposite color, the colors adjacent to it are used. The combination of the main color and two additional. This scheme looks almost as contrasting, but not so tense. If you are not sure that you can use complementary combinations correctly, use separate-complementary ones.

Scheme number 5. Tetrad - a combination of 4 colors

A color scheme where one color is the main one, two are complementary, and another highlights the accents. Example: blue-green, blue-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange.

Scheme number 6. Square

Combinations of individual colors

  • White: goes with everything. The best combination with blue, red and black.
  • Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.
  • Gray: with fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue.
  • Pink: with brown, white, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, baby blue.
  • Fuchsia (dark pink): with gray, tan, lime, mint green, brown.
  • Red: with yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black.
  • Tomato red: blue, mint green, sandy, creamy white, gray.
  • Cherry red: azure, gray, light orange, sandy, pale yellow, beige.
  • Raspberry red: white, black, damask rose.
  • Brown: bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige.
  • Light brown: pale yellow, creamy white, blue, green, purple, red.
  • Dark brown: lemon yellow, sky blue, mint green, purplish pink, lime.
  • Reddish brown: pink, dark brown, blue, green, purple.
  • Orange: blue, blue, purple, purple, white, black.
  • Light orange: gray, brown, olive.
  • Dark orange: pale yellow, olive, brown, cherry.
  • Yellow: blue, mauve, light blue, purple, grey, black.
  • Lemon yellow: cherry red, brown, blue, grey.
  • Pale yellow: fuchsia, gray, brown, shades of red, tan, blue, purple.
  • Golden yellow: gray, brown, azure, red, black.
  • Olive: orange, light brown, brown.
  • Green: golden brown, orange, lettuce, yellow, brown, grey, cream, black, creamy white.
  • Salad color: brown, yellowish brown, fawn, gray, dark blue, red, gray.
  • Turquoise: fuchsia, cherry red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple.
  • Electrician is beautiful in combination with golden yellow, brown, light brown, gray or silver.
  • Blue: red, grey, brown, orange, pink, white, yellow.
  • Dark blue: light purple, sky blue, yellowish green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white.
  • Lilac: orange, pink, dark purple, olive, grey, yellow, white.
  • Dark purple: golden brown, pale yellow, gray, turquoise, mint green, light orange.
  • Black is versatile, elegant, looks in all combinations, best with orange, pink, salad, white, red, lilac or yellow.