home · Appliances · Color white beech. Interior in light colors: beech color. If your apartment is invaded by colored chests of drawers and cabinets

Color white beech. Interior in light colors: beech color. If your apartment is invaded by colored chests of drawers and cabinets

The color beech in the furniture industry is now at the peak of popularity. Many designers use this shade in their works. As for beech wood, it is very valuable because it is dense, but the fibers of the material are capable of bending and taking on bizarre shapes.

Beech wood of natural color is ideal for the production of veneer and components for cabinet furniture. The material lends itself well to painting, which is what manufacturers of luxury furniture and expensive furniture use.

The use of beech in the field of furniture production is so wide that anything can be made from it. For example: tubs, stools, chairs, sofa seats, barrels, headboards.

Only well-dried wood is used to make furniture.

The structure of beech does not have a visible core, so the color of the wood is uniform. Beech shades vary and can be reddish, yellow or soft pink. But the most recognizable is the rich red-brown hue.

Beech is one of the most popular materials for the production of cabinet furniture. Several types of wood are used for this purpose:

Since wood is environmentally friendly clean materials, then quite often light beech is used to make sets for a children's room. The famous Viennese chairs are made of beech, and all thanks to the flexibility of the material. In addition, in production they use special technology, allowing the wood to bend even more.

Viennese cabinet furniture is made from solid wood, and does not lose its relevance to this day. Such kits in the best possible way fit into those created in the classic style.

Features of beech colored furniture in the interior

  • Increased density;
  • Attractive wood pattern;
  • The material is resistant to cracking;
  • Dries quickly and easily;
  • Preservation pristine appearance after varnishing;
  • Ease of processing without damage (cutting, splitting, slicing).

If we talk about the shortcomings of beech, then they are few and insignificant. The most common disadvantage is the darkening of the wood after some time of use. finished products. Also, the educational opportunity that is associated with high level moisture absorption. Sofas, beds, chests of drawers, beech cabinets are heavy, so if you want to rearrange the furniture, you will most likely need help.

Caring for beech furniture

Considering the fact that wood is very sensitive to temperature changes, furniture must be protected from this in every possible way. Ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on preserving the color of beech-colored furniture, so the rooms should be shaded. Wet cleaning carried out without the use of aggressive substances, it is sufficient clean water. If you need to remove stubborn stains, use dishwashing detergent diluted in water. Finally, wipe the furniture with a soft, dry cloth.

The interior in beech color harmonizes perfectly with many shades that are used to create interior designs. Let's look at a few examples successful combinations For various rooms. Shades of pink are often used to create the interior of classic bedrooms.

This combination can add lightness, tenderness, naturalness, and completeness to the room. The peach shade and beech furniture color will fit perfectly into a classic-style interior. Complete the design with dark, contrasting details and luxurious chandeliers.

Note. The facades of cabinet furniture in beech color can be chosen for any premises, including for,.

Light shades of beech can be combined with flooring of the same light color. To play with contrast, add shades of wine, blue or green.

Naturally colored beech is considered presentable and solid, and at the same time allows you to fill rooms with warmth and comfort.

Beech color shades

  • Light, silver, gold. Furniture manufacturers coat the material with either an intense color or transparent. Such furniture is suitable for interiors in baroque, techno, and modern styles.
  • White - natural shade. Used to create furniture suitable in style for summer cottages, country houses, design in country style, rustic.
  • Bleached. To achieve this shade, the wood is steamed, then painted and dried.
  • In addition, there are shades such as: Country, Bavaria beech light color, Elmau, Nevsky, Sound, Smoky, Pink.
  • You can cheat a little and use wood similar in texture and shades to beech: larch, apple tree, alder, Baltimore oak, cherry.

Beech-colored chipboard and furniture made from it

It is the most commonly used material in the furniture industry. There are items from it in every home. Its popularity is quite simple to explain. The material has good performance characteristics and low cost. As already mentioned, beech color is now very popular, so manufacturers paint laminated chipboards in this shade, which gives the furniture an expensive and noble look. Cabinet furniture fits into any interior, very well suited for landscaping kitchen area and bathrooms.

The beech colored tables have an attractive appearance, and look expensive. The unique texture of natural beech and its various shades will decorate cabinets of any type and wardrobe systems. The beech color looks beautiful on shelves for books and various decorative items. Open shelves add lightness and airiness; the space does not seem cluttered. Cabinets made of laminated chipboard in beech color are often varnished or in different colors. This furniture looks luxurious.

This range is perfect for creating a classic, high-tech, loft, or modern style. In the bedroom, for example, you can put wardrobes, chests of drawers in beech color, and a bed. Very often, chests of drawers are decorated with carvings, monograms, and various contrasting combinations.

It is best to select doors to your home based on color. flooring. The designers claim that the best solution is the harmony of the color of the floor and door panels. Also, a good option is to select a canvas that is one or two shades lighter, for example, ash or alder. If you want contrast, then the best solution would be wenge color.

Beech color color combination

Notable is the fact that beech is “friendly” with almost all shades.

Using the game of color, you can achieve various goals. Some people want tenderness and harmony, others, on the contrary, want to add gloss and luxury.

November 16, 2016
You can talk at length about canons in design, but every day the existing canons are becoming less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials brought together in order to obtain such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to stay on the right course in “high design.”

What should wallpaper go with? With furniture, shade of ceiling, floor, view from the window? Agree, this question is important and necessary, especially if you are standing thoughtfully at the wallpaper stand. Let me stand next to you and give you some advice.

Let's deal with the shade

My design thoughts often go into combining the shade of the wallpaper with the color of the furniture. Why? Because this combination is a win-win, it has a minimal percentage of creating a disharmonious interior.

What do you know about furniture shades? Well, light, dark... That's it? It's clear! Let me introduce you to ash, beech and oak.

In the photo - cherry-colored furniture combined with gray shades in the wall decoration

While light shades add a touch of cheerfulness and openness to the space.

White sets deserve a special mention, as they are associated in our minds with sophistication and aristocracy.

Color combinations

  1. White walls. White background walls has practically no restrictions in choosing the shade of upholstered and cabinet furniture. For bright and modern styles, in addition to the “wooden classics”, red, red-brown, dark yellow, blue, green, purple and violet are suitable.

  1. Green walls. In the case of green walls, I do not recommend choosing sofas and walls in turquoise and blue shades. The combination looks great with dark red, dark yellow, dark blue, purple, white, light orange, light gray.

  1. Pink walls. Avoid using “perky” lilac and red colors. But light blue, rich gray and blue furniture is what will create a harmonious interior.

  1. Lightblue walls. They will not tolerate proximity to sets of shades of natural brown wood. The colors of mahogany and ebony, furniture painted gray, sky blue, dark yellow, orange, indigo, and white look much more harmonious.

  1. Darkred walls. Quite interesting combinations are obtained with furniture in light blue, light green, beige, white and light gray. But it’s better to avoid natural shades of alder and oak.

  1. Yellow walls. Take a closer look at dark red, purple, blue, dark gray, brown, black.
  2. Gray walls. They do not like yellow furniture, preferring black, dark brown, red, blue or orange.

If your apartment is invaded by colored chests of drawers and cabinets

We are used to classic shades of furniture, but why not find a place for a yellow chest of drawers or bright turquoise. You think nothing will work out, I’ll try to prove the opposite to you.

What does the traffic light have to do with it?

The most stable interior combinations are formed on the basis of red, yellow and green. The color does not have to be pure and neutral; derivatives are successfully used, the main thing is that they are in harmony with other shades.

To implement the “traffic light” principle, neutral shades of the walls are used, it can be gray, cream, ivory, milky.

The ideal combination for a red chest of drawers would be white and black. Just remember that in this case you will get an avant-garde interior from the beginning of the last century.

The bright element should be large and noticeable; only if this condition is met do you have a chance to achieve your interior goal.

Bright facades are perfectly combined with deliberately neutral finishing materials, such as wood. Attention in this case moves with bright color to the contrasting combination of natural and artificial.

Fashionable blue

Bright shades of blue today have become the most popular in creating not only modern, but also classic interiors. Look in the palette complex color, for example, azure, electric or combinations with green.

If you find it difficult to get used to the rich shade of the furniture, use the principle of gradient stretching. Dark color may be present in minimal quantities and turn almost white. In this case, the tone of the walls can be not only neutral white, but also dark.

Leave some white

For storage systems with big amount boxes can be divided into bright and white/black (neutral) segments. What should the walls be like? Neutral, but different from the color used in the furniture (exception is white).

No drama! If you have dark furniture

The term “dark” includes wenge, oak, panga-panga, fernamboo, persimmon, ebony and ebony.

You can get rid of the feeling of a gloomy interior not only by light-colored wall decoration. I offer you several techniques for eliminating “dark forces”:

  1. Try to keep the window open, refuse dark shades curtains and slope finishing.
  2. If you've chosen enough dark wallpaper, additionally highlight the corners.

Don't be afraid that an interior with white and milky walls will be associated with hospital ward. Dark furniture will make it look solid and solemn.

In the Russian gray climate, I would not recommend using boiling white. Much more interesting are the subtle shades of ecru, cream and champagne.

  1. The combination looks very heavy dark furniture and the same gender. No, I’m not saying that the flooring should be white, but I advise you to take a closer look at the shades of light ash and Karelian birch.

  1. If we are talking about dark brown wooden furniture, use light sand, cappuccino, ivory or cream as a background. The predominance of dark furniture can be neutralized with light covers for the sofa, chairs and armchairs.

  1. You can dilute the dark palette with rich, cheerful contrasts. Why not take orange, raspberry, sky blue and purple into your “gang”.

By the way, the rules described above are the same for all premises. By implementing them, you can win the battle for a bright future for your bedroom or kitchen.

  1. You can dilute the dark with a shiny background, such as metallic wallpaper and translucent surfaces.

We introduce wallpaper

You can achieve a complete unification of furniture and walls using wallpaper, which can easily be turned into material for decoupage.

In the case of furniture finishing, three methods of decoupage are relevant: classic, artistic and decopatch.

Under in the classic way understand surface painting with wallpaper, napkins, fabric with further coating varnish. Artistic decoupage is performed on a painted background, allowing you to turn furniture into an artistic element.

Decopatch involves completely covering the surface with torn or cut pieces of paper or wallpaper.

Before wallpapering furniture, prepare everything you need:

  • primer;
  • putty;
  • brush;
  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • brushes;
  • PVA glue;
  • wallpaper;
  • acrylic varnish;
  • roller
  • scissors.

Instructions for performing decoupage with wallpaper:

  1. I clean the surface to be decorated, wipe it with a damp sponge and wait until it dries.

  1. I seal minor cracks with foam filler, large cracks with construction putty.
  2. After drying, I sand the surface with sandpaper.
  3. I select wallpaper according to pattern and size.

  1. I cut out the required part with an allowance of 2-5 cm and apply PVA glue.

  1. After the glue has absorbed, I apply the composition to the surface of the furniture and paste the wallpaper pattern.

  1. I roll over the canvas, releasing air and straightening the folds.

  1. I remove excess wallpaper with sandpaper after it has completely dried.

  1. I'm pinning the result acrylic varnish in several layers.

Summing up

My short opus gave a comprehensive answer to the question of how to choose wallpaper for white furniture in, give new life old table and bring brightness to the interior. All that remains is to offer you a couple interesting ideas in the video in this article.

Now you…

Tell our readers about interesting ways to decorate furniture in the comments.

November 16, 2016

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Since ancient times, man has tried to make his home comfortable. The decoration for the primitive cave was rock paintings. Today at modern designers there are many more possibilities. If you choose the right pieces of furniture for your interior, creating a unique atmosphere in your home will not be difficult.

The main thing is to figure out what's what. Take a look at the photos of furniture in the interior, each of the pictures is good in its own way. All you have to do is decide which option is closer to you.

Selecting the optimal color palette

First you need to figure out how you can use each of the shades offered in the store.

"Light Ash" is a beautiful cream tone with discreet woody veins. This is the lightest shade from the natural palette.

Pine. This is yellow with gold; some manufacturers produce products with colors as close as possible to orange. This tone can be found often. A bedroom set made of pine can add harmony and completeness to the bedroom interior.

Karelian birch. It is easily recognized by its characteristic round eyes. Its shade belongs to a calm range.

Light beech. It is appreciated by scrupulous customers with refined taste. The delicate beige shade contains echoes of pink.

Oak. Here there is brown in all variations - the choice is very large. Furniture items made from expensive oak wood will be needed to emphasize the status of its owner

Alder. This is a combination of beige and red. It creates a fun atmosphere and is perfect for decorating a child's room.

Cherry. The deep shade of the red palette evokes pleasant associations.

Nut. Dark brown, considered furniture production the most popular, it looks noble.

Red tree. Reminds me of a cherry tone, but darker.

Ebony. This is the darkest color scheme.

Skillful combination of shades in the kitchen

It is important that the housewife starts preparing food in good mood. The interior of the room will help create the right mood. It is necessary that the color scheme working area put me in a positive mood. The housewife will have to decide in advance what color of furniture to choose for the interior.

Often the kitchen space is limited, so the decorative range should be light.

Wall cladding can be done using white tiles. Not a bad option finishing materials– ceramics with a discreet pattern on the surface. Almost anyone can fit into a classic interior. kitchen set. For visual increase space, choose light furniture.

The minimalist style and hi-tech are characterized by a play of contrasts. Black harmonizes perfectly with white. Red would also look good. The combination of furniture colors is pleasing to the eye - purple is combined with greenery or orange.

It is better to choose bright, large designs that can immediately attract attention. The main thing is to follow the rule: for white, which acts as a background color, another primary color is selected, and the palette is complemented by all sorts of shades.

The wall covering can be pink or beige. Gray and blue and their various combinations are considered appropriate.

If your kitchen wall panels are yellow, look for cabinets with blue accents. A suitable solution is to use wood shades.

Neutral gray tone goes well with dark shades: brown, red or black. If you manage to get warm combinations, then you can easily create coziness and comfort.

What furniture should I put in the nursery?

When renovating a children's room, parents often opt for wallpaper with cute animals or pink and blue plaster. Furniture design requires special attention - it is important not to spoil the created beauty.

Parents should remember that color schemes have an impact on the fragile psyche of children. To decorate a baby's room, choose pastel shades. If the wallpaper is multi-colored, then the furniture should be made of pine, Karelian birch or light ash.

Bright colors are ideal for babies who are already 3 years old. Children of this age love everything beautiful and bright.

Color combination for the living room

Unusual color combinations in the living room are welcome. Using bright shades, do not forget that dark colors narrow the space, and light colors expand it. Original solution– furniture with built-in mirrors. They also increase interior space.

Wenge-colored furniture is suitable for those homes where many people constantly gather. When homeowners love a relaxing holiday, the living room can be decorated as follows. Furniture must be selected to match the range of wall decoration, made in a cold palette.

For a multifunctional room, it is better to use neutral shades such as beige and olive. This interior will never get boring if you add variety to it with colorful vases of flowers or bright pillows.

Experiment to get the perfect combination, and then the dream of living in your dream home will come true in the present.

Seasonal colors

The composition “Seasons” is considered a harmonious combination of shades.

"Spring". Yellow acts as the main tone. Complement it with other shades - a fresh mix of white, pink, beige, red, green, blue and purple.

"Summer". Here the base is blue, the palette also includes white, brown, yellow, blue, black, beige, green, purple and gray.

"Autumn". Red is used as the main tone, and blue, purple, pink, gray, white, yellow, brown, and black are additionally used.

"Winter". Blue is the main color in the interior. Recommended to do decorative design using black, red, yellow, white, brown, purple, pink and grey.

Choose a color scheme to your taste that will transform the interior.

Photos of furniture of various colors in the interior


O. Andrey Main

Today, pine, birch, beech and oak are the most popular and common types of wood in Russian furniture production. A person who decides to purchase wooden furniture for the first time always has the question “What kind of wood should I choose from?” Below is a comparison of all 4 types of wood, their features, advantages and disadvantages.


On a pine cut, the brown-red/yellow core and the yellowish-white sapwood are clearly distinguishable - the transition between them is quite sharp, especially in older trees. Pine wood is rich in resin ducts with a diameter of up to 0.1 mm, which are visible during any type of sawing.


Pine wood is durable, resinous, quite hard, especially in the core - 0.52 g/cm3, viscous and moderately prone to warping. Pine wood is easily sawn, processed, holds fasteners well, is well painted and impregnated with stains.


Pine has a heterogeneous color, often with spots and knots. If you use its natural color and texture, then you should take into account that “natural pine” furniture would be appropriate either in a rustic, bright ethnic style, or in loft interiors, “alpine shepherds’ houses” and the like.

The peculiarity of pine wood is that it looks most advantageous either in very delicate colors or in rich ones. The best choice is natural colors: “chocolate”, “dark caramel”, “buckwheat honey”. Brushed, bleached or simply selectively varnished pine looks great.



Birch has white-yellow or white with a reddish, brown tint; the heartwood and sapwood do not differ (heartless wood). The medullary rays on it are visible only in a radial section, the annual increments differ little, and are well expressed only in late growth.

Birch wood may have reddish-brown stains or a special grain structure caused by curling, a genetic defect that causes the fibers to grow in a tortuous and irregular manner. This defect in carpentry work is considered an advantage, because it allows you to get very beautiful products. Sometimes they come across a birch tree that is affected viral infection, as a result of which there are inclusions of bark in the wood, which, when cut, form brown dots (specks) and stripes. Such a biological defect is an undeniable value when creating products.


The strength characteristics of birch are determined by its type. The densest and most durable wood is found in iron birch, slightly inferior to the wood of yellow, stone and black birches. In furniture production, silver birch (warty) and downy birch are used mainly, which, in terms of density and strength, occupies an intermediate position between hard and soft varieties - 0.65 g/cm3.Their wood is viscous and elastic, which makes it possible to produce shaped (bent) elements of high strength, for example, lamellas for orthopedic bases furniture that our store is equipped with. These same qualities allow birch wood to reliably hold fasteners and adhere tightly - products made from it are difficult to loosen or break. That is why in the budget segment they are mainly made of birch, since this furniture is most often subjected to cyclic loads.

Carving on a birch bed or chair or nightstand can be highly complex without the threat of breaking or losing elements in a short time.

However, birch is not at all resistant to moisture: it rots faster than others and becomes unusable or is affected by fungus.


When you need brightly colored, smooth, even tone furniture, birch is the best choice. Combinations of smooth painted birch and textured wood look impressive. natural oak- they are increasingly used in design modern furniture, allowing you to create extraordinary and noble products.

Use birch in natural color not accepted - the products look unfinished. But birch wood can be painted in the colors of expensive types of wood, imitating their texture. Birch is also excellent for painting with enamels (white, ivory, etc.), thanks to the properties of birch, the enamel retains its appearance for many years.


White beech wood, has a slight yellow or red tint. If the tree is old, the wood may be red-brown - “ripe”; it acquires a similar color during “steaming”. Beech has well-defined wide medullary rays and annual layers, which are wavy, creating a particularly interesting pattern. When the trunk is cut radially, the rays appear as shiny stripes or “mirrors”; when cut tangentially, they become brown “grains”, giving the pattern a mottled appearance, or “spindles”.


Beech wood is dense, quite hard - 0.68 g/cm3, has the highest bending ability of all the species, is perfectly processed and accepts any type of finish with high aesthetic returns. With long-term use, beech is not much inferior to oak in strength, so furniture made from it will last for many years.

But beech wood is inferior to oak wood in terms of resistance to rotting and absorbs moisture from the air more strongly. In terms of susceptibility to biological damage, beech is inferior to pine. But furniture located in a dry, comfortable room is not at risk from all of the above. By ordering a bed or tables, cabinets made of beech, you will receive beautiful, elegant products with a rich texture, noble color, wear-resistant and durable.


Beech is a versatile tree in terms of color. He looks beautiful and noble in white, ivory, wenge, dark and light walnut, chestnut. The surfaces are made of bleached beech and natural, coated with colorless varnish.


Oak core color- dark or light brown: the core is filled with thyl - cell outgrowths that accumulate gums, tannins, resins - strong natural antiseptics. Oak sapwood is yellowish-brown. The oak trunk grows with highly developed medullary rays, which largely form the characteristic pattern of the wood. The beauty of oak products is also determined by the large, very expressive texture of the wood.

The beauty of oak is most fully revealed in solid wood products. In our store you can order beds, chests of drawers, antique furniture, in which oak wood is presented in all its advantages: rich and representative texture, elegant color or artificially aged.


Oak wood has exceptional strength and not the most high density- 0.69 g/cm3. It is difficult to cut, especially small carvings - the wood splits, and its patternedness makes the elements inexpressive if the wrong unit of wood is chosen. Therefore, on oak products, the carvings are often made of a different material.

Oak is extremely resistant to biological damage, physical stress - long-term and short-term, and the destructive power of water. With unlimited durability - oak furniture will last indefinitely, thanks to its beauty, oak wood is one of the most valuable.


Oak is so noble that it is often simply coated with transparent varnish, only emphasizing the advantages of the wood - its pattern, natural shine, expressive texture.

oak varnished

Bleached oak is beautiful, imitating the color of antique European furniture, which was literally whitewashed (limed) so that it looked neat and was not damaged by rot and bugs. Bleached has many shades - dark gray (“aged”), light gray (“Arctic”), pinkish, lilac. Furniture made from bleached oak wood gives interiors a special nobility; it looks like an alternative to fashionable remake and gloss, which is why it is so popular in classic and vintage European and American interiors, especially those focused on the colonial era.

Patinated oak has similar qualities. Before painting, the wood is brushed - the soft summer fibers are removed with a stiff brush, so that the hard ones eventually emerge, forming a unique wood pattern. The wood is then painted with white enamel, and the protruding veins are left naturally colored or covered with a darker color.

patinated oak

Emphasizes the aristocracy of oak and the ivory color. Products in this color look very expensive and give the interior solemnity, the nobility of antiquity and classics.

Wood price comparison

The price of a certain type of wood is determined by its qualities. The best combination Oak has functional and aesthetic properties, which is why furniture made from it is more expensive than others.

Oak is followed in value by beech, followed by birch. Pine is cheaper than others.

The cost of the finished product is also influenced by production technologies, for example, brushing, and the complexity of the design, the use of patinas, varnishes and paints.

To summarize, several conclusions can be drawn:

1. When choosing budget furniture, you should choose pine or birch. Moreover, when choosing chairs or stools, preference should be given to birch, because it will keep the furniture from loosening much longer than pine.

2. When choosing more expensive furniture, you should give preference to beech or oak. The strength characteristics of these types of wood are quite close to each other, so they mainly choose between patterns. Also often applied to oak additional types processing (patination, bleaching, etc.).

Furniture house "Usadba" sells furniture from natural wood. Beds, bedside tables, chests of drawers, as well as custom-made cabinets and cabinet furniture - make your dreams come true with us!

Happy shopping with Furniture House "Usadba"!

What type of wood do you choose furniture from?

03.09.2016 21295

Light apartment interiors are used to visually enlarge the space or brighten the appearance of the room. Installed more often. They are not only the most common, but also familiar. The predominance makes the room fashionable, airy and spacious. And correctly selected doors will create a feeling of comfort and lift your spirits. Bleached solid wood will visually connect white ceiling and the floor is a darker shade. It will suit many home decor styles.

Not only interior doors are made white, but also entrance doors, especially in hot countries, to avoid overheating of the room.

It will cost you less. This is due to the simpler processing technique to impart color. And, conversely, when , the painting process is complicated, which makes the cost door leaf higher.

Array white does not have to be combined with walls and floors. This makes it versatile. Well, if such a need does arise, then to create a harmonious combination, you can put a white piece of furniture in the room, hang curtains of the same color or put rugs. The snow-white tone also goes well with contrasting colors: green, black, purple, brown, blue.

In addition to white, door leaves can be in other light colors, for example:

  • dairy,
  • Ivory,
  • creamy,
  • beige,
  • peach,
  • other pastel colors.

In addition to white, doors in brown shades are often installed. Lightened door leaves in brown tones are beige shades, the colors of natural wood. If the room is decorated in rustic style, then the door array does not even need to be covered with a dull layer of paint; it is enough to use a transparent varnish with or without a tint. This will highlight the wood pattern, making the door look more expensive and add a touch of nobility to the room.

If light doors painted with matte paint, the shade of coffee with milk looks good on them. It can be combined with white and beige, as well as with bright dark shades: brown, black.

The selection of shade is carried out based on the design concept of the room. Light doors are installed in rooms decorated in the style of:

  • Scandinavian,
  • English,
  • modern,
  • neoclassical,
  • country,
  • empire style,
  • baroque,
  • minimalism and others.

With all the advantages, there is also a disadvantage to using light colors. There is a lot of dirt on the door array, so it needs care and frequent washing doors.

Types of door leaf textures: smooth surface

A common and simple option. The solid mass is finished with MDF board for painting or laminate. This door is inexpensive. A glass insert is acceptable in the design. White doors with glass facilitate the design of the room and give freedom to the passing light.

For a room in a classic style, smooth lines are used; for high-tech, the rigor and clarity of the design is observed.

Glossy surface and patina finishes

White glossy interior doors attract attention and look interesting. The glossy surface is suitable for a door to a bathroom or kitchen. For the bedroom it is better to prefer a matte surface so that there is no reflection.

The gloss effect is achieved through special paint and varnish materials, polishing, polyester. The plastic door leaf also has a glossy surface.

Cloths with patina are a door array trimmed with copper or gold patterns. If the room is stylized as antique, then such doors complement it. They match the floor in a dark shade.

Decorated surfaces

The decor can be anything: stained glass, mosaics, metal and plastic products, all kinds of inserts, drawings, as well as the fittings themselves.

Materials used

Natural wood is an expensive material, especially for rare wood species. A wooden door can be thickly coated with matte paint to achieve the desired tone, but the material under the layer will not be visible.

Therefore, it is better to use a transparent coating or another method of processing solid wood to advantageously show the beauty of the wood pattern.

For the manufacture of door arrays, wood from the following tree species is used:

  • pine,
  • nut,
  • cherry.

More cheap option– these are veneered door panels. They are made by lining with a thin cut of natural wood. Outwardly they look no worse.

To give the interior lightness and airiness, door panels in the shade “bleached oak” are installed. To obtain this tone, the wood is treated in a special way, or rather chemically bleached. Both solid wood and bleached oak veneered doors are used. Manufacturers offer veneered doors and cheaper wood imitating bleached oak. The doors are no different.

Shades can be very different (warm and cold):

  • ashen;
  • silver;
  • lactic;
  • pearl;
  • snow-white;
  • Ivory.

Oak" go well with cool shades of both pastel and rich tones. You can create a nostalgic, southern interior. Contrast of shades will be created in the interior in Provence or Country styles.

Imitation of bleached oak is obtained using PVC laminate. Inexpensive optionplastic doors. Plastic can be any color, but most often these are white doors. They are unpretentious, but interior door It is better to choose from natural material.

Snow-white oak is combined with furniture made from:

  • white ash;
  • Red tree;
  • larch.

For light doors, beech color is often used. Its shades are also different, most often they are warm. The shade can be beige, pinkish, light brown, yellowish.

Beech color goes well with shades:

  • Apple tree;
  • dark oak;
  • maple;
  • acacia.

You can keep them in mind when choosing a skirting board.


Handles on light-colored doors can be made of materials: metal, wood, plastic. Metal fittings are suitable for high-tech style, in classic interior Wooden handles look good, and the door to the children's room can be decorated with a bright plastic handle.

Light door leaves are combined with chrome handles, the surface of which is matte.

Rules for choosing light door leaves

Doors are matched to the color of the floor, walls, furniture or interior elements.

  • What floor goes with a light door.

White goes well with almost any other tones. They look most impressive if the flooring is laminate. Laminate can imitate wood or stone.

Imitation wood is a common option. This is due to the neutrality of wood shades. Wood is universal and suitable for any interior. Laminate can be processed in different ways (tinting, staining and other methods). Universal laminate colors:

  1. acacia;
  2. alder;
  3. birch;
  4. ash.

Imitation of untreated stone also looks impressive with a light-colored door. Usually they use patterns of granite, marble, basalt, wild stone. You can choose a color based on the shade of the door leaf, its warm or cold color scheme. Stone laminate is used less often, as it does not always fit well with the rest of the interior of the room.

Parquet floors look more expensive and luxurious. It also goes well with a light colored door. Moreover, the parquet can be either light (several tones lighter or darker than the door leaf) or completely dark in color (attracts attention with its contrast with the light door). The color match of the door array and the floor covering is also quite acceptable. It is appropriate in the kitchen, hallway, small rooms with poor lighting.

  • Choosing a plinth for a light door.

Most often, the baseboard is chosen to match the door or floor. The color you choose depends on which color you want to emphasize more. If the baseboard is designed to harmonize the door against the background of the interior, so that it is not the only prominent spot, it is chosen to match the color of the door.

If the door and floor are light, then the baseboard is chosen depending on the purpose. If you need a contrast of colors and there is a need to dilute the monochromatic color scheme, then the plinth will become the highlight that will make an ordinary interior special. Well, if the interior should be designed in a classic style, then the plinth is chosen in the same color scheme, the same as the door and floor, but a little darker so that there is no merging of colors.

  • The combination of a light door with the walls.

Light interior doors are combined with dark and light walls, but if the color of the wall is light, then it is better that it be a tone or two darker than the door leaf. For example, the door is white, and the walls are one of pastel shades. When choosing wall light, you also need to take into account the color of the floor so that there is no excessive saturation with one color. The size of the room, lighting and color of furniture are also taken into account.

  • Combination with furniture color.

If there is nothing light in the room except the door, then you can put some piece of furniture in the color of the door leaf for greater harmony. If the furniture is also matched to the color of the floor or something else, then you can use some interior details to match the door: vases, paintings, carpets. Additional elements the interior can be anything.

If the door array is made of snow-white plastic, then it can be complemented by the same plastic window frames. You can also choose similar fittings.

  • Combination with the ceiling.

There may be different variants. A lightened door can visually make a smooth transition from a snow-white ceiling to a darker floor. Or it can create contrast against a darker ceiling and floor. Due to the snow-white door, the space visually expands and the interior becomes lighter.

In practice, it is better to select a door array to match the interior of the room than finishing coatings rooms under the door. A crisp white door will work in most cases, but if you want to play with shades, you can't take your time. It is better to match the door to the room than several colors finishing coatings to the door array.