home · Measurements · Ceiling lamps in the bathroom - the best recessed and suspended modern ideas (75 photos). Lamps for the bathroom on the ceiling: how to choose Lamps for the bathroom on the white ceiling

Ceiling lamps in the bathroom - the best recessed and suspended modern ideas (75 photos). Lamps for the bathroom on the ceiling: how to choose Lamps for the bathroom on the white ceiling

The bathroom is a room in which hygiene procedures are performed, and a place where you can relax and get rid of negative emotions, like the burden accumulated during the day, and take a long-awaited shower.

To fully relax, you need to create an environment conducive to relaxation. Lighting helps achieve this goal.

In most cases, in bathrooms sunlight grabs, the window, even if there is one in the bathroom, is small, so there is a need for devices that provide artificial light.

To create in the bathroom artificial lighting, most often used lamps attached to the ceiling.

Such light sources perform a number of tasks:

  • create optimal lighting, bright enough, but not irritating to the eye;
  • ensure unity of style;
  • divide the room into functional zones.

Zoning the room with the help of lighting makes it possible to select an area in the bathroom for taking a bath or shower, relaxing and washing. Each of these zones should have its own level of illumination.

In the area where the washbasin is located, the light must be bright. The location of the bathroom needs diffused light that promotes privacy and tranquility - important components of a good rest.

Advantages of ceiling lamps:

  1. A ceiling lamp is an excellent replacement for a regular chandelier.
  2. Lighting that illuminates the part of the room where it is needed at a certain moment is very convenient.
  3. A ceiling lamp, if chosen correctly, creates a good level of light and adds coziness and originality to the atmosphere.


The most popular are built-in ceiling lamps. There are also hanging and overhead models.

There are several varieties lighting fixtures for the ceiling, they differ in the type of fastening.

Lamps attached to the ceiling, suitable for bathrooms with a large area and bathrooms with low ceilings.

Built-in models lamps are installed in plasterboard ceilings. The laconic shape and style make this type of lamp the best solution for tensile structures.

Advice. The combination of built-in models with spot-mounted LED lighting looks impressive: everyone will like this decor.

Suspended models are located close to the ceiling surface. Main distinctive feature Such lighting fixtures differ from conventional chandeliers in that they are smaller in size and diffuse light differently. These lighting devices are not afraid of moisture. They are attached directly to the wall.

A variety of such light sources are lamps that have a flat shape. Such lamps are made of a reinforced frame and a metal reflector. A plastic or glass diffuser is attached to the top.

The appearance of such light sources is standard: they can be square or round.

Surface-mounted lamp models are simple. Both LED and halogen lamps, as well as conventional incandescent lamps, are suitable for these devices.

Which light source to choose

In most cases, built-in models of ceiling lighting fixtures are installed in rooms for hygienic procedures. They are suitable for both tension and suspended ceilings and evenly diffuse light, which is especially important in bathrooms with a large area.

The built-in type of lighting fixtures has a movable external structure, due to which you can control the flow of light and change its direction.

Such lighting fixtures for the ceiling allow you to implement all sorts of ideas from design specialists and provide the opportunity to experiment.

Recessed lighting fixtures are classified according to models in which the lamp is located inside, or they can be lamps with external lamps.

The first option is more suitable for the bathroom. With this arrangement of the lamp, there is no overheating of the ceiling, leading to the appearance of yellow spots(the surface of the ceiling and the lamp are separated by a metal element). In addition, when the lamp is located outside, light is scattered at a large angle.

To determine how many lighting fixtures built into the ceiling are needed for a bathroom, you need to focus on the size of the room, its layout and color design, and, of course, take into account individual preferences.

If you want a lot of light in the room, use several lamps.

The placement of light sources is influenced by the size of the room. In this case, the dependence will be proportional: than more spacious room- the more lighting devices are needed to illuminate it.

For small bathrooms One lighting fixture is enough: it is placed between the doorway and the mirror.

For large bathrooms, the best option would be to install recessed lighting models throughout the ceiling. This arrangement of lamps is also suitable for suspended ceilings, you just need to ensure good ventilation.

For example, for a bathroom with an area slightly larger than 4 square meters, you need four LED lamps with a power of 2.7 W. Regarding lighting in rooms for water procedures certain standards have been established for different types lamps

For energy saving lamps the norm is 4-6 W, for halogen lamps - 10-20 W, for incandescent lamps - 25 W, per square meter. m. If the bathroom interior is dominated by light shades, it is necessary to adhere to the lowest indicator.

Which lamps are suitable for the bathroom

Almost all types of lamps can be used in the bathroom.

Incandescent lamps are easy to use and a budget option. The disadvantage of such light bulbs is their short service life. Ceiling lamps have an aesthetic appearance and serve as a decoration for the ceiling. The lampshade protects the lamp from moisture and damage.

If you decide to install a Massive light source, keep in mind that it gets very hot, and for this reason, when installing it on a ceiling made of PVC materials, you need to install an asbestos or wood gasket so that the ceiling does not “float.”

A halogen light source contains a glass bulb with an incandescent filament.

Important! The main advantage of halogen-type lamps is their long service life. Such light sources are compact in size and inexpensive.

For equipment LED backlight transparent tape is used. An LED is a semiconductor device.

LED ceiling light sources allow you to save on electricity bills. Lamps with LEDs consume half as much electricity as other light sources. Devices with LEDs hardly heat up and are highly efficient.

Ceiling lighting with LEDs can be either white or colored. In most cases, such lighting is not the main source of lighting and is installed under suspended ceiling structures. LED strips are used as an additional light source.

The cost of lamps with LEDs is quite high, but the cost of purchasing a lamp is justified. Such lamps have high luminous efficiency. Another advantage of LED lamps is long service life.

Lamps intended for ceilings have different sizes, they may have one lamp or several.

Lamps mounted on the ceiling can have a rotating type of design or a fixed one. Rotating lamps have the function of directing the flow of light in the desired direction.

Domestic manufacturers offer ceiling lamps mainly with conventional incandescent lamps. From foreign manufacturers big choice halogen models.

Moisture-proof properties

The best option for a bathroom is lamps with moisture-proof properties. Such lighting devices are safe to use. Their design is designed taking into account the conditions high humidity, typical for a bathroom.

Design features prevent moisture from entering the lighting fixture, this helps avoid short circuits.

Waterproof lighting fixtures have a longer service life than conventional light sources installed in the bathroom. Such lamps are not afraid of temperature changes.

Location options

Lamps on the ceiling can be positioned in different ways. The placement can be rectangular, circular, oval, cross, arched, wavy and chaotic.

The placement largely depends on the preferences of the apartment owners and the design of the room.

Best ideas: we have collected a whole selection of original bathroom interiors with designers’ recommendations for arranging and equipping bathrooms of different sizes.

You can also provide additional lighting in the bathroom through accessories. ABOUT round mirrors with lighting for the bathroom read.

You can see a photo of a small bathroom in an apartment in the article at:

Installation of lighting fixtures

Installing ceiling lights is not difficult; they are convenient not only to use, but also to install.

Installation of lighting fixtures depends on their design features and types of ceiling. There are light sources that are suitable for all types of ceilings and lighting fixtures designed only for a certain type.

Ceiling lights are one of the best options for lighting rooms for water procedures. These are modern lighting fixtures, their size is selected according to the size of the room: in the bathroom you can install one or more lamps that differ in power.

Ceiling lighting fixtures should be selected in accordance with the interior features. Decorative light diffusers add originality to the ceiling lamp. The design of the lamp must fit into the style of the room.

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We offer you to look at the options and models of surface-mounted and built-in ceiling lamps for bathroom lighting:

Have you ever encountered a situation where, due to the dim light in the bathroom, you cannot see all the details of your face in the mirror, or you cannot relax in the bath because the light is too bright, which annoyingly hits your eyes? The cause of such situations is incorrectly selected lighting.

Planning the lighting

Planning should begin with organizing the space in the bathroom. This takes into account what furniture, plumbing, Appliances will be present here. To avoid mistakes, you can draw a plan showing the location of the lamps. This plan will save you from having to install new wiring after laying the tiles due to one small mistake.

Norms and standards, lighting calculations

Based on pan-European standards adopted in 2002, the illumination of a bathroom should be 200 lux per square meter of room area. Knowing this, you can easily calculate the optimal number of lamps in your case. If we talk about a room whose area is six square meters, 1200 lux will be required.

There is a direct relationship between the types of lamp and its power, which makes it possible to calculate how many ceiling lamps your room will need. The luminous flux that is obtained from incandescent lamps with a power of 25, 40 and 60 W corresponds to an illumination of 220, 420 and 710 lux, respectively. Therefore, 1200 lux for 6 square meters must be divided by the illumination indicator of each lamp.

If you plan to use incandescent lamps whose wattage is 40 W and 60 W, then you will need, for example, three 40 W lamps and two 60 W lamps.

Features of choice

Exactly ceiling views lamps are most often chosen to illuminate a room such as a bathroom. They, in turn, can be mounted in a suspended ceiling made of plasterboard, slatted or suspended ceiling. The lighting from them is uniform and suitable for illuminating even large rooms. External part These types of lamps can be movable, which makes it possible to direct the rays of light in the direction you need. Another advantage of such lamps is ample opportunities for designers who work on creating an interior.

What you should pay attention to when going shopping for lamps:

  • Safety. This is due to the fact that the bathroom is an area of ​​high humidity, so when buying a lamp, check how protected it is from dust and moisture. There is an IP code specifically for this. If you don’t find it on the lamp, then you can safely put it aside and look for another one. The safety level is indicated by the second digit in the product labeling. The higher it is, the closer to the water source it can be placed.
  • Brightness. The quality of your shaving or makeup will depend on this. To ensure that the lighting does not let you down, consider the power of the lamps. For standard lamps it is 20-30 W/m2. For halogen lamps this figure is 23-28 W/m2. But at the lamps daylighting it is no more than 6-9 W/m2.
  • Design. The choice of lamp should be based on the style in which your room is designed.


On the market today you can find a huge assortment of all kinds of ceiling lamps. But often the buyer is lost, which ones are better to choose?

Ceiling lamps

Ceiling lamps.Such lamps can be different in shape, color and material from which they are made. They use not only the usual incandescent lamps, but also energy-saving lamps.


Such lamps are compact and inexpensive. The warranty period or glow time of halogen lamps is four thousand hours.

Do not install halogen lamps with a power greater than 35 W in the bathroom.


Lamps that use LEDs can emit white or yellow soft light, and the lighting can also be multi-colored. Typically, they are not used as the main light source, but are used as an addition. Designers like to highlight different areas of the room or various accessories with LED lamps and strips. LED strips are often placed under the bathtub, creating a floating effect. You can highlight shelves, mirrors or the perimeter of the ceiling in this way.


To ensure the safe operation of the lamp you like, it is recommended to use lamps with a power of no more than 12-24 W. This is due to the fact that even if they are short-circuited, they cannot cause harm to your health. You also need to pay attention to the IP indicator, which is written directly on the lamp or on the packaging. This indicator consists of two numbers: 1 – degree of protection of the lamp from ingress and exposure to small and solid particles (the indicator can range from 0 to 6), 2 – level of protection from moisture (ranges from 0-8).

Therefore, the higher the numbers of this index, the more reliable protection of this lamp from the influence of various factors.

If we talk about the bathroom, then the best option would be the lamp that will indicate a protection index of more than 44-45. When installing the lamp, it is important that it does not have direct contact with water. You should also check the lamp for tightness and strength.

If your interior involves the use of a sconce in the bathroom, then you should not place it directly above the bathtub, since a hot lamp may explode upon contact with water or steam, and condensation may accumulate on it.

The wiring leading to the lamp should not be open. And it is undesirable to use adapters, extension cords and other similar devices in the bathroom. And if you need to make an outlet, then move it as far as possible from sources of moisture. The entire electrical network must be grounded.

Do not install energy-saving lamps in ceiling lights if you experience frequent power surges. electrical network Houses. Voltage fluctuations lead to rapid failure of energy-saving lamps, therefore, the benefit from purchasing them will be reduced to zero.

Installation features

Stretch ceiling

Having decided to make suspended ceilings in the bathroom, you can use any of the many types of lamps in this room. The main thing is to accurately determine the distance from the device to the film. Because from the heat stretch fabric may spoil. When installing spot models that are built into the ceiling, a special bracket is used for mounting. It is attached to the base ceiling and the lamp is installed directly on top.

You also need to pay attention to the presence of a thermal ring, which will protect the film from overheating. The thermal ring must be double and installed around the perimeter of the hole in the PVC film. The thermal ring not only performs the function of protecting against overheating, but also ensures the strength of the edges of the canvas and prevents the material from deteriorating and changing its appearance when exposed to high temperatures.

When using light colors to decorate the ceiling and walls of the bathroom, the power of the lighting fixtures may be minimal, but when decorating the room in dark tones, the power of the lamps must be increased.

The reflective properties of surfaces play an important role in the saturation of lighting. Yes, white glossy ceiling will reflect light perfectly and help significantly save money on energy bills.

Recessed ceiling lights

In 2002, the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) adopted lighting standards various types premises depending on their purpose. A standard has been developed - ISO 8995, according to which the illumination level in the bathroom should be 200 lux. So the selection of ceiling lights for bathrooms should be carried out in accordance with this standard.

All information about bathroom ceiling lights

The illumination indicator is expressed in lux. Translated from Latin, “lux” means light. In Russian metrology it is designated as “lk”, and in European metrology “lx”. It is this indicator that is taken as the basis when choosing the power of the lamp. If it is not enough, then increase the number of lighting fixtures.

How to correctly calculate bathroom illumination

In addition to the illumination of the room, there is one more indicator necessary for calculations. This is a light ceiling per 1 square meter of illuminated surface. It is measured in "lumens". In bathroom small sizes lumen and lux will be equal. Therefore, 200 lux = 200 lm/sq.m. This can be taken as an axiom.

Please note that this indicator is typical for an area of ​​1 square. This means that if your bathroom has an area of ​​5 square meters, then to illuminate it you will need 1000 lux lamps. Next, you need to convert this indicator into lighting power, that is, into watts.

Attention! A 75-watt incandescent light bulb produces 935 lumens of light. And this is quite enough to illuminate your five-meter bathroom according to the standards.

Here is the ratio of other types of lamps by power:

  • 25 watts is 220 lm
  • 40 W - 420 lm
  • 60 W - 710 lm
  • 100 W - 1350 lm
  • 200 W - 2500 lm
  • Halogen lamp 42 W - 625 lm
  • 55 W - 900 lm
  • 70 W - 1170 lm
  • Halogen bulb 12 V 65 W - 1700 lm

Thus, in order to choose the right lamp for lighting, you only need to know the area of ​​the room and required power lighting device.

The same goes for LED lamps. We will not describe the relationship of all types; we will show one as an example. Let's assume that we decide to install a 2.7 W LED lamp indoors.

10 watts create a luminous flux of 860 lm. This is enough if the bathroom has an area of ​​4 square meters, but not enough if 5 sq.m. You can figure out the number of light bulbs yourself - it's a simple mathematical calculation.

Types of lamps

The modern lighting market offers so much a large assortment lamps for bathrooms that the consumer can easily get lost in it. And do right choice sometimes difficult.

Ceiling lighting

About 20 years ago domestic market had only devices that were popularly called “tablets.” The diversity of this species was modest - there were only 5 or 6 positions, which differed from each other in size and glass shade. It could be transparent or matte.

The shape of such devices was standard and resembled a tablet. There were also so-called balls, which also had a rather meager assortment.

Today the tablets remain the same. However, their range has increased due to color diversity, changes in shape and the use of plastic instead of glass.

For ceiling-type lamps, you can use various lamps - from simple lamps incandescent to energy-saving.

Attention! If the ceiling lamp is mounted on PVC tension ceiling, then it is imperative to install asbestos or wooden base(gasket). This lighting fixture gets hot, which has a detrimental effect on quality characteristics stretch fabric.

Wall Light

What is a halogen lamp anyway? This is a glass flask with a filament into which a buffer gas is pumped - usually bromine or iodine vapor. The gas acts as a barrier and protection for the tungsten filament, which begins to evaporate during the glow process under the influence of high temperatures. It releases its molecules into space, so that after some time its thickness cannot withstand the glow temperature.

So, the buffer gas creates conditions under which tungsten molecules, having reached the cold wall of the glass flask, hit it and return to the filament, where they settle again. Therefore, the tungsten filament is restored. The guaranteed service life of halogen lamps is 4000 hours. Please note - these are services. That is, this is the time during which the lamp burns.

Such lamps are compact in size and low in price. That's why they are so popular, especially when it comes to small spaces like the bathroom. Manufacturers offer halogen lamps of 230 V and 12 V. The latter require a step-down transformer. By the way, they take it with a reserve with a coefficient of 1.25.

LED lights

LED recessed luminaires

How does an LED lamp differ from others? The fact that an LED is inserted into it, used only for household lighting.

What is an LED? This is a semiconductor, a device with an electron-hole transition in which electricity converted into optical radiation. Ceiling lights for the bathroom LED type by far the most economical and most effective. In addition, they also do not heat up. And since these qualities are most in demand, the cost of such lamps is quite high.

But that doesn't stop consumers. After all, the efficiency of the devices covers the monetary costs many times over.

As a variation of this category, LED strips (duralight) are sometimes used in bathrooms. They can emit regular white light or multi-colored light - red, blue, green, yellow, or a combination of these colors.

However, this type of lighting is not used as the main one, but is considered only backlighting. Designers, however, appreciated the advantages of duralight and began to use it to highlight individual elements premises or designer accessories. For example, frames on paintings or mirrors, the perimeter of the ceiling or one wall.

How to install ceiling lights in the bathroom

Base Flow Fixtures

Installation of lighting fixtures depends on two indicators:

  • The design of the device itself.
  • Type of ceiling surface - it can be tensioned, suspended or base.

By the way, there are devices on the market that can be mounted on any type of ceiling surface or only on a certain type of ceiling.

Base Flow Fixtures

If you live in apartment building, then your ceiling, including in the bathroom, is concrete slab ceilings This means that in this case there is no need to talk about built-in or spotlights. And the LED strip would be inappropriate here. The best option- hang a ceiling lamp in the form of a tablet, ball or plate, attaching it to the ceiling surface with dowels and screws.

In this case, the size, shape and weight of the device do not matter. The only thing that matters is the power of the lamps and decorative design lamp

Important! Pay attention to the choice of the lamp itself, or rather, its size and power. The most important thing is that it is not large in relation to the ceiling. Emitted thermal energy may damage the base or the lamp itself, which will lead to failure of the device.

Lamps for plasterboard suspended ceilings

Lamps for plasterboard suspended ceilings

To install a lighting fixture on a plasterboard ceiling, its installation must begin while the frame is being erected. To do this, electrical wires are passed through the sheathing elements to the installation site.

The recessed spotlight is first connected to electric wire and only then insert it into the hole plasterboard construction. But suspended models can also be installed on plasterboard ceilings by attaching them with self-tapping screws directly to the surface of the material. The only thing that needs to be done is to place profiles under the lighting fixture so that the fastening goes exactly along them. It's reliable and safe.

Advice! Since the bathroom is a wet room, it is necessary to lay all the wiring in special corrugated hoses and attach them to the base ceiling surface. It is mandatory to install a separate circuit breaker for the entire electrical lighting network.

There is one more warning that is very often forgotten, not understanding its full importance. When choosing a recessed lamp, you need to make sure that it inner part will not reach the surface of the base ceiling. This distance should be at least 1.5 centimeters, which is especially important for halogen models.

Recessed ceiling light for suspended ceiling

In this case, you can install any type of lighting fixtures. The main thing is to determine the distance to the PVC film, because thermal energy causes the tension fabric to change its quality indicators, not for the better.

If point built-in models are installed, then a mounting bracket is specially placed under them and fixed to the base ceiling. It is on this that the lamp sits.

Pay attention to such a protective element as a thermal ring. It is installed around the perimeter of the hole that is made in the PVC sheet. Firstly, it ensures the strength of the edges of the cut. And, secondly, it prevents the material from changing under the influence of high temperatures from a heated device.

Conclusion on the topic

A ceiling lamp installed in a bathroom must have a number of quality indicators. And the first is operational safety. Changes in humidity and temperature can lead to failure of any device, especially those installed on the ceiling. Therefore, experts recommend choosing explosion-proof models. They are, of course, more expensive, but much safer.

The bathroom is a special room. This is a place where not only wash and shower. Here you can truly relax and relieve daytime fatigue. Bathroom ceiling lights are of great importance. After all, thanks proper lighting, the room becomes cozy and conducive to relaxation.

Purpose of bathroom fixtures

Some apartments have a window in the bathrooms. But of course natural light, even with a window, the bathroom is not enough. Such a room needs artificial lighting.

Bathroom lighting fixtures are usually mounted to the ceiling and perform the following functions:

  • the lighting is both bright but not irritating;
  • fits the style of the room and general interior apartments;
  • divides the bathroom into zones.

Thanks to well-installed lighting, the bathroom can be divided into zones. This is a place for showering, washing, relaxing and storing cosmetics, towels and other necessary things. Each zone has its own lighting fixtures that provide a certain level of illumination.

Thus, at the location of the bathtub or shower stall, devices that provide diffused light are usually installed. The light above the washbasin should be brighter.

Advantages of placing bathroom lights on the ceiling

The advantages of placing appliances in the bathroom on the ceiling surface include the following:

  • ceiling devices are a great replacement for a regular chandelier;
  • zoning of the room allows you to use certain part bathroom. It's comfortable;
  • Well-chosen lamps for the ceilings of bathrooms will create a special atmosphere in the room, conducive to a relaxing holiday.

Types of bathroom fixtures

Lighting fixtures for the bathroom ceiling are:

  • halogen;
  • LED;
  • ceiling lamps;
  • chandeliers.

Bathroom lighting fixtures vary in location:

  • internal location;
  • outdoor location.

Devices can be built-in or overhead. Exterior lighting fixtures are commonly used in bathrooms large area, but with low ceilings. Built-in varieties are used for plasterboard coverings.

Certain requirements apply to lighting fixtures located in a room with high humidity:

  • the power of the lighting device should not exceed 50 W;
  • if the device is of a built-in type, then its body should not heat up;
  • To be fixed to the ceiling covering, lighting fixtures must have special brackets, preferably with the ability to adjust the height.

Let us consider separately some types of ceiling lamps for the bathroom.

Bathroom lamps

Bathroom ceiling lamps can be of various types. TO budget option include incandescent lamps. But such lamps have a short service life and consume a lot of electricity.

To protect lamps from damage, shades are used. It is not recommended to use powerful incandescent lamps under lampshades, because they get very hot.

The most economical option for the bathroom ceiling there will be LED lightening. The advantages of such lighting include not only a long service life, but also the ability to install lamps in tension structures. The diodes do not heat up during operation, so damage is excluded tension covering ceiling.


LED bathroom ceiling lights are considered one of the best lighting options. This lighting option is economical and effective. The lamps do not heat up during operation.

LED lighting for the bathroom can be mounted as the main light source, or as an addition to another option. You can use transparent tape with diodes as emergency lighting.

The most common LED lighting option would be a mounting kit. The set includes a controller with a power supply and self-adhesive tape with diodes.

LED lighting has the following advantages:

  1. safe to use;
  2. long service life. Thanks to this characteristic, lamps rarely need to be replaced;
  3. low power consumption;
  4. diodes give uniform lighting, no flickering or jumping;
  5. The light emitted by LED devices resembles natural light. Therefore, the eyes do not get tired, and the reflection in the mirror also looks natural.

LED devices come in open and closed type. LED strips can produce multi-colored, white or combined light.


Bathroom ceiling recessed lights are mainly used for plasterboard ceilings. You can combine recessed lighting with LED lighting.

To install recessed lighting, it is necessary to carry out work on installing lamps at the stage of constructing the ceiling frame. So, wiring is carried out throughout the entire frame to the place where the devices are attached.

Recessed lamps come in two types - panels and spotlights.
Built-in point-type devices are first connected to the wiring and then installed to the plasterboard covering.

The advantages of recessed lighting include the following:

  1. the ability to create an interesting lighting design when using spotlights. You can lay out an interesting composition, the main thing is to use your imagination;
  2. resistant to various mechanical damage;
  3. large selection of lamps by size.

The only disadvantage of such lighting is the installation of lamps during the installation of the ceiling covering. If you need to repair lighting fixtures, you will need to dismantle part of the ceiling covering.

Recessed lights for the Nobile bath ceiling are suitable for tension covering. These are lighting fixtures from German manufacturer equipped with a rotating ring. If necessary, you can easily replace the lamp in the device. Recessed luminaires are available in round and square shapes.

Glowing ceiling

The luminous ceiling in the bathroom is a translucent film under which light sources are located. By installing this type of lighting, you will get soft, diffused light that will not irritate your eyes. The result is the effect of a panoramic ceiling covering, with the sun's rays penetrating through it.

With the help of a mounted luminous ceiling, you can decorate various areas in the bathroom. The light ceiling can be positioned in such a way that a certain place is illuminated. For example, this could be a place for washing, or a dedicated area above the mirror.


Chandeliers remain the traditional lighting for the bathroom ceiling. Chandeliers give the room a luxurious, elegant look, combined with general style interior

To choose a chandelier for a bathroom, you need to consider the following parameters:

  • It is important that the lighting is safe, because the room has high humidity. Therefore, when choosing a chandelier, you need to pay attention to the labeling of the lighting fixture. The second digit of the marking indicates the level of protection against moisture. The higher this number, the better;
  • safe to use in damp room there will be a chandelier operating on 12 V. It is advisable that the switch is located outside the bathroom;
  • The dimensions of the chandelier depend on the height of the ceiling and the area of ​​the bathroom.

The chandelier should not only be combined with the plumbing and style of the bathroom, but also match the overall interior of the apartment or house. The lighting device should provide enough light so that there is no feeling of discomfort.

In bathroom great importance has the level of illumination at the location of the mirror. Therefore, in addition to the chandelier, you can install LED lighting in the room as an additional light source.

Bathroom chandeliers can be pendant or surface-mounted. If the ceilings are low, then it is better to refuse hanging types chandeliers, and install an overhead structure.


Installation of lamps in the bathroom on the ceiling depends on the type of lighting fixture chosen.

Let's look at the installation separately various types lamps for the bathroom ceiling.

Chandelier installation

Hanging chandeliers are attached to the ceiling using a metal or plastic tube. The pendant version of chandeliers may consist of one or more shades, or there may be no lampshades.

Models of surface-mounted chandeliers are mounted on the ceiling in such a way as to ensure maximum adherence to the surface.

Installation of spotlights

Spotlights can be rotating or non-rotating. Fixed models have a rigid type of mounting to the ceiling. In this case, the light will fall on a specific place.

Rotary type lamps can change the direction of illumination. You can change the lighting angle manually.

Installation is performed as follows:

  1. electrical wiring is installed. After installing all the wires, the suspended ceiling covering is installed;
  2. Holes for lamps are made in the suspended covering using a special hole saw. It is important to correctly calculate the hole for the diameter of the lamp;
  3. wires are brought out and connected to the lamps. Spot lighting devices do not have cartridges. Instead of a cartridge there is a double terminal connector;
  4. After connecting the wiring to the connector, install the lamp. Each lamp has two antennae. During installation, the antennae are unclenched and then held. Having installed the lighting fixture in the prepared hole, the antennae are released and the lamp is fixed in in the right place. You can adjust its position.

Installation of LED strip

The LED strip for the bathroom is installed in the following sequence:

  1. The ceiling surface is being prepared. The old coating is completely removed;
  2. all defects on the ceiling surface are eliminated. This is important, otherwise it will not be possible to install the LED strip correctly;
  3. before applying the primer, the surface is treated with an antiseptic against mold and other microorganisms;
  4. primer is applied;
  5. the tape is laid out on the floor in the same order as it will be located on the ceiling;
  6. it is allowed to immediately connect 5 meters of tape, the remaining elements are connected in parallel;
  7. the controller is connected to the transformer;
  8. When the transformer is turned on, the operation of the lamps is checked.

If everything works, you can glue the tape, having first disconnected it from the network.

No matter how original the interior is, everything can be ruined by the wrong light. It is not surprising that the issue of lighting occupies quite an important place when arranging premises. for various purposes. Moreover, this is no less important for the bathroom than for other functional rooms.

We will tell you how to choose the right bathroom ceiling lamps from among the products offered for sale. We will advise you on what needs to be done for rational placement and error-free installation. Taking into account our recommendations, you will easily form a hygienic room cozy and pleasant atmosphere.

During the creation process, the design of the project must be selected optimal model lamp, taking into account the characteristics of the room, the design and texture of finishing materials.

For example, built-in models are not suitable for arranging a bathroom with a concrete ceiling monolithic slab. In this case, it is better to use overhead fixtures or ceiling fixtures in the form of chandeliers.

Striving to create stylish interior And comfortable environment, to come Special attention pay attention to the choice of lighting equipment. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the design, characteristics, dimensions, lamp power, methods of mounting the electrical appliance and the need for additional structural elements.

When arranging a spacious room, designers advise focusing on traditional solutions in lighting that fits perfectly into the interior

If the bathroom is large, then beautiful chandelier it will look organic. But spot models, correctly and evenly distributed throughout the ceiling space, will allow you to create a stylish interior that takes into account current trends.

When choosing lamps, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • room area and distance between lamps;
  • zoning of the room, the need to highlight separate areas;
  • instrument level;
  • interior style direction;
  • color scheme of walls, floors, furniture and plumbing;
  • the presence of mirrors, tension structures, ceramic tiles and other surfaces that reflect light.

Before you start installation work, it is necessary to think through the layout of light sources and the nuances of cable routing. Some models offered by manufacturers in the assortment require creation special conditions.

The quality of products directly affects their service life. Expensive branded models of built-in or surface-mounted lamps compare favorably with cheaper ones. They are of higher quality, wear-resistant, and therefore retain their aesthetic appearance for a long time.

In an effort to create a stylish and original interior in the bathroom, we must not forget about safety. Electrical devices, intended for installation in rooms with high humidity, must have a maximum degree of protection, which corresponds to the IP65 marking.

The bathroom is divided into zones with different humidity levels. The bright blue area is exposed to maximum splash water.

When arranging premises with high level humidity, certain rules must be followed.

The following recommendations will help you organize safe room lighting:

  • You can only use moisture-resistant electrical appliances with a degree of protection of IP24;
  • in areas of high humidity, install low-voltage devices up to 12 V;
  • use lighting devices of protection class 2 near the bathtub or shower stall;
  • it is desirable that everyone metal parts were made of stainless steel or had anti-corrosion properties;
  • Light bulbs and other heated parts of electrical appliances must be equipped with protective covers or shades.

You should also remember about the features and properties of light rays. So, next to the washbasin it is better to use lamps with a softer yellow light. Otherwise, the mirror will reflect rather pale skin, which will prevent you from applying makeup correctly.

Its main disadvantages:

  • small guarantee period operation within the range from 1,000 to 1,500 hours;
  • if the length of the plinth or size does not suit the design of the ceiling, the suspended structure must be lowered;
  • It has no protection against power surges, so it quickly burns out.

If you regularly turn on the lights in the bathroom instead of traditional lamps, it is better to give preference to 5 times more economical option- energy saving.

Energy-saving light bulbs are often used in bathrooms and toilets equipped with pendant lamps, most of which are equipped with sockets for ordinary light bulbs

Halogen lamps can be installed in ceilings that are low. In any case, the light flux will be uniform. They provide more light than classic ones, save energy and can be used 3 times longer.

These light bulbs also tend to burn out. To replace a damaged one with a working one, you need to remove the retaining ring located on the spring, remove the cone and install a new one.

A popular halogen lamp designed for installation in a cone-shaped spot fixture with a mirror reflector

LED lamps are distinguished by their aesthetic design and strict contour geometry. They are made in gold or silver shades, similar to the color spectrum of plumbing fixtures.

The advantages of LED lamps are aesthetics, versatility and compactness. The only problem - high price lamps

The main advantage of LED devices is the low level of electricity consumption. It is ten times smaller than the good old incandescent lamps.

In addition, a number of other advantages should be noted:

  • the number of turns on and off does not reduce the service life of the product;
  • maximum light output 120 lumens/watt;
  • a wide spectrum is possible without the use of light filters;
  • LED incandescence up to a maximum of 60 °C;
  • safety in case of damage due to lack of chemical compounds and glass fragments;
  • long service life (up to 50,000 hours).

This type of lamps is characterized by the absence luminous flux natural type. To slightly soften the monochrome of the harsh rays, you will have to use additional phosphors. To prevent the light from pulsating, you will need a balancing capacitor.

Bright LED lights placed in active areas - bathroom or shower, next to the sink, in changing areas

Lamps in the bathroom interior

Shocking modern styles require original lighting. For example, for an interior decorated in the Art Deco style, bright lamps framed by expensive wood, genuine leather and stunning semiprecious stones.

For a bathroom in a laconic high-tech style, symmetrical and clear lighting in the washbasin area and even rows of silver spotlights are suitable. And classic presupposes naturalness, elegance and luxury - they install aesthetic sconces with shades on the walls and overhead glass or crystal products on the ceiling.

Placement of lighting fixtures in an art deco bathroom: chandelier on the ceiling, bright sconces near the mirror, lighting of the ceiling structure and along the steps of the podium

In a bathroom with a small area, the interior often gravitates towards minimalism, where you can diversify the lighting. For example, installation in the form LED strip, which will illuminate certain areas. You can use lamps of different shades, combine electrical lighting devices - sconces, chandeliers, built-in spot models.

Location of light sources

When choosing locations for luminaires, it is necessary to make maximum use of the luminous flux emitted by them. In a room with a small area, it is advisable to install built-in light sources, placing them around the perimeter of the room.

Spotlights along the perimeter allow you to evenly illuminate the room, creating a modern and stylish interior

If you want to highlight individual zones, then you should consider placing decorative lighting in the designated places. As a rule, built-in point products are intended for general lighting. For local lighting, decorative lighting from linear LED lamps or flexible LED strip is used.

Concerning required quantity lamps, then you will need rules for the arrangement of residential premises. According to sanitary standards The illumination of the bathroom should be at least 50 lux.

According to the rules of the 1st quarter. m area can be illuminated with an incandescent lamp with a power of 25 or 30 W, fluorescent 5-7 W or LED 3-4 W

  • 2-3 incandescent lamps with a total power of 150-180 W;
  • about 4 LEDs with an indicator of 18-24 W;
  • or a dozen energy-saving ones at 30-40 W.

Knowing the power, you can determine the total number of lamps and choose a way to place them on the ceiling.

The nuances of installing lamps in the bathroom

It is important to take care of safety when arranging lighting in the bathroom. To do this, you need to check that the wiring in this room is grounded.

Another important point- buy only lamp models with a sufficient level of protection. Do not forget that splashes from swimming can easily end up inside electrical appliances, which can lead to serious problems.

The complexity of installing lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings depends on the type of ceiling structure. If the bathroom has a ceiling made of PVC panels or plasterboard, then installing a light source will not be difficult. The lampshade must be inserted into the hole for the lamp, and then pressed with a spring.

Installation diagram of a popular spotlight For bathroom. The device is installed in ceiling structure from PVC panels or plasterboard

If the bathroom has suspended ceilings, then lighting fixtures designed for suspended structures will be required. They are attached to guides or ceiling tiles.

Installation diagram of a compact spotlight on suspended ceiling allows you to visually study the process of installing an electrical lighting fixture in the bathroom

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Choosing lighting fixtures for the bathroom in the video:

Subtleties self-installation spotlight illuminated in the video:

There is a wide range of lamps on the market. They differ in design, functions, appearance, placement and installation method.

To achieve the desired result in the bathroom, focusing on the most spectacular details, you will need to determine the number and power of lamps. When choosing them, it is important to comply with safety standards, choosing electrical equipment with a moisture protection level greater than IP44.

Please write comments, ask questions, and post thematic photos in the block below. Tell us about how you chose lamps to decorate your own bathroom or combined bathroom. Share the arguments that influenced your choice and information that will be useful to site visitors.