home · Measurements · How often to wash a suspended ceiling. How to wash suspended ceilings easily and without streaks. How to wash a glossy ceiling

How often to wash a suspended ceiling. How to wash suspended ceilings easily and without streaks. How to wash a glossy ceiling

Stretch ceilings require special care, as they easily absorb any dirt. To prevent large quantities of dirt from settling on the canvas, it is necessary to regularly wash the installed ceiling covering. Contamination should be removed with special detergents that do not destroy the structure of the material. Two types of suspended ceilings - glossy and matte - require a different approach to cleaning.

Cleaning a glossy ceiling

The glossy surface is very capricious and requires regular maintenance. Before proceeding with the cleaning actions, it is necessary to prepare for work. The risk of damage to the integrity of the material and contamination with stains will be minimized if the following recommendations are followed:

  1. 1. During the washing process, you should use only a high-quality stepladder that fully ensures stability. This will free up both hands.
  2. 2. You need to find a large amount of clean, thin white or light cotton fabric in advance. Washed bed linen will do. Washing can also be done using pieces of suede or microfiber cloths.
  3. 3. You should prepare a pair of foam sponges, non-abrasive detergents, and a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle with soft bristles.
  4. 4. Before work, you need to remove all jewelry from your hands that could scratch the ceiling surface. If a woman has long nails, she should wear rubber gloves.

When a housewife keeps her house clean and regularly cleans, she just needs to wipe the stretched canvas with a dry sponge or cloth. Modern glossy ceilings weakly attract dust due to antistatic treatment. If the contamination is significant, you need to proceed to washing the stretch ceiling.

Principles of wet cleaning: eliminating dust

If dust deposits and other household contaminants appear on the ceiling surface, the entire canvas needs to be washed. To avoid damaging the integrity of the material, it is recommended to perform manual wet cleaning. Cleaning should be done gradually: the entire ceiling should be washed in small areas.

Many housewives erase dust deposits from the ceiling surface in the following way:

  1. 1. A soft cotton or flannel cloth moistened with water is wrapped around the mop so that it does not come off the crossbar during the washing process. A dirty rag should be regularly replaced with a clean one.
  2. 2. The mop is lifted with the rag upward until it touches lightly.
  3. 3. Then it moves carefully. It is better to do this in a straight line: in the “backwards” direction. Do not press the ceiling with a mop; it may leave scratches.

Before washing a stretch ceiling with a mop, you need to make sure that its crossbar is completely covered with a soft cloth.

There is another way to remove the dust layer. It consists of using a vacuum cleaner with a nozzle equipped with soft bristles.

  1. 1. The housewife needs to bring the nozzle to the ceiling. Direct contact with the coating must be avoided. The best option is to keep it at a distance of 10-20 millimeters from the canvas.
  2. 2. Then the vacuum cleaner can be turned on.
  3. 3. The nozzle should be moved from one area to another until all dust has been removed.

The fabric should be wiped very carefully, since any pressure can not only negatively affect the appearance of the material, but also lead to sagging and damage. All movements should be smooth and soft.

Washing a glossy stretch ceiling: removing stains

If there is dirt on the ceiling in addition to dust, special detergents should be used to remove them. Most often, such treatment is required in the kitchen, loggias, bathrooms, and dachas. There are many specialized products for cleaning the glossy surface of a stretch ceiling, but most housewives prefer products such as “Mr. Muscle” or “Vanish”. They must be used according to the instructions. General sequence of actions:

  1. 1. First, prepare a soap solution. The required amount of product specified in the instructions is diluted in warm water heated to 30–40 °C.
  2. 2. The resulting soap solution is whipped into foam, which is applied to a cloth or sponge.
  3. 3. The foam is distributed over the ceiling covering. Cleaning of contaminants is carried out in parts. In places where seams are located, the sponge should only be moved along the joining line.
  4. 4. When all the dirt has been removed, the foam is washed off with plain water.
  5. 5. The rinsing procedure is repeated several times, otherwise circular stains will appear on the surface. Each time you need to rinse the sponge thoroughly and change the water.
  6. 6. At the end of cleaning, wipe the surface with a dry flannel cloth.

In the absence of special chemicals, you can wash the suspended ceiling using soap products with a low alkaline level. These include baby soap and dishwashing gel.

You can clean a glossy suspended ceiling at home using a window cleaner that contains ammonia. This active component will allow you to easily remove not only the dust layer, but also drops of grease. The convenience of using this product is due to the fact that it does not require rinsing, does not leave streaks, and restores the natural shine of the material. You cannot use a product that contains acetone to wash ceilings.

Cleaning stains in the kitchen

You can remove stubborn grease stains or soot marks in the kitchen by pre-treating them with dishwashing or glass cleaner. After 2–3 minutes, the surface is cleaned with a damp sponge. After all stains have been removed, wipe the treated area dry with a cotton cloth.

There is another way that allows you to get rid of old stains of soot and grease on a stretch ceiling. To do this, you need to use a steam cleaner or steam mop:

  1. 1. You need to put a microfiber attachment on the mop.
  2. 2. The device should be turned on and brought to the ceiling. It is important to avoid direct contact, fixing the position of the nozzle 3–5 centimeters from the canvas.
  3. 3. Clean dirt with steam using smooth movements corresponding to the direction of the seams.
  4. 4. The resulting condensate must be removed with a dry cotton cloth.
  5. 5. To restore shine, the surface must be wiped with ammonia solution.

Dense contaminants are removed in the same way, with pre-treatment of the coating with agents that have a degreasing effect.

Washing matte stretch ceiling coverings

Matte ceilings are characterized by increased resistance to various stains, so they are considered the most practical, comfortable and do not require regular washing. They almost do not accumulate dust and do not allow stains to be eaten.

The procedure for cleaning them is almost the same as glossy ones. The only difference is the simplicity of the process.

Dry cleaning

The easiest option for cleaning ceiling coverings is dry cleaning. If you regularly properly care for the ceiling, it can protect it from heavy dirt and eliminate the need for wet cleaning. Dry cleaning removes the layer of dust. To do this, wipe the canvas with a soft, lint-free cloth: microfiber, suede, non-woven wipes that have an electrostatic effect. Dust should be brushed off in a circular motion. There is no need to put any pressure on the material, as this will cause the ceiling to sag and be damaged.

You can use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. The fabric attachment should not be pressed tightly against the material. The best option is to maintain a distance of 2-3 centimeters between the nozzle and the ceiling.

Washing matte ceilings

If the appearance of the matte finish has deteriorated significantly, it is necessary to use specialized detergents. It is best to use professional aerosols and sprays for treating suspended ceilings. But washing can also be done with other household products. The ceiling in the kitchen can be refreshed using dishwashing liquid. Washing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. 1. Dilute a small amount of gel in water.
  2. 2. Soak the sponge with the resulting solution.
  3. 3. Using a damp sponge and movements parallel to the ceiling seams, remove all grease.
  4. 4. Rinse off the soap solution with plain water. This procedure should be carried out 3 times. This will allow you to get a clean matte ceiling without streaks.
  5. 5. To protect the coating from dirt, the last rinsing should be done using a solution of ammonia. To do this, add a small amount of ammonia to the water, mix, apply the liquid to a sponge and distribute over the ceiling.
  6. 6. Wipe down the ceiling covering.

If a spray is used, it should be spread over the surface, moisten the sponge with plain water and continue washing according to the scheme presented above.

It is easier to clean a matte stretch ceiling than a glossy one, since stains rarely remain on its surface. The main difficulty is the use of a gentle product that will not spoil the structure of the film. If the housewife doubts her choice, she should conduct a test: apply a small amount of the chosen product to an inconspicuous area and leave for 15 minutes. If the material does not deteriorate after its removal, this product can be used to treat the entire area.

In modern apartments, suspended ceilings have long been not uncommon. Their popularity is explained by their easy maintenance and ability to repel dust particles. Despite these advantages, you should not forget about cleaning the stretch ceiling, because dirt tends to form on any surface.

A special feature of suspended matte ceilings is their ability to match almost any interior. However, the contaminants formed on the surface can significantly spoil the appearance of not only the ceiling, but the entire interior. In addition, the resulting dust causes various diseases. Despite the good antistatic effect, dust still accumulates on the ceiling and dirt stains of various origins form. This may include splashes of carbonated drinks, traces of soot, smoke and grease, as well as traces of small insects. A good housewife can remove any dirt that has formed without any problems. The main condition is to know the characteristics of the surface being cleaned.

Most suspended matte ceilings are made of polyvinyl chloride. Cleaning such a canvas cannot be done with hard brushes and abrasive compounds, and you should not use force when washing the ceiling. Excessive pressure can cause cracks, holes and other defects to form on the ceiling surface. The use of aggressive cleaning agents also damages the structure of the PVC sheet.

To wash a matte stretch ceiling without leaving streaks on the surface, you can use several methods:

  • Dry cleaning is used when it is necessary to remove minor dust deposits. You can use special microfiber cloths or a slightly damp soft cloth.
  • Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is possible if you have a special attachment with soft bristles.
  • Wet cleaning involves cleaning with plain water, the temperature of which does not exceed 40 0 ​​C, or with the addition of special detergent compounds.
  • Steam cleaning involves the use of a steam generator.

Means and tools for washing suspended ceilings

The choice of ceiling cleaner depends on the purpose of the room. In the living room, bedroom and hallway, suspended ceilings are very easy to clean; you don’t even need to use detergent. Cleaning is carried out once every few months.

As for the ceilings in the bathroom or kitchen, a large accumulation of dirt appears on all surfaces. The question involuntarily arises of how to clean the matte stretch ceiling in this case. In the bathroom you can see soap stains or limescale, and on the ceiling in the kitchen there is a large accumulation of greasy stains and soot. Traces of smoke may also be found here if people constantly smoke in the room.

You can use special compounds or improvised means. The ceiling must be washed and wiped with a dry cloth to remove traces of streaks.

For high-quality cleaning of matte canvas you will need:

  • Old cotton cloth, non-woven cloth or soft sponge.
  • A stepladder or other device for working at height.
  • A vacuum cleaner equipped with a special nozzle with soft bristles.
  • Container with water.
  • Cleaning or detergent.
  • Sprayer for applying detergent to the surface.
  • Rubber gloves for washing with aggressive detergents and cleaning agents.
  • Mop with a crossbar covered with soft cloth.
  • Steam generator.

The matte type ceiling cleaner used must be well dissolved and foamed. In this case, you can wash the stretch fabric not with water, but with foam. In other words, you don’t have to soak the rag or sponge in the soapy solution at all. Foam is able to dissolve the oldest stains, while affecting the canvas with less aggressiveness than solution.

Stretch matte fabric can be washed well with foam, which is formed by diluted washing powder. Only for washing you need to take hand washing powder, which creates abundant foam, unlike detergent in automatic machines. The foam is whipped using a mixer and applied to the surface to be cleaned.

Great success when cleaning matte stretch ceilings are used for cleaning glass and mirrors, which contain ammonia. This product has worked well in removing greasy stains. It should be applied to the canvas, wait a little time, rinse and dry the surface. When using such compositions, you should avoid preparations containing acetone, which cannot be used on suspended ceilings.

Such products as “Mr. Muscle” and “Vanish” have a fairly gentle composition; they perfectly remove dirt of any origin.

Surface cleaning methods

Minor accumulations of dust can be easily removed from the stretch ceiling using a small soft cloth. In this case, it is necessary to avoid strong mechanical impacts on the canvas in order to avoid its deformation or damage. In particular, we are talking about polyvinyl chloride canvases, which, under strong pressure, stretch into unattractive strips and form wrinkles. Only professional technicians can eliminate defects of this type.

When cleaning a stretch ceiling from dust using a special attachment on a vacuum cleaner, you should be careful and careful. The minimum distance from the brush to the tension fabric should be about 2 cm. It is not recommended to apply the nozzle tightly to the fabric.

Using a steam generator:

  • The tool is directed to the contaminated area and treated with steam.
  • The resulting condensation is removed and the surface is wiped dry with a soft cloth.

It is also recommended to carry out wet cleaning with a mop carefully and accurately. Otherwise, you may scratch the surface if the rag suddenly slips off the crossbar.

When manually cleaning the fabric of a suspended ceiling structure, it is recommended to wear gloves after removing all decorations. To clean the surface, you need to prepare several napkins or rags. With the help of some, the ceiling is washed, with others, they wipe and dry the material, and also eliminate all kinds of stains.

All work is divided into several stages:

  • Dry cleaning of the canvas is carried out, during which accumulations of dust and waste products of small insects, such as cobwebs, are removed from the corners and on lamps.
  • Apply a suitable cleaning agent to the ceiling and leave it for some time. In this case, the composition is able to act on the most persistent contaminants.
  • Next, the ceiling is thoroughly washed and dried using dry wipes and rags. Using other dry rags, wipe the surface, eliminating soap stains.

To maintain the proper appearance of the stretch ceiling, regular dry cleaning of the surface is recommended. If stains form, do not delay their removal. A fresh stain is easier to remove than old dirt. In addition, it is important to know how to properly wash suspended ceilings.

The ceilings in the living room and bedroom can be washed twice a year, since dirt accumulates in small quantities in these rooms.

The room where the suspended ceiling structure is installed must be regularly ventilated.

Grease stains from a stretch ceiling are removed using a product containing ammonia. Even with a good hood, the ceiling in the bathroom should be washed much more often than in other rooms.

The most favorable places for the accumulation of various types of contaminants are the kitchen, bathroom and balcony. Therefore, it is recommended to clean the ceiling here more often.

Before washing a matte stretch ceiling, it is recommended to remove jewelry from your hands and put on gloves. In the first case, you can avoid the formation of small scratches on the ceiling, in the second, it will protect your hands from the effects of aggressive detergents and cleaning agents.

The product that will be used for the first time must be tested by treating an inconspicuous area on the ceiling.

If stains on the suspended ceiling are formed as a result of using a large amount of detergent, then use an ammonia aqueous solution (1:10). They wipe the ceiling again and dry it well.

It should be remembered that not all dirt and defects can be cleaned from a stretch ceiling. In particular, we are talking about a change in the color of the canvas, for example, a yellowed area of ​​​​the surface in the kitchen. The cause of fading of the material can be constant exposure to hot steam. In such a situation, it is important to understand that the use of any bleaching compounds is strictly prohibited.

A matte stretch ceiling is an excellent element of the interior, and if you know how to care for matte stretch ceilings, their use can last for many years.

Today, stretch ceiling coverings are used everywhere. You will see it in rooms decorated in modern, minimalist or high-tech style. The characteristics of the materials intended for the installation of suspended ceilings and assembly technology make it possible to realize any design ideas.

Such ceilings, like any other surface, require maintenance. Let's figure out how to properly wash a glossy or matte stretch ceiling to avoid streaks and not damage the fragile surface.

Fabrics for suspended ceilings

Stretch ceilings are divided into two types:

  • fabric;
  • made of polyvinyl chloride.


They are expensive options, but provide the opportunity to create a seamless surface. The color palette of this type of ceilings is small compared to PVC, but they look noble. Installation of this type of ceiling is similar to stretching a canvas intended for painting, but only on a large scale.


Stretch ceilings made of PVC, or film, as they are also called, are distinguished by a large number of shades and surface types. They are elastic and waterproof. In case of flooding by neighbors, they hold up to 100 liters of water. Using film, they create an imitation of the starry sky. Various images and designs are applied to them.

Tension fabrics are available with a matte or glossy surface, each of them has its own characteristics and requires different care.

Frequency of washing suspended ceilings

It is recommended to wash suspended ceilings as they become dirty, no matter whether they are glossy or matte. Grease and drops of moisture settle on the surface of kitchen ceilings when food is prepared. This cannot be ruled out even when installing a hood. Stains remain on the surface if you open a carbonated drink carelessly.

In other rooms, the main pollution is dust, which concentrates in the areas of corners, ends, and joints. To ensure that the glossy ceiling always remains clean, it needs to be washed more often. This can be done at home without any difficulties or problems.

What and how to wash a suspended ceiling?

Wash ceilings, matte or glossy, at home using materials with a soft texture (microfiber, sponge).

To remove grease stains, dilute and foam a dishwashing detergent in a container.

Washing glossy stretch ceilings is done by using products designed for glass and mirrors. A convenient and economical option is a spray for cleaning glass surfaces. Due to the alcohol or ammonia contained in it, the surface dries quickly, and the product does not leave streaks on the ceiling.

Before washing suspended ceilings with one or another cleaning agent, carefully study the composition.

  • correctly determine the force of pressing a rag or sponge on the ceiling surface. The effort is minimal, but sufficient to remove stains and dust. It’s better to practice on a separate area of ​​the ceiling surface before washing to get your hand in;
  • For high ceilings, you will need a stepladder, mop or sponge with a long handle. First make sure that the ladder is in good condition and does not wobble. The washing tool should be lightweight;
  • remove jewelry from your hands: rings and bracelets, wristwatches, as these things can scratch a fragile surface or leave a dent on it.

This process is clearly presented in the video:

Rules for washing suspended ceilings

  • You need to wash starting from one of the corners towards the second. If the ceiling structure is complex, then the maintenance procedure is performed sectionally;
  • When using spray for windows, spray it 2-3 times and, using circular movements, go over it with a sponge or cloth;
  • to avoid streaks, reduce the spray intensity, try wiping the surface with soft paper;
  • For greasy stains, soak a cloth in pre-prepared dishwashing detergent, wring it out and clean the dirty surface using circular movements;
  • To remove cobwebs from the corners, you cannot use a vacuum cleaner and a mop or broom, as this will harm the surface. It is better to use a soft sponge or cloth;
  • for frequent maintenance, especially for matte type ceilings, when you just need to remove accumulated dust, you don’t need to wash them, just walk with a slightly moistened sponge or soft cloth.

Stretch glossy ceilings are demanding in terms of care measures taken. Their aesthetic appeal and sophistication are combined with fragility. Treat them with care and refrain from:

  • lighting fixtures with strong heating;
  • tall potted vegetation;
  • pets that can fly;
  • children's games of darts, pistols that shoot plastic balls.

Cleaning suspended ceilings is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Listen to the tips that will help you achieve streak-free results and avoid damaging the surface.

It’s worth saying right away that need forces us to wet-clean ceilings not so often, so we can prepare accordingly and approach this process responsibly. Prepare the necessary detergents, select sponges, and do not bother with a rough rag wrapped around the mop.

In order for the result to be positive and impressive, all actions must be performed carefully. A flannel rag should be soaked in water with SMS dissolved in it. It is quite possible to use conventional means that do not contradict the rules indicated below.


Attention! The temperature of the detergent solution also plays an important role. It should not exceed 40 degrees.

Polishes for the materials from which suspended ceilings are made are also sold freely. You should not save eighty rubles, costing two hundred times more - as already mentioned, you do not carry out this event so often. This is about the question of what to wash with.

If the surface is even slightly glossy, use alcohol-containing liquids. Then after wet cleaning you will not have streaks. It’s like with mirrors: it’s more convenient to use alcohol-based products than to rub them with a newspaper until there are holes. The method with a newspaper is, of course, effective, and is used by many housewives - but, people, after all, we already live in a new century, much different from the nineteenth.

Three simple rules

You need to remember them before washing the ceiling:

  • Do not use cleaning products based on or containing abrasives!
  • Do not use brushes with very hard bristles and do not wash the ceiling with mops with wrapped rags!
  • Do not press hard on the surface! Try to avoid contact of the film with the surface of the main ceiling, which is inside and is made of non-soft concrete.

Fourth addition

If you nevertheless violated three simple rules and damaged the surface, you must immediately seal the area with construction or masking tape (not stationery tape!) and run to call the installer.

Fifth Amendment

You can, for example, prepare a soap solution for washing the ceiling. Just don’t use too much laundry soap, it has 72% alkali - this can be disastrous for the material. Strain regular soap, beat until foam is obtained, then wash the ceiling with this foam.

Be sure to rinse the ceiling with ordinary clean water after removing stains, without waiting for the soap solution to dry! After washing with clean water, the surface should be wiped dry with a napkin or soft cloth. It is very possible that the rag or napkin will have to be changed several times as it gets wet.

Advice! The ceiling should be washed as it becomes dirty, and not “included in the plan” for the next month.

Fresh stains and solid dirt are always easier to remove than old ones. They do not eat into the material, do not penetrate its structure - therefore there will be no need to rub with strong pressure.

Another tip! Before washing the suspended ceiling, it is recommended to go over the entire surface with a vacuum cleaner. When the surface is moistened, all the dust collected on it is immediately absorbed into the stain, especially if it is greasy. And since dust is mechanical, albeit small, particles, they will act as an abrasive.

Cleaning suspended ceilings

There are many videos on how to wash, in which professionals and amateurs share their knowledge.

Cleaning under the ceiling

  • According to experienced professionals from cleaning companies, when choosing what to wash stretch ceilings with, there is only one limitation - under no circumstances use hard sponges or brushes to avoid damage or rupture! When washing, use a flannel cloth or foam sponge soaked in a mild soap solution.
  • The surface of the ceiling is washed with light circular movements. After soap, stains may remain on the gloss. To avoid this, take the time to wipe everything with a dry cloth or microfiber cloth after washing. This napkin perfectly absorbs moisture, removing all stains.

  • Before washing the suspended ceiling, take the time to remove all rings, bracelets and other jewelry. This will help avoid damage.
  • How to clean suspended ceilings? Just not with abrasive solutions or solutions, as well as creams that contain solid particles.

Even simple soda can cause irreparable damage to the smooth surface of a tension structure. Any minor mechanical impact can cause damage.

  • Many people recommend using special products for washing suspended ceilings, which easily remove any dirt without leaving streaks after use. You can also use glass or mirror cleaners that contain ammonia.

  • The product for cleaning suspended ceilings should not contain acetone. Read the container label carefully before using it. Acetone can ruin the appearance of the material.
  • Before use, it is better to test it in a small area, somewhere in the corner of the room. Apply a drop of the product to the ceiling surface and wait 10-15 minutes, and then evaluate the result. And perhaps the question: how to wash a suspended ceiling? - will be closed for you.
  • If wrinkles appear or the color changes, then it is better to refuse to use the chosen product.

  • Many people ask the question: is it possible to wash suspended ceilings using force or additional pressure? The answer is no, you can't. Try not to apply excessive pressure on the structure so that the material does not deform. If it is perfect and of high quality, it is enough to wrap a rag around the mop and run it over the surface, pressing lightly. Excessive zeal when washing or polishing can result in the purchase of a new ceiling, which is fraught with serious financial investments and dissatisfaction with loved ones.

  • Washing tension structures can also be done using a vacuum cleaner. But you should make sure that the experts have strengthened it tightly enough, otherwise the overall geometry of the structure will be disrupted.
  • You should not resort to a vacuum cleaner if you see a cobweb in the corner or a piece of dust. Brush it off with a broom or cloth.

It is worth remembering that dust does not settle on tension materials, since it is a smooth film coating that is treated with an antistatic agent (at least, this is what manufacturers and advertising claim).

Now you know how to wash a suspended ceiling, based on the advice of professionals. The main thing is to handle it carefully, do not apply significant effort, try to avoid chemical and mechanical influences. Only then will it serve you for a long time. Are these tips really applicable in practice? Let's try to figure it out.

What you can't do

Caring for stretch ceilings is not particularly difficult. Moreover, it takes little time and effort, but not many people know how to wash a suspended ceiling. For example, the advice that brushes should not be used is quite reasonable.

Attention: Remember that even the softest brush can leave lint, which during the washing process will behave like abrasive particles, which is harmful to polyvinyl chloride.

Do you think that strong stains cannot be washed off with suspended ceiling products? To eliminate doubts, call any company that installs ceilings and consult with them. A specialist will tell you how to wash the tension structure if it is dirty.

Do not scratch the surface with hard objects, otherwise you will tear it.
The same goes for strength, unless you want to admire scratches and dents later.

In particularly difficult cases, you should seek help from cleaning companies or the place where you entered into an agreement to install your ceiling. They have the necessary experience and tools. We will consider further how to wash a suspended ceiling yourself.


How can you wash suspended ceilings if dry cleaning is not enough and the gloss has lost its luster. Regular and widely advertised cleaning products for glass and mirrors, as well as PVC surfaces, will help you.


  • Any dishwashing liquid will do, unless it contains abrasive particles or granules. After use, do not be lazy to wipe the ceiling with a dry flannel cloth to restore the original shine of the surface.

  • There are also special means, designed for suspended ceilings, although they are more expensive. It's better not to skimp and buy it. Remember that it is better to test any unfamiliar product on an inconspicuous area.

How often to wash a suspended ceiling

It is worth knowing that these materials are impregnated with a special antistatic solution, which prevents the adhesion of dust and dirt.

This raises the question - how often should a suspended ceiling be washed? And how do very expensive materials differ from cheap ones in this matter?

Let's be honest, cheap care options are no different from those that cost more. Since the basic rule is always the same - durable PVC film can be cleaned only with detergents without solid particles. As a last resort, you can always use the most common soap solution. As for the frequency of washing, once every six months will be enough.

Now you know everything about how to clean a suspended ceiling and more. Additionally, you can watch the suggested video.

Caring for glossy stretch ceilings is not difficult in principle. The only difficulty is to achieve the absence of streaks after washing, because rubbing an elastic fabric that does not have a rigid base is problematic.

However, you can cope with this task if you use the right tools and tools. Want to know how to do this? I'll tell you about it.

How to wash a glossy ceiling

In general, you only need to wash glossy stretch fabrics if they have dirty or greasy stains or traces of condensation. If they have lost their original shine due to dust accumulated on them, you can get by with dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

In living rooms, one such cleaning every six months to a year is usually enough. But caring for suspended ceilings in the kitchen, bathrooms or loggias requires the use of special products to clean them from soot, grease or soap stains.

What tools to use

When choosing cleaning products, avoid those that are too aggressive and contain caustic acids, alkalis and solvents. Products with abrasive inclusions are also not suitable - they can leave scratches on a glossy surface.

What we need are liquids and gels for removing fat and alcohol-containing compounds. You can wash glossy ceilings from finished factory products using the following means:

Ready-made detergents Description and Application

Special compositions for the care of stretch ceilings.

Available in the form of sprays. The instructions on the package describe the method of use.

Glass cleaning products containing alcohol.

They do not leave streaks, but use them in the same way as when washing windows.

Dishwashing liquids.

They are diluted in small quantities in water before use, otherwise the soap solution will be difficult to wash off without leaving traces.

Pay special attention to the first two positions. Both of them consist of similar components. They include:

  • Isopropyl alcohol or ammonia diluted with distilled water;
  • Surfactants (surfactants);
  • Various additives - flavors, dyes, etc.

Alcohol perfectly dissolves even the most difficult stains. And if you need to wash the suspended ceiling, but there is no suitable product at hand, you can dilute 2 tablespoons in a liter of warm water. ammonia. Or use regular vodka.

This solution is good for shiny surfaces. In addition to the fact that it copes well with dirt, ammonia quickly evaporates, leaving no odors or traces behind. At the same time, restoring the shine lost by the surface.

Therefore, when deciding how to wash a stretch glossy ceiling without streaks, preference should be given to alcohol-containing compounds. But for matte finishes, regular glass cleaner or dish soap will do.

What to wash with

Even if abrasive powders are not recommended for use as a detergent, then it is even more impossible to wash suspended ceilings with hard brushes and sponges. And there is no need. The maximum set of tools that may be useful to you includes:

  • Vacuum cleaner or mop to remove dust. To avoid accidentally tearing the blade or leaving scratches on it, all existing hard parts of the instrument are wrapped in soft cloth.

  • Spray.
  • Clean cloth, absorbs moisture well and does not leave lint on the surface. Flannel and microfiber will do.

How to wash a glossy ceiling

If you do not have the opportunity to use the services of cleaning companies, you can wash the ceiling yourself. Without leaving any streaks and restoring its shine. This is done simply:

  • Removing dust. First, using a vacuum cleaner, mop or soft broom, remove dust and cobwebs from the ceiling. This task is best accomplished with a vacuum cleaner, which is convenient for cleaning corners and areas around lamps. But the power of the unit should be small.

  • Applying detergent. If you prepare it yourself, use warm water and pour the prepared solution into a spray bottle. With its help, it is much more convenient to wet the surface than with a wet napkin.

  • Wet cleaning. After a few minutes, when the product has taken effect, wipe the surface with a damp cloth, periodically rinsing it in clean water. Treat contaminants that were not removed the first time once again.
  • Drying. Follow the wet one with a dry cloth to immediately dry the washed area.

When using dishwashing detergent, it may take several passes with a damp cloth to ensure there are no streaks. Therefore, it is better to leave such liquids as a last resort if other means have failed to deal with fat.