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Chemical method of exterminating rodents. Chemical method of deratization What phosphorus compound is used to kill rodents

Garden strawberries, or strawberry, as we used to call it - one of the earliest fragrant berries, which summer generously bestows upon us. How happy we are about this harvest! In order for the “berry boom” to repeat every year, we need to take care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). The laying of flower buds, from which ovaries will form in the spring and berries in the summer, begins approximately 30 days after the end of fruiting.

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest one - the blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Blushing stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although a very large, but also strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

Thick chickpea soup with vegetables and egg is a simple recipe for a hearty first course, inspired by oriental cuisine. Similar thick soups are prepared in India, Morocco, and other countries South-East Asia. The tone is set by spices and seasonings - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices, which can be assembled to your taste. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in clarified butter (ghee) or mix olive oil and butter, it's certainly not the same, but it tastes similar.

Plum - well, who isn’t familiar with it?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, it’s surprising excellent harvests, pleases with its diversity in terms of ripening and a huge selection of color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, in some places it feels better, in others it feels worse, but almost no summer resident gives up the pleasure of growing it on his plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in middle lane, but also in the Urals and Siberia.

Many decorative and fruit crops, except for drought-resistant ones, they suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period suffer from sunlight, enhanced by reflection from the snow. In this article we will tell you about a unique preparation for protecting plants from sunburn and drought - Sunshet Agrosuccess. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March Sun rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

“Every vegetable has its time,” and every plant has its optimal time for landing. Anyone who has dealt with planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in the spring the plants have not yet begun to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop such that planting has to be carried out in the midst of summer.

Chili con carne translated from Spanish- chili with meat. This is a Texas and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and shredded beef. In addition to the main products there are onions, carrots, tomatoes, and beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, scalding, very filling and amazingly tasty! You can make a big pot, put it in containers and freeze - you'll have a delicious dinner for a whole week.

Cucumber is one of my favorites garden crops our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to really get good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is little secret, which will significantly increase their productivity. We are talking about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell you in the article. An important point agricultural technology of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Atlant microbiological fertilizer will help with this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the root system area and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, remain healthy and produce high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. The assortment of the best indoor plants includes many beautifully flowering species. They are in the summer when they get the most bright lighting and optimal daylight hours, they can outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops also look like living bouquets.

Pie with sardines and potatoes - quick, tasty, simple! This pie can be baked on weekends, on weekdays, and even modestly. festive table it will also decorate. In principle, any canned fish - natural with the addition of oil - is suitable for the filling. With pink salmon or salmon the taste will be a little different, with saury, sardines or mackerel it’s so delicious! The potatoes are placed in the pie raw, so they need to be cut very thin so that they have time to bake. You can use a vegetable cutter.

Summer is in full swing. Planting in gardens and vegetable gardens is mostly completed, but worries have not diminished, because the hottest months of the year are on the calendar. The temperature scale of the thermometer often exceeds +30 °C, preventing our plants from growing and developing. How can we help them cope with the heat? The tips we will share in this article will be useful for both country and city residents. After all indoor plants During this period it is also difficult. In hot weather, plants need watering.

For many gardeners, slugs are a real nightmare. Although you might think, what’s wrong with these, at first glance, peaceful, sedentary creatures? But in fact, they can cause significant harm to your plants and crops. Not only do slugs persistently eat leaves, flowers and fruits in spring and summer, but with the onset of cold weather, these land mollusks move into the cellar and there they continue to destroy what you have so carefully grown and collected.

Spelled horns with beef - quick dish for dinner or lunch. IN Lately spelt (spelt wheat) becomes popular among supporters proper nutrition and not only. This tasty cereal is used to prepare porridges, soups, spelled and pasta. In this recipe for spelled cones, we will prepare healthy navy-style pasta with a sauce made from vegetables and lean ground beef. The recipe is suitable for those who watch their figure and like to cook healthy food at home.

Summer is a wonderful time of year! There is so much you can do at your dacha in a few warm months - work, relax, and invite friends to a barbecue. But as soon as the heat of the day subsides, our small but real enemies immediately appear - mosquitoes. IN rainy summer or after a strong river flood there are especially many of them and the attacks of small bloodsuckers become simply unbearable. Mosquitoes produce unpleasant squeaks and bites that cause severe itching.

The incredible blooms on your favorite cacti and succulents always seem even more delectable because of the amazing hardiness of the plants themselves. Luxurious bells and dazzling stars remind you that nature has many miracles in store. And although many indoor succulents need special conditions wintering, they still remain crops that require minimal care and are suitable for everyone. Let's take a closer look at the most spectacular of them.

Chemicals. These include poisons for the destruction of rodents, as well as preparations that protect various materials from damage by rodents or from the penetration of animals into premises (). Chemical poisons are used as food baits, in the form of powder for pollinating rodent burrows and trails, as well as in gaseous state for processing ships, elevators, etc.

Based on the nature of their action, poisons are divided into long-acting and fast-acting. The former include zoocoumarin, ratindane, pivalilyndandione, etc., the latter - ratsid, thiosemicarbazide, phosphide, barium sulfate, barium carbonate, arsenic compounds, fluoroacetamide, barium fluoroacetate, gaseous preparations, etc.

Zookoumarin- white or light gray powder with a characteristic odor. Insoluble in water. A special feature of the drug is its ability to cumulate (accumulate) in the animal’s body. Death of rodents occurs after repeated (over several days) administration of very small doses. The lethal dose for the gray rat is 0.25 mg daily for four days (total dose 1.0 mg); poisoned animals die on the 8-14th day. There is no alertness or addiction to zoocoumarin. Zookoumarin is commercially produced in the form of a working mixture (1 part of the drug per 199 parts of starch), from which poisoned baits are prepared (5% of the working mixture by weight of the finished bait); it is also used for pollinating burrows, rodent paths, and water. This drug is practically not dangerous to humans.

Ratindane- crystalline yellow powder. Insoluble in water. The lethal dose for the gray rat is 0.01 mg daily for 3-4 days. Rats die on the 6-8th day. It is produced by industry in the form of a working mixture (containing 0.5% active ingredient), tinted blue. It is used in the same way as zoocoumarin, but for food baits, 3% of this working mixture is taken to the weight of the bait. Ratindan is practically not dangerous for domestic animals and humans.

Pivalindandione(ratindan IV) - crystalline powder of yellow or golden color (pure preparation). Insoluble in water. Less toxic than zoocoumarin and ratindan: lethal dose for gray rat - 0.5 mg daily for 4 days. Rats die on the 8-16th day. Use in combination with zoocoumarin (1:1) significantly increases the effectiveness of the drugs. Like ratindane, pivalilyndandione is practically harmless to humans.

Krysid- an acute drug. Gray or brownish powder, insoluble in water. Highly toxic to gray rats and house mice (lethal dose 4.5-5 mg and 0.5-0.7 mg, respectively) and practically non-toxic to people and domestic animals. The death of rodents occurs within 24 hours. When poisoned with small doses of the drug, rodents develop resistance to it, which lasts 30-40 days, so repeated treatments with ratsid should be carried out at intervals of 4-6 weeks. The rat is used for preparing food baits (poison content 1%), pollinating water, burrows and rodent paths. Practically little dangerous to humans.

Thiosemicarbazide- crystalline powder white, soluble in hot (up to 10%) and cold (up to 2.5%) water. The lethal dose for the gray rat is 12 mg, for house mice - 1 mg. Because of high content of the drug in food baits (5%), rodents eat them relatively poorly. Eating sublethal doses causes resistance to the drug in rats. Little dangerous for humans.

Zinc phosphide- dark gray, almost black powder, with the smell of garlic. Insoluble in water. The lethal dose for a gray rat is 15-30 mg, for a house mouse - 3-5 mg. The drug is dangerous for all animals and humans. Used in food baits (2-3%), for pollinating water (rarely). With prolonged use of the drug, rodents may develop wariness towards it.

Fluoroacetamide- white or grayish crystalline powder, highly soluble in water. The lethal dose for a gray rat is 7-10 mg, for a house mouse - 0.4 mg. Very dangerous for humans and pets. Used in food baits (with a poison content of 0.5-1%), for the production of liquid baits I (0.5% solutions).

Barium fluoroacetate- white crystalline powder, highly soluble in water. The lethal dose for a gray rat is 1 mg. Extremely dangerous for people and pets, the drug can only be used by specialist pest control specialists.

Sulfur dioxide- gaseous drug, 2.5 times heavier than air, well adsorbed various materials, and therefore its concentration in indoor air should be at least 2-3%. Dangerous for humans.

Preparations that protect premises and materials from rodents include the following repellents (repellent substances).

Albihtol- product of oil shale processing. Oily liquid yellow color with a strong specific smell. The introduction of the drug into the rubber sheaths of the wires protects them from damage by rodents.

Shale oil- yellow oily liquid with a pungent odor. Used to protect polyvinyl chloride sheaths of wires.

Tsimat- zinc salt of dimethyldithiocarbamic acid, yellowish-white, finely ground powder, insoluble in water. Irritating to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Used to protect containers, fruit trees, houses from rodents, for which purpose the drug is added to the sealing materials - gypsum, plaster, clay. and the preparation in powder form is used for spraying and dusting surfaces and exits from burrows.

Rodents cause great damage to crops.

Rodents damage a huge number of crops and wild plants. They select freshly sown seeds from the ground, damage seedlings and seedlings, and they cause especially great damage to the ripening crop, as well as when it is stored in heaps, stacks, during threshing and in sheds.

In barns, barnyards, poultry houses, rabbit hutches, residential buildings mice and rats, living next to humans, eat supplies of all types of food and fodder, pollute and spoil them with their excrement. By gnawing on vegetables and fruits, they speed up their spoilage. Rats, getting into poultry houses, eat eggs, chickens, young rabbits in cages, and even harm piglets by gnawing off their tails and areas of skin.

Rodents are carriers of dangerous diseases

Rodents are also distributors of various helminthic diseases in humans and domestic animals. The causative agent of the disease can enter the human body through food, wounds, and scratches on the skin. Infections also occur with dust when sifting grain or flour, or rearranging stacks that were previously inhabited by sick rodents.

The more rodents there are, the more often there are contacts between them, during which sick animals infect healthy ones and an epizootic of some infection breaks out among them, which is transmitted to domestic animals and humans through sick rodents or food and water contaminated by them.

Therefore, you need to constantly fight rodents, destroying them in a variety of ways and preventing them from reproducing. It is impossible to completely destroy rodents in rural areas, but it is quite possible to clear a building or reduce their numbers for a short time.

What are the main representatives of rodents? There are several groups of pests:

    Rodents that damage crops during cultivation: Common vole, Eastern European vole, Social vole, Water vole, Field mouse, Wood mouse, Yellow-throated mouse.

    Rodents that damage agricultural crops during storage: Gray rat, House mouse.

    Rodents of sanitary and epidemiological importance - synanthropic species and species found in premises (residential buildings, children's and medical institutions, food enterprises) and warehouses during seasonal migrations: Gray rat, Black rat, House mouse, Gray hamster, Djungarian hamster, Bank vole, Common vole, East European vole, Field mouse, etc.

Rodent control methods

The oldest methods of rodent control were mechanical (traps and traps) and biological (attracting natural enemies - cats and dogs against mice and rats). However, measures that can cope with rodents at home could not be used in field (agricultural) conditions and large rooms storages. To preserve crops from pests, people began to use various toxic substances to destroy them. One of the first was arsenic, which did not gain a foothold as a rodenticide, since it had a clear negative effect on other animals and humans. Later, other arsenic compounds that were part of poisoned baits began to be used: arsenite and calcium arsenate.

Currently, the simplest, cheapest and most effective method of poisoned baits is used, that is, food, feed or water mixed in a certain proportion with poisons - rodenticides

Rodenticides- (zoocides) (from French rattus - rat and lat. caedo - I kill, from Greek zoon - animal, living sex and lat. Saesio - I kill) - chemical compounds used to destroy harmful rodents.

Depending on the speed of action (degree of toxicity) of the rodenticide, there are:

Acute agents: cause the death of 100% of rodents over a period of time from several minutes to several days - α-naphthylthiocarbamide, zinc phosphide, fumigants.

Means of subacute and chronic action: enough for a long time accumulate in the body and cause an effect only after reaching a certain concentration. The effect takes up to several weeks.

Chronic rodenticides (anticoagulants) are the most effective and safe for people.

Based on their chemical structure, rodenticides are:

Organic origin

o blood anticoagulants

 first generation anticoagulants (warfarin, indanedione series: ethylphenacin, diphacinone, triphenacin, chlorfcinone, tetraphenacin)

 second generation anticoagulants (coumarin series: bromadiolone, flocumafen, brodifacoum)

o thiourea derivatives (ratside)

Inorganic origin (zinc phosphide).

Basic drugs and their characteristics

Acute poisons

Alpha-Naphthylthiourea (Krysid)

Physical and chemical properties

α-Naphthylthiourea is a gray crystalline powder.

It is sparingly soluble in water, cold alcohol, and ether. Good enough - in boiling alcohol.

The technical product is a dark gray, crystalline, easily dusty powder, poorly soluble in water. Decomposes when exposed to alkalis

Toxicity"Rat" for harmful animals

Lethal doses:

    Gray rat – 25-30 mg/kg

    Alexandrite rat 75-450 mg/kg

    House mouse 59-60 mg/kg

The death of animals occurs within the first 24 hours from the moment of eating the drug. It has the strongest effect on the circulatory system of the lungs, causing swelling, which leads to asphyxia.


For the purposes of medical, sanitary and household deratization : a rodenticide based on α-naphthylthiocarbamide is used to kill rats (black and gray) and house mice in objects of various categories.

Zinc phosphide

Physicochemical characteristics

Zinc phosphide is a black or dark gray powder with a faint garlic odor; insoluble in alcohol, water; soluble in weak acids (with decomposition and formation of explosive hydrogen phosphide), slightly soluble in oils and alkalis. The substance is stable, practically does not decompose under the influence of moisture and light. Technical product contains 70-80% zinc, 18-24% phosphorus and up to 6% insoluble sediment.

Molecular weight 258;

Density 4.55 g/cm³ (13°C);

Bulk density 2-2.3 g/cm³;

Melting point 420°C;

Boiling point 1100°C. Mechanism of action

When a drug based on zinc phosphide enters the body, it decomposes in the stomach with the formation of highly toxic hydrogen phosphide, which determines the toxicity of the drug.

Zn3P2 + 6НCl → 3ZnCl2 + 2РН3

Data on lethal doses for rodents vary: for example, according to some data, for rats the lethal dose is 15-20 mg (75-150 mg/kg of rat weight), for house mice 3-5 mg, and for gophers 4-6 mg.

According to other literature sources, the lethal dose of the active substance LD50 is 47.5 mg per 1 kg of weight for the gray rat and 50 mg per 1 kg of weight for the house mouse.

According to another source, the lethal dose for a rat is considered to be 15-30 mg/kg, for a mouse 3-5 mg/kg.

Zinc phosphide is a highly toxic substance with selective toxicity. After a few hours or within 2-3 days, the death of the rodents occurs.

Rats are considered the most numerous species of rodents living near humans. According to the latest research, there are two rats for every person living on our planet. These small animals are dangerous due to the possible transmission of pathogens that cause the most severe infections for humans. In addition, even several adult individuals can cause significant damage to property - rodents damage furniture, walls, chew wires from household appliances. To completely get rid of these unwanted guests, you need to choose an effective means or method of destroying them.

What methods of exterminating rats are there?

The spread of black, as well as gray rats, is observed everywhere. These representatives of the animal world settle where they can constantly get food and eat suitable conditions to breed their numerous offspring. There is a tendency for the number of mice and rats to increase within the city. Rodents thrive in basements, household waste sites, near garbage chutes and trash cans. There is no need to think that residents upper floors protected from these unpleasant animals - black rats can climb up to the fifth floor, and sometimes higher.

Each of these methods of dealing with rats has its own main advantages and disadvantages. Physical methods They only help if only a few individuals are found in an apartment or house. It is impossible to use traps against tens or hundreds of rats, in this case positive result you can't wait.

Traditional methods are based on many years of experience and ingenuity. Most often, such methods and means of safe rodent control are used in own homes, where there are numerous outbuildings. It is not always possible to destroy mice and rats moving around city apartments and basements using these methods.

Modern chemical production produces rodenticides of two groups - poisons of synthetic and natural origin. Synthetic poison is quite cheap and therefore buying it is not difficult. The forms of release of chemical poisons are varied. These can be powders with one active substance or with additional components in the form of talc, starch. Rodenticides are often produced in the form of aerosols, suspensions, pastes, briquettes, and sugar-flour dry mixtures.

Chemicals used to control rats

To quickly combat rats, you can buy quite a lot of products. Experts advise choosing them based on where the poison will be decomposed. Many chemicals can affect humans even if they are inhaled, so they are used for rat control only in non-residential premises– basements, garages, warehouses. The purpose of the room must also be taken into account. If it stores food products, then you need to make sure that poisons will not come into contact with the rodenticide.

“Rats appeared at our dacha last summer. At first it was just one small rat and it didn’t bother us at all, but towards the end of the summer these unpleasant rodents began to appear more and more. They decided to poison them on their own, which is why they purchased Rat Poison. I spread the poison at home and in the cellar, and saw the corpses of rats about a week later. Our neighbors also poisoned these creatures. Everything is quiet at the moment, I hope they won’t appear again, and in the spring I’ll put poison in the basement again” - Marina, 39 years old.

When purchasing any product against domestic rodents, you must always pay attention to its expiration date and the sealing of the packaging. To avoid harm to yourself and your pets, you must also follow safety precautions.

Rules for using rat poison

The effectiveness of exterminating rodents that have settled in the house is achieved not only through the choice of the best remedy, but also due to him correct application. Experts advise adhering to the following recommendations when exterminating rodents yourself:

  1. Ready-made baits must be laid out using gloves or tweezers. Rats may be put off by the smell of a person, and then the purchase will not have the desired effect.
  2. To avoid poisoning of pets, it is necessary to purchase only recommended products and place them in inaccessible places.
  3. If the rat population is large enough, then it is necessary to increase the bait decomposition points.
  4. The remaining poison and rodent corpses are disposed of by burning or burying in the ground, the depth must be at least 50 cm.
  5. In case of accidental ingestion of poison into the human body, you must immediately call an ambulance.
  6. It is safer to use products that cause mummification of animals in apartments and houses. If a rodent dies in the house after consuming such bait, then unpleasant odor there won't be any from his corpse.

If you are not sure that you can carry out pest control according to all the rules, then it is best to call specialists. Companies professionally engaged in the extermination of rodents use the safest and effective means and guarantee their effectiveness.