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Positive results of war communism. “War communism”: causes, chronological framework, main events, consequences


Artist I.A.Vladimirov (1869-1947)

War communism - this is the policy pursued by the Bolsheviks during the period civil war in 1918-1921, which included a set of emergency political and economic measures to win the civil war and protect Soviet power. It is no coincidence that this policy received this name: "communism" - equal rights for everyone, "military" -the policy was carried out through force.

Start The policy of war communism began in the summer of 1918, when two government documents appeared on the requisition (seizure) of grain and the nationalization of industry. In September 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution to transform the republic into a single military camp, the slogan - “Everything for the front! Everything for victory!”

Reasons for adopting the policy of war communism

    The need to protect the country from internal and external enemies

    Defense and final assertion of Soviet power

    The country's recovery from the economic crisis


    The maximum concentration of labor and material resources to repel external and internal enemies.

    Building communism by violent means (“cavalry attack on capitalism”)

Features of War Communism

    Centralization economic management, VSNKh system (Supreme Council National economy), Glavkov.

    Nationalization industry, banks and land, liquidation of private property. The process of nationalization of property during the civil war was called "expropriation".

    Ban hired labor and land rental

    Food dictatorship. Introduction surplus appropriation(decree of the Council of People's Commissars January 1919) - food allocation. These are government measures to implement agricultural procurement plans: mandatory delivery the state established (“detailed”) norms of products (bread, etc.) at state prices. Peasants could leave only a minimum of products for consumption and household needs.

    Creation in the village "committees of the poor" (committees of the poor)), who were engaged in food appropriation. In the cities, armed forces were created from workers food detachments to confiscate grain from peasants.

    An attempt to introduce collective farms (collective farms, communes).

    Prohibition of private trade

    Curtailment of commodity-money relations, supply of products was carried out by the People's Commissariat for Food, abolition of payments for housing, heating, etc., that is, free public utilities. Cancellation of money.

    Equalizing principle in the distribution of material goods (rations were issued), naturalization of wages, card system.

    Militarization of labor (that is, its focus on military purposes, defense of the country). Universal labor conscription(since 1920) Slogan: "Who does not work shall not eat!". Mobilization of the population to carry out work of national importance: logging, road, construction and other work. Labor mobilization was carried out from 15 to 50 years of age and was equated to military mobilization.

Decision on ending the policy of war communism accepted on 10th Congress of the RCP(B) in March 1921 year in which the course towards the transition to NEP.

Results of the policy of war communism

    Mobilization of all resources in the fight against anti-Bolshevik forces, which made it possible to win the civil war.

    Nationalization of oil, large and small industries, railway transport, banks,

    Massive discontent of the population

    Peasant protests

    Increasing economic devastation

name economical Sov politics states during the civil war and foreign military intervention in the USSR 1918-20. V.K.'s policy was dictated by exclusion. difficulties created by citizens. war, household devastation; was a response to the war. capitalist resistance elements of socialist transformations of the country's economy. “War communism,” wrote V.I. Lenin, “was forced by war and ruin. It was not and could not be a policy that met the economic tasks of the proletariat. It was a temporary measure” (Works, vol. 32, p. 321 ). Basic features of V.K.: assault method of overcoming capitalist. elements and their almost complete displacement in the city’s economy; surplus appropriation as the main a means of providing for the army, workers and mountains. population with food; direct product exchange between city and countryside; closure of trade and its replacement by organized government. distribution of basic cont. and industrial products according to class. sign; naturalization of households relationships; universal labor conscription and labor mobilizations as forms of attraction to work, equalization in the wage system; Max. centralization of leadership. The most difficult household. the problem at that time was cont. question. By the decrees of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of May 9 and 27, a food dictatorship was established in the country, which granted the People's Commissariat for Food emergency powers to combat the kulaks who were hiding grain reserves and speculating on them. These measures increased the supply of grain, but could not solve the problem of providing it to the Red Army and the working class. Introduced Aug 5 1918 obligatory exchange of goods in grain-growing villages. areas also did not give noticeable results. Oct 30 In 1918, a decree was issued “On imposing a tax in kind on rural owners in the form of deductions of part of agricultural products,” the full weight of which was supposed to fall on the kulak and wealthy elements of the village. But the tax in kind did not solve the problem. Extremely severe cont. the situation of the country forced the Sov. state to introduce 11 Jan. 1919 surplus appropriation. Trade in bread and the most important species food was prohibited. The introduction of surplus appropriation was undoubtedly difficult, extraordinary, but vitally necessary. To ensure the fulfillment of the allocation, food detachments of workers were sent to the village. In the field of industry, the VK policy was expressed in nationalization (except for those nationalized in the summer of 1918 large factories and wages) of medium and small enterprises. By Decree of the Supreme Council of National Economy of November 29. 1920 All industries were declared nationalized. enterprises owned by private individuals or companies, with a number of workers of St. 5 with mechanical engine or 10 - without mechanical. engine. Sov. The state carried out the strictest centralization of industrial management. To fulfill the state orders were brought into obligation. in the order of handicraft. and preserved insignificantly. number of private capitalist enterprises. The state also took into its own hands the matter of industrial distribution. and so on. goods. This was also dictated by the task of undermining the economic economy. positions of the bourgeoisie in the field of distribution. Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of November 21. 1918 provided: in order to replace private trade. apparatus and for the systematic supply of the population with all products from owls. and cooperative distributors. points to entrust the People's Commissariat for Food and its agencies with the entire matter of procurement and distribution of industrial products. and so on. goods. Consumer cooperation was involved as an auxiliary. body of the People's Commissariat for Food. Membership in the cooperative was declared mandatory for the entire population. The decree provided for the requisition and confiscation of private wholesale trades. warehouses, nationalization of trading. firms, municipalization of private retail. Trade in basic products and industrial goods was prohibited. The state carried out the organization. distribution of products among the population according to the card system according to class. basis: workers received more than other categories of the population, non-working elements were supplied only if they fulfilled their labor obligations. The principle was implemented: “he who does not work, does not eat.” Equalization prevailed in tariff policy. Difference in pay for qualified workers. and unskilled. labor was very insignificant. This was due to an acute shortage of food and industrial products. goods, which forced workers to be given the bare minimum necessary to maintain their lives. This was, as V.I. Lenin pointed out, a completely justified desire “... to supply everyone as equally as possible, to feed, to support, while it was impossible to undertake the restoration of production” (Leninsky collection, XX, 1932, p. 103). Wages were becoming increasingly natural character : workers and employees were given prod. rations, the state provided free apartments, utilities, transport, etc. There was a continuous process of naturalization of households. relationships. Money has almost completely depreciated. The urban bourgeoisie and the kulaks were taxed at the same time. extraordinary revolutionary tax in the amount of 10 billion rubles. for the needs of the Red Army (decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of October 30, 1918). The bourgeoisie was attracted to obligations. labor (decree of the Council of People's Commissars of October 5, 1918). These events meant that in the field of replacement of burzh. production socialist relations Sov. The state has switched to tactics and will decide. storm capitalist elements, “... to an immeasurably greater breakdown of old relations than we expected” (V.I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 33, p. 67). Intervention and citizenship The war forced a continuous increase in the number of the Red Army, which by the end of the war reached 5.5 million people. An increasing number of workers went to the front. In this regard, industry and transport experienced an acute shortage of labor. Sov. the government was forced to introduce universal labor conscription; for military Railway workers, river workers and marine workers were declared to be left at work. fleet, fuel industry, labor mobilizations of workers and specialists from various branches of industry and transport were carried out, etc. V.I. Lenin repeatedly emphasized that the policy of V.K. was forced. It was called upon to solve the most important military issues. and political tasks: to ensure victory in civil. war, preserve and strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat, save the working class from extinction. The policy of V.K. solved the set tasks. This is its source. meaning. However, as this policy developed and its consequences were discovered. results, the idea began to emerge that with the help of this policy it was possible to achieve an accelerated transition to communism. production and distribution. “...We made the mistake,” said V.I. Lenin in October 1921, “that we decided to make a direct transition to communist production and distribution. We decided that the peasants would give us the amount of grain we needed by allotment, and we would allot it in plants and factories - and we will have communist production and distribution" (ibid., p. 40). This was reflected in the fact that V.K.’s policy continued and even intensified for some time after the end of the civil war. war: the decree on the nationalization of the entire industry was adopted on November 29. 1920, when civil law ended. war; 4 Dec. 1920 The Council of People's Commissars adopted a decree on free food holidays for the population. products, 17 Dec. - on free supply of consumer goods to the population, December 23. - on the abolition of fees for all types of fuel provided to workers and employees, January 27. 1921 - on the abolition of fees for living quarters from workers and employees, for the use of water supply, sewerage, gas, electricity from workers and employees, disabled workers and war veterans and their dependents, etc. 8th All-Russian. Congress of Soviets (December 22-29, 1920) in its decisions on the village. x-wu proceeded from the preservation of surplus appropriation and strengthening of the state. will force. beginnings in the restoration of peasant farming, etc. “We expected,” wrote V.I. Lenin, “or, perhaps, it would be more accurate to say: we assumed without sufficient calculation - by direct orders of the proletarian state, to establish state production and state distribution of products in a communist manner in a small-peasant country. Life has shown us our mistake" (ibid., pp. 35-36). V.K. in civil conditions. war was necessary and justified itself. But after the end of the war, when the task of peaceful economic management came to the fore. construction, the inconsistency of the VK policy as a socialist method was revealed. construction, the unacceptability of this policy in the new conditions for the peasantry and working class was revealed. This policy did not provide economic union between city and countryside, between industry and villages. x-vom. Therefore, the X Congress of the RCP (b), on the initiative of V.I. Lenin, adopted a decision on March 15, 1921 to replace surplus appropriation with a tax in kind, which put an end to the policy of the Great Patriotic War and marked the beginning of the transition to the New Economic Policy (NEP). Lit.: Lenin V.I., Report on the replacement of appropriation with a tax in kind on March 15 (X Congress of the RCP (b). March 8-16, 1921), Works, 4th ed., vol. 32; his, About the food tax, in the same place; his, New Economic Policy and the Tasks of Political Education, ibid., vol. 33; his, On the New Economic Policy, ibid.; his, On the significance of gold now and after the complete victory of socialism, ibid.; his, For the four-year anniversary October revolution, in the same place (See also Reference volume to the 4th ed. Works of V.I. Lenin, vol. 1, pp. 74-76); Decrees of Soviet Power, vol. 1-3, M., 1959-60; Lyashchenko P.I., History of people. of the USSR. t. 3, M., 1956; Gladkov I. A., Essays on the Soviet economy 1917-20, M., 1956. I. B. Berkhin. Moscow.


Artist I.A.Vladimirov (1869-1947)

War communism - this is the policy pursued by the Bolsheviks during the civil war in 1918-1921, which included a set of emergency political and economic measures to win the civil war and protect Soviet power. It is no coincidence that this policy received this name: "communism" - equal rights for everyone, "military" -the policy was carried out through force.

Start The policy of war communism began in the summer of 1918, when two government documents appeared on the requisition (seizure) of grain and the nationalization of industry. In September 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution to transform the republic into a single military camp, the slogan - “Everything for the front! Everything for victory!”

Reasons for adopting the policy of war communism

    The need to protect the country from internal and external enemies

    Defense and final assertion of Soviet power

    The country's recovery from the economic crisis


    Maximum concentration of labor and material resources to repel external and internal enemies.

    Building communism by violent means (“cavalry attack on capitalism”)

Features of War Communism

    Centralization economic management, system VSNKh (Supreme Council of the National Economy), central administrations.

    Nationalization industry, banks and land, liquidation of private property. The process of nationalization of property during the civil war was called "expropriation".

    Ban hired labor and land rental

    Food dictatorship. Introduction surplus appropriation(decree of the Council of People's Commissars January 1919) - food allocation. These are state measures to implement agricultural procurement plans: mandatory delivery to the state of an established (“detailed”) standard of products (bread, etc.) at state prices. Peasants could leave only a minimum of products for consumption and household needs.

    Creation in the village "committees of the poor" (committees of the poor)), who were engaged in food appropriation. In the cities, armed forces were created from workers food detachments to confiscate grain from peasants.

    An attempt to introduce collective farms (collective farms, communes).

    Prohibition of private trade

    The curtailment of commodity-money relations, the supply of products was carried out by the People's Commissariat for Food, the abolition of payments for housing, heating, etc., that is, free utilities. Cancellation of money.

    Equalizing principle in the distribution of material goods (rations were issued), naturalization of wages, card system.

    Militarization of labor (that is, its focus on military purposes, defense of the country). Universal labor conscription(since 1920) Slogan: "Who does not work shall not eat!". Mobilization of the population to carry out work of national importance: logging, road, construction and other work. Labor mobilization was carried out from 15 to 50 years of age and was equated to military mobilization.

Decision on ending the policy of war communism accepted on 10th Congress of the RCP(B) in March 1921 year in which the course towards the transition to NEP.

Results of the policy of war communism

    Mobilization of all resources in the fight against anti-Bolshevik forces, which made it possible to win the civil war.

    Nationalization of oil, large and small industries, railway transport, banks,

    Massive discontent of the population

    Peasant protests

    Increasing economic devastation

Abstract on the history of Russia

War communism- is economic and social politics The Soviet state in conditions of devastation, civil war and the mobilization of all forces and resources for defense.

In conditions of devastation and military danger, the Soviet government begins to take measures to transform the republic into a single military camp. On September 2, 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a corresponding resolution, proclaiming the slogan “Everything for the front, everything for victory over the enemy!”

The beginning of the policy of war communism was laid by two main decisions taken in the early summer of 1918 - on the requisition of grain in the countryside and on the widespread nationalization of industry. In addition to transport and large industrial enterprises, medium-sized industry was nationalized, and even most of small. The Supreme Economic Council and the central administrations created under it strictly centralized industrial management, production and distribution.

In the autumn of 1918 there was everywhere free private trade eliminated. It was replaced by centralized state distribution, through a rationing system. The concentration of all economic functions (management, distribution, supply) in the state apparatus caused an increase in bureaucracy and a sharp increase in the number of managers. This is how the elements of the command-administrative system began to take shape.

January 11, 1919 - Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on food allocation (a measure that became main reason discontent and misfortune of the peasantry, intensification of class struggle and repression in the countryside). Peasants responded to surplus appropriation and the shortage of goods by reducing acreage (by 35-60%) and returning to subsistence farming.

Having proclaimed the slogan “He who does not work, neither does he eat,” the Soviet government introduced universal labor conscription and labor mobilization of the population to carry out work of national importance: logging, road, construction, etc. Mobilization for labor service of citizens from 16 to 50 years of age was equivalent to mobilization into the army.

The introduction of labor service influenced the solution to the problem wages. The first experiments of the Soviet government in this area were canceled out by inflation. To ensure the existence of the worker, the state tried to compensate wages “in kind”, issuing food rations, food coupons in the canteen, and basic necessities instead of money. Equalization of wages was introduced.

Second half of 1920 - free transport, housing, utilities. The logical continuation of this economic policy was the actual abolition of commodity-money relations. First, the free sale of food was prohibited, then other consumer goods. However, despite all the prohibitions, illegal market trade continued to exist.

Thus, the main goals of the policy of war communism were the maximum concentration of human and material resources, their best use to fight internal and external enemies. On the one hand, this policy became a forced consequence of the war, on the other hand, it not only contradicted the practice of any government controlled, but also asserted the dictatorship of the party, contributed to the strengthening of party power and its establishment of totalitarian control. War communism became a method of building socialism in conditions of civil war. To some extent, this goal was achieved - the counter-revolution was defeated.

But all this led to extreme negative consequences. The initial tendency towards democracy, self-government, and broad autonomy was destroyed. The bodies of workers' control and management created in the first months of Soviet power were neglected and gave way to centralized methods; collegiality was replaced by unity of command. Instead of socialization, nationalization took place; instead of people's democracy, a brutal dictatorship was established, not of a class, but of a party. Justice was replaced by equality.


Artist I.A.Vladimirov (1869-1947)

War communism - this is the policy pursued by the Bolsheviks during the civil war in 1918-1921, which included a set of emergency political and economic measures to win the civil war and protect Soviet power. It is no coincidence that this policy received this name: "communism" - equal rights for everyone, "military" -the policy was carried out through force.

Start The policy of war communism began in the summer of 1918, when two government documents appeared on the requisition (seizure) of grain and the nationalization of industry. In September 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution to transform the republic into a single military camp, the slogan - “Everything for the front! Everything for victory!”

Reasons for adopting the policy of war communism

    The need to protect the country from internal and external enemies

    Defense and final assertion of Soviet power

    The country's recovery from the economic crisis


    Maximum concentration of labor and material resources to repel external and internal enemies.

    Building communism by violent means (“cavalry attack on capitalism”)

Features of War Communism

    Centralization economic management, system VSNKh (Supreme Council of the National Economy), central administrations.

    Nationalization industry, banks and land, liquidation of private property. The process of nationalization of property during the civil war was called "expropriation".

    Ban hired labor and land rental

    Food dictatorship. Introduction surplus appropriation(decree of the Council of People's Commissars January 1919) - food allocation. These are state measures to implement agricultural procurement plans: mandatory delivery to the state of an established (“detailed”) standard of products (bread, etc.) at state prices. Peasants could leave only a minimum of products for consumption and household needs.

    Creation in the village "committees of the poor" (committees of the poor)), who were engaged in food appropriation. In the cities, armed forces were created from workers food detachments to confiscate grain from peasants.

    An attempt to introduce collective farms (collective farms, communes).

    Prohibition of private trade

    The curtailment of commodity-money relations, the supply of products was carried out by the People's Commissariat for Food, the abolition of payments for housing, heating, etc., that is, free utilities. Cancellation of money.

    Equalizing principle in the distribution of material goods (rations were issued), naturalization of wages, card system.

    Militarization of labor (that is, its focus on military purposes, defense of the country). Universal labor conscription(since 1920) Slogan: "Who does not work shall not eat!". Mobilization of the population to carry out work of national importance: logging, road, construction and other work. Labor mobilization was carried out from 15 to 50 years of age and was equated to military mobilization.

Decision on ending the policy of war communism accepted on 10th Congress of the RCP(B) in March 1921 year in which the course towards the transition to NEP.

Results of the policy of war communism

    Mobilization of all resources in the fight against anti-Bolshevik forces, which made it possible to win the civil war.

    Nationalization of oil, large and small industries, railway transport, banks,

    Massive discontent of the population

    Peasant protests

    Increasing economic devastation