home · Lighting · Beijing cabbage does not set. The main reasons why cabbage does not set heads and what to do about it. Fertilizing cabbage seedlings with urea

Beijing cabbage does not set. The main reasons why cabbage does not set heads and what to do about it. Fertilizing cabbage seedlings with urea

Cabbage is a unique and valuable vegetable dietary product, which every gardener wants to see on his plot. You plant one, two or three beds of cabbage on your plot, carefully water the seedlings and hope for a rich harvest that you will reap in the coming fall.

But now your hopes are slowly but surely fading. Cabbage produces only leaves, but there is no hint of the formation of heads of cabbage. How can you avoid losing the entire harvest in this case? Why does cabbage not set heads and what should be done to avoid such a problem and help the plant bear fruit?

Problems associated with growing

Insect pests can also be a common problem when growing cabbage ( cabbage whites, slugs, cruciferous flea beetles and bugs), and crop diseases (fungus, fusarium wilt, rot), but one of the main and current problems the absence of ovary on white cabbage is considered.

Reasons for the absence of ovary

When the plant is created favorable conditions for growth, if all the rules of agricultural technology are followed, then the middle of the cabbage head will be formed quickly and efficiently. Stopping the growing season of a vegetable occurs for several reasons:

Purchasing low-quality seeds

Cabbage hybrids will not produce full healthy heads of cabbage. Therefore, you should be vigilant when purchasing seeds, because a bright picture on a seed package is far from an indicator of the quality of the product.

Bad place to land

Open sunny areas without shade are best suited for growing vegetables, and the presence of tall plants growing nearby is an obstacle to the normal growth of the head of cabbage. You should also not plant seedlings too close to each other, otherwise there will be no ovary.

Acidic soil

Cabbage seeds should be planted in neutral acidity and calcareous soil.

Lack of microelements

For the favorable development of the crop, microelements are necessary, the lack of which will cause the absence of head ovary. Accordingly, cabbage needs nutritious soil.

The crop grows better in the ground where potatoes, carrots, onions or cucumbers grew in previous seasons.

Unsuitable weather conditions

Cabbage is a cold-resistant crop and does not feel well in the hot summer, which is why the vegetable’s process of heading formation slows down. Temperatures within 17-18 degrees are considered suitable for its growth. A temperature of 25 degrees causes the ovary to slow down, and at 35 degrees the formation of the head stops altogether.

Poor loosening and infrequent or excessive watering of the soil

During the formation of a rosette of cabbage leaves, the sprout needs moisture most of all and therefore it is worth watering it abundantly, but it is also important not to over-water the plant. Cabbage leaves are powerful, and root system not very large and therefore it is difficult for the plant to provide itself with moisture in the heat. It is worth watering it in the morning or evening, then it is easier for the plant to pump water and the sun will not have time to evaporate the moisture from the soil.

For better supply of water and air to the roots of the vegetable, constant loosening of the soil is necessary.

Pests and diseases

Harmful insects and cabbage diseases can, even in the early stages of growth, interfere with the formation of a healthy vegetable and destroy cabbage forks. If pests appear on the plant, you should definitely spray it with insecticides and remove the insects.

Formation of several heads of cabbage

In some cases, several heads may set on a crop. The reason for the ovary of several heads of cabbage most often lies in damage to the apical sprout bud of the vegetable, from which a rosette of leaves is formed that form the head of cabbage, as a result of which new leafy shoots emerge from the reserve buds on the stem - the ovaries of the head of cabbage. A similar process occurs when the head of cabbage is cut off long before its full ripening, which occurs in July-August. After cutting, the crop has time to produce new shoots, and the vegetable grower will receive an additional harvest from smaller heads of cabbage. This manipulation is especially effective in warm autumn with any variety of white cabbage. Gardeners often use this feature to their advantage to obtain a second harvest of cabbage.

If you don’t need the presence of extra cabbage ovaries, pinch off the unnecessary shoots and leave only one. It is important to know that in this case there is a risk of death of the vegetable and if the head of cabbage does not increase in size, then it is recommended to remove the plant from the garden bed.

Fertilizers at the stage of ovary formation

At all stages of its growth and maturation, cabbage requires constant feeding. But what is most important for her is fertilizer before ripening. They need to be introduced into the soil in accordance with the recommended levels, since excess nutrients can have a bad effect on cabbage - the tops will grow quickly, but the fruit will not form. For successful formation of the head, potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and organic fertilizers should be added in dissolved form to open ground.

Additional terms

You should worry about obtaining a plentiful and good harvest even at the stages of preparing open ground for planting vegetables. It is necessary to choose a suitable place for planting, provided with sufficient light, with nutritional and acidic soil. After the seedlings have been planted in the ground, it is worth taking care of the safety of the seedlings and not allowing pests (aphids, bedbugs, flies, moths, etc.) to destroy the cabbage by using special solutions for treatment against insects and right time spray vegetables.

How to feed cabbage to make heads set

Early cabbage varieties especially need nutrition to help head formation. It is recommended that after 2 weeks after the first feeding of the vegetable, use nitrophoska (mineral fertilizer, 100 grams diluted in 20 liters of water), wood ash, cow manure or infusion of bird droppings. Phosphorus is also needed for fertilizing - it will help the vegetable accumulate nutrients for the ovary of a head of cabbage. It is better to use superphosphate with 16-18% phosphorus content.

If white cabbage is grown in a greenhouse, then it should be fertilized only with mineral fertilizers without organic matter.

How to water cabbage to make heads set

Experienced gardeners advise treating cabbage with organic fertilizers three times a season, using cow manure diluted in water (1:5). Two weeks after planting the seedlings, the first fertilizing is done. The second feeding is carried out immediately before tying the heads of cabbage, additionally added to the solution wood ash(40 grams of ash per 10 liters of water). The third feeding (also with ash) is carried out after three weeks. Reviews of the use of such fertilizer show that it saves the existing crop at the sprout stage, and next year with such fertilizer it will be a priori productive.

Man became familiar with cabbage much earlier than with potatoes and carrots. It has become such a part of our lives that we can’t even imagine our diet without it. We salt it, ferment it, cook it, stew it, and use it fresh. Therefore, it is so important to know how to grow a good harvest of cabbage, and every gardener looks forward to tying the heads with excitement, but this does not always work out.

Why doesn't cabbage set a head?

You need to think about the future harvest in the fall



Here you need to take into account the following factors: cabbage does not tolerate shade, does not like acidic soil, adherence to crop rotation, prefers soil compaction.

If you plant cabbage in the shade or even in a bed where there is no sun in the afternoon, the process of cabbage formation will slow down significantly or will not occur at all. Therefore, you should choose areas that are well lit by the sun.

If the soil is highly acidic, fluff lime must be added. For cultivation, an acceptable acidity pH is 6.5 - 7.5. You need to lime the soil in the fall.

Cabbage should be grown in the same place every three years. The best predecessor is legumes.


The key to a good harvest is correctly selected seeds and high-quality seedlings.

When choosing a seed variety, give preference to products well-known firms, and which are suitable for your climate zone.

After all, there are kale that never sets a head. In addition, varieties of foreign companies are often not adapted to our conditions: they are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and extreme conditions do not tie the head of cabbage.


The site must be prepared in the fall. Dig the soil deeply and add organic fertilizers under the digging.

In the spring, do not dig up the soil, you just need to level it and cover it with a rake, since over the winter it has become sufficiently compacted, which is what plants need.

It is also necessary to compact the soil around the planted plants.


Seeds for seedlings, as well as for non-seedling cultivation, should be sown in certain deadlines specified for this variety.

A good seedling should have: the stem is straight, the thicker the diameter of the stem, the stronger and stronger seedlings; the lobe and roots are thick and powerful; age 35-40 days, height not less than 15cm, rich green color.


When planting seedlings, the soil around it needs to be compacted.

Of course, we all know that at an air temperature of +25 degrees. Cabbage does not set heads well, and at +35 it stops forming heads altogether. And if also insufficient humidity, then it still makes things worse. Therefore, the plants need to be watered, especially when the heads of cabbage just begin to set. Also, do not forget that excessive watering can lead to cracking of the heads, so you should stop watering during the ripening period.

Cabbage does not set a head for a long time - perhaps it does not have enough nutrition.

If there are few nutrients in the soil, cabbage needs to be fed, the choice is up to gardeners, who prefers organic matter, who mineral fertilizers.

When the first signs of diseases or pests appear, it is necessary to urgently combat them.

If your site was inhabited last year cabbage fly, then it is advisable to spread roofing felt on the cabbage bed around the plants.

After precipitation, as well as after watering, the soil around the plants must be loosened.

Under no circumstances should the lower leaves be torn off, because the head of cabbage sets when there are 7-9 covering leaves. Nutrients from the leaves are used when laying the head of cabbage.

In order for the heads to tie better, you can spray them with Ovary.

If Brussels sprouts have loose heads, it means there is not enough humus in the soil or increased acidity soil, and when planting seedlings, the soil around the plants was not compacted.

When growing cauliflower, in addition to the conditions listed above, it is necessary to take into account that the formation of a head of cabbage occurs at a temperature of +18 degrees C

High temperatures degrade product quality. C. In accordance with this, it is necessary to select the correct timing for sowing seeds for seedlings.

When forming (when it reaches the size of an apple), the head of cabbage should be broken off and tied on top, thereby creating for development comfortable conditions, because cauliflower does not tolerate direct sunlight.

The reason for the delay in the formation of a head of cabbage may be an excess of fertilizing, as a result of which only the leaf mass can grow.

Cauliflower responds well to fertilizing with microelements, in particular molybdenum and boron.

I think there is no gardener or gardener for whom everything always goes well on his plot. Every year some problem happens. In most cases, we ourselves are to blame for its occurrence. Somewhere you didn’t look at this or that culture, and somewhere you just did something wrong. But in order for everything in the garden to be in order, you need to practically not get out of it. Where can I get so much time? So problems will probably always arise. It is important to know what can be done to resolve them as quickly as possible. This is such a long introduction. Oh, now let's get down to specifics. We will talk about cabbage and try to figure out what needs to be done so that the cabbage grows without any problems. After all, it is for the sake of getting heads of cabbage that we plant it.

Cabbage won't set a head. Why and what to do?

Again, the main thing is to understand the reasons. What's wrong with your cabbage? this moment lacks? If you determine this correctly, you will be able to correct the situation quickly enough. It is possible that even the development of cabbage will not slow down in any way.

You set the disembarkation time incorrectly

Maybe you just planted the cabbages at the wrong time, but were a little late. If early varieties do not set, then remember that they should always be planted no later than March 10th.

Bad Seeds

Quite often the reason lies precisely in this. It happens that they simply cross a seed plant with its own “relatives” in this family. As a result, a hybrid is obtained, and this same hybrid simply grows further, but the head of cabbage does not set. So, seeds should always be selected carefully. Beautiful picture or packaging with a nice background, this is far from what it says about high quality content.

Little light

Cabbage also loves the sun, and if it is heavily shaded, then it has to stretch out to get that sun. With this way of pulling out the heads of cabbage, there is no need to wait. In this case, you can dig up still young cabbage and then take it to a place where there is more sun. But you can simply thin out the beds. This way you can eliminate the tightness. In the future, you need to choose the right place for the cabbage. So, for example, there is no need to plant corn or sunflowers next to it. These plants will simply cover up the low-growing cabbage. If you don’t have enough space, then here you must decide what is more valuable to you.

Few essential microelements

Almost all of our garden “residents” love it when there are a lot of microelements in the soil. Without nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, your heads will not set. And all these elements, any plants, are successfully absorbed, only in dissolved form. So, in hot summers, dry fertilizers will not bring any benefit. They will need to be dissolved and served only in liquid form.

What is also important is not to apply any fertilizer thoughtlessly. You can simply overfeed the cabbage, then again the heads of cabbage will not set, but only the tops themselves will grow strongly, and that’s all.

Bad weather

Although, as we know, nature does not have bad weather; it is rather unfavorable for someone or something, in this case for cabbage. When it’s “well hot” outside, a lot of water is lost from the leaves. It’s not the cabbage’s fault here; it simply gives up water to cool itself and simply survive. At the same time, the heads of cabbage are tied very poorly. Sometimes the weather changes very sharply. Sometimes frosts occur. Both of these phenomena also have a negative effect on the formation of heads of cabbage. About 17-18 degrees, this is the temperature that cabbage loves most.

Not enough moisture or too much moisture

Cabbage requires the most moisture when forming a rosette of leaves. Cabbage is, of course, a cold-resistant crop, which means it simply does not like heat. If this is the weather that prevails, then you simply cannot do without abundant watering.

Soil variety

Acidic soils most likely will not give you cabbage ovaries. Before you plant seedlings of this plant, be sure to thoroughly lime the soil. It will also need to be fertilized before this. Correct loosening, and most importantly, timely, will also help heads of cabbage to form faster.

What to do?

To the question why, we seem to have answered. Now the second part of the question, namely, what needs to be done? Someone advises to tear off the lower leaves. As if this would give a significant impetus to the formation of the heads of cabbage themselves. This may help, but it is far from 100%. In general, some say that you should not do this, as you can simply seriously damage the plant. After all, cabbage leaves provide nutrients to the entire plant, and the future head of cabbage is no exception in this case.

  • How to feed cabbage to make heads set? This is something to think about too. Calcium nitrate often solves this problem. You can also use this drug if you planted cabbage on acidic soil.
  • Remember, nitrogen fertilizers should not be used in August to feed cabbage!
  • To make cabbage set faster, it is best to use the preparations “Micrassa” or “Ovary” (the latter has a very telling name). They very well saturate the soil with elements useful for cabbage.
  • In hot summers, a fairly simple method is used: cabbage leaves are carefully tied “into a bud.” This way you will help the head of cabbage to form faster. Don’t forget about moisture, that is, its lack. When it's hot, a whole bucket of water evaporates from just one plant! So watering is simply necessary here. Up to 35 liters, you need to pour out every 10 square meters. meters. In this case, you need to pour water only by sprinkling. At the same time, even more water is poured into the furrows, about one and a half times. Water your plants more often during hot weather. If you want to preserve cabbage longer, then autumn will begin and be sure to limit watering.

Also watch this video. I think it will also be very useful.

Complaints from gardeners that cabbage heads do not set well can often be heard. And what they don’t do! Sometimes it gets funny when they remember folk wisdom: when planting seedlings in the ground, you should often grab your head, bandaged with a towel or scarf. But before you make your loved ones and neighbors laugh, you need to figure out why the heads of cabbage won’t set and what to water them with?

The main reasons for the lack of ovary in cabbage

The reasons may be different:

  1. Late landing date early varieties. Usually these are planted before March 10th.
  2. Poor quality seeds. This happens when a seed plant is crossed with its fellows, the result is a hybrid in which the head does not set. You need to buy seeds only from a trusted manufacturer. Read how Pekingese is grown.
  3. Not enough sun. Therefore, the plants stretch upward, but do not fit. This happens if cabbage grows in the shade. Choose your location and neighbors carefully, because shade can be provided by nearby corn, sunflowers, supports of beans or cucumbers. About growing White Cabbage in open ground can be read.
  4. Lack of microelements. Cabbage often needs sufficient amounts of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other trace elements. They are absorbed dissolved, so the white cabbage is watered with water and fertilizers. But a sense of proportion is important here: too much fertilizing will lead to the growth of large leaves, but they will not form heads of cabbage.
  5. The weather is unfavorable for the formation of heads. For example, sharp changes temperature, frost or, conversely, extreme heat.
  6. Lack of water in hot weather. Water comes out of the leaves, so the plant cools itself, but the heads do not form. On hot days, evening watering is required.
  7. Solid ground. For normal cabbage growth and ovary formation, the soil should be loosened frequently.

Find out how to sow Broccoli for seedlings.

Cabbage is a very moisture-loving plant, so it is important to take time to water it. It is better to water in the evening, with water heated during the day in the sun to a temperature of 18-22 o C. Watering with ice from a well is not recommended: the plant will get sick or the ovary will not form.

The dates for planting Tsvetnoy seedlings are indicated.

Gardeners often give each other advice on how to fertilize cabbage. Of the many different ones, we can highlight the most popular feedings.

How to treat, feed and water so that heads of cabbage begin to set

Feeding with manure

Very good results are obtained by applying organic fertilizers to the soil in the fall, during autumn digging or plowing. Keep in mind that plowing the soil must be to a sufficient depth, no less than the bayonet of a shovel (40-50 cm). For 1 m2 you need 6-7 kg of rotted or fresh manure.

Instead of mullein, you can add chicken manure; 300 g per 1 m2 is enough. Organic fertilizers will saturate the soil with macro and microelements, and humus, which is necessary for growing cabbage and other vegetables on sandy and sandy loam soils.

If it was not possible to fertilize the soil in the fall, then you can fertilize the cabbage seedlings in the spring, two weeks after planting in the ground. To do this, take five parts of water to one part of manure. It is advisable to hill up the watered bed immediately.

If, after all, manure was applied to the garden in the fall, then the first fertilizing of the seedlings should be done two weeks after planting nitrogen fertilizers(urea or ammonium nitrate). Dilute them according to the manufacturer's instructions.

The second feeding can be carried out before the formation of the ovary, when the bush already has 8-9 leaves. You can also add 40 grams of ash per bucket to the solution with manure.

Another two weeks after the second feeding, it is worth watering again with diluted mullein.

For fertilizers, you need to use slurry or mullein solution (0.5 kg of manure is enough for 10 liters of water). There is a lot of ammonia in animal urine, so that it evaporates, the solution is kept for 2 - 3 days.

Fertilizing the soil with herbal infusions

Fertilizing with nettle infusion is popular. Nettle is very rich in various vitamins and microelements. All of them are good for vegetables. Nettle bushes are cut, placed in a container, filled with water and left to ferment in the sun. The fermented slurry is diluted with water (half a glass is enough for 10 liters of water) and watered over the cabbage.

A description of the Lennox variety can be found.

Yeast feeding

It is best to feed with brewer's yeast, but if it is difficult to get it, you can replace it with regular, pressed or even dry baker's yeast.

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100 g of pressed yeast are diluted in 10 liters of water. You need to insist to make mash. To speed up fermentation, add a handful of sugar or old jam. Then 250 grams of mash are diluted in 10 liters of water and the vegetable crop is watered with this solution.

The effect of fertilizing with yeast will be if you water the cabbage with it in the evening, when the earth is already well warmed up. In this case, you should first water the plants with plain water.

The best Tsvetnoy varieties are listed.

Boric acid for ovaries

Spraying cabbage boric acid used as foliar feeding. The mixture is prepared as follows: 1 tsp of boric acid is dissolved in 1 liter hot water. Then add another 9 liters of cold water. You need to spray the cabbage tops with this solution. The leaves will grow more intensively, and the heads of cabbage will surely set.

If the cabbage heads do not set, find out the reason why this is happening. Often very little effort must be made (thinning out the plants, providing water and the necessary fertilizing), so that the harvest pleases you.

How to grow seedlings at home will help you understand.


This video will talk about the use of boric acid to increase yield.

When caring for vegetables, problems arise different problems, one of which is how to pour cabbage for tying heads. Before solving it, you need to know about the reasons for the lack of ovaries in garden crops.

In the fall, gardeners proudly show off their strong, tight heads of cabbage. If they don’t tie well right away, then it is necessary to determine why this is happening and what to do. After all, otherwise you can be left without a harvest and deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive vitamins all winter in the spring.

Reasons for stopping the growing season of a vegetable

Cabbage heads are formed quickly and efficiently if they are created for the plant suitable conditions for development and growth, the rules of agricultural technology are observed. There are several main reasons for the lack of ovaries:

  1. To grow vegetables, choose open sunny areas without shading. The soil must be neutral in acidity, nutritious, loose, so that it allows water and air to pass through well.
  2. The best predecessor of the plant will be legumes, which fertilize the soil well.
  3. In order for cabbage heads to grow, you do not need to plant seedlings often. The timing of its disembarkation also plays a big role.
  4. The formation of the head stops if the air temperature is too high, more than 25 degrees Celsius. But also waterlogging of the soil with rainy summer leads to rotting of the middle of the head of cabbage.
  5. The lack of important microelements in cabbage will not allow it to develop.
  6. Diseases and vegetable pests will destroy the forks, preventing them from growing.
  7. During the period of formation, the ovary for cabbage requires loosening the soil and weeding the beds. Otherwise, poor nutrition will lead to the fact that the heads of cabbage will not set.

It is also important to purchase and plant high-quality seeds. Old seeds will not sprout well and will not produce a good harvest.

What to do to get juicy heads of cabbage

To develop a head of cabbage, you need to correct the conditions in which the vegetable grows, produce proper care behind him.

Preparing seeds and site for planting

In the same place, cabbage can actively and efficiently bear fruit for no more than three years. Therefore, they regularly change the planting location. The selected area should not be in the shade. Sun during the day will help the cabbage set.

If it is found that the acidity of the soil is high, then neutralize it by adding lime. Calcium nitrate scattered over the beds before planting vegetables will allow the forks to quickly tie.

Plant seeds must be treated before planting with a solution of potassium permanganate to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Landing dates and rules

Cabbage must be planted on time in order for it to set fruit. Early varieties of white vegetables are sown no later than March, then in June they feast on crispy forks. For mid-season varieties, the sowing time is the end of April, and for late varieties - the beginning of the month.

It is best to grow through seedlings, which will eliminate the moment when the middle of the cabbage does not set into a head of cabbage.

Early varieties are planted in open ground until mid-May, the rest - until the tenth day of June. It is necessary to maintain the distance between the bushes. For early varieties of white cabbage and cauliflower it does not exceed fifty centimeters, for later varieties - seventy. To allow the leaves to set, humus (500 grams), ammonium nitrate (three grams), superphosphate (seven grams), and potassium salt (three grams) are added to the planting hole. Get good harvests Adding river sand to the beds will help. The depth of planting seedlings is up to the cotyledons. In the first week, dead shoots are replaced with new ones.

It is clear why cabbage does not grow in open ground if the terms and rules for planting seedlings are not followed.

Good plant care – strong heads of cabbage

In order for the leaves to curl, you need to water the cabbage generously, soaking the soil to a depth of fifty centimeters. During dry periods, pour two to three liters of water into the hole as the top layer of soil dries. A month before harvesting, watering is stopped.

Along with moistening the plant, it is good to feed the cabbage, adding organic fertilizer ten days after planting. If you fertilize with mullein, then it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:7, in subsequent feedings - 1:5. Bird droppings are ready for use when diluted 1:15. One liter of solution is poured onto each well.

Gardeners know how to feed cabbage from minerals. Particularly distinguished among useful fertilizers ammonium nitrate in the amount of forty grams, potassium salt - fifteen. Superphosphate used as a top dressing - twenty grams - helps the vegetable to set well. Subsequently, the amount of minerals is doubled. We must not forget that mineral fertilizers are taken per bucket of water.

Cabbage is fertilized twice during the summer, and for late varieties – three times. If you know what to feed garden culture, then there will be no problems with what to do if the cabbage does not tie into a head of cabbage.

One of effective methods in a situation where vegetable bushes do not set, the use of foliar feeding. To do this, spray the sheets with boric acid dissolved in water. It is prepared like this: a teaspoon of acid is dipped in a liter of hot water, mixed thoroughly, and then the finished liquid is poured into a bucket of cold water.

Such a healing shower is good for the vegetable.

The heads curl well if you treat the plantings with a fermented yeast solution. Take one hundred grams of yeast in a bucket of warm water, adding a handful of sugar. Before watering, you need to dilute 250 grams of the intoxicating drink in nine liters of water.

Remedies against diseases and vegetable pests

The cabbage fly is one of the main pests of the plant. To get rid of it, spray the seedlings with insecticides. To repel the pest, piles of tobacco dust mixed with ash or sawdust are laid out on the beds.

If the plants are sprayed in time with preparations such as Actellik, then the cutworm will not damage the middle of the cabbage. For a developed plant, when the heads of cabbage have already curled, voracious caterpillars are not scary.

This is how you get rid of cabbage moth. Insects and their larvae will not cause harm to cabbage treated in time.

The following diseases will destroy the cabbage ovary:

  • blackleg;
  • Phomasis;
  • powdery mildew;
  • bacteriosis

The presence of fungal diseases is determined by spots on the leaves, blackening of the stem, and rotting of the middle of the vegetable. Drugs like Fitosporin will save you from infections. If the symptoms of the disease remain, the treatment procedure is repeated three times with a break of ten days.