home · Lighting · Beetroot and its neighbors in the garden. Cauliflower is the best neighbor in the garden. Optimal rotation for good yields

Beetroot and its neighbors in the garden. Cauliflower is the best neighbor in the garden. Optimal rotation for good yields

The compatibility of vegetables in the garden is a much more important question than it might seem at first glance. Among plants, as among people, there are friends and enemies. The quality of the harvest and, in general, the vital activity of certain plants may depend on knowledge of these nuances. Let’s take a closer look at what to plant next to what.

Mixed plantings

The problems of interaction between plants in the garden are dealt with by a special science - allelopathy. Any plant releases a variety of substances into the soil and air that have a positive or negative effect on its “neighbors.” Useful and harmful neighborhood The table below shows the vegetables in the beds. In the meantime, let's look at the advantages of mixed planting technology:

space in the garden is saved; the soil is less depleted, there is no need for annual crop rotation; less effort is required to treat pests, since some plants themselves repel them; when planting vegetables together in the beds, almost no additional fertilizer is required; the quality of the crop increases and taste qualities fruits (for example, beans can make radishes tastier, and mint - white cabbage), as well as the amount of vitamins and sugars in them.

Rules to follow when organizing combined plantings vegetable crops:

    The width of each bed should exceed a meter. This will be necessary in the future for ease of plant care. The bed is divided into several sections. Crops that take a long time to grow and ripen are planted in the central one. These are peppers, cabbage, tomatoes. When the season comes, they will already occupy a good half of the ridge. Those types of crops that ripen quickly are planted from the edges. Mostly greens, but also strawberries and grapes.

An example of a properly organized garden bed for joint plantings:

Lettuce grows on the edge, carrots or radishes alternate with marjoram in the second row, and onions in the third. The 4th and 5th row correspond to the 1st and 2nd. Cucumbers are planted in the middle.

You can come up with a lot of similar schemes, it all depends on the required plants and on your attentiveness in matters of their combination.

Neighborhood of vegetables in the beds

Good neighbors are radishes, beans, lettuce, mint, dill, spinach. But tomatoes and cucumbers don’t go together at all, because they require different quantities moisture. Tomatoes also need a lot of fresh air, while cucumbers prefer Greenhouse effect. In general, tomatoes do not go well with almost any of them. garden crops. The exceptions are radishes, asparagus, garlic, and parsley.

But basil is almost universal and can benefit any plant.

Cabbage is not recommended to be planted next to beets, carrots, beans, and pumpkin will not be happy with potatoes. It is better to plant it with relatives - zucchini, squash or melons. Otherwise, the harvest will be significantly worse.

Beneficial neighbors of beets are cabbage, zucchini, and legumes.

Peas go well with corn, lettuce and cabbage, but they don’t do well if their neighbors in the garden are zucchini, onions, and beans.

The ideal neighbors of dill are potatoes and parsley, and cucumbers are eggplants, onions, and lettuce.

Potatoes are usually planted separately, away from other crops. But it should be taken into account that horseradish will help protect it from bedbugs, and beans/peas or other legumes will saturate the soil with nitrogen, which will have a positive effect on the quantity and quality of the harvest. They will also scare away Colorado potato beetles.

Every Plant Needs Pollinators, Here's Why good decision will plant flowers next to vegetables. In addition to flowers, marjoram, mint, and lemon balm are also attractive to pollinating insects. These herbs will always be useful on the farm for culinary or medicinal purposes, and at the same time the yield of your vegetable crops will increase significantly. In addition, they wonderfully decorate a summer cottage.

Another important point: presence of earthworms in the soil. They loosen the soil, which increases the amount of oxygen in it. Worms are attracted to crops such as onions, valerian, and chicory.

Spinach - very convenient option for joint plantings, because it releases a lot of saponin into the soil - a substance that promotes root growth and improves access to water and nutrients. They also have the same property different types primrose.

Compatibility table for vegetables in garden beds

More detailed data can be found in the following tables:

Examples of bad neighborhoods not included in the tables

When organizing joint plantings of vegetables in the garden, make sure that the gooseberries are kept away from the currants, otherwise the moth, a pest dangerous to berries, will actively multiply.

A pear planted near a cherry tree will often get sick. The same situation is observed when planting any type of currant next to cherries or cherries. And juniper planted under a pear will most likely infect it with fungal infections.

The apple tree also loses from the proximity of cherries, as well as apricots, barberries, and lilacs. In general, cherries react aggressively to any planting under their crown, especially trees.

To prevent a pest called the strawberry-raspberry weevil, do not plant strawberries and raspberries next to each other. But almost any other plants next to raspberries, on the contrary, feel better because they saturate the earth with oxygen.

It is noteworthy that it is not advisable to plant birch in your garden - it has a very strong root system that absorbs huge amounts of water, taking it away from other plants. The same can be said about maple and spruce.

Plants that can repel pests:

Celery and shag resist cabbage fly, onions are an excellent remedy against spider mite. Wormwood and garlic are enemies of cruciferous flea beetles, and tomatoes are not to the liking of flea beetles and flea beetles. Garlic is also effective in repelling aphids and also helps the soil accumulate sulfur.

Vegetable neighborhood rules for greenhouses

If vegetable compatibility is important to you when planting in a greenhouse, keep the following factors in mind:

in greenhouses, vegetables grow faster, and in general the harvest is better; in order to properly plant vegetables in a bed in a greenhouse, you need to adhere to the same principles as in the open ground; before planting, you need to carefully develop a diagram of the beds; you need to take into account the cardinal directions - cucumbers and Tomatoes grow best on the sunny south side.

The compatibility of plants in a garden bed in a greenhouse is closely related to the season. There are two types of greenhouse mixed planting. In the first greens are grown in early spring, in the second, different crops are cultivated throughout the season. In other words, greens are planted first, which ripen very quickly, then they are collected and tomatoes or cucumbers are planted in the same place.

In a greenhouse, it is advisable to plant those plants that require similar conditions of humidity and temperature. Cucumbers provide abundant shade, so it is quite possible to place them next to shade-loving crops. Tomatoes will do well with white cabbage.

Mixed plantings of vegetables will help you get a good harvest even in difficult conditions - poor soil, unsuitable climate. You can combine mixed beds with compacted seeding technology to improve the result. In a word, creating the vegetable garden of your dreams is in your hands, if you correctly use modern developments. Both beginners and experienced gardeners can learn something new from mixed planting technology.

The compatibility of vegetables in the garden is a much more important question than it might seem at first glance. Among plants, as among people, there are friends and enemies. The quality of the harvest and, in general, the vital activity of certain plants may depend on knowledge of these nuances. Let’s take a closer look at what to plant next to what.

Mixed plantings

A special science, allelopathy, deals with the problems of interaction between plants in the garden. Any plant releases a variety of substances into the soil and air that have a positive or negative effect on its “neighbors.” The useful and harmful proximity of vegetables in the beds is presented in the table below. In the meantime, let's look at the advantages of mixed planting technology:

  • saves space in the garden;
  • the soil is less depleted, there is no need for annual crop rotation;
  • less effort is required to treat pests, since some plants themselves repel them;
  • when planting vegetables together in beds, almost no additional fertilizer is required;
  • The quality of the harvest and the taste of the fruits increase (for example, beans can make radishes tastier, and mint can make white cabbage), as well as the amount of vitamins and sugars in them.

Rules to follow when organizing combined plantings of vegetable crops:

  1. The width of each bed should exceed a meter. This will be necessary in the future for ease of plant care.
  2. The bed is divided into several sections. Crops that take a long time to grow and ripen are planted in the central one. These are peppers, cabbage, tomatoes. When the season comes, they will already occupy a good half of the ridge.
  3. Those types of crops that ripen quickly are planted from the edges. Mostly greens, but also strawberries and grapes.

An example of a properly organized garden bed for joint plantings:

Lettuce grows on the edge, carrots or radishes alternate with marjoram in the second row, and onions in the third. The 4th and 5th row correspond to the 1st and 2nd. Cucumbers are planted in the middle.

You can come up with a lot of similar schemes, it all depends on the required plants and on your attentiveness in matters of their combination.

Neighborhood of vegetables in the beds

Good neighbors are radishes, beans, lettuce, mint, dill, spinach. But tomatoes and cucumbers do not go together at all, since they require different amounts of moisture. Tomatoes also need a lot of fresh air, while cucumbers prefer the greenhouse effect. In general, tomatoes cannot be combined with almost any garden crops. The exceptions are radishes, asparagus, garlic, and parsley.

But basil is almost universal and can benefit any plant.

Cabbage is not recommended to be planted next to beets, carrots, beans, and pumpkin will not be happy with potatoes. It is better to plant it with relatives - zucchini, squash or melons. Otherwise, the harvest will be significantly worse.

Beneficial neighbors of beets are cabbage, zucchini, and legumes.

Peas go well with corn, lettuce and cabbage, but they don’t do well if their neighbors in the garden are zucchini, onions, and beans.

The ideal neighbors of dill are potatoes and parsley, and cucumbers are eggplants, onions, and lettuce.

Potatoes are usually planted separately, away from other crops. But it should be taken into account that horseradish will help protect it from bedbugs, and beans/peas or other legumes will saturate the soil with nitrogen, which will have a positive effect on the quantity and quality of the harvest. They will also repel Colorado potato beetles.

Every plant needs pollinators, which is why planting flowers near your vegetables is a good idea. In addition to flowers, marjoram, mint, and lemon balm are also attractive to pollinating insects. These herbs will always be useful on the farm for culinary or medicinal purposes, and at the same time the yield of your vegetable crops will increase significantly. In addition, they wonderfully decorate a summer cottage.

Another important point: the presence of earthworms in the soil. They loosen the soil, which increases the amount of oxygen in it. Worms are attracted to crops such as onions, valerian, and chicory.

Spinach is a very convenient option for joint plantings because it releases a lot of saponin into the soil - a substance that promotes root growth and improves access to water and nutrients. Different types of primrose have the same property.

Compatibility table for vegetables in garden beds

More detailed data can be found in the following tables:

Examples of bad neighborhoods not included in the tables

When organizing joint plantings of vegetables in the garden, make sure that the gooseberries are kept away from the currants, otherwise the moth, a pest dangerous to berries, will actively multiply.

A pear planted near a cherry tree will often get sick. The same situation is observed when planting any type of currant next to cherries or cherries. And juniper planted under a pear will most likely infect it with fungal infections.

The apple tree also loses from the proximity of cherries, as well as apricots, barberries, and lilacs. In general, cherries react aggressively to any planting under their crown, especially trees.

To prevent a pest called the strawberry-raspberry weevil, do not plant strawberries and raspberries next to each other. But almost any other plants next to raspberries, on the contrary, feel better because they saturate the earth with oxygen.

It is noteworthy that it is not advisable to plant birch in your garden - it has a very strong root system that absorbs huge amounts of water, taking it away from other plants. The same can be said about maple and spruce.

Plants that can repel pests:

Celery and shag resist cabbage fly, onion is an excellent remedy against spider mites. Wormwood and garlic are enemies of cruciferous flea beetles, and tomatoes are not to the liking of flea beetles and flea beetles. Garlic is also effective in repelling aphids and also helps the soil accumulate sulfur.

Vegetable neighborhood rules for greenhouses

If vegetable compatibility is important to you when planting in a greenhouse, keep the following factors in mind:

  • in greenhouses, vegetables grow faster, and overall the harvest is better;
  • in order to properly plant vegetables in a garden bed in a greenhouse, you need to adhere to the same principles as in open ground;
  • before planting, you need to carefully develop a layout of the beds;
  • You also need to take into account the cardinal directions - cucumbers and tomatoes grow better on the sunny southern side.

The compatibility of plants in a garden bed in a greenhouse is closely related to the season. There are two types of greenhouse mixed planting. In the first, greens are grown in early spring, in the second, various crops are cultivated throughout the season. In other words, greens are planted first, which ripen very quickly, then they are collected and tomatoes or cucumbers are planted in the same place.

In a greenhouse, it is advisable to plant those plants that require similar conditions of humidity and temperature. Cucumbers provide abundant shade, so shade-loving crops can be placed next to them. Tomatoes will do well with white cabbage.

Mixed plantings of vegetables will help you get a good harvest even in difficult conditions - poor soil, unsuitable climate. You can combine mixed beds with compacted seeding technology to improve the result. In a word, creating the vegetable garden of your dreams is in your hands, if you correctly use modern developments. Both beginners and experienced gardeners can learn something new from mixed planting technology.

Most gardeners are looking forward to spring warmth, which will mark the beginning of a new summer season and will enable owners personal plots plant seeds and seedlings of vegetable crops in the soil. Fertile soil for garden beds, use of modern fertilizers and good quality seedlings are of significant importance. These factors will certainly affect the harvest harvested in the fall. However, in addition to this, to achieve maximum results, one more factor should be taken into account when drawing up a planting plan. We are talking about the compatibility of vegetables in the garden, which will be covered in this review.

First of all, a summer resident should find information about the peculiarities of growing certain vegetable crops that he plans to sow in the upcoming season. Good service in studying this issue The table of compatibility of vegetables in the garden will play, which can easily be found on the Internet or in specialized literature for gardeners. Using a table in which the information is presented in schematic form, the summer resident will be able to learn the basics proper planning crops, and learns about the compatibility in the garden of vegetable crops belonging to different plant families and differing in vigor of growth, type of fruit and development characteristics.

As discussed in an earlier review, plants can influence each other's growth quality. Moreover, this influence can be both negative and favorable. To ensure that good and bad neighbors in a garden bed do not jeopardize the future harvest, before setting up a plot, a summer resident should familiarize himself with the peculiarities of planting certain crops. For example, one of the most popular types of tuberous crops, potatoes, should not be planted in the same area as zucchini, tomatoes and pumpkins. These plants do not have the required level of compatibility and can become a source of additional trouble for the owner of the site.

To avoid problems and get excellent harvest potatoes, in the spring the tubers should be planted in the ground next to the crops of coriander, radish, beans or cabbage.

Potatoes also go well with watermelon. This proximity will make it easier to process the beds, as well as eliminate possible hassles associated with watering, treating with herbicides, etc. Also, many summer residents plant cucumbers on their plots. These vegetables have a wide range of uses - they can be eaten fresh, and also used in numerous recipes for canning for future use. Therefore, quite often garden owners ask the question of what can be planted after cucumbers in the garden and how to achieve maximum yield for this crop.

The answer to this question will also be suggested by the table, which describes the optimal proximity of vegetables in the beds and gives recommendations on the correct sowing of the plot. By selecting the appropriate crop in the table – in this case, cucumbers – you can see what to plant in the garden beds.

Cucumbers go well with crops such as:

  1. broccoli;
  2. celery;
  3. Chinese cabbage;
  4. beet;
  5. spinach;
  6. asparagus, etc.

The best predecessors of cucumbers are peas, potatoes, onions, and cabbage. As for undesirable “companions” for cucumbers, they are represented by the following list of crops:

  • tomatoes;
  • sage;
  • rhubarb;
  • turnip;
  • zucchini.

Similar rules exist for planting other popular plants. In particular, when preparing for planting in the spring, the carrot bed should not be placed next to the crops of rhubarb, turnips and cucumbers; it will also not get along with raspberry bushes, like any other vegetable, they will simply wither in dense vegetation. Also, a summer resident can choose for carrots good vegetables neighbors in the garden, the compatibility table will help make this as simple as possible.

So, the following crops will coexist with carrots in the garden:
- parsley;
- tomato;
- garlic;
- onion;
- beans.

Almost every owner summer cottage In the spring he buys cabbage seedlings at the market. Knowing what can be planted after cabbage in the garden, he will be able to see the result of his investment and get dense plugs with crispy leaves within a few months after planting the crop in the ground. Experts recommend placing beds with garlic, beets, dill, radishes and lettuce next to cabbage crops.

It is better to abandon the idea of ​​sowing crops such as oregano, potatoes and tomatoes next to white cabbage due to the poor compatibility of these plants. If you want to get an excellent harvest of cauliflower, the compatibility of planting vegetables in the garden should also be taken into account. Thus, legumes, as well as celery, dill and sage, are considered good companions for this plant. Plants such as strawberries and tomatoes can have a negative impact on the development of cauliflower inflorescences. Therefore, beds with these plants should be placed at a sufficient distance from cauliflower crops.

Compatibility table for vegetables in the garden

Knowing what to plant after the strawberries in the garden, and what is better to place far from the crops of this plant, the summer resident will be able to use the available resources of his site in the most appropriate way. He will be able to create the right beds for strawberries that will not negative influence on the growth qualities of neighboring vegetable crops.

Eggplant is considered the most unpretentious vegetable. This vegetable can coexist favorably with most traditional vegetable crops planted by summer residents. An eggplant will produce a good harvest no matter what neighbors surround it. It can be leafy vegetables, potatoes, legumes and others. In a similar way, all neighboring plants in the garden bed are selected, the compatibility table of which can be printed by the summer resident in advance.

Absolutely few people know that champignons can be grown in the garden or vegetable garden as vegetables in the beds.

They are considered unpretentious mushrooms, so they can be grown anywhere, the main thing is to monitor the temperature and avoid direct sunlight.

Crop rotation and its features

Modern summer residents cannot always allocate enough time to understand all the intricacies of planting vegetable crops. Therefore, often their expectations are not met and instead of reaping the harvest, they see how their garden plot or a small grandmother's garden bed in the village becomes covered with weeds, and the plants die from attack by pests. In order to avoid these negative phenomena, when planning a site, it is worth taking into account not only the distribution by cardinal directions and compatibility of vegetable crops, but also the features of crop rotation.

Optimal crop rotation of vegetables in the beds is achieved by annually changing the sowing plan. Since annual planting of crops in the same order leads to soil depletion and deterioration of soil fertility, experts in the field Agriculture It is advised to change the location of the beds. Crop rotation will give tangible results in the first year. It will manifest itself in the form of maintaining soil fertility and achieving excellent yields of crops placed in the beds.

Features of processing beds with vegetable crops

Having understood the peculiarities of placing compatible crops, the owner of a summer cottage will be able to optimize the planting plan and extract the maximum result from the available resources. However, we should not forget about traditional ways increasing productivity. Among them are mulching the beds to prevent the soil from warming up, organizing watering, choosing the right time for weeding crops and treating them against pests. It is also important to choose the right size beds that will allow you to cultivate the soil gardening tools most effectively. The size of the beds is selected individually, taking into account the specific layout of the site. You can read how to properly plan and make beds.

Optimally planned crop rotation in the beds in combination with the correct choice of “neighboring” crops when sowing will save time on processing the garden and will be the key to a good harvest. With such a responsible approach to planting vegetable crops, soil resources are used most efficiently, and the crops themselves act as a natural barrier to protect neighboring plants from pests and diseases.

It is widely known that plant proximity is a factor that must be taken into account when planning a vegetable garden. Good neighbors of vegetables have a positive effect on their growth and fruiting. Currently, ecological gardening is very fashionable, in which the choice of a suitable area for plants is of particular importance. It is useful to know which plants interact positively and which interfere with each other, so it is important to consider the compatibility of vegetables when planting.

Why plan to plant vegetables?

Particular attention is paid to the proximity of plants and vegetables in organic gardens, which do not use any chemicals to combat plant diseases and pests. Right choice neighborliness of plants and vegetables is often the most important form in the fight against pathogens. A good neighborhood promotes plant growth, increases resistance to various diseases and repels potential pests.

Rational use garden plot

Unfortunately, it is very easy to break the rules of good neighborliness between plants in the garden. A typical example of a malignant effect is the proximity of Weymouth pine and currant, where both species grow side by side or within tens of meters. Currants will be susceptible to rust attack from pine. Also unfavorable is the proximity of pear trees and juniper, whose proximity causes pearl rust on juniper, better known as pear rust. To prevent these diseases, crops are placed away from each other. Sometimes it is difficult to avoid such an unfavorable neighborhood, since there is enough space in the garden for utilitarian and decorative plantings.

Colorful mixtures of vegetable and ornamental crops

Isn't cabbage adorable? The pride of the garden can be not only new attractive varieties ornamental plants with unusual colors, but also well-known vegetable crops.

Scattered between dahlias and majors are blue-gray heads of red cabbage and yellow buds of calendula, surrounded by purple kohlrabi. The idea of ​​combining gardening in one area cultivated plants with decorative ones, not new.

Neighborhood of ornamental plants and vegetables at Villandry Castle

In rural gardens and in elite country houses cabbage and other vegetables feature prominently. The most famous example is the garden of the castle of Villandry in the Loire Valley in France. And at Charlottenhof Palace in Potsdam you can admire today, as almost 200 years ago, the corn and eggplants decorating the garden.

Why is plant neighborliness so important?

Plants and vegetables should not compete for water, sun and minerals with each other, as this may lead to crop loss. Therefore, planting should be planned in such a way that the crops have enough space for both underground and underground development. aboveground parts. It is also necessary to select plants that would help each other:

  • in development;
  • increasing resistance to various diseases;
  • repelling potential pests.

Particular attention is paid to the proximity of plants and vegetables in organic gardens, where no chemicals are used to combat diseases and pests. Selecting neighborly plants and vegetables is often the most important form of pathogen control.

Examples of vegetable neighborliness

Repeated various research experiments have clearly shown that planting certain types of vegetables next to each other increases their fertility or prevents the occurrence of various diseases.

Helpful neighborhood vegetables

An example of good neighborliness is planting cucumbers and basil in the same bed, which significantly reduces the incidence of mildew. The smell of onions repels pests of carrot roots. Onions also do well next to leeks and carrots. Pumpkin prefers to be surrounded by beans, nasturtiums and corn. Peas can be sown next to all vegetables, with the exception of the onion family. It is better to plant spinach next to tomatoes and cucumbers instead of potatoes. Spinach also grows well with radishes. Potatoes are not liked by carrots, peas, tomatoes, celery and sunflowers. And its yield is increased by the proximity of corn, cabbage, spinach, beans or beans. Dill grows best in small beds scattered around the site. Due to this, it suffers less from aphid attacks.

How do vegetables planted in the same bed affect each other?

So, which vegetables should you plant next to each other for healthy, high yields? Here are some useful tips and a summary table of vegetables that are recommended to be planted next to each other.

At the right combination, vegetables planted together support each other, accelerate the development of their neighbors, prevent the occurrence of diseases and protect against pests. This modality in the cultivation process is based on the use of at least two plant species, which, when cultivated next to each other, provide many benefits. Among them:

  • healthy, abundant harvest;
  • limiting the presence of weeds;
  • reduction of pests;
  • reduction in the incidence of diseases;
  • increasing the diversity of crop species;
  • attractiveness of the garden.

When planning to grow vegetables next to each other, the normal circulation of vegetables on the site is taken into account. Closely related species can be grown in the same place, only after a few years.

When planting vegetables next to each other, their growth rate, type of root system, ripening and harvesting period must be taken into account.

Tip #1. For the full development of carrots and parsley, they can be sown between rows of radishes or dill, which are grown for harvest before underground part carrots will begin to grow actively.

Growing popular vegetables in small areas

Tomatoes protect cabbage from moths. You can protect kale in the same way. Peas and beans will be an effective barrier against corn pests. Another example of planting vegetables next to each other is parsley, the smell of which protects against pests.

Favorable and undesirable proximity of vegetables

Allelopathy, or the interaction of plants with each other, can be either positive or negative. Knowledge of the interactions between individual plants can be used to protect them and improve yields. It is well known that herbs planted next to vegetables have a positive effect on their development and improve their taste. In turn, the taste and aroma of strawberries is beneficially affected by proximity to legumes, while onions and conifers spoil them. The interaction may be indirect by deterring or killing pests of other plants.

Culture compatibility table

The proximity of vegetable crops to herbs, flowers, trees and shrubs

Nettle, chamomile and mint create a good atmosphere in the garden. These plants repel pests from vegetables and flowers, and are a zesty barrier against aphids. And openwork chervil protects against ants, slugs and aphids, and prevents mold on lettuce leaves. Several rows of planted mint will protect cabbage and fruit trees from ants.

Vegetable crops are negatively affected by marigolds. But marigolds planted near a flower bed with vegetables protect them from nematodes. Nasturtiums protect plants from pests - whitefish, aphids and snails.

  1. Grasses should not grow directly under fruit trees, because they inhibit the growth of roots, especially young apple and pear trees. Instead of grass, legume mixtures such as lupine and mustard are sown around trees and vineyards. They promote the development of tree roots.
  2. It is better to keep black steam under the pear, and under fruit trees(especially under apple trees) ranunculaceae - peonies and leotard - should not grow.
  3. Root secretions from potatoes and tomatoes suppress the growth of apricot roots. Potatoes are also a bad neighbor for raspberries.
  4. Apples and peaches should not grow next to each other.
  5. The proximity of apple trees and walnuts should be avoided.
  6. Any crops grow poorly under the walnut due to the action of toxic compounds contained in the leaves of this tree.
  7. It is recommended to plant apple and pear trees in close proximity to black poplar or ash maple. These ornamental trees promote the development of fruit trees and increase their resistance to frost.
  8. The smell of tomatoes repels gooseberry pests.
  9. Foxgloves, tansy and nettle promote development fruit trees.
  10. Nasturtium sown under an apple tree protects the tree from aphid attacks.
  11. Horseradish prevents the spread of moniliosis in apple trees.
  12. Onions protect against fungal diseases - apple trees from scab, and gooseberries from powdery mildew.
  13. Garlic prevents damage to tree fruits dangerous disease- gray rot.
  14. Dwarf beans and raspberries promote each other's development.
  15. Raspberries and blackberries hate being next to each other, but strawberries and potatoes are great neighbors.
  16. Good neighbors for grapevine hyssop and lupine.
  17. In the immediate vicinity of cabbage and hazelnuts, young grape shoots die.
  18. Good neighbors for fruit trees are cucumbers and corn.

Tip #2. Having planted black currants on the plot, Walnut or elderberry can be used to get rid of rodents.

Poor compatibility of vegetables when planting

Very often not right neighborhood plants contributes to the development of diseases and pests. We are talking about insect pests and diseases that, to be completely life cycle two owners are required. Such pests can cause various diseases, for example, currant cronarium (attacks currant and pine bushes) or pear rust (attacks pears and juniper). Two hosts often suffer from pests:

  • spruce and larch;
  • poplar and carrots;
  • currants, gooseberries and birch;
  • black currant and pine;
  • pear and juniper;
  • currants, gooseberries and sedge.

These are just examples of plant diseases and pests that take advantage of poor plant proximity. To effectively combat them, you should avoid growing pairs of plants that contribute to the development of diseases or harmful organisms.

Why is crop rotation important when growing vegetables?

Crop rotation is an annual change to other crops. This helps prevent the accumulation of soil pests and disease-causing agents, including nematodes (attacking tomatoes and potatoes), cabbage syphilis, gangrene of the base of legumes and onion white rot.

Constantly growing the same species in one place leads to a decrease in yield due to a lack of essential nutrients for a particular crop. Vegetables have different nutritional needs. Besides, different kinds vegetables, depending on the size of their roots, feed from different layers of soil. In the table we will look at an example of vegetable rotation.

The principle of rotating vegetables on the site is simple and logical. All vegetables belonging to the same family are usually attacked by the same pests. The use of crop rotation is especially important when cultivating nightshades, legumes, cruciferous plants and root vegetables.

Good Neighborhood Scheme

Plants such as carrots, parsley and beets have deep root systems and load nutrients from deeper layers of the soil, while lettuce and onions have roots close to the surface. Vegetables that have a deeper root system and are less demanding are grown in the second or third year after applying manure. The best option For proper vegetable crop rotation, the garden will be divided into four equal parts:

  • for plants with high nutrient requirements;
  • for plants with low nutrient requirements;
  • for root vegetables;
  • for plants on green manure(green manure).

Crop rotation of vegetables: example No. 1

In the first year, celery is planted in the garden bed, whose root system is highly developed and penetrates up to 1.5 m into the soil. Before cultivating the crop, manure is added to the soil. Celery seedlings are grown in a warm room. Due to the high heat requirements, you should not rush to transfer celery to open ground. A plant planted too early is susceptible to premature flowering.

IN next year this area is used to grow plants for green manure, increasing the humus content and the amount of nutrients in the soil, and also improving its structure.

In the third year, lettuce is sown in the garden bed, which has a poorly developed root system, but has high nutritional needs.

In the fourth year of the dacha season, plants with a strong root system up to 50 cm are grown. Additionally, manure or other organic fertilizers are applied.

First crop rotation option

Crop rotation of vegetables: example No. 2

Before planting potatoes, the soil is enriched with manure, as they love fertile, slightly acidic soil. Active growth potatoes choke out weeds.

Next year, vegetables that prefer light, slightly alkaline soil are grown in a still fairly fertile area.

In the third year, the bed is used for growing legumes. They are able to capture atmospheric nitrogen and accumulate it in their roots. After harvesting, the plants are dug up so that after their decomposition the soil is enriched with nitrogen.

In the fourth year, cruciferous vegetables are planted, which do not like alkaline soil.

Crop rotation of vegetables: example No. 3

After applying manure, white cabbage is planted on the plot. Root system which is strong and penetrates deep enough into the soil.

Next year, plants for green manure, such as lupine and vetch, are grown on the site, which increase the humus content and the amount of nutrients in the soil.

In the third year the plot is used for cultivation onions. This is due to its need for permeable saturated nutrients soils.

In the final year of the cycle, from March to May, spinach is sown in rows of 20-25 cm.

Third example of crop rotation

The most common mistakes gardeners make

We suggest common mistakes:

  1. Growing in low beds. When cultivating several crops in one place, the bed should be high. The layer of fertile soil is at least 40-50 cm.
  2. Corn and cucumbers - good neighbors. But when growing, you need to take into account the fact that this works in large beds, but in narrow beds, cucumbers are not happy with corn.
  3. Using seeds from mixed beds. It is strictly not recommended to use seeds collected from mixed beds for planting.

Answers to pressing questions from gardeners

Question No. 1. Is it possible to sow beans, peas and cucumbers in one hole?

These crops can be sown either in separate or in a common hole.

Question No. 2. Is it possible to plant basil in a cucumber bed?

You should not plant cucumbers next to the “fragrant” bed, as they will not produce a good harvest.

Question No. 4. How to water mixed beds?

The best option would be to organize drip irrigation; if this is not possible, water the beds only from a watering can.