home · Networks · Prestige preparation for potatoes - how to use it against the Colorado potato beetle. Is Prestige really effective against the Colorado potato beetle? How to use the drug prestige before boarding

Prestige preparation for potatoes - how to use it against the Colorado potato beetle. Is Prestige really effective against the Colorado potato beetle? How to use the drug prestige before boarding

Many farmers are familiar with the problem Colorado potato beetle. There are many ways to get rid of the pest, one of which is treating potatoes with Prestige. Many note its benefits, but some say the drug is harmful to health. In this article we will tell you whether it is harmful to treat potatoes (before planting) with Prestige.

This drug is used to treat potatoes before planting, thereby protecting them from the Colorado potato beetle and other harmful insects. According to the developers of the drug, it not only helps preserve the harvest, but also helps stimulate plant growth.

What is included in this product and ensures its effectiveness? The two components that form the basis of Prestige are pencycuron and imidacloprid. Pencycuron is an effective pesticide that fights fungal diseases, but imidacloprid has negative impact against insects that encroach on your harvest. Thanks to the action of the latter, insects are paralyzed (since the substance affects the nervous system of the beetles) and they quickly die.

How does the drug work? It should be said that although only potato tubers, the drug itself penetrates into the soil around the plant. It seems to create a protective wall that prevents pests from harming the plant. This means that as soon as the plant begins to sprout, its roots absorb the substance, sucking it out of the soil. Once this happens, the drug will begin to work. Its action is aimed at protecting potatoes from diseases and pests, as well as generally strengthening the root crop.

Under the influence of the product, the plant tolerates various unfavorable weather conditions much more easily and also produces a larger harvest. Experts who are researching the product say that there is no harm to “Prestige” for processing potatoes, since all toxic substances, which are part of the drug, do not apply to new tubers.

Rules of application

"Prestige" is a product for treating potatoes before planting, and you will find instructions for use in the manufacturer's packaging. Therefore, the first step is to prepare the suspension, following the instructions. Next, taking into account the amount of potatoes being processed, you need to dilute a sufficient volume of the drug with water. For example, in order to process 50 kg of potatoes, you need to dilute 50 ml of “Prestige” in 3 liters of water.

Pour the resulting solution into a small spray bottle and treat the potato tubers, previously laid out on film, with it. Make sure that the solution covers the entire surface of the tubers and that there are no untreated areas left. After the tuber, processed on one side, dries a little, turn it over and process it on the other side.

Thus, you can treat potato tubers 20 days before planting, and before planting it is recommended to treat them again to enhance the effect. And be sure to remember that the drug contains toxic substances that can be harmful to human health. “Prestige” is an excellent preparation for potatoes, but to avoid harm to health, do not forget to wear a protective suit during processing.

It is noteworthy that not only potatoes, but also other vegetable crops (peppers, eggplants, cabbage) can be treated with this preparation. To do this, you just need to calculate another concentration.

Harm of the drug

Some say that "Prestige", although used for processing potatoes to protect the crop from diseases and insects, can be harmful to health. And in some cases this is indeed possible. So, let's take a closer look: processing potatoes with "Prestige" - harm or benefit?

Although the developers claim that the drug is completely safe, in the wrong hands it can actually pose a certain threat. It’s worth starting with the fact that “Prestige” is a product with low toxicity, however, minimum precautions when processing crops should be observed. Such measures include:

  1. Use of protective equipment. Yes, if you want to use this miracle drug, you will have to wear a protective suit so that it does not get on your skin during processing. Also don't forget about gloves and a protective mask.
  2. After the treatment process is completed, be sure to wash your hands and face with soap and gargle. It is also recommended to get rid of the clothes you were wearing during the procedure (if it was not a protective suit).
  3. If you are transporting processed potatoes, be sure to place the tubers in airtight containers to avoid harm to the environment.
  4. The product can only be used on tubers that ripen in August - this is the only way the poison has time to completely disappear from the plants. Since Prestige is both a poison and a fertilizer, you will have to wait two months until it finally expires.

Thus, we can conclude that the drug is safe if all the above requirements are met. However, it is not at all surprising that you can come across negative reviews, because “Prestige” can cause serious harm to your health. What problems may arise when Not correct use facilities?

The main harm is caused by one of the components of the drug - imidacloprid. For humans, it can be extremely dangerous: imidacloprid causes tremors, diarrhea and contributes to impaired coordination.

Also, the negative effects can be added to the effect on the reproductive organs (in some cases it increases the risk of miscarriage or health problems in the child) and mutagenic properties. As you can see, the consequences of failure to comply with safety precautions can be very sad. However, if you strictly follow all the rules, the drug will benefit the plant and will not harm you at all.

If you are still scared possible consequences, you can use analogues of the product that can be found in specialized stores. And if you are wary of all chemical agents as such, use traditional methods when fighting insects.

Video “Drug Review”

From this video you will learn about the properties of the drug “Prestige”.

To protect potatoes from damage by major pests and diseases, it is necessary to treat planting material with modern and effective insecto-fungicidal preparations. The product “Prestige” from the manufacturer Bayer Crop-Science is positioned as an insecto-fungicidal protectant to protect potatoes from gnawing and sucking pests, including soil-dwelling ones, as well as against the causative agents of certain potato diseases.

Description and principle of action of the drug

Potatoes require preventive and protective measures throughout the growing season. The action of the Prestige disinfectant is aimed at combating the following factors affecting potato plantings:

  • Colorado beetle;
  • mole cricket;
  • different types wireworm;
  • May beetle larvae;
  • cicadas;
  • moths and fleas.

The active ingredients of the concentrated suspension are imidacloprid (140 g/l) and pencycuron (150 g/l).

Name of active substance Chemical class Mechanism of action Activity spectrum
Imidacloprid Neonicotinoid Blocking the transmission of nerve impulses at the level of the postsynaptic membrane receptor. Homoptera (Homoptera), beetles (Coleoptera), thrips (Thysanoptera), Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera)
Pencykuron Contact pesticide Inhibition of mycelium germination, inhibition of biosynthetic processes involving sterol and free fatty acids inside fungi, reduction in the content of transport forms of glucose. Rhizoctonia and common scab

The product is characterized by high levels of selective activity in relation to the material being processed. The effectiveness of insecticidal protection is observed within one and a half to two months from the moment of mass shoots. The fungicidal effect is observed throughout the entire period of active growing season. In addition, the drug is distinguished by its rapid initial activity, which reaches its peak several hours after treatment. The product can be used to treat not only potatoes, but also the root systems of other vegetable crops. Besides, "Prestige" has pronounced anti-stress properties.

"Prestige": potato processing (video)

About the dangers of the product

Many gardeners fear that potatoes become harmful after being treated with Prestige and doubt that they can be eaten without fear. Instructions for use classify the drug as toxicity class three, therefore, according to the Ministry of Health’s classification of toxic drugs, “Prestige” is considered moderately dangerous.

Pencycuron and imidacloprid are chemical etchants. However, pencicuron undergoes photodegradation on the soil surface and in water. Studying dynamics residual quantity imidacloprid in plants showed that the substance penetrates primarily into the leaves through the vascular system and practically does not enter the fruits.

At the Medvedev Research Institute of Environmental Hygiene, specialists have repeatedly conducted studies of vegetable crops and potatoes to detect drug residues in them. As a result, it was possible to prove that one and a half months after the treatment there were no harmful or toxic compounds in vegetable products and potatoes.

Instructions for use

Potato tubers intended for planting must be heated, greened and germinated. Seed material should be poured onto the film on the day of planting. The working solution for processing potatoes is prepared at the rate of 10 ml of the drug per 100 ml of water. This amount is sufficient to disinfect 10 kg of seed tubers.

After thorough and even spraying, you need to wait until the surface of the tubers has dried, and then plant. When using "Prestige" in household plots as a preventive and protective agent, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer, and if there is a large number of wireworms on the plantings, the application rate of the drug should be maximum. If "Prestige" is used in tank mixtures with other protective equipment, microelements or growth regulators, you must ensure their chemical compatibility and the advisability of simultaneous use.

Remember about safety

Despite the stated low toxicity of the drug “Prestige” and minimal harm to health, generally accepted precautions must be observed during the preparation of the working solution and when processing plants:

  • carry out work in overalls, glasses and rubber gloves; after that, take a shower and change into clean clothes;
  • if a toxic substance comes into contact with your eyes, you must immediately rinse them with clean running water;
  • If the drug enters the body, perform gastric lavage, take adsorbents ( Activated carbon or Polysorb) and contact a medical facility.

Analogues of "Prestige"

Currently, there are a huge number of purchased and folk remedies that allow you to protect crops from diseases and pests. They vary in degree of effectiveness and duration of action.

Purchased funds

Mospilan, Confidor, Aktellik and Aktara can be a good replacement for Prestige.

Drug name Manufacturer Method of use
"Mospilan" Nippon Soda Co., Ltd (Japan) Bugs, Colorado potato beetle, aphid, greenhouse whitefly, scale insect The contents of one package (2.5 g) are enough to process 8-10 acres
"Confidor" Bayer CropScience Aphids, scale insects, thrips, mealybugs, Colorado potato beetles Working solution of the drug: 2 g per 10 l of water
"Aktellik" Complex of leaf-eating and sucking insect pests Compatible in tank mixtures with almost all insecticides and fungicides
"Aktara" Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Switzerland) Majority pests Spraying with the working solution according to the attached instructions Compatible with most insecticides and pesticides

The most effective products are those that contain similar active substances: imidacloprid and pencycuron in different concentrations.

Drug name Active components Purpose of the drug (to control what pests it is used) Consumption rate Compatibility with other drugs
"Bator" Imidacloprid 140 g/l + pencycuron 150 g/l Homoptera, beetles, thrips, lepidoptera, rhizoctonia, common scab 0.7-1 l/ha Requires checking for compatibility with other tools
"Tanger" 140 g/l imidacloprid + pencycuron 150 g/l Wireworm, Colorado potato beetle,
aphid carrier of viruses,
rhizoctoniasis, scab
70-100 ml per 1 liter of water Compatible with most pesticides, growth regulators
"Rector" imidacloprid, 140 g/l; pencykuron 150 g/l Colorado potato beetle, aphid, potato moth, wireworm and pseudowireworm larvae, cutworm larvae, mole cricket, rhizoctonia blight, common scab, wet rot Spraying with the working solution according to the attached instructions. Compatible with growth regulators, biologically active components, fertilizers

Traditional methods

Wanting to get environmentally friendly products, to folk remedies For processing potatoes, gardeners and summer residents resort first of all.

To combat the Colorado potato beetle, it is recommended to plant garlic, cilantro, matthiola, calendula, red beets and beans next to potatoes. It is quite effective to dust seed tubers with birch ash, as well as add onion peels to planting holes.

Reviews from summer residents

Remedies from famous company Bayer has long been in demand among gardeners, gardeners and summer residents. Judging by the reviews, the main advantages of using the drug “Prestige” are obtaining clean potatoes without beetles and rhizoctonia throughout the summer, as well as significantly stimulated plant growth.

However, the drug, according to consumers, is not without its disadvantages, which include the high cost of the product, as well as a large number of counterfeits at points of sale chemicals protection.

How to grow potatoes (video)

In general, the Prestige etching agent produced German manufacturer, has proven itself well. Its strong insecticidal and fungicidal effect allows you to reduce the total number of plant treatments and reduce the negative impact of chemicals on vegetable products.

No one will argue that the Colorado potato beetle is “enemy number one” of every gardener. The fight against it is carried out regularly, year after year, and there is no end in sight, although chemists and agronomists regularly “throw out” new drugs on the market. These “God’s creatures” somehow manage to survive and every year with renewed vigor they begin to destroy the shoots of nightshade crops. And people here can only systematically kill these malicious pests to save the current harvest. And in Lately in this fight, the drug for the Colorado potato beetle “Prestige”, which is produced by the German company “Bayer”, helps well.

This unique disinfectant contains two active ingredients. And one of them is the fungicide pencikuron, which protects plants from diseases. And the insecticide imidacloprid acts directly on pests. Also, the product "Prestige" has anti-stress effect and stimulates plant growth. And the seed material is treated with this preparation before planting in the ground.

The “Prestige” remedy for the Colorado potato beetle is a drug that does not cause harm to health. Although it contains completely harmless substances. For example, imidacloprid, popularly called “bug pest”. But this substance decomposes and is not deposited in the tubers. The same applies to pencycuron, which quickly breaks down into harmless components. And to prove the harmlessness of the drug “Prestige”, scientists examined potatoes and other vegetables treated with it. The results showed that after 50 days no traces of toxic components remained. This is explained by the fact that this drug is a contact substance that decomposes and is removed from the tubers in 40 days.

The drug "Prestige" for the Colorado potato beetle is used to treat seed material directly on the day of planting. To do this, sprouted and heated tubers are poured into buckets onto film or tarpaulin. In this way you can determine the total weight planting material. Then the working solution of the drug is diluted. The calculation here is as follows: for 10 kilograms of tubers you will need 10 milliliters of disinfectant, which are diluted in 100 milliliters of water. Then the resulting solution is poured into the sprayer and the tubers are evenly treated with it, which are then mixed well. And after a couple of hours, when it dries, you can start planting.

Also, do not forget here that the drug “Prestige” for the Colorado potato beetle has a third class of toxicity, that is, it is moderately dangerous. All this is indicated in the instructions for use of the product. Therefore, all work with it must be carried out with gloves and a mask. And if you follow the dilution proportions and timing, then it will not cause any harm to health. They are also not recommended to process early ones, since the toxic components of the drug will not have time to decompose in them. And as a result, when eating such potatoes, the consequences can be the most unforeseen.

The drug "Prestige" is a disinfectant that has both insecticidal and fungicidal properties. As an insecticide, it has protective effect against lepidopteran and homoptera insects, helps in the fight against thrips and beetles, aphids, wireworms and psyllids, sawflies and darts, cereal and bread midges, and leafhoppers. As a fungicide, protects against powdery mildew, brown rust, mold and various rots, septoria, blister, stem and firm smut, as well as panicle smut. In addition, “Prestige” also contributes to faster development and growth of culture.

The main active ingredients are imidacloprid (140 g/l) and pencycuron (150 g/l), which are presented in the form of a concentrated solution. Available in the form of a 1 l bottle and a 5 l canister.

“Prestige” for potatoes must be diluted before processing. Before planting, potato tubers must be allowed to dry after treatment with the drug. Treatment with Prestige is carried out either during planting or before it. For the highest quality processing of planting material, it is necessary to prepare a working solution.

To protect potatoes from pests, the drug “Prestige” is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10-20, which is enough to spray approximately 10 kg of potatoes. It is necessary to spray the tubers evenly. The sooner the potatoes are planted after processing, the better. The insecticide will only protect the planted tuber and emerging tops, and will not get into young potato tubers. The fungicide contained in the Prestige disinfectant disintegrates within 40 days after treatment, protecting planting material from diseases during this time.

The use of the Prestige disinfectant to protect seedlings is slightly different from that described above. You can apply prestige when processing seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, cabbage and eggplants. Root system seedlings need to be soaked in a solution of the drug (1 ml of disinfectant per 100 ml of water) for 8 hours, and then immediately planted in the soil. If everything was done correctly, the seedlings will be safe within a month.

The insecticide "Prestige" is a moderately dangerous drug, has a hazard class of 3.

Work with the drug as with any chemicals, should wear rubber gloves, a gauze bandage, a work coat, and a hat. At the end of the work, all this must be removed and washed, and you yourself need to wash your hands with soap, take a shower, and rinse your mouth. While working with the drug, you should not drink or eat, or smoke (this in itself is harmful).

The tubers must be transported to the planting site in closed plastic bags without damage. Within two months after treatment, Prestige completely decomposes and disappears from the potatoes.

Storage of the drug

The drug is stored at temperatures from -5 to +30 degrees in a dry room. The drug prestige cannot be stored together with food, drinking water and medications. Gently limit the access of animals and children to the drug. The working solution must be used on the same day and mixed immediately before use.

The drug "Prestige" belongs to the class of means for combating diseases and pests of potatoes and other horticultural crops. The two-component composition allows you to effectively destroy pests and pathogens of plant infections, preventing their spread on the site even in the presence of predisposing factors. Using “Prestige” helps increase potato yields by 2 or more times, but only if used correctly.

The drug "Prestige"

“Prestige” solution is a comprehensive product for controlling pests and fungal infections of potatoes from the manufacturer Bayer Crop-Science. The drug is suitable for preliminary preparation seed material and processing of plantings by leaves during the growing season. It effectively fights most potato pests and infections:

  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • bear;
  • larvae of the beetle (wireworm);
  • May beetle larvae;
  • moths and fleas;
  • aphids;
  • cicadas;
  • scab pathogens;
  • pathogens of rhizoctoniasis.

Using this product for processing seed material, it becomes possible to maintain the growth vigor of potato bushes at the first stage, when the above-ground part of the plants is formed and tubers are laid. Before flowering, the bushes remain healthy, which has a positive effect on the overall yield of the crop.

Composition and properties

The complex insecto-fungicide is a concentrated solution containing two active ingredients:

  1. Imidaclopyride is a compound belonging to the class of nicotinoids, which, when ingested by insect pests, causes paralysis. nervous system. Effective against Homoptera, Lepidoptera and Coleoptera insects, as well as thrips. The concentration of the component in the solution is 140 g/l.
  2. Pencykuron is a compound belonging to the class of contact pesticides. Effective against most pathogenic fungi. Destroys spores and adult specimens of rhizoctonia and scab. The concentration of this substance in the solution is 150 g/l.

The active ingredients have a special formula that allows the insecticidal effect to be maintained for 1.5-2 months after treatment, while the fungicidal effect persists throughout the entire growing season. At the same time, the effectiveness of the product is not affected by temperature, soil and air humidity. This means that the drug will work equally well in warm, humid, dry and cold rainy summers.

Good to know! The drug "Prestige" has the ability to reduce the effects of stress external environment on plants. After treatment with the working solution, potatoes germinate faster and react less to unfavorable weather and other factors.

Unlike single-component preparations for controlling potato pests and diseases, “Prestige” is more economical. For comprehensive plant protection, multiple treatments are not required. There are also no so-called waiting periods, which are necessary to prevent reactions between different chemicals.

Benefit or harm?

The “Prestige” product for processing potatoes belongs to hazard class III drugs, that is, moderately dangerous. The drug is safe for humans provided that the instructions for use are followed, but beneficial insects and it can act on bees in the same way as on pests.

The main feature of the components of “Prestige” is that they undergo decomposition under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. That is why it is used mainly for dressing tubers. While in the soil, they do not lose their properties that are toxic to pests and diseases. Substances that penetrate into the green parts of plants gradually decompose and do not pose a threat to human life or domestic animals.

Many summer residents have doubts about the safety of Prestige, because the drug combines 2 types of chemicals. According to research, already 45-60 days after the last treatment, no traces of these substances are found in potatoes (ground parts and tubers). Therefore, it can be safely used for dressing seed tubers.

It is important to know! Leaf treatment should also be carried out no later than 2 months before harvesting. It is not advisable to spray early potatoes with Prestige solution on the leaves.

You can be poisoned by the drug in several situations:

  • when eating the remains of planting material previously treated with a solution;
  • when hit large quantity working solution into the digestive tract;
  • if the instructions and safety precautions when using the drug are not followed;
  • if a large amount of undiluted product gets on the skin or mucous membranes;
  • when working with the solution for 6 hours or more without a respirator and protective clothing.

Considering that “Prestige” protects potatoes all summer and helps increase productivity due to its anti-stress effect, the benefits of its use significantly outweigh the likely dangers of its use.

Instructions for use

Before processing potatoes, the drug must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 (for example, 10 ml of “Prestige” is dissolved in 100 ml of water). The consumption of the product is economical - 10 kg of tubers will require 100 ml of working solution.

Important! It is impossible to change the concentration and quantity of the solution up or down. In the first case, the risk of toxicity will increase; in the second, the drug will not be as effective as the manufacturer claims.

It is recommended to use the drug on the day of planting or the day before. The tubers are first warmed up and greened under the sun. Whole or cut tubers are dried and scattered in one layer on film. The working solution is applied tightly to the tubers so that there are no dry spots left on them. Then the tubers are left until the solution dries completely on them.

The next step is processing the tubers on the other side. To do this, turn the potatoes over by hand, after wearing latex medical or garden rubber gloves. You can also use any device in the form of tongs; a regular stick is also suitable for turning. The planting material is sprayed again and left to dry for 40-60 minutes. After this, planting is carried out in the usual way.

To treat potatoes during the growing season (by leaves), a solution is prepared from 10 ml of the drug and 5 liters of water. Plants are sprayed in the evening in calm, dry weather, trying to ensure that the solution covers the entire surface of the leaf blades.

Important to remember! Spraying potatoes with “Prestige” can be carried out no later than 2 months before harvesting.

Precautionary measures

To avoid the toxic effects of the drug on the human body, when using it, it is recommended to observe the following measures security:

  • prepare and apply the solution in protective clothing and gloves, and in windy weather, wear a mask or respirator and safety glasses;
  • if the solution gets on the skin, wash it off with running water and soap;
  • if the solution gets on the mucous membranes or in the eyes, rinse them with running water for at least 10 minutes; if swelling or burning occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor;
  • If the solution enters the digestive tract, gastric lavage, drinking plenty of fluids, and taking absorbents are recommended.

The use of the drug near open water bodies and near apiaries is not allowed. Do not smoke while processing planting material.

Prices in stores

You can buy “Prestige” in any store for summer residents, as well as in online stores. The cost of the drug is relatively low - from 180 to 250 rubles per 20 ml. A 60 ml package is more economical, its cost ranges from 380-700 rubles.

Analogues of "Prestige"

Complete analogues are products that contain the same active ingredients, but in different concentrations. These include the drugs "Tanger", "Bator" and "Rector". The latter has the same hazard class as “Prestige”, while “Tanger” and “Bator” belong to class II products, that is, they are more dangerous for humans and domestic animals.

You can replace “Prestige” with non-systemic insecticides “Aktellik”, “Confidor”, “Aktara” and “Mospilan”. However, they also have disadvantages in comparison with the complex product:

  • they require repeated use during the growing season;
  • they do not act on pathogenic fungi;
  • their effect lasts no longer than 2 weeks.

To enhance effectiveness, such drugs can be used in conjunction with fungicides and other groups of potato treatment products.


The drug "Prestige" can rightfully be called the best remedy for comprehensive protection of potatoes and other garden crops for the entire growing season. Thanks to it, the bushes are not attacked by pests and infections, and the tubers grow larger and more aligned.