home · Appliances · Is it possible to keep divorced prestige. Preparation Prestige for potatoes - how to apply from the Colorado potato beetle. Home use

Is it possible to keep divorced prestige. Preparation Prestige for potatoes - how to apply from the Colorado potato beetle. Home use

Growing potatoes involves not only appropriate care of the crop, but also protecting it from various pests. One of the best drugs in this area recognized Prestige from colorado potato beetle. The insecticide has a strong effect on pests, but, unlike other means, it is relatively safe for people.

Purpose and composition of the drug Prestige

Start holiday season makes most gardeners think about protection vegetable crops from pests, of which there are many in nature. Potatoes are of most concern, since the most common organisms that adversely affect their growth and yield, in particular, the Colorado potato beetle, are considered to be the most common.

There are many ways to deal with harmful insects. This and folk methods, and strong chemical compositions, but the leading position is occupied by a remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Prestige. The drug is used to treat tubers before planting in order to protect the plant and its future harvest.

Prestige belongs to the group of insectofungicides - it has a destructive effect on both pests and various fungal bacteria.

The composition of the product includes 2 substances:

  • pencycuron - a pesticide that has a detrimental effect on fungal bacteria and increases resistance to adverse factors environment;
  • Imidacloprid is a short-term insecticide that kills harmful insects.

The drug Prestige from Colorado beetles is available in the form of a concentrated solution that requires preliminary dilution in water.

Scope of the drug Prestige

The tool is most often used to prevent attacks by the most common pests, while the poison from the Colorado potato beetle Prestige has a fairly wide spectrum of action.

The substance will help in the fight against the following destructive organisms:

  • wireworm;
  • larvae;
  • small fleas;
  • cicadas;
  • mol.

In addition, the remedy is very effective against rot, mold, and is also suitable for preventive measures.

Instructions for use

Treatment with Prestige from Colorado potato beetles should be started immediately before planting young tubers in the ground, only in this case the drug will fully have its effect. Additionally, the substance will disinfect the planting material.

Before spraying, you should check the tubers for cuts - if the integrity of the shell is broken, the potatoes cannot be processed.

Detailed instructions for using Prestige from Colorado potato beetles include the following steps:

  1. Dilute 50 ml of concentrated preparation in 0.6 l of water. The resulting solution is enough for about 50 kg of potatoes.
  2. Place the tubers on the surface covered with a film.
  3. Spray the tubers evenly with a specialized sprayer no more than 1 day before planting.
  4. Dry the tubers for 2-3 hours.
  5. Plant the treated material in the ground.

After the seed potatoes are buried in the soil, moisture will spread the substance, due to which protective layer. In the process of growth, the tops will gradually absorb the components of the product and become poisonous to pests. If the components of the solution enter the body of an insect, the effect of paralysis will work - the pest will lose the ability to act, and then die.

The action of the drug continues until the beginning of the moment of flowering. On average, the protection period is about 30-35 days.

In addition, the use of Prestige from the Colorado potato beetle is also acceptable for eggplant seedlings and other nightshade crops. To do this, the concentrate is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:100 and the roots of the seedlings are soaked for 8 hours. Then they are immediately planted in the ground.

Harm of the drug Prestige

Of course, summer residents are interested in the question of the presence of any harm from Prestige from the Colorado potato beetle. Here it can be noted that in the crop, in other words, in the tubers, toxic substances are not observed already 50 days after treatment. During this period, the molecules of the agent dissolve in the soil, and the remains of the drug are neutralized. Accordingly, potatoes can be safely eaten.

The period of decay of toxic substances of the drug Prestige is 40-50 days, therefore early varieties potatoes can not be treated with a tool!

Since the drug belongs to toxic substances, pre-planting treatment of tubers should be carried out in a mask, goggles, and preferably in a special gown or suit. The procedure must be carried out on outdoors.

After spraying, take a shower and wash your clothes.

Prestige from Colorado beetles is indeed considered one of the best options control of all kinds of pests. The drug is harmless, and its degree protective functions large enough. Before using the composition, you should carefully read the instructions and act in accordance with its instructions.

We protect potatoes with Prestige - video

Potato is a vegetable crop that gives excellent harvest, but under the condition quality care for her. The main pest of this plant is the Colorado potato beetle. For a long time, gardeners have been trying to find unique remedy, which would allow you to quickly and permanently get rid of the most common pests. And there is such a tool for processing - Prestige. Let us consider in more detail what kind of drug it is, and what properties it has.

Description of the drug Prestige for the treatment of potatoes against Colorado potato beetles

The drug has the following properties:

  1. insecticidal. Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, homoptera and lepidopterous insects, the May beetle, midges.
  2. Fungicidal. It does not allow potatoes to be affected by diseases such as rot, scab, brown rust, powdery mildew.
  3. It has an anti-stress effect, thanks to which it is possible to increase the growth of the plant and accelerate its development.
  4. Increases the proportion of marketable tubers.

Read how to get rid of wireworm on potatoes.

Read about the use of ammonium nitrate.

Before buying this drug, you need to determine its positive and negative sides.

The disadvantages of Prestige include:

  1. Even if the considered agent is used in small quantities, it will leave its negative mark on the quality of the finished product. It is best to use the old ones first. safe methods pest control. If it was not possible to defeat them, then take toxic drugs into service. Only they can handle big amount insects on a large plot of land.
  2. Prestige is expensive. Not every gardener is able to purchase this drug, despite the fact that it is very effective.

TO positive qualities the following must be included:

  1. An effective tool that fully justifies all the described influence in the instructions.
  2. The culture is not stressed after processing.
  3. When using the drug, a double effect is achieved. On the one hand, all pests are eliminated, and on the other hand, it protects against fungal diseases.

The composition of ammonium nitrate can be found.

Instructions for use

Prestige preparation is used for processing potatoes. To start measures to eliminate pests, you need to take 600 ml of water and dilute 60 ml of the drug there. The prepared solution should be enough to process 60 kg of tubers. The preparation of the mixture should be carried out on the day of use, and before use it is thoroughly stirred.

A list of drugs to combat the Colorado potato beetle is listed.

The potato processing process is carried out right before planting. For these purposes, use a sprayer. Processing should be carried out only when heated and germinated planting material. After spraying, the clones are thoroughly mixed, and after 2 hours they are ready for planting. To the beds, the delivery of planting material should be carried out in closed bags.

The protection provided by Prestige is achieved not only for planted potatoes, but also for tops. After 53 days, no drug residues are found in the clubhouses.

Also, the composition of the drug is rich in fungicide. This is a contact substance that will remain only in the planted material and the soil adjacent to it. The decomposition process occurs after 40 days.

Treatment with this drug allows you to create effective protection planting material from various ailments and pests for 2 months. After that, all Prestige components completely disappear.

If you decide to use the considered drug, then you need to know certain safety measures. This is necessary, since Prestige belongs to the means of the 3rd class of danger.

When working with it, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Use rubber gloves protective clothing and a head rest that will protect the face.
  2. Processing should be carried out not so close to fruit trees And food products.
  3. During processing it is forbidden to eat, drink and smoke.
  4. After carrying out the activities, it is necessary to remove protective clothing, wash your hands thoroughly, rinse your mouth, take a shower and thoroughly wash all equipment and protective equipment.

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The drug is sold in the form of a concentrated suspension. Its volume can be 15-500 ml. Since there is a special adhesive in the composition, this component is evenly distributed over the surface and allows the active components to be absorbed as quickly as possible. You can buy the remedy in question for 2300 rubles per 1 liter.

How to make a seeder for carrots on your own will help you understand.

Prestige - a drug for the fight against potato diseases made in Germany

reference Information

Now there are many chemicals, such as taboo, face, the action of which is aimed at dressing potato tubers before planting or processing young shoots. But pests very quickly adapt to a new poison, so after a few seasons the question arises of another remedy.

The protector destroys:

  • colorado potato beetle;
  • wireworms;
  • bear;
  • thrips;
  • mole;
  • fleas.

Prestige protects plants throughout the growing season from various diseases that affect root crops:

  • common scab;
  • wet rot;
  • rhizoctoniosis.

The action of the drug begins a few hours after etching seed. The substance is completely removed from the tubers after 50 or 60 days, therefore, if you grow a crop for young potatoes, such a remedy is taboo for you.

Prestige destroys such a common pest as the Colorado potato beetle


The manufacturer positions prestige as a drug of medium toxicity, and the main components are imidacloprid and pencycuron. This combination of substances is used for the first time and is patented by the German corporation Bayer. The elements of the treater are poisonous, but they quickly decompose and are removed from the tubers.

Numerous studies by domestic and foreign environmental institutes have proven that prestige disappears from potatoes 50 days after processing. Unlike similar drugs, no residues are found inside plants and root crops. chemical compounds components.

Imidacloprid blocks the nerve impulses of insects, and pencycuron inhibits the development of fungi from the inside, reducing the intake nutrients. Both components have a good contact effect and after 40 days they begin to decompose and leave the tissues of tubers and stems. When properly processed, the drug is absolutely harmless.

Molecule model of imidacloprid, the active ingredient of Prestige


Before use, be sure to read the instructions for use, which prescribe the drug consumption rates and safety rules. All work is carried out in:

  • protective clothing;
  • tight gloves or mittens;
  • respirator or gauze bandage.

Treatment of tubers is carried out in a special room or in the open air. The seed is laid out in two layers on a dense film and processed using manual or backpack sprayer. It is not necessary to turn the potatoes. This procedure is recommended to be done before spring germination in order to protect the future crop from diseases and microorganisms. The protectant is used 14-21 days before the start of planting.

If the planting is not industrial scale, before planting, it is recommended to collect the potatoes in a bag or net, and then lower them into a container with a solution of prestige. Remember: treated tubers cannot be cut into pieces so that the drug does not get inside.

The product is diluted with clean water in proportions of 35 ml of prestige per half liter of liquid. The components are thoroughly mixed and poured into a sprayer. The manufacturer claims that 1 ml of the drug is needed per kilogram of potatoes. You can not increase the dose, as it is harmful to health.

Like the domestic taboo drug, prestige is easy to use and starts to work quickly. All works do not take much time, and with the experience of spraying, they are completed in a matter of minutes. Remember the safety rules that are written in the instructions.

A respirator or gauze bandage is required when processing potatoes with Prestige

Advantages and disadvantages

If we compare the pricing policy, then the domestic taboo treater is cheaper than prestige. But the savings here are illusory, since the Bayer product not only kills insects, but also protects plants from infectious and fungal diseases.

By treating the tubers before planting with a Bayer preparation for potatoes, you protect the plants from the negative environment. According to some indicators, the effect of the product is similar to the effect of fertilizer:

  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • the formation of healthy stems, greenery;
  • rapid maturation of tubers.

Anti-stress effect: increasing the resistance of potatoes to biotic and abiotic environmental influences, increasing germination, improving shoot formation and growth of the vegetative mass, enhancing photosynthetic processes.

Domestic farmers increasingly prefer prestige to a cheaper analogue of taboo. The long term of action of the product saves time, which is so lacking for gardeners in the summer: there is no need to re-treat with protective preparations. Dressing the tubers before planting will protect against pests for the entire growing season.


culture Harmful object The consumption rate of the drug Method, processing time, application features
Personal subsidiary plots
Potato 70 - 100 ml/l of water Treatment of tubers before planting.

Sprouted and heated tubers are poured onto the film in 1-3 layers in buckets on the day of planting to determine the total weight of the tubers.

The working solution is injected at the rate of 10 ml of the Prestige preparation per 100 ml of water per 10 kg of tubers. Any sprayer evenly treat the tubers with a solution and mix thoroughly. Let dry. After 1-2 hours, the tubers can be planted

When planting with a potato planter process the tubers from the knapsack sprayer directly in the planter bunker, pouring 3-4 buckets into 2-3 layers. Plant immediately, without stirring them with your hands and without waiting for drying.

industrial production
Potato Wireworms, Colorado potato beetle, aphids, rhizoctoniosis, common scab 0.7-1 l/t
Treatment of tubers before or during planting. The consumption rate is 0.7-1.0 l per 1 ton of tubers with a working fluid consumption rate of 10 liters per 1 ton. When dressing during planting, it is allowed to increase the working fluid consumption up to 50-80 l/ha, depending on the technique and equipment used without decrease in efficiency.

This is the ORIGINAL insecticide-fungicide from Bayer CropScience AG. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it combines the protection of potatoes from pests and diseases at the same time as the "anti-stress" effect of stimulating plant growth.

Having processed the tubers before planting, several problems are solved: you no longer need to worry about the correct choice of the processing time for the growing season, control the number of pests and carry out additional fungicidal treatments.

The insecticidal action of PRESTIGE allows you to reliably protect plants from the Colorado potato beetle, thrips, leafhopper, wireworm, May beetle larvae and various scoops from the moment the tubers are processed before planting until the end of flowering.

The fungicidal effect of "PRESTIGE" is to protect from the moment of potato germination until the harvest from different types scab, wet rot and blackleg.

Principle protective action PRESTIGE:
- immediately after planting the treated tubers soil moisture partially releases the active substance, which, passing into the soil, forms a protective space around the tuber;
- a growing plant absorbs the active substance both from the mother tuber and from the soil, with the help of roots;
- due to its pronounced systemic properties, imidacloprid is evenly distributed over the vegetative organs of the plant, providing them reliable protection from sucking and gnawing pests during the growing season. The insecticide rises only from the bottom up, without getting into or accumulating in young tubers. As for the fungicide, it is a contact substance: it does not move around the plant, but remains in the tuber and in the soil around it. This guarantees reliable protection of the plant from diseases.

The product belongs to low-toxic compounds (grade 3). In the study of potato tubers on the 53rd day after treatment, the remains of "PRESTIGE" were not found in them. That is why PRESTIGE can be used to protect early potatoes.

Preparative form of release: suspension concentrate.

Contains: imidacloprid 140g/l; pencicuron 150 g/l.

Shelf life: at least 3 years from the date of manufacture (see the label on the bottle)

Insect-fungicidal disinfectant for potato seed tubers, vegetable seeds against gnawing and sucking pests (including soil-dwelling ones) and seedling diseases.


  • Comprehensive protection against pests and diseases during the growing season
  • Reducing the complexity of the landing protection system by reducing the number of necessary treatments
  • Effective protection of crop plantings in the early stages of development, preventing a decrease in germination
  • Specially developed formulation for processing potatoes
  • Improving product quality by reducing damage by wireworm, rhizoctonia
  • the presence of an additional effect against scab and wet rot
  • Anti-stress effect: increasing the resistance of potatoes to biotic and abiotic environmental influences and, as a result, increasing germination, improving shoot formation and growth of the vegetative mass, enhancing photosynthetic processes

Preparative form

Suspension concentrate (SC) containing 140 g/l imidacloprid and 150 g/l picicuron.

Chemical grade

imidacloprid - chloronicotinyl picicuron - urea derivatives

Mechanism of action

Imidacloprid has systemic insecticidal activity, penetrates the tuber and spreads throughout the plant as it grows. Pencicuron is a contact fungicide with a long-lasting protective effect.

Activity spectrum


Insecticidal action is aimed at protection against: wireworms, Colorado potato beetle, aphid species, fungicidal - against rhizoctoniosis of seedlings and tubers with a good additional effect against scab and wet rot.

In many cases, there is an anti-stress and stimulating effect:

  • germination increases,
  • shoot-forming ability of tubers is preserved,
  • stimulates the growth of the vegetative mass,
  • increased green pigmentation.

Vegetable crops.

Against vascular and mucous bacterioses and a complex of sucking and gnawing pests of cabbage, carrots, onions.

According to RUP "Institute of Plant Protection", when processing cabbage seeds with Prestige®:

  • germination energy and laboratory germination of seeds are enhanced,
  • the damage to the roots of cabbage with a black leg is reduced by half,
  • the assimilation surface of plants increases by 20%,
  • decreasing numbers cruciferous fleas by 94–100%,
  • the harmfulness of the spring cabbage fly is reduced by 87% and the stem cabbage secretive boletus - by 100%.

Protective period

On potatoes:

  • from wireworm and virus-carrying aphids - from planting to the beginning of the death of the tops,
  • from the Colorado potato beetle - before flowering
  • against rhizoctoniosis and scab - during the entire growing season.
  • On vegetable crops - within 30-35 days, which coincides with the phase of 4-5 true leaves in the culture.

Impact speed

Fast initial activity from the moment of processing.


The preparation possesses high selectivity in relation to the processed objects.


Prestige® is compatible with most fungicides, insecticides, growth regulators and mineral fertilizers used on potatoes. However, in each case, especially in a mixture with microfertilizers, a preliminary check for the chemical compatibility of the mixed components is necessary.


  • In advance (2–3 weeks) for laying for germination or heating of tubers.
  • Potato tubers treated with the drug before laying for germination, heating must be dried.
  • just before or during landing.
  • Treatment of potato tubers affected by wet bacterial rot should be avoided (field germination decreases).
  • the consumption of the working solution during industrial dressing (treating or planting machines) is 5–10 l/t.
  • Processing of small batches of seeds should be carried out in sunny weather in an open area by spraying tubers with a working solution flow rate of 0.3–0.5 l/100 kg.
  • After drying, the tubers can be laid for germination or planted in the soil.
  • So that the solution evenly covers the seeds, spread the tubers in one layer before processing.
  • In all cases of processing, use personal protective equipment.

Seeds of vegetable crops are treated with the preparation either without water or with dilution: 1 part Prestige® + 0.5 parts water (depending on the type of seed treatment machine).

After processing, the seeds should be dried.

Best before date

Store the product in its original labeled packaging in a secure, dry, cool warehouse for pesticides, away from feed, food and combustible materials. Shelf life - at least 2 years from the date of manufacture at temperatures from -20°С to +40°С.


cultureHarmful objectThe consumption rate of the drugMethod, processing time, restrictions
PotatoAphids, Colorado potato beetle, wireworms, rhizoctoniosis0.7–1.0 l/tTuber processing
CabbageVascular and mucous bacterioses, a complex of sucking and gnawing pests0.5 l per 100 l "talker"Treatment of the root system of seedlings before planting in the ground as part of a "talker" of clay and mullein (1: 2.5)
Cruciferous flea beetles, stalked cabbage secretive proboscis, spring cabbage fly, alternariosis, phomosis, blackleg, bacterioses100 ml/kgSeed dressing
CarrotCarrot psyllid, carrot fly, black rot, phomosis, seed mold100 ml/kgSeed dressing
Bulb onionsOnion fly, tobacco thrips, neck rot, seed mold