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Types of mineral fertilizers, names and descriptions. Mineral fertilizers: classification, what types and when to use Mineral water is useful in the first minutes ions

have a high concentration of nutrients. The composition of mineral fertilizers can be different, and depending on the required nutrient element, they are divided into complex and simple.

Important! Fertilizers should be applied in small quantities, while monitoring the level of nutrients in the soil. In this case, there will be no harm from their chemical composition.

Today the chemical industry produces the following types of mineral fertilizers:

  • liquid,
  • dry,
  • one-sided,
  • complex.

If you choose the right preparation and adhere to the right proportions, you can not only feed the plants, but also solve problems that arise in their development.

Many gardeners and gardeners know what mineral fertilizers are. These include inorganic compounds containing all the nutrients necessary for plants. Such fertilizing and fertilizers will help achieve soil fertility and grow a good harvest. Liquid mineral fertilizers have become popular today, which are mainly used in small garden plots. There is also a complete mineral fertilizer, which includes three important element plant nutrition is nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. But it is worth remembering that the use of mineral fertilizers requires a careful approach, although organic fertilizers (if the doses for application are incorrectly calculated) can cause a lot of harm to the earth and plants. Therefore, let's take a closer look at the features of mineral fertilizers, their types and characteristics, and also find out how to use them correctly.

Types of mineral fertilizers

As we have already noted, mineral fertilizers are divided into: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. This is due to the fact that these three elements are leading in the field of nutrition and influence the growth and development of plants. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the basis from which mineral fertilizers are made. They are considered the basis for the harmonious development of the plant world, and their deficiency can lead not only to poor growth but also to the death of plants.

In spring, there may be a lack of nitrogen in the soil. This manifests itself in the fact that plants slow down or even stop growing. This problem can be recognized by pale foliage, small leaves and weak shoots. Tomatoes, potatoes, garden strawberries and apple trees actively respond to a lack of nitrogen in the soil. The most popular nitrogen fertilizers are saltpeter and urea. This group includes: calcium sulfur, ammonium sulfate, sodium nitrate, azofoka, ammophos, nitroammophoska and diammonium phosphate. They have various effects on the crop and soil. Urea acidifies the soil, saltpeter has a good effect on the growth of beets, ammonia - on the growth of cucumbers, onions, lettuce and cauliflower.

Did you know? When using ammonium nitrate, remember that it is explosive. Because of this, it is not sold to private individuals, to prevent accidents.

It should be remembered that nitrogen fertilizers are the most dangerous of all mineral fertilizers. When they are in excess, plants accumulate excessive amounts of nitrates in their tissues. But if you apply nitrogen fertilizers very carefully, depending on the composition of the soil, the crop being fed and the brand of fertilizer, you can easily achieve an increase in yield. Also, do not apply this fertilizer in the fall, since the rains will simply wash it out before spring planting. Fertilizer application rates (urea): vegetables -5-12 g/m² (with direct application of mineral fertilizers), trees and shrubs -10-20 g/m², tomatoes and beets -20 g/m².

Phosphorus fertilizers are mineral fertilizers for plants, which contain 20% phosphorus anhydride. Superphosphate is considered one of the best mineral fertilizers for all types of soil that need this element. It should be applied as a top dressing during plant development and growth when the soil moisture content is high.

Did you know? Often gardeners and gardeners use double superphosphate in which the concentration of nutrients is much higher. It does not contain the useless CaSO4 used in simple superphosphate and is more economical.

Another type of mineral fertilizer in this category is phosphorite flour. It is used on acidic soils for all fruits, vegetables and cereals. Flour helps in the fight against pests and diseases by increasing plant immunity. Fertilizer application rates: superphosphate 0.5 quintals per 1 hectare, 3.5 quintals per 1 hectare.

Apply potassium mineral fertilizers in the fall, during digging. This fertilizer is well suited for potatoes, beets and all cereal crops. Potassium sulfate or potassium sulfate is suitable for feeding plants that are deficient in potassium. It does not contain various impurities such as chlorine, sodium and magnesium. Suitable for melons, especially during fruit formation.

Potassium salt consists of two chloride elements -KCl + NaCl. The substance is used in many agro-industrial complexes. It is applied in the spring to almost all types of berry crops, 20 g per bush. In autumn, fertilizer is distributed over the surface before plowing at 150-200 g/m². Fertilizer application rates: potassium chloride 20-25 g per 1 m²; potassium sulfate -25-30 g/m²


Complex fertilizers are a nutrient containing several necessary chemical elements at once. They are obtained through the process of chemical interaction of the initial components, as a result of which they can be double (nitrogen-potassium, nitrogen-phosphate, nitrogen-potassium) and triple (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium). According to the production method, they distinguish: complex mineral fertilizers, complex-mixed or combined and mixed.

  • Ammophos is a phosphorus-nitrogen fertilizer that contains nitrogen and phosphorus (ratio 12:52). This mineral fertilizer is easily absorbed by plants and is suitable for potatoes and all vegetable crops.
  • Diammofom is a phosphorus-nitrogen fertilizer containing 20% ​​nitrogen and 51% phosphorus. It dissolves well in water and does not contain unnecessary ballast elements.
  • Azofoska is an effective granular fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Provides high yields, is non-toxic and can be stored for a long period.
  • Nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is a complex fertilizer in granules. It is used for all agricultural crops, as its nutritional elements are easily absorbed by plants. Suitable as a complex fertilizer for digging in the spring.

Many agricultural complexes use complex mineral fertilizers to achieve better results.

Complex mixed fertilizers include compounds such as nitrophos and nitrophos. They are obtained by processing phosphorite or apatite. By adding various necessary components, carbonate nitrophoska and phosphorus nitrophoska are formed. They are applied as the main fertilizer before sowing, in rows and holes during sowing, and are often used as top dressing. Carboammophoses are fertilizers containing nitrogen in amide and ammonia forms. Crystalin and mortar are used for protected soil. These are crystalline granular fertilizers that dissolve well in water. The most common fertilizer ratio -N:P:K is 20:16:10. Complex mixed complexes are used in large agricultural enterprises, where it is necessary to cover large areas before planting grain crops.

Microfertilizers are fertilizers and complexes containing microelements in a form accessible to plants. Often these substances can be found in the form of: liquid mineral fertilizer, crystals, powder. For convenient use microfertilizers are produced in the form of complexes with various microelements. They have a better effect on the cultivated plant, protect against pests and diseases, and increase productivity.

The most popular fertilizers are:

  • "Master" is used as a mineral fertilizer for flowers. Contains: Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe.
  • "Sizam" is suitable for growing cabbage. Significantly increases productivity and protects against pests.
  • "Oracle" - for feeding berry bushes, flowers and lawns. Contains etidronic acid, which regulates the movement of fluid in plant cells.

Basically, microfertilizers are used separately, which allows you to accurately calculate the dosage. In this case, the plants will receive the necessary nutrition, without additional and unnecessary chemicals.

You need to understand that mineral fertilizers are used in two main cases: as the main fertilizer (for digging up the soil) and as a spring-summer top dressing. Each option has its own nuances, but there are also basic principles that cannot be violated.

Safety regulations:

  • do not use cooking utensils for diluting fertilizers;
  • it is best to store fertilizers in airtight packaging;
  • immediately before use, after long-term storage, a situation may arise in which the fertilizer is caked, so it is necessary to pass it through a sieve with a diameter of 3-5 mm;
  • when fertilizing the soil for a certain crop, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the requirements and recommendations of the manufacturer, since exceeding the amount of mineral fertilizers in the soil can lead to harmful consequences;
  • it is best to apply a method of laboratory soil testing, based on the results of which it will be possible to use the appropriate fertilizer in the required quantity;
  • you need to make sure that the mineral fertilizer for plants, which is produced through the soil, does not get on the green part;
  • better soil fertility can be achieved by alternating mineral fertilizers;
  • if mineral fertilizers are applied together with organic ones, the dose of the former should be reduced;
  • The most practical are granular fertilizers, which are applied during autumn digging.

Thus, correct use mineral fertilizers and compliance with safety precautions will help saturate the soil with the necessary microelements, which will contribute to the normal growth and development of plants.

Mineral water: a harmless drink or a medicine that you need to be careful with? The controversy has been going on for a long time, and now we will try to dot the i's and evaluate all the pros and cons.

Natural underground water is called mineral (rarely surface water), which has special physical and chemical properties and contains gases, salts, and organic substances that have a healing effect on the human body.

The main difference between such waters is a higher level of mineralization compared to fresh water (can range from 1 (0.1%) to 50 grams (5%) of solids per 1 liter of water).

Based degree of mineralization, Such waters are divided into:

  • low-mineralized (1-2 g/l);
  • low mineralization water (2-5 g/l);
  • medium mineralization (5-15 g/l);
  • high mineralization (15-35 g/l);
  • brine water (35-150 g/l);
  • strong brine water (more than 150 g/l).

It should be noted that water with a mineralization of 2-20 g/l is suitable for internal use.

The formation of mineral water is a long process. Essentially this is rainwater, which accumulates over thousands of years in various layers of earth rocks. It acquires its special properties thanks to the minerals that dissolve in it. And the degree of purification of mineral water is indicated by the depth of its occurrence: the deeper the water goes into the rock, the higher the degree of purification and the content of carbon dioxide and useful substances in it.

Composition and types of mineral water

In addition to the level of mineralization, the chemical composition plays an important role. Depending on the combinations of six main components (macroelements calcium, magnesium, sodium, as well as chlorine, bicarbonate (HCO 3) and sulfate (SO 4)), mineral water there are:

  • sulfate;
  • chloride;
  • hydrocarbonate;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • mixed.

The main features of the chemical composition of various mineral waters are, in fact, reflected in the names. So, main feature sulfate waters– significant presence in their composition (more than 25%) of sulfate anions with the concentration of other anions less than 25%. Included chloride mineral waters are dominated by chlorine anions, in hydrocarbonate, accordingly, the content of hydrocarbonate ion (HCO 3) is high. Calcium, sodium and magnesium waters– these are mineral waters with a predominance of the corresponding cations and their inherent qualities.

However, most often the waters are mixed, that is, they have a set of different cations and anions, which ultimately determines their benefit or harm to human health.

Another important component of mineral water is carbon dioxide(or carbonic anhydride), which is formed by the interaction of carbon dioxide with underground rock and contributes to the formation of the beneficial properties of the drink. Carbon dioxide softens the taste and stabilizes the chemical composition, and this helps to quench thirst faster and indicates the benefits of mineral water for human health.

Mineral water can contain all the elements from the periodic table, but in very small quantities. The most significant in quantitative terms are iodine, fluorine, copper, iron, manganese, cobalt, lithium, bromine.

Based on the concentration of mineral salts, they are distinguished:

  • table mineral water;
  • medical dining room;
  • medicinal.

IN table water lowest salt content (no more than 1 g/l), healthy people you can drink it without restrictions and cook food with it (there is no specific taste or smell).

IN medicinal table waters the degree of mineralization is higher (1.5-7 g/l), they are divided into two groups, which differ in the severity of the therapeutic effect. Water of the first group does not have it, but medicinal table water of the second group, on the contrary, is medicinal: it must be used carefully, no more than 0.5-1 l/day, and cannot be subjected to heat treatment.

The highest degree of mineralization is characteristic of medicinal mineral water(from 7 g/l), which contains essential microelements. Only your doctor can prescribe such mineral waters (usually no more than 200 ml per day).

By origin, mineral water can be:

The creation of mineral water by enriching ordinary water is actively practiced. tap water essential salts, minerals and carbon dioxide. Such a drink, of course, will not harm your health, but there is little benefit from it. Even matching sanitary standards and rules, such water is not an active medium, but only a lifeless solution of salts.

When purchasing natural water, remember: even if all extraction and storage conditions are met, during long-term transportation in mineral water liquid crystals can be destroyed, resulting in loss of beneficial properties.

The benefits of mineral water

High-quality natural mineral water, which has a unique mineral composition, can energize the body and help fight viruses and infections.

Positive properties of mineral water, influence on the human body:

  • intake of essential microelements into the body;
  • activation of enzymes;
  • strengthening body cells;
  • strengthening bone tissue and tooth enamel;
  • regulation of acid-base balance indicators;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of well-being.

Mineral water brings no less benefit as a means for effective cleansing the body, since it is capable of short time remove waste and toxins. It also normalizes metabolism, which helps reduce body weight.

Mineral water helps increasing body tone, and this is very useful under increased physical and mental stress.

In addition, drinking mineral water normalizes blood pressure and strengthens nervous system . And when heated, this healing drink can become an assistant in the fight against inflammation, pain and stomach cramps.

Mineral water helps liquefying the contents of the gallbladder and the outflow of bile.

If consumed regularly, mineral water will bring tangible benefits to your health!

Sparkling and still water

Obviously, the main difference between carbonated mineral water and still drinking water is the presence of carbon dioxide. Let us remind you: carbonated mineral water It is beneficial if consumed in moderation. It not only quickly copes with thirst, but also promotes faster digestion of food and increased production of gastric juice - feel free to drink carbonated mineral water after meals.

Mineral soda does not cause any harm as such. However, it should be remembered that carbon dioxide increases acidity and flatulence, so people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as small children, should refrain from drinking water with gas.

Drinking still water
Available in first and highest quality categories. Their main difference is that if water of the first category should simply be harmless to human health in terms of radiation, chemical and microbiological indicators, then water of the highest quality category should also be complete in terms of the content of macroelements. Therefore, read labels carefully.

Rules for use without harm to health

  • First of all, you need to decide what kind of water to drink. Medicinal and medicinal table mineral water, as stated earlier, should be prescribed by a specialist according to the indications.
  • Secondly, you need to decide on the amount of water. The optimal volume of consumption of table mineral water is 500 ml per day. However, this applies to people who do not have problems with joints, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. The permitted volume of medicinal table and medicinal mineral waters depends, again, on the doctor’s recommendations.
  • Thirdly, how long can you drink medicinal waters? The duration of the course depends on the nature of the disease, but the maximum period is 1.5 months. Most often it is recommended to drink mineral water before meals.

Thus, the benefits and harms of drinking mineral water are determined by its quality and quantity. Remember that everything is healthy in moderation. The main thing is to listen to your body.

Possible harm and side effects

Since an excess of minerals entering the human body is no less harmful than its deficiency, you need to be extremely careful.

So, you should not use mineral water as a regular drink. It is justified to use it in hot weather, as it perfectly quenches thirst, and during great physical and mental stress, but in limited quantities. That is, in cases where there is a risk of dehydration and loss of mineral salts.

The use of medicinal mineral waters without the supervision of a doctor is also fraught with overdose; they must be consumed in courses in strict accordance with the instructions.

An increase in salt content in the body due to excessive consumption of mineral water can negatively affect the condition of the kidneys and joints.

It is very important to observe the body's reaction. If after drinking mineral water you notice hand tremors, surges in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, insomnia and nervousness, immediately stop taking mineral water and consult a specialist.

For what diseases is drinking mineral water effective?

The benefits of drinking mineral water are determined by its unique chemical composition.

  • If the mineral water contains iron, it will be indispensable for people suffering from anemia.
  • Water with a high iodine content is recommended for people with diseases. thyroid gland.
  • For normalization of blood pressure You can use water containing sodium.
  • At urolithiasis The use of hydrocarbonate water is indicated.
  • For stimulation of metabolic processes in the body and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in the presence of gastritis with low acidity, dyskinesia of the gallbladder, it is advisable to use chloride, chloride sulfate and chloride hydrocarbonate waters (Narzan, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17).
  • At peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum, chronic gastritis with high or normal acidity, hydrocarbonate sulfate waters with a low content of salts and carbon dioxide (Borjomi) are suitable.
  • If you suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases of the large and small intestines (enteritis, colitis, enterocolitis) with diarrhea, then you are recommended to drink hydrocarbonate sulfate waters with a significant concentration of calcium salts and an average or low content of carbon dioxide and other salts (Nabeghlavi).
  • In cases when in inflammatory diseases of the large and small intestines, peristalsis is sluggish, give preference to chloride and chloride sulfate waters with a high or medium concentration of mineral salts and carbon dioxide (Essentuki No. 17, Druskininkai).
  • Hydrocarbonate, hydrocarbonate chloride and hydrocarbonate sulfate waters with medium and low content of mineral salts and carbon dioxide (Nabeglavi, Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17) contribute stimulation of the liver and gallbladder, so they can be drunk for diseases of the biliary tract, chronic hepatitis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, after Botkin's disease, cholelithiasis, as well as chronic bronchitis, laryngitis and laryngotracheitis.

It is important to choose your mineral water correctly so that it only benefits your health.

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Mineral waters have a very wide application. They are used for evaporation of valuable components, and as refreshing, thirst-quenching table drinks, and at resorts for drinking treatment, baths, swimming in medicinal pools, all kinds of showers, as well as for inhalation and gargling. In non-resort settings, they use bottled water.

The healing effect of mineral water on the human body, its medicinal properties known to people since ancient times. Medicinal water procedures, according to the written monuments that have reached us, were widely used in medicine Ancient Greece, Rome, India, Egypt, Peru, Georgia. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460 – c. 370 BC) tried to explain the effect of mineral waters on the human body. The action of healing agents was also of interest to the brilliant scientist of the Middle Ages, Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna). However, at that time to fully appreciate healing properties People could not drink mineral waters, and the clergy cleverly took advantage of this, attributing their properties to divine power.

Currently medicinal The groundwater are used extremely widely. In the Caucasus, Central Asia, Kazakhstan and other regions, glorified healing springs have been known for a long time. The first health resort in Russia was opened on the orders of Peter I in 1718 at the “marcial” (ferruginous) springs in Karelia. The first studies of the country's mineral waters are associated with the name of the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov, who identified “medicinal” waters and “healing” springs. Already in the second half of the 18th century, the “geography” of medicinal waters in Russia was created.

In the territory former USSR more than 7.5 thousand mineral springs, about 500 balneological resorts. They are very diverse in the material and gas composition of waters, and in the nature of their impact on the human body. On the territory of Russia and former countries In the CIS there are types of medicinal waters known all over the world. Mineral carbonic waters of Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Borjomi, Arzni, hydrogen sulfide waters - Sochi - Matsesta, Ust-Kachinsk (Perm region), Talgi (Dagestan), radon waters of Pyatigorsk, Tskhaltubo, ferruginous waters - Marcial, Polyustrovsky, Truskovets and many others enjoy worldwide fame .

Healing mineral waters, depending on their specificity, have a complex effect on the human body - thermal (temperature), chemical, therapeutic and mechanical.

Temperature effect medicinal water on the body when taking baths – its strongest and most important property. Cold mineral waters with a temperature of up to 20C, due to their good thermal conductivity, in contact with the human body, take away heat from it, quickly relieve fatigue, tiredness, and apathy. Cold medicinal food water enhances intestinal function. Warm waters with a temperature of 20-37C, on the contrary, quickly release heat to the body, having a physically beneficial effect on it.

Chemical irritation is one of the main and long-lasting effects of mineral waters on the body. The intensity of this effect increases when taking baths with high mineralization of water. In mineral waters it should not exceed 12-15 g/l. For example, the mineralization of the Kislovodsk Narzan varies from 1.5 to 6 g/l, the waters of Essentuki does not exceed 9 g/l.

Mineral waters, when used externally (baths, showers, inhalations) and internally (drinking), have a beneficial effect on the nerve endings and the circulatory system, increase the reactivity of the body, improve the metabolic processes of the digestive organs, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs, and accelerate the elimination of harmful components.

The same mineral water, due to the presence of various salts, trace elements and gases in its composition, affects the human body differently, having a beneficial effect on it in various diseases. For example, waters containing table salt, i.e. sodium chlorides (Talitsky, Nalchikovsky, Minsky) have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs; calcium chlorides promote anti-inflammatory processes and have a positive effect on the nervous system; Magnesium chlorides help dilate blood vessels. Sulfate waters are mainly choleretic and laxative. The presence of soda in water (Borjomi) reduces acidity.

However, many mineral waters have a complex composition and have a varied effect on the human body. For example, salt-alkaline waters such as Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Chelkar are a unique combination of two types of waters that have opposite physiological effects. These waters are equally useful for stomach diseases with both high and low acidity.

The therapeutic activity of many mineral waters is associated with the presence of microelements in their composition - Fe, As, Co, I, Br, organic acids, etc. They are part of a number of substances vital for the body, such as hemoglobin (Fe, Co), some hormones (Zn), enzymes (Fe, Mn, Cu, etc.), vitamins (Co). Therefore, for example, ferruginous waters have a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes, iodine waters improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and liver, and bromine waters normalize the central nervous system.

The gas composition of mineral springs has important balneological significance. Particularly valuable are waters saturated with carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and radon.

The mechanical effect of mineral waters is associated with the pressure of its mass on the body (baths, showers, swimming). This effect can be enhanced by rubbing and directing water under a certain pressure (Charcot's shower).

Thus, mineral waters are widely used in the national economy. They are mainly valuable in balneological terms, because... have a therapeutic effect on the human body with the entire complex of substances dissolved in them. And the presence in them of specific biologically active components (etc.) and special properties often determines the methods of their medicinal use.

Purpose of the state development program Agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013–2020 - ensuring food independence of Russia in the parameters set by the doctrine of food security of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2010 No. 120 “On approval of the doctrine of food security of the Russian Federation " The program defines accelerated import substitution in relation to meat, milk, vegetables, seed potatoes and fruit and berry products; increasing the competitiveness of Russian agricultural products in the domestic and foreign markets; reproduction and increasing the efficiency of use of land and other resources in agriculture, as well as greening production.

Over the past decades, at the turn of the century, there has been a process of decline in soil fertility. At the same time, the increased rate of decline in the main indicator of soil fertility - humus - is of particular concern.

According to the regional station of the Samara agrochemical service, by 2012, rich chernozems had disappeared in the Samara region. Compared to 1986, the percentage of soils with high humus content decreased from 16.1% to 10.9% and from 49.7% to 45.6% with average humus content, and the areas of very weakly and weakly humus soils with low organic matter content increased significantly - by (9.3%).

To maintain humus at the original level, it is necessary to add 5–7 tons of manure to the soil annually in rainfed conditions, 8–10 tons per hectare during irrigation, and 70–80 kg/ha of a.m. mineral fertilizers.

The production of mineral fertilizers is dictated by two main factors. This is, on the one hand, the rapid growth of the planet’s population, and on the other, limited land resources, suitable for growing agricultural crops. In addition, soils suitable for agriculture have become depleted, and the natural method of their restoration requires too long a period of time.

The production volumes of each type of fertilizer have not changed for many years. Thus, nitrogen makes up 48% of total production, potassium – 34% and phosphorus – 18%.

Nitrogen fertilizers are produced at 25 enterprises in the Russian Federation, in addition, ammonium sulfate is produced by some coke plants. The leading position in the production of nitrogen fertilizers is occupied by Nevinnomyssk Azot OJSC (Stavropol Territory) and NAC Azot OJSC (Novomoskovsk Tula region). Both enterprises are part of the EuroChem holding and provide it with a 22% share in the Russian production of nitrogen fertilizers.

OJSC Togliattiazot (Samara region) is a modern enterprise (built in 1974). The company's production capacity allows the production of ammonia 3 million tons per year, urea - 1 million tons, liquid carbon dioxide - 2 million tons, dry ice - 2.5 thousand tons, urea-formaldehyde resin - 6 thousand tons, etc.

The Russian Federation's share in global production of phosphate fertilizers is 6.5%. Phosphorus fertilizers in Russia are produced at 19 enterprises, the total capacity of which is about 4.5 million tons.

The main producers of phosphate fertilizers in Russia are the following enterprises: Ammofos OJSC (Cherepovets, Vologda Region), Meleuzovskoe Minudobreniya Production Association JSC (Republic of Bashkortostan), Phosphorit OJSC (Kingisepp, Leningrad Region), Phosphorit OJSC (Kingisepp, Leningrad Region), OJSC Balakovo Mineral Fertilizers" (Saratov region), OJSC "Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers" (Moscow region).

In the production of potash fertilizers, the main costs are associated with ore mining, and therefore the location of Silvinit OJSC (Solikamsk) and Uralkali OJSC (Berezniki) directly near the Verkhnekamsk deposit has a positive effect on the development of production of this type of fertilizer.

The total world production of mineral fertilizers is characterized by a slow but stable annual growth of 3–4%. In 2014, about 184 million tons were produced worldwide.

Fertilizer is one of the main factors in the intensification of agriculture, since without them it is impossible to conduct agriculture rationally. The use of fertilizers allows you to optimize plant nutrition, regulate the speed and direction of growth processes, the size and quality of the harvest, increase the resistance of plants to adverse conditions, and influence the reproduction of soil fertility. Without the application of mineral fertilizers, it is impossible to grow food and feed in sufficient quantities.

Nitrogen fertilizers are most effective on chernozem soils of the Samara region. In studies of the Samara State Agricultural Academy, 1 kg of nitrogen pays for itself in grain yield
winter wheat from 10 to 26 kg/ha. Increases in grain yield from phosphorus fertilizers range from 18 to 26%. As a result of significant differences in soil-climatic, agrotechnical and material-technical conditions, the effectiveness of fertilizers even for the same crop varies greatly among individual farms and regions.

Concerning optimal parameters application of mineral fertilizers, it is necessary to focus on the recommended zonal doses for the Samara region, taking into account the agrochemical properties of the soil. For example, to obtain a grain yield of winter wheat of 4 t/ha and reproduce soil fertility, it is necessary to add 30 t of manure and 120 kg/ha of nitrogen and phosphorus, and 30–60 kg/ha of potassium.

In accordance with this, it is necessary to create flexible systems of modern technologies, taking into account the characteristics of each variety and each specific field.

The importance of fertilizer properties

Obtaining the maximum possible crop yield directly depends on the action of a complex of numerous factors, among which fertilizers play an important role.

For each mineral fertilizer supplied for agriculture state standard(technical conditions) establishes a certain
a set of requirements: for example, appearance and color, nutrient concentration (no less), moisture content (no more), particle size (granules).
Fertilizers must contain aggressive impurities within acceptable limits - free acidity, active chlorine, fluorine compounds, biuret, heavy salts
metals Failure to comply with any indicators from certain GOST quality characteristics for a particular fat is not allowed.

The requirements established by the standard are not accidental. They contribute to the high quality of many technological works, including the transportation of fertilizer, the preservation of the properties of fertilizer during storage, the quality of application, and a high fertilizing effect. Therefore, successful work ensuring the safety
quality of fertilizers on the farm, efficient use them with minimal labor and money, ensuring maximum increases in productivity without damage to nature and environment requires deep knowledge of all the properties of fats. These include not only the form of the nutrients contained, but also
physical, physicochemical and chemical properties.

Each mineral fertilizer is distinguished by a certain set of properties determined by the nature of the salt, depending on the technology of production, forms of supply of fertilizer, which can change during the period from production (receipt) to application to the soil. Knowledge of the characteristics of individual fertilizers is the key to the safety without loss of the fertilizers themselves, their nutrients, the strength of the granules, and flowability. A specialist must know how to create the necessary storage regime, when it is best to apply this fertilizer, the possibility of combining it with other fertilizers, the ability to add manure, peat, and other organic fertilizers. Taking into account the various properties of mineral fertilizers, knowing their composition, will allow you to determine which crop is best applied to, choose the application method to obtain the highest effect, and achieve best performance harvest quality.

The use of individual fertilizers also requires knowledge of many physical, physicomechanical characteristics, such as hygroscopicity and caking, granulometric composition and size of granules, their strength and flowability, a number of others, including free acidity or alkalinity, undesirable impurities.
It is necessary to take into account those natural processes that can occur during long-term storage (moistening, volatilization or leaching of nutrients
substances, loss of flowability), fire, explosion hazard. This will allow you to determine the choice of warehouse, the placement of individual packages in it, the height of the pile, the stack, etc.
safe storage conditions. The same information is necessary when choosing certain fertilizer spreaders in the field.

Range and main properties of mineral fertilizers

The chemical industry of the Russian Federation produces and supplies a wide range of mineral fertilizers to the domestic market.

Mineral fertilizers are industrial or fossil products containing nutrients for plant growth and development and used to increase soil fertility. Nutrient elements, contained in the plant body in significant quantities (from hundredths to whole percent), are called macroelements - N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S.

Types of fertilizers– one-component: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; complex - complex, complexly mixed, mixed and fertilizers with microelements. Among the species there are different forms.

Fertilizer forms:
nitrogen - nitrate, ammonium, ammonia, ammonium-nitrate, amide, liquid, slow-acting;
phosphorus - soluble, semi-soluble, insoluble;
potassium - chlorine-containing, sulfuric acid.

Taking into account the level of natural fertility of fields and other agricultural lands, the production plan of agricultural enterprises, the availability of organic fertilizers, the size of the planned harvests, as well as the further growth of agrochemical soil indicators, farm specialists calculate the annual need for fertilizers.

A batch of fertilizers imported to the farm is accompanied by a consignment note indicating the name of the product, the weight of the cargo and a copy of the passport-certificate characterizing the compliance of the fertilizer with the requirements of GOST or TU for quality.

Fertilizer packaging. Non-hygroscopic (potassium chloride, ammonium sulfate, superphosphate) and low-hygroscopic fertilizers supplied to agriculture from
loaded without containers (in bulk). This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of disposable containers and completely mechanize loading and unloading operations at all levels from the supplier plant - temporary storage (rail warehouses) - to loading them into sowing machines and applying them to the fields.

Highly hygroscopic fertilizers (saltpetre) are supplied in polyethylene or 5-6-layer bitumen bags weighing about 50 kg.

In recent years, enterprises have been delivering supplies in soft specialized containers, which, given the conditions of only approximately 50% supply in standard warehouses, can dramatically reduce losses of mineral fertilizers, ensuring a high level of mechanization of loading and unloading operations with them.

There are soft reusable containers (MC), made of rubber and cord, with a capacity of about 1.7 cubic meters. m (fertilizer weight – up to 2 tons);
disposable use (MKR) - polyethylene container, volume about 1 cubic meter. m (fertilizer weight up to 1 t); as well as negotiable ones - limited service life
(MKO) - polyethylene fabric with a polyethylene coating, its working volume is up to 0.85 cubic meters. m with a carrying capacity of about 1 ton of fertilizer mass.

Containers are stored in open areas (near a warehouse or directly in the field), stacked in 1–2 tiers. For loading and unloading operations on the farm, it is necessary to have a tractor container loader or a self-loader with a jib crane.

Urea, ammophos, diammophos, double superphosphate, potassium chloride, as well as nitrophos, nitrophoska, diammophos and other granular complex fertilizers are supplied in soft containers of the MKR type. Supplier plants guarantee the quality of mineral fertilizers determined by GOST (TU), as a rule, for 6 months from the date of manufacture of the product. Therefore, if there is a lack of standard storage containers, fertilizers should not be stored in excess of their annual requirement.

Nitrogen fertilizers

Characteristics of the main forms of nitrogen fertilizers

Basic properties. All of them have a crystalline structure and are characterized by increased hygroscopicity. When stored for a long time in unsatisfactory conditions, they become moistened, lose their flowability and cake into lumps. Of the main range of nitrogen fertilizers, calcium and ammonium nitrate are subject to the greatest hygroscopicity and caking, while ammonium sulfate and sodium ammonium sulfate are the least susceptible.

To increase flowability, reduce the degree of caking and improve physical and mechanical properties, organics (petroleum oils, fuchsins,
fatty acids) or mineral (dolomite, phosphorite) additives, which, isolating fertilizer particles, protect against caking. This is facilitated by
and granulation. All nitrogen fertilizers are highly soluble in water (Table 1).

Table 1: Solubility of nitrogen fertilizers

Since nitrogen fertilizers are highly soluble in water, hygroscopic and prone to caking, this requires special attention when storing them in warehouses. Optimal storage conditions preserve the properties of fertilizers.

The practice of using fertilizers shows that nitrogen is an element of the first minimum. Nitrogen fertilizers, as a rule, determine the level of yield.

Ammonium nitrate NH 4 NO 3– GOST grade “B” contains at least 34.4% nitrogen. Its share of those produced is approximately 20% of nitrogen supplies, and in
will decrease slightly in the future. Supplied in 5–6-layer paper bitumen or polyethylene bags weighing up to 50 kg.

The fine-crystalline substance is white, highly hygroscopic, caking, and therefore is produced in granular form (1–4 mm). It dissolves well in water. Granules of regular spherical shape, glossy. During granulation, various conditioning substances are added (phosphorite flour, gypsum, fatty acids and their amines), which give the granules the appropriate color. Their color is white or yellowish, pink with a glossy tint. The granules are very hygroscopic, “wet”, low-flowing. When the fertilizer is stored for a long time, they are angular, “prickly”, and when taken in the hand, a chill is felt.

The fertilizer quickly absorbs moisture from the air, the granules become larger, become angular, and the product cakes into very strong, large lumps. During storage, the fertilizer increases in volume and breaks the bag. When dissolved in water, this fertilizer sharply cools the solution.

Ammonium nitrate requires special attention when warehousing and storing it in a compartment separate from other materials. It is highly flammable and explosive. At
When heated to 200–270°C, the fertilizer begins to decompose, releasing heat and oxygen, which promote combustion. With rapid heating to 400–500°C
Explosive decomposition occurs. Ammonium and other nitrates are stored in a separate compartment from other fertilizers on flat pallets of fireproof construction with
anti-corrosion coating, in 2 tiers 2 m high. Without pallets, can be laid in 8–10 rows to a height of up to 1.8 m.

The weight of an individual stack is up to 120 tons. The distance between stacks is 3 m, to the wall – 1 m. In this case, the place where it is stored in the warehouse on the farm must be

For crushing, you cannot use a spark-producing tool (they are crushed by machines like ISU-4). Placers are collected, stored separately, repacked in clean bags, and used first.

Ballast-free fertilizer. Contains two different forms of nitrogen, which makes it possible to vary the methods and timing of application. Universal fertilizer: applied to all crops on all soils as the main, pre-sowing fertilizer and fertilizing. The main application is in the fall on heavy soils in conditions of insufficient moisture, in the spring - on light soils in conditions of excessive moisture. When sowing, apply in small doses (up to 10 kg/ha) using combined seeders. Top dressing: early spring winter crops using surface and root methods, root feeding for row crops.

Urea (urea) CO(NH 2) 2 for agriculture – grade “B”. This is the most concentrated dry nitrogen fertilizer - no less than 46.2% nitrogen. Agricultural enterprises receive approximately 25% of all nitrogen fertilizers. As a rule, it arrives without containers, and sometimes in five-layer paper bags (crystalline salt) or in plastic bags. In addition, urea can be supplied in a flexible, reusable (MP) or single-use (SUR) container.

White crystalline substance, soluble in water. It cakes during storage and is therefore produced in granular form (1–3 mm). Granules of regular spherical shape, matte. Granular urea has good physical properties.

The granular product is characterized by good flowability, has dry, smooth, well-flowing spherical granules (granules are available in two fractions: 0.2–1.0 and more often 2.0–2.5 mm). Granulated urea should contain no more than 0.9% biuret, an increased concentration of which is toxic to seedlings.

A distinctive feature of urea, both crystalline and granular forms, is that it “soaps” when taken on wet fingers. It has a significantly lower volumetric mass (0.65 t/m3) compared to ammonium nitrate (0.82–0.90 t/m3).

Universal fertilizer. As a basic fertilizer, it is equivalent to ammonium nitrate and other nitrogen fertilizers, but has advantages in conditions of excess moisture and irrigation. Use during sowing may slow down germination and emergence due to the formation of large amounts of ammonia. Surface fertilizing of winter crops can only be carried out with immediate harrowing in order to avoid losses of nitrogen in gaseous form. Good fertilizer for carrying out basal and root feeding.

In the fertilization system for winter crops, early spring fertilizing provides a great effect. In addition, the protein content in grain increases late (during
heading) fertilizing with an aqueous solution of fertilizer.

For foliar feeding, you can use a 30% urea solution, which does not burn the leaves; in addition, urea is absorbed by leaf cells in the form of a whole molecule, without prior ammonification, through direct involvement in the cycle of transformations of nitrogenous substances. Urea supergranules measuring 8–10 mm in size were tested, which practically do not caking. Mixing urea with other fertilizers (superphosphate, potash fertilizers) is possible only before application.

Ammonium sulfate (NH 4) 2 SO 4 according to GOST 9097-82 must contain at least 21% nitrogen. This fertilizer is produced in amounts up to 2% of all nitrogen fertilizers. Supplied in bitumen paper or polyethylene bags of 50 kg. By agreement with the consumer, they are usually shipped in bulk.

By appearance– fine-crystalline salt, similar to granulated sugar; usually white or yellowish in color. Depending on the production technology, the product can be gray, pink, yellow, greenish, bluish and even blackish. Low hygroscopic, highly soluble in water and almost non-caking.

It differs from ammonium nitrate in its smaller, dryer, free-flowing and shiny crystals (ammonium nitrate has angular and gray granules). Ammonium sulfate, produced as a by-product in the production of chemical and man-made fibers, comes in bulk and contains 20.5% nitrogen. Outwardly, it looks like river sand (gray and light brown).

This fertilizer is best used on neutral soils. Preferably used as a basic fertilizer. Suitable for application on loamy soils not only in spring, but also in autumn.

It is advisable to combine fertilizing with ammonium sulfate with harrowing of the crops: early fertilizing of winter crops. It is possible to fertilize row crops (on light soils and with irrigation). Do not apply during sowing, as this can lead to ammonia poisoning of plants. The best nitrogen fertilizer for solonetz soils. A good fertilizer for potatoes, because it contains sulfur, which helps increase the starch content, and, in addition, potatoes are not afraid of acidification ( optimal level pH 5.5).

Stored in stacks (piles) up to 4 m high, separately from other fertilizers. Before sowing, it can be mixed with almost all fertilizers.

Calcium nitrate Ca(NO 3) 2 TU-2181-018-324964-45-00. The liquid, supplied in 60-liter polyethylene barrels, contains 8% nitrogen and 13% CaO.

The same solid product - 15.5% nitrogen and 26.5% CaO - in 50-kilogram polyethylene bags. Highly hygroscopic salt in the form of 3–6 mm flakes. Brownish in color. Used in industrial vegetable growing.

Sodium nitrate NaNO 3- a relatively rare fertilizer. Contains at least 16% nitrogen. Supplied in five-layer bitumen paper bags weighing about 50 kg.

Externally - very small (much smaller than ammonium sulfate) shiny crystals of white or yellowish color. Hygroscopic, caking, highly soluble in water. Like all nitrates, it is flammable and explosive. Store separately, the height of the stack of bags is up to 2 m.

Sodium nitrate is used for sowing and fertilizing. The main application is limited (due to the high mobility of nitrate nitrogen). Apply when sowing sugar and fodder beets and when feeding winter crops. Sodium, which is part of the fertilizer, promotes the outflow of carbohydrates from the leaves to the roots, thereby improving the quality of sugar beets and other root crops.

Liquid nitrogen fertilizers

Their advantage is low energy costs during production (evaporation and granulation are excluded); one-time use of containers is not required. It is possible to mechanize all work – from delivery to application to the field.

Liquid fertilizers provide no less fertilizing effect than solid fertilizers. Therefore, their energy coefficient is 2–2.5 times higher than that of ammonium nitrate or urea.

However, the use of liquid forms requires significant one-time costs for metal containers, depositing machines. Higher required
“agronomic culture”, including compliance with safety regulations at all stages of work. There is also a seasonal nature of supplies - mainly during the warm period of the year.

Liquid (anhydrous) ammonia NH 3. This promising, most concentrated fertilizer makes up about 10% of supplies. Contains 82.3% nitrogen. Comes in sealed railway tanks capacity 50 cu. m, designed for high pressure (16–20 atmospheres). It corrodes non-ferrous metals (copper, zinc and their alloys), but is practically neutral in relation to ferrous metals and aluminum alloys.

This fertilizer is stored in containers made of ferrous metals or their alloys. In order to reduce high pressure elastic vapors, the outer surface of the containers should be painted white or silver. Ammonia is a colorless gas-liquid mixture with a pungent odor and a density of 0.77 kg/m3. At a temperature of minus 33.4°C and above, it boils under atmospheric pressure. Its specific gravity at 0°C is 639 kg/m3. At temperatures of minus 77.8°C and below, it hardens and turns into a snow-like mass.

A potent toxic substance, a mixture with air at an NH3 concentration of 15–27% is explosive. If ammonia comes into contact with the skin, it causes burns, and if it evaporates, it can cause frostbite. It is supplied in railway tanks and via the Tolyatti – Odessa ammonia pipeline. Largest producer ammonia in our country - Togliattiazot Corporation. Liquid ammonia is the cheapest nitrogen fertilizer.

When introduced into the soil, it turns into a gas and is physically positively adsorbed by the soil for a short time, then dissolves in soil moisture and turns into ammonium hydroxide. A high concentration of ammonia is created at the point of application, the pH shifts to 9. The microflora dies. The radius of distribution of ammonia is 7–10 cm. Nitrification of ammonia nitrogen begins from the periphery and gradually (after 2–4 weeks) the number of microorganisms and pH are restored.

Anhydrous ammonia is applied only subsoil using a special set of machines (anhydrous ammonia filler - ZBA-3.2-817, MZHA-6; application unit - ABA-0.5, ASHA-2.0, AZHA-1.0). The distance between the working parts of the cultivator is 20–25 cm. The depth of application is determined by the granulometric composition: on heavy soils – 10–12 cm, on light soils – 14–18 cm. Sowing and subsequent tillage of the soil are possible 10 hours after applying ammonia. Sowing is carried out perpendicular to the application of fertilizer. Ammonia is better absorbed in heavy, organic-rich, normally moist soils.

Can be used for basic application in autumn and spring and for root feeding of row crops. Its use causes temporary neutralization of acidity, promotes the mobilization of soil phosphates and potassium, and enhances ammonification and nitrification of the soil.

Ammonia water (aqueous ammonia) NH 4 OH– one of the cheapest fertilizers. Provides I and II grades with a nitrogen content of 20.5 and 18.0%, respectively.
It arrives in sealed railway containers in the form of a colorless or yellowish liquid with a pungent odor. When using ammonia water, it is important to strictly follow safety precautions. Workers must be instructed to have a gas mask, safety glasses, overalls and rubber gloves. It is better to organize the work of introducing it into the soil in a group way (2-3 units), so that machine operators can help each other both in case of technical problems and in case of damage by ammonia.

It is advisable to apply ammonia water into moist soil, placement depth: on light soils 12–14 cm, on medium soils 10–12 cm, on heavy soils – at least 8–10 cm, and placement perpendicular to the future direction of sowing, which promotes uniform distribution. It is almost equivalent to dry nitrogen fertilizers. They are applied using POU-type machines as the main fertilizer (during the fall or in the spring), and as a top dressing.

On farms, ammonia water is stored in horizontal containers for 25–50 cubic meters m, designed for low pressure. The filling limit for containers is 85% of their internal volume. Elimination of nitrogen losses in the form of ammonia is achieved by filling the surface with 2–3 cm of ammonia water GSPS - a sealing self-flowing film-forming composition.

UAN (urea-ammonium mixture) NH 4 NO 3 + CO(NH 2) 2 + H 2 O– stable liquid fertilizer. According to the standards, this is a liquid light color(with a yellowish or yellow-greenish tint), density 1.26–1.34 g/cm3, pH 6–7. Contains 28–32% nitrogen. It consists of melt (unevaporated solutions of ammonium nitrate - 38-42.7% and urea - 31-42%) with the addition of small amounts of ammonia (0.2-0.3%) and phosphoric acid (0.1-0.2 % P 2 O 5).

Store in ferrous metal containers with a lid. Used as the main fertilizer, but especially effective as a regular or foliar feeding using machines such as POU, OPSH-15, PSh-21.6 or ON-400 by spraying over the field or sowing.

KSAAS – CO(NH 2) 2 + (NH 4) 2 SO 4 + NH 4 NO 3 + H 2 O – urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate – a transparent liquid of a yellowish-greenish color. According to TU 113-03-41-17-90, it contains at least 18% nitrogen. It contains (mass fraction, %): urea - 25, ammonium sulfate - 25, ammonium nitrate - 5, water - 45. This is a stable solution, density 1.25 g / cubic meter. cm. At temperatures up to 18°C ​​it does not form sediment. Properties and application are similar to CAS.

Slow-release fertilizers

Ureaforms. Urea-formaldehyde fertilizer (NH 2 CONHCH 2) n – MFP.

Condensation product of urea and formaldehyde. White powder with particle size less than 0.5 mm. It has good physical properties and does not cake. Contains 38–40% N, of which 8–10% is in soluble form.

Encapsulated fertilizers. Granules of water-soluble fertilizers are covered with films through which aqueous solutions penetrate slowly and difficultly. Paraffin, polyethylene emulsion, sulfur compounds, and resins are used as coatings. Such fertilizers are less hygroscopic and do not caking. By selecting the composition and thickness of the films, it is possible to obtain fertilizers with different rates of nitrogen release, that is, prolonged action, taking into account the biological characteristics and frequency of nutrition of agricultural crops.

Slow-acting fertilizers are promising for areas with excess moisture and on irrigated lands, as well as when applied under vegetable crops, grassland grasses, grass stands on sports grounds and lawns. Apply in high doses (do not create excessively high harmful concentrations) once every two to three years, without fear of nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen nutrition is provided to the first crop and a significant after-effect of the fertilizer on subsequent crops is observed.

Phosphorus fertilizers

General properties. Phosphorus fertilizers are powdered. They are light gray (superphosphates, precipitate, thermophosphates) or dark (phosphorite
flour, phosphate slag) coloring. Even easily digestible water-soluble phosphates (superphosphates) are little or almost insoluble in water. When moistened they
smear, prone to caking (except for phosphate rock). All phosphates are stored in regular warehouses. When working with dusty fertilizers, workers must wear special clothing and respirators.

Powdered simple superphosphate Ca(H 2 PO 4) H 2 O + 2CaSO 4 2H 2 O. The range of phosphates has a small specific gravity(up to 5%). Contains at least 19% digestible P 2 O 5 . The free acidity of the fertilizer (in terms of P 2 O 5) should not exceed 5%. It comes in bulk.

Externally - free-flowing powder of light gray (from apatite) and dark gray (from phosphorite) color, with a specific unpleasant smell volatile oxides (the higher the free acidity of the fertilizer, the stronger the odor). The smell of this fertilizer is easily distinguished from all powdered fertilizers.

It can be used as a basic fertilizer for all crops. Before sowing, it can be mixed with all fertilizers.

Granulated simple superphosphate Ca(H 2 PO 4) H 2 O + 2CaSO 4 2H 2 O. Contains at least 19% P 2 O 5, free acidity should not exceed 2.5% P 2 O 5. Supplied in 4-5-layer bitumen paper bags weighing about 50 kg or in bulk.

Externally – light gray or gray granules of uneven size (1–4 mm) with an unpleasant odor. Unlike powder, it has good physical properties– weakly cakes, scatters well across the field. Application – similar to powdered superphosphate. In addition, it is advisable to apply it when sowing as a row fertilizer or as a root dressing.

Double (concentrated) superphosphate Ca(H 2 PO 4) 2 H 2 O. The output of this fertilizer is 25% phosphates, in the future it will decrease to 13%. Grades “A” and “B” are provided with a content of at least 46 and 43%, respectively.
water-soluble phosphorus available to plants, the free acidity of the fertilizer calculated as P2O5 should not exceed 2.5–5%. Supplied unpacked or in 5-layer paper bitumen (polyethylene) bags of about 50 kg,
as well as in soft containers.

Outwardly it is very similar to simple granulated superphosphate, but has larger granules that are more uniform in size. In addition, their color is darker (gray or dark gray). The product is low hygroscopic, but requires good conditions storage. Its action is approximately equivalent to that of a simple
superphosphate. The economics of its use (costs of transportation, storage, application to the soil) are higher. The application dose for crops is reduced by approximately 2 times compared to a simple one.

Application - as a main application (scattered or locally), as well as as a row fertilizer.

Superfos, or superphosphate-phosphorus fertilizer (slow-release phosphorus fertilizer), contains at least 38% available phosphorus, including 50–65% water-soluble.

Externally – durable gray, low-hygroscopic, free-flowing granules measuring 2–3 mm. Suitable for various fertilizer mixtures. A new promising phosphorus fertilizer is obtained by incomplete decomposition of phosphorites with phosphoric acid. Double superphosphate is produced in this way. The innovation is that less phosphoric acid is taken, so the decomposition is only partial. In terms of its effect on the crop, superphosphate is not only not inferior to precipitate, but also approaches double superphosphate - the best among all phosphate fertilizers.

On acidic and calcareous soddy-podzolic soils it is approximately equivalent to superphosphate. On average, over a series of experiments on these soils, the effect of superphosphate was 95.0% of the effect of double superphosphate. The main application of superfos is more effective for barley, oats, buckwheat, winter crops, and rye. It also gives a good effect as a pre-sowing fertilizer.

Precipitate CaHPO 4 2H 2 O (fertilizer). Contains at least 38% P 2 O 5. Supplied in 4-layer paper bags weighing about 35–50 kg. Limited edition.

Externally – light gray, odorless, free-flowing powder. The fertilizer contains citrate-soluble phosphorus (soluble in weak acids) and is practically insoluble in water.

Use only as a basic fertilizer on acidic soils.

Phosphate slag 4CaO P 2 O 5 CaSiO 3– waste from the steel industry. Contains at least 8–10% P 2 O 5 .

Externally it is a thin, heavy, dusty black powder. As a rule, it comes in bulk. This fertilizer has a low specific gravity (about 1% of all phosphates) and is used mainly in areas adjacent to metallurgical plants. Use only as a basic fertilizer.

Monocalcium phosphate (feed grade). Depending on the variety, it contains at least 55 and 50% P 2 O 5.

Supplied in 4-5-layer paper and plastic bags weighing about 50 kg. In terms of granulometric composition, it is very similar to powdered superphosphate, but has a darker (dark gray) color, with a specific
"superphosphate" smell. Virtually no fluoride.

The product can be used not only as a means of mineral feeding for livestock, but also as a phosphorus fertilizer. It is applied as the main fertilizer in the spring, but it can also be used as a root feeding.

Phosphorite flour Ca 3 (PO 4) 2. Four grades of phosphate rock are produced, the total phosphorus content calculated on P2O5 in which is as follows: the highest grade - 30%, the first - 25, the second - 22, the third - 19, with a particle grinding fineness of no more than 0.17 mm. As a rule, it comes in bulk. It is allowed to supply this fertilizer with a content of 16% a.i.

Externally, it is a thin, heavy powder (weight 1 m3 - 1.7–1.9 tons) of a dark gray (earthy) color. The fertilizer is odorless, does not dissolve in water, is not hygroscopic, and does not cake. Can be stored under cover. It can be successfully used not only on acidic sod-podzolic, gray forest and peat soils, but also on leached chernozems in the southern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region. It is a good component for composts.

Used only as the main fertilizer, applied in advance, before the fallow season, effectively used in fallows (1–2 t/ha) for lupins and other legumes, buckwheat, winter rye and oats. During phosphorite treatment and complex agrochemical cultivation of fields, it is added based on its effect for a number of years
1–2 t/ha.

Potash fertilizers

Potassium has a multifaceted effect on plants, productivity and product quality. The more nitrogen used, the higher the need for it. In the last 8–10 years, the supply of soil with available potassium has sharply decreased, which has led to a decrease in the utilization rates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers and a drop in the yield of forage and row crops. In intensive farming, the potassium balance should be positive or zero.

Basic properties. Potassium fertilizers have a well-defined crystallinity (except for kalimag, which is a powder fertilizer). They are low hygroscopic and good storage almost undetectable.

Solubility in water is significant: 283 g of potassium chloride or other fertilizer dissolves in a liter of water at 0°C, and 563 g at 20°C. high efficiency Potash fertilizers are provided when mainly used on light and peaty soils.

Potassium chloride KSI– the main potash fertilizer, the supply of which currently accounts for 80% of all potash fertilizers. Depending on the production technology, a number of brands of fertilizers are produced:

grade “K” is obtained by crystallization from solution, grade “F” is obtained by flotation of potash ores. Depending on the varieties, it contains (at least): grade “K” – highest grade – 62.5%; Grade I – 62.0%; II grade – 60.0%; brand “F” – II grade – 60%, III grade – 58.1% K 2 O.

Grade “K” is a very fine crystalline salt of white, grayish, pinkish, reddish or other colors. A characteristic feature of this fertilizer is its uniform color.

The product is hygroscopic, prone to caking, and generates a lot of dust when dry.

To reduce the degree of caking, various organic additives (amines or synthetic fatty acids) are added to the fertilizer, which color the product.

Grade “F” is a coarse crystalline salt of pink or red color, containing at least 80% with particles of 2–4 mm.

It has relatively good physical properties - practically no caking, good flowability and dispersibility.

Our industry produces non-caking, coarse-grained potassium chloride - brown or red particles measuring 4-6 mm. In addition, granular potassium chloride is supplied in the form of gray granules (2–4 mm).

In accordance with TU 113-13-4-93, it is possible to supply coarse-crystalline, dust-free (1–3 mm), granulated (2–4 mm) and pressed (with irregularly shaped granules 1–4 mm from grayish-white to red-brown colors) with 100 % friability.

Universal – grains of red-brown or grayish-white colors with a diameter of about 3 mm.

Dust-free – similar to it, 1–3 mm.

Special – 62% K 2 O, grayish-white crystals.

All varieties of brands are applied before sowing (before plowing or in the spring for pre-sowing tillage). On the day of sifting, coarse-grained forms of fertilizer can be mixed with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, in advance - with ammonium sulfate, and fine-crystalline forms - with phosphorus flour.

Mixed potassium salt 40%, KCl + (mKCl nNaCl) TU 6-13-77 contains 40% K 2 O, 20% NaO and 50% Cl.

It is obtained by mixing flotation potassium chloride with sylvinite. A mixture of variegated crystals of small and medium size.

It is used only for the main application of crops that are responsive to sodium: sugar beets, fodder and table root crops, tomatoes, cabbage, cereals.

Potassium chloride electrolyte KCI with an admixture of NaCI and MgCI 2 (spent). TU48-10-40-76 provides for the production of light gray crystalline salt and granules of the same color. Fertilizer grade “A” contains at least 45.5% K 2 O and up to 6% MgO;
grade “B” – 31.6% K 2 O. Supplied in 4-5-layer paper bags of about 50 kg or in bulk. Outwardly, it is very similar to potassium chloride grade “K”, light in color, but has a specific “iodide” odor. Its effectiveness is approximately equivalent to potassium chloride.

Potassium sulfate K 2 SO 4. According to TU 2184-044-00196368-95 it contains at least 46% K 2 O. It comes in bulk. Currently the supply is 5% of the output. Externally –

a fine-crystalline substance of white color, sometimes with a yellowish tint, does not cake. The crystals are dry, free-flowing, and almost non-hygroscopic. This is better
It does not contain chlorine.

The main application for chlorophobic crops: grapes, buckwheat, potatoes, tobacco. They are mainly used in greenhouse vegetable growing.

Potassium magnesium K 2 SO 4 · MgSO 4 . According to TU 2184-022-32496445-00, it is planned to produce grades “A” and “B” containing 28 and 25% K 2 O, respectively,
as well as 9% magnesium oxide. Chlorine should be no more than 15%. For exceeding this amount of chlorine, a discount is given from the wholesale price. Usually arrives without

Granular product in the form of large (2–6 mm) granules of irregular angular shape. Powdered - in appearance, crystalline salt of a snow-white color with dry shiny crystals. The fertilizer has good physical and mechanical properties: not hygroscopic, almost no caking, highly soluble in water, has good flowability. It is easy to disperse evenly across the field. It is preferable to use for chlorine-sensitive crops (buckwheat, legumes), especially on soils with light mechanical composition. It is more advisable to use it as the main fertilizer in the spring.

Kalimag K 2 SO 4 2MgSO 4(potassium-magnesium concentrate) TU6-13-7-76. Grainy, non-caking powder of gray or light gray color, supplied in bulk. It contains at least 18.5% K 2 O and 9% MgO. There are granular and non-granular brands.

Use is similar to potassium magnesium in double doses.

Cainite enriched. TU 6-13-8-83 allows the supply of natural ground ore containing at least 17.5% K 2 O and 9% MgO.

Externally – large pinkish-brown crystals or coarsely ground gray salt (there may be yellowish-brown inclusions). Prone to tracking. Use under beets and other root crops, in meadows and pastures.

Complex fertilizers

Their advantage over one-component macrofertilizers, containing only one main element, is their high content of active substance (from 36 to 52% and higher), as well as better physical and mechanical properties.

Compared to one-component fertilizers, they contain less ballast and the constituent components are evenly distributed in the granule (molecule). Their use does not require additional costs for fertilizer mixing.

These fertilizers are expected to include up to 26% nitrogen, 50% phosphorus and 24% potassium supplied as part of mineral fertilizers. In the range of complex fertilizers, the main share of supplies falls on fertilizers with a ratio of the main elements (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) equal to 1:1:1; 1.5:1:1; 1:1.5:1; 1:1.5:1.5 and 1:1:0.5. These are nitrophoska, nitroammofoska, azofoska, karbammofoska - their specific gravity is over 45% of all complex ones, of which about 22% are in forms with a leveled ratio of elements equal to 1:1:1. These trends in the range of complex fertilizers will continue, but in the future the share of forms with an equalized ratio of the main nutrients will increase to 36%. However, a large proportion falls on ammonium phosphates: ammophos, diammophos, ammophosphate, liquid fertilizers and others with a wide ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus (1:5:0; 1:4:0; 1:3.5:0; 1:2.5 :0), which now account for up to 35% of all complex fats. In the future, only a slight decrease in the supply of ammophos is planned (1: 4: 0), but the specific weight with the uneven ratio of the main nutrients in the supply will remain.

These packages are stored in a separate compartment; when received without containers, they are stored in bulk up to 3–4 m high; when delivered in bags on pallets, they are laid crosswise
in stacks of 20–25 bags.

Ammophos NH 4 H 2 PO 4. The product is supplied granulated (grade “A”) and powdered, non-granular (grade “B”) - both contain 44–50% phosphorus and 10–12% nitrogen. It comes in bulk, less often - in plastic bags or in soft containers. Thanks to high content active ingredient (up to 56–64%) and good physical properties, it has an advantage over one-component fertilizers and fertilizer mixtures.

The difference from superphosphate is that the crystallinity of the product is noticeable. It is advisable to apply grade “A” locally or scattered before sowing as a starting, row fertilizer. Brand “B” is used as the main fertilizer, as well as for feeding continuous crops, for example, many summer grasses, natural forage lands.

Diammophos (NH4)2HPO4– brands similar to ammophos, containing 18% nitrogen and 47% phosphorus. Used in the same way as ammophos.

Ammophosphate– a new phosphorus-nitrogen fertilizer produced with less consumption of sulfuric acid and energy resources, and more rational use of initial phosphate raw materials. There are brands: “A” – 46% P 2 O 5, 7% nitrogen and “B” – 39% P 2 O 5, 5% nitrogen. Approximately 60–70% of the total phosphorus is water soluble. The granules are dark gray in color, strong and smooth, they are mostly 3–4 mm in diameter and practically do not cake. Application is similar to ammophos.

Potassium nitrate KNO 3. GOST 19790-74. A finely crystalline substance of white color, soluble in water, non-hygroscopic, does not caking, contains 46% K 2 O and 13.5% nitrogen. Supplied in plastic or paper bags.

Due to its excellent physical properties, potassium nitrate is suitable both for the preparation of mixed fertilizers and for direct application to the soil. The main application of this fertilizer is possible only in the spring; it is used as a top dressing. Valuable fertilizer for crops sensitive to chlorine. This fertilizer is used mainly for vegetable crops, especially in greenhouses.

Ammonium metaphosphate NH 4 PO 3– contains 14% N and 32% P2O5. The fertilizer is insoluble in water. Therefore, nutrients are not leached from the soil, but due to hydrolysis they gradually become available to plants. Mixtures prepared with metaphosphates have satisfactory physical properties. Used for basic application.

Potassium metaphosphate (KPO 3)– chlorine-free concentrated fertilizer (60% P 2 O 5 and 40% K 2 O), practically insoluble in water. Externally it is a powder similar to potato starch. In experiments conducted in our area, it is superior to other phosphorus fertilizers. Promising for use on light and medium-textured soils as the main fertilizer for chlorine-sensitive crops.

Magnesium ammonium phosphate (phosphoammomagnesia) MgNH 4 PO 4 H 2 O. A triple compound fertilizer containing 10.9% N, 45.7% available phosphorus and 25.9% magnesium. Nitrogen in this fertilizer is presented in a water-insoluble form, and phosphorus and magnesium are in lemon-soluble form. Therefore, it can be considered as a long-acting fertilizer. It is advisable to use on light sandy soils (where significant losses of nitrogen from soluble fertilizers are possible and where there is a deficiency of magnesium) as the main fertilizer for potatoes, root crops and vegetable crops. It is of interest for irrigated agriculture and greenhouses when growing vegetables hydroponically.

Ammonium polyphosphate. Obtained by ammoniation of polyphosphoric acids. Until recently, the production of superphosphate, ammonium phosphate, was based
on orthophosphoric acid - H 3 PO 4, which contains no more than 54% P 2 O 5. Polyphosphoric acids contain from 70 to 82% P 2 O 5, which makes it possible to obtain more
concentrated fertilizers (their general formula is Hn + 2PnO 3 n + 1). Triple superphosphate (55% P 2 O 5) is obtained from polyphosphoric acids.
Ammonium polyphosphate contains 13–15% N and 60–65% P 2 O 5 .

Available in granular form. Externally similar to double superphosphate (with smaller, dark gray granules). A good component for fertilizer mixtures and the preparation of liquid and liquid fertilizers. Based on superphosphoric acid, it is possible to produce other complex solid fertilizers, for example, potassium polyphosphate containing 57% P 2 O 5 and 37% K 2 O.

Hydrolysis processes (under the influence of microorganisms) of polyphosphates to orthophosphates occur in the soil. Hydrolysis is more intense, the higher the biological activity of soils. At low temperatures (7–12°C) it occurs slowly, and intensifies with increasing temperature. Plants absorb phosphorus from polyphosphates somewhat more slowly than from orthophosphates. During the growing season there is some advantage in the absorption of P 2 O 5 by plants
belongs to polyphosphates, in which retrogradation is less pronounced than in orthophosphates. Suitable for all crops on any soil. Used as the main fertilizer.

Nitrophos NH4 NO3 + CaHPO4 + Ca(H2PO4)2. Grade “A” contains 23% nitrogen and 17% phosphorus, grade “B” – 24% nitrogen and 14% phosphorus. Granules are mainly 2–4
mm dark gray or pink. Apply before sowing or as a starter fertilizer on soils well supplied with potassium, or on organic background

Nitrophoska CaHPO 4 2H 2 O + Ca(H 2 PO 4) 2 H 2 O + NH 4 NO 3 + NH 4 Cl + KCl + KNO 3 + CaSO 4 2H 2 O. Provides for the production of granular nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer with an equalized ratio of nutrients. The amount of nutrients is not less than 33%, grade “A” is produced - 16:16:16; "B" -
13:10:13; “B” – 12:12:12. Phosphorus in nitrophoskas should be 55% of the total content in water-soluble form.

Supplied without containers or in 4-5-layer paper bitumen (polyethylene) bags or in soft containers weighing up to 1 ton. Externally - a granular product (2-4 mm) of gray, pale blue or light pink color.

It is hygroscopic and, if stored unsatisfactorily, cakes into strong lumps. It differs from simple superphosphate in its lack of odor. When taken in
a damp hand feels cold, and during long-term storage, crystals will melt on the granule, which indicates the crystalline nature of the fertilizer. It is used as the main fertilizer before sowing, as a starter fertilizer or when sowing at 50–200 kg/ha; it can be added to the root feeding of winter crops.
In terms of their effectiveness, nitrophoskas are almost equivalent to an equivalent amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Nitroammophos NH 4 NO 3 + NH 4 H 2 PO 4. More often it comes in bulk, less often in bags. Granules 2–4 mm. Grade “A” – 23–25% nitrogen and phosphorus each, grade “B” – 16% nitrogen and 24% phosphorus, grade “B” – 25% nitrogen and 20% phosphorus. Application is similar to nitrophos.

Nitroammophoska NH 4 NO 3 + NH 4 H 2 PO 4 + KNO 3 + NH 4 Cl. There are two brands: “A” – 1:1:1 and “B” – 1:1.5:1.5 with the amount of nutrients 51% each, including brands 17-17-17 and 13-19- 19. The size of the angular granules is 1.5–3.5 mm. Supplied in polyethylene, paper bitumen bags weighing 50 kg or soft containers, as well as without packaging. It is very similar to nitrophoska, but has good physical properties. Used similarly. Phosphorus is almost completely soluble in water, which determines the best effect against nitrophoska in the year of application.

Carboammophoska NH 4 H 2 PO 4 + CO(NH 2) 2 + KCl– complete fertilizer, depending on the brand, contains 17–20% nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In appearance - light gray granules 2–4 mm, characterized by good flowability. Contains water-soluble forms of nutrients. Used as the main fertilizer.
Azofoska (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, complex). TU 6-08-508-82 provides for the release of the main brands: 16:16:16 and 10:20:20; 21:11:11 and others that have nutrients in water-soluble forms. Supplied without packaging, in plastic bags, as well as in soft containers. Packaging is possible in 5 kg bags, packed in 10 pieces in plastic bags. Externally – light gray round granules 2–4 mm. They flow well and are durable.

Complex nitrogen-phosphate fertilizer (NAFU)– a new non-flammable nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer (31% nitrogen and 5% P2O5), obtained by neutralizing nitric acid with ammonia and introducing superphosphoric (or orthophosphoric) acid into the solution.

Externally - granules similar to light or pinkish ammonium nitrate. It is characterized by increased hygroscopicity and very good solubility in water.

A new form of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers has the ability to more evenly release nutrients during the growing season, which provides optimal development plants. NArFU is used on any type of soil for basic application and for feeding during the growing season for all types of crops.

When feeding winter crops in early spring, phosphorus gives slightly greater increases than ammonium nitrate.

Urea phosphates CO(NH 2) 2 H 3 PO 4– large spherical granules (2.5–3 mm), containing 27% nitrogen and phosphorus each, or 16% N, 48% P 2 O 5, respectively.

They are characterized by good flowability and low hygroscopicity. They are highly soluble and can be used in all ways for many agricultural crops. The exception is meadows and pastures, since surface application causes loss of nitrogen, which reduces the effectiveness of the fertilizer. You can additionally introduce ammonia and add potassium chloride. The fertilizer is suitable for application on solonetz soils.

Liquid complex fertilizer (LCF) NH 4 H 2 PO 4 + (NH 4)3HPO 2 O 7 + (NH 4)5P 3 O 1 0 2 H 2 O and other ammonium polyphosphates. Provides for the production of a base solution 10-34-0, which in terms of phosphorus content accounts for more than 10% of phosphate supplies, and in the future - up to 12%. Externally, it is a stable, light-colored, slightly viscous liquid, density 1.35–1.40 g per cubic meter. cm, does not thicken or crystallize at temperatures down to –18°C.

Grade 11-37-0 is also available, which has approximately the same properties and works well on all types of soil. Promising supplies of suspended fertilizer type 12-12-12, used in a similar way.

Liquid and liquid fertilizers have a high effect on soils that are moderately and well supplied with potassium. The introduction of a potassium component (chlorine, potassium grade “K” or potassium sulfate) into a solution, even in small quantities (50–80 kg/t) in clean solutions, creates inconvenience: needle-shaped crystals of potassium nitrate are formed, which settle at the bottom of the container. Then, salting out is distinguished, leading to low temperatures to loss of fluidity of the solution. Crystal deposits in the conductive organs of machines are very difficult to remove.

Mortar (crystalin), brands “A”, “A1”, “B”, “B1”. Fertilizer for greenhouses. Produced in accordance with OST 10193-96. This is a granular fertilizer (granules
1–4 mm) soft white color. The granules are not strong, they are rubbed between your fingers. The chemical composition is presented in Table 2.

table 2
Chemical composition of various brands of mortar

Indicators Stamps
"A" "A1" "B" "B1"
appearance mixture of granules and powder
total nitrogen,% 10,0 8,0 18,0 16,0
including N-NH2 - - - -
including N-NH4 5,0 4,0 9,0 8,0
including N-NO3 5,0 4,0 9,0 8,0
Р2О5, % 5,0 6,0 6,0 16,0
K2O, % 20,0 28,0 18,0 16,0
МgO, % 5,0 3,0 - -
microelements,% Zn-0.01; Cu-0.01; Mn-0.1; Mo-0.001; B-0.01
pH value 3,0-4,5 3,0-4,5 3,0-4,5 3,0-4,5
insoluble residue,% <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1

Mortar is a complex water-soluble fertilizer with a full set of nutrients, including microelements in chelated form, intended for growing crops in open and closed ground, including for low-volume technologies for growing vegetables and drip irrigation of gardens.

Solutions are used in greenhouse vegetable growing through sprinkling and watering systems. The presence of several brands allows you to vary feeding depending on the phase of plant development. For example, if a tomato plant lags in growth after planting the crop, grade “A” mortar is used. After harvesting the first fruits, plant growth increases, so it is more advisable to use grade “B” solution. The range of fluctuations in the concentration of the solution during irrigation is 0.1–0.5%, depending on the growing conditions and age of the plants. The optimal concentration is 0.2%.

The solution can be used for foliar feeding. In this case, nutrients in water-soluble form are absorbed faster and better by plants, making it possible to quickly adjust plant nutrition during certain periods of growth.

Solutions are becoming increasingly widespread in open ground, where they are used for foliar feeding of vegetable, grain, industrial and fruit crops. The high efficiency of solutions has been determined when used in tank mixtures with pesticides on winter wheat, corn, apple orchards, and vineyards.

Mixed mineral fertilizers (fertilizer mixtures). These are complex mineral fertilizers obtained by mechanical mixing of ready-made powder, crystalline or granular single-component or complex fertilizers. Fertilizer mixtures are of great importance and involve
reduction in energy costs compared to separate application of different forms of fertilizers.

Typical factory fertilizer mixtures. Along with complex (complex, combined fertilizers containing 2 or 3 main nutrients, or the presence of microelements in them, fertilizer mixtures based on one-component mineral fertilizers are supplied. Fertilizer mixture (mechanical compound of fertilizers), prepared using a dry method at the request of the farms of the region (district) for individual crops (potatoes, flax, grains). Fertilizer mixtures are prepared in order to select the optimal concentration of nutrients for the specific nutrition of a particular agricultural crop, climatic conditions, and average agrochemical soil parameters.

To prepare fertilizer mixtures, fertilizers corresponding to GOST (TU) humidity are used. In addition, the granulometric composition of the initial components should be similar (preferably 2–3 mm), that is, without dust and large particles. To neutralize increased acidity and increase flowability, particle isolating additives (phosphorus flour, defluorinated phosphate, dolomite flour or other neutralizing products) are added. The mixture must maintain friability for a specified period.

When selecting fertilizers for fertilizer mixtures, it is necessary to pay attention to the equal particle size distribution of the components and follow the rules for mixing fertilizers (see diagram). In this case, chemical compatibility of the fertilizers is achieved without deteriorating the physical properties of the components. The efficiency of such fertilizer mixtures is no lower than factory complex mixtures. In many cases, their payback is higher.


Microelements are important in plant nutrition, crop formation and its quality: boron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, zinc, cobalt, iodine. Plants need trace elements in very small quantities. However, their deficiency, as well as their excess, disrupts the activity of the enzymatic apparatus, and, consequently, the metabolism of the plant.

Microelements accelerate the development of plants, the processes of fertilization and fruit formation, the synthesis and movement of carbohydrates, protein and fat metabolism.

They are more often needed on light, infertile soils. However, when planning high yields, it is necessary to take into account that crops may experience an increased need for certain microelements. Therefore, it is important to know the plants’ need for each microelement and optimally satisfy it.

The feasibility of their application is determined by agrochemical cartography or the results of soil research.

Granular boron superphosphate– light gray granules containing 18.5–19.3% P 2 O 5 and 1% boric acid (H 3 VO 3).

Double boron superphosphate contains 40–42% P 2 O 5 and 1.5% boric acid.

Boron superphosphates are used primarily for application into rows when sowing and planting plants at the rate of 0.5–1.5 kg of boron per 1 ha. As the main fertilizer, 200–300 kg per 1 ha is applied.

Boric acid– fine-crystalline white powder. Contains 17% boron. Easily dissolves in water.

Seed treatment before sowing is carried out by spraying or dusting. Spraying is carried out with a solution of boric acid with a concentration of no more than 0.05%. To prepare it, dissolve 1 g of boric acid in 2 liters of water. This solution is sprayed with 1 quintal of seeds.

Foliar feeding of plants is carried out with a solution of boric acid (100–150 g per 300–400 l of water) using ground sprayers. When feeding by air, the same dose of boric acid is dissolved in 100 liters of water. It is better to pre-dissolve boric acid in a small volume of water.

Fertilize agricultural crops with a solution of boric acid when the vegetative mass is well developed: sugar beets before the tops close in the rows, corn - in the panicle sweeping phase; clover, alfalfa, peas and other crops - during the period when plants begin to flower. Spray plants in
windless, dry weather, preferably in the morning and evening hours.

Boromagnesium fertilizer H 3 BO 3 + MgSO 4. TU 113-12-151-84. There are grades “A”, “B”, “C”, “G” containing 14, 17, 20 and 11% boron, respectively
acids and 15–20% magnesium oxide.

The powder is light gray in color, odorless, insoluble in water. When hydrochloric acid is added, it turns yellow-green in color. Comes in bags.

Apply 60–75 kg/ha as the main fertilizer. On light sandy soils, where crops are very responsive to magnesium. When applying this fertilizer randomly and incorporating it into the soil before sowing, the dose is up to 100–150 kg/ha. It is better to mix this fertilizer and apply it along with mineral fertilizers.

Seed dusting is carried out with boron-magnesium fertilizer at the rate of 300–500 g per 1 centner of seeds. It is advisable to combine this technique with treating seeds with pesticides. When applied during sowing of agricultural crops, the dose of boron-magnesium fertilizer is 30–35 kg/ha.

Seed dusting is carried out with boron-magnesium fertilizer at the rate of 300–500 g per 1 centner of seeds. It is advisable to combine this technique with treating seeds with pesticides.

Borodatolite fertilizer is obtained from datolite rock (2CaO B 2 O 3 2SiO 2 2H 2 O) by decomposing it with sulfuric acid. As a result, boron transforms into a water-soluble form (H 3 VO 3). This fertilizer contains about 2% boron or 12–13% boric acid. Borodatolite fertilizer is a light gray powder with good physical properties.

In most cases it is used for soil application, but can also be used for seed treatment.

Manganese fertilizers

Manganized superphosphate– light gray granules containing 1.0–2.0% manganese and 18.7–19.2% P 2 O 5, obtained by adding
granulation to conventional powder superphosphate 10–15% manganese sludge. Manganized superphosphate (50 kg per 1 ha) is used for pre-sowing application.

Manganized nitrophoska, in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, contains about 0.9% manganese, which is well absorbed by plants. Can be used for main and pre-sowing application.

Manganese sulfate MnSO 4 5H 2 O– pale pink crystalline powder, highly soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol, containing 19.9% ​​Mn, used for pre-sowing treatment (soaking or dusting) of seeds (50–100 g/c seeds) and for foliar feeding ( 0.05% salt solution at a consumption rate of 400–500 l/ha).

Manganese sludge– waste from manganese production with a manganese content of 10 to 17%. They also contain about 20% calcium and magnesium, 25–28% silicic acid and a small amount of phosphorus.

Manganese sludge can be applied before sowing for the main tillage (300–400 kg/ha) or into the soil when fertilizing row crops (50–100 kg/ha).

Copper sulfate CuSO 4 5H 2 O– fine-crystalline salt of bluish-blue color, contains 25.4% copper, highly soluble in water.
Copper sulfate can be used for foliar feeding and pre-sowing seed soaking. To fertilize 1 hectare of crops, dissolve 200–300 g of copper sulfate in 300–400 liters of water. Salt consumption for pre-sowing treatment is 50–100 g per 1 kg of seeds.

The greatest effect is achieved when used on light or peat soils as the main fertilizer (20–25 kg per 1 ha).

Pyrite cinders represent an industrial waste from the production of sulfuric acid with a copper content of 0.3–0.7%. The composition also includes iron and some trace elements (manganese, cobalt, zinc, molybdenum, etc.). In appearance it is a fine crumbly powder of dark brown color.

Pyrite cinders are applied once every 4–5 years in the fall for autumn tillage (0.8–1.5 kg of copper per 1 ha) or in the spring, no later than 10–15 days before sowing. The fertilizer application rate is 3.5–6.0 c/ha.

A serious disadvantage of pyrite cinders is the presence of arsenic, lead and other toxic elements in them. Therefore, when using them, it is necessary to systematically monitor their possible contamination of soil, plants and agricultural products.

Molybdenum fertilizers

Ammonium molybdate NH 4 MoO 4 (ammonium molybdate). Contains at least 52% molybdenum. Supplied in boxes weighing from 2 to 5 kg. It is a white or pinkish crystalline salt with good solubility.
in water.

The fertilizer is used to treat legume seeds: dissolve 50–100 g of fertilizer in 1–2 liters of water and treat a hectare norm of seeds or take 1.2–1.5 times more when dusting with powder. This operation is combined with inoculation (nitraginization). For foliar feeding, legume crops are treated with a 0.05–0.1% solution (200–600 g of salt per 1 ha).

For 1 quintal of alfalfa seeds, take 500–800 g of ammonium molybdate, which is dissolved in 3–5 liters of water, but the seeds must be treated evenly and so that the entire solution is absorbed by the seeds. Per hectare norm of vegetable seeds, depending on their size and seeding rate, use from 50 to 100 g of ammonium molybdate, and a dose of 100 g applies to crops with small seeds.

Molybdenated simple and double superphosphate (0.1 and 0.2% molybdenum, respectively) and waste from the electric lamp industry (0.3–0.4% molybdenum in water-soluble form).

Molybdenum superphosphate are introduced into the rows during sowing (with a usual dose of phosphorus of 10–15 kg/ha, 50–75 g of Mo per 1 ha are added), and those containing molybdenum
industrial waste is used before sowing (0.5–1.5 kg Mo per 1 ha). The effectiveness of molybdenum increases with a good phosphorus-potassium background.

Zinc fertilizers

Zinc sulfate ZnSO 4 7H 2 O contains 25% zinc and is a white crystalline powder, highly soluble in water.

Zinc sulfate is used for foliar feeding (100–150 g of salt per 1 ha in the form of an aqueous solution) and pre-sowing seed treatment (50–100 g of salt per 1 kg of seeds). To feed fruit trees, they are sprayed in the spring, on the blossoming buds, with a solution of zinc sulfate (200–500 g per 100 liters of water) with the addition of 0.2–0.5% slaked lime to neutralize it and avoid leaf burns.

Zinc polymicrofertilizers (PMF)- This is slag waste from chemical plants.

Externally, they appear as a fine dark gray powder; their composition is variable. On average, zinc PMUs contain 25% zinc oxide and 17.4% zinc silicate, 21% iron oxide, small amounts of aluminum, copper, magnesium, manganese, calcium, silicon, traces of molybdenum and other trace elements. The dose of applying PMF to the soil is most often 50–150 kg/ha, when sowing - 20 kg per 1 ha.

The main chemical ameliorants used on solonetzes are gypsum and phosphogypsum (waste from the production of double superphosphate and complex fertilizers). Industrial wastes such as calcium chloride (waste from soda production), iron sulfate (waste from the paint and varnish industry), and defecate (waste from the sugar industry) can also be used for gypsuming. Natural calcium-containing materials – chalk and clay gypsum – are also used. All these fertilizers are powdery, from light colors - white, light gray, to dark gray or brown. The quality requirements for gypsum and phosphogypsum are given in Table 3.

The best effect is achieved when used in steam fields, under plowing snow. Apply taking into account the degree of acidity of the soil (doses are calculated according to agrochemical
cartogram of acidity in the field).

Table 3: Quality requirements for gypsum and phosphogypsum

Application of mineral fertilizers

The fertilization system for crops depends on their biological characteristics, soil fertility and the size of the planned harvest.

Soil diagnostics makes it possible to specifically determine the supply of soil with digestible forms of nutrients for calculating doses of fertilizers. In the absence of soil diagnostic results, the average zonal doses recommended for the Samara region are used (Appendix 1–3), which are adjusted depending on the availability of nutrients in the soil (Appendix 4) using the method of correction factors (Appendix 5).

The scientifically based need and effective use of mineral fertilizers are the most important factors in solving the food problem. The highest efficiency of fertilizers can be ensured only against the backdrop of a high culture of agriculture, including the availability of qualified personnel and adherence to technical discipline.

Instructions for quality control of the application of mineral fertilizers and chemical ameliorants in production conditions allow deviations from the established application dose of no more than 10%.

For modern fertilizer seeders, the limit values ​​for unevenness of sieving are set at no more than 15%, and for spreaders with centrifugal
devices – no more than 25%. The quality of sifting granular fertilizers with a uniform particle size is better.

For local application of fertilizers, it is important that they also have a very uniform granulometric composition, and in fertilizer mixtures the components differ in particle diameter of no more than 1 mm.

Before starting work, check the technical condition of the machines (spreaders) and eliminate any faults. During test passes, measurements are taken of the sown fertilizers and the distance traveled (fertilized area), and adjustments are made to the actual dose. It should not differ from the specified value by more than ±5%.

Taking into account the topography and configuration of the field, the most advantageous directions for the movement of the unit are determined, marking the turning lanes. The unit must be equipped with a marker or trail indicator. Fertilizer sowing should be carried out using the operating gear of the tractor recommended in the instructions, for which the given dose is calculated. The tractor driver must monitor the straightness of movement, make turns with the working parts raised, and load fertilizers in a timely manner. After finishing work, the bunkers of fertilizer sowing machines and seeders should be cleared of fertilizer residues.

Appendix 4: Grouping of soils according to the content of easily hydrolyzed nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium

Note: The optimal content of available forms of nutrients in the soil during intensive cultivation of crops has been identified.
For potatoes and root crops, the degree of soil availability of mobile phosphorus should be 1 class higher, and for vegetable and industrial crops – 2 classes higher.

Material prepared by: Alexey Stepanov, ecologist

Mineral fertilizers (fertilizers) are substances of inorganic origin. They are traditionally used in agriculture as are more accessible than, give a quick positive effect, and have a wide spectrum of action. They are also much more convenient and cheaper to transport.

These “quick” supplements consist of substances that do not have a carbon skeleton. The main composition of mineral fertilizers includes metals and their various compounds (salts, oxides, acids). By type, mineral fertilizers can be simple or complex:

Nitrogen fertilizers

One of the main advantages is excellent diffuse properties.

Therefore, they are all highly soluble in water, and are used in both solid and liquid states. Typically, this group of fertilizers is introduced into the ground very early, a month before spring plowing, so that they have time to release a significant part of the nutrients before active plant growth begins. But, despite this general rule, individual conditions apply to each subgroup, depending on the composition and concentration.

Ammonia fertilizers

Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) contains about 34.5% nitrogen. In addition to this element, the composition includes auxiliary substances: phosphate rock, chalk, ground limestone, phosphorus gypsum.

This fertilizer is not recommended for use on podzolic soils, since its solution contains few cations for nitrogen nitrification, which neutralizes the beneficial properties of nitrate.

- the best mineral fertilizer for. It is cheap, fast-acting and effective. The yield on lands treated with this nitrogen fertilizer increases by 40-60% in the first year after application. Potatoes are less affected by various diseases (late blight, for example) and pests.

The pre-sowing application rate of ammonium nitrate is 10-20 g/m², and for foliar feeding it is used as a liquid mineral fertilizer and diluted in a proportion of 50 g per 100 liters of water. The resulting solution should be sprayed over an area of ​​about 100 m².

One of the most unique abilities of ammonium nitrate is to act when the soil has not yet warmed up. It can be scattered directly on the snow - the granules of this fertilizer will melt the snow and make their way to the ground.

Therefore, grapes and fruit bushes are fertilized with it already at the end of March - beginning of April, so that the awakened plants that have entered the active growing season do not experience nitrogen starvation. In this case, nitrogen nitrate is preferable to organic fertilizers, which work only on warm soil.

When working with ammonium nitrate, one should not forget about its explosion hazard. That is why it is practically not sold to private individuals. to avoid accidents. It should be protected from overheating and protected from foreign impurities.

Nitrate fertilizers

Sodium nitrate (NaNO₃) is a white granular substance. Intended for use on acidic, non-salinized soils, and for many others, the main condition is that it cannot be used on black soil. Application rates are about 30-35 g/m?.

There is relatively little nitrogen in sodium nitrate - about 15-17%. Therefore, for its sufficient release, the following technology for applying mineral fertilizers is used. It is scattered over the plowed land before spring plowing so that it has time to release a sufficient amount of nitrogen for the growth of young plants, and, at the same time, does not lose its beneficial properties due to contact with air.

The use of this fertilizer in greenhouses is strictly prohibited. During long-term storage, this substance loses most of its beneficial properties.

Sodium nitrate should be applied to beds with light soil in the spring, using the row method. On heavier loams it is better to do this ahead of time, in the fall.

Nowadays, only one grade of NaNO₃ is allowed for use in agriculture, this is “Sodium nitrate technical grade CX”.



A more correct name for this substance is nitrogen urea (NH2CONH2). This is a highly concentrated nitrogen-containing (45%) mineral fertilizer. In the soil it quickly transforms into ammonium carbonate. If you scatter it on the surface of the earth, most of the nitrogen will evaporate into ammonia gas. Therefore, it is strictly necessary to bury it in the soil to the depth of root germination.

Urea can be used both in open and closed ground for most agricultural crops. Very often it is used as a liquid mineral fertilizer, since the nitrogen in this chemical compound, when dissolved in water, is better fixed in the soil.

Urea application rates
  • Vegetables – 5-12 g/m² with direct application; 50-60g per 10 liter bucket of water. water, and 3 l. per 100 m² with foliar feeding.
  • Fruit and berry trees and shrubs – 10-20g/m² direct application; 20-30 g per 10 l. water - 2-fold feeding, carried out 5 days after flowering, and the second time - after 4 weeks.
  • For potatoes, peppers – 20g/m² (root).
  • For peas – 10 g/m² (root).

Urea cannot be combined with lime, dolomite, chalk and simple superphosphate.

This fertilizer is used to prevent and treat nitrogen starvation in plants. It is especially useful for tomatoes, as a top dressing during the period of fruit set and growth. When using urea, the taste of the fruit improves.

Calcium cyanamide

This substance is obtained as a result of the sintering reaction of calcium carbide in a nitrogen atmosphere, and is written as: CaCN2. Cyanamide contains much less nitrogen than urea (19% versus 46%).

It can be applied to the soil at the end of March, since the decomposition of calcium cyanamide by water, releasing nitrogen, occurs slowly. It is very effective for use on podzolic soils, since it contains lime as an associated component.

It is produced in the form of a very light powder with low humidity. To improve user properties, petroleum oils are added to it, which is why CaCN2 develops the characteristic smell of kerosene.

This mineral fertilizer should be used with great caution.. The fact is that calcium cyanamide is a waste product from the metallurgical industry. Therefore, its prices are low. When working with it, you should use protective equipment. At high concentrations, CaCN2 is used as a herbicide.

Potash fertilizers

Potassium chloride KCl

The content of the main element in this representative reaches 50%. It is used in the fall, before digging, adding 20-25 grams to the soil. per m², since chlorine is washed into the deeper layers of the soil, and its effect on plants is minimized.

Potassium chloride is especially good for potatoes, beets, barley, and most cereal crops.

KCl is a mineral fertilizer with a high concentration of useful substances per gram, acidic, soluble in water.

The average rate of its application for all vegetable crops and cereals is about 2 centners per hectare. If you plan to plant sugar-containing crops on the prepared soil, the dose can be increased by 25-50%.

Potassium sulfate K2SO4

Another name for this element is potassium sulfate. The high content of this element makes it the best mineral fertilizer for plants experiencing severe K deficiency.

It does not contain impurities such as chlorine, sodium and magnesium.

Potassium sulfate is an ideal fertilizer for cucumbers, especially during the period of ovary and fruit formation, since it contains about 46% potassium, so beloved by these melons.

Application rates during spring digging are about 25-30 g/m², when feeding at the root – 10 g/m².

Potassium salt (KCl + NaCl)

The main two components of this mineral fertilizer are chlorides. The substance looks like dark red crystals.

In modern agro-industrial complexes, sylvinite is most often used - one of the most successful forms of potassium salt.

In the spring, this fertilizer is applied to all types of berry crops at a rate of 20 grams. under one bush. In autumn it is distributed over the soil surface before plowing. The norms for continuous application of potassium salt are 150-200 g/m².

Phosphorus fertilizers

Simple superphosphate

This mineral supplement contains about 20% phosphorus anhydride. - the best mineral fertilizer for all types of soils that need this element. It is not flammable, so it does not require storage conditions.

Its application depends on the degree of soil moisture. With a high content of liquid fractions, this fertilizer can be applied as a top dressing during the growth and development of plants.

For the capricious queen of the garden, roses, superphosphate has become an ideal source of nutrition. When using it for flowers, the result can be seen very quickly. The stems become more powerful, the flower stalks become dense, and the color becomes much brighter.

Application rates are about 0.5 centners per 1 hectare. Recommended for continuous method.

Double superphosphate

This phosphate compound has a higher concentration of useful substances than its predecessor. It also differs in that it does not contain useless elements as ballast, for example, CaSO4. Therefore, it is more economical than its counterpart.

Manufacturers produce this substance based on GOST 16306-80. The amount of active ingredient phosphorus varies from a change in the place of extraction of the original product, ranging from 32 to 47%.

Double superphosphate is ideal for flowers, just like plain. For example, it should be applied to roses in the fall so that their roots are prepared for winter and can safely withstand frosts.

Phosphorite flour

The main characteristics of this mineral supplement are described in GOST 571-74. Release standards have not changed for 40 years. This is the unchanged white powder that was used to fertilize fields even under Brezhnev.

Phosphorite flour is used on acidic soils, for all fruit and vegetable crops, as well as cereals. It helps plants fight pests and diseases by increasing the plants' own immunity. Increases winter hardiness of most crops.

The application rates for phosphate rock are about 3-3.5 centners per hectare.

Complex mineral fertilizers

Nitroammophoska (nitrophosphate)

Fertilizer in which phosphorus and nitrogen are contained in a 50/50 ratio. It is used for various types of applications, for fertilizing garden and vegetable crops, as well as in agro-industrial production. This substance is obtained by neutralization reaction with ammonia and a mixture of nitric and phosphoric acids. The formula of nitrophosphate looks like this: NH4H2PO4 + NH4NO3.

Manufacturers produce the following classifications of this mineral fertilizer:

  • Nitrophosphate grade NP 32-6; NP32:5; NP33:3.

Nitroammophos is used on soddy-podzolic, chestnut, chernozem and gray soils with excellent results.

This is the best mineral fertilizer for clays. It is optimal to apply it to clay soils with slow diffusion in the autumn, and to sandy soils before spring plowing.


This three-element complex (N+P+K), which is used to fertilize the soil, using it as the main plant nutrition. Agronomists recommend it for almost all garden crops.

It consists of various salts - ammophos, superphosphate, potassium nitrate, potassium chloride, precipitate, gypsum, ammonium chloride and various impurities. Available in the form of small balls, soluble in water.

This is a complete mineral fertilizer that is used during spring sowing, as well as throughout the entire growing season.

Nitrophoska is actively used not only by large agro-industrial complexes, but also by ordinary summer residents on their plots. The fertilizer is very suitable for tomatoes(they become larger and sweeter), and for cucumbers, which after its use are not affected by various diseases.

Nitrophoska is very effective both with continuous and local application. A chlorine-free form is used to feed potatoes. Specifically for this vegetable, it is much more useful than nitroammophos. The tubers are larger and do not suffer from scab and other common diseases.


Potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are the main elements of this complete mineral fertilizer.

Its formula looks like this: (NH4)2SO4 + (NH4)2HPO4 + K2SO4. Ammaphos, unlike other representatives of this group, is used not only in unprotected soil, but also in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Another difference from other complex mineral fertilizers is that ammophos contains a rather rare but very useful substance - sulfur, and in significant quantities. The main advantage of this fertilizer is that it does not contain chlorine and sodium.

This fertilizer is produced in the form of small light granules. It is highly friable, which makes it easier to use. It is characterized by a high uniformity of distribution of elements among the granules.

Ammaphoska is used as a universal top dressing. It is especially good for flowers. Roses, after adding it to the soil, begin to bloom more abundantly and luxuriantly, and peonies and phlox reduce the growth of the vegetative mass and increase the number of flower ovaries.


This is a complex mineral fertilizer that includes the main nutritional elements for all plant flora. Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, like three pillars, form the basis of this mix. Diammophos has universal use, it is used for all types of crops and under any soil.

Diammonium phosphate is available in the form of small pink beads. It is treated with anti-dust reagents, which increases its friability and hygroscopicity. It has a neutral pH factor, which helps the fertilizer not affect the acidity of the soil.

The remains of diammofoska are not washed out of the soil, and are subsequently used by subsequent generations of plants, which ensures a long period of aftereffect of this fertilizer. It can be used not only for pre-sowing and sowing applications, but also for foliar and root fertilizing.

Treatment with this mineral fertilizer is ideal for tomatoes during flowering. It helps the plant fight all types of pests by increasing the quality of absorption of nutrients.

How to calculate the dose of fertilizers?

The technology for applying mineral fertilizers depends on the concentration of the active substance in the entire volume used. Very often the dose has to be recalculated for the type of mineral fertilizer that will be used.

The quantity is calculated based on recommendations for adding minerals to a given plant. As the concentration increases, a ratio is determined that describes the proportion of useful elements to the useful mass of the fertilizer, and using these data, the substances are distributed in the soil.

Table: compatibility of some fertilizers

Video: example of layout and application of mineral fertilizers

Should we be afraid of mineral fertilizers?

Despite all the advantages, these fertilizers are less actively used on personal plots. There is an opinion among gardeners and gardeners that they cause harm to human health.

In fact, only those fruits and vegetables can harm the consumer, during the cultivation of which the technology for applying mineral fertilizers was seriously violated.

But mineral fertilizers have many advantages. For example:

  • They work in cold soil and sub-zero temperatures.
  • Tuki have a very fast, sometimes instantaneous effect on plants.
  • They are easy to transport.
  • They are cheaper and more convenient to use than organic fertilizers.

It is worth using ready-made liquid mineral fertilizers in small doses, which will not cause harm to human health, but will help to obtain a large harvest.

And the most important thing, it is necessary to stop any feeding 15-20 days before removing fruits, berries, and digging up tubers. Then their environmental friendliness is guaranteed.

Using mineral fertilizers, you can achieve high yields of any crops. With them, roses bloom brighter and apples become sweeter. By using these fertilizers for all types of plants, you can always be sure of obtaining a stable positive result.

Video: purchasing and using mineral fertilizers on 6 acres