home · Lighting · Comparison of the obtained data on temperature and humidity in the school with sanitary and hygienic standards. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for classrooms Humidity standards in a children's room

Comparison of the obtained data on temperature and humidity in the school with sanitary and hygienic standards. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for classrooms Humidity standards in a children's room

High efficiency students are saved long time, if educational and production activities take place under favorable conditions microclimatic conditions and the lighting conditions of the premises, correct selection furniture, beautiful interior decoration interiors.

Particular attention should be paid to the air condition in educational and industrial premises.

Increased temperature and humidity, bacterial contamination, increased content organic matter, the deterioration of the ionic composition of the air contributes to an increase in fatigue and a decrease in the performance of students.

A person’s sense of heat depends on the complex influence of all meteorological factors: temperature, humidity and air mobility.

Optimal and valid parameters The microclimate in educational premises (offices, laboratories) for various climatic regions is presented in the table.

Air indicators Winter Spring Autumn
Climatic region
Cold Moderate Hot Moderate Hot Moderate Hot
Optimal Temperature, °C 21-22 18-20 17-19 18-22 23-24 16-22 24-26
Relative humidity, % 30-50
Mobility, m/s 0,06-0,25 up to 0.4 0,6-0,8 up to 0.4 0,6-0,8
Acceptable Temperature, °C 18-23 17-22 16-21 17-23 23-26 15-23 24-28
Relative humidity, % 25-60
Mobility, m/s up to 0.3 up to 1.0

In a temperate climate region, the optimal air temperature is cold period year in educational premises it should be within 18-20°C, in production workshops (metalwork, turning, milling) - 16-17°C, in recreation - 15-16°C. The relative air humidity in the main rooms (offices, laboratories, workshops) of technical schools should be 30-50%. Air mobility should not exceed 1.0 m/s.

During school day The indoor microclimate changes significantly. The composition of the air changes (chemical, physical, bacterial), the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air increases (the CO2 norm for closed premises is 0.07-0.1%), which leads to rapid fatigue and decreased performance. This is aggravated by the accumulation of organic substances, the presence of which in the air is caused by the breathing of people present, and also depends on sanitary condition skin, student clothing and the room itself. Along with the dust rising when students move, the amount of bacteria in the air increases, which is unsafe from an epidemiological point of view. Under adverse conditions external environment the number is decreasing negative ions in the air, which have a beneficial effect on the body. The air temperature also undergoes significant changes: after only 3-4 hours training sessions it often increases by 4°, and by the end of the day - by 5.5°. An increase in ambient temperature and humidity reduces heat transfer from the body, which leads to thermal discomfort (students complain of headache, general weakness, feeling tired), contributes to faster fatigue. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor air mode educational and production premises, promptly ventilate them during the hours when they are free.

These hours should be used for extensive aeration, which is carried out under the supervision of a doctor and teachers. It has been established that the performance of students studying in a well-ventilated room during the school day is 1.5-2 times higher than that of students working in an unventilated room. Aeration of the main premises of technical schools should be carried out using both natural and artificial ventilation. The best device for natural ventilation, especially in the cold season, there are transoms equipped with lever shutters that allow you to easily turn on the ventilation system. In the warm season, open the windows. For the winter, one window should be left uncovered for ventilation during big breaks, as well as before and after classes: if available central heating the optimal indoor air temperature is quickly restored. In the cold season, during classes, transoms in recreation areas and corridors should be opened, creating the necessary supply of fresh air, and during breaks they should be closed. The duration of ventilation depends on the outside temperature. So, during small breaks (10 minutes) at an outside air temperature of +10 to +5°C, the duration of ventilation should be 4-10 minutes; respectively, at temperatures from +5 to 0°C - 3-7 minutes; from 0 to -5°C - 2-5 minutes; from -5 to -10°C - 1-3 minutes; below -10°C - 1.0-1.5 minutes. The duration of ventilation between shifts at air temperatures from +10 to +5°C should be 25-35 minutes; respectively, at a temperature from +5 to 0°C - 20-30 minutes; from 0 to -5°C - 15-25 minutes; from -5 to -10°C - 10-15 minutes; below -10°C - 5-10 min.

A great effect is achieved with through ventilation, but this can only be done when there are no students in the premises. The intensity of air exchange can be increased using exhaust ventilation on a natural impulse or due to a mechanical incentive. Mechanical exhaust ventilation should be designed to turn on automatically both during breaks and during class (1-2 times for 5-10 minutes). Systematic monitoring of the condition ventilation ducts and grilles and compliance with the ventilation regime is carried out by medical, teaching and housekeeping personnel. Lattices ventilation systems should be systematically cleaned of dust and not covered up when whitewashing walls. Ventilation ducts should be cleaned at least twice a year. IN last years A heating system combined with ventilation is widely used, providing both heating and ventilation of classrooms during classes.

Creation date: 2014/01/08


The microclimate of a room is understood as a combination of heat, air and humidity conditions in their interrelation. The main requirement for the microclimate is maintaining favorable conditions for people in the room.

As a result of metabolic processes occurring in the body, energy is released in the form of heat. This heat must be transferred to the environment through convection, radiation, conduction and evaporation, since the human body strives to maintain a constant temperature (36.6ºC). Maintaining a constant body temperature is ensured by the physiological thermoregulation system. For normal functioning and well-being, a person must have a thermal balance between the heat generated by the body and the heat released into the environment. Under normal conditions, more than 90% of the heat generated is given to the environment (half of the heat by radiation, a quarter by convection, a quarter by evaporation) and less than 10% of the heat is lost as a result of metabolism.

The intensity of human heat transfer depends on the microclimate of the room, characterized by the temperature of the internal air, the radiation temperature of the room, the speed of movement and the relative humidity of the air. Combinations of these microclimate parameters, in which thermal equilibrium is maintained in the human body and there is no tension in its thermoregulation system, are called comfortable or optimal. It is most important to maintain, first of all, favorable conditions in the room. temperature conditions, since mobility and relative humidity air have, as a rule, insignificant fluctuations. Zones of comfortable combinations tB and eR for civil buildings during cold and warm periods of the year. In addition to the optimal ones, there are acceptable combinations of microclimate parameters at which a person feels slight discomfort.

The part of the room in which a person is primarily located work time, is called the service or working area. Comfort should be ensured, first of all, in this area.

The thermal conditions of a room depend mainly on its temperature environment, which is usually characterized by two comfort conditions. The first condition for a comfortable temperature environment determines the range of temperature combinations at which a person, being in the center working area, does not experience overheating or hypothermia.

For a person in a calm state, tB = 21…23ºС, during light work - 19…21ºС, during heavy work - 14…16ºС.

The second comfort condition determines the permissible temperatures of heated and cooled surfaces when a person is in close proximity to them. To avoid unacceptable overheating or hypothermia of a person's head, the surfaces of the ceiling and walls can be heated to an acceptable temperature. The temperature of a cold floor in winter can be only 2-2.5ºC lower than the room air temperature due to the great sensitivity of a person’s feet to hypothermia, but not higher than 22-34ºC, depending on the purpose of the premises. The temperature in residential premises should not be lower than 18◦ C, and in corner rooms- not lower than 20◦C. The temperature for classrooms should not be lower than 16-18 ◦C for gym- 16◦С; for recreation, corridors, staircases, dining rooms - 14◦C. The relative air humidity in rooms and school premises should be 40-60%, and its mobility should be from 0.1 to 0.15 m/s.

For well-being and health, the relative humidity must be between 40 and 60%. Optimal humidity is 45%. However, in our homes and schools during the winter months it often does not exceed 10 or 20%. With the beginning heating season indoor air humidity is significantly reduced. Such conditions cause rapid evaporation and drying of the mucous membrane of the nose, larynx, and lungs, which leads to colds and other diseases. To maintain it at this time, at least 1 liter of water must evaporate per day in a room with an area of ​​15-18 square meters. High humidity is also bad for human health at any temperature. It may occur due to large indoor plants or irregular ventilation. At higher temperatures, humidity around 20% is preferred.

Air humidity

Air is an integral part in the life of every person - it is one of the sources of life. Man cannot live without air. What is air, what does it consist of and how does it affect humans? Atmospheric air is a mixture of various gases and water vapor. Important for humans, along with the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere, it is the amount of water vapor in it. The influence of air humidity on human life Which humidity is better?

Dry air is not good. Dry air acts on the skin like a sponge, drawing moisture out of it, that is, it simply dries the skin, which is where wrinkles form faster. Excessively dry air with a relative humidity of less than 40% makes the mucous membranes of the lungs and nasopharynx dry, increasing the risk of infections and bleeding. There are unpleasant sensations of dryness in the mouth and throat, deep cracks in the lips form, and decreased protective functions upper respiratory tract.

High humidity (above 70%) also negatively affects the human body, both in high and low low temperatures. At high air temperatures and high humidity, a person sweats a lot, but moisture does not evaporate from the surface of the body, which leads to overheating of the body and “heat stroke.” At low temperatures high humidity air, on the contrary, leads to strong cooling of the body, since in humid air energy losses through convection and thermal conductivity increase sharply. Humid indoor air creates ideal conditions for mold growth and reproduction, so-called dust mites, which can cause allergies in people prone to these diseases. Air humidity, significantly affecting the body’s heat exchange with environment, It has great importance for human life.

Humans are quite sensitive to humidity. The intensity of moisture evaporation from the surface of the skin depends on it. And the evaporation of moisture is of great importance for maintaining body temperature constant. At high humidity, especially on a hot day, the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin decreases and therefore thermoregulation becomes more difficult human body. In air with high relative humidity, evaporation slows down and cooling is insignificant. Heat is more difficult to bear when humidity is high. Under these conditions, heat removal due to moisture evaporation is difficult. Therefore, overheating of the body is possible, disrupting the vital functions of the body. For optimal heat exchange of the human body at a temperature of 20-25 C, the most favorable relative humidity is about 50%.

At low temperatures and high air humidity, heat transfer increases and a person experiences greater cooling. At high temperatures and high air humidity, heat transfer is sharply reduced, which leads to overheating of the body, especially when performing physical work. High temperatures are more easily tolerated when air humidity is low. So, when working in hot shops optimal influence Relative air humidity of 20% affects heat exchange and well-being. The most favorable for humans in average climatic conditions is a relative air humidity of 40-60%. Such humidity, for example, is maintained in spaceships.

To eliminate the adverse effects of indoor air humidity, ventilation, air conditioning, etc. are used. Since students have to spend more time at school during the school year, the humidity level in classrooms plays an important role. Based on this, we decided to find out whether the conditions of our offices meet sanitary standards. The measurements were carried out in subject rooms and in a computer lab.


The psychrometer consists of two thermometers. The reservoir of one of them remains dry, and the thermometer shows the air temperature. The reservoir of the other is surrounded by a strip of cloth, the end of which is dipped into the water. The water evaporates, and this cools the thermometer. The higher the relative humidity, the less intense the evaporation and the smaller the difference in thermometer readings. At a relative humidity of 100%, water will not evaporate at all and the readings of both thermometers will be the same. The relative humidity of the air can be determined by the temperature difference between thermometers. Psychrometers are usually used in cases where fairly accurate and rapid determination of air humidity is required.

Optimal and permissible parameters of temperature and relative humidity in rooms in all educational and preschool institutions

Optimal parameters:

  • temperature 19 C, relative humidity 62%;
  • temperature 20 C - relative humidity 58%;
  • temperature 21 C - relative humidity 55%.

Valid parameters:

  • temperature 18 C - relative humidity 39%;
  • temperature 22 C - relative humidity 31%.

Maintaining normal air thermal regime in the classroom, air is changed through vents, transoms, and window sashes.

There should be no drafts in the classroom, and ventilation should be carried out during breaks; the classroom should be empty at this time. The following is completely unacceptable: when a student punished for bad behavior is left to sit in class, this is harmful to his health, because he is exposed to a draft.

Air humidity in the classroom (relative humidity), at the above temperatures can range from 40-60% (in winter 30-50%), it also depends on humidity climate zone. Increasing humidity increases heat transfer from the body. In warm climates, relative humidity is 30-40%; in moderate and cold temperatures it can reach up to 65%.

Indeed, with the onset of the heating season, air humidity has decreased, but in the computer science classroom it is different from the optimal parameters. In offices with big amount flowers, humidity has optimal values(room No. 21), which means it is beneficial for the health of students and teachers.

Ways to reduce humidity:

You can lower the humidity to normal by mixing wet air premises with dry outdoor air, i.e. by ventilating the room.

Ways to increase humidity:

  • Ventilate classrooms after each lesson;
  • To increase humidity and improve the air composition of classrooms, increase the number of green spaces;
  • IN winter time humidify the air in living spaces (open vessels with water, porous humidifiers).

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: at low temperatures and high air humidity, heat transfer increases and a person experiences greater cooling.

High humidity is also bad for human health at any temperature.

The combination of high humidity and high temperature air, since this significantly worsens the thermal state of a person, reduces the efficiency of sweat evaporation and thereby makes heat transfer more difficult.

To eliminate the adverse effects of indoor air humidity, ventilation, air conditioning, etc. are used.

2.4 Solving problems on the topic “ Air humidity»

Problem 1 It's cold autumn rain outside. In what case will laundry hanging in the kitchen dry faster: when the window is open or when it is closed? Why?

Problem 2 Air humidity is 78%, and the dry bulb reading is 12 °C. What temperature does the wet bulb thermometer show? (Answer: 10 °C.)

Problem 3 The difference in the readings of dry and wet thermometers is 4 °C. Relative humidity 60%. What are the dry and wet bulb readings? (Answer: tc-l9°С, tm= 10 °C.)

Problem 4 The difference between the readings of dry and wet thermometers is 40C. Relative humidity 60%. What are the dry and wet thermometer readings? (Answer tc=140C? tvl=100C). Problem 5 Define absolute humidity air if partial pressure the steam in it is 14 kPa, and the temperature is 333 K.

Problem 6 To dry the air in a cylinder with a capacity of 10 liters, a piece of calcium chloride was introduced into it, which absorbed water weighing 0.13 g. What was the relative humidity of the air in the cylinder if its temperature is 200C?

Problem 7 The air temperature is 18° C, and its dew point is 10° C. Find the relative humidity at 18° C. The density of saturated water vapor at 18° C is 15.4 g/m3, and at 10° C - 9.4 g/m3 .

Problem 8 At a temperature of 25° C, the relative humidity is 70%. How much moisture will be released from each m3 when the temperature drops to 16° C? The density of saturated steam at 25°C is 23 g/m3, at 16°C - 13.6 g/cm3.

Problem 9 V = 20,000 m3 of air must be supplied to the room at temperature t1 = 18° C and relative humidity φ1 = 50%. The air is taken from the street, where the temperature is t2 = 10° C, and the humidity is φ2 = 60%. How much additional water needs to be evaporated? The density of saturated steam at 18°C ​​is 15.4 g/m3, and at 10°C - 9.4 g/m3.

2.5.1. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in educational institutions should be provided in accordance with hygienic requirements for public buildings and structures. Heat supply to buildings is provided from thermal power plants, district or local boiler houses. Steam heating is not used. As heating devices radiators can be used, tubular heating elements, built into concrete panels, and the use of convectors with casings is also allowed. Heating devices are protected by removable wooden bars, located under window openings and have temperature regulators. You should not install fences made of particle boards and other polymer materials. The average surface temperature of heating devices should not exceed 80 degrees. WITH.

2.5.2. When designing a building of a general education institution air heating combined with ventilation should be provided automatic control systems for maintaining the calculated levels of temperature and relative humidity in the room during working hours within the range of 40-60%. During non-school hours, the temperature in the room is maintained at least 15 degrees. WITH.

The air temperature maintained in the air heating system during working hours should not exceed 40 degrees. C. In classrooms, air recirculation in air heating systems is not permitted. Separate exhaust ventilation systems should be provided for the following premises(groups of rooms): classrooms and classrooms (in the absence of air heating), laboratories, assembly halls, swimming pools, shooting ranges, a canteen, a first-aid post, a cinema room, sanitary facilities, rooms for processing and storing cleaning equipment.

Air exchange in canteens is calculated to absorb excess heat generated technological equipment kitchens. The use of asbestos-cement air ducts is not permitted.

2.5.3. Stove heating allowed only in one-story, unstaffed rural institutions (no more than 50 people). The firebox is located in the corridor. Should not be installed iron stoves. To avoid indoor air pollution from carbon monoxide chimneys They close no earlier than complete combustion of the fuel and no later than two hours before the arrival of students.

2.5.4. The area of ​​transoms and windows in classrooms must be at least 1/50 of the floor area. Transoms and vents must function at any time of the year.

2.5.5. Educational areas are ventilated during breaks, and recreational areas during lessons. Before the start of classes and after their completion, it is necessary to carry out through ventilation educational premises. The duration of through ventilation is determined by weather conditions according to Table 2. On warm days, it is advisable to conduct classes with open transoms and vents.

The duration of cross-ventilation of classrooms depending on the outside temperature

Outside temperature
hail WITH
Duration of room ventilation
in small changes in big changes
and between shifts
+10 to +6 4 - 10 25 - 35
From +5 to 0 3 - 7 20 - 30
From 0 to -5 2 - 5 15 - 25
-5 to -10 1 - 3 10 - 15
Below -10 1 - 1,5 5 - 10

2.5.6. Air temperature depending on climatic conditions should be:

  • in classrooms, classrooms, laboratories - 18-20 degrees. C with their usual glazing and 19-21 degrees. C - with strip glazing;
  • in training workshops - 15-17 degrees. WITH;
  • in the assembly hall, lecture hall, singing class and music, club room - 18-20 degrees. WITH;
  • in computer science classrooms - optimal 19-21 degrees. C, permissible 18-22 degrees. WITH;
  • in the gym and rooms for sectional classes - 15-17 degrees. WITH;
  • in the gym locker room - 19-23 degrees. WITH;
  • in doctors' offices - 21-23 degrees. WITH;
  • in recreation - 16-18 degrees. WITH;
  • in the library - 17-21 degrees. WITH;
  • in the lobby and wardrobe - 16-19 degrees. WITH.

2.5.7. Physical education lessons should be held in well-aerated halls. To do this, it is necessary to open one or two windows on the leeward side during classes in the hall when the outside air temperature is above +5 degrees. With and light wind. At a lower temperature and higher air speed, classes in the hall are held with open transoms, and through ventilation is carried out during breaks in the absence of students. When the air temperature in the room reaches 15-14 degrees. Ventilation of the hall should be stopped.

2.5.8. Indoors educational institutions relative air humidity is maintained within 40-60%.

2.5.9. Exhaust ventilation is installed in toilets, kitchens, showers and workshops. Exhaust ventilation grilles should be cleaned of dust monthly.

2.5.10. In workshops for labor training, where work on machines and mechanisms involves the allocation large quantity heat and dust, mechanical exhaust ventilation is equipped. The air exchange rate is at least 20 cubic meters. m per hour for 1 child. Machine tools and mechanisms must meet the requirements sanitary standards and have appropriate protective equipment.

Comment on the article "Requirements for air-thermal regime"

Each of us strives to eat tasty and healthy. We women try to watch calories, have enough protein in our diet, and include it in our menu. healthy foods, drink water regularly. All these actions help us stay beautiful, healthy and in good health. in great shape. An important factor in healthy eating is proper preparation food. With uncontrolled heat treatment products are lost most their useful substances. Moreover, with strong...

A beautiful set for a boy, very warm. Temperature range: up to -45, in addition to the lining there is a fur lining. The set is oversized +6

Insanely warm set for harsh winters. Temperature range: up to -45! Under the jacket there is a fur vest, which will additionally protect your baby from freezing.

Very warm set with removable fur lining. Your baby will not freeze even in the most severe frosts and strong winds. Temperature range: up to -35. Insulation in the jacket: thermofiber 300g, bib overalls: thermofiber 200g.

The set includes: a jacket and overalls. handsome man's jacket delicate color, with fur lining inside. Temperature range: up to -35.

Temperature range: up to -45! This is the warmest set you can find. Lining: 100% cotton + wool fur, termofinn insulation: jacket 350 g, overalls 250 g. The suits run a little big.

here is primadophilus - probiotics that are stabilized and do not require temperature conditions [link-1] regular primadophilus [link-2] can be ordered now, boxberry delivery will take only a few days, a maximum of a week...

I'm looking for something to buy for a boy instead of a tek rayma (jacket and overalls). I don't like the colors, but I don't like the price. Clothes needed for temperature regime from +5 to - 15.

Therefore, if a cosmetologist tries to save a little and takes the minimum dose = manufacturer’s error + violations of thermal conditions during transportation and storage = a very short-lived effect of no more than 2 months.

The Polaris winter overalls made of membrane fabric are perfect for an active lifestyle, for playing sports and just for walking. Temperature range from +5C to -30C. The size of the overalls is +6, i.e., if the overalls say 86...

I am very concerned that my child and all children in kindergarten# 1041, which is located at: Moscow, South-Western Administrative District, st. Ivan Babushkina, 13, k2, deprived of the ability to breathe fresh air indoors. When parents ask: "Why don't you open the windows?" They answer that this is prohibited. Windows can only be opened when children are not in the group. It would seem that a humane approach, the desire to keep children warm... In fact, this is cruel to children. Children are usually...

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool organizations. The air-thermal regime of the preschool educational institution is clearly and clearly stated there. Instructions for ventilation should be in each group.

And asking for permission to stay awake during a quiet hour will immediately result in many people wanting to stay awake, the generally accepted routine of the institution will be disrupted, and besides, talk to the teachers, an individual approach to the child is one of the main requirements in modern pedagogy.

Thanks to Lera, this year we were able to go on a tour of the Bolshoi Theater. An unforgettable sight! (I apologize for the quality of the photos, unfortunately, my camera was powerless to convey all the beauty:((() Founding date Bolshoi Theater is considered to be March 28, 1776, when Prince Urusov received a “privilege” to maintain performances, masquerades, balls and other entertainment for a period of ten years, signed by Catherine II. The opening of the theater took place on December 30, 1780. Theater building...

Due to the nature of my work, I am often asked the question: is it possible to install an air conditioner in a children's room so that the child does not get sick from it? My answer is: it’s possible, but not just any one; there are models of air conditioners with special functions. For example, the so-called “Smart Eye” function installed in Daikin FTXS air conditioners, when this function is turned on, the “human presence” sensor diverts air flows to the sides or upwards, so that the danger of cooled air getting on the child is reduced to zero...

Comfort... who doesn't strive for it? And how difficult it is to achieve it. Despite living in a temperate, relatively healthy climate, the weather does not always live up to expectations. And in their cozy homes we remain dependent on her whims. On summer days we cannot hide from the sultry sun. Even healthy people experience the effects of heat: dehydration and hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Their unfavorable symptoms affect our performance and...

Until the fried one bites... Pay attention to the quality! Situation.... Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting I found this short description standard requirements for children's clothing for Russia... Hygienic requirements to clothes for children.

It is very convenient to cook cereals for a side dish (rice, buckwheat) in automatic mode. The jams turn out well - the temperature regime is well calculated.

I and all my friends bake simply WONDERFUL pies 06/27/2000 18:23:18, Ekaterina Abramchuk. Please tell us about the temperature regime. I’m just sorry, I’ve already turned the third bake into God knows what.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

To classrooms.

1. Placement of student tables (desks) in the office.

In classrooms with a conventional rectangular configuration, tables are placed in three rows, maintaining the required illumination of workplaces, gaps between rows of desks (tables) and walls. The following distance must be maintained:

· from outer wall to the first row of desks (tables) - at least 0.5 m;

· from interior wall to the third row – 0.5 m;

· from the back wall to the last desks (tables) – 0.65 m;

· from the blackboard to the first desks (tables) – 2 m;

· from the blackboard to the last desk (table) – no more than 8 m;

· between rows – 0.6 m.

In the classroom, in accordance with the number of height groups, it is necessary to place furniture of at least three various groups(numbers). If there is difficulty in selecting furniture, it is better to seat the student at a desk larger than the number required.

For schoolchildren, a height scale is adopted with an interval of 15 cm. In accordance with this scale, desks and sets of student tables with chairs of six numbers are manufactured.

Dimensions of desks, student tables and chairs

Furniture no.

Furniture group

Height of the table top facing the student (above the floor, in cm)

Height of the front edge of the seat (above the floor, in cm)

Color coding

Group of tables

No. of chairs

Group of chairs

Furniture no.

Furniture group

The seating of students should be carried out by teachers and class teachers under the guidance of a doctor ( nurse) after measuring student height (in shoes) at the beginning of each school year.

According to hygienic requirements, workplaces in classrooms and offices behind the first and second desks in any row must be allocated to students with hearing loss. Students with reduced visual acuity should sit at the first desks in the row near the window. With good visual acuity correction with glasses, students can sit in any row. For students with rheumatic diseases, who are prone to frequent sore throats and acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, it is better to place their workplaces further away from the windows.

At least twice per academic year Students sitting in the 1st and 3rd rows are swapped without disturbing the correspondence between the desk number and their height.

When equipping classrooms for 6-year-old students, it is recommended to use preschool furniture.

When arranging a classroom, smaller furniture is placed closer to the blackboard, and large sizes- further. In cases where it becomes necessary to place the furniture of large rooms closer to the chalkboard, it should be placed only first in the 1st and 3rd (4th) rows.

The surface of the chalkboard should be smooth, without flaws or bulges, and evenly painted over the entire area. The color of the coating can be dark green, dark brown, black. The state of visual functions, as well as the performance of students, are more favorable when reading and copying text written on a dark green board with bright yellow chalk. Bottom edge chalkboard above the floor is installed: for primary school at the level of 75-80 cm, for students of 5-1 1st grades - 80-90 cm.

2. Lighting of classrooms .

Daylight classrooms, classrooms, laboratories, workshops and other main premises are considered sufficient when the coefficient of natural illumination at the place furthest from the window reaches 1.75-2.0% (central Russia).

The main flow of light in classrooms should be provided only on the left side of students. During school hours, bright light should not blind the eyes, so light openings in the wall on which the chalkboard is located are not allowed. Randomly hanging posters, stands, etc. on the walls of classrooms sharply reduces the light reflection of surfaces, which is why all aids should be hung on the wall opposite the board, so that the top edge of the objects is not located higher than 1.75 cm from the floor. Cabinets and other equipment should be installed against the back wall of the room.

The light openings of classrooms are equipped with adjustable sun-protection devices such as blinds, fabric curtains in light colors that match the color of the walls and furniture. When not in use, curtains must be placed in the walls between the windows. Curtains made of polyvinyl chloride film are not used.

Artificial lighting is no less important than natural. IN middle lane Russia at the start of classes at 8:30 am. During the first two lessons, the lighting in the workplace with natural light is insufficient. In this regard, it is necessary to turn on artificial lighting for the first two lessons.

The chalkboard is illuminated by two mirror lamps installed parallel to it. These lamps are placed 0.3 m above the top edge of the board and 0.6 m towards the classroom in front of the board.

For maximum use daylight And uniform lighting classrooms it is recommended:

· do not paint over window glass;

· do not place flowers on window sills - they should be placed in portable flower boxes 65-70 cm high from the floor or hanging planters in window walls;

· Clean and wash glass twice a year (autumn and spring).

3. Finishing of classrooms.

To decorate classrooms, finishing materials and paints are used that create a matte surface with reflection coefficients:

For the ceiling - 0.7-0.8; for walls - 0.5-0.6;

For the floor - 0.3-0.5.

Should be used following colors colors:

For the walls of classrooms - bright hues yellow, beige, pink, green, blue;

For furniture (desks, tables, cabinets) - natural wood colors or light green;

For chalkboards - dark green, dark brown;

For doors, window frames- white.

4. Volume educational information transmitted audiovisual by any means.

When used in educational institutions audiovisual technical means training (AV TSO) their long-term continuous use in the educational process is established according to the table.

Duration of continuous use in lessons

various technical teaching aids

View duration

Audio playback (min.)

Filmstrips, transparencies

cinema, video films

educational TV programs

5. Air-thermal regime.

The area of ​​properly functioning transoms and windows in classrooms must be at least 1/50 of the floor area. Transoms and vents must function at any time of the year.

Classrooms are ventilated during breaks. The duration of through ventilation is determined by weather conditions, and before and after classes, through ventilation is carried out.

Duration of cross-ventilation of classrooms

depending on outside temperature


Duration of room ventilation (min.)

in small changes

in big changes

from +10~С to +6°С

from +5"C to 0"C

from 0~C to -5"C

from -5"С to -10"С

below -1 OS

When the outside air temperature is more than +10°C, it is advisable to conduct classes with open transoms and vents.

The air temperature in classrooms, classrooms, laboratories, depending on climatic conditions, should be:

> 18-20°C with conventional glazing and 19-21°C with strip glazing;

> in training workshops - 15-17°C;

> in the assembly hall, lecture hall, singing and music class, club room - 18-20°C;

> in display classes the optimal temperature is 19-21°C, acceptable 18-22°C;

> in the gym and rooms for sectional classes -15-17°C;

> in the gym locker room - 19-23°C;

> in doctors' offices - 21-23°C;

> in recreation - 16-18°C;

> in the library - 17-21 °C.

The difference in air temperature in the classroom, both vertically and horizontally, should not exceed 2-3 C.

Physical education lessons should be held in well-aerated halls. To do this, it is necessary to open one or two windows on the leeward side during classes in the hall when the outside air temperature is above +5 C and there is little wind. At a lower temperature and higher air speed, classes in the hall are held with open transoms, and through ventilation is carried out during breaks in the absence of students.

When the air temperature in the room reaches 15-14 C, ventilation of the room should be stopped.

In the premises of educational institutions, the relative air humidity should be maintained within 40-60%.

In school workshops, where work on machines and mechanisms involves the release of large amounts of heat and dust, mechanical exhaust ventilation is equipped. The air exchange rate should be at least 20 m3 per hour per child. Machine tools and mechanisms must meet the requirements of sanitary standards and have appropriate protective devices.